T e l. 031-2 90-622 1 e - m a il : k im hr0 @ r da.g o.k r 1. 2. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. 3. 4. 1
1.....,. 2
2.. T able 1. (pome fruit) ACLSV (apple chlorotic leafspot trichovirus ) ASPV (apple stem pitting virus ) ASGV (apple stem grooving capillovirus) CRLV (cherry rasp leaf nepovirus) ApMV (apple mosaic ilarvirus) T AMV (tulare apple mosaic ilarvirus ) T orsv (tomato ringspot nepovirus) Apple chlorotic leafspot, Apple ring spot, Pear ring pattern mos aic, Quince stunt Apple dw arf, Apple epinasty and decline, Apple ring spot, Apple stem pitting, Pear necrotic spot, Pear red mottle, Pear stem pitting, Pear vein yellow s, Quince fruit deform ation, Quince sooty ring spot, Quince stunt Apple decline, Apple stem grooving, Pear stem grooving / Apple flat apple Apple mosaic Apple mosaic(t ulare)? Apple union necrosis and decline Pear necrotic spot () * USDANRSP - 5 (1999), (1988) : Sowbane mosaic virus(somv), T obacco mosaic virus (T MV), T obacco necrosis virus (T NV), T om ato bushy stunt virus (T BSV) 3
T able 2. PNRSV (prunu s necr otic ringspot ilarvirus) PDV (prune dw arf ilarvirus) ACLSV (apple chlorotic leafspot trichovirus ) ApMV (apple mosaic ilarvirus) ASPV (apple stem pitting virus ) ArMV (arabis mosaic nepovirus) T orsv (tomato ringspot nepovirus) T BSV (tomato bushy stunt tombusvirus) SLRV (strawberry latent ring spot nepovirus) PEV (peach enation virus) Almond bud failure, Almond calico, Almond mos aic, Cherry necrotic line pattern, Cherry pinto leaf yellow s, Cherry rugose mosaic, Drake almond bud failure, Peach mule ' s ear, Peach stunt, Plum line pattern, Prunus latent, Prunu s mume leaf- edge necrosis, Prunu s necrotic ringspot, Sour cherry line pattern, Sw eet cherry ' pinto' leafspot, Wild leaf Cherry chlorotic ring spot, Sour cherry gummosis, Cherry ring mottle, F ellenberg mos aic, Krikon stem necrosis, Peach stunt, Plum dw arf, Plum willow s, Prune dw arf, Prune mosaic Apple chlorotic leafspot, Cherry necrotic line pattern, Plum bark split, Plum pseudo- pox, Plum narrow - striped v ariegation /? Apple mosaic Apricot latent Arabis mos aic Cherry leaf mottle, Prunus stem pitting, T om ato ring spot, Winters disease, Winters peach mosaic, Peach stem pitting, Peach yellow bud mosaic Tomato bushy stunt Cherry destructive canker Strawberry latent ringspot cananda Peach enation * USDA, NRSP(1999), Manual 4
T able 3. F anleaf GFLV European and Mediteranean nepovirus diseases ArMV (arabis mosaic virus) T BRV (tomato black ring virus) RRV (raspberry virus) SLRV (strawberry ringspot virus) ringspot latent GCMV (grapevine chrome mosaic virus ) GBLV (grapevine bulg arian latent virus) GLRaV- 1,2,3,4,5,6 Leafroll (grapevine leafroll as sociated closteroviru s) Rug ose w ood complex (Rupestris stem pitting, GVA (grapevine virus A ) Corky b ark, Kober stem grooving ) GFkV (grapevine fleck Fleck virus) Line pattern GLPV (grapevine pattern ilarvirus )?? line? Ajinashika disease GLRaV + GFkV Grapevine stunt, V Enation disease GFLVsevere strain 5
.... greenhouse412 field 13 IR- 2 project,. T able 4., 1) 2 ) NRSP - 5 1) 2 ) M alus m icrom alus GMAL 273 M alus p um ila Virginia Crab M. p um ila R12740 7A M. p um ila Lord Lambourne M. p um ila Stark 's Earliest M. p um ila Radiant Py rus com m unis Noveau Poiteau Cydonia oblonga7/ 1 P runus arm eniaca T ilton P runus av ium Bing P runus av ium Sam P runus avium Canindex P runus hy brid shiro plum P runus p ers ica Elberta P runus s errulata Kw anzan P runus s errulata Shirofugen P runus tom entosa IR473/ 1, 474/ 1 Mo65 M. scheideckeri Golden delicious M. platycarpa Williams Beurre Hardy Nouveau Poiteau C7/ 1 GF305 Bing T ilton Shiro plum G.P. M artelli, 1991, Gr apevine viruses and certification in EEC countries, Proceedings of a Panel Discussion and Seminar Manual, 1988, 6
ELISA (), T able 5. T able 5. ELISA NRSP- 5 ACLSV, ASGV, T orsv ACLSV, ASGV PNRSV, PDV, PPV, T orsv T orsv, ACLSV, ASGV ACLSV, ASGV PPV, T orsv- PYBM strain T orsv, CLRV, RRV GFLV, T orsv- GYV strain, Gr apevine ajinashika viru s * USDA(NRSP- 5) manual ELISA, (Bosica, 1997). ELISA T issue blotting Immunoassay (T BIA ) clos terovirus (Hu, 1997).. PCR (Newbury, 1977; Minafra, 1994), PCR (T able 6). 7
T able 6. PCR () GLRaV, Minafra(1994), ApMV, PDV, M aningas(199 IC- RT - PCR PNRSV, GFLV, 4), Rowhani CLRV (1995) GLRaV- 3, Minafra M - RT - PCR GVB (1994) GLRaV- 3, Spot- PCR Notte(1997), GVA, GVB T able 7. PCR (Rowhani, 1995) Virus Standard RT - PCR IC- PCR DB- PCR ELISA ApMV 200fg 200fg 20pg 2ng PNRSV 20fg 20fg 20pg 200pg GFLV 20fg 200fg 20pg 200pg CLRV 2fg 200fg 200pg 2ng. Citrus tristeza virus (CT V)CP isolate, (Nikolaeva, 1995), grapevine virus Acoat proteinmovement protein antiserum (Rubinson, 1997). USDANRSP - 5. 8
Fig. 1. NRSP- 5 Indexing Procedures 2-3.,,, 3540%. 9
T able 8. () Hassing(1976) CLSV, 1(golden delicious2/ M26 Spy epinasty 2)10% Campbell (1973) SPV, CLSV, EDV, PSBV 3(Discovery4/ MM 106) (feather),,, (1973) CLSV, SPV, Spy Golden8% decline (74.5kg, 56.8kg ) Baumann(1988) ApMV, Rubbery wood 'Cox Orange ' 2 10 () T able 10. () (197576) (1983) Goheen (1970), Bovey (1980) Ajinashika () Leafroll Leafroll, Fanleaf Woodham(1984) Leafroll 40% Ajinashika virus 4Bx (16.9, 12.6), Cabernet franc 5.3Bx,, Jordan(1993) Leafroll 11%90% (28)50%, Conference, Comice3040% (EMLA, 1973). 10
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