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1 KISEP Review J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 41, No 3 감독하식사 - 이상식사행동의행동치료적관점 이혜경 1) 이영호 1) Supervised Diet-Behavior Modification of Abnormal Eating Behavior 국문초록 Hye Kyung Lee, M.A., 1) Young Ho Lee, M.D. 1) 중심단어 서 론 Nanum Eating Disorders and Obesity Clinic Corresponding author 369

2 - 본 1. 환자에대한평가 1) 영양평가 - 론 370

3 - - 2) 식사에대한과거력 371

4 Setting 의구성 1) 장소 2) 치료자 3) 구성 - 372

5 4) 영양상담 3. 감독하식사의단계 1) 준비단계 373

6 374

7 2) 1 단계 : 세끼의규칙적인식사습관의처방 375

8 Anxiety level Time Patient s perceived time course Actual time course Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the time course of an urge to purge. From Handbook of Treatment for Eating Disorders, Fairburn CG, Wilson GT, & Agras WS1997, pp ) 2 단계 : 금지된음식의시도및식사제한의중지 - 376

9 4) 3 단계 : 다양한상황에서의일반화 4. 감독하식사시고려해야될문제들 1) 이상식사행동관련인지수정 377

10 2) 식사후제거행동방지를위한대처전략 3) 재섭식시의부작용 - 378


12 - 4) 치료자들의태도 5) 행동요법의사용 380

13 6) 도움이되는병행치료 7) 기타문제들

14 결 론 382

15 참고문헌 1) Beumont PJV, Al-Alami MS, Youyz SW(1987):The Evolution of The Concept of Anorexia Nervosa. In: Handbook of Eating Disorders, Part I. Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa. Ed by Beumont PJV, Burrows GD, Casper RC, New York, Elsevier, pp ) Treasure J, Todd G, Szmukler G(1995):The Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. In:Handbook of Eating Disorders:Theory, Treatment and Research. Ed by Szmukler G, Dare C, Treasure J, New York, John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp ) Ryle JA(1936):Anorexia Nervosa. Lancet ii: ) Ventimiglia J(1993):The Eating Disorders. Ed by Ciiannini AE, New York, Springa-Verlag 5) Krause MV, Mahan LK(1984):Food, Nutrition, and Diet Therapy. 7th edition, Philadelphia, WB Saunders Company 6) Simko MD(1984):Nutrition Assessment. Rockville, MD, Aspen Publishers Inc. 7) 이영호 (2001): 신경성식욕부진증과신경성대식증치료에있어영양관리. 영양의학 ( 게재예정 ) 8) Boutachoff LI, Zollman MR, Mitchell JE(1989):Manual of Healthy Eating:A Meal Planning System. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota 9) 이민규, 이영호, 박세현, 손창호, 정영조, 홍성국, 이병관, 장필립, 윤애리 (1998): 한국판식사태도검사-26(The Korean Version of Eating Attitude Test-26: KEAT-26) 표준화연구 I: 신뢰도및요인분석. 정신신체의학 6(2): ) Garner DM, Olmsted MP, Bohr Y, Garfinkle PE(1982): The Eating Attitudes Test: psychometric features and clinical correlates. Psychol Med 12: ) Garner DM(1991):Eating Disorders Inventory-2. Odessa, FL, Psychological Assessment Resources 12) Fairburn CG, Cooper Z(1993):The Eating Disorder Examination. In:Binge Eating:Nature, assessment, and treatment. Ed by Fairburn CG, Wilson GT, New York, Guilford Press, pp ) Andersen AE, Bowers W, Evans K(1997) :Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. In:Handbook of Treatment of Eating Disorders. Ed by Garner DM, Garfinkel PE, New York, The Guilford press, pp ) 이영호 (1999): 신경성식욕부진증의입원치료 : 임상실제. 신경정신의학 38(3): ) Touyz SW, Beumont PJV, Glaun D, Phillips T, Cowie I (1984):A comparison of lenient and strict operant conditioning programmers in refeeding patients with anorexia nervosa. Br J Psychiatry 144: ) Treasure J, Szmukler G(1995):Medical complications of chronic anorexia nervosa. In:Handbook of Eating Disorders:Theory, Treatment and Research. Ed by Szmukler G, Dare C, Treasure J, Chichester, John Wiely & Sons Ltd, pp ) Andersen(1985):Inpatient Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa. In:Practical Compre- hensive Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia. Ed by Andersen AE, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins University Press, pp ) Cuntz U, Frank G, Lehnert P, Fichter M(1999):Interrelationships between the size of the pancreas and the weight of patients with eating disorders. Int J Eating Disorders 20: ) Kaysar N, Kronenberg J, Polliack M, Gaoni B(1991): Sever hypophosphatemia during binge eating in anorexia nervosa. Arch Dis Child 66: ) Beumont PJV, Large M(1991) :Hypophosphatemia, delirium and cardiac arrhythmia in anorexia nervosa. Med J Aust 155: ) Cumming AD, Farquar JR, Bouchier IAD(1987) : Refeeding hypophosphatemia in anorexia nervosa and alcoholism. Br Med J 259: ) Gustavsson CG, Eriksson L(1989):Case report:acute 383

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17 부록 1 감독하의영양회복프로그램-환자용 (Supervised Nutritional Rehabilitation) 385

18 386

19 1. 개념 : 부록 2 감독하의영양회복프로그램 : 치료자지침서 (Supervised Nutritional Rehabilitation) 2. 감독하식사시에부딪칠수있는문제점및접근방법 : 387

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