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±§ 60¡ÿ ‚±‚ ‰«•¡ˆ


(A) 8 2. (B) 9 3. (C) (D) (A-1) (A-2) (B-2) (B-3) (C-1) (C-2-1) ( 3, D-1


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2. 박주민.hwp




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<4D F736F F F696E74202D205B444D435D36BFF95FB5F0C1F6C5D0B9CCB5F0BEEE20B5BFC7E220BAB8B0EDBCAD5F C5EBC7D5BABB29>



방송통신이용자관점정책평가보고서 2009. 11

1.,. Ofcom,,,.,.... Ofcom Consumer Experience.,.,., 2

2. (Metrix)... 2009 11

3 1 15 1 25 2 27 1 27 1. 27 2. ( ) 31 3. Ofcom (Consumer Policy) 37 2 44 3 47 4 51 3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 55 1 Consumer Experience 55 1. 55 2. 61 2 63 3 69 4 75 5 81 6 85

4 4 89 1 89 1. 89 2. (FGI) 90 2 94 1. 94 2. 98 3. 125 3 126 1. 126 2. 127 3. 139 4. 147 5. 148 4 148 1. 148 2. 151 3. 163 4. 167 5 169 1. 169 2. / 172 3. / 175 4. ( ) 178 5. 182

5 5 184 188

6 2 1 Ofcom : 41 2 2 Ofcom : 42 2 3 Ofcom : 43 3 1 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Access and Take-up 58 3 2 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Choices, Value and Range59 3 3 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Empowerment 60 3 4 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Protection and Concerns 61 4 1 95 4 2 95 4 3 TV 96 4 4 98 4 5 100 4 6 102 4 7 103 4 8 105 4 9 106 4 10 108 4 11 DMB 109

7 2 1 No-commitment 45 2 2 No surprise Surprise 46 3 1 64 3 2 64 3 3 65 3 4 65 3 5 66 3 6 67 3 7 67 3 8 70 3 9 71 3 10 72 3 11 73 3 12 74 3 13 76 3 14 76 3 15 77 3 16 78 3 17 79 3 18 80 3 19 OAT 82

8 3 20 83 3 21 84 4 1 97 4 2 98 4 3 99 4 4 100 4 5 & 101 4 6 & 101 4 7 & 102 4 8 & 103 4 9 & 104 4 10 & 104 4 11 106 4 12 & 107 4 13 & 108 4 14 IPTV 109 4 15 & 110 4 16 & 110 4 17 111 4 18 & 112 4 19 & 112 4 20 & 113 4 21 & 114 4 22 & 114 4 23 & 115

9 4 24 & 115 4 25 & 116 4 26 & 116 4 27 & 117 4 28 117 4 29 & 118 4 30 & 118 4 31 & 119 4 32 & 119 4 33 120 4 34 VoIP 120 4 35 121 4 36 122 4 37 & 122 4 38 & 123 4 39 & 123 4 40 & 124 4 41 124 4 42 127 4 43 & 128 4 44 & 128 4 45 & 129 4 46 & 129 4 47 & 130 4 48 & 130 4 49 & 131

10 4 50 & 131 4 51 & 132 4 52 & 132 4 53 133 4 54 & 134 4 55 & 134 4 56 & 135 4 57 & 135 4 58 & 136 4 59 & 136 4 60 & 137 4 61 & 137 4 62 & 138 4 63 & 138 4 64 139 4 65 & 140 4 66 & 140 4 67 & 141 4 68 & 141 4 69 142 4 70 & 142 4 71 & 143 4 72 & 143 4 73 & 144 4 74 & 145 4 75 & 145

11 4 76 & 146 4 77 & 146 4 78 & 147 4 79 & 147 4 80 149 4 81 150 4 82 150 4 83 151 4 84 151 4 85 152 4 86 153 4 87 153 4 88 154 4 89 154 4 90 155 4 91 155 4 92 156 4 93 156 4 94 157 4 95 158 4 96 158 4 97 159 4 98 160 4 99 160 4 100 161 4 101 162

12 4 102 162 4 103 163 4 104 163 4 105 164 4 106 164 4 107 165 4 108 166 4 109 166 4 110 167 4 111 169 4 112 170 4 113 170 4 114 171 4 115 171 4 116 / 172 4 117 / 173 4 118 / 173 4 119 / 174 4 120 / 174 4 121 / 175 4 122 / 176 4 123 / 176 4 124 / 177 4 125 / 177 4 126 178 4 127 179

13 4 128 179 4 129 180 4 130 181 4 131 181

15 1.,. Ofcom,,,.,..... 2. 3 Ofcom Consumer Experience. Ofcom. 4

16. 5 4. 2.., (rational calculation) (perception) (biases)... OECD,..,....

17,,.., Ofcom (Consumer Policy). Ofcom,,,.,., (no-commitment), (sub optimal). bargains-then-ripoffs,. Bar-Gill(2006) (value) (misperception). 3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience Ofcom

18 06 Consumer Policy. Ofcom 06 08 ( ),, (TV ) Consumer Experience. Ofcom Consumer Experience,.,. Ofcom Consumer Experience, Ofcom communications tracking survey Ofcom consumer concerns survey, Ofcom consumer decision-making survey, Ofcom visual impairment research Ofcom learning disabilities research. Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation 2, 4. consumer access and take-up.. consumer choices, value and range.,. Ofcom,. consumer empowerment.

19. ( ). consumer protection and concerns.. Ofcom Consumer Experience. Ofcom not-spot.. Ofcom Consumer Experience consumer access and take-up 09 3 Access and Inclusion-Digital communications for all 09 6. Ofcom consumer empowerment. 4. ( )

20.,., Ofcom Consumer Experience.. ( ),,, 15 49 1,500,. 09 10 23 09 10 31 9 Metrix Metrix (panel). 2,., IPTV,,. 3,,,.,,.. 4,

21,,.,..,. 5,..,.. 5. Ofcom, Ofcom Consumer Experience,. Ofcom (time trend),,. 1,

22. 1 (cross-section data)., 90% 50%., 150 37%..,,... MVNO.....,...

23.,, (lock-in effects).,...... 2009 10.,,, (information policy)....

24. 1...,,, 4...

1 25 1......,. Ofcom,,,.,...,,.

26,.... 3 Ofcom Consumer Experience. Ofcom. 4. 5 4.

2 27 2 1,,,.. 1.. 1)., IPTV.. 1),, viewer.,

28.,,,,,,,.,. (bounded rationality). (information asymmetry). (interventionist approach)., (rational calculation) (perception). Amos Tversky Daniel Kahneman (bias) (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; Kahneman & Tversky, 2000).,

2 29..,,.,,.....,,,... ( ).,,.

30,.,.,.,...,,,, IPTV..,., IPTV,

2 31.,,. 2. ( ). ( ),.,...,. FTC Muris(2002, 2004) FTC. Muris(2004). FTC,

32.. Armstrong (2008) OECD(2008). Armstrong(2008),. Armstrong(2008),,,,.,.,,,,.,. OECD(2008) The Interface between Competition and Consumer Policies. OECD(2008),.

2 33.,,.,.,.,.. OECD(2008)..., (information policies).,,. (hidden charges)

34.., Everyday Low Price.... ( ),.,...,..,.

2 35., 2). Armstrong(2008),,.,,.,.,..,,.. (in ignorance). 2)

36 ( ).. OECD(2008),.,,.,.,...,. (moral hazard)

2 37.,,,..,,,,...,,. 3. Ofcom (Consumer Policy) Ofcom 2006. Ofcom.,,.

38, SMP,. Ofcom.,.,. Ofcom.., (, informed choice), (information, skills and confidence).,,,,,. Ofcom.,.,. (empowerment),. Ofcom. Ofcom 99 (Consumer White Paper) 04 (DTI: Department of Trade and Industry),

2 39., Ofcom(2006) (well-informed)..,. 3).,...,.. Ofcom(2006).. (Integration with Competition Policy),.., (evidence).,.,. Ofcom, 3). DTI(2004), Consumer representation in regulated industries, a report by the Department of Trade and Industry and HM Treasury, July 2004, p35; DTI(1999) Modern markets; Confident consumers, The Consumer White Paper 1999.

40. Ofcom.., Ofcom, Ofcom. Ofcom. Ofcom. Ofcom. Ofcom.. Ofcom Consumer Directive NCC (National Consumer Council),,., Ofcom Consumer Panel(OCP),. OCP. Ofcom,. Ofcom.

2 41 2 1 Ofcom :., (needs)..,, (toolkit) Consumer Experience (consumer segment),,, (trade-off),,. (Consumer Protection) Ofcom.,.,.,.,. Ofcom,. Ofcom.

42 2 2 Ofcom :,. 12.... / (self-and co-regulation) Ofcom Consumer Advice, (enforcement activity) (rules) ( ),,. (Consumer Empowerment),.,..

2 43,. Ofcom Ofcom. Ofcom 2 3 Ofcom :, (switching). Ofcom 12,.... (, ) Ofcom, VoIP VoIP (scheme) (switching) (migration and switching), (well-informed) VoIP (switch) (switch) ( ),

44. Ofcom, 3. Ofcom. 2 4),. ( ), ( ) (no-commitment) (sub optimal). bargains-then-ripoffs,.. p, r. r, F(r). (a), 1/a. 4) 2 Vickers(2004).

2 45 0. CRS (Constant Return to Scale),.., no-commitment. Case 1: No-commitment 0 a :,. { }. ( ) ( ). 2 1 No-commitment

46 (welfare loss). (no-surprise case), ( ) ( ) ( ) ( r r ) y ). (surprise case), z, no-surprise. 2 2 No surprise Surprise Case 2: Reputation, a.,,.,

2 47,.,., max s. t., no-commitment., no-commitment. (Bargains-then-Ripoffs) reputation (lock-in effect). p 1 (primary component), a 1 2., p a, Farrell and Klemperer(2007) bargains-then-ripoffs., 2 (aftermarket) (positive profit), (suboptimal). 3. Bar-Gill(2006) (value) (misperception)

48.. 1,000, 10. 100..,.,...,...... ( ),. (underestimation)., 100 50?

2 49., 2,000. 1,500., 1,000. 3 2,000. (distributional effects)?.. 110 90. 100.., 2,000. 2,100 1,900., 2,200 1,800.,,..... 100. 2,000,.

50.,. 50. 1,500,.,.?, 1,000.,.,. (overestimation)., 100 150?., 2,000. 2,500., 3,000. 3 2,000. (distributional effects)?.., 2,000.

2 51 2,100 1,900., 2,200 1,800.,.....,. 150. 2,500,.,.?, 2,000.,.,. 4 3 Ofcom Consumer Experience.

52 FCC,. 09 1 FCC (Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau) 2008 Annual Report, 06 41% TV 08 92% TV... FCC. FCC (TIB: Truth- In-Billing Policy). FCC TIB. FCC TIB,. FCC. FCC (Cell Phone Consumer Empowerment Act of 2007) (informed choices).,..

2 53, 30., (locking phone) FCC. ACMA(Australian Communications and Media Authority). 09 8 ACMA (2009a) Community Attitudes to Unsolicited Communications. ACMA. ACMA Australia in the Digital Economy Series. 5) ACMA. Australia in the Digital Economy Series, (ACMA, 5) section 94 Schedule 5 Broadcasting Services Act 1992 section 8(d) ACMA Act 2005.

54 2009b; ACMA, 2009c)., ACMA Convergence and Communications. 09 Convergence and Communications Report 1: Australian household consumers take-up and use of voice communications services Report 2: Take-up and use of communications by small and medium enterprises, Australian consumer satisfaction with communications services, (ACMA, 2009d; ACMA, 2009e; ACMA, 2009f).

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 55 3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience Ofcom 06 06 6) Consumer Experience. ( 4 ), Consumer Experience 08. 1 Consumer Experience Ofcom 06 08 ( ),, (TV ) (1) consumer access and take-up, (2) consumer choices, value and range, (3) consumer empowerment, (4) consumer protection and concerns 4 Consumer Experience. Consumer Experience,,. 1. Ofcom 6) (Ofcom, 2008a; Ofcom, 2008b) 08 11 The Consumer Experience 2008, 06 3.

56 06 Consumer Policy. 06 Consumer Experience,.,.,. Ofcom Consumer Experience.. Consumer Experience. Ofcom Consumer Experience,. Ofcom communications tracking survey Ofcom consumer concerns survey, Ofcom consumer decision -making survey, Ofcom visual impairment research Ofcom learning disabilities research 7) 8), 9) 7) demographic group (age) (socio-economic group). 15 24, 25 44, 45 64, 65 74, 75.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 57. Ofcom Consumer Experience-Research Report (Ofcom, 2008a). 4 (descriptive). 08 06.,. Ofcom Research Report Consumer Experience-Policy Evaluation (Ofcom, 2008b). Policy Evaluation Research Report,. A(,, ), B(,, ) C1(,, ), C2( ), D( ), E( ). 8) 11.5K, 115 17.5K, 17.5 29.9K, 30K ( : ). 9). Ofcom,, 4. (?;?;?) (?) (inactive) (passive) (interested) (engaged)

58 Research Report 4. Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation 2, 4. (consumer access and take-up). 3 1 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Access and Take-up VoIP / / / / PC / / ( ) / / (, ) / / ( )

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 59. Ofcom. 3 1. (consumer choices, value and range).,. Ofcom,... 3 2 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Choices, Value and Range (consumer empowerment).

60. ( ).. 3 3 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Empowerment 1 ( )

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 61 (consumer protection and concerns)... 3 4 Ofcom Consumer Experience: Consumer Protection and Concerns 2. Ofcom 2. 08 Ofcom communications tracking survey, Ofcom consumer concerns survey, Ofcom decision-making survey, Ofcom visual impairment research, Ofcom visual impairment research., Ofcom communications tracking survey( 08) (face-to-face survey). tracking survey,. 2,000 08 1 (1 ) 2 (4, 5, 6 ). 15,,

62,, (cabled/non-cabled, / ),.. Ofcom consumer concerns survey( 08) (Ad hoc faceto-face survey). concerns survey. 1,000, 08 07 10 08 3, 08 6, 08 9. 16. Ofcom decision-making survey( 08). 08 decision-making survey, (bundled purchasing)., ( ),.,. 941( ), 1270( ), 460( ), 536( ), 488( ) 08 7 8. Ofcom visual impairment research( 08), 40 ( ). 08 3 25 4 5, 8. Ofcom index.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 63 Ofcom learning disability research( 08) (ethnographic interviews). disability research ( ). 08 7 8, 27 8. 18. 2 08 Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation (availability and take-up). Ofcom. Availability of communications services 06 08., 2G (1 ), ( ), TV 90%. 2G 4 90%, 3G 1 90%, 4 60%. 08 (Cable) 49%, ADSL 99%, LLU 80%. LLU 06 44% 07 67%, 08 80%.

64 3 1 : Ofcom(2008a) Take-up of communications services 06. 07 08., 06 07. TV 07 80% 08 85%. 3 2 : Ofcom(2008b)

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 65,, 08 2 58% 65 74 33%, 75 13%. 11,500 28% 11,500 17,500 44% 07 2 47% 08 2 44%. 3 3 : Ofcom(2008a) 3 4 : Ofcom(2008a)

66, 08 1 40% 65 74 25%, 75 13%. 07 2 3 3% 5%., C2( ) D( ), E( ) 06 2 08 1. 3 5 : Ofcom(2008a) 08 1, 11,500 21%, 11,500 17,500 31%, 17,500 29,900 45%, 30,000 53%. 40% 07 2 40%, 11,500 07 2 17% 08 1 21% 4%.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 67 3 6 : Ofcom(2008a) Non-ownership of communications services, ( ), TV. 3 7 : Ofcom(2008a)

68,. Degree of difficulty in using technology, 7%, 12%, PC 7%, TV 12%. 07 24% 08 12%. SMS 07 12% 08 4%. ( ),, Ofcom 10 9,, (availability). (not-spots). Ofcom. 05 07, 08,,. TV..,.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 69,. Ofcom. Ofcom, 09. Ofcom,. 3 08 Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation (consumer choice and value). Ofcom. Range of operators available 118. The General Conditions of Entitlement (access to emergency services),. 07. MNO Vodafone, Orange, T-Mobile, O2, 3 5, 100 MVNO. 08 498

70, 06 433 65. 20 (public service channels), 486 (commercial channels). 13, 3. Awareness of suppliers. 2 (prompted awareness) 07, (spontaneous awareness). 3 8 : Ofcom(2008b), 17,500 2. 65.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 71 Satisfaction with communications services. (very satisfied+fairly satisfied) 06 2 91% 08 3 87%. (very satisfied+fairly satisfied) 06 2 91% 08 3 94%, (very satisfied) 07 2 45% 08 3 58%. (very satisfied+fairly satisfied) 06 1 92% 08 3 83%. 08 3 48%, 40%. 3 9 : Ofcom(2008a), 25 44, 65

72.,., (Engaged). (Engaged) (20%). 11% 2. (Engaged) 2.. 3 10 : Ofcom(2008a), 07 08,.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 73 Spend on UK communications services 07 3%. 03, 07 23, 33, 9. 04 70 07 65 3%. 3 11 : Ofcom(2008a),, 02 14.6 (pence) 07 11.5, 02 7.1 05 6.5 07 7.1.

74 3 12 : Ofcom(2008a). Ofcom,., 3 LLU. 83% 94%. Ofcom.. Ofcom.. Ofcom

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 75., (NGN). (consumer empowerment),,.. 4 08 Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation (consumer empowerment). Ofcom. Participation in communications markets. (engaged). 07 30% (engaged consumers) 08 41%.

76 3 13 : Ofcom(2008a) Switching in the communications markets. 4 1 1 3 14 : Ofcom(2008a)

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 77.. 9%, 11%.,, 07 25% 08 54%. 07 TPS(Triple-play service). 3 15 : Ofcom(2008a) Ease of switching in the communications markets (very easy) (fairly easy),.

78 3 16 : Ofcom(2008a),. 10%,,.. 35%,.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 79 3 17 : Ofcom(2008a) Ease of making cost comparisons between suppliers. Ofcom,. 08 3 29% (fairly difficult+very difficult) 06 21%.

80 3 18 : Ofcom(2008a).. Ofcom,,., 2 3..,. Ofcom

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 81,. 5 08 Consumer Experience Research Report Policy Evaluation (consumer concerns and protection). Ofcom. Consumer complaints about communications services Ofcom OAT(The Ofcom Advisory Team), (Mis-selling) (Slamming 10) ). Silent calls 07 6 08 1, 08 2 6. 08 8 9 Silent calls., MAC(Migration Authorization Code) 11) Tag 12) 08. 10) Slamming,.. 11) MAC 12), tag

82 3 19 OAT : Ofcom(2008a) Personal experience of issues in each communications market Ofcom 6., 08 6 32% Silent calls, 6%. 6%, 6%. 24%, 4%. TV 21%, 12%.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 83 Concerns about each communications market 08 6 16% 08 3 10% 6%. 08 3 15% 06 6 21%., 07 12 29% 08 6 23%. 3 20 : Ofcom(2008a) Awareness and use of complaints procedures 07 1 15% 22% 08 1 7% 11%...

84 3 21 : Ofcom(2008a) Ofcom. Ofcom The Ofcom Advisory Team (OAT)., OAT. 08 Ofcom, (mis-selling), silent calls.,, 07 08 1. Ofcom.,. Ofcom

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 85. (cashback), Ofcom 08., Ofcom. Silent calls, Ofcom Silent calls. 08,. 6 Consumer Experience Ofcom Consumer Experience. Ofcom., Ofcom 05 Telecoms Strategic Review 2005,,. BT. Ofcom 06 08 Consumer Experience, 05 Telecoms Strategic Review.

86 Ofcom Mobile citizens, mobile consumers. Ofcom 08 Consumer Experience. Ofcom,. Ofcom (NGN: Next Generation Network) 07 Future Broadband 08 Delivering super-fast broadband in the UK. Ofcom 08 Consumer Experience,,,. Ofcom 07 3 TV. TV, Ofcom 07 12 Pay TV market investigation 08 9 Pay TV market investigation second consultation-access to premium content. Ofcom Consumer Experience,. Ofcom.

3 : Ofcom Consumer Experience 87 Ofcom, 06 11. Ofcom 08 6,,. Ofcom. Consumer Experience.. Ofcom, Consumer Experience. (USO: Universal Service Obligations) (text relay services),.. 08 BT BT Basic., 08 Ofcom SMS. Ofcom SMS.

88 Ofcom. 06, Ofcom. 08 3 16 RNIB(Royal National Institute of Blind People). 37% 60%, 43% 72%. Ofcom Switchover Help Scheme, Consumer Experience.

4 89 4 15 49 1,500 ( ),,, 13).. 1 1.... ( ). 13) (2009)

90.,., Ofcom Consumer Experience.. ( ),,, 15 49 1,500,. 09 10 23 09 10 31 9 Metrix Metrix (panel)., 770 51.3% 730 48.7%. 14 19 179 (11.9%), 20 29 311 (20.7%), 30 39 362 (24.1%), 40 49 371 (24.7%), 50 59 279 (18.6%)., / / 908 (60.5%), 339 (22.6%), 122 (8.1%), 108 (7.2%), / 24 (1.6%)., 150 153 (10.2%), 151 300 425 (28.3%), 301 500 587 (39.1%), 501 336 (22.4%). 663 (44.2%), 303 (20.2%), 212 (14.1%), 194 (12.9%), 128 (8.5%). 2. (FGI) 8 30 50 FGI(Focus

4 91 Group Interview)., / / / /, 1 1,, 1. FGI.. ( ) (1) / / KT,.,.. (2),.,. (3),.,,.. (4).,.

92.. (1) / / TV.,. (2),. (3).,,,. A/S, A/S. (4).... (1) / /..,

4 93. (2). (3),.,.. (4) TV,... (1),.,. (2),.. (3),..,.

94 2., IPTV,,. 1.. KT. KT 100% 3,312,366km 89.9%( 88.8%) 228,345km (2008 ) SK LG.. 3 SKT KT 2007 W-CDMA. LGT, KT 2008 98.3%. 3 3G 100%.

4 95 4 1 SKT KT LGT 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 W-CDMA 6 84 PCS W-CDMA PCS ( ) PCS ( ) : 9 9 9 84 85.7% 88.6% 90.5% 92.4% 94.4% 98.1% 91.2% 92.9% 93.5% 94.6% 95.5% 98.3%. 95%(KT 100%, SK 88.8%, LG 97.9%) Strategy Analytics 1. 2008 6 77.1% 3,536. 14) 4 2 (%) South Korea 95 1 Singapore 88 2 Singapore 85 3 Denmark 82 4 Taiwan, Hong Kong 81 5 Israel 77 7 14) : (2009), p119

96 (%) Switzerland, Canada 76 8 Norway 75 10 Australia 72 11 Finland 69 12 France 68 13 United Kingdom 67 14 United Arab Emirates 65 15 Japan 64 16 Sweden 63 17 Estonia, Belgium 62 18 USA 60 20 : : Anderson(2009). 10 9, 15) TV 2006 (11 ) 20.4%, 2007 (11 ) 23.5%, 2008 (10 ) 34.6%. 2013 TV 65.4%. 16) 4 3 TV TV (%) (%p) 34.6 1.94 35.1 3.00 35.6 2.78 27.3 5.33 : 95% : (2008a), p.35 15) : (2008a), p.62 16) : (2008a), p.5

4 97. 31.. 2006 2 71.1% 2010 80%, 17) 2008, KT,, 377 99.8% 376. 18). 100 4 1 ( : %) 80 60 40 20 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 장애인 42.5 34.8 26.1 24 21.2 저소득층 44.4 35.8 27 24.5 21.9 농어민 66.2 58.3 50.2 45.4 42.1 장노년층 59.1 50.7 41.6 37.4 35.8 : 100 = (100 ), 50 : (2009), p.60 17) (2009), p.84 18) (2009), p.92

98 100.,, 06. 2. 2005,. 4 4 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 9 2,287 2,292 2,312 2,313 2,213 2,055 3,659 3,834 4,020 4,350 4,561 4,766 1,192 1,301 1,404 1,485 1,548 1,601 VoIP 141 7,138 7,427 7,736 8,148 8,463 8,422 : KISDI 4 2 ( : ) 시내전화 무선인터넷가입자 이동전화 초고속인터넷가입자 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 : KISDI

4 99.. (1), 94.5%, 93.7%.,,, 50%. 67.1% 46.4%,. 4 3 (2) 2009 9 2,055 2005, 2008 141.,.

100 4 5 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 9 KT 2,146 2,135 2,129 2,092 1,987 1,855 SK 141 152 175 203 194 165 LG 5 9 18 33 36 2,287 2,292 2,312 2,313 2,213 2,055 : KISDI 4 4 시내전화 인터넷전화 ( : ) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2004년 2005년 2006년 2007년 2008년 : 67.1%, 40 50,, 20, 30.

4 101 4 5 &, 501 72.2%,, 150 70.5%., 77.8%, (71.6%). 4 6 &,, 070,.

102 4 6 ( : ) 2006 2007 2008 IP Phone 59,875 26,704 197,583 61,928 1,114,242 238,595 2,417 0 2,051 5,433 56,805 59,875 44,121 197,583 63,979 1,119,675 295,400 88,996 261,562 1,415,075 : 9 (2006, 2007 SK, KCT 2007 ) : 46.4%. 50 53.4%, 40 (52.4%), 30 (48.3%)., / 47.1%,. 4 7 &, 501 50.4%, 301 500, 151 300,.,

4 103 52.8%, / /. 4 8 & (3) 2009 9 4,766 2007. 4 7 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 9 SKT 1,878 1,953 2,027 2,197 2,303 2,414 KT 1,173 1,230 1,291 1,372 1,437 1,490 LGT 607 651 701 781 821 862 3,659 3,834 4,020 4,350 4,561 4,766 : KISDI, 94.5%, 20 95%, 10 86.6%

104., / 94.9%. 4 9 &, 501 97.6%,., / /, 97%, / / 89%. 4 10 &

4 105 (4) 2009 7 1,601. 2008 OECD 6. 19) 4 8 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 7 KT 608 624 635 655 671 676 SK 275 277 361 366 354 377 129 84 39 35 22 13 10 3 0 0 0 LG 21 21 11 7 3 2 LG 26 120 172 218 242 SO/RO/NO 86 194 233 268 285 288 22 29 18 17 16 16 1,192 1,301 1,404 1,485 1,548 1,601 : KISDI 19) OECD, 2008. 12, http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/22/15/39574806.xls Rank Broadband subscribers, total, Dec 2008 10 Mexico 7,604,629 9 Spain 9,156,969 8 Canada 9,577,648 7 Italy 11,283,000 6 Korea 15,474,931 5 United Kingdom 17,275,660 4 France 17,725,000 3 Germany 22,532,000 2 Japan 30,107,327 1 United States 77,437,868

106 4 11 : FTTH 2007 844,722 2008 1,737,367 105.7%. KT 2010 97% 10Mbps, 20) SK 100Mbps 2009 514 4 9 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 7 xdsl 678 656 549 457 372 346 HFC 408 401 515 487 509 516 LAN 106 162 328 427 493 529 FTTH 13 61 174 211 1,192 1,219 1,404 1,432 1,547 1,582 : KISDI 20) :, (2009. 4. 19), 3

4 107. 21) 3.0. 22), 93.7%., 30 50 95%, 10 87.7%., /. 4 12 &, 301 500 95.1%, 501., 95.8%, / /. 21) :, (2007. 5. 31), 22) :, (2009. 3. 23), CJ 3.0

108 4 13 & (5) 90.2%, (81.6%), IPTV(8.6%), (6.2%). 23) 2008 6 (SO) 14,749,097 ( ), (RO) 2004 513,875 2008 202,418. 4 10 ( : ) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 6 (SO) 13,012,991 13,876,533 14,067,681 14,533,965 14,749,097 12624289 13612356 13765713 14250169 14,478,970 388702 264177 301968 283796 270,127 (RO) 513,875 300,966 172,877 200,220 202,418 1,652,255 1,855,240 1,949,191 2,151,882 2,260,071 15,179,121 16,032,739 16,189,749 16,886,067 17,211,586 : ( ) TV. 2 TV : (2008b) 23) (2008a)

4 109 2008 10 DMB 1,617 DMB 1,448 ( ), DMB 169. 4 11 DMB (2008 12 ) DMB DMB 2005 12 2005 5 (13,000 ), (20,000 ) : 6, : 13 1 (TU ) VHF (CH8,12) 1.54MHz S (2.63 2.655GHz) 25MHz : (2009), 2009 10 KT, SK, LG IPTV 3 100. VOD IPTV 201. 24) 4 14 IPTV 누적가입자 1,800,000 1,500,000 1,200,000 900,000 600,000 300,000 실제가입자수 추정가입자수 0 2006/4Q 2007/2Q 2007/4Q 2008/2Q 분기 : (2008), p.93 24) :, (2009. 10. 9), IPTV 100

110, 50.1%., 50 61.6%, 30, 40., / 52.4%. 4 15 &, 501 60.3%,., / / 58.2%,, / /. 4 16 &

4 111 (6). 2008 2, 233 2009 5 655. 4 17 ( : ) 7,000,000 6,550,395 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 6,223,340 5,867,033 5,620,810 5,279,310 4,928,625 4,586,340 4,253,328 3,845,988 2,687,394 3,468,987 2,465,962 3,125,224 2,913,972 2,607,367 2,330,404 1,000,000 0 2008. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2009. 1 2 3 4 5 :, 58.3%., 40 50 62%, 30, 20., / 60.9%.

112 4 18 &, 301 500 62.2%, 501, 151 300., 65.1%. 150,. 4 19 &

4 113.. (1) KT 72.9%, SK, LG. KT 20 50,, SK 30, 40. LG 10. 4 20 &, KT 151 300,, / /, / /. SK 301 500, 501,.

114 4 21 & (2) SK 35%, LG, KT. SK 20, 30, /, LG 10, 50,. KT, SK LG. 4 22 &

4 115, SK 151 300, 501,. LG 301 500,, / /. 10 KT. 4 23 & (3) SK 48.6%, KT, LG. SK, 20, 30, /. KT LGT 10, 50,. 4 24 &

116, SK 301 500, / /, / /. KT 501,. 4 25 & (4) SK 34.8%, KT, LG. SK 30, 40, 50, / 4 26 &

4 117. KT 10. 30, /. SK, 151 300, 301 500,., KT 150, 501,. 4 27 &, 51.4%,,. 4 28

118 (5) 62.5%, SK 13.2%, Skylife 8.9%, LG 7.8%. 40, 50,, SK 30, /. 4 29 &, 151 300, / /. 4 30 &

4 119 (6) SK 39.3%, KT,, LG. SK 30, /, KT 10,. 4 31 &, 151 300, 301 500, / / SK, KT 150,. 4 32 &

120,, DPS 7%, TPS, QPS. (10.5%),. 4 33 (7) VoIP, 34. 2%, MSN Messenger, Skype,. 4 34 VoIP

4 121. (1) 1..,, 3.7%, 2.9%.,,, 17.9%, 12.2%, 15.4%. 4 35 (2),,,,,.

122 4 36, 10, 20. 10, 20. 4 37 & 150,.

4 123 4 38 & (3), 10. /. 4 39 & 150,.

124 4 40 & (4).,. 4 41

4 125 3., KT. SKT KT W-CDMA, LGT 98. 3%. 95%, 90%., 2005. 90% 50%. 20 30 60% 67.1%, 150 86.3% 94.5%. 150 37.3% 50.1%, 150 47.1% 58.3%. / 60.9%, 54.4%., 17.9%, 15.4%, 12.2%,.,,. 150.,.

126 3,,.,,.. 1. 3 ( ), SK ( ), ( )LG 2 ( ), SK ( ) 5 1 ( ) 5 8 9 ( ), ( )LG, ( ), SK ( ), SK ( ) ( ), ( )LG, ( ), SK ( ), SK ( ) ( ), SK ( ), ( )LG, ( ), ( )LG, ( ), ( ), SK ( ) ( ), SK ( ), ( )LG, ( ), ( ), SK ( ), SK ( ), ( ), ( )

4 127 2... (1). 3 86.1%,.. 4 42 (2) 3 48.6%, 2, 1. 40, 50 3, 10, 20 1.

128 4 43 & 501, 301 500 3, 150,. 3., 150, 1. 4 44 &

4 129 (3) 86.1% 3, 10, 20, 50. 4 45 & 301 500, 501, 3, 150. 4 46 &

130 (4) 3 53.9%, 30, 50. 10 1 27.4%. 4 47 & 151 300, 301 500,, / /. 10 1 27.5%, 20.1%. 4 48 &

4 131 (5) 1 43.7%, 8.3%, 10. 3 19.3%, 40, 50, /. 4 49 &, 150, 1 55.6%, 46.9%. 501, 3. 4 50 &

132 (6) 3 40.7%., 40, 50, /,., 10 1, 3. 4 51 & 301 500, 501, 3. 4 52 &

4 133. ( ),. (1) 3 96.5%, 75.7%. 4 53 (2) 3 80.9%., 30, 40, 50., 10,.

134 4 54 &, 301 500, 501,,, / / 3. 4 55 & (3) 3 96.5%., 20 30 97.4%, 98.1%.

4 135 4 56 &, 301 500, / /. 4 57 & (4) 3 90.5%. 30 95.0%, 10 76.5%.

136 4 58 & 151 300, / /. 4 59 & (5) 3 83.5%. 20, 30, 10,.

4 137 4 60 &, 150 3., 150, / / 1. 4 61 & (6) 3 75.7%. 50 3 84.9%.,

138 10, 20,. 4 62 &, 501 3,., / / 3 57.1%. 4 63 &

4 139 3... 64.1%(Top2%), 30.4%(Bottom2%). 4 64 (1),. 30. 20 49.7%, 50 37%.

140 4 65 & 501, 150.,. 4 66 & (2),

4 141., 40, 50,. 4 67 &, 150, 151 300.,. 4 68 &

142. 56.0%(Top2%), 22.7%(Bottom2%). 4 69 (1),. 20, 30 4 70 &

4 143. /. 501, 150., / /,. 4 71 & (2), 4 72 &

144. 10,, /., 150,,, 501,. 4 73 &..,. (1),. 40, 50, 20, 30.

4 145 4 74 &, 501, 150., / /. 4 75 & (2)

146,., 40, 50. 4 76 &, 150,, / /. 4 77 &

4 147 4. 54,230, 40, 50., 13,270, 30, 40. 4 78 &, 501, 150,. 4 79 &

148 5., 86.1% 8.3% 3.6%. 96.5% 75.7%.,.,.. 40 50, 20 30.,, 54,230, 13,270. 30 40,.,,. 4 1.. 12

4 149.,,.,. 4 80. 3. 1,,,. 2.

150 4 81. 50%.,,. 4 82. 48.6%, 25.6%.

4 151 4 83 2..,.,,. 4 84

152. (1) (Top2%) 37.9%. 20,, / / (Top2%). 4 85 (2) (Top2%) 32.2%. 10,, / / (Bottom2%).

4 153 4 86 (3) 23.8%,,. 4 87. (1) (Top2%) 44.8%.

154 10, 20, 30, 151 300, (Top2%). 4 88 (2) (Top2%) 29.1%. 20, 50, (Bottom2%). 4 89

4 155 (3) 34.0%,,. 4 90. (1) (Top2%) 63.3%. 20, 40, 151 300, / / (Top2%). 4 91

156 (2) (Top2%) 46.7%. 10,, 151 300, / / (Bottom2%). 4 92 (3) 30.4%, 28.3%. 4 93

4 157. (1) (Top2%) 40.2%. 30,, 301 500, (Top2%). 4 94 (2) (Top2%) 31.4%. 20, /, 151 300, (Bottom2%).

158 4 95 (3) 30.2%,,. 4 96

4 159. (1) (Top2%) 47.1%. 20, 30,, 301 500, (Top2%). 4 97 (2) (Top2%) 27.3%. 50, / / (Bottom2%).

160 4 98 (3) 26.8%,,. 4 99

4 161. (1) (Top2%) 37.0%. 50, 501, / / (Bottom2%). 4 100 (2) (Top2%) 24.1%. 50, /, 501, (Bottom2%).

162 4 101 (3) 33.7%,,. 4 102. 88.4%, 83.6%,

4 163 76.6%. 67.5% 13 24 42.9%. 25%, 30.9%. 4 103 3.. (Top2%), (Bottom2%). 4 104

164. (Top2%) 21.4%. 20, 50, 501, / / (Bottom2%). 4 105. (Top2%) 18.5%. 50, /, 501, / / (Bottom2%). 4 106

4 165. (Top2%) 23.7%. 10, (Top2%), 50, 501 (Bottom2%). 4 107. (Top2%) 25.0%. 10, 30,, 301 500, (Bottom2%).

166 4 108. (Top2%) 21.3%. 40, 150, (Top2%). 4 109

4 167. (Top2%) 19.2%. 50, 501, / / (Bottom2%). 4 110 4.,,,.,. 50%.,., 48.6% 25.6%.

168,,,..,,,. 88.4%, 83.6%, 76.6%. 67.5% 13 24., 25%, 30.9%.,,.,.,...,.

4 169 5 1. 3.. 40.4%,,. 4 111. 41.7%,,..

170 4 112. 45.0%, 17.0%.. 4 113

4 171. 46.3%,,. 4 114. 34.7%, 4 115

172.. 2. /. / 27.9%,,.. 4 116 /. / 33.9%,,.

4 173 4 117 /. / 20.7%,,. 4 118 /. / 23.5%,

174,.,. 4 119 /. / 20.1%,, / /. 4 120 /

4 175 3. /. /,, 32.5%. /. 4 121 /. /,, 31.5%, /,.

176 4 122 /. / / 29.9%,,,,. 4 123 /. / / 28.4%,,,,

4 177. 4 124 /. / 31.6%,,,, / /. 4 125 /

178 4. ( ) / /, 3.. 19.5%,,. 4 126. 21.4%,,.

4 179 4 127. 21.4%,, /. 4 128

180. 16.9%. /,. 4 129. 18.9%., /.

4 181 4 130. 23.5%,.. 4 131

182 5.,,,.,. /,,,.,,, /,.,.,.,,. 2007,, 30 5 60%..

4 183., 3G, IPTV,,,..

184 5. Ofcom, Ofcom Consumer Experience,. Consumer Experience 3. 1. 2 1 (1), (2), (3), (4) 4. 3. Ofcom (time trend),,., 2005 2007..,., 3. ( ).,

5 185.,. 1,. 1 (cross-section data)., 90% 50%., 150 37%..,,... MVNO.....,.

186...,, (lock-in effects).,...... 2009 10.,,, (information policy)..

5 187... 1...,,, 4...

188, (2009. 4. 19.), 3 (2008a), 2008 TV (2008b), 2008 (2009), 2008 (2008), TV,, 08-28, 2008. 12., (2007. 5. 31), <<, (2009. 3. 23), CJ 3.0 <<, (2009. 10. 9), IPTV 100 (2009),, (2009), 2009 ACMA(2009a). Community Attitudes to Unsolicited Communications, Newspoll, research report by Australian Communications and Media Authority, 2009. 8. ACMA(2009b). Australia in the Digital Economy: Report 1-Online Participation, 2009. 5. ACMA(2009c). Australia in the Digital Economy: Report 2-Trust and Confidence, 2009. 5. ACMA(2009d). Australian household consumers take-up and use of voice communications services, Convergence and communications report series, 2009. 3. ACMA(2009e). Take-up and use of communications by small and medium enterprises, Convergence and communications report series, 2009. 3. ACMA(2009f). Australian consumer satisfaction with communications services, Convergence and communications report series, 2009. 6.

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