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**. (dual-track policy).,... :,,,,,,,..,,

.,.. (HEU) (Smith and Warrick )., P-,,... - kt. ( )....,,..,.

,., %. (dual-track policy).,...,....,.,......,,.. (

).......,..,,.. ( ) ( ),.. ) ( b -).

,,..,.,,.,.,,.,., (Harden ), ( b).,.,. ) (Blumenthal and Kagan ). ) No crisis for North KoreaWashington Post Tuesday May. )... http://www.joins.com ( : ).

() ( ).,,.. : WMD,,., ( a).,,., EU (Blumenthal and Kagan )..,..,, ), ( ).

.,.,.,..,.., MBC, ( b)... (nuclear umbrella)(nucleare extended deterrence).,..,., (NPT)

(Negative Security Assurance: NSA)., SCM (, - ).,., NPT..,,.,.,. ) (nuclear weapon state) (non-nuclear weapon state). ) : We will maintain a robust defense posture backed by allied capabilities which support both nations security interests. The continuing commitment of extended deterrence including the U.S. nuclear umbrella reinforces this assurance. Joint Vision For The Alliance Of The United States Of America And The Republic Of Korea, The White House Office of the Press Secretary Washington DC June.

., (the strongest possible response).. (Fetter, ),.,.,.,..,.....,,..,

.., (nuclear-weapon-free-world)...... NPT...,.... ) SCM ( ).

.., (MD),.,.,,. ( ).,. (,, ). ( ). (Harrison ).. ) () ( ). ) - mm ( ).

,....,.,..,. ( ) ( ).,.. (Yukio Satoh), (Satoh

).,. (Davis et al., )...., (Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis) (Nuclear Planning Group: NPG) (deterrence policy group) (Schoff, xiv). :,,,,. (Kurt Campbell) (Yates and Whiton )...,...

. NATO (Multilateral Force: MLF). MLF NATO NATO NATO. NATO, MLF. NATO NATO (nuclear centralization). MLF. MLF NATO MLF, NATO (Freedman, ). NATO MLF, NATO MLF (Catudal, - ; Kamp, ). MLF NATO (NPG).,, (Yates and Whiton ). NATO.,,, -. NATO

, NPG (Mey and Denison, ).. NPT I,. NPT (Dunn, - ):,,. NPT, NPT. NPT I. NATO. (dual key).. (INF) II (Ground Launched Cruise Missile: GLCM). ).. (dual national control) (dual-key control). (nuclear release system). II GLCM.

,,.,, (, ).....,,

...,,.,.,.,.,,.,.,.,..,. )...

. SS-, SS-, SS- NATO. II (GLCM),.,. II GLCM, (zero option).,. II GLCM. INF,. INF ( )..

. (All In).,. (grand bargain).. (zero option). (double zero option)......, ) (CFR) (KS) (AS) ( a).

..,..,...,. () ( ), ( )..,, ) ( ).

( )...,..... (global posture review). (Davis et al., ). ). : [ ]... ( ).

.,.,, (, - ). (Nuclear Strategic Planning Group: NSPG) (Yates and Whiton ). NSPG. (deterrence by denial).... (Glosserman and Cossa ).,,..,

.,.,...,.,...., WMD, WMD WMD,, WMD (Bernstein, ).

.., (Trilateral Nuclear Consultative Committee: TNCC).,,..,.,.,.,,...,....

..,,.,...,..,...,.. (PSI) PSI.

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