14 : 200 1628() 2 : (13) : :
. 1 1. 1 2. 2. 3 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. 7. 9 1. 9 2. 11 3. 12 4. 16 5. TREAD( ) 16. 18 1. 18 2. 22 3. 24 4. 26 5. 28 6. 30. ( ) 34 <> 36
. 1.. 1,200 1.. ( )2002.7.1.,,. - 1 -
,, ( )... 2.. (Recall),. - 2 -
. 1.. 92. 9,,.,.., ( ). :,,,, - 3 -
2.,,,, 57,,, 27,, 38( 1 ). ().,... - 4 -
16. 3.. (311). (401).. () 30 3 ( 402).. ( 404). - 5 -
. () (312).. ( ) 312 (42).. 321 ( 313). (431).. - 6 -
. 1 300(81 ),, 100( 84). 4., (2000 2 )., 1997 7(32,510), 1998 24 (77,573), 1999 20(111,330), 2000 35 (544,139). () 11(453,560) 6(609), 4(838). - 7 -
1997 4 30,619 3 1,891 7 32,510 1998 6 72,366 18 5,207 24 77,573 1999 8 107,840 10 3,490 20 111,330 2000 16 541,918 19 2,221 35 544,139 : - 8 -
. 1.. 1960, 1970.,. Title 49 U.S.C. Chapter 301(Motor Vehicle Safety Act), Title 49 C.F.R. Parts 501-596. () ( ). U.S.C.(Un ited States Code; ) C.F.R.(Code of Federal Regu lation s; ) - 9 -
. (DOT; Department of Transportation) (N HTSA; National H ighw ay Traffic Safety Adm inistration). 1970(the Highw ay Safety Act).,..,,,, - 10 -
2., (practicable), (the need for m otor vehicle safety), (objective terms) (49 U.S.C.30111). 5,, (49 U.S.C.30111(e)). 49 C.F.R. 571 (FMVSS; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards),. (Crash Avoidance), 25 (Crashw orthiness) 23 (Post Crash Standards) 5 ( 3 ). - 11 -
3.. () (certified m ail; ),,, (first class m ail; ) (49 U.S.C. 30118).. (, ). ( ( ), ),,,, (, - 12 -
NHTSA(49 C.F.R.573.8)., ). (),, (49 U.S.C30118(b))..,,,. (49 U.S.C.30118(e))... - 13 -
. (49 U.S.C.30120(a)) 60.. () (49 U.S.C. 30117(b))., (49 C.F.R. 576)... - 14 -
(49 U.S.C.30166(b)). 5,000. 1,500. 30166() Title 18 U.S.C.1001( )Title 1815 (U.S.C.30170)( 5 ). - 15 -
4.. 1998 406( 17,132,488, 1,423,310, 597,159), 1999 434( 19,297,311, 35,284,117, 7,291). 98 99 (, ) 1998 1999 363 17,132,488 (8) (61,399) 39 1,423,310 4 597,159 387 19,297,311 (40) (247,704) 40 35,284,117 7 7,291 : Safety Related Recall Campaigns for Motor Vehicle and Motor Vehicle Equipm ent, Including Tires, 1998-1999year, ( ). 5. TREAD(Tra ns po rtatio n Re c a ll Enha nc e me nt, Ac c o unta bility a nd Do c ume nt Ac t; ) Firestone, TREAD (2000.11.1) 2002.7.1-16 -
. (Early Warning Reporting Requirem ent),,,,. - 17 -
. 1..,,, " (FMVSS),.,, "", " "., (;,, ABS, ). - 18 -
.,, 1-2. - -,, (,, 311). (U.S.C. 30118(a)). - - -(,, ABS ) - - (* )., - 19 -
.,,.. <> o. FMVSS 101.. <> o (NHTSA : 98V027, 1998.2.28) <> o. <> o (NHTSA : 98V185, 1998.11.30) - 20 -
< > o.. <> o (N HTSA : 99V178, 1999.7.14) () (). (2001.3.9), 306( 3, 3), 24. 33,.,,, ( ) 3. - 21 -
2.,., (cu stomer satisfaction recall) (special policy recall)., A/ S. (; 2, 40,000km, ; 3, 60,000km ) ( 8) 3.,. - 22 -
,,,,. - 23 -
3.., (H otline) (,,,, ).,.,. <( )> 10,,,,. - 24 -
3(,,,, )., (, ). ( : ) 1999 2,049 448 54 39 36 2 38 2,666 2000 2,265 247 35 45 40 1 49 2,682 ( 2 4 ). - 25 -
4., 5()., ( 404), 30 3,. 3,., (). 100% - 26 -
( ) ( ; 2).. o o 5 30 ( ), (first class m ail) (U.S.C.30118, 30119) 3 ( 40) - 27 -
5., ( 5 ). < > o, ( ) 5,000(, 1,500). o 5,000( 1,500). o, 15. ( 6 ). - 28 -
< > o 1 300. o 100 o 100 103,000.. - 29 -
6..,,,,,,,,,., (, ). - 30 -
. (FMVSS; Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards),,,.,. - - - ( - ) - - - -, (),. 1999 2000 97 125. - 31 -
. (SRS; Supplement Restraint System). (1999114, 2000199).. ( ) (roof) ( ). - 32 -
< > 106( ) 131() 208(), 220( ) 221( ) 222( ) 305() 500(). - 33 -
. ( ) 1., 2. 3. (,, ) 4. ( : 30) - 34 -
( ) 2 5.,, 6. () (, ) - 35 -
< 1> 57 27 38-36 -
< 2> 2000 () 12,473 11,408, 2 EF 92,883 21,559 13,152 XG 6,593 ECU 13,484 255,009 XD 10 5,725 21,264 () 37,488 10,991 10,630 2,769 1,577 2.0 4,921 () 19,982 BMW 42 44 60 32 100 250 16 34 ( ) 40 300M 2.7 27 2.5L 50 9-5 135-37 -
S320 S500 S280 15 5 4 S430 5 S600 S500 S430 9 75 31 S320 S280 190 45 S80 T6 29 S80 2.9 46 S80 2.4 12 S80 T6 S80 2.9 29 46 S80 2.4 12 436 304 52 46 544,139 35-38 -
< 3> 25 23 5 1-54 - 39 -
< 4> 2 (2000.1.1.-2001.5.31.) () 41 XG 25 LPG 8 23 20 13 XG3.0(A) 6,593 ECU ECU LPG (1.8) LPG (2000.11.6) (2001.2.28 ( ). 131,107 ) 4,000 (3.5(A) 1,500, 3.5(A) 2,500). LPG (2.0) 54,606 LPG LPG. 3 ( 9,988, 5,982). 11,000. - 40 -
( : ) EF 52 5-6 (seal) p arkin g p aw l(p rkin g rod lost m otion 3m m ) lever ( 8,893, p arkin g rod 4,884) 8 26,133 70 20 12 46,277 2,269 (clu tch tu b ch am ber ) - 41 -
< 5> () 15 30166 Title 18 U.S.C. 1001 5,000$.,. (, 1,500$., ) 5,000 $, 1,500$. Title 18-42 -
< 6> 30 5 3 100 20 5 3-50 - 43 -