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2 D ev elopm ent of A n aly s is T echnique for improv em ent in s treng th and s afety of A ut om otiv e s e at s tructure


4 ) 15 2) T rack 20 3) ) 31 2) Luggage Ab str act 49

5 Li s t of F ig ure s F ig. 1 Clas sification of aut om otiv e seat F ig. 2 Dev elopm ent proces s of seat sy stem F ig. 3 F.E.M odel of Back F ram e F ig. 4 F.E.M odel of Recliner F ig. 5 F.E.M odel of Slidin g Lat ch F ig. 6 F.E.M odel of Rail P art F ig. 7 F.E.M odel of Body Block F ig. 8 Specim en of S eat F ram e F ig. 9 Configuration of F MVS S 202 H ead Restraint F ig. 10 F.E.M odel of Head Rest Sim ulation F ig. 11 B oundary Condition of Head Rest Sim ulation F ig. 12 Deform ed Shape F ig. 13 Stress Concentration F ig. 14 Boun dary Condition of T rack P art F ig. 15 Deform ed Shape of T rack P art F ig. 16 configuration of F MVS S 210 S eat Belt An chorages T est F ig. 17 Ph ot ograhp of F MVS S 210 S eat Belt Anchorag es T est F ig. 18 Load History Curv e & Load Con dition F ig. 19 F.E.M odel of F MV S S 210 F ig. 20 Ph ot ograph of S eat Belt Anchorag es T est F ig. 21 Stress Distribution F ig. 22 Deform ed Shapes F ig. 23 F MVS S 210 W ith Cent er Rail F ig. 24 Stress Distribution F ig. 25 Deform ed Shapes w ith Cent er Rail F ig. 26 Configuration of F MVS S 201 H ead Im pact T est F ig. 27 F.E.M odel of Head Rest & Im pact or F ig. 28 Initial Configuration of F MV S S 201 H ead Rest Im pact T est F ig. 29 Deform ed Shapes of S eat under Head Rest Im pact Simulation F ig. 30 M ax imum A cceleration of H ead Rest F ig. 31 Configuration of Lu gg age Block Im pact T est

6 F ig. 32 Im itial Configuration for Lug gage T est Sim ulation F ig. 33 Im posed Initial Velocity for Lu gg age T est Sim ulation F ig. 34 Deform ed Shape & M ax. Displacem ent F ig. 35 Deform ed Shape on T op View F ig. 36 Ph ot ograph of Lu gg age T est F ig. 37 V arialble Design of Hing e Bracket F ig. 38 Comparison of M ax. Displacem ent Graph F ig. 39 M ax. Displacem ent of each T ype F ig. 40 Ph ot ograph of Lu gg age T est (D T ype) Li s t of t able s T able 1 M at erial of S eat F ram e T able 2 M at erial Dat a T able 3 P aram atic study of Lug gag e Block Im pact Sim ulation

7 . 1.1 (Seat ) (Chair )... FMVSS (Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Stadard) ECE.,,,...,,,

8 1.2 Fig.1,, 1,,,,...,,. (Foam ),, (Floor ),, (Seat Belt Anchorage)..,...,. (head rest ).,. (padding ). (back rest ). T Ek., - 2 -

9 ,.. F ig. 1 Classification of Aut om otiv e S eat - 3 -

10 Fig. 2 Development Process of Seat Sy stem - 4 -

11 ) (back frame) (recliner ).,.,,,. (spring ) (wire)

12 CAD Mode l F.E. Mode l (2), (shell). /., 10 mm

13 (3),.,,. CAD Mode l - 7 -

14 F.E.Mode l (4),,.. Fig. 7,

15 F.E. Mode l of ra il pa rt (4),,

16 (a) F.E. Mode ling of uppe r body block (b) F.E. Mode ling of uppe r body block Fig. 7 F.E.Model of Body Block

17 2.2.. T able 1. T able 1 Material of Seat Frame SP CC (S CP 1) - seat fram e - bracket SPH C (SHP 1) - seat fram e - bracket SAPH440 (SA PH45) - seat m echanism - box leg ST KM - cu shion - back m ain frm

18 1) -. (a) Spes ime n of Plate (b) Spes ime n of Pipe Fig. 8 Specime n of Seat Frame

19 T able 2 Material Data M at erial Yeild Stress [kg/ m m 2 ] Ultim ate Stress [kg/ mm 2 ] Youn g ' s M odulu s [kg/ m m 2 ] P oission ratio T hickn ess [m m ] SP CC SPH C SAPH ST KM

20 III.,,, (T rack ),,..,,. (Explicit Dynamic Code) PAM - CRASH

21 ) (FMVSS 202) 38 kgf m., 102 mm. 890N. Fig. 9 Configur ation of FMVSS 202 Head Restraint

22 2) Fig. 10,,. Fig. 10 F.E.Model of Head Rest Simulation

23 ,. (hinge bracket ).. - : Rotation Free/ Direction Fixed - : All Fixed Fig. 13 (node). - (quasi- static) 140 msec Ramping Up. Fig. 11 Boundary Condition of DS2 Head Rest Simulation

24 3) FMVSS 202,. Fig. 12 Deformed Shape

25 ,. Fig. 13 Fig. 13 Stress Concentration

26 3.1.2 (T rack) Fig. 14 1, , 1,300 kgf Fig. 14 Boundary Condition of T r ack Part

27 2) Fig , 500, 1000, 1300kgf. 1,300kgf.. Fig. 15 Deformed Shape of T rack Part

28 ) (FMVSS 210) (NHT SA ; National Highway T raffic Safety Administration ) FMVSS 210. (lap belt system ) (body block) 22.24kN (static load), (lap and shoulder belt system ) 13.35kN o (load cell)., (zig )

29 Fig. 16 Configuration of FMVSS 210 Seat Belt Anchor ages T est Fig. 17 photograph of FMVSS 210 Seat Belt Anchorages T est

30 2) (Finite Elment Model) / HYPERMESH T M.,,. FMVSS 210.(Fig. 8) (Contact ) (shell element ), (bar element ).,, (rigid body ). Fig. 18. (Inertia effect ). Fig Fig. 18 C 20. A 3000 lb +10 o B 5000 lb +10 o C lb 0 o Fig. 18 Load History & Load Condition

31 Fig. 19 F.E.Model of FMVSS 210 Fig. 20 Photograph of Seat Belt Anchor ages T est

32 3) (1) Fig. 22 (center rail). RR _d RR. (floor ) (leg ) RR. Fig. 21. RR. Fig. 21 Stress Distribution

33 (a) Side & T op view at 0ms (b ) Side & T op view at 80ms (c) Side & T op view at 120ms Fig. 22 Deformed Shapes

34 (2). RR. Fig. 23. Fig. 23 FMVSS 210 With Center Rail

35 Fig. 25. Fig. 24 RR.,. Fig. 24 Stress Distribution

36 (a) Side & T op view at 0ms (b ) Side & T op view at 80ms (c) Side & T op view at 120ms Fig. 25 Deformed Shapes w ith Center Rail

37 ) (FMVSS 210) FMVSS. (interior ) FMVSS 201. A,B (pillar ). 172 mm, 6.8kg (head foam ) 15mph 3m s 80g. F ig. 26 Configuration of F MV S S 201 Head Im pact T est

38 2). FMVSS 201 Fig. 27 (impactor ). 172 mm. 7,468. Fig. 27 Finite Element Model of Head Rest & Impactor Fig. 28 Initial Configuration of FMVSS 201 Head Rest Impact T est

39 3) Fig. 29.,.. Fig. 29 Deformed Shapes of Seat under Head Rest Impact Simulation

40 3ms Fig g. Fig. 30 Maximum Acceler ation of Head Rest

41 3.2.2 Luggage 1) (ECE No. 17-7) RV,,.. ECE No.17., 50 ยฑ 2 kph (luggage) 100 mm, 150 mm.,. Fig. 31 Configur ation of Lugage Block Impact T est

42 2)... Fig. 41 (SRP ; Seating Reference Point ). 50 mm mm 20 mm 18 kg. 50 km/ h 100 mm

43 Fig. 32 Initial Configuration for Luggage T est Simulation Fig. 33 Imposed Initial Velocity for Luggage T est Simulation

44 3) Fig mmqus 100 mm 119 mm.. Fig

45 (a ) T op Veiw (b) Side View Fig. 34 Deformed Shape & Max. Displacement

46 (a) 0 msec (b) 30 m sec (c) 60 msec Fig. 35 Deformed Shape on T op View

47 (a ) Rear View (b) Side View Fig. 36 Photogr aph of Luggage T est

48 3.2.3 Luggage. Fig. 37 A,B,C,D 4. Fig A, B. C B 2.6 mm 3.2 mm D B Fig

49 Fig. 37 Param atic Study of Hinge Br acket T able 3 Paramatic Study of Luggage Block Impact Simulation Hing e T ype Recliner Brack et Original T ype Hin ge Bracket None A T ype Recliner SP CC 2.3t B T ype Recliner SA PH 2.6t C T ype Recliner SA PH 3.2t D T ype Recliner SA PH 2.6t & Rear Pipe

50 1) 2, (Double Recliner ). SPCC 2.3t SAPH 2.6t, SAPH. SAPH 3.2t (D T ype), SAPH 2.6t (C T ype),. SAPH 2.6t (1.5t ) (D T ype). Fig. 38 D. Displacement Regulation Original A T ype B T ype C T ype D T ype 100 mm 219 mm 249 mm 74.8 mm 80.4 mm 50.5 mm Fig. 38 Comparison of Max. Displacement Graph

51 (a ) A T ype (b ) B T ype (c) C T ype (d) D T ype Fig. 39 Max. Displacement of Each T ype

52 D.. Fig. 40 Photograph of Luggage T est (D T ype)

53 .,.. 1) - 2) 3) -. 4). 5) - 200% -, 4 50% D- T ype

54 [1] "Optimum Design and Impact Characteristics for Automobile Seat". Heon Young Kim, Sang Keun Lee, Jung Jae Kim, Pacific Conference on Automotive Engineering, [2] CRASH AMD- Vol. 169/BED- Vol 25, Cr ashw orthines s and Occupant Pr otection in T r an sportation Sy stem s ASME [3] Seating sy stem T est, FMVSS NO 208 NHT SA USA. [4] Seating Belt A ssembly Anchor ages T est, FMVSS NO 210 NHT SA USA. [5] "Injury Mitigating Benefits of an Inflatable Shoulder Belt for Seat Integr ated Application", Advacnes in Safety T echnology 1999( ). [6] "Studies with Belt Integr ated Vehicular Seat s", Anthony Sances, Kenneth J. Saczalski, Envir onm ent Research and Safety T echnologies, Inc., Newport Beach, California. [7] "Autom otiv e Belt s to Seat", Philip W. Leistr a III, Autom otiv e Body Interior & Safety Sy stem s, IBEC ' 96. [8] "Belt Integr ated Vehicular Seat Rear Impact Studies", Kenneth J. Saczalski, Joseph L. Burtion, Paul R, Lw eis, T odd K. Saczalski, Peter E, Bar ay, Seoul 2000 FISIT A World Automotive Congress [9] "A dvanced Restr aint Sy stem s for Rear Seat Occupant s", Dr. Harald Zellm er, Bag & Belt ' 98, 5th International Akzo Nobel Symposium on aut om otiv e Occupant Restraint Sy st em s. [10] "CAE Simulation of FMVSS 207/ 210 T est For Seat Belt Anchor ages", Grish Bapu, Shekar Erasala, Saleem Humayun, Autom otiv e Body Interior & Safety Sy stem s, IBEC ' 95 [11] "Preent Status of Impact Analy sis in Japan", K. Andoh, H. Niizeki, HANPM '

55 D e v e lopm e nt of A n aly s is T e c h n iqu e f or im prov e m e nt in s tre n g th an d s afety of A u t om otiv e s e at s tru c tu re Yoo Sung Yong D ep artm ent of M echanical E ng ineering Graduate S chool, K ang won N ational Univ ers ity U sing FEM (Finite Element Method) can provide u seful inform ation s to design a new car seat and can r educe the overall design cost and time. T his paper deal w ith the safety capability of the seat sy stem while occupant s are sitting on the seat in case of v ariou s impact condition s : fr ontal, rearw ar d, and ruggage impact. T he structur al analy sis of car seat sy stem by the finite element method. T he load- deformation characteristics of seat fram e are simulated accor ding to the test r equirem ent s by FMVSS. T hr ee dimen sion modeling technique is applied to the component s of the seat frame. Comparison w ith test r esult s show s the validity of this analy sis technique. T he design of a car seat sy st em r equir es the structur al optimization for the w eight, strength, and performance

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