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국어교육에서 대중문화 * 7)8) 윤 여 탁 ** < 次 例 > Ⅰ.? Ⅱ., Ⅲ., Ⅳ. Ⅴ. Ⅰ. 문화란 무엇인가? (, culture).,,. 19 (, discourse).,,,,,, * 2012 2012. **

402 국어교육연구 제31집 1). 20,. (paradigm),,.,,.,. (elements of culture) (products), (behaviours), (ideas)',. ( ),, 2). ( ),, 1) E. B. Tylor(1871), Primitive Culture(S. Greenblatt,,,,, 1994, 292.) 2) We have to recognize that the subject itself has broadened as a result of the influences described above, Big C ( achievement culture ) remains as it was, but little c ( behaviour culture )has been broadened to include culturally-influenced beliefs and perceptions, especially as expressed through language, but also through cultural behaviour that affect acceptability in the host community.( ) The culturally-influenced behaviours which constitute little c culture have tended to be treated in an anecdotal, peripheral, or supplementary way, depending on the interest and awareness of teachers and students. In our view, the study of culturally-influenced

국어교육에서 대중문화 403. 5C(communication, cultures, connections, comparisons, communities)(u. S. Department of Education and the National Endowment for Humanities, 1996; American Association of Teachers of Korean, 2012). (literature), (folklore), (art), (music), (artefacts)., 3), (customs), (habits), (dress, foods, house), (leisure). (beliefs), (values), (institutions). (cultural awareness), (cultural literacy) (cultural competence)..,. behaviour should arise out of the language material being studied, but should nevertheless be clearly identified and systematically treated as a regular feature of the language lesson.(b. Tomalin and S. Stempleski, 1993: 6-7) 3) ( ) (, paralanguage),,,,,, ( ) (nonverbal language) ( :,,,, ), ( ),,.(, 2006: 148-149)

404 국어교육연구 제31집. - ( ),..,. Ⅱ. 언어와 문화, 문화교육.,,..,,.,,.,.. (

국어교육에서 대중문화 405, ), 2 2 (H. D. Brown, 2005: 207)..., 1980 ( 5 ), ( ) ( ) (, 1988: 7-27).. ( ).,,,,,, (, 1995: 137-173)., ( )., (, 2000), (, 2004: 39-59).,

406 국어교육연구 제31집,..,,.,,. ( ). (cultural relativism).,. (multicultural education), ( ) (intercultural education), (crosscultural education),.. (media),. (, 2008: 269-272), (, 2007).

국어교육에서 대중문화 407 -. Ⅲ. 문화와 이데올로기, 그리고 대중문화 1. 문화의 이데올로기적 속성 ( ) (tendency),.,..,.,.(l. Althusser, 1991; D. Macdonell, 1992),,., ( ) (J. Storey, 1994: 174).

408 국어교육연구 제31집 (A. Gramsci).,.,,.. (hegemony),,, (, 2001: 108; J. Storey, 2011: 81-104)..,. (the oppressed) (conquest), (devide and rule), (manipulation), (cultural invasion),,,,, (, 2009: 137). ( ). (,,, ) (,,, ),

국어교육에서 대중문화 409..(P. Freire, 2002: 149-217).,..,.. 2. 대중문화로서의 한국 대중가요,. 1990.,..,. (, Korean

410 국어교육연구 제31집 Wave). K-Pop,. K-Pop, ( ) (idol),., Genie( ) (, ), f(x) Chu~ ( ), (Mirotic) ( ). K-Pop ( )., ( ) ( ). (mania),..,. K-Pop (Billboard Charts) 200 4). 4) K-Pop (G-DRAGON) (ONE OF A KIND Billboard 200' 161 (2012. 9), Hot 100 (Wonder Girls) Nobody (76 2009. 10), Billboard 200 (BoA) BoA (127 2009. 4), (Bigbang) Alive (150 2012. 3). (PSY) (Gangnam Style) (Gentleman) Hot 100 K-Pop.

국어교육에서 대중문화 411 K-Pop,., (one source multi-use) (marketing).,... K-Pop, ( 黙 ).,.,.., (entertainer).,.. (underground) (club), (indie band), ( ), BuskerBusker (, ).

412 국어교육연구 제31집... (C'est si bon),, :. (?).. Ⅳ. 대중문화 교육의 방향과 실제 1. 대중문화 교육의 방향,,... (praxis) (, 2009: 113-167).,

국어교육에서 대중문화 413. -,,,...., (habitus)(, 2009: 75-109;, 2012: 42-45)., ( ). (,, ) (, 2011: 163-179).,.,.,., -.

414 국어교육연구 제31집. ( ),.,..,... ( )....,,,.,.,.,,

국어교육에서 대중문화 415 -,. (multimodal), (multimodal literacy). 2. 대중문화 교육의 실제: 자료와 방법. -.,., (, rhyme) (rap)[ (Leessang) (Feat ),, ]. -. (authentic) -. -, -.

416 국어교육연구 제31집,, (, 2012) -.,,.,..... 5). 5), CEDA(Cross Examination Debate Association).,,,. 1. 3 2.(, 2011;, 2011;, 2012)

국어교육에서 대중문화 417 1 : < > 2 : 3 : 6) < > 4 5 ( ) 2 1 2 1 3 2 8 9 6 7 10 3 12 11 3 3 4 1 5 50 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 6),,.

418 국어교육연구 제31집.,.,.,,.,.,.. 3. 대중문화 교육의 실제: 토론 수업 2012 12 24 12 27 H 2 4. 7) 7) 3,,.

국어교육에서 대중문화 419, 3 TV?. 1-2. < > -, - - - -,,.. TV.

420 국어교육연구 제31집,....(2-3 ),.,... 8), 8). - (, ). -,. -,.... ( )...,..

국어교육에서 대중문화 421,. 9),,,. 10)..,,. 9) 58 10%(6 ).,.,,..(2-3 9) 10). ( )..(2-3 1)

422 국어교육연구 제31집 11),..,.,. Ⅴ. 대중문화 교육의 연구를 위하여,.(G. Turner, 1995; Ben Agger, 1996) -,. 11),., 1 1.1 1.6, 93% CEDA.

국어교육에서 대중문화 423 (, prosumer).. -,.,. - (P. Freire, 2000)., -, -. (P. R. Moran, 2004: 197).,,.,,.. * 12) * 2013. 4. 25., 2013. 5. 20. 2013. 6. 3., 2013. 6. 7..

424 국어교육연구 제31집 참고 문헌 (1995),,. (1988),,. (2006),, 3-2,, pp.148-149. (2011),,. (2001), :, 31,, pp.51-116. (2007),, 18,, pp.71-92. (2008),,. (2011),, 7-3,, pp.163-179. (2012. 12), :, 120,. (2009),,. (2000),,. (2011),,. (2004), :,. (2004),,. (2012),, : 274,. (2012), :,. Agger Ben(1992), Cultural Studies as Critical Theory : The Sociology of Youth

국어교육에서 대중문화 425 & Youth Policy, London: Washington, DC: Falmer Press, (1996),,. Althusser L.(1991), Soutenances d Amien, Paris: Editions Sodiales, (1991), -,. American Association of Teachers of Korean(2012), Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, Lawrence, KS: Allen Press. Bourdieu P.(1979), La Distinction : Critique sociale du jugement, Paris: Minuit, (1995), :,. Brown H. D.(2000), Principles of Language Learning and Teaching, White Plains, NY: Longman, (2001),, Pearson Education Korea. Freire P.(1998), Teachers As Cultural Workers Letters to Those Who Dare Teach, Boulder, Colo.: Perseus Books, (2000),,. Freire P.(1970), Pedagogía del oprimido, México: Siglo veintiuno editore, (2002),,. Lentricchia, F. & McLaughlin, T.(1995), Critical terms for literary study, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, (1994),,. Macdonell D.(1986), Theories of Discourse : An Introduction, New York: Blackwell Publishers, (1992),,. Moran P.(2001), Teaching Culture : Perspectives in Practice, Boston: Heinle & Heinle, (2004),,. Storey J.(1993), An Introductory Guide to Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, Athens: University of Georgia Press, (1994),,. Storey J.(2003), Inventing Popular Culture : From Folklore to Globalization, Malden: Blackwel, (2011),,. Tomalin B. and Stempleski S.(1993), Cultural Awareness, New York: Oxford

426 국어교육연구 제31집 University Press. Turner G.(1995), British cultural studies : an introduction, London: Routledge,,,. Tylor E. B.(1871), Primitive Culture, New York: Harper. U. S. Department of Education and the National Endowment for Humanities(1996), Standards for Foreign Language : Preparing for the 21st Century, Lawrence, KS: Allen Press.

국어교육에서 대중문화 427 언어교육에서 대중문화 윤여탁 이 글에서는 국어교육의 내용 또는 교수-학습의 제재로 부각되고 있는 문화 와 대중문화의 위상을 살펴보고, 이 논의를 바탕으로 의미 있는 교육적 실천 방 안을 구체화하였다. 이를 위하여 먼저 현대 사회의 중요한 문화 현상의 하나라 고 할 수 있는 대중문화 현상들을 중심으로 문화연구와 문화교육의 흐름과 쟁점 들을 검토하였다. 그리고 이상과 같은 문제의식 점검을 통해 제안될 수 있는 구 체적인 대중문화 교육의 내용과 방법, 과제 등을 알아보았다. 이런 논의를 바탕으로 국어교육에서 문화교육의 방향도 대중문화의 이데올로 기적 특성, 대중문화의 소비자, 문화교육의 수용자인 학습자에 주목해야 함을 밝 혔다. 아울러 문화교육 또는 대중문화 교육에 대한 연구에서 무엇보다 문화 교 사의 역할과 실제에 대한 광범위하고 교육인류학적인 이론에 기반을 둔 질적 연 구가 이루어져야 함을 강조하였다. [주제어] 국어교육, 문화, 대중문화, 문화연구, 문화교육, 학습자, 문화 교사, 교육 인류학, 질적 연구

428 국어교육연구 제31집 ABSTRACT Mass Culture in Korean Language Teaching Yoon, Yeotak In this paper, status of culture and mass culture that stands out as a content in Korean language education or as a teaching-learning material is examined and based on this discussion, the way to a meaningful educational practice is defined. To achieve this, first of all, cultural studies and trends and issues of culture education were reviewed focusing on mass culture phenomenon which is considered one of significant cultural phenomena of the modern times. Also, concrete contents, methods, tasks of mass culture education that can be proposed through examining thoughts on such matters were investigated. On the basis of these discussions, this paper clarifies that the directions of culture education in Korean education need to focus on learners; the ideological characteristics of mass culture, consumers of mass culture and recipients of culture education. Additionally, the necessity of qualitative research on roles and reality of teachers of culture based on broad and educational anthropological theories in the studies on culture education or mass culture education is emphasized. [Key words] Korean Language Education, Culture, Mass Culture, Cultural Studies, Culture Education, Learner, Teacher of Culture, Educational Anthropology, Qualitative Research