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1 Korean J Food Cook Sci Vol. 32, No. 5, pp. 627~636 (2016) pissn eissn 당류에대한대학생들의인식과섭취빈도조사및단체급식용당류저감메뉴제안 박옥진 이영미 1 김정현 2 민성희 3 여주대학교호텔관광과, 1 가천대학교식품영양학과, 2 배재대학교가정교육과, 3 세명대학교한방식품영양학부 Recognition and Intake Frequency of Sugar by College Students and Suggestions on Reducing Sugar Recipes for Institutional Foodservices Ok-Jin Park Youngmee Lee 1 Jung-Hyun Kim 2 Sung Hee Min 3 Department of Hotel and Tourism, Yeojoo Institution of Technology, Yeojoo 12652, Korea 1 Department of Food and Nutrition, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120, Korea 2 Department of Home Economics Education, PaiChai University, Daejeon 35345, Korea 3 Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Jecheon 27136, Korea Abstract Purpose: Although excessive intake sugar may increase the overall energy intake, it leads to a reduction in the intake of foods containing other nutritionally adequate calories. Excessive sugar intake can also lead to an unhealthy diet, weight gain, and risk of metabolic disorders. The purpose of this study was to assess the recognition by college students, their frequency of eating sugar containing foods, and suggesting sugar reduction in the menus of institutional foodservices. Methods: A questionnaire was used to survey 145 college students to evaluate their recognition and eating frequency of consuming sugar containing foods. Subsequently, sugar reduction menus for institutional foodservice were suggested. Results: Most of the subjects (80.0%) were aware of the meaning of sugar reduction. The necessity of reducing sugar in their meals was recognized by 57.8%. These participants tended to check nutrition labeling more. Eating frequencies of sugar containing foods were not significantly different by the subjects BMI, but they were significantly different by gender, when evaluating cooked foods. We suggested 20% sugar reduction recipes of Korean style barbequed pork, and sweet and sour chicken for institutional foodservices. Conclusion: The awareness of college students and the knowledge regarding sugar reduction were low. Sensory acceptabilities of Korean style barbequed pork and sweet and sour chicken were not significantly different, until the benefit of 20% sugar reduction was mentioned. Thus, continuous education for reduction of sugar intake are required, and also efforts are needed to develop menus containing less sugar. Key words: sugar reduction, recognition, reduced sugar recipe Ⅰ. 서론 식품이나음식중의당류는단맛을내고저장기간을연장시켜주며, 열량공급의중요한역할을하지만과량섭취시비만을포함한대사성질환과충치발생등의문제점이있다 (Cho S & Kim WK 2007, Chung CE 2007a, Chung CE 2007b). 식생활의변화로기호식품의섭취량이증가하고가공식품의소비량이증대됨에따라당류의섭 취에대한많은우려가있다. 식품중당함량은보통총당류로표현되며식품에존재하는단당류와이당류를포함한단순당을말하는데, 세계보건기구에서는총열량의 10% 이내로당섭취를권고하고있으며 (World Health Organization 2015) 2015 년한국인영양소섭취기준에서는 1 일당류섭취기준총당류섭취량을총에너지섭취량의 10-20% 로제한하고특히식품의조리및가공시첨가되는첨가당은총에너지섭취량의 10% 이내로섭취 Corresponding author: Sung Hee Min, Department of Oriental Medical Food and Nutrition, Semyung University, Semyung-ro, Jecheon, Chungbuk 27136, Korea ORCID: Tel: , Fax: , shmin@semyung.ac.kr Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( nses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

2 628 박옥진 이영미 김정현 민성희 Korean J Food Cook Sci 하도록제시한바있다 (Ministry of Health and Welfare 2016). 식품의약품안전처가 2010 년부터 3 년간국민건강영양조사의식품섭취량자료를바탕으로당류주요급원, 연도별연령별총당류섭취량, 가공식품을통한당류섭취량을분석한결과, 우리국민의총당류섭취량이 1 일총열량에서차지하는비율은모든연령대에서섭취권고기준이내이나가공식품을통한당류섭취량은유아, 청소년의경우권고기준을넘는것으로나타났다. 또한당류섭취와관련된주요식품은연령별로차이가있는데 1-2 세는우유, 세청소년들과 세청년들은음료수를통해당류를가장많이섭취하는것으로조사된바있다 (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 2014). 단맛이많은과자, 케잌등의기호식품과음료에대한어린이들의섭취가증가하고있고, 청소년과청년층의첨가당섭취량은해마다높아지고있는반면복합탄수화물의섭취량은낮아지고있는추세이다 (Kim SH & Chung HK 2007, Kim JS 2014, Lee HS 등 2014). 가공식품중당류섭취량의지속적증가는어린이와청소년, 청년층이한국전통음식보다스낵류나과자, 케이크, 음료등기호식품을많이섭취하고있기때문이며이로인해향후건강에미치는영향은더욱커질것으로사료되어적극적인대책이필요하다. 미국에서도최근 6 개도시의탄산음료섭취량조사를통해당류저감화에대한제언을한바있고 (Park S 등 201, 지속적인교육의효과로 10 년사이에당류섭취량이감소되고있다고보고된바있다 (Welsh JA 등 201. 우리나라에서는식품의약품안전처에서당류섭취줄이기에관한교육지원을지속적으로하고있으며가공식품당류표시제를시행하고있으나당섭취저감화에관한인식은여전히부족한편이다. 최근식약처에서는가공식품을통한당류섭취량을 2020 년까지 1 일총에너지섭취량의 10% 이내로낮추는것을목표로하는제 1 차당류저감종합계획을발표한바있다 (Ministry of Food and Drug Safety 2016). 이처럼당류의과다섭취에대한우려가많은상황인데도그동안당류섭취에대한연구는주로국민건강영양조사를이용한현황분석및섭취실태에대한조사연구였으며 (Cho SH 등 2007, Choi MH 등 2008, Park YG 등 2010, Jung HR 등 2011, Kim HY 등 2011, Lee HS 등 2014) 섭취하는당류를줄이기위한실제적인연구는진행되지못하였다. 그러므로본연구는연령별당류섭취량이높은것으로평가된대학생연령층을대상으로하였으며, 경기도지역일부대학생을대상으로당류에대한인식과섭취빈도등실태조사와더불어대학교급식소선호메뉴의조리시첨가당감량방법을제시하여향후당류저감메뉴도입의기초자료가되도록하였다. Ⅱ. 연구방법 1. 연구대상및연구기간본연구는조사의취지를이해하고동의한경기도소재대학에재학중인학생 135명을대상으로배재대학교기관생명윤리위원회의승인을받은후 (Approval Number #PCU IRB ) 2014년 12월 19일부터 12월 30일까지진행되었다. 2. 연구방법및내용 당류인식과섭취빈도에관한조사조사를위하여작성한설문지는대학생 30 명을대상으로예비조사를거쳐보완한설문지로조사대상자에게배포하여직접기입하도록하였으며설문지의내용은대상자의일반특성, 당류에대한인식, 당류와관련된식행동, 당류음식섭취빈도문항으로구성되었다. 당류에대한인식문항으로는당류에대한정의및당류저감화의인지, 필요성, 교육경험등의내용이었고, 당류와관련된식행동은단음식선호정도, 구매정도, 구매시표시확인등을포함한 10 문항으로구성하였다. 당류와관련된식행동 10 개의문항을 5 점법으로평가하여최대점수를 50 으로하였으며점수가높을수록당류친화도가높은것으로판단하였다. 당류섭취빈도는가공식품과조리식품으로나누어가공식품은당류함량이놓은캔디및초콜릿류, 탄산음료류, 과일주스 음료류, 맛우유및아이스크림류, 과자및빵류의다섯가지종류에대한섭취빈도를조사하였고조리식품에서는본연구의예비조사에서단체급식소의메뉴에서당류사용이많은볶음류주찬 ( 불고기등 ), 볶음류부찬 ( 멸치볶음등 ), 소스포함튀김류 ( 탕수육등 ), 조림류 ( 어묵조림등 ), 찜류 ( 닭찜등 ) 를선정하여다섯가지종류의메뉴대한섭취빈도를조사하였다. 2) 당류저감화조리를위한레시피제안단체급식소당류저감화조리를위하여대학교학생식당에서선호도가높으며잔반량이적은두가지메뉴 ( 돈육불고기와닭강정 ) 를선정하였으며, 예비실험을거쳐현재 263 개의급식소를운영하고있는위탁급식업체에서사용하고있는표준레시피의첨가당중량을 10%, 20% 로감소하여조리하였다. 135 명의조사대상자들에게선호도평가교육을실시한후조사대상자들이직접맛을보고단맛강도와선호도를기입하는것으로선호도검사를실시하였으며기존에사용하고있는표준레시피와선호도에유의적차이가없는당류첨가량을당류저감화레시피로제안하였다. 3. 자료의분석자료의분석은 SPSS Statistics(ver. 19.0, IBM Corp., 2016; 32(5):

3 Korean J Food Cook Sci 629 Armonk, NY, USA) 를이용하여모든자료에대해기술통계량인평균, 빈도, 백분율등을구하였다. 조사대상자의특성에따른차이는 χ 2 -test 및 t-test, 분산분석을수행하였으며 α=0.05 수준에서유의적인차이가있는경우 Duncan's multiple range test 를이용하여사후검증을하였다. Ⅲ. 결과및고찰 1. 조사대상자의일반특성및당류에대한인식 일반특성본연구의조사대상대학생의일반특성은 Table 1 과같다. 성별분포는남자가 42.2%, 여자가 57.8% 였고거주지역은서울이 44.4%, 경기도 44.4%, 강원도 11.1% 로조사되었다. 조사대상자들이기입한정보에의한 BMI 는정상범위에속하는비율이 75.6% 였으며저체중 15.6%, 과체중 8.9% 의분포로나타났다. 2) 당류에대한인식조사대상자의당류에대한인식을조사한결과는 Fig. 1 과같다. 당류에대해잘알고있다고응답한사람이 8.9%, 모른다는응답자는 8.9% 였으며약간알고있다는응답자 Table 1. General characteristics of the subjects Gender n(%) Male 57(42.2) Female 78(57.8) Resident area Seoul 60(44.4) Gyeonggi 60(44.4) Kangwon 15(11. BMI Under weight (<18.5) 21(15.6) Normal ( ) 102(75.6) Overweight ( ) 12(8.9) Total 135(100) 가 82.2% 로나타나이는당류에대하여는익숙하지만당류가무엇인지등내용면에있어서는잘알지못하는것으로생각해볼수있다. 당류저감화의의미에대해약간알고있다는응답자가전체의 66.7% 로가장많았고잘알고있다는응답자는 13.3% 였으며모른다는응답자 Fig. 1. Perceptions about reducing sugar intake ; 32(5):

4 630 박옥진 이영미 김정현 민성희 Korean J Food Cook Sci 가 20.0% 였다. 평소의식사에서당의섭취를감소시켜야한다고인식하는응답자는 57.8% 이었고잘모르겠다는응답자는 20.0%, 감소시키지않아도된다는응답자는 22.2% 로조사되었다. 또한당류섭취에대한정보나교육경험유무에있어서는 91.1% 가경험이없다고응답하였다. 초등학생의당섭취에대한인식을조사한연구에서저학년남학생의당과관련된인식이낮았다고하였으며 (Lee SS 등 2012), 2015 년조사된성인소비자대상연구에서는당저감화식품이용경험이나당함량을줄인식품에대한인지가비교적높았다고보고한바있다 (Kim EM 등 2015). 2. 당류에대한식행동 성별, BMI 에따른당류식행동본연구에서당류에대한식행동으로조사한 10개의설문문항에대해남녀간의평가결과는 Table 2와같다. 조사대상자의가정에서식사중반찬의단맛정도, 식품구입시당류함량의확인문항에대하여남성이여성보다높은점수를보였고다른항목에서는여성이높은점수를보였으나유의적인차이는없었다. 과체중인조사대상자들은단맛을좋아하는정도나평소과자나음료등을구비하고있는정도, 단음식을먹지않으려는노력, 그리고식품구입시영양표시를확인하는습관이정상체중이나저체중조사대상자보다높았으나유의적인차이를보이지는않았으며단음식이건강에좋지않다고인식하는정도도과체중자가높았으나정상체중이나저체중과비교하여유의적인차이를보이지는않았다 (Table 3). 서울과경기지역성인소비자대상조사에서당류저감화식품을구매한경험이있는대상이조사대상자전체의 64.3% 로건강이나체중조절을위 해구입한다고보고하였으며또한가정내음식섭취시천연감미료나인공감미료사용보다는설탕을감소하는방법을선호하였다고하였다 (Kim EM 등 2015). 대학생의당류섭취가건강행태와우울등과관련이있다고보고하였으며 (Shin EK & Doo YT 2016), 여대생들의당류섭취증가와비만의관련성은나타나지않았다고하였다 (Lee YM 등 2012). 경기와충북지역의여대생을대상조사에서는달게먹는군에속하는대상자의 50% 이상이스스로달게먹는것으로인지하지못하였다는결과를보여 (Kim MH 등 2016) 당류섭취량과건강지표와의관련된연구가꾸준히필요함을시사하였다. 2) 당류저감화에대한교육경험과당류식행동당류저감화에대한교육경험에따른당류식행동의차이를분석한결과교육경험이있는응답자들이교육경험이없는응답자에비하여당류친화성정도가낮게나타났으나유의적인차이는없었다 (Table 4). 당류저감에대한섭취행동은교육을받은경험이있는응답자들이단음식섭취를하지않는노력이나식품구매시당류표시를확인, 당류섭취감소가건강에도움이된다는문항에대하여높은점수를보였지만역시유의적인차이는없었다. 본연구에서당류저감에대한교육경험이있는응답자가전체의 8.9% 로매우낮은비율이었고이들이교육경험이없는응답자에비하여문항별유의적차이들을보이지않아대상에맞는지속적인교육이필요한것으로사료된다. 학교급식당류저감화필요성조사에서는중고등학교영양 ( 교 ) 사보다초등학교영양 ( 교 ) 사가인식을높이하고있다는결과가있었다 (An SY 2014). 3) 당류저감화필요성인식에따른당류식행동당류저감화필요성인식에대한당류식행동분석결 Table 2. Eating behavior related sugar by gender I like sweet taste. Male (n=57) Gender Female (n=78) Total (n=135) t-value 3.84± ± ± I often want to eat sweets. 3.21± ± ± I have sweet taste side dishes in my home. 2.32± ± ± I eats out sweet taste foods much. 2.84± ± ± I usually have beverages and cookies in my home. 2.37± ± ± I don't want to eat less sweet foods. 1.84± ± ± I choose sweets as a snack. 2.58± ± ± I try not to eat sweet foods. 2.32± ± ± I check nutrition (sugar) lables when purchasing foods. 1.74± ± ± Reducing intake sweets will be good for health. 3.32± ± ± Mean±SD: The scores are ranged from 1; never 5; very much. 2016; 32(5):

5 Korean J Food Cook Sci 631 과는 Table 5 와같다. 저감화가필요하다는그룹이나잘모르겠다고응답한그룹은필요하지않다고응답한그룹과비교하여유의적차이가있었으며식품구입시영양표시사항을확인한다는문항에대하여도저감화가필요하지않다고응답한그룹이유의적으로낮은점수를보였다 (p<0.05). 당류섭취를줄여야한다는것에동의한그룹은단맛을좋아하는정도, 단음식이먹고싶다는정도, 집에단맛이나는스낵류를비치하는정도, 단맛이나는간식을구입하는정도에있어서당류섭취를줄일필요가없다고응답한그룹보다낮은점수를보였지만유의적인차이는없었다. 또한 당류섭취를줄이는것이건강에이로울것이다 라는문항에대하여당류섭취의감소가필요하다는그룹의점수가높았으나필요치않다고응답한그룹과비교하여유의적인차이는없었다. 서울과경기지역 20 대이상성인소비자를대상으로당류저감 화에대한인식및태도연구에서는가정내식품섭취시단맛을감소하는방향을 69.2% 가선호하였고조사대상자의 55.8% 가설탕사용을감소하는것을선호하였다고하였으며외식시에는달게먹지않으려노력한다는응답이많았다고하였다 (Kim EM 등 2015). 연령이높아질수록건강에대한관심이많아식생동을조절하려는경향이있고청소년들은다른연령에비하여건강에대한관심과염려가적어단음식섭취제한의필요성을느끼지못한다고하여 (Katou Y 등 2005) 대상별교육과섭취가이드라인이필요할것으로사료된다. 3. 당류친화도평가본연구에서당류에대한식행동으로조사된 10개의문항에대하여당류친화도를해석한결과는 Table 6과같다. 문항은단맛을좋아함, 단음식의끌림, 단맛이나 Table 3. Eating behavior related sugar by BMI BMI Underweight Normal Overweight Total F-value I like sweet taste. 3.86± ± ± ± I often want to eat sweets. 3.14± ± ± ± I have sweet taste side dishes in my home. 2.00± ± ± ± I eats out sweet taste foods much. 2.71± ± ± ± I usually have beverages and cookies in my home. 2.43± ± ± ± I don't want to eat less sweet foods. 1.71± ± ± ± I choose sweets as a snack. 2.71± ± ± ± I try not to eat sweet foods. 2.14± ± ± ± I check nutrition labels when purchasing foods. 1.29± ± ± ± Reducing eat sweets will be good for health. 3.29± ± ± ± Mean±SD: The scores are ranged from 1; never 5; very much. Table 4. Eating behavior related sugar by nutrition education about sweet foods Nutrition education experience Yes No Total t-value I like sweet taste. 3.25± ± ± I often want to eat sweets. 3.00± ± ± I have sweet taste side dishes in my home. 2.25± ± ± I eats out sweet taste foods much. 2.75± ± ± I usually have beverages and cookies in my home. 2.75± ± ± I don't want to eat less sweet foods. 1.75± ± ± I choose sweets as a snack. 2.00± ± ± I try not to eat sweet foods. 3.00± ± ± I check nutrition (sugar) lables when purchasing foods. 2.25± ± ± Reducing eat sweets will be good for health. 3.75± ± ± Mean±SD: The scores are ranged from 1; never 5; very much ; 32(5):

6 632 박옥진 이영미 김정현 민성희 Korean J Food Cook Sci Table 5. Eating behavior related sugar by recognition of the need to reduce sugar Need to reduce sugar Yes No Don't know I like sweet taste. 3.77± ± ± ± Total F-value I often want to eat sweets. 3.27± ± ± ± I have sweet taste side dishes in my home. 2.23± ± ± ± I eat out sweet taste foods much. 3.12± ± ± ± I usually have beverages and cookies in my home. 2.00± ± ± ± I don't want to eat less sweet foods. 1.88± ± ± ± I choose sweets as a snack. 2.62± ± ± ± I try not to eat sweet foods. 2.46±0.71 a 1.80±0.79 b 2.67±1.00 a 2.36± * I check nutrition lables when purchasing foods. 1.88±0.91 a 1.10±0.32 b 1.78±0.67 a 1.69± * Reducing eat sweets will be good for health. 3.54± ± ± ± Mean±SD: The scores are ranged from 1; never 5; very much. * p<0.05. a-b Values in same column with difference superscripts are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (*p<0.05). Table 6. Affinity of sugars by gender and BMI Gender Male Female Total t-value 29.63± ± ± BMI Underweight (<18.5) Normal ( ) Overweight ( ) Total F-value 28.00± ± ± ± Mean±SD: The scores are 10 answers sum of the sugar consumption behavior 는가정식반찬정도, 단음식구매, 음료수와과자구비, 단맛과식욕, 단맛간식구입, 단음식을먹지않으려는행동, 구매시당함량확인, 단음식섭취에대한건강인식의 10 문항이었고, 이중마지막세문항은역코딩을하여당류섭취에대한자신의식행동 10 문항의최대점수를 50 점으로계산하고점수가높을수록당류친화도가높은것으로판단하였다. 조사대상자의당류친화도는평균 점으로나타났으며남학생과비교하여여학생이약간높았으나유의적인차이를보이지는않았다. 또한 BMI 분포에따른당류친화도는 BMI 범위가높을수록당류친화도가높았지만역시유의적차이를보이지는않았다. 4. 당류음식섭취빈도 성별에따른당류음식섭취빈도당류함량이많은가공식품과조리식품의섭취빈도에대하여조사대상성별에따른차이를분석한결과는 Table 7 과같다. 가공식품에서는성별에따른유의적인차이를보이지는않았으며조리식품에서는볶음류주찬 (p<0.0, 부찬 (p<0.05), 튀김류 ( 소스포함 )(p<0.0, 조림류 (p<0.05), 찜류 (p<0.05) 에서모두남성의섭취빈도가유의적으로높게조사되었다. 이러한결과로당류섭취의절대량은아니지만여자대학생들보다남자대학생들은조리식품에서당류의섭취량이많은것으로유추해볼수있으며, 이를대상별, 성별당류저감화교육시참고자료로사용할수있을것으로보인다. 조사대상자전체로볼때가공식품중사탕, 초콜릿, 탄산음료의섭취빈도가높았고, 조리식품중에서는볶음류중부찬에해당되는멸치볶음, 마른오징어볶음등에대한섭취빈도가높았다. 초등학생들대상으로한당류섭취빈도조사에서초등학생들은빵류, 주스, 아이스크림, 요구르트등을선호하였다고보고된바있다 (Lee SS 등 2012) 2) BMI 에따른당류음식섭취빈도조사대상자들의 BMI 에따른당류음식섭취빈도는가공식품과조리식품모두에서유의적인차이를보이지않았다 (Table 8). 비록유의적인차이를보이지는않았지만조리식품류의섭취빈도를보면과체중인경우조리식품에대한빈도가높았고가공식품의경우종류별차이는있었지만저체중과정상범위에속하는사람들의섭취빈도가대체적으로높은것을볼수있어체중에따른당류섭취감소영양교육을실시하는경우대상식품별섭취감소에대한방향제시가필요할것으로판단되었다. 3) 단맛선호정도에따른당류음식섭취빈도단맛을좋아한다고응답한사람들은보통이거나그렇지 2016; 32(5):

7 Korean J Food Cook Sci 633 Table 7. Frequency of sweet food by gender Gender Male Female Total t-value Candy & Chocolate 8.53± ± ± Carbonated beverage 8.28± ± ± Processed foods Fruit drink 5.42± ± ± Ice cream & Flavored milk 6.68± ± ± Cookies & Bread 5.52± ± ± Stir-fried (major side dish) 8.05± ± ± ** Stir-fried (minor side dish) 8.47± ± ± * Cooked foods Fried with sauce 6.74± ± ± ** Boiled in soy sauce 6.58± ± ± * Steamed 7.16± ± ± * Mean±SD: average of frequency based one month. * p<0.05, ** p<0.01. Table 8. Frequency of sweet food by BMI BMI Under weight Normal Over weight Total F-value Candy & Chocolate 8.14± ± ± ± Carbonated beverage 12.00± ± ± ± Processed foods Fruit drink 8.71± ± ± ± Ice cream & Processed milk 4.43± ± ± ± Bread 3.57± ± ± ± Stir-fried (major side dish) 1.86± ± ± ± Stir-fried (minor side dish) 2.14± ± ± ± Cooked foods Fried with sauce 1.86± ± ± ± Boiled in soy sauce 1.71± ± ± ± Steamed 2.29± ± ± ± Mean±SD: average of frequency based one month. 않다고응답한사람들과비교하여가공식품과조리식품모두섭취빈도가높았다 (Table 9). 단맛을좋아하지않는응답자들은가공식품중사탕이나초콜릿은전혀섭취하지않는반면탄산음료나과일음료는한달에 9 회정도를섭취하였으며단맛을좋아한다는응답자들은사탕이나초콜릿을한달에 12 회정도섭취하였다. 과일음료섭취빈도는단맛을좋아하는경우싫어한다는응답자보다오히려섭취빈도가낮았다. 조리음식의섭취빈도는단맛을좋아하는정도가그저그렇다고응답한경우에단맛을좋아한다고응답한경우보다오히려섭취빈도가약간높았다. 그러므로가공식품에대한단맛인식은확실히인식하고있는반면조리식품에대한단맛은그렇지않음을알수있으며그로인해조리식품의당섭취는지속적으로서서히증가할위험성이있다고판단해볼수있다. 5. 단체급식용당류저감메뉴제안급식에서사용되는메뉴의당류저감을위해대학교급식현장에서사용되는메뉴중주찬메뉴, 첨가당류함량높은메뉴그리고잔반량이적은메뉴의세가지조건에해당되는메뉴중돈육불고기와닭강정의 2종메뉴를선정하여첨가당감소에대한실험조리를실시하였다. 돈육불고기와닭강정의표준레시피는위탁급식업체 A사의레시피를사용하였으며, 예비실험에서첨가당 25% 감소를최저저감화선으로설정하였고이를기준으로돈육불고기와닭강정조리시첨가당의저감화비율을결정하였다 (Table 10, Table 1. 돈육불고기와닭강정의표준레시피를대조군으로하고, 여기에당류첨가량을 10%, 20% 감량한레시피를실험군으로하여조리한후훈련된 ; 32(5):

8 634 박옥진 이영미 김정현 민성희 Korean J Food Cook Sci Table 9. Frequency of sweet food by preference of sweet taste Preference of sweet taste Yes Mediocre No Total F-value Candy & Chocolate ±8.75 a 5.45±4.86 ab 0.00±0.00 bc 10.02± * Carbonated beverage 12.03± ± ± ± Processed foods Fruit drink 8.19±6.93 a 2.82±1.66 b 9.50±7.78 a 6.93± * Ice cream & Processed milk 6.00± ± ± ± Bread 9.22± ± ± ± Stir-fried (major side dish) 5.03± ± ± ± Stir-fried (minor side dish) 5.75± ± ± ± Cooked foods Fried with sauce 4.00± ± ± ± Boiled in soy sauce 4.00± ± ± ± Steamed 4.59± ± ± ± Mean±SD: average of frequency based one month. * p<0.05. a-c Values in same column with difference superscripts are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test (p<0.05). 대학생 135 명을대상으로단맛강도와만족도에관한관능검사를실시하였다 (Table 12). 돈육불고기시료관능검사결과단맛의강도에있어서는기본레시피와당류 10% 감소레시피간에유의적인차이가없는것으로평가되었으며 20% 감소레시피에서는단맛의강도에유의적차이가있는것으로나타났다. 즉표준레시피로제조한돈육불고기의단맛과 10% 당감소돈육불고기는단맛이비슷하다고평가하였고 20% 당감소돈육불고기는표준레시피로제조한것과 10% 당감소돈육불고기보다는단맛이약하다고평가하였다. 그러나, 전체적인만족도에있어서는표준레시피, 당 10% 감소레시피, 당 20% 감소한세가지시료가모두평균이상의만족도를보였으며 (5 점만점에모두 3.2 이상 ) 각각의만족도결과값은통계적으로유의적인차이를보이지않았다. 당첨가량감소에의해돈육불고기의단맛에는분명차이가있지만만 족도에서는차이가없으므로돈육불고기조리시당류첨가량을 20% 까지감소시킬수있다고사료된다. 또한닭강정시료의관능검사결과, 단맛의강도에있어서는기본레시피와당 10% 감소, 당 20% 감소레시피간에관능검사요원들은차이를확실히구별하였고, 표준레시 Table 11. Recipe of sweet and sour chicken (g) Standard recipe Reducing sugar (10%) Reducing sugar (20%) Fried chicken Soy sauce Sugar Syrup Onion Leek Table 10. Recipe of Korean style barbecued pork (g) Standard recipe Reducing sugar (10%) Reducing sugar (20%) Pork Onion Leek Soy sauce Sugar Garlic Ginger Cooking wine Sesame oil Pepper Sesame Table 12. Sensory evaluation of menus by reducing sugar Reducing sugar (%) Korean style barbecued pork Overall Sweetness acceptance Sweet and sour chicken Sweetness Overall acceptance ±1.06 a 3.29± ±0.75 a 3.29± ±0.75 a 3.29± ±0.82 b 3.31± ±1.07 b 3.20± ±0.69 c 3.31±0.82 F-value 3.36 * *** 0.01 Mean±SD. * p<0.05, *** p< a-c Values in same column with difference superscripts are significantly different by Duncan's multiple range test ( * p<0.05). 2016; 32(5):

9 Korean J Food Cook Sci 635 피의닭강정은단맛강도가 3.6 으로상당히달게느끼는것으로확인되었다. 당첨가량을표준레시피보다 10% 감소시킨시료역시단맛에대한강도평가 3.22 로표준레시피시료의점수보다는낮았지만단맛의강도가상당히강한것으로평가하였고, 20% 당류감소닭강정에서는 2.56 으로단맛의강도를보통정도로평가하였다. 만족도에있어서는기본레시피의닭강정과당감소 10%, 20% 레시피의닭강정간에통계적인유의차가없이모두비슷한만족도를보였으며만족도점수는 3.3 정도로만족도가높은것으로볼수있었다. 그러므로당류저감화에의해닭강정의단맛에는분명차이가있다고느끼지만, 만족도에차이가없었으므로닭강정조리시당류첨가량을 20% 까지감소시킬수있다는결론을내릴수있었다. 대구지역초, 중고등학교급식시소스류와후식에서많은첨가당이사용되고있음을지적한연구 (Lee CY 201 도있었으며, 본연구에서도출된첨가당류 20% 감량조리는단체급식의당류저감화를위해필요한조리방법으로사료된다. Ⅳ. 요약및결론 대학생을대상으로당류에대한인식과섭취빈도등실태조사와더불어급식소선호메뉴의조리시첨가당감량방법을제시하여향후당류저감메뉴도입의기초자료가되도록하기위한본연구의결론은다음과같다. 당류저감인식조사결과당류에대하여는익숙하지만당류가무엇인지등내용면에있어서는정확히알고있지않다는것을알수있었는데당류저감화의의미에대해응답자의 80% 가알고있었으나, 평소의식사에서당의섭취를감소시켜야한다고인식하는응답자는 57.8% 이었고당류섭취에대한정보나교육경험유무에있어서는 91.1% 가경험이없다고응답하였다. 조사대상자의당류선택행동은성별에따른유의적인차이가없었으며, 과체중자들이단맛선호정도, 식품구입시영양표시확인여부, 단음식과량섭취의건강유해성등에대한인식이높기는하였으나유의적인차이는없었다. 당류저감화필요성인식에대한당류식행동분석결과식품구입시영양표시사항확인여부문항에서저감화가필요하지않다고응답한그룹이유의적으로낮은점수를보였다 (p<0.05). 당류에대한식행동으로조사된 10 개의설문문항으로평가한당류친화도는평균 점으로남녀별, BMI 분포별유의적인차이는보이지않았다. 섭취빈도조사결과조리식품에서는볶음류주찬, 부찬, 튀김류 ( 소스포함 ), 조림류, 찜류에서모두남성의섭취빈도가유의적으로높게조사되었다. 비록유의적인차이는아니었지만과체중인경우조리식품에대한섭취빈도가높았고, 가공식품의경우종류별차이는있었지만저체중 과정상범위에속하는사람들의섭취빈도가대체적으로높은것을볼수있어체중에따른당류섭취감소영양교육을실시하는경우조리식품과가공식품종류별섭취감소를제시하는것도필요할것으로판단되었다. 단맛을좋아한다고응답한사람들은보통이거나그렇지않다고응답한사람들과비교하여가공식품과조리식품모두섭취빈도가높았다. 단맛을좋아하지않는응답자들은가공식품중사탕이나초콜릿은전혀섭취하지않는반면탄산음료나과일음료는한달에 9 회정도를섭취하였으며단맛을좋아한다는응답자들은사탕이나초콜릿을한달에 12 회정도섭취하였다. 과일음료섭취빈도는단맛선호도가그저그렇다고응답한그룹의섭취빈도가유의적으로낮았다. 당류저감을위해대학교급식소에서자주제공되는돈육불고기와닭강정의 2 종메뉴를선정하여실험조리실시결과두가지메뉴모두당류첨가량을 20% 까지감소시킬수있다는결론을내릴수있었다. 본연구에서대학생들의당류에대한인식과섭취빈도조사결과는당류저감화에관한영양교육의방향에대한기초자료가될것으로생각하며기호도에영향을주지않는범위의당류저감화비율의결과를바탕으로향후단체급식소의당류저감화레시피개발확장에기여가능할것으로생각된다. Conflict of Interest No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported. Acknowledgements This research was supported by grants from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety in References An SY The perception of sugar reduction in nutrition teachers or dieticians in charge of school meals and their use of added sugar in Seoul. Master's thesis. Sookmyung University, Seoul, Korea. pp Cho S, Kim WK Sugar intakes and metabolic syndrome. J Nutr Health 40(sup): Cho SH, Chung CE, Kim SH, Chung HK Establishment of total sugar reference value for Koreans. J Nutr Health 40(sup):3-8. Choi MH, Kwon KI, Kim JY, Lee JS, Kim JW, Park HK, Kim MC, Kim GH Monitoring of total sugar contents in processed foods and noncommercial foodservice foods. Korean J Food Sci Technol 40(3): ; 32(5):

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