학교폭력사건 처리과정에 개입한 전문상담교사의 경험연구

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Experience and Perceptions of School Counselors in the Process of Dealing with School Violence Hong, JiYoung Jeonju University The purpose of the study was to qualitatively investigate the experience and perceptions of school counselors who were involved in the process of dealing with school violence. Fourteen school counselors -5 from elementary, 5 from middle, and 4 from high schoolwere interviewed, divided into three different focus groups. To ensure objectivity, the research team and the audit team were involved in the analysis. Six domains (school violence incidents experienced by school counselors, interventions for the incidents, effects of the interventions, factors which affected the process of addressing the incidents, and suggestions on school violence), 21 categories, and 70 concepts for elementary, 74 for middle, and 84 for high school were derived. First, the interventions used by school counselors include separation of victims from perpetrators, counseling-based approaches, perspective taking, reflective self-awareness, realistic perceptions on circumstances, cooperation with other teachers and institutions, and temporary protection of victims. In the process of implementing the interventions, school counselors experienced difficulties due to poor job conditions, the characteristics of students and their parents involved, feeling of burden for taking a coordinating role, and ineffective interventions performed at the systemic level. Second, school counselors took on multiple roles such as counselors, consultants, and coordinators. Third, effective interventions perceived by school counselors were counseling-based approaches, utilizing available resources, and drawing settlements. In contrast, ineffective interventions were one-way punishments and unprepared interventions. Fourth, the incidents of school violence were affected by awareness and capabilities of school counselors, attitudes and roles of teachers and parents involved, administration and management systems, timing, developmental factors, and so forth. Findings of this study can serve as a basis from which more effective interventions are explored, curriculum designed to establish school counselors' professional identity and enhance professional knowledge and skills are developed, and further related systems and policies are improved. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed. Key words : school violence, school counselors, focus group interview