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41 Class III 형생물안전작업대

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65 흐르는물또는 eye washer 로세척 YES 실험책임자및관리자통보 YES 의료관리자조치 NO 노출부위소독및샤워실시 YES/NO YES : 상황통제가능, NO : 상황통제불가능

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78 가. 세균 1) 위험군 4 해당세균없음 2) 위험군 3 Bacillus B. anthracis Bartonella B. bacilliformis Brucella B. abortus B. canis B. melitensis B. ovis B. suis Burkholderia B. mallei ( 구) Pseudomonas mallei B. pseudomallei Coxiella C. burnetii Francisella F. tularensis Mycobacterium M. africanum M. bovis (BCG 주제외) M. tuberculosis Orientia O. tsutsugamushi ( 구) Rickettsia tsutsugamushi Pasteurella P. multocida type B Rickettsia R. akari R. australis R. canada R. conorii R. japonica R. montana R. parkeri R. prowazekii R. rhipicephali R. rickettsii R. siberica R. typhi ( 구) Rickettsia mooseri Yersinia Y. pestis

79 3) 위험군 2 Acinetobacter A. baumannii ( 구) Acinetobacter calcoaceticus Actinobacillus 전종 Actinomyces A. bovis A. israelli A. naeslundii A. pyogenes ( 구) Corynebacterium pyogenes Aeromonas A. hydrophila A. punctata Amycolata A. autotrophica ( 구) Nocardia autotrophica Archanobacterium A. haemolyticum ( 구) Corynebacterium haemolyticum Arizona A. hinshawii ( 구) Salmonella arizona Bacillus Bartonella Bordetella Borrelia Burkholderia Calymmatobacterium Campylobacter Chlamydia Clostridium B. cereus B. henselae B. quintana ( 구) Rochalimaea quintana B. vinsonii ( 구) Rochalimaea vinsonii B. pertussis B. parapertussis B. recurrentis B. burgdorferi ( 구) Pseudomonas; B. mallei, B. pseudomalei는제외 C. granulomatis C. coli C. fetus C. jejuni C. psittaci C. trachomatis C. pneumoniae C. botulinum C. chauvoei C. difficile C. haemolyticum C. histolyticum C. novyi C. perfringens C. septicum C. tetani

80 Corynebacterium Dermatophilus Edwardsiella Erysipelothrix C. bovis C. jeikeium C. diphtheriae C. pseudotuberculosis C. renale C. ulcerans D. congolensis E. tarda E. rhusiopathiae Escherichia E. coli ( 장관병원성전종) Fusobacterium F. necrophorum ( 구) Sphaerophorus necrophorus, Haemophilus Helicobacter Klebsiella Legionella Fusiformis necrophorus H. ducreyi H. influenzae H. pylori 전종 전종 Leptospira L. interrogans ( 전혈청형) Listeria Moraxella Mycobacterium L. monocytogenes 전종 M. avium complex M. asiaticum M. bovis (BCG 주) M. chelonei M. fortuitum M. kansasii M. leprae M. malmoense M. marinum M. paratuberculosis M. scrofulaceum M. simiae M. szulgai M. ulcerans M. xenopi

81 Mycoplasma 전종 Neisseria N. gonorrhoeae N. meningitidis Nocardia N. asteroides N. brasiliensis N. farnicica N. otitidiscaviarum N. transvalensis Pasteurella P. haemolytica P. multocida (Pasteurella multocida type b 제외) P. pneumotropica Plesiomonas P. shigelloides Pseudomonas P. aeruginosa Rhodococcus R. equi ( 구) Corynebacterium equi Salmonella 전종및전혈청형 Shigella S. dysenteriae S. boydii S. flexneri S. sonnei Staphylococcus S. aureus Streptobacillus S. moniliformis Streptococcus S. agalactia S. pneumoniae S. pyogenes Treponema T. carateum T. pallidum T. pertenue Vibrio V. cholerae V. parahemolyticus V. vulnificus Yersinia Y. enterocolitica Y. pseudotuberculosis

82 나. 바이러스 1) 위험군 4 Arenaviridae Guanarito virus Junin virus Lassa virus Machupo virus Sabia virus South American hemorrohagic fever virus Bunyaviridae Filoviridae Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus Ebola virus Marburg virus Flaviviridae Omsk hemorrhagic fever virus Central European encephalitis virus Hanzalova virus Hypr virus Kumlinge virus Kyasanur Forest disease virus Russian spring-summer encephalitis viruses Herpesviridae Herpesvirus simiae (Herpesvirus virus) B or Monkey B Paramyxoviridae Cercopithecine herpes virus [CHV-1], B virus Equine morbillivirus (Hendra virus) Hendra-like virus Nipah virus Poxviridae Variola virus 현재까지규명되지않은출혈열바이러스및원인병원체 2) 위험군 3 Arenaviridae Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus(lcm)(neurotropic strain) Mopeia virus

83 Bunyaviridae Coronaviridae Flaviviridae Orthomyxoviridae Poxvviridae Estero Real virus Shokwe virus Fort Sherman virus Akabane virus Germiston virus Kairi virus Oropouche virus Rift Valley fever virus Thiafora virus Dugbe virus Nairobi sheep disease virus Hantaan virus Sin nombre virus SARS-CoV (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) Cacipacore virus Gadgets Gully virus Israel turky meningitis virus Kedougou virus Koutango virus Louping ill virus Meaban virus Murray Valley encephalitis virus Negishi virus Powassan virus Rocio virus Sal Vieja virus San Perlita virus Saumarez Reef virus Sepik naranjal virus Spondweni virus St. Louis encephalitis virus Tick-borne encephalitis virus Wesselsbron virus West nile virus Yaounde virus Yellow fever virus Avian influenza virus affecting human Monkeypox virus

84 Prion Retroviridae Rhabdoviridae Togaviridae Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies(tme) agent (Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease and kuru, Bovine spongiform enephalopathy(bse) and other related animal TSEs) Human immunodeficiency virus(hiv) types 1 and 2 virus Human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) types 1 and 2 virus Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virus Vesicular stomatitis virus Rabies virus (wild strain) Semliki Forest virus Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus 3) 위험군 2 Adenoviridae Arenaviridae Bunyaviridae Calciviridae Coronaviridae Flaviviridae Hepadnaviridae Herpesviridae Human adeno virus Junin virus candid #1 vaccine strain Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus(lcm) (non-neurotropic strains) Tacaribe virus complex Bunyamwera virus Puumala virus Seoul virus Rift Valley fever virus vaccine strain MP-12 그외 3군및 4군에서제외된전종 Norovirus Sapovirus Coronavirus Dengue virus serotypes 1, 2, 3 and 4 Japanese encephalitis virus Yellow fever virus vaccine strain 17D Hepatitis C virus(hcv) 그외 3군및 4군에서제외된전종 Hepatitis B virus(hbv) Hepatitis D (delta) virus (HDV) Epstein Barr virus Human cytomegalo virus Herpes simplex virus 1 and 2(HSV1 and 2) human herpesvirus types 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 Varicella zoster virus

85 Orthomyxoviridae Papovaviridae Influenza viruses types A, B and C 기타벼룩매개 orthomyxoviruses를포함한전종 모든 human papilloma viruses Paramyxoviridae Human parainfluenza viruses types 1, 2, 3 and 4 Parvoviridae Piconaviridae Poxviridae Reovirudae Rhabdoviridae Rhabdoviridae Togaviridae Unclassified Human respiratory syncytial virus Measles virus Mumps virus Newcastle disease virus Human parvovirus (B19) Hepatitis A virus(hav) Human echoviruses Human coxsackie viruses types A and B Human rhinoviruses Polioviruses, all types, wild and attenuated Monkeypox virus, Alastrim, Smallpox, Whitepox를포 함한일부제한된 Poxviruses를제외한전종 Coltivirus, human Rotavirus, Orbivirus를포함한전종 Rabies virus VSV-Indiana, San Juan, Glasgow를포함한 Vesicular stomatitis virus Rubella virus 중 실험실에적응된바이러스주 Chikungunya virus 131/25 vaccine strain Eastern equine encephalomyelitis viruses O'nyong-nyong virus Ross river virus Bebaru virus Sindbis virus Venezuelan equine encephalomyeitis vaccine strain TC-83 Western equine encephalomyelitis viruses Hepatitis E virus (HEV)

86 다. 진균 1) 위험군 4 해당진균없음 2) 위험군 3 Blastomyces (Ajellomyces) B. dermatitidis Coccidioides C. immitis Histoplasma H. capsulatum var H. capsulatum Histoplasma H. capsulatum var H. duboisii 3) 위험군 2 Acremonium A. spp Aspergillus A. spp Arthroderma(Trichophyton) A. simii(some strains) Blastomyces(Ajellomyces) B. dermatitidis Candida C. spp Cladosporium C. bantianum Cladosporium(Xylohypha) C. trichoides Cryptococcus C. neoformans var Cryptococcus Dactylaria(Ochroconis) Emmonsia Epidermophyton Exophiala(Wangiella) Fonsecaea Fusarium C. gattii C. neoformans var C. neoformans D. gallopava E. parva E. parva var E. crescens E. spp. E. dermatitidis F. pedrosol F. compacta F. moniliforme F. solani

87 Madurella Microsporum Neotestudina Paecilomyces Paracoccidioides Penicillium Pneumocystis Sporothrix Trichophyton M. grisea M. mycetomati M. spp. N. rosatii P. spp P. brasiliensis P. marneffei P. carinii S. schenckii T. spp

88 라. 기생충 1) 위험군 4 해당기생충없음 2) 위험군 4 해당기생충없음 3) 위험군 2 조중류 (Cestode) Cysticercus C. cellulosae ( 유구낭미충) Echinococcus E. granulosus ( 단방조충) E. multilocularis ( 다방조충) E. vogeli ( 포겔다방조충) Hymenolepis H. diminuta ( 쥐조충) H. nana ( 왜소조충) Taenia T. solium ( 유구조충) T. saginata ( 무구조충) T. asiatica ( 아시아조충) 선충류 (Nematode) Ancylostoma A. ceylanicum ( 실론구충) A. duodenale ( 두비니구충) Ascaris A. lumbricoides ( 회충) A. suum ( 돼지회충) Brugia B. malayi ( 말레이사상충) B. timori ( 티몰사상충) Enterobius E. vermicularis ( 요충) Loa L. loa ( 로아사상충) Necator N. americanus ( 아메리카구충) Onchocerca O. volvulus ( 회선사상충) Strongyloides S. stercoralis ( 분선충주혈흡충증) Trichinella T. spiralis ( 선모충) Wuchereria W. bancrofti ( 반크롭프트사상충)

89 흡중류 (Trematode) Clonorchis C. sinensis ( 간흡충) Echinostoma E. hortense ( 호르텐스극구흡충) Fasciola F. hepatica ( 간질) F. gigantica ( 거대간질) Gymnophalloides G. seoi ( 참굴큰입흡충) Heterophyes H. nocens ( 유해이형흡충) Metagonimus M. yokogawai ( 장흡충) Paragonimus P. westermani ( 폐흡충) Pygidiopsis P. summa ( 표주박이형흡충) Schistosoma S. haematobium ( 방광주혈흡충) S. intercalatum ( 장간막주혈흡충) S. japonicum ( 일본주혈흡충) S. mansoni ( 만손주혈흡충) S. mekongi ( 메콩주혈흡충) 원충류 (Protozoa) Babesia B. bovis ( 쇠바베스열원충) B. divergens ( 분기바베스열원충) Babesia B. microti ( 쥐바베스열원충) Cryptosporidium C. parvum ( 작은와포자충) Entamoeba E. coli ( 대장아메바) E. gingivalis ( 잇몸아메바) E. hartmanni ( 작은아메바) E. histolytica ( 이질아메바) Giardia G. lamblia ( 람블편모충) Iodoamoeba I. butschlii ( 요드아메바) Isospora I. belli ( 사람등포자충) I. hominis ( 맹장포자충) Leishmania L. aethiopica ( 이디오피아리슈만편모충) L. braziliensis ( 피하리슈만편모충) L. donovani ( 내장리슈만편모충)

90 Microsporidium L. major ( 큰리슈만편모충) L. mexicana ( 멕시코리슈만편모충) L. peruvania ( 페루리슈만편모충) L. tropica ( 피부리슈만편모충) ( 미포자충류) Naegleria N. fowleri ( 파울러자유아메바) Plasmodium P. cynomolgi ( 유인원원충) P. falciparum ( 열대열원충) P. malariae ( 사일열원충) P. ovale ( 난형열원충) P. vivax ( 삼일열원충) Sarcocystis S. lindemanni ( 린데만근육포자충) S. suihominis ( 돼지근육포자충) Toxocara T. canis ( 개회충) Toxoplasma T. gondii ( 톡소포자충) Trichomonas T. hominis ( 장세모편모충) T. tenax ( 구강편모충) T. vaginalis ( 질편모충) Trypanosoma T. brucei ( 브르스파동편모충) T. cruzi ( 크르스파동편모충) T. gambiense ( 감비아파동편모충) T. rangeli ( 랑겔파동편모충) T. rhodesiense ( 로데시아파동편모충)

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98 UN 번호및선적명 미생물 UN 번호및선적명 미생물 1) 배양체의경우 2) "cultures only" added by the air mode from ) "Velogenic" added by the air mode from ) deleted by the air mode from

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108 발송자 위험물품신고서화물운송장 총 1 페이지중 1페이지발송자번호 ( 선택) 수신자 서명날인된달되어야함 수송세부사항 2장의선적서가수송인에게전 이선적은규정된제한을따름 : 승객그리고항공기수하물 항공기수하물 출발지 : VILLEBELLE 경고 위험물품의운송규정을어겼을 경우벌금이부과될수있음 도착지공항 : VIALIS 선적형태: 비방사성위험물품의성질과양위험물품세부사항 포장타입과양 UN 또는포장규칙선적명구분포장 ID 번호그룹 감염성물질, UN 2814 인체감염 ml 602 ( ) 에볼라바이러스 20 kg 하나의 UN 1845 드라이아이스 9 석고보드상자에모두 904 포장되었음 기타취급정보비상시연락처 : Dr Bedikian Tel 상기인적사항및관련정보가정확히작성이름되었으며, 감염성물질에대한국제및국내서명제목 운송규정에따라올바른선적명, 표식라벨장소 등을부착하여항공운송규정에적합하게포 장하였음을확인합니다. 날짜 서명 허가
















124 고위험병원체별밀폐등급 ( 제4 조관련)

125 실험실생물안전수칙 ( 제5 조관련)


127 2. 폐기물관리법




131 정부간행물등록번호 초판쇄발행년월 쇄발행년월 쇄발행년월 발행 : 2006년 12월 발행인 : 질병관리본부 국립보건연구원 편집인 : 생물안전평가팀 이종구 김형래 성원근 유천권, 이점규, 안정배, 손태종, 문정선 발행처 : 질병관리본부국립보건연구원 생물안전위원회, 생물안전평가팀 ( ) 서울특별시은평구녹번동통일로 194

132 02) FAX 02)


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