2 - ABSTRACT The object of this study is to investigate the practical effects of Senior Employment Project, implemented by government as a part of sen

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1-2014 3 A Study on the Actual Participants of the Senior Employment Project for Public Interest Focusing on the Low-Income Participants in Junggok 3-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul : (2012834062) :

2 - ABSTRACT The object of this study is to investigate the practical effects of Senior Employment Project, implemented by government as a part of senior welfare policy, and at the same time examine the situation that the seniors in modern Korean society face. The questions to be considered as follows: first, what are the characteristics of the jobs offered by Senior Employment Project? Second, how do the participating seniors perceive the labor practice and how are they satisfied? And third, what kind of changes did the labor bring to the participating seniors? To answer these questions, this study selected the participants of the Senior Employment Project for public interest purposes as the study subjects. The public interest type is created by the local governments or public institutions for the business area (environment, maintenance of order, facility maintenance, settling the pending issues of local community, etc.) with the purpose of improving public services, and it corresponds to the public interests and is socially very useful. Preferred by the low-income seniors with low workability and weak human resources, such as education, age, health, etc., this type would directly and visibly influence the low-income seniors process of labor and changes in lives. Also, the environmental improvement protection project (street cleaning) was selected as the project subtype because it has been continuing relatively for a long time since 2000 around when the Senior Employment Business started, so that it would represent the effects of labor participation on the seniors. Before participating, the seniors expected that this work will bring positive effects to the overall life. They had financial, psychological, emotional, social, and health motives piled up. In other words, they expected a financial abundance, decline in negative emotions, formation of close relationship with co-workers, and improved health, just like the project s original intent; and the actual result displayed positive changes as expected. Although the price for their labor was small, but they were able to make a better living with their economic resources. Also, their negative emotions reconciled and positive emotions were generated, they experienced emotional changes and changes in social relationships, and changes in health. By discussing about the relevance between Senior Employment Project and seniors based on in-depth consideration of the work sites of Senior Employment Project, this study is to provide help in studying the effects of Senior Employment Project, a macroscopic senior welfare policy, on the seniors in terms of concrete experiences. Key word : Senior Employment, Project for Public Interest, Low-Income Participants, Gwangjin-gu

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