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1 Epidemiology of Zoonoses Byung Chul Chun, M.D. Department of Preventive Medicine Korea University, Medical College E mail : chun@korea.ac.kr Abstract Zoonoses are diseases caused by the agents that are transmitted between vertebrate animals and human. It is the interaction between agents, host, and the environment they share that determines whether or not infection will be successful. Zoonotic diseases usually have a wide range of host and are particularly important sources of emerging new infectious diseases in human. From an evolutionary point of view, infections in humans and in other animals share common origins. Zoonotic agents are extremely variable in their host specificity and their impact on individuals and host population. The control of zoonoses depends on attempts to reduce vector populations of to limit contacts with reservoir species. In most instances, however, the control efforts require an environmental or human behavioral modification in addition to direct efforts to reduce the size of the vector population. In this article, I described the common natural history and ecologic characteristics of zoonoses, and explained why we should keep an eye on the change in zoonoses with emerging infections. And I also introduced the recent change in the incidence of notifiable zoonotic diseases among animals and humans in Korea, and the principle of control and prevention of zoonoses. Keywords : Zoonoses; Epidemiology; Incidence; Natural history; Keywords : Emerging infections 1019

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3 (1, 3) Disease in Humans Pentastomids infection Cutaneous larva migrans Parasitic meningo encephalitis Anisakiasis Ascariasis Visceral larva migrans Cutaneous larva migrans Capillariasis Giant kidney worm Fillariasis Dracunculiasis Cutaneous and visceral larva migrans Trichostrongyliasis Filariasis/Loiasis Filariasis/Onchocerciasis Trichostrongyliasis Strongyloidiasis Thelaziasis Visceral larva migrans Trichinosis Trichostrongyliasis Cutaneous larva migrans Opisthorchiasis Clinostomiasis Clonorchiasis Dicrocoeliasis Echinostomiasis Fascioliasis Fasciolopsiasis Amphistomiasis Heterophydiasis Metagonimiasis Opisthorchiasis Paragonimiasis Schistosomiasis Fish tapeworm Sparganosis Dog tapeworm Agent Pentastomids AAmillifer armillatus, A. grandis, A. moniliformis, Linguatula serrata Nematodes AAncylostoma braziliense, A. caninum AAngiostrongylus cantonensis, A. costaricensis AAnisakis marina AAscaris suum ABaylisascaris procyonis ABunostomum phlebotomum ACapillaria aerophila, C. hepatica, C. philippinensis ADioctophyma renale ABrugia malayi, Dipetalonema perstans, D. streptocerca, ADirofilaria immitis, D. repens, D. tenuis ADracunculus insignis, D. medinensis AGnathostoma spinigerum AHaemonochus contortus ALoa loa AOnchocerca cervicalis, O. volvulus AOstertagia spp. AStrongyloides fulleborni, S. myopotami, S. procyonis, S. ransomi, AS. ratti, S. stercoralis, S. westeri AThelazia californiensis, T. callipaeda AToxocara canis, T. cati ATrichinella spiralis ATrichostrongylus spp. AUncinaria stenocephala Trematodes AAmphimerus pseudofelineus AClinostomum complenatum AClonorchis sinensis ADicrocoelium dendriticum, D. hospes AEchinostoma ilocanum, E. lindoense, E. malayanum, E. revolutum AFasciola gigantica, F. hepatica AFasciolopsis buski AGastrodiscoides hominis Heplorchis pumilio, H. taichui, H. yokogawai AHeterophyes continua, H. heterophyes AMetagonimus yokogawai AOpisthorchis felineus, O. viverrini AParagonimus westermani ASchlistosoma japonicum, S. mansoni Cestodes ADiphyllobothrium latum ADiphyllobothrium spp. ADiphlidium caninum 1021

4 Disease in Humans Hydatidosis Mouse or rat tapeworm Dwarft tapeworm Mesocestoides infection Raillietiniasis Sparganosis Tapeworm sheep/goat Beef tapeworm Pork tapeworm Tapeworm rodent Piroplasmosis/Babesiosis Balantidiasis Cryptosporidiosis Amebiasis Giardiasis Cutaneous leishmaniasis American leishmaniasis Visceral leishmaniasis Malaria, simian Pneumocystis infection Sarcocystosis Toxoplasmosis Trypanosomiasis African Trypanosomiasis American Ringworm Vibriosis Brucellosis Campylobacter septicemia Colibacillosis Tularemia Pasteurellosis Glanders Cat scratch disease Arizona infection Salmonellosis Shigellosis Rat bite fever Vibriosis Yersiniosis Plague Yersiniosis Agent Cestodes EEchinococcus granulosus, E. multilocularis, E. oligarthrus, E. vogeli EHymenolepis diminuta EHymenolepis nana EMesocestoides lineatus, M. variabilis ERaillietina spp. ESpirometra erinacei europaei, S. mansoni, S. mansonoides ETaenia hydatigena, T. ovis ETaenia saginata ETaenia solium ETaenia taeniaeformis Protozoa EBabesia bovis, B. divergens, B. microti EBalantidium coli ECryptospordium parvum EEntamoeba histolytica, E. polecki EGiardia lamblia(intestinalis) ELeishmania aethiopica, L. major, L. tropica EL. braziliensis, L. mexicana EL. donovani EPlasmodium brazilianum, P. cynomolgi, P. eylesi, P. inui, P. knowlesi, P. simium, P. Schwetzi EPneumocystis carinii ESarcocystis hominis(bovihominis), S. suihominis EToxoplasma gondii ETrypanosoma brucei var. gambiense, var. rhodesiense, ETrypanosoma cruzi Fungi MMicrosportum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, T. verrucosum Gram Negative Bacteria GrAeromomas hydrophila GrBrucella abortus, B. canis, B. melitensis, B. suis GrCampylobacter fetus spp. intestinalis, C. jejuni GrEscherichia coli GrFrancisella tularensis GrPasteurella haemolytica, P. pneumotropica, P. ureae GrPseudomonas mallei GrRochalimaea henselae GrSalmonella arizona GrSalmonella spp. GrShigella boydii, S. dysenteriae, S. flexneri. S. sonnei GrSpirillum minus, Streptobacillus moniliformis GrVibrio alginolyticus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus GrYersinia enterocolitica GrYersinia pestis GrYersinia pseudotuberculosis 1022

5 Disease in Humans Anthrax Clostridial histotoxic infection Botulism Clostridial hostotoxic infection Clostridial food poisoning Clostridial hostotoxic infection Tetanus Corynebacterial infection Dermatophilosis Erysipeloid Listeriosis Tuberculosis Leprosy Staphylococcosis Staphylococcal food poisoning Streptococcosis Lyme disease Endemic relapsing fever Leptospirosis Psittacosis Q fever Rickettsialpox Queensland tick typhus Boutonneuse fever Rocky mountain spotted fever North Asian tick typhus Scrub typhus Murine typhus Agent Gram positive Bacteria abd Actinomycetes CBacillus anthracis CClostridium bifermentans CClostridium botulinum CClostridium fallax, C. histolyticum, C. novyi CClostridium perfringens CClostridium perfringens, C. septicum CClostridium tetani CCorynebacterium equi, C. pseudotuberculosis, C. pyogenes, C. ulcerans CDermatophilus congolensis CErisipelothrix rhusiopathiae CListeria monocytogenes CMycobacterium africanum, M. avium, M. bovis, M. tuberculosis CMycobacterium leprae CStaphylococcus aureus CStaphylococcus aureus CStreptococcus spp. Spirochaetes CBorrelia burgdorferi CBorrelia spp. CLeptospira interrogans Rickettsiales CChlamydia psittaci CCoxiella burnetti CRickettsia akari CRickettsia australis CRickettsia conori CRickettsia rickettsii CRickettsia siberica CRickettsia tsutsugamushi CRickettsia typhi DNA Viruses Bovine papular stomatitis, Contagious ecthyma/orf, Cowpox/catpox, Herpes viruses B and T Simian herpes, Monkeypox, Pseudocowpox RNA Viruses Arthropodborne(Arboviruses) ArGroup A : Eastern equine encephalomyelitis, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, Western equine encephalomyelitis ArGroup B: Japanese encephalitis, Kyasanur Forest disease, Louping ill, Murray Valley encephalitis, Omsk hemorrhagic fever, Russian spring summer encephalitis, St. Louis encenphalitis, Wesselsbron, West Nile, Yellow fever, Bunyamwera group, Bwamba group, California group, Colorado tick fever, Guama group, Nairobi sheep disease, Rift Valley fever, Simbu group, Ebola disease, Encephalomyocarditis, Hemorrhagic fever[ Argentine(Junin v.), Bolivian (Machupo v.), Korean (Hantaan v.), Infectious hepatitis, Influenza, Lassa fever, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis, Marburg disease, Newcastle disease, Rabies, Recovirus, Vesicular stomatitis 1023

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9 1973 Rotavirus Major cause of infantile diarrhea globally L. monocytogenes 1976 Crytosporidum parvum Acute and chronic diarrhea 1977 Ebola virus Ebola haemorrhagic fever 1977 Legionella pneumophilia Legionnaires disease 1977 Hantaan virus Haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome Hantaan virus 1977 Campylobacter jejuni Enteric disease distributed globally 1980 HTLV 1 T cell lymphoma, leukemia Vibrio vulificus 1981 Toxin producing strains of Staphylococcus aureus Toxic shock syndrome 1982 E. coli O157: H7 Haemorrhagic colitis ; HUS 1982 HTLV Hairy cell leukemia 1982 Borrelia burgdorfrei Lyme disease 1983 HIV AIDS 1983 Helicobacter pylori Peptic ulcer disease 1984 Leptospirosis, Legionellosis 1985 HIV/AIDS 1988 Hepatitis E non A, non B hepatitis Tsutsugamushi 1990 Guanarito virus Venezuelan haemorrhagic fever 1991 Encephalitozzon hellen Conjunctivitis, disseminated disease 1992 Vibrio cholerae O139 New strain associated with epidemic cholera 1992 Bartonella henselae Cat-scratch disease ; bacillary angiomatosis 1994 Sabia virus Brazilian haemorrhagic fever Vibrio cholera O139, Anthrax 1995 Hepatitis G virus Parenterally transmitted non A, Non B hepatitis Cryptosporidia 1995 Human herpesvirus 8 Kaposi sarcoma in AIDS patients E. coli O TSE causing agent New Variant Creurzfelt Jakob disease 1997 Influenza(Type A(H5N1)) Influenza Tularemia, VRSA 1999 Nipah virus Encephalitis West Nile virus (1, 12~14) Meningoencephalitis 2002 SARS CoV Severe Acute Respiratory Disease 2003 Influenza(H7) Influenza Influenza(H5N1) * West Nile virus *,. 1027

10 Rabies virus (1, 16),,, + Chlamydia psittacii,? Coxiella burnetii Bacillus anthracis Listeria monocytogenes Mycobacterium bovis,, Q +,,,,,,, +,,,,,,, +,,,, + Streptobacillus moniliformis? Pasteurella multocida,,,,,,,,,, + Brucella species,,,,,,,,,,, + Salmonella species,,,,,,,,,,,,,, + Campylobacter jejuni,,, + virus,,,,

11 1 2, 3 4 5,, 6, 7, 1029

12 (18, 19) , , ,088 ( )* , ,660 36, ,800 1,256, ,749 2,217,289 1,052,665 *,. 1030

13 8 (20) ( ) (Murine typus) (HFRS) ,140 1,342 1,758 2,638 1,919 1,

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