,. (, 2011). (paraphrasing)....., 까지어떻게가는지모릅니다. 라는메시지로응답자가버스정거장까지길을안내하도록하거나그의가능한반응을예상할수있다. Schulz von Thun (1984),, (Sach-Ohr), (Appell-Ohr), (Selbsto

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Questions in Mediation Yonggap Moon The Korea Institute of Conflict Management and Mediation Nam-Ok Lee Seoul Cyber University Family Counseling In mediation, questions play an important role. Due to the fact that these questions - among others - are to change the passed on conflict and communication patterns of the conflict parties, they often differ clearly in forms and functions from the questions used in every day communication. Thus, for the mediator there is the challenge to incite by his questions the persons involved to a change of perspectives and to help them to overcome blockades and to reflect their own perceptions and to help them to overcome blockades and to reflect their own perceptions and assumptions. The article describes which sort of questions can be helpful in certain situations of mediation in order to lead the conflict partners through conversations which are determined by understanding and to support them to find a self-responsible way regulation apt to solve their conflict. These descriptions are illustrated by examples from mediation practices. It becomes clear that in mediation not only the content of respective question is of importance, but particularly the attitude of the questioning mediator which should be full of empathy and respect. Key words : mediation, principles of mediation, mediation process, attitude of mediator, questions