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5 ,,,, (%) ,, 28.4,,,,,,,,,,,,
6 05 IT 26,572 (IT Spending ) IT 2.7%, %
7 2 IT 50%, IT 30% IT 년 년 년 년 년 년 하드웨어 패키지소프트웨어 서비스 총합
14 e-government for National Development Economic Development (G2B) e-customs e-support for Foreign Firms e-intellectual Property e-procurement Public Service(G2C) e-agriculture Shared Services Public Admin. Reform(G2G) e-land Registry e-national ID Database National ID DB Land Resources DB Infrastructure Public Key Infrastructure Public Access Point Government Information Network Management Organization Budget HRD Standard Security IT Management Privacy
15 Citizens, Visions and Other Customers (G2C) Information Providers (G2B & G2C) Security Management System Management Standards Architecture Process Polices Governance Marketing and Training Resident ID Nat l Land Finance Statistics
16 EP(Enterprise Portal) Mobile Channel Manager Strategy Solutions EIP(Enterprise Information Portal) Strategy Simulation Value-Based Management Risk Management EKP(Enterprise Knowledge Knowledge Directory Portal) Expert Map Map Service EWP(Enterprise Workplace Member Portal) Task Scheduling Management Allocation ECP(Enterprise Commerce Catalog Portal) Order Ordering Management Tracking BBS Mail Service BSC ABC/ABM Search Engine DMS Communication Tools Budgeting DMS Communicatio n Tools Claim Treatment Billing Information Services i2 Rhythm mysap.com Application Solutions Infra Solutions SCM(Supply Chain Management) MRO Collaboration Management Extended ERP Packages Network, System & Storage Management Procurement management Planning & Forecasting Operation/Problem Management Storage Management Procurement Execution ERP EAI(Enterprise Application Integration) / B2Bi Network Management Backup/ Storage CMS(Content Management Service) Data Mining HRM Accounting/Finance CAD/ CAM Security Management Performance Management BI(Business Intelligent) Query/Report DataWareHousing ETT Inventory Mgt SEM Production Planning Asset Management Configuration/ Change Management OLAP CBT Treasury/Control Prd n Mgt. Delive ry DBMS Middleware CRM(Customer Relationship Management) Analytical Operational Collaborative DB MKT. Behavior Anl. Segmentation Developmen t Tools Mobile Computing Channel Mgt Field Service MKT Auto. SFA User Interface Operating Systems Mobile CTI DM Infrastructure/ Supporting Tools Siebel TiBCO WebMethods Weblogic WAS
19 Ran Ran k Spain Spain Estonia Estonia Belgium Belgium Korea Korea Iceland Iceland Switzerland Switzerland France France New Zealand New Zealand Iceland Iceland Finland Finland Korea Korea New Zealand New Zealand Belgium Belgium Singapore Singapore Germany Germany Sweden Sweden Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Finland Finland Norway Norway Denmark Denmark Germany Germany Finland Finland Netherlands Netherlands Switzerland Switzerland Singapore Singapore UK UK Norway Norway Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Canada Australia Australia Norway Norway UK UK Korea Korea Singapore Singapore Denmark Denmark Sweden Sweden New Zealand New Zealand Australia Australia UK UK Australia Australia Sweden Sweden Denmark Denmark USA USA USA USA USA USA Score Score Country Country Score Score Country Country Score Score Country Country Year 2002 Year 2002 Year 2003 Year 2003 Year 2004 Year 2004
22 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 12,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 24,,,,, 19 IV (26) e-gov Index V (43) e-gov Index II (39) e-gov Index III (38) e-gov Index I (24) e-gov Index e-gov Index
23 < >
24 Road Map for informatization From ISP/BPR, to implementation $1M,60M/M $3OOK, 20M/M Grant/ICT Trust Fund Grant/ICT Trust Fund $1M -$3M 1.5 ~ 2 year Grant ($1M/project) Credit assistance Policy () Advisory Group Experts from Governments, Academic Fields, Relevant Agencies Joint Seminar Technology (Companies) Projects experience Consulting, Methodology Business Opportunity (J/V etc) Fund Potential Projects Feasibility Study for the future projects Co Financing
25 ,, => => Vendor Financing IT (ECA) - (Structured Financing) - -IT,,, ECA ODA Tool 16
31 $M
35 STAGE Identified Ministry Project Identification Borrower Gov. Korean Government KIPA Consult Services F/S Evaluation Project Preparation Local Nego (Price Nego,Pre-contract Nego) Accept(F/R, I/P) Proposal Loan Request Korean Embassy STAGE Purchaser Vietnam MPI Borrower Vietnam Gov. Official Letter Feasibility Report Implement Program Korean Government Request for Appraisal Lender Korea-EXIM Appraisal P/Q,L/Q Trip for Appraisal Loan Appraisal Determination of Assistance Policy Submission of Appraisal Report Notification (Pledge) Government Agreement E/N L/A
40 F/S(
43 OLG CH Partnership
45 Project Identification, * SOP Long Term Partnership Opportunity Creation Collaboration Expansion MIC(Korea) KIPA Ministry Agency Korea Ministry Gov. Agency ICT Co. R&D Univ. KIPA MIC Korean SI ICT Experts Reference Project Loan Arrangement Support *F/S Local SI Partner Ministry Gov. Agency *BM *SMR ICT Experts ICT Co. R&D Sharing of technology and experience Univ. Agency(?) Government Korea ADB World Bank Others SOP: Scope of Project PG : Partner Government G2G Cooperation MOU Executive Committee Korea IT Specialist Working Group IT Specialist F/S Execution (Feasibility Study Report) Loan Arrangement Support Reference Project Dept. of Budget Economic Development Board Expansion
46 STEPS Step1. B/D Analysis M M + 1 M + 2 M + 3 Step2. A/D Architecture Step3. Infra. Architecture Step4. Case Study Step5. To-Be Model Development Step6. PJT 1) Execution Plan Field Trip 1 st Field Trip 2 nd Field Trip 3 nd Field Trip PJT Management Working Group Teaming Preliminary Meeting Final Report Meeting Formal Kick-off Meeting Reporting Preliminary Report for Preparation Kick-off Report Interim Report Final Report
47 Understanding of the Project AS-IS Anaiysis Case Study To-Be Model Development Cexecution Plan Benefits Case Execution Benefits Understanding To-Be AS-IS Study Analysis Model Plan Development of the Project Scope (Countinued) Overview Critical Backgrounds Quantitative & Success Objectives Analysis Factor of Case Study Business for IT Management Successful ObjectivesProcess Implementation Project Return On Overview Investment(ROI) Analysis Center Maintenance Organization Information Overall Roadmap Project Business Qualitative Training Scope and Scope Analysis Technology Transfer of Analysis Technology Cost Application Analysis Critical Feasibility Dta Success Study Factors Working Group Data Center Development Architecture Cost Benefits Procedure Infrastructure Remodeling Annual Maintenance of Feasibility Cost Study Methodology Interface Security Project Leading Scheme IT Management Project Future Plan Organization Plan Major issues & Countermeasures Business Operation Information Technology
52 e-security() F/S MOU IT
55 KIPA (Coordinator) KADO / KOICA / KISDI..
56 (Liga Municipal Dominicana) 1962 : Amable Aristy Castro (1999 ~) : 100 : (, ) 200,, ( ) : ( ), :, (), :,,,,,, ( 40% ( ) :,
66 1. e-government 2. Intranet (Transversal Platform) 3. Electronic Public Procedures 4. Electronic Public Procurement (e-procurement) 5. Regional e-governmente 6. Academic National Research and Educational Network
71 범 정부협력으로 조기에 발판구축 타겟국가 대상으로 구체적인 프로젝트에 대해 MOU체결과 F/S수행 국제차관(EDCF, World Bank, ADB 등), 자체예산 확보 지원 국내 SI기업에 유리한 환경조성으로 타겟국가 Reference Site확보 점진적 시장확대를 위한 Launch Pad 구축 지원 우리 정부부처 국제 자금공여 기관 타겟국가 정부부처 우리SI 컨소시움 KIPA 정보 통신부 SI MARKET
73 KIPA ipark Entry Pre-Launch Preparation
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HP 2005 6 IT ITIL Framework IT IT Framework Synchronized Business and IT Business Information technology Delivers: Simplicity, Agility, Value IT Complexity Cost Scale IT Technology IT Infrastructure IT
CRM CRM (CRM : Customer Relationship Management ). CRM,,.,,.. IMF.,.,. (CRM: Customer Relationship Management, CRM )., CRM,.,., 57 45 (2001 )., CRM...,, CRM, CRM.. CRM 1., CRM,. CRM,.,.,. (Volume),,,,,,,,,,
, thcho@kisaorkr IPAK (Information Protection Assessment Kit) IAM (INFOSEC Assessment Methodology) 4 VAF (Vulnerability Assessment Framework) 5 OCTAVE (Operationally Critical Threat, Asset, and Vulnerability
CRM 2000. 8. KAIST CRM CRM CRM CRM :,, KAIST : 50%-60%, 20% 60%-80%. AMR Research 10.. CRM. 5. Harvard Business review 60%, 13%. Michaelson & Associates KAIST CRM? ( ),,, -,,, CRM needs,,, dynamically
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
2003 CRM (Table of Contents). CRM. 2003. 2003 CRM. CRM . CRM CRM,,, Modeling Revenue Legacy System C. V. C. C V.. = V Calling Behavior. Behavior al Value Profitability Customer Value Function Churn scoring
2040 2010 6 11 - - - - - - 03 - -,,, - 08 8 15 < > - - -,, - / 04 2040 100,, -, 05 - -- - - KOREA 2040, 06 - - - - - - - 69(2010) 88(2040) - 2.56 2.10, 65 7.6% 14.2% 18% 15%, 65 16% 25% - -,, 56.7(2010)
베트남 감사원 감찰원 역량 강화 지원사업 수요 및 지원방안 연구 2013. 12 김 난 영 감사연구원 발간사 우리나라는 원조 수혜국에서 공여국으로 자리바꿈한 유일한 국가로 우리나라의 경험 공유 및 벤치마킹에 대한 개도국의 수요가 높습니다. 이와 함께 감사원은 다른 국가 최고감사기구의 벤치마킹 대상이자 평가기관의 위치에 올랐습니다. 이에 감사원은 우리나라의
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[ CRM Fair 2004 ] CRM 1. CRM Trend 2. Customer Single View 3. Marketing Automation 4. ROI Management 5. Conclusion 1. CRM Trend 1. CRM Trend Operational CRM Analytical CRM Sales Mgt. &Prcs. Legacy System
SAS Korea / Professional Service Division 2 3 Corporate Performance Management Definition ý... is a system that provides organizations with a method of measuring and aligning the organization strategy
212년 하반기 금리전망 및 채권투자전략 그림 1 주요국 국채1년 금리 추이 (%) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Spain Italy Korea Malaysia China Australia US UK Germany Japan 27 28 29 21 211 212 자료:
조사 연구 212년 하반기 금리전망 및 채권투자전략 신동준 / 동부증권 리서치센터 투자전략본부장 Ⅰ. 212년 하반기 금리전망 Ⅱ. 유로존 해법과 국내외 펀더멘털 여건 점검 Ⅲ. 통화정책과 물가, 외국인의 자금이탈 우려 Ⅳ. 글로벌경제와 Re-decoupling Story Ⅰ. 212년 하반기 금리전망 안전자산 선호로 글로벌 국채금리는 사상 최저치까지 하락
Data Warehouse Hammersoftkorea BI Group / DW / 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 Automating Informating Source : Kelly, The Data Warehousing : The Route to Mass Customization, 1996. -,, Data .,.., /. ...,.,,,.
슬라이드 제목 없음
(Electronic Commerce/Electronic Business) ( ) ,, Bio Bio 1 2 3 Money Money ( ) ( ) 4025 39 21 25 20 13 15 13 15 17 12 11 10 1 23 1 26 ( ) 1 2 2 6 (1 3 ) 1 14:00 20:00 1 2 1 1 5-6 4 e t / Life Cycle (e-commerce)
Contents 02 04 06 07 08 10 12 13 16 18 22 24 26 27 30 31 32 38 39 40 41 41 46 47 50 53 57 61 64 67 69 71 74 75 76 78 CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT CSR Highlights p.23 about this report p.47 p.50 http://snic.kr/49yb
Contents 02 04 06 07 08 10 12 13 16 18 22 24 26 27 30 31 32 38 39 40 41 41 46 47 50 53 57 61 64 67 69 71 74 75 76 78 CARBON DISCLOSURE PROJECT CSR Highlights p.23 about this report p.47 p.50 http://snic.kr/49yb
2014 사회정책연합 공동학술대회 한국사회의 사회안전망을 점검한다 복지확대기의 조세재정정책방향: 지방재정과의 연계 1) 최 성 은 (한국조세재정연구원) 1. 서론 최근 우리나라는 복지정책에 있어서 상당한 패러다임의 변화를 맞이하며 급격하게 복지확대기로 접어들고 있다. 현 정부의 무상보육, 의료보장성 확대, 기초연금의 도입 등은 그간 저소득층 및 취약계층 위주의
Main Title
2003 5140001 IMD WCY IMD 2003 (, 54 ), Competitiveness Valuation International, Inc. Korea Partner of IMD WCY jeong@cvikorea.net page 1 2003, Jin-Ho Jeong, CVI, Korea Partner of IMD +41-25-618-0251 Fax
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005
Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Service-Oriented Architecture Copyright Tmax Soft 2005 Monolithic Architecture Reusable Services New Service Service Consumer Wrapped Service Composite
Model Investor MANDO Portal Site People Customer BIS Supplier C R M PLM ERP MES HRIS S C M KMS Web -Based
e- Business Web Site 2002. 04.26 Model Investor MANDO Portal Site People Customer BIS Supplier C R M PLM ERP MES HRIS S C M KMS Web -Based Approach High E-Business Functionality Web Web --based based KMS/BIS
0929 °úÇбâ¼úÁ¤Ã¥-¿©¸§
TRM : Total Road-Map Joint Industry- Government Planning Market Planning Assistance Strategic Planning Production Market Development Value Added Interface Standards Tax Incentives Intellectual
スライド タイトルなし
2 3 회사 소개 60%출자 40%출자 주식회사 NTT데이타 아이테크 NTT DATA의 영업협력이나 첨단기술제공, 인재육성등 여러가지 지원을 통해서 SII 그룹을 대상으로 고도의 정보 서비스를 제공 함과 동시에 NTT DATA ITEC 가 보유하고 있는 높은 업무 노하우 와 SCM을 비롯한 ERP분야의 기술력을 살려서 조립가공계 및 제조업 등 새로운 시장에
Microsoft PowerPoint - 3.공영DBM_최동욱_본부장-중소기업의_실용주의_CRM
中 규모 기업의 실용주의CRM 전략 (CRM for SMB) 공영DBM 솔루션컨설팅 사업부 본부장 최동욱 2007. 10. 25 Agenda I. 중소기업의 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 1. 국내외 CRM 동향 2. 고객관리, CRM의 중요성 3. CRM 도입의 기대효과 II. CRM정의 및 우리회사 적합성 1. 중소기업에 유용한 CRM의 정의 2. LTV(Life
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목순 차서 v KM의 현황 v Web2.0 의 개념 v Web2.0의 도입 사례 v Web2.0의 KM 적용방안 v 고려사항 1/29
Web2.0의 EKP/KMS 적용 방안 및 사례 2008. 3. OnTheIt Consulting Knowledge Management Strategic Planning & Implementation Methodology 목순 차서 v KM의 현황 v Web2.0 의 개념 v Web2.0의 도입 사례 v Web2.0의 KM 적용방안 v 고려사항 1/29 현재의
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IDP www idp or kr IDP 정책연구 한국경제의구조적문제와개혁방향 민주정책연구원 The Institute for Democracy and Policies
IDP 정책연구 2011-13 www.idp.or.kr IDP 정책연구 2011-13 한국경제의 구조적 문제와 개혁방향 The Institute for Democracy and Policies 서울시 영등포구 영등포동 6가 133번지 민주정책연구원 Tel : 02.2630.0114 Fax : 02.2630.0194 민주정책연구원 민주정책연구원 IDP 정책연구
0929 ............-....
Joint Industry- Government Planning Market Planning Assistance Strategic Planning Production Market Development Value Added Interface Standards Tax Incentives Intellectual Property Rights National Labs
- 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 19 - - 20 - - 21 - - 22 - - 23 - - 24 - - 25 - - 26 - - 27 - - 28 - - 29 - - 30 -
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327 Journal of The Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology ISSN 1598-3986(Print) VOL.24, NO.2, Apr. 2014 ISSN 2288-2715(Online) http://dx.doi.org/10.13089/jkiisc.2014.24.2.327 개인정보 DB 암호화
Interoperability :,, Reusability: : Manageability : Accessibility :, LMS Durability : (Specifications), AICC (Aviation Industry CBT Committee) : 1988, /, LMS IMS : 1997EduCom NLII,,,,, ARIADNE (Alliance
±×¸°¸®Æ÷Æ® ³»Áö5Â÷
04 Netherlands 1 GREEN REPORT 2010 Vol.10 05 06 GREEN REPORT 2010 Vol.10 07 08 Japan 2 GREEN REPORT 2010 Vol.10 09 10 Hong Kong 3 GREEN REPORT 2010 Vol.10 11 12 Switzerland 4 GREEN REPORT 2010 Vol.10 13
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102 103 R&D closed innovation strategy open innovation strategy spin-off Chesbrough technology marketing IBM Intel P&G IBM Dell Apple Nintendo Acer http //www ibm com/ibm/licensing MIT 1) 104 Bucher et
±§ 60¡ÿ ‚±‚ ‰«•¡ˆ
여성고용정책을 통해 본 장애인고용정책의 시사점 이 금 진(기초연구팀) I. 검토 배경 최근 우리나라에서도 교과서의 단일민족 이라는 용어가 차별로 인식될 만큼 다 양성 다문화 에 대한 관심이 증가됨 농촌지역을 중심으로 외국계 여성과의 혼인율이 35.9%로 이 늘어나고 있으며 (통계청, 2006), 코시안(Kosian)을 비롯하여 다양한 혼혈자녀, 외국인 노동자
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333 442 443 1e 1.1 eecrmeprocurement e eelectronic e e IT 321 444 online offline e front back IT 445 2000 com 1 1.2 322 e e 10 potential customers 446 1.3 e 323 447 Michael Porter 323 2 value chain enterprise
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碩 士 學 位 論 文 CRM을 활용한 마케팅 전략의 개선방안에 관한 연구 - 국내 외 기업 사례분석을 중심으로 - Study on a method to improve marketing straegies using CRM - Focusing on example analysis of the national and international enterprises -
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Approach for Value Improvement to Increase High-speed Railway Speed An effective way to develop a highly competitive system is to create a new market place that can create new values. Creating tools and
I 1 1) TESCO, 1993, ( 96, 98, 99) - : : 354 (19993 ~ , 1 =1737 ) - : 845 ( : 659 ) - : ) CM 9 (CM), CM , 2 CM, -
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TPP 협상과 우리 기업의 대응 2014.6.3. 한-중남미 대서양 센터 www.vencenter.co.kr 1 I. (TPP) II. TPP III. TPP Asian Pathway to FTAAP IV. TPP 2 I. (TPP) Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) TPP TPP TPP TPP FTA - TPP 3 Trans-Pacific
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가. 미국 투자법 개요 외국인 투자 지원제도 ㅇ 미국의 외국인 투자 유치활동은 연방정부보다 주정부에서 활발히 이루어지고 있다. ㅇ 미국의 각 주 정부는 해당 주의 경제개발, 고용창출 등을 위해 토지 무상제공, 각종 세액공제 또는 감면, 보조금 지원 등 다양한 투자유인을 제공하고 있다. ㅇ 투자지원 제도 내용은 주별로 상이하기 때문에 자세한 내용은 Select
저작자표시-비영리-동일조건변경허락 2.0 대한민국 이용자는 아래의 조건을 따르는 경우에 한하여 자유롭게 이 저작물을 복제, 배포, 전송, 전시, 공연 및 방송할 수 있습니다. 이차적 저작물을 작성할 수 있습니다. 다음과 같은 조건을 따라야 합니다: 저작자표시. 귀하는 원저작자를 표시하여야 합니다. 비영리. 귀하는 이 저작물을 영리 목적으로 이용할 수 없습니다.
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