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( ). ( ).. 1. (IARCs ) 2. INBio-Merck 1. 3. 2. 4. Shaman 3. 5. 4. 5.. 6. 1. 2.. 1.. 2. 1. 3. 2. FAO. 3. Bonn 1

.,. 21 (Information T echnology IT ), (Bio Technology BT ), (Environmental T echnology ET), (Culture Technology CT ), (Nano T echnology NT ),, (Global Age),,. 1865 (Gregor Mendel),,, 19 1953 (James D. Watson) (Francis Harry Compton Crick ) DNA,, 20. (biotechnology ) 1) 1) (biotechnology),. (living organizations ),,. 2). 2 para.3.,,,, (cell line), DNA. 2). 5 8, 5 1997 8., ( ), 24,, 2002, p.91;, 10%, 2002 4,100, 4.4% 180.,,, Anti Cancer Drugs,, 2003, 12, p.68 (http:// www.itstv.net/ PDSData/ 20040116_ (KISTI). pdf). 2

(genetic resources ) 3).,.,. 3) 2. (genetic material), (genetic resources).,,.,,....., INBio- Merck,, Shaman,,,,,, 3

.. 1. (1) (National Cancer Institute NCI) 1955 (natural products ),. 1986, (bio- pro- spector ) (prin - ciple of common heritage of man - kind) 4). 4) (oceans) (outer space) 1960.. UN, UN (Malta) Arvid Pardo 1967 8 17 22 UN (note verbale) (UN Doc. A/ 6695, 1967). 1967 11 1 UN Pardo,,..,. 1992 (Conv ention on Biological Diversity CBD) 5) (UN Doc. A/ C.1/ PV. 1515, p.12). UN 1970 12 17 (Declaration of Principles Governing the Sea- Bed and the Ocean Floor and the Subsoil thereof, Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction). (,,, ). Kemal Baslar, The Concept of the Common Heritage of Mankind in International Law, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1998, pp. - ;,, 14,, 1997,. 5) (Convention on Biological Diversity CBD), 1992 5 22 (Nairobi), 6 5 (Rio de Janeiro) 150 4

. 3 15 1 (principles of common concern of mankind) 6) (state sovereignty).. 40,.. 1993 12 29... 2002 5 18 182, 1994 10 3, 1995 1 1 (http:// www.biodiv. org/ world/ parties.asp). 6) (common heritage) (a common rights), (common concern) (a common obligation).,.,. (2) 1955 (Cancer Center Chemotherapy National Service Cente r CCNSC). 7) CCNSC,. CCNSC. 1980 18, (doxorubicin), C(mitomycin (bleo- C), mycin) (mithramycin )., 7) Edgar J. Asebey and Jill D. Kempenaar, "Biodiversity Prospecting Fulfilling the Mandate of the Biodiversity Convention", Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol.28, 1995, p.720. 5

(U.S. Department of Agriculture) (Collaborative Drug Discovery Program ) 3 5. 11 4. 8). 9) 1970. 1981 561 1 6. 10) 1985 60 8), (Taxus brevifolia) (taxol), (Camptotheca acuminata) (camptothecin) (Cephalotaxus harringtonia) (homoharringtonine). 9), (vinblastine) (vincristine), (rosy periwinkle), (Catharanthys) (Vinca alkaloids), (etoposide) (teniposide), (Podophyllum peltatum) P. (P. e- modii) (podophyllotoxin) (epimer) (epipodophyllotoxin). 10), B(didemnin B) 1(bryostatin 1). (in vivo)., (natural products acquisition, extraction and isolation pro- ject ), 1987 (acquired immune defici- ency syndrome AIDS).,.,. 1986 (Missouri Botanical Garden MBG), (New York Botanical Garden NYBG), (University of Illinois at California UIC). 11),,,,. (3) NCI 11) NCI, 10, 20. Edgar J. Asebey, Andes Pharmaceuticals Inc. A New Model for Biodiversity Prospecting, 1994, p.2; Barbara Lane Kagedan, The Biodiversity Convention, Intellectual Property Rights and Ownership of Genetic Resources International Development, IPPD Industry Canada, 1996, pp.108-111. 6

(Letter of Collection LOC) 12). NCI., (U.S. Senate),. 12) (Letter of Intent LOI) (Source Country Institution and/ or Source Country Organization) (the Developmental Therapeutics Program Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis National Cancer Institute) ( h t t p :/ / t t b. n c i. nih.gov/ nploc.html);..,. Gordon M. Cragg et al., "Ethnobotany and Frug Discover y the Experience of the US National Cancer Institute", CIBA Foundation Symposium #185, 1994, pp.187-188. NCI,, (the Developmental T herapeu- tic Program, Division of Cancer T reatment and Diagnosis, National Cancer Institute DT P, DCTD, NCI) (NCI, DTP, DCTD, NCI 1 13 ), (Source Country Govern - ment or Source Country Organiza- tion SCG, SCO) (NCI, SCG, SCO 1 5 ). SCG, SCO, (NCI, SCG, SCO 2 ), NCI, 8 (j)., NCI DT P, DCT D, NCI DT P/ NCI 7

(NCI, DT P, DCT D, NCI 4 ). 12., 16. NCI 13) 13) (technology transfer) (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD),..,,. (soft) (hard). (know- how),.,,,.,....., (IUCN, A Guide to the Convention on Biological Diversity),, 1995, pp.199-200. DT P/ NCI, (NCI, DT P, DCT D, NCI 5 ). NCI (NCI, DT P, DCT B, NCI 1 ). 17 1 2. NCI DT P/ NCI (NCI, DT P, DCT D, NCI 5 ). 18 1 2. NCI,, (NCI, DT P, DCT D, NCI 8 ). NCI 8

19 2. (4) NCI NCI.,. NCI.. NCI (NCI, DT P, DCT D, NCI 8 ),. (the Department of Health and Human Services) (Na- tional Institutes of Healt h NIH).. NCI...,..,. NCI (indigenous knowledges ). 14) 1,,. NCI 14) para. 12 8 (j). 9

,, NCI (NCI, SCG, SCO 2 )... (intellectual con- tribution ), NCI.,,.. 2. IN Bio - M erck (1) INBio- Merck INBio-Merck (INBio-Merck Agreement) 15) New Jersey Merck Biodiversity (National Institute INBio) 16) 15) INBio- Merck INBio (bioprospecting agreement). Merck 2 INBio Merck 1 10 2 (collection contract). INBio Merck, INBio Merck. INBio (Ministry of Natural Resources, Energy and Mines MIRENEM). Merck. George B. Frisvold and Peter Condon, "Biodiversity Conservation and Biotechnology Development Agreements", Contemporary Economic Policy, vol.2, 1994, p.6. 16) INBio(Instituto Nacionalde Biodiversidad), 1989. INBio (INBios ' Board),,,,,,,. INBio (National System on Conservation Areas) 50 10,,. (Cooperative Research Agreement). INBio (MIRENEM), 10

(bio prospecting agreement ). 1991 9 20,,...., INBio- Merck,. Merck 1,, INBio. 17), Merck, (Organization for Tropical Studies) Merck,, (Natural History Museum),,,,, Strathclyde. Kagedan, op. cit., pp.70-71. 17) 1% 3%. INBio. INBio,,. INBio- Merck.,. INBio,,. Merck INBio 1% 3%. 1% 5% 18), 1% 3% INBio Merck 1% 3%. 18) Sarah A. Laird, "Contracts for Biodiversity Prospecting", Walter V. Reid et al., eds., Biodiversity Prospecting Using Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development, World Resources Institute, INBio, Rainforest Alliance and ACTS, 1993, p.112. 11

Merck,. 19), INBio.. 20),. INBio Merck. INBio Merck 2, Merck. Merck 5 21), Merck 19) Shayana Kadidal, "Plants, Poverty and Pharmaceutical Patents", Yale Law Journal, vol.103, 1993., p.234. 20) Lester I. Yano, "Protection of the Ethnbiological Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples", UCLA Law Review, vol.41, 1993, pp.467-468. 21) Julie M. Feinsilver, "Biodiversity Prospecting 1., INBio 2 Merck.. Merck. 13 Merck. INBio- Merck. INBio 10% Merck 50% (National Park System ), INBio Merck. INBio 10% 50%., 50% Merck INBio 1% 3% 50%. (2) INBio- Merck INBio- Merck Prospects and Realities", A. H. Zakri eds., Prospects in Biodiversity Prospecting, 1995, p.29. 12

. Merck. 22).,. INBio Merck. INBio- Merck INBio Merck (public relations). INBio- Merck, Merck,, INBio- Merck Merck. 23), Merck 22) Michael Coughlin, "Comment Using the Merck- INBio Agreement to Clarify the Convention on Biological Diversity", Columbia Journal of Transnational Law, vol.31, 1993, p.359. 23) Karen Anne Goldman, "Compensation for the Use of Biological Resources Under the Convention on Biological Diversity Compatibility of Conservation Measures and Competitiveness of the Biotechnology Industry", Law and Policy in International Business, vol.25, 1994., pp.695, 720. INBio.. 24), INBio- Merck. INBio (products), (international. media) INBio- Merck., INBio- Merck.,. 25) 24) Feinsilver, op. cit., pp.45-46. 25),, (evergreen rainforests), (dry monsoonal forest), (volcanic and orographic mountain ranges), (monsoonal trade winds), (Nearctic) (Neotropical biogeographic). 13

,. (biological regions) 4% 50. 1.,,. INBio. INBio 4,,,. INBio- Merck. INBio. INBio. 26) 50. Kagedan, op. cit., p.68; 20. 2%,.. David S. Tilford, "Saving the Blueprints The International Legal Regime for Plant Resources", Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, vol.30, 1998., p.434. INBio. INBio- Merck.,,., INBio- Merck. INBio. 26) Shiva INBio- Merck. INBio,.. INBio (prospecting rights),. Vandana Shiva, "Tripping over Life(TRIPs and the Environment)", Briefings for the CSD, Third World Network, 1995., p.112. 14

, 3%. 3. (Inter - national Cooperative Biodiver sity Group s ICBGs ) 27) 1994. ICBGs 1994 5 40 47 5. ICBGs 27), NGO, 5 (bioprospecting agreement). (US National Science Foundation), (US National Institute for Health) (US Agency for International Development). ICBGs.., INBio- Merck,,,. Tilford, op. cit., pp.431-432.. ICBGs,,..., (Conference on Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Sustainable Development ) 28) 1994, ICBGs Chapela., ICBGs. 2, 1 ICBGs. Chapela 28) (Pan American Health Organization PAHO) (Inter American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculture IAICA), 1994 4 12-14 (San Jose). Asebey et al., op. cit., p.730, n.140. 15

., Bristol- Myers- Squibb 5 ICBGs 3 ICBGs. ICBGs. Chapela., ICBGs, ICBGs. Chapela ICBGs. Chapela,.. IN Bio- Merck (information of trade secrets)..,.,. 1994 11 (RAFI) ICBGs. 29) (the Monsanto Corporation) ICBGs., 0.2% 1%. (1), (product analog) (product isomer ), (2) 1%. (0.2%- 1%) ICBGs., (the Rural Advancement Foundation International RAFI) 30) 29) RAFI Communique, Bioprospecting, Biopiracy and Indigenous Peoples, 1994. 11, p.7. 30) (RAFI) 1977 11 (Saskatchewan) Fort QuAppelle.,, 16

- (public domain ) (indigenous people) 31). 1981, 1987 Bogeve. (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration ETC Group). ETC. ETC,. ETC (Manitoba) (Winnipeg), Roy Pat Mooney (http:// www. etcgroup.org); ETC (Community Biodiversity Development and Conservation Programme CBDC). CBDC 14 (Civil Society Organizations CSO). CBDC (http:// www.cbdcprogram.org). 31) (indigenous people).,. Michael Halewood, "Indigenous and Local Knowledge in International Law A Preface to Sui Generis Intellectual Property Protection", McGill Law Journal, vol.44(1999),,,, 15,, 2001, p.52.., ICBGs.,,,, 99%.. 99%,. 1% 2%.,. 4. S ham an (1) Shaman 1989 (Ethnobotany ) 32) 17

Shaman. 33) Shaman 32) (Ethnobotany).,,.. (quinine), (picrotoxine), (strophantine), (emetine), (hottentots),, (hashish), (ephedrine), (strichnine), (curare), (chaulmoogra oil) (Rauwolfia serpentina). M. G.,,,, 1994, p.190. 33) Shaman. INBio- Merck.,, Shaman....,. Shaman Eli Lilly. Shaman.,., Shaman. Shaman. Shaman (Healing Forest Conservancy). 34), Shaman,. 35), Shaman 20%.. Shaman Shaman. Stephen King and Michael Tempesta, "From Shaman to Human Clinical Trials the Role of Industry in Ethnobotany, Conservation and Community Reciprocity", in CIBA Foundation Symposium #185, 1994, pp.197-213. 34) Thomas A. Carr, "Rain Forest Entrepreneurs Cashing in on Conservation", Environment, 1993, p.12. 35) Katy Moran, "Comments at the Biodiversity and Human Health", Seminar in Washington D. C., Smithsonian Seminar Series, 1995, 4. 3-4. 18

Shaman Lisa Conte, /. Shaman. 36), Shaman. 37) Shaman, Shaman Eli Lilly 1994 10 Shaman. Shaman. 38) Shaman,. 40%,,,, 36) Shaman Technology Funding, Salomon Brothers, Odyssey Fund, Calvert Social Venture Partners Capital Health Venture Partners. 37) Shaman 3. 38) John Eckhouse, Eli Lilly Ends Investment in Shaman, S. F. Chron., 1994. 10. 13. D.1.., Shaman. (2) Shaman Shaman Shaman. Shaman.,,. Shaman,. 5., 19

..,. INBio- Merck..., INBio,. INBio- Merck.,.,. ICBGs.... Shaman. Shaman,. Shaman......,, 20

.,.. 1. (1) 1992,. 39) 39) 1992 (Rio de Janeiro)., (compulsory license).. 1993 6 4 (William J. Clinton), 2002 5 18 (http:// www. biodiv.org/ world/ parties.asp); Sean D. Murphy, "Biotechnology and International Law", Harvard International Law Journal, vol.42, 2001 Winter, pp.71-72; 1992 (Rio). 40).,.,. 41),. Sanjoy Hazarika, "India Presses US to Pass Biotic Treaty", New York Times, April 23, 1995, p.13; "US Objection to Biodiversity Treaty Based on Misreading of the Text, Study Says", International Environmental Report, vol.15, 1992, p.705. 40) Paul Gormley, "Compulsory Patent Licenses and Environmental Protection", Tulane Environmental Law Journal, vol.7, 1993, pp.131, 137. 41).,,,. Asebey et al., op. cit., p.737, note.176. 21

., (creation of codes of conduct )., (genetic resources cartels)...,,..,...,,.,..,. 42). 42) (Andean Pact).,,,, 5.., ( ),, 2001. 7, pp.29-34. 22

., 1% 3%..,...,... (Multilateral Genetic Prospecting Code),.,.,..,..,,. 43) 43) INBio- Merck Merck (R D) (10 ). Leslie Roberts, "Chemical Prospecting Hope for Vanishing Ecosystems?" Science, 1992. 5. 22, p.1142. 23

(Organization of Petro- leum Exporting Countries OPEC)... 3%. (International Multilateral Agreement )., (U.N. Model Code of Conduct for T ransnational Cor - porations ) 20. 44),.. 45),.,...,.., 1970 OPEC. OPEC,. 46). 44), (General Principles of Behavior of Transnational Corporations). 45) Michael S. Baram, "Multinational Corporations, Private Codes and T echnology Transfer for Sustainable Development", Environmental Law, vol.24, 1994, pp.33, 55. 46) Joseph Stanislaw and Daniel Yergin, "Oil Reopening the Door", Foreign Affairs, vol.72, 1993, pp.81-84. 24

.,,,,,. 47).,. (bloc diplomatic behavior ) 77,, GAT T,,, 77. 47) Central American Presidents Resolve to Pass Laws Restricting Use of Resources, International Environmental Report, vol.15, 1992, p.397.,.,. 48) 48) 1996 (Common System on Access to Genetic Resources).. 51. (, 5 ). ( 6 ). ( 7 ).,,,, ( 16 ). (complementary measures),, (Complementary Measures, Second)., 3 ( 11, 12 ),, ( 15 ). ( 46, 47 )., 25

,.,.,. (3). (long waiting- game)...., 46 3,, 2001., pp.212-215..,,. OPEC.... 15 2.,,,,. 49) 26

.. (access ).,. (prior informed consent) (mutually agreed terms) (subject to mutual agreement) 50),.,.,.. 49) 16, 18, 20. 50) 15 4 7, 16 2 3, 18 5 19 2.. 51),.,.,..,..,,. 2. (1) 51) Coughlin, op. cit., p.354. 27

. 52).., (environmentally friend- ly ),..,,. INBio., INBio- Merck.,,., 52) 1. (biodiversity provider )..,., INBio., NCI, Sahm an, INBio- Merck,.,,.,,, (in vitro)., 0.2% 3%. 53),. 53) RAFI 0.2% 1%, INBio- Merck 1% 3%. 28

,. 54),,.,.,.,. (2),.,. 55) 54) WRI, IUCN, UNEP, Global Biodiversity Strategy, WRI, IUCN, UNEP, 1992, p.1. 55),..,.. (problem of valuation )...,.,.,. (bio prospecting enterprises)., 29

. 56),...,,. Shaman, INBio- Merck.,,. 57),. 58) (U.S. Foreign Aid) 59). 20 21., 56),...,, NGO.... NGO,. Asebey et al., op. cit., p.740. 57).,. 58) Shaman. 59) Mott,,, the Pew Charitable Trusts. (American Bar Association's Central and European Law Initiative). Asebey et al., op. cit., p.750, note.220. 30

. 60),..,.,..,.,,.,., 60) Shaman, INBio- Merck, NCI ICBGs..,. 21.,,.,. 61),.,.,., 61) 7 1.,, genome,.,, op. cit.,pp.77-78. 31

.,, (labeling),. (black box ),.,.,.. 8 25., (bigticket ). 62) 62) AIDS (big ticket).,.,.,.,...,,..,.,,.,.. 32

..,..,.,.,.,.,.. 33