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1 老 CNAL : Bowman-Birk 量 麗 行 理 行 94 年 年 (Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor, BBI) 異 益 理 料 BBI 行 量 年 BBI 量 BBI 量 年 不 不 BBI 量不 (p<0.05) 年 BBI 量 BBI 量 參 不 不 更 留 SDS-PAGE 易 (World Trade Organization, WTO) 行 (WTO2002) 了 力 行 量 精 行 度 (Glycine max L.)( 連 2005) 更 年來 (1998; 連 1999) 來 冷 88 % ( 連 2004) 異 力 益 理 (protease 1

2 inhibitors) 異 (isoflavone) BBI BBI 量 劣 (Lang et al., 2003) 良 廉 () 力 行 BBI 量 兩 異 不 年 不 異 量 不 年 BBI 量 料 良 13 7() 料 4 ()BBISDS-PAGE 量 (Tris-EDTA-Triton-X100-PMSF, ph7.0) (McCulloch MD41010) 來 量 參 Bradford (1976) BSA (Bovine serum albumin; Pierce 23209) 利 量 SDS-PAGE Laemmli (1970) 15%SDS-PAGE 行 BBI (T9777, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation) 3 µg 量 Gel-Code (Pierce 24590) Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 BBI Towbin transfer buffer (Towbin, 1979, 1984) BBI Anti-Moust IgG AP coujugate Promega (S372B) 利 AP (Western Blue R, Promega S3841) (UMAX Astra 1200S) 理 (SigmaGel TM Gel Analysis Software; Sigma Z36, 561-0, Jandel) 行 BBI 量 BBI 量 (µg/mg ) 數 ( Sigmagel ) x 3µg (BBI 量 ) BBI 量 數 ( Sigmagel ) x mg ( 量 ) () 2

3 SPSS 10.0 (Jandel) One Way ANOVA (analysis of variance) LSD (least significant difference) 異 論 BBI 硫 量 8 kda (Lajolo and Genovese, 2002) SDS-PAGE 來 量 BBI 量 BBI BBI 行 量 15% 20%SDS-PAGE 不 數量 BBI 行 Sigma Chemicals (T-9777) BBI 量 >6.5 kda 量 >16 kda( 1A) 20%SDS-PAGE 量 量 8.1 kda 量 14.4 kda ( 1B) 度 BBI 易 ( 1A) ( 1B)(Ford et al., 1982; Birk, 2003) 理 SDS (Millar et al., 1969) 降 BBI 度 量 理 ( 1B)BBI BBI 15%SDS-PAGE 行 1C D 5 BBI 量 8 kda (Sessa and Wolf, 2001) 量 不 量 不 ( 1D) BBI 量 9~10 kda ( 1D ) 量 不 () BBI 量 2002 年 BBI 量 BBI 量 不 () 六 BBI 量 ( 茶 ) BBI 量 BBI 量 ~ (µg/mg ) 2002 年 2003 年 BBI 量 行 2003 年 BBI 量 ( 2) 3

4 了 2002 年 BBI 量 2003 年 () 不 年 BBI 量 不 年 BBI 量 異 ( 3) BBI 量 2001 年 (mg) (µg) BBI 2003 年 µg/mg 兩 異 1.7 () BBI 量 不 BBI 量 異 ( 4) BBI 量 (p<0.001) 2003 年 行 ( 2) 論 BBI 量 () BBI 量 不 料 量 不 行 BBI 不 (Data not shown.) 量 異 行 益 料 Bowman-Birk 行 SDS-PAGE 量 BBI 量都 量 () BBI 量 年 BBI 量 年 BBI 量 不 BBI 量 BBI 量 見 良 理 BBI 量 異 BBI 量 度 不 念 益 不 4

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7 SDS-PAGE Analysis of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Bowman-Birk Protease Inhibitor (BBI) Lee-Ju Cheng and Jin-Jia Fan Department of Applied Life Science and Health Chia-Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Tainan, Taiwan (ROC) Abstract Soybean functional ingredients, such as: protease inhibitors, lectin, phytic acid, saponin and isoflavones all have been proved useful in human health and some physiological functions. In these studies, we first analyzed and compared several domestic and commercial soybeans with their Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI) content using SDS-PAGE protein gel electrophoresis and western blot. Investigation of varieties, cultivation year, and plant area effect to the BBI content for soybeans were performed. Results indicated that the amount of BBI in soybean seed is determined by varieties and planting year. The manifestation difference (p<0.05) of BBI content in vegetable soybean Kaohsiung No. 5 that collected from Tainan and Kaohsiung was mainly due to their plant area. In fact cultivation year and plant area are obviously correlated and interacted to each others. In general, the BBI content in the black soybeans is higher than non-black soybeans, however, the amount of BBI in vegetable soybean Tainan selected No. 1 is comparable to the black soybeans. Key words: Bowman-Birk protease inhibitor (BBI), SDS-PAGE, western blotting, soybean 7

8 1 BBI 量 Table 1. Domestic and commercial soybeans used for BBI analysis Variety Number Crop Use Crop year Source Remarks Tainan selected #1 (TS85-21V) TNS Green soybean 2002 TDARES* Brown seed Tainan selected #1 TN Green soybean 2003 TDARES Brown seed Tainan #2 TN Soybean 2002 AVRDC** Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 1998 TDARES Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 1999 TDARES Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 2000 TDARES Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 2001 TDARES Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 2002 TDARES Tainan #3 TN Black soybean 2003 TDARES Tainan #4 TN Soybean 2002 TDARES Yellow seed coat Tainan #5 TN Black soybean 1998 TDARES Tainan #5 TN Black soybean 2002 TDARES Tainan #5 TN Black soybean 2003 TDARES Tainan #6 TN Soybean 2002 TDARES Black seed coat Tainan #6 TN Soybean 2003 TDARES Black seed coat Kaohsiung #5 KS TN Green soybean 2002 TDARES Kaohsiung #5 KS KS Green soybean 2002 KSARES*** Kaohsiung #5 KS Green soybean 2003 KSARES Kaohsiung #6 KS Green soybean 2002 KSARES Kaohsiung #6 KS Green soybean 2003 KSARES Kaohsiung #7 KS Green soybean 2002 KSARES Black seed coat Kaohsiung #7 KS Green soybean 2003 KSARES Black seed coat Kaohsiung selected #10 KS Soybean 2002 AVRDC Five Leaf WYB Black soybean 2002 TDARES Taiwan native Heng Chun HCB Black soybean 2002 TDARES Taiwan native X Sun Foods RS Soybean Purchased in 2002 USA GMO X-Mei Foods YS Soybean Purchased in 2002 Australia Non GMO X Sun Foods RBS Black soybean Purchased in 2002 China Green seed coat X Hong ZBS Black soybean Purchased in 2002 South East Asian Green seed coat X Eagle MBS Black soybean Purchased in 2002 China Green seed coat XX Cruz Organic Foods SOBS Black soybean Purchased in 2003 USA Organic soybean Kaohsiung #8 KS8 Azuki bean 2002 KSARES Phaseolus vulgaris PV Local market *TDARES: 良 ; **AVRDC: ; ***KSARES: 良 8

9 年 BBI 量 Table 2. Analysis of BBI content among domestic soybeans collected in 2002 and 2003 BBI 量 (µg/mg ) 2002 年 2003 年 1 TNS ± ± TN ± 8.88 ND 3 TN ± ± TN ± ± TN ± ± TN ± 3.60 b) ND 7 KS5-TN ± 2.10 ND 8 KS5-KS ± ± KS ± ± KS ± ± KS ± 7.03 ND 12 WYB ND ± HCB ND ± 5.98 F values c) *** *** a) Data are means ± S.D. for 3 trials b) n=2 c) Levels of significance of ANOVA; ***, significant at 0.1 % 3 不 年 BBI 量 Table 3. The content of BBI on black soybean variety of Tainan 3 in different crop years 年 BBI 量 ( 藍 量 ) (µg/mg ) a) ± ± 8.46 TN ± ± ± 1.84 F values b) 88.62*** a) Data are means ± S.D. for 3 trials b) Levels of significance of ANOVA; ***, significant at 0.1 % BBI (µg) BBI (µg) kda M kda M A 20.4 B C D BBI 2.5 BBI 14.4 BBI BB 6.2 BBI BB 1 BBI SDS-PAGE 藍 9

10 Fig 2. SDS-PAGE protein gel electrophoresis and western analysis of soybean BBI A. 15% SDS-PAGE B. 20% SDS-PAGE C. 15%SDS-PAGE D. M = protein markera B BBI 量 C D BBI 量 3 µg 5 量 15 µg (µg/mg protein) 年 年 250 度 TN1 TN3 TN5 TN6 KS5 KS6 KS 年 2003 年 BBI 量 Fig 2. Comparison of the BBI content among domestic soybeans in two crop years 10


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