EAROPH Cities and their regions-catalysts for change

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EAROPH Cities and their regions-catalysts for change - 3 - - 4 -

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② 특강 Vice-President, EAROPH India) Securing a Sustainable Future: The Plan for Greater Adelaide (Lois Boswell, Director Strategy and Sustainability, Department of Planning and Local Government) Session 3: Climate Change and Water Security 기후변화와 물 부족현상에 촛점을 두고 주제 발표 및 토의 <발표논문 > : More Than Just Water: Securing the Future of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth Region of South Australia (Professor Chris Daniels, ③ 학술대회 University of Adelaide, Dr Donna Ferretti) Session 1: Housing and Community 주거와 지역사회에 촛점을 두고 주제 발표 및 토의 <발표논문 > Session 4: Society Discussion Group : : Michael Lennon, Chief Executive of Housing Choices Australia Development and Preservation of Ancient Quarter of Hanoi City, Vietnam culturally diversified society. (Led by Dr Wendy Sarkissian, Speaking for the (Tomoko Abe, ALMEC Corporation) Future) 사회문제에 촛점을 두고 주제 발표 및 토의 <발표논문 > A workshop led program that maps the direction for a sustainable and Urban Planning as Empowerment: Tackling Disempowering and Exclusionary Work of Planning (Ashok Kumar, School of Planning and Architecture, New Session 5: Food Security Delhi) 식량문제에 촛점을 두고 주제 발표 및 토의 <발표논문 > : Session 2: Managing Population Growth and Change 인구성장과 변화에 따른 사회현상에 촛점을 두고 주제 발표 및 토의 <발표논문 > : sustainable cities (Kirsten Larsen, University of Melbourne) Metropolitan Planning and Governance in Asian and Australian Cities. Balancing Public and Private Interests The Emerging (Professor Stephen Hamnett, Food Sensitive Planning and Urban Design - for secure, healthy and Farming in SlimCity The Business Case for Urban Ecology (Michael Velders, ARUP) Planning for Australia s Food Security (Ian Sinclair, Edge Land Planning) University of South) Managing Delhi. Megalopolis - 11 - (Jamal Ansari, Former - 12 -

Session 6: Infrastructure and Asset Management : <> Dorte Ekelund, Major Cities Unit, Infrastructure Australia Rod Hook, Executive Director, Offi ce of Major Projects and Infrastructure / South Australia s Coordinator General Managing Assets to keep Body and Spirit Strong (Kerry Mc Govern, K McGovern and Associates) Are we really committed to Asset Management or is it just a lot of hot air? (David Edgerton, Director of APV Valuers and Asset Management) Session 7: Renewable Energy : <> Dr Mark Diesendorf, University of New South Wales Smart House and Office Building Technology (Dr Hirohide Konami, Teikyo Heisei University) Planning Legislation, Street Layout and Design: Impact on Efficient Use of Solar Power (Kolawole Ewedairo, Maribyrnong City Council) Sustainable Development in Central Tokyo: Case Study of Energy Efficient Considerations Through Public-Private Partnerships Structure (Shigeru Inoue and Tatsuo Nishimoto, Area Planning Office, Mitsubishi Estate) Activities Towards Reduction of Global Warming Gas Emission by Small and Medium Size Rental Office Building (Yoshio Suzuki, Tokyo Building Owners Association) Session 8: Sustainable Tourism : <> Ecological and Cultural Tourism - How We Manage for a Sustainable Industry Future (Duncan McKenzie, Chairman Ecotourism Australia Board) Angela Hazebroek, Director, Urban & Regional Planning Solutions Avoiding the Tourism Staples Trap and Working Towards a Sustainable Tourism Planning Paradigm for Remote Locales (Sharon Harwood and Doris Schmallegger, Charles Darwin University) Legibility and Attachment of Visitors Towards Traditional Shopping Streets in Kuala Lumpur City Centre, Malaysia (Norsidah Ujang, Universiti Putra Malaysia) Session 9: Snapshots 1 Health and Wellbeing : <> Creating Liveable Communities: Promoting Health and Wellbeing Through the 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide (Melissa Bailey and Alison Collins, Health in All Planning Officers, Department of Planning and Local Government) Healthy Spaces and Places (Kirsty Kelly, National Policy Manager, Planning Institute of Australia) People, Pets and Planning (Virginia Jackson, Harlock Jackson Pty Ltd) Session 10: Snapshots 1 Asia Pacific Projects : <> Partnerships Improving Markets (Dr Jane Stanley, Director of FOCUS Pty Ltd) - 13 - - 14 -

Implementing effective Planning and GIS in the Foreign Aid Environment in South East Asia (David Lloyd, Consultant Production Management-Graphic Design-GISCartography) Vulnerability of thetarakan City, Indonesia to Climate Change and it s AdaptationPlanning (Djoko Suroso, Institute of Technology Bandung) Session 11: Land Use Policy and its Economic Impacts : <> Peri-Urbanisation and Regional Economic Performance of Jakarta Metropolitan Region (Delik Hudalah, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)) The Study of the Launch of Farmland Reverse Mortgage for the Welfare of the Rural Elderly (Kim Byungkyu and Deokho Cho, Daegu University) The Reform of the Urban Planning System and Urban Development Control in Vietnam (Takeo Ochi, Japan International Cooperation Agency) - 15 - - 16 -

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