KISEP Original Articles 8 2 1997 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 8183~198 한국판청소년용도덕발달수준평가도구의개발 DEVELOPMENT OF THE KOREAN FORM OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT INVENTORY FOR ADOLESCENTS 신지용 * 조수철 ** Jee-Yong Shin, M.D.,* Soo-Churl Cho, M.D.** 요약 중심단어 서 론 Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Kangdong Sacred-Heart Hospital, Seoul Devision of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Seoul National University Children s Hospital, Seoul 183
1. 연구대상 연구대상및방법 185
2. 연구방법 1) 검사도구의선정 2) 검사대상의선정 Table 1. Distribution of the main sample No. of survey No. of analysis% Male Female Male Female Middle school 1st year 50 45 4080 4089 2nd year 45 47 4191 4289 3rd year 48 50 4492 4386 High school 1st year 46 50 4393 4488 2nd year 44 51 4193 4690 3rd year 45 49 4293 4184 Total 278 292 25190 25688 570 50789 186
3) 타당도평가 4) 신뢰도평가 5) 도덕발달수준의점수화과정 1. 타당도 1) 구인타당도 연구성적 187
Table 2. PM score# according to grades Grade No. Mean S.D. Scheffe testp0.05 Middle 1st 80 25.6 9.4 * **** 2nd 83 26.2 9.8 ** 3rd 87 27.2 10.8 *** High 1st 87 29.9 9.6 2nd 87 30.9 9.3 **** 3rd 83 32.7 10.1 * ** *** Total 507 28.8 10.1 F5,201=6.84, p=0.00 *, **, ***, ****:significant between the compared groups #:the score of principled morality Table 3. Concurrent validity Test Short-form Pearson Test 1.00 0.87* correlation Short-form 0.87* 1.00 Significance Test.00 two-tailed Short-form.00 Test 507 507 No. Short-form 507 507 *:Correlation is significant at the 0.01 leveltwotailed Table 4. Discriminant validity No. Mean F Significance Scheffe test Conduct 28 18.6 * ** Psychiatric 28 25.4 ** Normal 28 26.9 9.887.00 * *, **:significant between the compared groups p0.05 2) 공존타당도 3) 변별타당도 Table 5. Story-total correalation Pearson correlation Total 1.00 0.22* 0.12* 0.03 0.58* 0.22 1.00 0.17* 0.16* 0.68* 0.12 0.17* 1.00 0.00 0.56* 0.03 0.16* 0.00 1.00 0.50* Total 0.58* 0.68* 0.56* 0.50* 1.00 *:Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level(two-tailed) Reliability coefficients 5 items Alpha=0.71 Standardized item alpha=0.68 Table 6. Pearson correlation coefficients of the scores between test and retest of this inventory by subgroups Normal group Conduct group Correlation No. r No. r Pearson 42 0.88 28 0.63 p value <0.01 <0.01 2. 신뢰도 1) 이야기-전체상관성및내적일관성 2) 검사-재검사신뢰도 4. 청소년에서의도덕발달수준 188
고찰 189
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ABSTRACT Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 8183~198, 1997 DEVELOPMENT OF THE KOREAN FORM OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT INVENTORY FOR ADOLESCENTS Jee-Yong Shin, M.D., Soo-Churl Cho, M.D. Department of Neuropsychiatry, College of Medicine, Hallym University, Kangdong Sacred-Heart Hospital, Seoul ObjectsThis study was carried out to develop the Korean form of Moral Development Inventory for Adolescents designed to assess the principled morality in adolescents. And the auther also intended to find the demographic variables that influence the moral development. MethodsThe Korean form inventory was applied to 507 middle and high school adolescents, and retest was done in 42 second year middle school adolescents with 3 weeks interval. Together this inventory, short form of Rest moral development which had been proved its reliability and validity, were administered to the all subjects for concurrent validity. And then the author examined whether this inventory discriminates between conduct disorder patients, psychiatric controls and normal controls in the level of moral development. ResultsTest-retest reliability and internal consistency were very satisfactory. Concurrent validity with this inventory was also high level. And conduct disorder patients were scored significant lower than psychiatric and normal controls in the level of principled morality. The mean PM scores did not show significant difference according to the variables such as sex, birth order and religion. But there was significant difference according to the educational level of mother and places. ConclusionsThese results indicate that the Korean form of Moral Development Inventory is a reliable and valid rating inventory to assess the moral development level in Korean adolescents. KEY WORDSMoral development inventory Reliability Validity. 192
부록 사회문제에관한설문지 다음빈칸을채워주세요 193
Ⅰ. 남편과약 195
Ⅱ. 탈옥수 196
Ⅲ. 의사의갈등 197
Ⅳ. 직원고용 198