116 해항도시문화교섭학 16, (an illuminant), 19 (Pennsylvania). 2) (Herman Melville, ) (Moby-Dick; or, The Whale) (Acushnet) (Mar

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116 해항도시문화교섭학 16,. 18 19. (an illuminant), 19 (Pennsylvania). 2) (Herman Melville, 1819 1891) (Moby-Dick; or, The Whale) 19. 1841 1842 (Acushnet) (Marquesas). (Pequod) 1820 11 20 (Essex). 3), (the East Sea). (Ahab),,. 2) Encyclopædia Britannica(1970), Chicago: William Benton, Vol.23, p.464. 3) Carrier, David R., Deban, Stephen M. and Otterstrom, Jason(2002), The face that sank the Essex: potential function of the spermaceti organ in aggression, The Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.205, p.1755.

19 117. 1851, (Matthew Calbraith Perry, 1794 1858) 1854. 16, 220. 19,.,. 19. Ⅱ. 포경선의북태평양항로 18. 1791 8 (Nantucket) 1793 2 3 (Beaver). (New Bedford) (Rebecca),. 4) 19 4) Johnson, Donald D. & Best, Gary Dean(1995), The United States in the

118 해항도시문화교섭학 16 (gold rush) (whale rush) 5),., 19. 1840,. 1837. 6) 1840 12 1 (New York Sun),. 1 100 ;,, ;. 7),. 1842 7 (Nuku Hiva) (Taipi),., 1851. 8) Pacific: Private Interests and Public Policies, 1784-1899, Westport: Praeger, p.46. 5). 6) Heflin, Wilson L.(2004), Herman Melville s Whaling Years, Edwards, Mary K. Bercaw and Heffernan, Thomas Farel ed, Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, p.1. 7) Heflin,, p.1.

19 119. 600,. (Ishmael),.,.,,, 19,.. 3 5... (Charles Darwin) 1846 (Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of the Countries Visited during the Voyage of H. S. Beagle round the World, under the Command of Capt. Fitz Roy, R. N.), 9) (David Porter) 8) (Typee, 1846), (Omoo, 1847).

120 해항도시문화교섭학 16 (Journal of a Cruise Made to the Pacific Ocean, 1822), (James Colnett) (Voyage to the South Atlantic and Round Cape Horn into the Pacific Ocean, 1798), (James Burney) (Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean, 1803). 10). 1 5. (southern whaling voyage) (by far the longest of all voyages now or ever made by man)(170) 11).,. (Azores),. (Canary),.. (Croze) 9) Worden, Joel Daniel(2005), The Galapagos in American Consciousness: American Fiction Writers' Responses to Darwinism, Diss. Delaware UP, p.62. 10) Hillway, Tyrus(1974), Mellville's Education in Science, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.16, No.3, p.423. 11) Melville, Herman(2012), Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, London: Penguin. Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.

19 121, (Sumatra) (Java) (Sunda).. (Borneo) (Malay) (Malacca). (Philippine Sea) (Taiwan) (East China Sea).,. (far coast of Japan)(442).,., 1842 11 1843 4 (Charles and Henry). (Coleman) 1843 5 10.,. 12) ( the Sea of Japan) (Cape Horn)? (Cape of 12) Heflin,, p.188.

122 해항도시문화교섭학 16 을 돌아가는 경로, 즉 왔던 길로 되돌아가는 것일까? Good Hope) <그림 1> 페리 제독의 제1차 일본 원정 항로와 피쿼드 호의 항로13) 이 의문에 대해 일본을 개항시킬 목적으로 미국 특별 대사 (Special ambassador of the United States to Japan) 자격으로 일본의 에도만에 도착했던 페리 제독의 원정대가 답을 제시한다. 1852년 네 척으로 구성된 미국 해군의 소함대를 이끌고 노퍽(Norfolk)을 출항한 페리 원 정대는 1853년 7월 일본 오키나와의 나하 항에 도착하지만 일본으로 부터 대화를 거부당하였다. 이듬해 미국 대통령의 친서를 가지고 일본 을 다시 찾은 페리는 대학두(大學頭) 하야시(Hayashi-Daigaku-no-kami) 와 1854년 3월 31일 조약을 체결하였다. 14) 15) 13) 이 그림은 페리 제독의 일본 원정기 에 나타난 1852 3년의 제1차 일본 원정 항로와 모비 딕 에 나타난 피쿼드 호의 항로를 바탕으로 저자가 만 든 것이다. 14) Perry, Matthew Calbraith(1856), Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States, Vol., Washington: House of Representatives. Google Book Search. Web.( : 2017. 3. 9) p. 377. 15) Tomes, Robert(1859), Japan and the Japanese: A Narrative of the U. S. Government Expedition to Japan, under the Commodore Perry, 2nd ed, London: Trϋbner. Google Book Search. Web.( : 2017. 3. 9) pp.377-378. 검색일 검색일 Ⅱ

19 123 1., 16). 17) (Macao),,,. 18). 19).,, (Bering)..,. (Starbuck). (Niphon), (Matsmai), (Sikoke) 20) (550) 16) Tomes,, pp.1-33. 17) Tomes,, pp.34-55. 18) Tomes,, pp.56-90. 19) Tomes,, pp.170-189. 20),. (Benfey, Christopher(2004), The Great Wave: Gilded Age Misfits, Japanese Eccentrics, and the Opening of Old Japan, New York: Random House, p.23)

124 해항도시문화교섭학 16. (Gilbert) (Kiribati). Ⅲ. 포경선의활동과일본의개항,. (Easter),.,.. (Southern whalemen)(181), - (Southern whale-fishers)(184), (Southern fishers)(388). 21),,,. 21) Bernard, Fred V.(2002), The Question of Race in Moby-Dick, The Massachusetts Review, Vol.43, No.3, p.395.

19 125., (Southern sea). 1851 (whale chart) 22),.,, (William Heine) 1854 2. 1, 160,? (In one year, 160 American ships have seen sighted, passing through the Tsugaru Straits. Why are so many coming to the Sea of Japan?),,. 23) (Bernard),. 24) 22) Dower, John W.(2008), Black Ship & Samurai: Commodore Perry and The Opening of Japan (1853-1854), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Visualizing Cultures. http://visualizingcultures.mit.edu. pp.1-2. 23) Trautmann, Frederic(1990), With Perry to Japan: A Memoir by William Heine: Translated, with Introduction and Annotations, Honolulu: Hawaii UP. p.105. (Burcin, P.22). 24) Bernard,, p.395.,

126 해항도시문화교섭학 16 * : New Bedford Whaling Museum (Whaleman's Chapel).. 1849 (Liancourt) 1849 (Liancourt Rocks),. 1854 6 14 (Two Brothers) 1855 (Southerton, Donald G(2005), Intrepid Americans: Bold Koreans Early Korean Trade, Concessions, and Entrepreneurship, New York: iuniverse, p.19). 25) Dower,, pp.1-2.

19 127 (Who were towed out of sight by a Whale, on the Off-shore Ground in the Pacific), (Who in the bows of his boat was killed by a Sperm Whale on the coast of Japan) (42)., (Aye, he was dismasted off Japan)(144).,., (double-bolted)(130). 1837, 1846. 26) 1854. 27),. 1849 (Lagoda) 15. 28), 26) Burcin, Terry(2005), Commodore Perry s 1853 Japanese Expedition: How Whaling Influenced the Event that Revolutionized Japan, Diss. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State U, p.. 27), p.. 28), p..

128 해항도시문화교섭학 16.,. (560),., (That unblinkingly vivid Japanese sun seems the blazing focus of the glassy ocean's immeasurable burning-glass)(578).,.,. (impenetrable)(560),.. 1852 H. (William H. Seward). 29)

19 129 (the subjugation of the monster of the sea to the uses of man). 30)., 4,000,. 31) 1853 1. 1850 11 7 1, 3 2, 2 4. 32). 33). (Rangno) 1830 1861 900 722, 34) 1853 2 7 (New York Times) 650 15,000, 29) Rangno, Erik(2008), Melville s Japan and the Marketplace Religion of Terror, Nineteenth-Century Literature. Vol.62, No.4, p.465. 30), p.465. 31) Seward, William Henry(1852), Commerce in the Pacific Ocean: Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, July 29, 1852, p.12. Rangno,, p.466. 32) Rangno,, pp.477-478. 33) Burcin,, p.. 34) Rangno,, p.484.

130 해항도시문화교섭학 16. 35) (Columbus), (Magellan), (Cook) (Pantheon). 36).,, (If that double-bolted land, Japan, is ever to become hospitable, it is on the threshold.)(130).,...,. (129),.. 35) Burcin,, p.1. 36) Rangno,, p.478.

19 131 Ⅳ. 결론, 19., (Northwest Passage), 16.. 19. (partly religious and partly economic) 37).,.,,. 38), 1876. 37) Charles, Asselin(1995), Colonial Discourse since Christopher Columbus, Journal of Black Studies, Vol.26, No.2, p.137. 38) Charles,, p.135.

132 해항도시문화교섭학 16,.,,.

19 133 참고문헌 (2014),,,. Benfey, Christopher(2004), The Great Wave: Gilded Age Misfits, Japanese Eccentrics, and the Opening of Old Japan, New York: Random House. Bernard, Fred V.(2002), The Question of Race in Moby-Dick, The Massachusetts Review, Vol.43, No.3, pp.384-404. Burcin, Terry(2005), Commodore Perry s 1853 Japanese Expedition: How Whaling Influenced the Event that Revolutionized Japan, Diss. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UP. Carrier, David R., Deban, Stephen M. and Otterstrom, Jason(2002), The Face That Sank the Essex: Potential Function of the Spermaceti Or gan in Aggression, The Journal of Experimental Biology, Vol.205, pp.1755-63. Charles, Asselin(1995), Colonial Discourse Since Christopher Columbus, Journal of Black Studies, Vol.26, No.2, pp.134-52. Dower, John W.(2008), Black Ship & Samurai: Commodore Perry and The Opening of Japan (1853-1854). Mssachusetts Institute of Technology Visualizing Cultures. http://visualizingcultures.mit.edu( : 2017. 3. 7) Encyclopædia Britannica(1970), Chicago: William Benton. Heflin, Wilson L.(2004), Herman Melville s Whaling Years, Edwards, Mary K. Bercaw and Heffernan, Thomas Farel ed, Nashville: Vanderbilt UP. Height, Eleanor M.(2004), Japan as Artefact and Archive: Nineteenth-Century Photographic Collections in Boston, History of Photography, Vol.28, No.2, pp.102-21. Hillway, Tyrus(1974), Mellville's Education in Science, Texas Studies in Literature and Language, Vol.16, No.3, pp.411-25.

134 해항도시문화교섭학 16 Johnson, Donald D. and Best, Gary Dean(1995), The United States in the Pacific: Private Interests and Public Policies, 1784-1899, Westport: Praeger. Melville, Herman(2012), Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, London: Penguin. Perry, Matthew Calbraith (1856), Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy, by order of the government of the United States, Vol., Washington: House of Representatives. Google Book Search. Web.( : 2017. 3. 9) Rangno, Erik(2008), Melville s Japan and the Marketplace Religion of Terror, Nineteenth-Century Literature. Vol.62, No.4, pp.465-92. Rock art hints at whaling origins. (2004), BBC News, April 20, 2004, http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3638853.stm( : 2017. 3. 7) Southerton, Donald G(2005), Intrepid Americans: Bold Koreans Early Korean Trade, Concessions, and Entrepreneurship, New York: iuniverse. Tomes, Robert(1859), Japan and the Japanese: A Narrative of the U. S. Government Expedition to Japan, under the Commodore Perry, 2nd ed, London: Trϋbner. Google Book Search. Web.( : 2017. 3. 9) Trautmann, Frederic(1990), With Perry to Japan: A Memoir by William Heine; Translated, with Introduction and Annotations, Honolulu: Hawaii UP. Worden, Joel Daniel(2005), The Galapagos in American Consciousness: American Fiction Writers' Responses to Darwinism, Diss. Delaware UP, p.62.

19 135 국문초록 허만멜빌의 모비딕 에나타난포경항로와 19 세기북태평양의정치적상황 (Herman Melville) (Moby-Dick; or, The Whale) (The Pequod), 19... 3 5. (1851) (1854).,.,

136 해항도시문화교섭학 16.,,.,. :,,,,

19 137 Abstract The Whaling Routes in Herman Melville s Moby-Dick and the Political Situation in the 19 th Century North Pacific Ocean Kim, Nag-Hyun Hong, Ok-Sook The purpose of this study is to trace the route of the Pequod in Herman Melville's Moby-Dick; or, The Whale, and then connect the activities of the whaling vessels that extended the fishery towards the world ocean with the political situation in the first half of the 19 th century. In Moby-Dick, Captain Ahab accurately depicts the expected path of the white sperm whale Moby-Dick based on the logbooks of whaler captains. This reflects the records of navigators and whaling ships in addition to Melville s own experience at a whale ship. It was common for all American and Western whalers to live on the open sea for more than three years. Their sailing route followed that of whales from the southern Atlantic and the Indian Oceans through the Japanese coastal waters to the Pacific Ocean. Especially the fact that the publication of Moby-Dick (1851) and the opening of Japan by Commodore Perry (1854) happened at the same decade leads us to look at the activities of whalers in the North Pacific. Because of the long passage from the US whaling bases to the North Pacific whale fishing ground on the other side of the globe, whale ships needed a port of call in Japan for the supply of water and food and repair of their ships. Even before the US government sent Perry for the opening of Japan, unofficial exchanges took place between the Japanese

138 해항도시문화교섭학 16 people and whalers. Melville described Japan as a double-bolted country, he associated the country with Moby Dick, which would not be subdued or conquered by humans. Even though he was fully aware of the role of whale ships in the opening of Japan, we cannot say Melville agreed to the capitalistic expansion of western countries in search of overseas market. By sinking the Pequod after the encounter with Moby Dick, he indirectly chose to frustrate the American people s effort to open Japan. Key Words: Herman Melville, whaling route, Opening of Japan, Perry, Moby-Dick; or, The Whale.