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실업자사회안전망의국제비교 한국노동연구원

1 ( ) 2 ( ) 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 3 3 1 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. 2 1. 2. 3 1. 30 (30 Hour Premium) 2. (Child Maintenance Bonus) 3. (Employment Rehabilitation Programme) 4. (Faster Family Credit Awards) 5. (Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit Extended Payment) 6. (Jobfinder's Grant) 7. (Jobmatch) 8. (National Insurance Contributions holiday for employers) 9. (New in-work benefit pilot: Earnings Top-up) 10. (Back to Work Bonus) 4 : 1. 2. 3. Gateway 4. (New Deal Options) 5. 5 6 1. (Income Support) 2. (Family Credit) 3. (Social Fund) 4. (Housing Benefit) (Council Tax Credit) 7 4 ( ) 1

1. 2. 3. 2 1. 2. 3. (Altersübergangsgeld) 4. (Arbeitslosenhilfe) 5. 6. (Konkursausfallgeld) 3 1. 2. ( ) 3. 4. 5 ( ) 1 1. 2. 2 1. (Régime) 2. ( ) 3. 4. 3 : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 1. 2. (Allocation de RMI) 3. 4. RMI 6 7 : 6 ( ) 1 1. 2.

2 1. 2. 3. 3 1. (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) 2. 3. (Housing Assistance) 4. 5. (Medicaid) 6. (General Assistance) 7. (Earned Income Tax Credit : EITC) 4 1. (Job Training Partnership) 2. (Welfare-to-Work Partnership) 5 1. 2. (Job sharing) 7 ( ) 1 2 1. 2. 3. 3 1. 2. 4 8 ( ) 1 2 1. 2. 3. 3 1. 2. 3. 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9 ( ) 1 2

< 2-1> OECD (1997) < 2-2> < 2-3> (1993) < 2-4> (1996) < 2-5> < 2-6> < 3-1> 1997/98 < 3-2> 1997/98 < 3-3> < 3-4> < 3-5> (1993) < 3-6> (1993) < 3-7> (1997/98) < 3-8> (1998) < 3-9> < 3-10> < 3-11> < 3-12> < 3-13> < 3-14> < 3-15> < 4-1> < 4-2> < 4-3> (1993) < 4-4> < 4-5> < 4-6> < 4-7> < 4-8> < 5-1> < 5-2> ( ) < 5-3> ( ) < 5-4> 1997 ( ) < 5-5> < 5-6> ( ) < 5-7> (1994. 1.) < 5-8> < 5-9> < 5-10> (1997. 7. 1. ) < 5-11> (50 ) < 5-12> (50 )

< 5-13> RMI < 5-14> RMI < 5-15>,, (RMI) < 5-16> < 6-1> (1995) < 6-2> (1995) < 6-3> < 6-4> (1995) < 6-5> (1995) < 7-1> < 7-2>, (1994) < 7-3> < 7-4> ( ) < 7-5> < 7-6> < 7-7> < 7-8> < 7-9> < 7-10> 1 (1995) < 7-11> (1 ) < 7-12> (, 1997, ) < 7-13> < 7-14> 1 1 < 7-15> < 7-16> < 7-17> < 7-18> (1997) < 7-19> < 7-20> < 8-1> (1998. 9. ) < 8-2> < 8-3> (1998. 3. ) < 8-4> (1998. 5. ) < 8-5> < 8-6> < 8-7> < 8-8> < 8-9> 1998 < 8-10> < 8-11> < 8-12> 1998 2 (1998. 8. 17 12. 31.) < 8-13> < 8-14> (1998 1/4 ) < 8-15> (1998 1/4 ) < 8-16> < 8-17> (1998. 3.) < 8-18> (1996)

< 8-19> (1996 ) < 8-20> (1996) [ 2-1] [ 3-1] [ 3-2] [ 4-1] [ 4-2] [ 6-1] [ 7-1] [ 7-2] [ 7-3] [ 8-1] (1998. 8. ) [ 8-2] (1998. 5. )

1997. 1997 11 2.6%, 57, 1998 7 7.6%, 165 8 5.0%, 108. 1999 1999 4 5 5%......,,,,..,,,,,,..,.,. 1998 9

1 IMF.. 4 5 5%,. 1970 1, 2, 10%.,. 5. 1995 7 2 1,. 1988 1997 10 2%. 2% 10.,,. 1997 12 IMF.,..,.,,.,.,,,,..

,... 2, 3 7,,,,, 8. ' ' TYPE ' ' TYPE.,, TYPE I,,, TYPE.,,,,. 9.

2 1 1.,.,.. (exeptional expenditure).,,,,,, 1). Ke-young Chu & Sanjeev Gupta(1998) IMF, " ", (contingencies), (, ) 2)..,.,.,,,,,,,,, 3). 2..,, (pension)., (old-age pension). ( )., (survivors pension). 4), ( ) 5) (sickness benefit). 6) (maternity benefit),. 7).,

,. 8) (work-injury insurance).., ( ).,.,. ( ) (unemployment benefit),. 9). 1,.., (unemployment assistance). (family allowances) 10)..,., 11).,...,.. (, ),. Ke-young Chu & Sanjeev Gupta(1998) IMF 12).,,. (institutionalized)...,,.

3.,,. (earning-related system),.,,,.,. (universial system), (flat-rate).,,,,. (means-tested system).,.,.,. 4.,,,.,..,,,,,,,,,.,,...., 5,,,..,.

.. (national minimum). 1) (Beveridge, 1942, p.120).,.. 2) Ke-young Chu & Sanjeev Gupta, Social Safety Nets, IMF, 1998, 2. 3),... 4). 5) 50 75%. 6),. 7),.. 8), ' ' National Health Service(NHS). 9). 10). 11). 12) Ke-young Chu & Sanjeev Gupta(1998),, 1. 2 OECD < 2-1>. < 2-1>,,,,, OECD.,,,,..,,... < 2-2>. 1997,, (166 ), (164 ), (111 ), (86 ), ( ) (69 ).

< 2-3>. GDP,. < 2-1> OECD (1997) < 2-2>

< 2-3> (1993) 3 (social safety nets for the unemployed),. ( ).,,,..,. 1)., 2). (Unemployment Assistance). (means-test).,,., ( ). < 2-4>,,,,,,,,,,,,.. 1 2, GI,.,,,,. (extended benefit)., 2 110% 13 6.5% 13. 8% 7.

30 90., (90 ), (2 ) (30 )., 3 6% 60 ( ), 30 60 ( ), (2 ) ( ).,, (public assistance).. < 2-4> (1996)

[ 2-1]. [ 2-1] < 2-5>., GI, 100%. (TYPE ) (TYPE ). 80%.

< 2-5> TYPE 30%,.,.,. < 2-6>. 1995,. 1995,.... < 2-6> 1981 1991 10, TYPE. TYPE. TYPE TYPE.,. TYPE TYPE. TYPE,

,. TYPE,,. 3, 4 5 TYPE,,, < 2-6> 6, 7 8 TYPE,,. 1). 2).

3 1. 1942 ( ) 1) ( ) 5,,,,,. ( ) (Clement Attlee) (National Insurance Act) (National Health Service Act), (Education Act). (three pillars),. 2), (universal) (compulsory) (contributory)., (flat rate), (at subsistence level)., (statutory benefit) (voluntary savings). (basic needs), (special case), (additional payment).,. (wither away), 1992 4.1%. 3) (income related),. (contributory benefit), (non-contributory or universal benefit), (means-tested benefits),. 1. ( ) 16 ( 60, 65 ) (National Insurance Contributions), ( ).. Class 1: (1997/98 62) Class 1, 465 (primary contribution). (secondary payment), 465 (10%).

Class 1A: Class 1,. Class 2 & Class 4: Class 2.. Class 4. (Small earnings exceptions). Class 2 Class 4. Class 3: (voluntary contributions),, Class 1, Class 2 < 3-1> 1997/98 < 3-2> 1997/98

< 3-3>.. < 3-3> 1991/92 2,400, 1970.. (National Insurance credits) (credits).,.,... - (Incapacity Benefit) - (Contribution-based Jobseeker's allowance) - (State Retirement Pension) - (Maternity Allowance) - (Widow's Pension) 2. ( ) (needs).. - (Statutory Sick Pay) - (Disability Living Allowance) (Care Component) (Mobility Component) - (Child Benefit) - (Guardian's Allowance) - (Statutory Maternity Pay) - (Industrial Injuries Scheme Benefits) - (Invalid Care Allownace)

- (Severe Disablement Allowance) - (Attendance Allowance) 3. ( ),. 8,000, 16,000.. - (Income Support) - (Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance) - (Social Fund): (Community Care Grants), (Maternity Grants), (Funeral Grants), (Cold Weather Grants), (Budgeting Loans), (Crisis Loans) - (Family Credit) - (Earnings Top-Up) - (Child Support Maintenance) - (Disability Working Allowance) - (Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit) - (Education Benefit) 16 (full-time work),,, < 3-4>. 4. 1970,.,,. 1993 1,398

< 3-5> (1993), (GDP) 23.42%, 1980 18.32% 27%. < 3-5>. < 3-6> (recipients).

< 3-6> (1993) 1) W. Beveridge, Social Insurance and Allied Services, Cmnd 6404, HMSO, 1942. 2) T. H. Marshall, Social Policy in the Twentieth Century (London: Hutchinson, 1967), 2nd ed., p.79. 3) Department of Social Security(U.K), Social Assistance in OECD Countries, Volume I: Synthesis Report, London: HMSO, 1996, P.35. 2 1) (Jobseeker's Allowance) 1996 10 7 (Unemployment Benefit) (Income Support) (Contribution-based) (Income-based). 182.. 2 (Job centre), 3.

1.. - : 18 ( 65, 60 ) - : 16 - :. - :. (Jobseeker's Agreement) (Employment Service Advisor).,. - (agreed restrictions) - - - - (Employment Service), (Independent Adjudication Office)., (Tribunal) (appeal). (Actively Seeking Work). (employability),. (Availability for Work).. - - - 1 40,. - - - (Job Centre) 2... - - -,

- - -.. (enough National Insurance contributions).. - (lower earnings limit:1997/98 62 25 - Class 1 50 (credits) (qualifying earnings relating to Class 1 contributions actually paid, or Class 1 credits, equal to at least 50 times the weekly lower earnings limit).. 6.. (182 ), 8,000. 2. < 3-7> (1997/98)

1) ( ) ( ). 3 (Work Incentive Programmes), (welfare dependency). 1. 30 (30 Hour Premium) (Disability Working Allowance), (Family Credit) (Earnings Top-up) 1 30 10.55. 2. (Child Maintenance Bonus) (Child Support Maintenance), 1,000. 3. (Employment Rehabilitation Programme) (external provider) (jobfinding skills and techniques). 38. 4. (Faster Family Credit Awards) 5 90%. 5. (Housing Benefit/Council Tax Benefit Extended Payment), 4.. 6. (Jobfinder's Grant) 2 1 30 150 ( ) 200. 7. (Jobmatch) 2 18 24,

. 16 30 6 50, 300 (voucher). 8. (National Insurance Contributions holiday for employers), 2 1. 9. (New in-work benefit pilot: Earnings Top-up) 8, 16 ( 8,000 ) 26. 47.65, 25 28.75 25 23.35. 10. (Back to Work Bonus) 3 1,000. 4 : 1. 1997 7 2 (privatised utility companies) (windfall tax on the excess profits) (New Deal). 18 24 1998 1 'Pathfinder', 4. 25, 1998. 2. Gateway,, (work) 3, 3-1. 3-1

3. Gateway Gateway.. 6 18 24.. Gateway 4, (Personal Adviser). Gateway. Gateway..,. 4 Gateway. 4. (New Deal Options). (Subsidised Job) 60 6... (Voluntary Sector) 6,.. (Environment Task Force) 6,.. (Full-time Education and Training), 2 (National Vocational Qualification Level 2)... Follow-through Follow-through.. Gateway. 5. 1998 < 3-8> 52 61% 31

. < 3-8> (1998) 5,, (redundancy payments) (redundancy benefit) (voluntary redundancy payments). < 3-9>.

< 3-9> 6 1. (Income Support) (safety net). (means test) 18. 1996 10 7...

8,000,. 3,000 8,000 250 1. (Schedule 1B). - - - 60 -, - - - - - - - 10 50-16 18 16 (applicable income). 3-2 1) (Personal Allowances), < 3-10>. 2) (Premiums).

< 3-10> < 3-11> 3) (Housing Benefit) (applicable allowance)., (mortgage interest payment),.

< 3-12>. Ms. Jones Ms. Jones : 27 3, 3,500.

. 1993 94 17% 982 ( ), 157. < 3-13>

2. (Family Credit) 1 16 26.. - 16 - - 16 - - - 8,000. < 3-14> (credit),, (applicable amounts), 70%,. < 3-14>. Ms. Lawsons Ms. Lawsons : 27 3, 3,000, 30, 100. : 70.25 - : 47.65-30 : 10.55 - : 12.05 : 100 { 100( ) - 77.15( )} 0.7 = 15.99 ( - ) : 70.25-15.99 = 54.26 3. (Social Fund),. (grants)

(loans), < 3-15>. 4. (Housing Benefit) (Council Tax Credit) (rent). 16,000, 3,000 16,000. (Maximum Housing Benefit).,,,,,., 16,000. (personal circumstances),,, 100%. < 3-15>

7 1998 3 26 ' (Green Paper) 1) ' ' (new contract for welfare)',. ' ( ) ', (the most needy)..,.,. ", ". ", ". (work for those who can), (security for those who cannot)....... (social exclusion)., (gateway to benefit) (enforceable).,..., (White Paper),. Norman Fowler (Fowler ) 2). (Selectivism),..,,.

,., (discipline). 300,.,.,,.....,.,,. (personal allowances),.,. ( ) ( )..,,.,,,.,.,.,.,,. 1) Department of Social Security, The Green Paper on Welfare Reform-New Ambitions for our Country: A New Contract for Welfare, London: HMSO, 1998. 2) Norman Fowler ' (Targeting)'. " (genuine need) "(Vol 1, para.1.12), " "(Vol 1. para9.4).. The Department of Social Security, The Reform of Social Security, Vol 1, London: HMSO, 1985.

4 1 1..,,,.,...,, ( ),,.,,.., ( )., -. -. -. - -...,, 25, 50, 1.,,.,..,. 20%. < 4-1>.

< 4-1>.,,,..,,. < 4-2>. < 4-2>. 1, 2,.,.

2.. 1969 ( ) (Sozialbericht) ( ) (Sozialbudget). [ 4-1] < 4-3>, [ 4-1] (, 1994: 160). < 4-3> 1989 65.3%, 21.6%,,, ( ),. 1883, 1884, 1889 1927 ( ). ( ). < 4-4>.

< 4-3> (1993)

< 4-4> 3.., 1970 3 13 (Sozialgesetzbuch)..., (Sozialgericht).. 3, ( ), (, 1994: 161 162)..,, 3,,.,,,,,.,. ( ),.

,,.. 44 (Sellbstverwaltung). ( ). 2 1 3 1.,,,..,. ' ',.. 1994 1995,,, 4 5.,,.. 2 1.. ( ), (Heimarbeiter)..., (,, ).,, 18, 2 ( 5 ) 50 ( 5 ),, ( 15 ), 65 ( ),.

. ( ) (1995 6.5%), 7 1.., 50%..,, ' ', (Sozialgesetzbuch 28h 28i )., 1., (, 1996 ).... 11 184 3.. 6 ( ).. 10 14 (, 1996: 108 109).. 4-2.

4-2,,,,, ( ), (1993). 2..,, 18 (zumutbar),,,.. (Verfügbarkeit).,. 6. 3 360 ( 180 )., (, 1993 ).. 1 67%, 60%, 3.,,,.. 18 30DM

, 30DM 2 1. 80%. 1. < 4-5>.. ( ) 12,. 8 2,. 12. < 4-5> 2, ( 4 ). (, 1996). ( 12 ). 65..

.,., 65 65.,.., 1 1 (, 1996). 3. (Altersübergangsgeld). 1990 10 3 1992 12 31 57, 55 90,,,, 832. 3 65%., 32,. 4. (Arbeitslosenhilfe).,,,, 12 1, 12 150 (5 ).,., (Bedürftigkeitsprüfung).. 1, ( ) 65 1.. 1 57%, 53%.

< 4-6>. 32 (, ),. 5.. 1). 2) 6 200DM :,. 300DM 500DM (Überbrückungsbeihilfe) : 1 1,000DM. : 1,

Km 0.25DM. (Fahrkosten) :. (Trennungsbeihilfe) : 1 ( ) (1994 810DM 63DM, 31.50DM, 390DM 161DM 80.50DM ). 1. : 1... 4 18 (Überbrückungsgeld).. 26... 1) 1989 1994 ' '. 22 5,000 DM. 1 18 12, 3 6 80%, 60%, 2 3 6 70%, 50%, 1 2 6 60%, 40%. 2) 1998. 2,, (,,, ).,,. 2, 2., (BMA, 1994 ).. 1) (Kurzarbeitergeld)

) 1,.. ) (1) (betriebliche Strukturveränderung),,,.,,.,., 4 3 1 10 1. (2),,.. ) 6. 3. 12, 24., 1 67%, 60%. 50%.,. 2) (ArbeitsbeschaffungsmaBnahmen) ) (1). (2) 1 6,, ( ). (3),

( ).,,,,, 1980.,,. 50 75%. 6 30% 90%. 100%. ). 55 18 12. 50%, 70%( 60%). 10% 30%( 40%). 18 70%(24 75%) 8. ).,,. 3,,. (60 67%), 90%. 1993 96 < 4-7>.

< 4-7> 6. (Konkursausfallgeld). (Konkursverfahren) 3.. 2.,,...

3 1,.. 1...,,,., (, 1993 ).. 3. 1980. 1992 33.6%, 65%,,,, (BMA, 1994: 631). 1994 226, 5 (BMA, 1997: 566)..,,.,.,,, (, 1994: 176 177)..,,, (Regelbedarf). 1996 530DM.,. < 4-8>.

< 4-8> (Mehebedarf). 60,,,. 20% 50%. (Zusatzbedarf),.,,,,.. ( )...,.,,,.,,,,,...,,. (, 1993: 191 196). 1).. 2),,,,,.. 3),.. 4),.. 5).

... 6). (, ). 7),....,...... 8),.,.,. 9),,,,.,. 10). 65.,,.. 11),.... 20%, 80%., (, 1993: 196 ).

.,,.,,.. 1996 1996.,., 6. 25%, (BMA, 1997: 562). 2. ( ).... ( ).. 16, 21. 27, 27.,... 1975. 1995 70DM,, ( 130DM, 220DM, 240DM), (70DM). (BMA, 1994: 573). 1 600DM 24, 7. 3,..

..., 2,.,, (, 1994 ). 3.. (Wohngeld)., (, 1994 )...,,.,..,,,,,. 90 95%, 1981 62% 1994 36%, 29%, 22% (1981 5%). 1994 128DM, 150DM, 190 (BMA, 1994: 604)..,..,. 4.. 1971..,

(, 1994: )..,, 10..., ( ) ( )., (BMA, 1994: 591f).. 65%, 35%..,,., (BMA, 1994: 597). 5 1 1.,, (RMI) 3. 1905 80. 1905. 1) 1910, 1958. 1979. 1979...

1982 1979. 1884 ' '(Régime d'assurance), ' '(Régime de solidarité)( ). 1905 1958 1979 1984 ' ' ' '. (RMI), 1980 (exclusion),,,.,, 3.,. < 5-1> 2. ' ' (, ), ( ),,,. ' ' (Protection sociale). ' ', (Les régimes mutuels) 2)., ' '.., 3). 1) Jean-Jacques Dupeyroux, Xavier Prétot, Sécurité sociale, Paris, Sirey, 1994, pp.194 195. 2) Jean-Jacques Dupeyroux, Droit de la Securité sociale, Paris, Dalloz, 1993, p.90., ( ), (1 ), 2, 3. 3) (Aide sociale),,,,

,. 2 1. (Régime) ' (Régime)..,,,,,,.,., (Régime général) 1).,,.. (5,300 ) 77%(4,100 ). 1,300 50%. ' '(Régimes spéciaux).,, 130 (,, ).,..,.,. 13%(343 ). (Régimes autonomes).,,,.,, 3, 13. 360 ( 150 ) 6.7%. (Régime agricole)... 8% 420 200.

< 5-2> ( ) 1),,,. < 5-2>. < 5-3>.

< 5-3> ( ) < 5-3>,,.. < 5-4>. < 5-4> 1997 ( ) 66.8%..

2. ( ),..,,,.. ' '(ticket modérateur) 30%,, 40%., 100%., ( K 50 ), 3, 30 (,, ).. 1 (Indemnité journalière) 4. 50%, 3 30 3 2.,. (,, ), 1 8 10 16 84%., 60, 10 30%, 50%. 60. 3 60. (la durée d'assurances), (le salaire annuel moyen), (le taux)., 3 1. 150 37.5. 150, 1972. 1994 151, 2008 160 2). 1993 10 25.. 50%. 1994, 151, 37 3/4, 50% 3).. N = S = T = ( 50%), (1994 1 1 3,057 ). 65 (

60 ),. (AVTS),,.,, 1932, 1939, 1978,. (sursalaire). 20 ( 5-5 ) 1970,. 4)... 60%. 29 80%.,. < 5-5>,, < 5-6>.,,

.,.. < 5-6> ( ) 3.. 95%.,. (, ) 6.8%, 12.8%, 1984 1. 6.55%, 9.8%, 1.6%. (, ),,,. 5.4%.

< 5-7> (1994. 1.), 5), 1991 (revenu fictif). 16.5%, 12.85% (1991 ).. 1974... 6),, 19.1% (1992 ) 7). 4..,, 19. 1945 1967., ( ).,. (Conseil d'administration).,.. 8). (département), ' '(CPAM).,. 129., ' '(CAF),. 115., ' (URSSAF)' ( 105 ). /(Région) ' '(CRAM).

, 16. (Strasbourg) ' '.,. 5., ' '(CNAM) ' '(CPAM).,,. (CNAF) ' '(CAF).,' ' (CNAV). 1967., (ACCOSS) ' '(URSSAF).., (UCANSS).,... ( ),,.. (Directeur régional de la Sécurité sociale), 9).. 1) Ibid.,,,,,, 1994, 220 238 ; IRES, "La protection sociale", cabiers francais, No. 215 mars-avril, 1984; Edgard Andréani, Les retraites, Paris, Editions La Découverte, 1986, pp. 27 38; Béatrice Majnoni d'intignano, La protection sociale, Paris, Editions de Fallois, 1993, pp.89 95; Jean-Michel Fahy, Le cbomage en France, Paris, puf., 1997; La protection sociale en France, Paris, La documentation FranCaise, 1997. 2) Jean-Jacques Dupeyroux, Xavier Prétot, op.cit., p.76. 3) 50% ' '. 4),. 5) 17.80%( 6.80%, 11%), 14.75%( 6.55%, 8.20%). 6),, 236 7)Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld, Le financement de la protection sociale, rapport au Premier ministre, Paris, La Documentation Francaise, 1995, p.162 8) - (22 )- (95 )-, (3,600 ). 9),, 234 235.

3 : 1) 1. ( ), 1988. ( ) ( ) < 5-8>. < 5-8> 20 1978 100 1982 200 1993 300. 1994 70%( 61%, 9%), 1995 72%( 55%, 17%), 1996 76%( 60%, 16%). 30%. (RMI). < 5-9> 2.. ' '. ",,,,,,,, "(, 311 2 ).... 1993, 1,337 9,367. 3.

4... (Agence nationale pour I'emploi, ANPE). 55 57. (Commune) (Agence Iocale de I'emploi).,., ( ).,,,,,,. 4.. 1993, (1988 - ), ' '(Allocation unique degressive : AUD).. ' ' 6. ( ).,. < 5-11> 50. 50 < 5-12>.,. < 5-10> (1997. 7. 1. )

< 5-11> (50 ) < 5-12> (50 ) 5.. 1993 8 1, 6.6% 4.18%, 2.42%. 6. (UNEDIC) (ASSEDIC). 1991 11,000.. (UNEDIC) 1) 5. 2

1. 2).,,.. (ASSEDIC) 1) 1988 53,. 2., (UNEDIC),. 2).,,,. ' '( ) ' '(assurance-conversion)..,,. 1991 768 2, 80%. 2) 7.., 60% (RMI).,. 50 30, 55 60..,.. 1).,, 1994; Jean-Jacques Dupeyroux Xavier Prétot, op.cit., pp.198 199; La protection sociale(1997); Gilles Huteau, Eric Le Bont, Sécurité sociale et politiques sociales, Paris, Armand Colin, 1997, pp.440 441. 2),, 12.

4 : 1) 1.. 2.., (Allocation d'insertion: AI) 16 25,,, (, ). 1992 16 25, (RMI). 6 1. 1992 7 43.70., (Allocation de solidarité spécifique: ASS). ( 10 5 ). 6.. 3. (, ). 4. (ASSEDIC).,.. 1) Jean-Jacques Dupeyroux(1994), op.cit., pp.199 200; La protection sociale(1997), Gilles Huteau, Eric Le Bont, op.cit.,

5 1. 1982,. 1988 1992 1946 1). (Revenu Minimum d'insetrion: RMI). 2. (Allocation de RMI). (25 ),.. 3.,..,,,,,,,, ( 88-1111 3 ),.,,,,,,. (, ) (RMI). 2)., (,, ). ( )... 1) 1995 12 946,010 ( 105,171 ), 1,835,275. < 5-13> 1988.

< 5-13> RMI.. 1994 32 5,000, 22 8,000, 1995 33 3,000 29 1,000,. 1995 12 1989 1993. 13.7% RMI (, ) ( )., 30% 1, 50% 2. RMI,, (, insertion). 2),,,,., 62%,. 38 35. 25 35, RMI. 50 15%. 90% (Bac). 3.8% 16.8%,,. 1992. 3) 3 1(38%), 13%(, 120,172 ). 1995 12 4,086. < 5-14>.

< 5-14> RMI 4) RMI ). 1. 1995 12 1,889. 1 2,325 50%, 1 30%. 54% 77%. ) 3 1,.. 5). 3 1 (L'Impot de solidarité sur la fortune : ISF). 6).,, < 5-15>.

< 5-15>,, (RMI) 3. RMI., 3. 3) (Commission locale d'insertion),,.. RMI RMI,.,,,,,,,,,,,,...,. ( )., ' '(Contrats de retour á Iemploi) 4). RMI.,..

. 1988 1995 ' '(Contrat initiative-emploi). 5), ' '(Contrat emploi consolidé). 5., 'RMI '(Contrats pour l'emploi des bénéficiaires du RMI) 1994. 2. 4. RMI RMI. 26. RMI ( 30% 1, 50% 2 ). RMI.. 6). RMI., RMI. RMI.. RMI. 1),,,,. 2) Amédée Thévent, R.M.I. Tbéorie et pratique, Paris, Centurion, 1989, p.30 31. 3),, 153. 4) Amédéc Thévent, op.cit., p.168. 5)La protection sociale, 1997, p.40. 6),,, ( ).

6 < 5-16>.,., < 5-16>. 1996 300 60%, 17%, (RMI). 7 :,,,. (1898 ) 100 2. 1905,, (RMI) 3. 1988 1970 80.....,,

,..,.,,,..,., ( ), (, ),, (,, ).,,, (RMI). (ANPE),..,.,, 3, 2. ' ', ' '., 3 2.,. 1),.,....,,,.,. 1), 1998 5 13.

6 1 1. 1) (Social Security Administration),,,. 2) 6-1, 4.,,,. 6-1,

,. 12. 12 4,,,,,, Section 8,,.,,. 2.,...,,.,.,., (Medicare) (Medicaid).,,., 12.,. (workfare). 1990 (General Assistance) (Personal Responsbility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act: PL 104-193) ' '. (demogrants) (Earned Income Tax Credit:EITC).,.,.,

. 1981 (Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)..,..,. 1) ", ". 2) -,,, -. 2 1. 1935. (tax offset) 1) ( ),. (Federal Unemployment Act) (Federal Unemployment Tax Act). 2.. 1995 1 1,300. (based period). 5 4. (benefit year), 52.. 20 1,500.

6, (a flat minimun base period earnings, ). 1,000 2,964. 4 1.,. (base period wages) ( 1 ½). 7 (average or minimun wages per week) ( ) ( ( ) ).,,..,. 11,. 3 6.,,,. 10 20 2 1,000. 1976,..,,, ( ), 4 20.,,...,,,..,,,...,, (,,,, back pay ) (whole benefit year).

,.,,...,., 1 1 (less than dollar-for-dollar basis).,.. ( ) (benefit year).. 3. 1995 ( ) 260. 219 213 6 4,000. 187 14.7. (taxble income)... ( 50%). 4 3. (full-time work). (weighted schedule). 6, 5. (a fixed maximun) (a flexible ceiling). 35,. ' ( ) '.

49.5 70%. 2) (maximum weekly benefit) 133 362 5 8, ( 13 ).., 50%. 100%.,,,. 13 13, 3) 9, 3. 20,. 11 (one-week of full unemployement). 3,,. 2 (benefit year) 26. 9 26, 44.,.. 1970 (Employment Security Amendments of 1970; Unemployment Compensation Amendment of 1976) (extend benefits program). 13 5%, 2 20%, 13. 6%, 20%. Employement Security Amendments of 1970, Unemployment Compensation Amendment of 1976, Emergency Unemployement Compensation Act of 1991; Unemployment Compensation Amendment of 1992. 13. ( ).. ( ) 13. ( ) ( ). 20 (full-time)

,. 13 50%. 39 ( 1991 9 ). 1991 (Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991) (1991. 9. 1992. 7. 4), 4), 8% 20, 7% 13, 6% 4. (Unemployement Compensation Amendments of 1992: P.L. 102-318) 1993 3 7., 3 6.5% 2 10% 26 13, 8% 2 10% 7 20 ( 46 ). (Federal Emergency Management Agency) (Disaster Unemployement Assistance). (1983 10 1 ) (Federal Employees Compensation Account: FECA).. ( )..,,. ' ' (supplementary tax).. 26 (employment security agencies) (department), (boards) (commissions). 4 46. (Employement Security Act).,. ( ) (local unemployment insurance and employment offices). (state employment offices) - (Wagner Peyser Act) 1993 (merit basis).

. (referee) (tribunal) (the board of review). (State court). 7, 2., (wage-combining agreements). (the Employment and Training Administration).,,. (the Internal Revenue Service). (Federal Unemployement Tax Act), (Unemployment Trust Fund)., (Virgin), 3 53. 53,. 53 3,,. 1985 1 7,000 6.2%. (payroll tax)...,.,. 1982 4 (how short) (short-term cash flow). 1985 1 6.2% 5.4%. 0.8% (0.2% surcharge. 0.2% surcharge 1977 1998 ) 0.6%, 50%,..., 3. 1991 41 7,000., 5.4%. (experience rating).. 1998 50

.,..., 0%, 3 10%. 1995 2.3% ( ) 0.8%. 0.6 0.9, 0.2 2.1. 1), (state tax) 90%. 2),. 3) 16, 18 19,. 4). 3 (Medicaid) 12. (Supplmental Security Income),,, 11. 1. (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). 1996 (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act: PRWORA) (AFDC), (Emergency Assistance) (Job Opportunity and Basic Skills : JOBS) 3 (Block Grants for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families : TANF). Title TANF. 1996 2002 (TANF) TANF (block grants). TANF ( ). TANF,,,. TANF 1996

AFDC, 1996 (PRWORA). TANF 24. TANF 5. 2002 50%. 2005. TANF 5 2002.. TANF,. AFDC.,,, 18 (need standard) 185% 1,500.,,. 20 35,, 20, 2000 30, 35., 6, 1. TANF., TANF. 1996 TANF,. TANF 1997 2000 3.. AFDC 18,. 1996 AFDC TANF. 1.. TANF, TANF. TANF (Department of Health and Human Services) 2002 164

(base-level block grants). TANF (Job Training Partnership Act)., (out-of-wedlock birth), TANF, 6.5% 2 2 10% (supplemental grants). (family support). 2.. (Food and Consumer Service) 15..,,., (WIC),. 1997 430 591 75%.. 1). (coupon) (Electronic Benefit Transfer).. SSI, SSI. 2) 2,000 ( 60 3,000. ), (gross monthly income) (1997 4 20,280 ) 130%, (net monthly income) 100%. 1) 1. SSI 1, 24. 1996 18 50 20, 20 workfare, 36 3. 10%.

3) (Thrifty Food Plan: TFP). TFP (maximum). TFP 30%,., EBT. EBT. 1996 2,500 244 1 73 172.. (WIC) 1) WIC,, 5,,. (Food and Nutrition). WIC,. WIC 1.. 2) WIC,, 5 ' (nutritional-risk)', 185%, (residency).. WIC.. 3) WIC. 1996 7.2 WIC 7.2, 1.9, 1.6. 1 31.24. 45% WIC.. (School Breakfast & Lunch Program) 1) (residential child care institutions). 1996 9 4,000 2,500. 6 5,000.

. 1996 53., 1997 12. (local education district). 2).. 3) 130%, 130% 185% ' '(reduced-price). ' ', 40, 30. 185% (full-price). 1, 1.87375, 1.4375, 0.1775, 1.0175, 0.7175, 0.1975. ' '(severe need) 1 20. 65% (severe need rate). (commodity foods). 1 (1997 15 ). ' '. 17% 83%. 3. (Housing Assistance) (Housing and Urban Development: HUD) (Public Housing Agencies: PHA & Indian Housing Authorities: IHA) PHA. 1933 (the National Industrial Recovery Act). 1937 (Housing Act), 1949 1954., Section 8,., (the Department of Agriculture),,.

. (Public Housing) 1) (, ). HUD PHA,. 2) 2) PHA PHA. ( ) ( ) (county) (metropolitan area) (80% 3) ),,. PHA PHA. 3) (Total Tenant Payment: TTP),,, 18.. PHA. - 1 480-1 400 - TTP PHA,. - (adjusted monthly income) 30%( ) - 10% - - 25 50 PHA 1996 3,350 140, HUD 62.. Section 8 1) Section 8 (rental voucher) (certificate),. Section 8.. HUD PHA

(a maximum rent). 30%. PHA (standard rent). PHA.,, 30%. 30%., 30%. 1980. 1990 1995. HUD. 2) 50%. 3) 1996 4.7 1.4, 3.4.. (Speical Needs Assistance Programs, Homeless) (homeless),. 1) Shelter Plus Care( S+C) S+C (, AIDS). (supportive services),,. 2) Setion 8 - Single Room Occupancy(SRO) SRO., PHA section 8. PHA ( 30%) (fair market rent). SRO 10. 3) Military Base Redevelopment Planning 1987 (McKinney Homeless Assistance Act). 1994 (Base Closure

Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act). 4.. (Low-Income Household Energy Assistance Program: LIHEAP) 1970,, 1981 (OBRA) 1982., (territory) LIHEAP. LIHEAP (bloack grants). LIHEP (the Department of Health and Human Services) (the Administration for Children and Families)... LIHEAP,,. LIHEAP 150% 60%. SSI, AFDC Food Stamps. 110%.,,..,.. 1995 < 6-1>.

< 6-1> (1995), (voucher) 3. (voucher), 3. 1996 LIHEAP 10 8,000 1 8,000. 5. (Medicaid). 1965 (Social Security Amendments of 1965)..,. (Mandatory Medicaid Eligibility groups). -SSI, AFDC 1996 6 TANF -AFDC 133% 6-133% - IV-E - -1983 9 30 19. - 185% 1 -, - AFDC 21

- - 1996. 1996 8 22. (matching funds). 1996 AFDC TANF. AFDC. SSI. SSI. SSI SSI.. 3.. (basic services)..,,..,. - - - - - - - ( ) - - - - X - (21 ) - -21.

34.,,,,,,,.. 8. HCFA. (reimbursement payment rate) (full payment)..,. (dedutables, coinsurance, or copayment), 18,, HMO. copayment.,. 1995 1 3,311. 21 ( 170 ) 1 1,047, (ICF) MR (ICF/MR ) 1 68,600. AIDS, 50%. 1 1 4,000 1 10. 7.5%., 2000 2,300. < 6-2> (1995).

. (the Department of Health and Human Services) (the Health Care Financing Administration: HCFA).,.,,,, (the rate of payment)., (Federal Medical Assistance Percen- tage: FAMP) 1 1 50% 83%. 1997 FAMP 50%(13 ) 77.2%( ) 57.0%. 4) (HCFA). 1995 3,600 1,595 (855, 663 ). 1,200 140 (, HMO ), 190., 50%.. 6. (General Assistance)... 1991 1992.......

< 6-3>. (Department of Health and Human Services) (general assistance) ' '(general relief). 5),. 1994 32,,,, 1994 110, 4 1,. 7. (Earned Income Tax Credit : EITC). ( EITC). EITC 1975 (the Tax Reduction Act of 1975) 1978 (the Revenue Act of 1978), ( ). 1975,. EITC. ' (negative withholding)'. EITC (IRS). 1995 4 109.3 (tax return claim) 18.3 (16.7%) EITC 248..

,, (Modified Adjusted Gross Income : AGI). 1997. < 6-4> (1995) (earned income). (wages), (salary),, (union strike benefits),,,,, (basic quarters and subsistence allowances).. 1997 2 9,140 40% 3.656 (=9,149 0.4). 9,140, (phaseout income) 11,930 ( AGI, AGI ). 11,930, 2 (, ) 21.06%. 21.06%. (AGI) ( AGI )., AFDC, Medicaid, SSI, Food stamps, Low-income housing.. EITC,,.,, ( ), (,,,, ). 2 1 ( ). 50.

< 6-5> (1995). 19, (full-time) 24.. 25 65,. 2,200 EITC.,,. 1997 EITC. 1). 1996 (extra shelter). 2) 1998. 3) 80%, 50%. 4). 5), 'State Aid', "Township Poor Relief", 'Poor Relief', 'Emergency Relief', 'Papuers Relief'. 4,,. (Job Training Partnership) (Welfare-to-Work Partnership). 1. (Job Training Partnership).

1982 (Job Training Partnership Act : JTPA) ( ). JTPA. JTPA. 1) 22 JTPA Title IIA,, TANF,, (classroom training), (on the job training),,,. 2) 14 21 Title IIB :. 3) 14 21 Title IIC : 1,. 4) Title III :,,, (early intervention)..,,, TANF JTPA.,,,,,,.. ( ) JTPA 33 %, 33 % 4.5%, 33 %. (Department of Labor), JTPA., (Employment Development Department : EDD) (State Job training Coordination Council : SJTCC) JTPA

. EDD 52 (Service Delivery Areas : SDA). SDA 200,000. SDA (Private Industry Council : PIC), PIC,,,,, SDA. PIC SDA, SDA,., PIC. 70% 30%. 78% PIC,. PIC 60% 40%. 10%. 22%,,. 2. (Welfare-to-Work Partnership). 1996 (Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act ) AFDC (TANF). TANF AFDC 5 2 ' ' 5 4 AFDC. 1997 (Balanced Budget Act) TANF TANF (Department of Labor) (Welfare-to-Work grants). (Welfare-to-Work partnership) (welfare recipients) (partnership).. 1),,. 2). 3)

. (Work Opportunity Tax Credit) (Wage Subsidy).., 400 6,000 35%.,. TANF,. TANF 250 350, 600.,,., 1.. TANF.. (Welfare-to-Work grants),. (Job Training Partnership Act).,. 5. 1., ' '..

.,.,.,..,.,.,,.,.,,,.., ' ( ) ( )' ' '.,. (sunk-cost). 2. (Job sharing),,. '

(Welfare-to-Work)'..,..... IMF ' '. ' '... 7 1. 1947, 1949, 1950 ( ), 1960, 1963, 1964. 1961,,, 1973

1).. ' ',, ' '. 2) ' ', ' ' 1980 2 ( 2 ) ' '. 3) ' ' ' ', ' ' ' ',., 1995 4), ' ', ' ', ' ',. < 7-1> < 7-1>,. 5),,.

< 7-2>, (1994) 1) 70,. 2) 1979 10 7 (, 1992). 3) 1983, 1986,, (, 10,, 1994). 4),.,, 1996. 5),, 1997. 2 1. 1,, 2,. < 7-3>., ( ), (, ).,,,,

< 7-3>,.. 2.. 1947 ' ' 1975 ' '.,. 1984

[ 7-1] ' ' ' ', 1989, 1994 ' ', ' '. 3 ' ' ' ',, 1) [ 7-1]. 1). 2). 5. 3). : 65 :, ( 1 ) : 30 4) 65 ( ). 2),, 4

< 7-4> ( ) < 7-5>.,,. ( ) 1995 192, 3,354, 1995 5 5 ( ), 65% ( 7-4, 7-5 ). 5). ) 1993 11.5/1,000( 13.5/1,000, 14.5/1,000) ( 7-6 ).,,. 1/1,000. 64.

< 7-6> ). 4 1( 3 1 ), 3 1( 1/4 ). 8 1. 1993 8, 7. 3) ) ' '. 5 15, 5 15.., ' ' ' ', ' ', ' ' 1998 12 ( 7-7 ).

< 7-7> 1) ) : 1 (, 4 ) 6,. : 6 180 ( ) 8 6 (60 65 8 5 ), 4,290 ( 3,230 ) 4,290 ( 3,230 ).,.

< 7-8> :,. 1 90 ( 7-8 ). : 1.,, 1 4. ) ' '. 1998 3 (50 150 ) (30 75 ) (1999 4 1 ),. ) 1 50. ) 2 26. ' ', ' '.

< 7-9> ) 90. (1),,, 90.. (2), 60. 40 90. (3) (2 ), (90 ) (30 ). (4) ( 2 ) 90. (5) 4 100 4, 90. 2) ' ', ' ', ' ' ' '. ' ' 3 1, 45 30 120, ' ', 45 30.,. 3)

(, ) 1995 3,354, 83 7 ( 2.5%) 1 14 5 ( 7-10 ). ( ) 1995 5 5, 3 4 ( 82.3%, 17.7%), 10.0, 7 256, 289 6 2 5 ( 7-11 ). < 7-10> 1 (1995) < 7-11> (1 ) 3.. 1946 ' ( )',. 1950 ' ( )'.,. 1) ' ' 1950 25

( 1 ),. ( 2 ) :. ( 3 ) : ' '. ( 4 ) :,,,. : ( 64 ). ( 69 ) : ( ). 2) ),,,,,, 7,, ( ) ( 7-2 ). 7-2 * = (, ) * = - * = - ( ) )

, (6 ) 1997 1-1 3 (33, 29, 4 ) 174,859 ( 7-12 ). < 7-12> (, 1997 ) ), ( ) 4) ( ). ), 4 3, 2 1. 3) ),,,,,.,., 1948 (market basket) 1961 (Engel). 1960, 1965 ' ' 5). 1980 60%, ' ' 1984., 1997 2.2% 3 (1-1) 1996 158,375 161,859. 6) ),,,,,,.,. 1997 ( ) 2,140, 4,140. )

. (1,2 13,000 ). 1997 67,900. ) ' ', ' ', ' ' ' '.,. ),.,,,,,,.. ) 1986. 1997 33,260, 151,200. 4) ) 1951 70, 250, 1996 61 3, 88 7,450 7.1%.( 7-13 ). < 7-13> (1996 ), 43.7%, 8.6%,, 42.3%, 5.5%, 60 45.3%, 10 38.1%. 7) ) 1 14 3 ( 7-14 ).

< 7-14> 1 1 ) ' ', 71.6% ( 7-15 ). 29.4%,, 31.5%, 10.8%. 1965 52.4% 1996 87.0%, < 7-15>

< 7-16>, ( 7-16 ).. 1071 1972. 3, 1985 2 1992, 1994,, < 7-17>., 1996 6 239 6 (4 ).

< 7-17> ( 417 8 ). 1996 2 148 ( 116 ), 36, 19 ( 18 ) 203. 166 ( 130 ), 40, 21 ( 20 ). 8) ' ' ' ', 1996 62 4, 12 7.. 1952 ' ' 1955 ' ', 1990 ' '.,,. 1),,, ( 65 ) 2) (8 ) :,, : :,, :,,,,,,,,,,

:,,,, :,, :, ( 1 ) : < 7-18> (1997) 3),. 1. 9) 4) 3 2, 3 1, ( 1996 1,053 ).

5),,.,,,.. 1) (1999 4 1 ), 8 7.(, 1998. 3. 20, ). 2) 1 30. 3), 1998. 3. 20,. 4),,. ' ' 3, 20. 5). 60% 1960 38% 1965 50.2%, 1973 56%, 1980 59.1% (,, 1988) 6),, 1977. 7), 1997, 103. 8),, 1997, 120. 9) (. 90). 3 ' ',. 2,, 1949,,. 1) 1949 ' '. 1959 ' ', 1969 ' ' 1971 ' ',

7-3 ' ' ' '. 2) 1. ' ' 1949 ' '., 3) 1995 ' '... 1) ( ) ( ) 1.2%, 3 ( ) 50%. 3 1. 2) 1 10 11 200. 10 11 ( ).. -,,,,,,,,,.,,.

.... 3 2, 3 1. 3 2 (1951 ).. (1963 ).. ' ',.,. ' ' 2. < 7-19> < 7-20>, 1955 22 72% ( 7-19, 7-20 ).

2.. ' '. 1954 ' ' 70%, 1955 ' ' 85%. 4) 5),. 1) 1949 10, 47 6. 2),, 1996.. 3) (1980 64.3 ),, ( 52 82 ). 4),, 1996, 738 743. 5),,,. 4,,,..,,,. 1), ', '.,,,,,.,., IMF

,.,..,...... (, ),.,..,,.,.,.,,,.. 1), (1998.4.).

8 1 34 1 ' ', 34 2 " "., 1995 12 30. 2 " ".,,, ( 3 1 ). ( 3 2 ), ( 3 3 ). 1) ( 3 4 ), ( 3 5 ).,,,, 4.,. < 8-1>.,,,... 20 35%,. ( ). 2)

< 8-1> (1998.9. ) 2, 70%,. 50%. 5,. 40%, 40%, 31%, 51%. < 8-2> 5, 5 3,

,.,. < 8-3>. 1998 3 1,989 2, 664 5, 567 8, 196 3, 403 1, 157 5,, ( 208 ),. < 8-3> (1998.3. ) 1.,.. 1). 2) 20 27.5%, 40 54%,. 2 1, 2 ( ),,,. (institutionalized)., (temporary assistance system).

., 1 20 35,.. 1. 1.,.. 1995 7 30, 70, 1998 1 10, 50. 1998 3 5, 1998 7 5. 5 1998 6 626 31%, 51% ( 8-2 )., 4. 5 10 29 1998 7, 5 9 1998 9. 1998 5 150,, < 8-4>. 30%, 7.0%. 30 40% ( 8-5 ) 1998 5 30 1998 5, 2 1 5.

< 8-4> (1998.5. ) < 8-5>.,,.,,,,, [ 8-1]. 1) [ 8-1].,..,,.

[ 8-1] (1998.8. ).,. 18 ( ) 12 ( ). 1998 3 1999 6 12 6 ( 3 1 ). 50%., 7 7 ( ), 70%(1 8,316 ) ( ) 2)., 14, 2. < 8-6> 60 210, 1995 7 1998 6 30 3 60 120, 1998 7 1 2000 6 30 60 120.

< 8-6>, 2, 4.,.. < 8-7>. < 8-7>.

,. 3).., (extended benefit) ( 8-8 ).. 2. 30 30, 30 60. 2000 6 30 60 150. 6.0% 3 60 1998 7 15. 1998 7 210., 70%. < 8-8> 2.. 2,.,. < 8-9>,.

. 1998 1 22, 1 23, 2,800, 2,900., 1. < 8-9> 1998 1998 37 7, 79 8 117 5 2.6%.

< 8-10>.,, ( 8 ) 1998 1 121,518.,, ( 8 ). 1 2 (1 ) 1,500 20%. 1998 1 34,967.,, ( 12 ) 1998 (34 2 ), (58 4 ), (49 5 ), 1998 12... (workfare). 15 65., 30 55. 1 8, 5 ( ) 2 2 3 5, 1 3. 1998 < 8-12>.. 1998 2. 3

( ), 10 25.7 ( 18.5%),. 46 < 8-12> 1998 2 (1998. 8. 17 12. 31.)... 1998. 1998 7,377 32 (6

< 8-13> 16 ), 1998 8 16 7. 1 21, 1 20 35 (4 ). 4)., 2. 70%.,,

,. 20 35.,,.. 1). 2) 1998 2 50% 5,940, 70% 1998 3. 3) 2 1 2 1. 1 5. 50, 43,150 348,700. 4) 4 35, 20. 3 1 2,,... 1.. 1. 2 1, 1998 5 30 1998. [ 8-2], 1998 5 30%, 12.1%. 70% 1.,,.

30%.,., 1998 2.6% 118. 31 149 3.3% [ 8-2] (1998. 5. ), 13 2...

[ 8-2] 61.2% 91 8. [ 8-2] 1 27 2 2,900 50% 4,350 29.7%(44.5 ), 8.8%. 1) 30%, 8.8% 61.2% 91 8, 20.9% 31 3. 1998 1/4 118 2 43.6% 51 5 70.1% 36 1 ( 8-14 ). 1998 1/4 26.1%(30 8 ), 150 1 20%(24 ) ( 8-15 ). < 8-14> (1998 1/4 ) < 8-15> (1998 1/4 ).

,,,,,.... 2.. 50%,.,. 1998 1 121,518, 1 5,591, 1 34,967 1 16 2., 1 121,518. 2 (1 ) 1,500 20%. 1 79,000.. 3.. 1998 5 1 8 14 1,,, 3,. 2 (1998. 8.17 12.31).,, 37.6%. 1), 1998.

4 1..,.. 1,2.. 1,. 2. TYPE : 1) (,,,,,, ) TYPE : (,, ), TYPE TYPE. TYPE, TYPE..,....,,..., 1998 10 5 6 5.

.,.,..,.., (Top-Down), (Base-Up).,.,.,..,, (national minimum)., ' '.,,,. 2.. 300. < 8-16> 1998 3 300 5.6%, 94.4% 300. 10 58.9% 65 8 10. 10 1998 3 1 5, 5 9 1998 9 1. 40% 5,.. < 8-17>

1998 3 1 16.8% 18 8.,,. < 8-16> < 8-17> (1998.3). 1998 10 1 5, 1998 8. 1998 10 8 59 70%..,

...,, 14,,. 1997 12. 1998 3 18 12 1999 6 30 12 6. 1999 6..,,.,. 2. 2.... 50%. 1998 3 50% 70%.,..,,,.

..,. 2).... 70%,. (, 6 12 ).. 60 210. 1995 7 1998 7 60 150. 1998 7 15 3 6.0% 60 35%( 70%). 120 210.,.. 2... 3.,,

, (national minimum),,,..,. 1997.,. 1999 1998, 1999 200... 1 22 23, 2,800 2,900.,.,. 1 1997. 3)..,. 4).,,,,..,,,,.. 1996, < 8-18>

66%, 47.5%.. 34%, 30%, 25%, 5 34%... 1, 1,. 1 1, < 8-18> (1996) < 8-19> (1996 )

< 8-20> (1996).. 79 47.5% 122,000 12, 5,440... (New Deal)... 4... 1998 1 444 10. 1999 2 5 25. 1999. (workfare).

,, SOC,,.. 21. 1998 7,377 32, 1999 1998..,,,.,..,. 5.,.,,.... 1, 50%,, 50%,, (, ).. 5), 1994, 22%..,,

.,. 1). 2),., 1992 5., 58. 3).. 4). 5). 9 1 1997 IMF. 1999 4 5 5% 1998......,. (institutionalized)..

. ' ' TYPE ' ' TYPE 2.,, TYPE,,, TYPE. TYPE,. 1.,,., 67% 60%.. 50% 50%. 60 80%..,,,,. 26, 156 832 4 60. 90 300 60 210.,. 3 1998 7 60 150. 6..,,.,,.. 4 26..... 13,

90, 60. 70%.... 57%( 53%) 1 1. 5 6 (ASS), 6 1 (AI). 1 2.,..,.. 1998 3 ' ', (Earned Income Tax Credit) 1978.,,., (Income Support) (Budgeting Loans) (Crisis Loans),. 1955. 6 1 3 20,, 3%.,,, 1 2 2 3., 8.5 9.5% 2 3.

2 1970 1, 2,....,.,. 5 1998 10 1 1999 4 1 5.., 47.5%.,..,...., (national minimum),,....,


< 1> < 2>

< 3>

< 4> ( )

< 5>

< 6>