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Contents 연사 발표 SYMP-01 Doubled Haploid (DH) Technology in Maize Breeding: Application and Technology for Production of DH Lines 3 Vijaya Vardhana Reddy. Chaikam SYMP-02 Finding Mineral Element Transporters for Better and Safe Production of Rice 4 Jian Feng Ma SYMP-03 Function of Fibrillin Protein in Photosynthetic Metabolism 5 Hyun Uk Kim SYMP-04 Revisiting Domestication to Revitalize Crop Improvement: The Florigen Revolution 6 Zach Lippman SYMP-05 Manipulating Fruit and Vegetable Quality Traits 7 David A. Brummell SYMP-06 Designing Crops for Global Food Security: Digitizing Plant Phenotypes 8 Maurice Moloney SYMP-07 CRISPR RNA-guided Genome Editing in Human Stem Cells, Animals, and Plants 9 Jin-Soo Kim SYMP-08 CRISPR Genome Editing in Outcrossing Woody Perennials 10 Chung-Jui Tsai xi

구두 발표 1 수량 및 저항성육종(Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) OA-01 Genetic Analysis of Shoot Fresh Weight in Soybean Using an Interspecific Cross of PI483463 and Hutcheson 13 Krishnanand P. Kulkarni, Sovetgul Asekovaa, Minsu Kim, Cheol-Woo Park, Jae-Eun Jeong, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee OA-02 Identification of Candidate Genes Conferring to Resistance to Foxglove Aphid in Soybean 14 Sumin Park, Eunsil Kim, Mijung Cho, Kyung Hye Kim, Jin Kyo Jung, Jeong-Dong Lee, Ju Seok Lee, Sungtaeg Kang OA-03 침수처리에 따른 콩 생육특성 및 저항성 자원 선발 15 조미정, 박수민, 김은실, 김경혜, 문준경, 이주석, 강성택 OA-04 16 한국 밀 품종 육성현황 및 발전방향 강천식, 정영근, 김경훈, 손재한, 김학신, 박종철, 오영진, 김경호, 이광원, 김보경, 박철수 OA-05 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자가 집적된 자포니카 벼 계통 개발 17 박현수, 김기영, 김우재, 정지웅, 이종희, 노태환, 남정권, 백만기, 신운철, 김정주, 정종민, 조영찬, 김보경, 안상낙 OA-06 Disruption-Mediated Functional Characterization of Rice Defense-Related Genes Selected Through Genome-Wide Association Study for Core Population 18 Feng Peng Li, Won-Hee Ra, Kyu-Won Kim, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Shin-Chul Bae, Duk-Ju Hwang, Sang-Ryeol Park, Yong-Jin Park, Il-Pyung Ahn OA-07 Development of Cultivar-specific DNA Markers Based on Ty1-copia-like Retrotransposon-based Insertional Polymorphism in Pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) 19 Hoy-Taek Kim, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou OA-08 Breeding for Pyramiding Target-genes and Selection of F1 Hybrids by Marker Assisted Selection in Tomato 20 김명권 OA-09 Characterization and Stress-responsive Expression Profiling of MCM genes in Brassica Ashokraj Shanmugam, Hoy-Taek Kim, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou xii 21

OA-10 Classical and GBS-based QTL mapping downy mildew resistance loci in cucumber 22 Khin Thanda Win, Chunying Zhang, Sanghyeob Lee OA-11 Genome Wide Characterization and Expression Profiling of Aquaporin Gene Family in Brassica rapa for Responsiveness to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses 23 Md. Abdul Kayum, Hoy-Taek Kim, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou 품질 육종 및 유전변이(Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) OB-01 OB-02 Role of Flowering Pathway Genes on Anthocyanin Biosynthesis and Accumulation in Brassica rapa 24 Ujjal Kumar Nath, Md. Abdul Kayum, Rawnak Laila, Khadiza Khatun, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou Leaf Developmental and Genotypic Variations in Wax Content, Composition and Expression of Wax Biosynthetic Genes in The Inbred Lines of Brassica Oleracea Var. Capitata 25 Rawnak Laila, Kiwoung Yang, Arif Hasan Khan Robin, Mi Chung Suh, Juyoung Kim, Jong-In Park and Ill-Sup Nou OB-03 EMS 돌연변이체 PE1905의 사포닌 특성 및 유전 연구 26 박철우, 송종태, 정규화, 이정동 OB-04 Comparative Phylogenomics to Elucidate The Effects of Whole Genome Triplication Event on glutathione transferases Superfamily Genes in Brassicaceae 27 Harshavardhanan Vijayakumar, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou OB-05 Molecular Breeding for Fruit Color in Tomato 28 Indeok Hwang, Hee-Jeong Jung, Song-I Kang, Ill-Sup Nou OB-06 곡실발효사료 조제를 위한 사료맥종별 수확시기 및 발효품질 29 박종호, 오영진, 정영근, 송태화, 박태일, 이광원, 김경호, 김양길, 박종철 OB-07 In vitro and in vivo Antioxidant Activity and α-glucosidase Inhibitory Potential of Major Phenolic Compound Isolated from Superhongmi (Oryza sativa L.) Varieties 30 Soo-In Jang, Hanna Kang, Suyeon Jang, Jung-Yun Lee, Tae-Ho Ham, Sung-Gil Hong, Su-Noh Ryu, Young-In Kwon OB-08 식미 간접적 평가를 위한 기기활용 및 신속한 관능평가를 위한 해석 31 전재범, 이점식, 윤미라, 이정희, 천아름, 김우재, 정지웅, 강경호, 김보경 xiii

OB-09 Inter-subspecific Indel Variations in Wild Rice Suggesting The Early Appearance of japonica-specific Alleles of The Oryza genus 32 Joong Hyoun Chin, Jonghwa Park, Dongryung Lee, Jong Seok Heo, Hee-Jong Koh OB-10 Diachronic Analysis of Genetic Diversity in Rice Landraces Under On-Farm Conservation in Yunnan, China 33 Di Cui, Jinmei Li, Cuifeng Tang, Jeonghwan Seo, Zhuo Jin, Yoye Yu, Hee-Jong Koh, Longzhi Han OB-11 가공용 쌀 품종개발을 위한 배유변이 육종소재 개발 및 유전분석 34 정지웅, 전재범, 조성우, 김우재, 강경호, 고재권, 김현순, 김보경 분자육종 및 유전공학(Molecular breeding and biotechnology) OC-01 Plant Gene Targeting with Site-Specific Nucleases and Homologous Recombination 35 Yong-Ik Kwon, Woo-Nam Kim, Min-ji Hong, Hong-Kyu Kang, Hyo-Yeon Lee, Kiyomi Abe, Seiichi Toki OC-02 Engineering Rice to Reduce As Accumulation in Grain 36 Won-Yong Song, Youngsook Lee OC-03 Development of Co-Dominant Female (F ) Locus Diagnosis Marker in Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) 37 Chunying Zhang, Khin Thanda Win, Sanghyeob Lee OC-04 Drought-Tolerant Qtls from Samgang Lead to Tiller Formation at The Vegetative Stage in Rice 38 Dongjin Shin, Tae-Heon Kim, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-HyunCho, You-Chun Song, Yeong-Up Kwon OC-05 Genetic Analysis of Seedling Traits Regulated by Light in Weedy Rice 39 Hyun-Sook Lee, Yun-Joo Kang, Ju-Won Kang, Sang-Nag Ahn OC-06 QTL Mapping of Cold Tolerance at The Seedling Stage in Rice and Development of Advanced Backcross Lines Using Marker-Assisted Selection 40 Suk-Man Kim, Kyung-Ho Kang, Bo-Kyung Kim, Jong-Min Jeong, Russell Reinke, Kshirod Jena OC-07 Development of Tolerant Rice Plants to High-Temperature Stress: A Way Forward to Address Unease Rupesh Tayade, Tien Dung Nguyen, Sung Aeong Oh, Ki Hong Jung, Soon Ki Park xiv 41

1 OC-08 유전체육종 기반구축을 위한 콩 핵심집단 및 돌연변이 집단 양성 현황 42 박수권, 문중경, 황사달, 김둘이, 옥현충, 이춘석, 김선림, 홍하철 OC-09 Pedigree Reconstruction of Korean Soybean [Glycine max L. Merrill] Cultivars 43 Chaeyoung Lee, Jin-Hyun Kim, Joo-Seok Park, Yoram Choi, Hong-Kyu Choi OC-10 Completion of The Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Onion (Allium cepa L.) Containing The CMS-S Male-Sterile Cytoplasm and Identification of an Independent Event of the ccmf N Gene Split 44 Bongju Kim, Kyunghee Kim, Tae-Jin Yang, Sunggil Kim OC-11 Efficient QTL Mapping Strategy for Agronomical Traits in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) 45 Koeun Han, Hee-Jin Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Sung-Min Kang, Seungill Kim, Doil Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang OC-12 Bioinformatics Analysis for Transcription Factor Associated SSR Markers Developments and Characterization in Lilium Species 46 Manosh Kumar Biswas, Jewel Howlader, Namhee Jeong, Ujjal Kumar Nath, Md Abdul Kayum, Jong-In Park, Ill-supNou 포스터 발표 수량 및 저항성육종(Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) PA-01 서산간척지에서 내염성 콩 계통의 생육 49 이정동, 김정화, 김민수, 박철우, 정재은, 아세코바소베툴, 한두호, 송종태 PA-02 Development of an Efficient in vitro Screening Methods for Lily Cultivars Resistant to Botrytis elliptica 50 Ji-Young Jang, Jae-Heung Jeon, Geung-Joo Lee, Hyun-Soon Kim PA-03 Xoo Bacteria-Mediated Rice Leaf Blight is Prevented by Human Drug Niclosamide 51 Sung-Il Kim, Hak Soo Seo xv

PA-04 Breeding of High Yield Leaf Lettuce 'Chunhacu' from Spring to Fall Season 52 Suk-Woo Jang, Su-Hyoung Park, Won-Byoung Chae, Jong-Nam Lee, Myeong-Hoon Seo, Min-Jeong Lee, Min-Sik Yin, Un-Ji Kim, Hee Dae Kim, Sun-Bo Ko PA-05 EPG를 이용한 벼멸구 저항성 계통과 감수성 품종의 흡즙 파형 차이 분석 53 김우재, 박현수, 하기용, 김현순, 조영찬, 정지웅, 전재범, 조성우, 김보경 PA-06 분자표지를 이용한 친환경재배 적응 복합내병충성 벼 중모1045호 육성 53 김우재, 박현수, 신운철, 김현순, 고재권, 조영찬, 정지웅, 전재범, 조성우, 김보경 PA-07 내한성, 내병성이 강한 식용 및 바이오디젤용 유채 1대잡종 진애 54 김광수, 고산, 이영화, 장영석, 최규환, 신정호, 이경보 PA-08 고품질 조사료 최대생산을 위한 3모작 재배의 생산성 및 사료가치 55 김영진, 이상학, 정종성, 황태영, 김원호 PA-09 국내품종과 수입품종 이탈리안 라이그라스 품종들의 생육특성과 수량성 비교 55 지희정, 김기용, 황태영, 이기원, 최기준, 이상훈 PA-10 중생 고품질 내도복 오갈병 저항성 벼 영보 육성 56 박노봉, 남민희, 김상열, 여운상, 이지윤, 권오덕, 박동수, 이종희, 조준현, 송유천, 한상익, 손영보, 장재기, 권영업 PA-11 가공용 초다수성 복합내병성 벼 신품종 한아름3호 57 이지윤, 조준현, 이종희, 손영보, 박노봉, 오성환, 한상익, 송유천, 박동수, 여운상, 박병명, 오인여, 남민희, 권영업, 이영희 PA-12 온대자포니카 지역 적응 벼 우량계통 밀양321, 322호 육성 58 송유천, 조준현, 이지윤, 손영보, 이종희, 오성환, 박동수, 조영찬, 권영업 PA-13 Ginseng cis-prenyltransferase Interacts with a Nogo-B Receptor Homolog for Dolichol Biosynthesis 59 Ngoc Quy Nguyen, Ok Ran Lee PA-14 Development of Molecular Marker for Screening Salt Tolerant and Sensitive Soybeans 60 Seokhyung Lee, Gyu Tae Park, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song PA-15 곡우 호밀의 경엽 예취가 출수기 지연에 미치는 효과 오명곤, 구자환, 한옥규, 안종웅, 권순종 xvi 61

PA-16 중산간지 지역에 따른 미세온도변화와 벼 생육양상의 차이 Ⅱ 61 양창인, 김명기, 백남현, 강위금, 신운철, 김정주, 조현숙 PA-17 벼흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자 Xa1, Xa2, Xa3, Xa4 상호간 두 개의 유전자 집적 효과 62 박현수, 신운철, 정종민, 김우재, 김정주, 백만기, 남정권, 박슬기, 조영찬, 김보경 PA-18 극조생종 내도복 및 도열병 저항성 수수형 벼 신품종 조품 63 김명기, 원용재, 서정필, 안억근, 정국현, 양창인, 백남현, 윤광섭, 전용희, 이점호, 윤영환, 이상복, 정종민, 정응기 PA-19 A New Large Grain and High Yielding Peanut Variety "Ahwon" 64 Suk-Bok Pae, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Eun-Young Oh, Chan-Sik Jung, Deok-Young Song, In-Seok Oh, Young-Hee Lee PA-20 Genetic Analysis of Economically Important Characters in Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) Under Peninsular Conditions of Southern India 65 Kishor D S, Arya K, Yogeesh K J, Vinod Kumar, Yashoda, Hee-Jong Koh PA-21 복합내병성 고품질 신품종 청품 의 농업적 특성 66 원용재, 이정희, 양창인, 김명기, 장재기, 조영찬, 이상복, 이점호, 최임수, 안억근, 서정필, 정국현, 전용 희, 현웅조, 정응기, 하운구, 김정주, 오세관, 최용환, 강경호, 성낙식, 김보경 PA-22 집단제정법 및 제웅 교배방법에 따른 기장 교배 효율 66 고지연, 송석보, 최명은, 곽도연, 고종철, 김기영, 최지명, 오인석 PA-23 조사료 수량이 높고 사일리지 품질이 우수한 청보리 신품종 다청 67 오영진, 박태일, 박종호, 김양길, 박형호, 박종철, 강천식, 한옥규, 강현중, 윤건식, 홍기흥, 배정숙, 송재기, 김경호, 정영근, 이광원, 김보경 PA-24 밀 고온 및 단기등숙 유전자원 생육특성 조사 68 김경민, 김경훈, 박형호, 이상학, 이나리, 현종내, 권영업 PA-25 재래종과 육성 콩 품종의 연차별 형질 변이 분석 69 서민정, 김길현, 정건호, 박명렬, 박장환, 김병주 PA-26 저 질소 환경에 적합한 옥수수 교잡종 선발 70 류시환, 서영호, 박종열, 최재근, 박기진, 용우식, 이정훈, 이장용, 김경희 xvii

PA-27 Variation of Soybean Sprout Characteristics in Two Breeding Populations 71 Mirwais Ghani, Akbota Makulbekova, Sovetgul Asekova, Minsu Kim, Chul-Woo Park, Jae-Eun Jeong, Dong-Ho Lee, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee PA-28 친환경 안전 조사료 생산이 가능한 다수성 사료용 벼 품종 영우 72 안억근, 이상복, 원용재, 이점호, 장재기, 정응기, 최임수, 정국현, 김명기, 이정희, 조영찬, 최용환, 양창인, 하운구, 정종민, 서정필, 김정주, 정오영, 전용희, 홍하철, 이규성, 김보경, 김병주 PA-29 A New Boxthorn(Lycium chinense Miller) Variety with Tetradiploid and Self-compatibility Whasu 73 Jung-Il Ju, Tug-Sang Yun, Bo-Hee Lee, Young-Chun Park, Su-Dong Kim, Min-Sik In, Hyun-Ho Kim PA-30 자포니카벼 팔공 유래 도열병 내구저항성 QTL탐색 74 백만기, 박현수, 신운철, 정종민, 남정권, 권순욱, 김보경, 조영찬 PA-31 바이오에너지 작물 억새의 우량 억새 육종을 위한 바이오매스 수량 결정 핵심 형질 탐색 75 임수현, 육민정, 김도순 PA-32 내재해성 및 튀김율이 높은 팝콘용 옥수수 신품종 지팝콘 75 최재근, 박종열, 장은하, 류시환, 서영호, 박기진, 용우식, 이정훈, 김경희 PA-33 조숙 내도복 다수성 조사료용 겉귀리 다조 76 김양길, 박형호, 오영진, 박종호, 강천식, 박종철, 김경호, 최규환, 홍기흥, 박태일, 정영근, 김보경, 이광원 PA-34 구기자나무의 비가림하우스 재배시 용도별 적합 품종선발 77 주정일, 윤덕상, 박영춘, 이보희, 인민식, 김현호 PA-35 중부지역 적응 복합내병성 벼 신품종 삼광1호 의 농업적 특성 78 이정희, 원용재, 조영찬, 최임수, 이점호, 양창인, 김명기, 안억근, 서정필, 이상복, 전용희, 성열규, 정응기, 하운구, 장재기, 정국현, 윤미라, 강경호, 박향미, 황기호, 노재환, 김보경 PA-36 국내 자포니카 유전자원 이용 GWAS 분석에 의한 도열병 저항성 유전자 탐색 79 조영찬, 백만기, 권순욱, 박현수, 정종민, 남정권, 김보경 PA-37 Protein Dynamics of Rice Seedling Leaves in Response to High Temperature Stress Sang-Woo Kim, Swapan Kumar Roy, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Hyeong-Jun Park, Je-Hyeok Yu, Ki-Hyun Kim, Yong-Gu Cho, Chul-Won Lee, Sun-Hee Woo xviii 80

PA-38 Complementary Screening Method for Phytophthora Blight Resistance and Varietal Difference in Sesame(Sesamum indicum L.) 81 Eun-Young Oh, Sung-Up Kim, Young-Nam Yoon, Myung-Hee Lee, Suk-Bok Bae, Myung-Sik Kim, Un-Sang Yeo, Chan-Sik Jung, In-Seok Oh PA-39 베타글루칸 함량이 높고 흰가루병 저항성인 찰성 쌀보리 베타원 82 박종철, 이미자, 김양길, 강천식, 박종호, 오영진, 박태일, 김경호, 이광원, 정영근 PA-40 항산화 성분과 품질이 우수한 흑색 종실 맥주용 보리 신품종 흑호 83 박종철, 김양길, 강천식, 박종호, 오영진, 박태일, 김경호, 이광원, 정영근 PA-41 도복에 강한 소립 나물용 콩 소연 84 강범규, 김현태, 최만수, 고종민, 서민정, 신상욱, 서정현, 구성철, 윤홍태, 백인열, 오인석 PA-42 탈립 개선 생육기간 100일 단기성 콩 중모3013 85 강범규, 김현태, 고종민, 최만수, 이병원, 신상욱, 서정현, 오은영, 백인열, 윤홍태, 오인석 PA-43 토마토 풋마름병 저항성 검정방법 개선 86 안영은, 김상규, 고호철, Binod P. Luitel, 성정숙, 이주희, 윤문섭, 백형진, 류경열, 이준대, 허온숙 PA-44 잎이 얇고 작은 구를 형성하는 배추 계통 원교20042호 육성 87 박수형, 장하영, 장석우, 채원병, 박민영 PA-45 멜론 흰가루병 race동정 및 국 내외 시판품종의 저항성검정 88 홍예지, 김회택, 박종인, 노일섭 PA-46 식용 고구마 신품종 호감미 89 이형운, 이준설, 정미남, 양정욱, 남상식, 한선경, 김재명, 안승현, 송연상, 황엄지, 이경보 PA-47 Regional Variation of BaYMV Based on Nucleotide Sequences 90 Sang-Min Kim, Bong Choon Lee, Ji-Eun Ra PA-48 중북부 고랭지 적응 내병성 조생 벼 진부62호 90 현웅조, 정종민, 이상복, 이정희, 원용재, 안억근, 성열규, 김병주 PA-49 Enhancement of Rice Resistance to Bacterial Blight by Overexpressing BrCP3 Gene of Brassica rapa 91 Marjohn Nino, Hye-Jung Lee, Jae-Young Song, Seon-Kyeong Song, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho xix

PA-50 Comparative Transcription Profiles of Compatible and Incompatible Interactions of Rice with Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 92 Marjohn Nino, Joonki Kim, Franz M. Nogoy, Jae-Young Song, Shadi Rahimi, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Ho-Jin Ryu, Yong-Gu Cho PA-51 수경재배(분무경)에서 특이적으로 발견되는 검은뿌리병의 원인균 규명 93 윤수영, 김보슬, 옥선 PA-52 94 토마토 풋마름병 저항성 검정방법 개선 안영은, 김상규, 고호철, Binod P. Luitel, 성정숙, 이주희, 윤문섭, 백형진, 류경열, 이준대, 허온숙 품질 육종 및 유전변이(Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) PB-01 Glu-B1al 대립유전자를 지닌 국내 재래종 밀 특성 95 윤영미, 김지은, 강천식, 이종열, 박철수 PB-02 국내 밀 품종의 글리아딘 및 Spa 유전자 평가 96 김지은, 윤영미, 강천식, 이종열, 박철수 PB-03 고경도 분자표지 개발 위한 고정계통을 이용한 딸기 F2 집단 구축 및 경도 측정법 비교 97 김진희, 이선이, 안율균, 이은수, 김정호 PB-04 화색이 선명한 황색 대륜화 절화용 거베라 레모나이트 육성 98 정용모, 황주천, 진영돈, 이병정, 이상대, 권오창 PB-05 Genetic Analysis of Canadian Maize (Zea mays L.) Inbred Lines Using SSR Markers Under Cold Stress 99 Muhammad Qudrat Ullah Farooqi, Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar, Shi Jun Ma, Kyu Jin Sa, Ju Kyong Lee PB-06 Cold Stress Evaluation Among Maize (Zea Mays L.) Inbred Lines in Different Temperature Conditions 100 Muhammad Qudrat Ullah Farooqi, Ju Kyong Lee PB-07 Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis for Agronomic Traits in RDA-Genebank Maize Lines 101 O Gyeom Kim, Kyu Jin Sa, Ju Kyong Lee PB-08 교배를 통해 발생 된 미숙 종자로부터 감귤 3배체의 탐색 박석만, 박재호, 윤수현 xx 102

PB-09 유용 유전자 도입을 위한 벼 캘러스의 고효율 형질전환 시스템 구축 103 박지선, 문기범, 하장호, 장지영, 김미진, 박상언. 전재흥, 김현순 PB-10 베이지색계 투톤 화색의 스프레이형 카네이션, Marble Magic 신품종 104 김미선, 유봉식, 정재아, 박종택, 신학기, 김도국 PB-11 A New Hardy Kiwi Cultivar, SH-1 with Large Fruit and High Yield 105 Youngki Park, Jae-Hee Kim, Sea-Hyun Kim PB-12 밝은 분홍색 홑꽃 절화용 스프레이국화 허니핑크 육성 106 황주천 진영돈, 정용모, 안동춘, 이병정, 이상대, 정병룡 PB-13 양성자빔 처리량에 따른 고추 종자의 발아율과 생존율 분석 107 이예린, 정규미, 김해인, 이준대 PB-14 소득작물 후작지 적응 단기성 벼 단평 육성 107 손영보, 조준현, 이지윤, 이종희, 오성환, 박동수, 송유천, 권영업 PB-15 Adaptation of Autumn-Sown Faba Bean Lines in South Korea 108 Soon-Jae Kwon, Jai Hyunk Ryu, Sang Wook Jeong, Min Kyu Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang PB-16 중북부평야지 조생종 등숙기간 고온 경과시 쌀 품질 변화 108 조윤상 정정수, 이지우, 함진관, 김상수 PB-17 PB-18 The Selection of Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) Germplasms Suitable for the Korea 109 Jaihyunk Ryu, Soon-Jae Kwon, Sang-Wook Jeong, Min Kyu Lee, Hong-Il Choi, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang 고추의 나출 소포자 배양 시 배양 방법 및 하층 고체배지의 charcoal 농도가 소포자배 발생에 미치는 영향 110 박은준, 양은영, 이인성, 채수영, 노미영, 김옥례, 박태성, 문지혜, 조명철 PB-19 Effects of Gamma-ray Irradiation on Radio Sensitivity in Lentil bean (Lens culinari L.). 111 Min-kyu Lee, Jaihyunk Ryu, Sang Wook Jeong, Jin-Back Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Soon-Jae Kwon PB-20 소나무 종자생산능력에 따른 개량효과 추정을 통한 최적 선발강도 112 김진중, 나성준, 심동환, 우관수, 한상억 xxi

PB-21 Determination of Sulfur-containing Amino Acid Contents in a Core Collection of Wild Soybean (Glycine soja) 113 Woon Ji Kim, Juhyun Im, Yu Ri Kim, Soo-Kwon Park, Sungtaeg Kang, Soon-Chun Jeong, Jung-Kyung Moon, Bo-Keun Ha PB-22 Agronomic Trait Evaluation on European Common Wheat Germplasms 114 Jin Seok Yoon, Yong Weon Seo PB-23 한국 콩 품종의 isoflavone 함량의 변이와 다변량 분석에 의한 품종군 분류 115 김현명, 왕정은, 박병덕, 윤건식, 한정아 김홍식 PB-24 Biological Responses of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Exposed to Proton-beam 115 Juhyun Im, Woon Ji Kim, Sin Ji Kim, Eun Ji Jeong, Yuri Kim, Bo-Keun Ha PB-25 Molecular Mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci for Forage Quality Traits in a Cross Between PI483463 and Hutcheson in Soybean 116 Sovetgul Asekova, Krishnanand P. Kulkarni, Minsu Kim, Jeong-Hwa Kim, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee PB-26 Selection and Characterization of Gamma Ray-induced Soybean Mutant Lines Based on Seed Coat Color 117 Young Eun Jang, Jung Eun Hwang, In Jung Jung, Soon-Jae Kwon, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Hong-Il Choi PB-27 Selection of Soybean Germplasm for Breeding Program Applications in Central Asia 118 Akbota Makulbekova, Sovetgul Asekova, Minsu Kim, Cheol-Woo Park, Jae-Eun Jeong, Dong-Ho Lee, Mirwais Ghani, Jong Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee PB-28 고 Oleic Acid 콩 청국장의 특성 119 이동호, 김병오, 이정동 PB-29 Genome-wide Detection of Variations Among Three Sprouting Soybean Varieties by Resequencing 120 Hong-Il Choi, Young Eun Jang, Jung Eun Hwang, Injung Jung, Sung Min Han, Yeong Deuk Jo, Sang Hoon Kim, Soon-Jae Kwon, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang PB-30 약배양 이용 조생 거대배아 찰벼 계통 육성 박현수, 신운철, 정종민, 백만기, 남정권, 이건미, 조영찬, 김보경 xxii 121

PB-31 PB-32 Genotype by Environment Interaction(GGE) Biplot Analysis of Sesame Under Multi-Environmental Conditions 122 Kang-Bo Shim, Sung-Gook Kim, Seong-Hyu Shin, Kun-Ho Jung, Chung-Guk Kim, Sung-Gi Heu FASCICULATE Regulates Plant Architecture Including Cluster Flowers and Plant Height in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) 123 Min-Young Kang, Koeun Han, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PB-33 Agronomic Traits of Soybean Line with Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitor and Lectin Protein-Free 124 Jin-A Kim, Sung-Jin Han, Sang-Woo Choi, Dong-Hui Kang, Su-Jin Lee, Jong-Il Chung PB-34 Marker-Assited Selection for Soybean Line with Low Content of Raffinose and Stachyose Using rs2 Gene 124 Su-Jin Lee, Sung-Jin Han, Sang-Woo Choi, Dong-Hui Kang, Jin-A Kim, Jong-Il Chung PB-35 Identification and Quantification of Flavonoids from the Seed of Rice Mutant (Oryza sativa L.) 125 Backki Kim, Su Jang, Sunmin Woo, Hee-Jong Koh PB-36 Genetic Mapping Study of New Sugary Endosperm Mutant, SUGARY-2 in Rice 126 Yunjoo Lee, Mi-Ok Woo, Gileung Lee, Eunbyeol Koh, Hee-jong Koh PB-37 벼 재조합집단을 이용한 고양식미 집단의 식미관련 특성 분석 127 정종민, 신운철, 백만기, 박현수, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 PB-38 안토시아닌 고함유 알곡용 옥수수 색소2호 품종 개발 127 박기진, 박종열, 류시환, 서영호, 최재근, 용우식, 이정훈, 김경희 PB-39 도입 감 유전자원 흑시 2 품종의 주요 생육특성 128 김은경, 박두상, 김성철, 최성태, 안광환, 김은석 PB-40 유용 농업형질 탐색을 위한 EMS 처리에 의한 옥수수 돌연변이체 유도 129 김경화, 박수권, 옥현충, 홍하철, 김선림, 손범영 김둘이 PB-41 고양식미 저아밀로스 향미 벼 신품종 골든퀸3호 130 이원도, 조유현, 강시용, 박용진, 권순욱 PB-42 Performance of Mexican Wheat Gemplasms in Korean Environment for Selection Breeding 131 Jin Seok Yoon, Yong Weon Seo xxiii

PB-43 Grain Color Segregation of a F3 from Yellow Seed Coat x Deep Purple Seed Coat in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 132 Paulina Calderón Flores, Jong Yeol Lee, Yong Weon Seo PB-44 LOX3 유전자 결핍 계통의 저장조건에 따른 이화학적 특성 변화 133 신운철, 김정주, 박현수, 정종민, 백만기, 남정권, 조영찬, 김보경 PB-45 쓰러짐에 강하고 앙금 가공적성이 우수한 팥 신품종 홍진 134 송석보, 고지연, 우관식, 정태욱, 최명은, 여운상, 고종철, 김정인, 문중경, 최유미, 곽도연, 오인석 PB-46 녹색자엽 검정콩자원의 주요형질과 SNP Marker를 이용한 Core Collection 작성 135 이은자, 최홍집, 배정숙, 김세종, 이정동 PB-47 흑미와 적미의 기능성 성분이 집적된 유색미 흑진미 136 이종희, 조준현, 서우덕, 이지윤, 손영보, 오성환, 신동진, 송유천, 허연재, 박동수, 권영업 PB-48 137 자생 억새의 유전적 다양성 및 유연관계 육민정, 임수현, 박해림, 김도순 PB-49 흰잎마름병에 강한 조기출하용 조생찰벼 운백찰 138 남정권, 신운철, 김우재, 박현수, 백만기, 정종민, 조영찬, 김정주, 고재권, 김보경 PB-50 139 슈퍼홍미의 유전적 특성 연구 함태호, 권순욱, 류수노 PB-51 140 국내외 쌀귀리 유전자원의 품질 분석 김경훈, 김경민, 박형호, 이상학, 이나리, 현종내, 권영업 PB-52 흑색 내도복 다수성 겉보리 신품종 흑다향 141 김양길, 박종철, 김경호, 이미자, 강천식, 오영진, 한옥규, 윤건식, 배정숙, 조수현, 박종호, 정영근, 김보경, 이광원, 박태일 PB-53 Whole Genome Re-sequencing for Detecting Specific DNA Polymorphisms in Brachypodium distachyon Mutant Induced by Gamma Radiation 142 Man Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo PB-54 벼 저아밀로스 품종 육성에 대한 연구동향 분석 이종희, 정태욱, 조준현, 이지윤, 손영보, 오성환, 신동진, 송유천, 허연재, 박동수 xxiv 143

PB-55 더덕의 계통별 생육특성 검정 및 유효성분 분석 144 엄유리, 이이, 김호방, 허목, 정진태, 김연복, 차선우, 정찬식, 김성철 PB-56 초당옥수수(SweetCorn) 정역교배 후대 계통의 발아특성 145 최홍집, 오태영, 배정숙, 이은자, 김세종, 소윤섭, 이주경 PB-57 Protein Profiling from Disomic Addition Lines of Wheat Carrying Leymus racemosus Chromosomes 146 Won-Ju Lee, Seong-Woo Cho, Hisashi Tsujimoto, Sun-Hee Woo PB-58 The Antibacterial Effect of NOA in Watermelon Seeds. 147 Dahyun Moon, Wook Kim PB-59 쌀의 생산년도에 따른 인지질 함량의 변이 148 홍지화, 안종성, 김용경, 최경후, 이민휘, 이진호, 박영준, 김현태 PB-60 산화훈증제를 이용한 양배추종자 감염 병원균 살균효과 검증 148 권혁, 박세준, 김욱 PB-61 Composition and Content Analysis of Ginsenosides from Adventitious Roots (AR) and Callus-derived Roots (CR) Proliferated from Korean Wild Ginseng and Comparative Characteristics in Morphology 149 Hong-yu Li, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyo-Yeon Lee PB-62 고추 핵심집단의 원예적 특성평가 및 DB구축 150 양현천, 김상규, 고호철, Binod P. Luitel, 성정숙, 이주희, 윤문섭, 백형진, 류경열, 이준구, 허온숙 PB-63 중모1024 의 고온등숙 내성 지배유전자위 표지를 위한 유전연관분석 151 조성우, 정지웅, 전재범, 김우재, 강경호, 고재권, 김현순, 김보경 PB-64 The Complete Chloroplast Genome of Pennisetum glaucum L. Using Illumina Sequencing 152 Sebastin Raveendar, Jung-Ro Lee, Kyung Jun Lee, Myoung-Jae Shin, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Gi-An Lee, PB-65 Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Asian Tomato Accessions Based on SSR Marker 152 Sebastin Raveendar, Gi-An Lee, Kyung Jun Lee, Myoung-Jae Shin, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma, Jung-Ro Lee xxv

PB-66 Flavonol and Glycoalkaoid Contents in Tomato Leaves and Their Antioxidant Activites 153 Kyung Jun Lee, Gi-An Lee, Jong-Ro Lee, Sebastin Raveendar, Myoung-Jae Shin, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma PB-67 A Comparative Study on Antioxidant Activities of Leaves Extracts Between Adzuki Bean and Soybean 154 Kyung Jun Lee, Gi-An Lee, Jong-Ro Lee, Myoung-Jae Shin, Sebastin Raveendar, Yang-Hee Cho, Kyung-Ho Ma PB-68 중만생 복합저항성 양식미 신품종 효원 6호 154 임다은, 왕헝, 이아림, 장성규, 박소연, 송수향, 권순욱 PB-69 일경일화 향기나는 한국 춘란 신품종 '아리향' 155 김동용, 박소연, 김용철, 권순욱 PB-70 식용 자색고구마 신품종 단자미 156 이형운, 이준설, 정미남, 양정욱, 남상식, 한선경, 김재명, 안승현, 송연상, 황엄지, 이경보 PB-71 Digital Phenotyping of crepiastrumdenticulum Revealed Phenotypic Variation Among Natural Populations 157 Sungyul Chang, Unseok Lee, HyoungSeok Kim PB-72 Improving The Grain Quality of High Tryptophan Rice 158 Franz Marielle Nogoy, Hye-Jung Lee, Marjohn Nino, Me-Sun Kim, Sothea Ouk, Yu-Jin Jung, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PB-73 Classification of Korean Rice Varieties for Varietal Characteristics Using Morphological Description 159 Me-Sun Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Joonki Kim, Marjohn Nino, Franz Nogoy, Sothea Ouk, Eun-Ju Jeong, Jae-Young Song, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Yong-Gu Cho PB-74 Modification of Starch Composition by Regulation of SSS1 Gene Using RNAi and Antisense Technology in Rice 160 Moo-Geun Jee, Hye-Jung Lee, Dal-A Yu, Me-Sun Kim, Marjohn Niño, Franz Nogoy, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PB-75 Development and Characterization of Endophyte Free Tall Fescue New Variety Ki-Won Lee, Md. Atikur Rahman, Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang, Gi Jun Choi xxvi 161

PB-76 고추 핵심집단의 원예적 특성평가 및 DB구축 162 양현천, 김상규, 고호철, Binod P. Luitel, 성정숙, 이주희, 윤문섭, 백형진, 류경열, 이준구, 허온숙 분자육종 및 유전공학(Molecular breeding and biotechnology) PC-01 Development of Antigen-antibody Fusion Protein Expression System Using Chinese Cabbage 163 Jinhee Kim, Eun Su Lee, Hye-Eun Lee, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jeong Ho Kim, Jongpil Hong PC-02 PC-03 PC-04 Comparative Analysis of Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequence of Cynanchum wilfordii and Cynanchum auriculatum 164 Inkyu Park, Wook-Jin Kim, Sang-Min Yeo, Yong-Min Kang, Byeong-Cheol Moon Development of Transposon Based Molecular Markers Useful for Construction of Linkage Map and Identification QTL Related to Agronomic Traits in Maize 165 Rahul Vasudeo Ramekar, Kyong-Cheul Park, Kyu Jin Sa, Nam-il Park, Ju Kyong Lee The Draft Complete Mitochondria Genome Sequence of Wild Potato Relatives, Solanum commersonii 166 Kwang-Soo Cho, Ji-Hong Cho, Ju-Seong Im, Hong-Sik Won, Yong-Ik Jin, Su-Young Hong, Hong-Seob Yoo PC-05 AtSIZ1 Positively Controls DNA Methyltransferase CMT3 Activity by its Sumoylation in Arabidopsis 167 Sung-Il Kim, Jun Soo Kwak, Joo Yong Kim, Hak Soo Seo PC-06 Gibberellin Controls Plant Growth by Stimulating SLY1 Sumoylation and Activity 168 Sung-Il Kim, Jun Soo Kwak, Hak Soo Seo PC-07 AtSIZ1 Positively Controls Gibbrellin-mediated Seed Dormancy Break and Germination 169 Sung-Il Kim, Joo Yong Kim, Hak Soo Seo PC-08 PC-09 Identification of Two Novel Mutant ANS Alleles Responsible for Inactivation of Anthocyanidin Synthase and Failure of Anthocyanin Production in Onion (Allium cepa L.) 170 Eun-Young Kim, Cheol-Woo Kim, Min-Seon Choi, Sunggil Kim Characterization of rdnas and Telomeric Repeats Distribution in a Tetraploid Chrysanthemum zawadskii 171 Abigail Rubiato Cuyacot, Franklin Hinosa Mancia, Yoon-Ha Ju, Ki-Byung Lim, Yoon-Jung Hwang xxvii

PC-10 Analysis of Differentially Expressed Genes During Root Development of Maize with RNA Sequencing 172 Jun-Cheol Moon, Sun-Goo Hwang, Byung-Moo Lee PC-11 The Inquieta Gene of Tomato is Involved in Trichome Development 173 In-Taek Hwang, Na-Rae Jeong, Jin-Ho Kang PC-12 Application of SNP Markers for Disease Resistance and Capsaicinoid Content in Pepper and Paprika Cultivars Using Fluidigm EP1TM System 174 Haein Kim, Ye Rin Lee, Kyumi Jeong, Jundae Lee PC-13 Analysis of The Genetic and Epigenetic Diversity Among Different Corn Varieties 175 Neha Roy, Min-Ji Lim, Sung-Il Lee, Nam Soo Kim PC-14 포도 유전체 육종 근접지원용 웹 데이터베이스 구축 176 이봉우, 이정희, 김상미, 김지은, 조강희, 조성환 PC-15 Identification of SNP and InDel Sites in Strawberry Using a Next-generation Resequencing Approach 177 Ye Rin Lee, Haein Kim, Kyumi Jeong, Jundae Lee PC-16 Development of EST-SSR Markers Through de novo RNA Sequencing for Genetic Diversity and Association Study in Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus L.) 178 Sang Wook Jeong, Soon-Jae Kwon, Jaihyunk Ryu, Minkyu Lee, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Hee-Bong Lee, Si-Yong Kang PC-17 A Bioinformatic Platform for Designing Cross-Species Intron-Spanning Genic Markers in Legumes 179 Jin-HyunKim, Chaeyoung Lee, Joo-Seok Park, Yoram Choi, Hong-Kyu Choi PC-18 GM 콩의 도입유전자 이동에 미치는 화분 매개충의 영향 180 이범규, 손수인, 권순종, 박기웅, 정영수, 이시명 PC-19 Gene Transferability from Genetically Modified Brassica napus to B. rapa and Trait Analysis of F1 Hybrids 181 Soo-In Sohn, Young-Ju Oh, Kyeong-Ryeol Lee, Ho-Cheol Ko, Ancheol Chang, Bumkyu Lee, Doh-WonYun, Gang-Seob Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Hyun-Suk Cho, Yeon-Hee Lee PC-20 Genetic Diversity Analysis of Boysenberry Using SSR Markers Woon Ji Kim, Juhyun Im, Sanghun Kim, Ee Yup Kim, Han Jig Jo, Si-Yong Kang, Bo-Keun Ha xxviii 182

PC-21 Comparison of Anthocyanins and Antioxidant Capacity in Colored-wheat Mutant Lines 183 Min Jeong Hong, Bo Mi Nam, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Dea Yeon Kim, Yong Weon Seo, Jin-Beak Kim PC-22 벼 형질전환 Callus에서 돼지콜레라 항원 유전자의 발현 184 이주영, 김용호 PC-23 Physiological Analysis of Wheat Cultivars Under Heat Stress Condition 185 Chan Seop Ko, Dae Yeon Kim, Young Up Kweon, Jong Nae Hyun, Kyung Hun Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-24 Development of a HRM Marker Tightly Linked to Genic Male-sterile Gene (ms 1 ) in Paprika 186 Kyumi Jeong, Ye Rin Lee, Haein Kim, Jundae Lee PC-25 A Molecular Marker Linked to Saline Tolerance in Durum Wheat from Semi-desert 187 Sang Heon Kim, Inès Yacoubi, Yong Weon Seo PC-26 Transcriptome Analysis of Pre-harvest Sprouting Korean Wheat using RNAseq 188 Jae Yoon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-27 Transcriptomic Dynamics of Wheat Peduncle at Different Developmental Stages 189 Cheol-Won Lee, Yong-Weon Seo PC-28 Identification of CBFs in rye and Their Expressions Under Various Abiotic Stresses 190 Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo PC-29 Comparison of Physiological Changes in 1BL.1RS Translocation and its NIL Under Cold Stress 191 Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo PC-30 한국 보급 및 특수품종의 SSR마커에 의한 유전적 유연관계와 품종판별 192 이가영, 곽상철, 김믿음, 장은규, 황세구, 김홍식 PC-31 PC-32 The Development of Drought Resistance Bottle Gourd (Lageneraria siceraria Standl.) Using Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation. 192 Shin-Hwan Cho, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jin-Hee Kim, Jong-Pil Hong, Eun-Su Lee, Jeong Ho Kim, Do-Sun Kim Genome-wide Discovery of Simple Sequence Repeat Marker Based on Complete Genome Sequencing of Capsicum baccatum and Capsicum annuum 193 Sandeep Karna, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jin-Hee Kim, Eun-Su Lee, Sena Choi, Eun-Young Yang, Jeong-Ho Kim, Tae-Hwan Jun xxix

PC-33 Pedigree Integration of Soybean [Glycine max L. Merrill] Cultivars in Korea 194 Chaeyoung Lee, Jin-HyunKim, Joo-SeokPark, Yoram Choi, Hong-Kyu Choi PC-34 Biosafety Assessment for Drought-tolerant Transgenic Rice (CaMsrB2-23) : Progeny Stability Study for Three Generations 195 Sung-dug Oh, Youngshin Kwak, Daesu Park, Doh-won Yun, Soo-in Sohn, Bumkyu Lee, Ancheol Chang PC-35 Identification of Tuber-Endophytic Bacteria in Gastrodia elata with Novelty of Soil Proteobacteria 196 Eung Jun Park, Muho Han, Hyo-Ryeon Lee, Mi Na Choi, Dae Bong Kang PC-36 Overexpression of a Novel Gene, E3 ubiquitin Ligase, Induce Coiled Branches (cbr) in Arabidopsis mutants 197 Gyu Tae Park, Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Seokhyung Lee, Jeong-Dong Lee, Jeong Hoe Kim, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song PC-37 Uncovering the Role of DDMP Saponins in Soybean Through Molecular Characterization of DDMP Saponin-deficient Mutants 198 Jagadeesh Sundaramoorthy, Gyu Tae Park, Seokhyung Lee, Jeong-Dong Lee, Hak Soo Seo, Jong Tae Song PC-38 The AT-hook Motif-containing Proteins AHL27 and AHL29 Regulate Hypocotyl Elongation by Enhancing Auxin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis 199 Kyounghee Lee, Pil Joon Seo PC-39 Expression of Antimicrobial Peptides Thanatin(S) in Transgenic Rice Enhanced Resistance to Phytopathogenic Fungi and Bacteria 200 Yeo Jin Jung, Jong Hee Kim, Yu Jin Jung,Yong Gu Cho, Ill Sup Nou, Kwon Kyoo Kang PC-40 Recurrent Parent Genome Recovery Analysis in a Marker Assisted Backcrossing (MAB) System of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 201 Yu Jin Jung, Jong Hee Kim, Heo Ju Lee, Myoung Kwon Kim, Ill Sup Nou, Kwon Kyoo Kang PC-41 Identification of an SNP Variation of Elite Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)Lines using Genome Resequencing Analysis 202 Yu Jin Jung, Hyo Ju Lee, Ill Sup Nou, Yong Gu Cho, Myong Kwon Kim, Hoy-Taek Kim, Kwon Kyoo Kang PC-42 The Arabidopsis RING Finger E3 Ligase MIEL1 Negatively Regulates Abscisic Acid Signaling by Promoting Protein Turnover of MYB96 Hong Gil Lee, Pil Joon Seo xxx 203

PC-43 Reducing the Expression of SSIVa via ZFN Results in Dwarf Phenotype in Rice and Increased Level of Starch Content 204 Yu-Jin Jung, Franz Marielle Nogoy, Ill-Sup Nou, Jong-Seong Jeon, Yong-Gu Cho, Kwon-Kyoo Kang PC-44 Expression Analysis of Abiotic Stress Responsive Novel Genes in Brachypodium distachyon L. 205 Jin Seok Yoon, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-45 PC-46 PC-47 PC-48 PC-49 Expression Analysis of Five Arabidopsis PDLP5 Homologous Genes in Watermelon During Biotic and Abiotic Stresses 206 Jong-Pil Hong, Hye-Young Suh, Jeong-Ho Kim, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jinhee Kim, Eun Su Lee, Hye-Eun Lee Expression Analysis of Pepper Esterase (PepEST) Homologous Genes in Watermelon During Biotic and Abiotic Stresses 207 Jong-Pil Hong, Jeong-Ho Kim, Jinhee Kim, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Eun Su Lee, Hye-Eun Lee Genome-wide Identification and Analysis of Rice Genes Preferentially Expressed in Pollen at an Early Developmental Stage 208 Tien Dung Nguyen, Sunok Moon, Van Ngoc Tuyet Nguyen, Yunsil Gho, Moon-Soo Soh, Jong Tae Song, Gynheung An, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park, Ki-Hong Jung Application of Rice Microspore-preferred Promoters to Manipulate Early Pollen Development Through a Heterologous System 209 Tien Dung Nguyen, Sunok Moon, Moe Moe Oo, Rupesh Tayade, Moon-Soo Soh, Jong Tae Song, Sung Aeong Oh, Ki Hong Jung, Soon Ki Park A Conserved Oligomeric Golgi Complex Component-Related Protein is Essential for Pollen Development in Arabidopsis 210 Tien Dung Nguyen, Binbin Li, Sung Aeong Oh, Soon Ki Park PC-50 Analysis of Genome-wide Transcripts in Colored-grain Wheat Under Stress Condition 211 Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeoug Hong, Woo Joo Jung, Chan-Seop Ko, Yong Weon Seo PC-51 Genome-wide Detection of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Between Two Korean Tongil Type Rice Varieties 212 Hyun-Ju Kang, Eokkeun Ahn, Inchan Choi, Hye-Jin Yoon, Kyung-Hwan Kim, Hyeonso Ji PC-52 The high-density Genetic Map of Perilla F2 Population by Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) 213 Ji-Eun Kim, Bo Mi Lee, Bong-woo Lee, Moon Nam, Myoung Hee Lee, Tae-Ho Kim, Sung-Hwan Jo, Jeong-Hee Lee xxxi

PC-53 Characterization of Cytochrome P450 (CYP) Genes Related to Saponin Biosynthesis in Platycodon grandiflorum 214 Sohyeon Park, Jemin Yoo, Yurry Um, Ok Tae Kim, Chang Pyo Hong, Seong-Cheol Kim, Yi Lee PC-54 Analysis of Genetic Diversity in 5 Codonopsis Species Based on SSR Markers 215 Sohyeon Park, Serim Kim, Jinsu Gil, Yurry Um, Hee Chung, Ok Tae Kim, Ho Bang Kim, Seong-Cheol Kim, Yi Lee PC-55 The CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Genome Editing in Banana Cells 216 Youjin Shin, Jin-Soo Kim, Jae-Young Yun PC-56 Development of Chloroplast InDel Markers to Distinguish Angelica Species 217 Sohyeon Park, Sangik Park, Jinsu Gil, Yurry Um, Hee Chung, Seong-Cheol Kim, Yi Lee PC-57 High-throughput transcriptome analysis for identifying genes determining flowering time 217 Cheol-Won Lee, Yong Weon Seo PC-58 Candidate Gene Analysis for the Genes Controlling the Yellow Color in Capsicum annuum Cultivar Micropep 218 Ayoung Jung, Juhun Lee, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Suna Kim, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-59 Identification of New Resistance Sources for Cucumber mosaic virus New Isolate-P1 (CMV-P1) in the Germplasm Collection of Capsicum spp. 219 Seula Choi, Myeong-Sook Han, Jin-Kwan Jo, Joung-Ho Lee, Eun-Ho Son, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-60 Genetic Mapping of Resistance Sources Against ChiVMV (Chili veinal mottle virus) in Hot Pepper 220 Joung-Ho Lee, Jeong-Tak An, Koeun Han, Seula Choi, Muhammad Irfan Siddique, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-61 Correcting Population Stratification in Pepper Core Collection for Genome-wide Association Studies (GWAS) 221 Hea-Young Lee, Koeun Han, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-62 Hormone Related Transcriptome Analysis of Wheat During Pre-harvest Sprouting and Exogenous ABA Treatment 222 Yong Jin Lee, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-63 Probing High-yield Traits of Soybean by Transforming Senescence-delay Genes Hyun Suk Cho, Jin Ho Yang, Jin Sol Park, Hye Jeong Kim, Yoon Jeong Lee, Jae Seong Kim, Hyun Hee Im, Ki Jung Lee, Dong Hee Lee, Young Soo Chung xxxii 223

PC-64 Transformation of Soybean with Improved Agricultural Traits of Insect Resistance and Drought Tolerance 224 Jae Seong Kim, Hyun Suk Cho, Hye Jeong Kim, Yoon Jeong Lee, Jin Ho Yang, Jin Sol Park, Hyun Hee Im, Ki Jung Lee, Jeong Il Kim, Soon Chun Jeong,Dong Hee Lee, Young Soo Chung PC-65 An Interspecific Genetic Linkage Map Based on RAPD and SSR in Citrus 225 Yali Chang, Eun-Ui Oh, Kyunguk Yi, Ho Bang Kim, Kwan Jeong Song PC-66 Molecular Characterization of Transgenic Plants Using Next Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatics. 226 Ji Hye Ohn, Andre Silvanovich, Carl Garnaat, Colton Kessenich, Qing Tian PC-67 A Simple, Rapid and Systematic Method for the Developed T-DNA Insertion Population Rice 227 Hyemin Lim, A-Ram Kim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Jung-Il Cho, Hyeonso Ji, Chang-Kug Kim, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee PC-68 Expression of a Putatively Stress-related Gene BrTSR53 Isolated from Chinese Cabbage (Brassica rapa) 228 A-Ram Kim, Hyemin Lim, Hyun-Ju Hwang, Sung Han Park, Chang-Kug Kim, Hyeonso Ji, Jung-Il Cho, Soo-Chul Park, Gang-Seob Lee PC-69 환경 스트레스 내성 유전자 ABF3 도입 국화 형질전환체 개발 및 특성 분석 229 박진선, 윤여진, 형남인 PC-70 PC-71 Genome-wide Characterization of Transcription Factors and Transcriptional Regulators in P. ginseng 230 Sang-Choon Lee, Murukarthick Jayakodi, Beom-Soon Choi, Nam-Hoon Kim, Junki Lee, Woojong Jang, Nomar Espinosa Waminal, Yun Sun Lee, Hyun-Seung Park, Ho Jun Joh, Jee Young Park, Sampath Perumal, Nguyen Binh, Hana Lee, Jinkyung Kim, Inseo Kim, Yeisoo Yu, Hyun Jo Koo, Tae-Jin Yang DNA Fingerprinting Analysis of Rice Varieties Using a Core Set of Simple Sequence Repeats(SSR) Markers 231 Jee-Hwa Hong, Yong-Sham Kwon PC-72 들잔디 CIGR 유전자의 분리 및 특성분석 232 김양지, 양대화, 송필순, 이효연 PC-73 Pyramiding of Two Rice Bacterial Blight Resistance Genes, Xa3 and Xa4, and a Closely Linked Cold Tolerance QTL on Chromosome 11 233 Yeon-Jae Hur, Jun-Hyeon Cho, Hyun-Su Park, Tae-Hwan Noh, Dong-Soo Park, Ji Yun Lee, Young-Bo Sohn, Dongjin Shin, You Chun Song, Young-Up Kwon, Jong-Hee Lee xxxiii

PC-74 Genome-wide Transcript Analysis of Colored-grain Wheat During Grain Development 234 Dae Yeon Kim, Min Jeoug Hong, Yong Weon Seo PC-75 235 국화흰녹병균 검출용 특이 프라이머 개발 배신철, 전푸름, 안호근, 안일평, 박상렬, 황덕주, 김정구 PC-76 Sequencing Analysis Can Demonstrate the Presence and Intactness of Transgenic Events in the Biotechnology Stack Product 236 Andre Silvanovich, Bradley Comstock, Marianne Malven, Will Urquhart1, Hye Jung Hyun PC-77 Identification and Characterization of the Causal Agent of Gummy Stem Blight (GSB) from Melon, Watermelon and Cucumber in Korea 237 Md. Zahid Hassan, Hoy-Taek Kim, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou PC-78 Molecular Dissection of a Rice Nucleus-associated RING Finger Protein and its Potential Role in Salt Stress in Arabidopsis 238 Yong chan Park, Sandeep Chapagain, Dae Gyeom Oh, Cheol Seong Jang PC-79 Tomato Fruit Ripening has been Delayed through The Regulation of Ethylene Biosynthesis Transcription Factors Under Sound Wave Treatment 239 Joo Yeol Kim, Hye Ryun Ahn, Soo In Lee, Jin A Kim and Mi Jeong Jeong PC-80 Identification of Genes Involved in Cucurbitacin E Biosynthesis 240 Young Cheon Kim, Sanghyeob Lee PC-81 Exploring Resistance Against PHYTOPHTHORA CAPSICI in Pepper 241 Muhammad Irfan Siddique, Koeun Han, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-82 The Regulation of Brassica rapa GIGANTEA Gene Expression is Available to Improvement of Salt Tolerance in Chinese Cabbage 242 Ha-eun Jung, Mi Jeong Jeong, Soo In Lee, Jin A Kim PC-83 Diurnal Expression of Glucosinolate Genes in Brassica rapa Under Various Light Quality Conditions 243 Jin A Kim, Ha-eun Jung, Soo In Lee, Mi Jeong Jeong PC-84 Identification of Drought and Salt Stress-responsive Genes in Poplar (Populus alba P. glandulosa) Seo-Kyung Yoon, Eung-Jun Park, Eun-Kyung Bae, Young-Im Choi, Kyu-Suk Kang, Hyoshin Lee xxxiv 244

PC-85 Fine Mapping of the Root-Knot Nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) Resistance Gene Me7 in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) 245 Amornrat Changkwian, Ji-Woong Han, Joung-Ho Lee, Gyung-Ja Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-86 The Construct of Backcross Inbred Line for qstv11 Z Fine-mapping. 246 Sais-Beul Lee, Yeon-Jae Hur, Tae Heon Kim, Dongjin Shin, Jun-Hyeon Cho, Sang-Ik Han, Un-Sang Yeo, You-Chun Song, Jong-Hee Lee, Yeong-Up Kwon, Kyung-Min Kim, Dong-Soo Park PC-87 Analysis of QTL Markers for Drought Tolerance in Maize 247 Hyochul Kim, Kitae Song, Seungho Shin, Kyung-Hee Kim, Jun-Cheol Moon, Jae Yoon Kim, Byung-Moo Lee PC-88 PC-89 PC-90 Development of Potyvirus Resistance in Non-transgenic Tomato Plants Using CRISPR/Cas9 Technology 248 Saminathan Subburaj, Luhua Tu, Yong-Tae Jin, Sangsu Bae, Geung-Joo Lee Fine Mapping and Identification of Candidate Genes for the sy-2 Locus in a Temperature-sensitive Chili Pepper (Capsicum chinense) 249 Li Liu, Jelli Venkatesh, Yeong Deuk Jo, Sota Koeda, Munetaka Hosokawa, Jin-Ho Kang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Identification and Molecular Characterization of Novel Genes Under Abiotic Stresses from Triticum aestivum L. 250 Jin Seok Yoon, Jae Yoon Kim, Yong Weon Seo PC-91 황기의 계통분류를 위한 유전체기반 분자마커 개발 251 허목, 엄유리, 길진수, 박소현, 이이, 정진태, 김연복, 김성철, 정찬식 PC-92 Development of Genetic Map and QTLs for Stem Diameter Using New CAPS Markers in MGRIL Population 252 Ye Ji Lee, Eun Ju Byeon, Seon-Hwa Bae, Hyeonso Ji, Gang-Seob Lee, Ung-Han Yoon, Tae-Ho Kim PC-93 Perilla Genome Sequencing 253 Seon-Hwa Bae, Myoung-Hee Lee, Jeong-Hee Lee, Ye-Ji Lee, Eun-Ju Byeon, Ung-Han Yoon, Tae-Ho Kim PC-94 Development of Functional Molecular Markers for Cabbage Breeding 254 Hayoung Song, Ill-Sup Nou, Yoonkang Hur PC-95 Classification of Flowering Time and Maturity Locus Genotyping of Elite Soybean Cultivars in Korea 255 Kil-Hyun Kim, Min-Jung Seo, Myoung-Ryoul Park, Chang-Hwan Park, Jung-Kyung Moon, Byung Joo Kim xxxv

PC-96 Construction of DNA Marker Sets for Korean Wheat Cultivar Identification 256 Jae-Han Son, Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Il Park, Yang-Kil Kim, Jong-Ho Park, Young-Jin Oh, Bo-Kyeoung Kim PC-97 Expression of Pepper Cytoplasmic Male Sterility-associated Open Reading Frame, orf507 in Transgenic Tobacco Plants 257 Yeaseong Ha, Min-Young Kang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-98 Identification, Molecular Cloning and Characterization of Stress-Induced Genes in Lilium formolongi 258 Jewel Howlader, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Namhee Jeong, Kanij Rukshana Sumi, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou PC-99 Resistance of transgenic zoysiagrass overexpressed zoysiagrass class II chitinase gene Zjchi2 against Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2 (IV) 259 Ji-Nam kang, Mi-Young Park, Hong-Gyu Kang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Yong-Ik Kwon, Suk-Min Ko, Hyo-Yeon Lee PC-100 Use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography to Determine Genetic Factors of Fruit Colors in Tomato 260 Hee Ju Yoo, Gyu Myung Lee, Inhwa Yeam, Chang-Sik Oh, Je Min Lee PC-101 Genome-wide Characterization of AP2/ERF Superfamily in Panax Ginseng 261 Hyun-Seung Park, Sang-Choon Lee, Murukarthick Jayakodi, Junki Lee, Tae-Jin Yang PC-102 Proteome Analysis of the Roots of Sorghum in Response to Copper 262 Swapan Kumar Roy, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Kabita Sarker, Hyun-Jin Jung, Min-Heon Yun, Sun-Hee Woo PC-103 Identification of Physiological and Transcriptomal Analysis in Rice Plant (Oryza sativa L.) after acute and chronic γ-irradiation 263 Sung Min Han, Jung Eun Hwang, In Jung Jung, Hong-Il Choi, Soon-Jae Kwon, Si-Young Kang, Jin-Baek Kim PC-104 Genetic Dissection of Immature Fruit Color in Pepper 264 Gyu Myung Lee, Hee Ju Yoo, Doil Choi, Je Min Lee PC-105 Genetic Mapping and Marker Development for the Powdery Mildew Resistance Gene PMR1 in Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Jinkwan Jo, Jelli Venkatesh, KoeunHan, Byoung-Cheorl Kang xxxvi 265

PC-106 Structure of Genetic Diversity in the Apple Germplasm with Genome-wide SNPs Using Genotyping by Sequencing 266 Youngjae Oh, Keumsun Kim, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Daeil Kim PC-107 Development of SNP Set for Genetic Linkage Mapping in Interspecific Asian Pear (Pyrus spp.) 267 Hyeondae Han, Youngjae Oh, Keumsun Kim, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Daeil Kim PC-108 Genetic linkage Maps Using GBS Based SNPs in Interspecific Asian Pear (Pyrus spp.) 268 Hyeondae Han, Youngjae Oh, Keumsun Kim, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Daeil Kim PC-109 PC-110 PC-111 Identification of Flowering-Related Genes Responsible for Differential Expression Between Two Radish Inbred Lines Exhibiting Disparate Bolting Time Through Comparative Transcriptome Analysis 269 Won Yong Jung, Hyun Ji Park, Sang Sook Lee, Areum Lee, Youn-Sung Kim, Hye Sun Cho Genome-wide Identification and Analysis of Rice Endosperm Preferred Genes Conserved in Various Rice Verities 270 Woo-Jong Hong, Yo-Han Yun, Sun-A Park, Sung-Ruyl Kim, Ki-Hong Jung Improving and Sharing Computing Algorithms of Genome Analysis, and System Development of Bioinformatics Tools 271 Kyu-Won Kim, Ji-Hye Hwang, Jung-Kyung Moon, Yong-Jin Park PC-112 Population Genomics Identifies the Origin and Signatures of Selection of Korean Weedy Rice 272 Qiang He, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-113 Identification of Octoploid Strawberry Cultivar Using High-throughput SNP Genotyping 273 Hee-Jeong Jung, Karpagam Veerappan, Sathishkumar Natarajan, Namhee Jeong, Indeok Hwang, Soichiro Nagano, Kenta Shirasawa, Sachiko Isobe, Ill-Sup Nou PC-114 PC-115 PC-116 Genome-wide Association Study of Cold Stress During Seedling Stage Using Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Core Set 274 Mijeong Kim, Yoonjung Lee, Giwon Cho, Jisu Choi, Joohyun Lee Genome-Wide Association Study of Vitamin E Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) 275 Qiang He, Feifei Xu, Jie Yu, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park Rice Chloroplast Genome Variation Architecture and Phylogenetic Dissection in Diverse Oryza Species Assessed by Whole-genome Resequencing 276 Wei Tong, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park xxxvii

PC-117 Development of Primer Sets for the Detection and Identification of the Epimedium and Thalictrum Using Real-time PCR 277 Jae-Woo Lee, Ju-Hee Kim, Cheol Seong Jang PC-118 Genetic Variation Architecture of mitochondrial Genome Reveals the Differentiation in Korean Landrace and Weedy Rice 278 Wei Tong, Yong-Jin Park PC-119 양배추 시들음병 저항성 및 감수성 품종 구별용 분자마커 개발 279 강송이, 정희정, 황인덕, 노일섭 PC-120 Implementation of Rapid Haplotyping Software in Personal Computers for Standalone Users 280 Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-JinPark PC-121 Quiescence Vs Elongation Strategy for Direct Seeding Approach in Korean Rice Core Set 281 Win Htet Oo, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-122 Genome-wide Association Study and Gene Sets Analysis Reveals Candidate Genes Involved in Salt Tolerance at The Rice Seedling Stage 282 Jie Yu, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-123 Orthologous and Evolutionarily Accelerated Genes Identified in Sesame (Sesamum indicum) by Deep Resequencing 283 Jie Yu, Kyu-Won Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-124 Gene Expression Profiling Through de novo Transciptome Sequencing Provide Insights for the Mechanisms Underlying Side Branch Suppressions That Enhance The Production Quality of The Standard 284 Chrysanthemum Cultivars (Dendranthema grandiflorum Ramat.) Tae-Sung Kim, Jie Yu, Ha-Seung Park, Chang-Pyo Hong, Hojin Ryu, Yong-Jin Park PC-125 Genome-wide Association Studies(GWAS) of Related Genes for Flowering Time in Rice Core Set 285 Min-Young Yoon, Yong-Jin Park PC-126 286 유전체 기반 분자육종시스템 구축 이현오, 최범순, 이승욱, 최아영, 신지언, 박미소, 강경대, 유의수 PC-127 The Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Senna tora L. Choi Ah Young, Hyun Oh Lee, Ji Eon Shin, Mi So Park, Yeisoo Yu, SeungWook Lee, Kyoung Dae Kang, Sang-Ho Kang, Beom-Soon Choi xxxviii 287

PC-128 산초나무(Zanthoxylum schinifolium S. et Z.) Microsatellite 표지 개발 및 유전변이 분석 288 김영미, 조아르나, 신유승, 정지희, 김호방 PC-129 이미지 센싱 기반으로 한 벼 생육 표현형 분석 289 이홍석, 김송림, 이은경, 최인찬, 지현소, 윤혜진, 김경환 PC-130 PC-131 Identification and Characterization of Grain Weight Trait Candidate Genes in a Cross between Oryza sativa and O. rufipogon 290 Yun-A Jeon, Dong-Min Kim, Hyun-Sook Lee, Ju-Won Kang, Yun-Joo Kang, Sang-Nag Ahn Genetic Diversity and Barcodes of Taraxacum Species Based on Complete Chloroplast Genome Sequences 291 Jin-Kyung Kim, Jee Young Park, Yun Sun Lee, Hyun Oh Lee, Hyun-Seung Park, Sang-Choon Lee, Shin-Jae Kang, Jung Hwa Kang, Taek Joo Lee, Tae-Jin Yang PC-132 식물표현체 기술을 통한 벼 생육 시 질소원이 생장에 미치는 영향 분석 292 김송림, 이홍석, 이은경, 임철희, 최인찬, 윤혜진, 지현소, 김경환 PC-133 PC-134 Identification of QTL Associated with Low-temperature Germinability in NILs Derived from an Interspecific Cross in Rice 293 Quynh Anh Le, Yun-Joo Kang, Kyu-Chan Shim, Yun-A Jeon, Yeo-Tae Yun, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn The Grain Shape QTL, GW2 is Associated with Chlorophyll Content and First Internode Diameter in Rice 294 Lu Xin, Kyu-Chan Shim, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn PC-135 PagBEE3L 형질전환 포플러의 바이오매스 증대 효과 295 최현모, 최영임, 노설아, 박응준, 윤서경, 신주희, 배은경, 이효신 PC-136 Cloning of WRKY Genes, Induced by Stresses in Zoysia japonica Steud. 296 Woo-Nam Kim, Yong-Ik Kwon, In-Ja song, Bo-Hwa Hwang, Dong-Sun Lee, HyoYeon Lee PC-137 작물육종 효율 극대화를 위한 식물표현체 플랫폼 구축 297 이은경, 이홍석, 임철희, 김송림, 최인찬, 윤혜진, 지현소, 김경환 PC-138 F 2:3 집단을 이용한 대립벼 1호 종자 형태를 조절하는 유전자 탐색 298 심규찬, 강주원, 이현숙, 안상낙 xxxix

PC-139 Characterization of Grain Weight QTL, gw8 299 Yun-Joo Kang, Yun-A Jeon, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn PC-140 Principal Component Analysis of Primary Pears and Korean Native Pears (Pyrus spp.) Using a Set of Microsatellite Reference Alleles 300 Keumsun Kim, Youngjae Oh, Sewon Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Seolah Kim, Daeil Kim PC-141 Identification of Changes in Cold Hardiness and Soluble Sugars on Response to Experimental Deacclimation in Peachs (Prunus persica) 301 Keumsun Kim, Sewon Oh, Hyunsuk Shin, Youngjae Oh, Jungyeon Won, Hyeondae Han, Daeil Kim PC-142 배추과 작물의 엽록체 유전체 서열을 활용한 종간 구분 InDel 마커 개발 302 양기웅, 정지윤, 정남희, 박종인, 노일섭 PC-143 Development of Molecular Marker for Characterizing Early and Late Bolting Genotypes of Brassica oleracea var. capitata 303 Md. Abuyusuf, Ujjal Kumar Nath, Jong-In Park, Mi-Young Chung, Ill-Sup Nou PC-144 Identification and Expression Profiling of Rapeseed (Brassica napus) Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism During Silique Development 304 Hankuil Yi, Eunyoung Cho, Kyung Hee Roh, Ho Bang Kim PC-145 BrPATL4 gene from Brassica rapa Expresses Small Seed and Erect Panicle in Transgenic japonica Rice 305 Joonki Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Franz Marielle Nogoy, Dal-AYu, Me-Sun Kim, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PC-146 Functional Characterization of Two NAC Transcription Factors of OsNAC300 and OsNAC75 in Rice (Oryza sativa) 306 Shadi Rahimi, Yu-Jin Jung, Me-Sun Kim, Eun-Ju eung, Kwon Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PC-147 Identification of OsOPT10 Gene Encoding Oligopeptide Transporter in Rice (Oryza sativa) 307 Shadi Rahimi, Yu-Jin Jung, Dal-A Yu, Sun-Kyeong Song, Kwon Kyoo Kang, Yong-Gu Cho PC-148 GM Cabbage Resistant to Diamondback Moth Yi Re Lee, Min Jung, Jong Sup Shin, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee Hark Harn xl 308

PC-149 PC-150 Genome-wide Identification of Sequence and Structural Variations from The Bacterial Canker of Kiwifruit Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (PSA) Pathovars and Their Application to Pathovar Genotyping 309 Chang Jae Oh, Jin-Kyu Woo, Ji-Hyeon Kim, Hye-Young Lee, Mee Hyang Hong, Gyoung Hee Kim, Young Sun Lee, Jae Sung Jung, Young Jin Koh, Ho Bang Kim Functional Characterization of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) DNAJ Gene (MsDNAJ) Involved in Abiotic Stress Defense 310 Ki-Won Lee, Md. Atikur Rahman, Sang-Hoon Lee, Ki-Yong Kim, Hee Chung Ji, Tae Young Hwang PC-151 Study About Gene Flow and Stability Assessment in GM Rice (Oryza sativa L.) 311 Jun-Hoi Kim, Jin-Hee Kim, Kyung-Min Kim PC-152 해충저항성 Bt벼의 개발과 안전성평가 312 임명호, 박순기, 조현석 PC-153 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated Multiplex Genome Editing in Plants 313 Hyeran Kim, Sang-Tae Kim, Min Kyung Choi, Jahee Ryu, Jin-Soo Kim, Sang-Gyu Kim PC-154 PC-155 PC-156 PC-157 Allelic Analysis of Low-molecular-weight Glutenin Subunits Using 2-DGE in Korean Wheat Cultivars 313 Hye-Rang Beom, You-Ran Jang, Susan B Altenbach, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim, Jong-Yeol Lee Comprehensive Characterization of Low-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunit Genes and Their Protein Products in Common Wheat 314 Jong-Yeol Lee, Hye-RangBeom, Susan B Altenbach, Sun-Hyung Lim, Young-Mi Kim Simultaneous Suppression of Seed Storage Proteins in Rice Seed Using RNA Interference Induces ER-Stress Responses and Germination Delay 316 Kyoungwon Cho, Hye-Jung Lee, Yeong-Min Jo, Jong-Yeol Lee, Young-Mi Kim Identification of a Novel Rice B-box Zinc Finger Protein Involved in Regulation of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis 316 Da-Hye Kim, SangKyu Park, MinJi Choi, Sun-Hwa Ha, Jong-Yeol Lee, Sun-Hyung Lim PC-158 Cloning and Characterizations of Flavonol Synthases Isolated from Yellow and Red Onion 317 SangKyu Park, MinJi Choi, Da-Hye Kim, Sun-Hwa Ha, Jong-Yeol Lee, Sun-Hyung Lim xli