KISEP Original Articles 38 2 1999 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 38, No 2 婚外情事 : 정신분석적, 그리고진화론적관점 * 이무석 ** InfidelityIts Psychoanalytic and Evolutionary Perspectives* Moo-Suk Lee, M.D., Ph.D.** 국문초록 중심단어 서 Presented at the 44th Annual Academic Congress of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association, April 24th, 1998, Kyung-Ju Department of Psychiatry, Chonnam National University Medical School, Kwang-ju Corresponding author 론 241
본 1. 진화론적심리학 (Evolutionary psychology) 의관점 1) 인간은왜혼외정사를하는가? 그리고남녀의차이는있는가? 론 242
2) 혼외정사를부추기는사회적인자는무엇인가? 2. 정신분석학적관점 1) Lidido 승화의실패와혼외정사 243
2) 에디푸스컴플렉스와혼외정사 ( 남성의경우를중심으로 ) 244
3. 남편의혼외정사는부인에게어떤영향을주는가 246
4. 정신건강을위한배우자의역할 5. 혼외정사를예방할길은없는가? 그리고치료적접근은? Fig. 1. 배우자는서로어떻게돕는가? 1) 예방적접근 247
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