성공적인 Western Blot 을위한 Total Solution 기간 : 2013 년 4 월 22 일 ~ 6 월 14 일 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra & Power Supply 구매시, 전기영동 Plastic 소모품, Acrylamide/Bis Solution

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성공적인 Western Blot 을위한 Total Solution 기간 : 2013 년 4 월 22 일 ~ 6 월 14 일 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra & Power Supply 구매시, 전기영동 Plastic 소모품, Acrylamide/Bis Solution TGX Gel 6 box 구매시, 전기영동장치 LaboGene tube 50 ml 1 box (500 ea) 21 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra or Trans-Blot Module Set 전기영동관련시약 & 소모품 Trans-Blot Turbo 구매시, Precision Plus Protein Standards 5 개구매시, Staining & Western Blot Detection Membrane Clarity TM Western ECL Substrate Solution (200 ml ) 전용 Transfer Pack 5 Box (10 ea/box) LaboGene Vortex Mixer V100 LaboGene Vortex Mixer V100 추가 Western Blot 제품 400 만원이상구매시, Integra PIPETBOY ACU ( 색상랜덤 ) 다양한 application에따라흡입 / 분주속도조절가능 LED battery indicator를통해충전여부쉽게확인사용중에도충전가능 NEW 안전설계와컴팩트한디자인의 * Trans-Blot Turbo 구매금액은누적에서제외됩니다. 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 A/S 서비스 02-3471-8171 070-8620-5152

LaboGene Tube 50 ml 1 box (500 ea) Mini-PROTEAN Tetra & Power Supply 품번품명행사가 ( 원 ) Mini-Protean Tetra BR165-8001 MP Tetra Cell 1.0 mm, 10-well 1,396,000 BR165-8025 MP Tetra Cell/PP Basic 1.0 mm, 10-well 1,995,000 BR165-8026 MP Tetra Cell/PP Universal 1.0 mm, 10-well 4,685,000 BR165-8027 MP Tetra Cell/PP HC 1.0 mm, 10-well 2,727,000 BR165-8028 MP Tetra Cell/PP HV 1.0 mm, 10-well 4,527,000 BR165-8029 Mini-PROTEAN Tetra Cell and Mini Trans-Blot Module 1,916,000 BR165-8033 MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP Basic 1.0 mm, 10-well 2,605,000 BR165-8035 MP Tetra Cell/MTB Module/PP HC 1.0 mm, 10-well 3,418,000 Power Supply BR164-5050 PowerPac Basic (300 V/400 ma/75 W) 739,000 BR164-5052 PowerPac HC (250 V/3.0 A/300 W) 1,694,000 BR164-5056 PowerPac HV (500 V/500 ma/400 W) 3,869,000 BR164-5070 PowerPac Universal (500 V/2.5 A/500 W) 3,932,000... 21 전기영동을위한 Plastic 소모품 품번품명정상가 ( 원 ) BR165-3303 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand 291,200 BR165-3304 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Frame 85,800 BR165-3305 Mini-P3/Tetra Casting Stand Gasket, replacement, 2 80,600 BR165-3352~68 Mini-P3/Tetra Comb - 두께 : 0.75 mm / 1.0 mm / 1.5 mm - Well : 5-well/ 9-well/ 10-well/ 15-well/ prep(2-d) well/ IPG well Acrylamide/Bis Solution 품번품명규격정상가 ( 원 ) BR161-0144 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 19:1 72,000 BR165-3308 Mini-P3/Tetra Short Plates, 5 57,200 BR165-3310 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 0.75 mm spacers, 5 171,600 BR165-3311 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 1.0 mm spacers, 5 171,600 BR165-3312 Mini-P3/Tetra Spacer Plates, 1.5 mm spacers, 5 171,600 98,800 BR161-0146 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 29:1 98,800 BR161-0148 40% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 37.5:1 98,800 500 ml BR161-0154 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 19:1 91,000 BR161-0156 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 29:1 91,000 BR161-0158 30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution, 37.5:1 91,000... TGX Precast Gel Fast run time : 200 V에서 30분, 300 V에서 15분이면전기영동완료! 일반적인 running buffer (tris/glycine/sds) 사용 Single % ~ gradient gel까지다양한 gel 선택가능 or Description Shape 81 well 50 μl 12 well 20 μl 15 well 15 μl IPG well 7 cm IPG Strip 정상가 ( 원 ) TGX Gel 6 box 구매시, Mini Protean Tetra 전기영동장치또는 Trans-Blot Module Set 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-1029 BR456-1023 BR456-1024 BR456-1025 BR456-1026 BR456-1021 10% Resolving Gel BR456-1039 BR456-1033 BR456-1034 BR456-1035 BR456-1036 BR456-1031 12% Resolving Gel BR456-1049 BR456-1043 BR456-1044 BR456-1045 BR456-1046 BR456-1041 4~15% Resolving Gel BR456-1089 BR456-1083 BR456-1084 BR456-1085 BR456-1086 BR456-1081 4~ Resolving Gel BR456-1099 BR456-1093 BR456-1094 BR456-1095 BR456-1096 BR456-1091 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-9039 BR456-9033 BR456-9034 BR456-9035 BR456-9036 BR456-9031 200,000 1 box (10 ea)

Fast Semi-dry Transfer, Trans-Blot Turbo 7분만에 4장을동시에 transfer 가능 1.25 ng의미량의단백질까지도 transfer가능샌드위치형태의전용소모품으로효율극대화 TGX gel과함께사용시, 3분만에 transfer 가능 Clarity TM ECL Substrate Solution (200 ml ) 전용 Mini Size Transfer Pack 5 box (10 ea/box) 전용 Transfer Pack BR170-4158 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, NC, 7x8.5 cm, 10 ea 140,000 BR170-4158x5 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, NC, 7x8.5 cm, 50 ea 550,000 BR170-4156 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7x8.5 cm, 10 ea 150,000 BR170-4156x5 Trans-Blot Turbo Transfer Pack, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7x8.5 cm, 50 ea 600,000 소모품 Package BR170-4270 Trans-Blot Turbo RTA kit, 0.2 μm, NC, 7x8.5 cm, 40 sets 330,000 BR170-4272 Trans-Blot Turbo RTA kit, 0.2 μm, PVDF, 7x8.5 cm, 40 sets 350,000... Precision Plus Protein Standards 재조합단백질을사용하여, lot에관계없이언제나일정한 size의 band 제공모든제품의 fluorescence( 형광 ) detection 가능 (pink band - green color / blue band - red color) WesternC standards : chemiluminescence detection 까지가능 5 개일시구매시, LaboGene Vortex Mixer V100 품번 품명 규격 행사가 ( 원 ) BR161-0373 Precision Plus Protein All Blue Standards 175,000 BR161-0374 Precision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards 190,000 500 ul BR161-0375 Precision Plus Protein Kaleidoscope Standards 240,000 BR161-0377 Precision Plus Dual Xtra Standards 240,000 BR161-0385 Precision Plus protein WesternC Standards 250 ul 390,000... 전기영동 & Western Blot Buffer BR161-0700 Ammonium Persulfate, 10 g 27,000 BR161-0201 Bis, 50 g 71,000 BR170-6404 Blotting Grade Blocker, Non-fat dry milk (Skim milk), 300 g 74,900 BR161-0611 Dithiothreitol (DTT), 5 g 124,800 BR161-0729 EDTA, 500 g 109,400 BR161-0718 Glycine, 1 kg 93,600 BR161-0724 Glycine, 2 kg 169,000 BR161-0737 2x Laemmli Sample Buffer, 30 ml 27,000 BR161-0747 4x laemmli sample buffer 25,000 BR161-0738 Native Sample Buffer, 30 ml 34,600 BR161-0416 SDS Solution, 10%, 250 ml 72,800 BR161-0418 SDS Solution,, 1,000 ml 181,000 BR161-0302 SDS, 1 kg 301,600 BR161-0301 SDS, 100 g 45,800 BR161-0800 TEMED, 5 ml 33,300 BR161-0801 TEMED, 50 ml 93,600 BR161-0713 Tricine, 500 g 303,400 BR161-0719 Tris, 1 kg 142,100 BR161-0716 Tris, 500 g 76,800 BR161-0798 Tris-HCl Resolving Gel Buffer (1.5M), ph8.8, 1l 56,200 BR161-0799 Tris-HCl Stacking Gel Buffer (0.5M), ph6.8, 1l 54,100 BR170-6531 Tween20 Detergent, 100 ml 82,600 BR161-0781 Tween20 (10%), for easy pipetting, 1l 57,600 BR161-0730 Urea, 250 g 46,100 BR161-0731 Urea, 1 kg 105,600 BR161-0780 10X PBS, 1l 67,200 BR161-0778 10X Tris/CAPS, 1l 119,000 BR161-0734 10x Tris/Glycine, 1l 52,000 BR161-0771 10x Tris/Glycine, 5l cube 153,900 BR161-0732 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 1l 52,000 BR161-0772 10x Tris/Glycine/SDS, 5l cube 151,800 BR161-0744 10x Tris/Tricine/SDS, 1l 140,200 BR161-0783 1X PBS/1% Casein, 1l 128,600 BR161-0782 1X TBS/1% Casein, 1l 128,600 BR161-0710 2-mercaptoethanol (BME), 25 ml 43,700

염색과정없이 UV Detection 가능한 TGX Stain-free Precast Gel Description 81 well 50 μl 12 well 20 μl 15 well 15 μl IPG well 450 μl 행사가 ( 원 ) Shape 20 μl 7.5% Resolving Gel BR456-8029 BR456-8023 BR456-8024 BR456-8025 BR456-8026 BR456-8021 10% Resolving Gel BR456-8039 BR456-8033 BR456-8034 BR456-8035 BR456-8036 BR456-8031 12% Resolving Gel BR456-8049 BR456-8043 BR456-8044 BR456-8045 BR456-8046 BR456-8041 4~15% Resolving Gel BR456-8089 BR456-8083 BR456-8084 BR456-8025 BR456-8086 BR456-8081 4~ Resolving Gel BR456-8099 BR456-8093 BR456-8094 BR456-8085 BR456-8096 BR456-8091 Any kd Resolving Gel BR456-8129 BR456-8123 BR456-8124 BR456-8125 BR456-8126 BR456-8121 160,000 1 box (10 ea) Gel Stain & Destain Solution 품번품명행사가 ( 원 ) BR161-0435 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Solution Kit (Staining 1l Destaining 2l) 176,800 BR161-0436 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Staining Solution, 1l 87,400 BR161-0438 Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 Destaining Solution, 1l 72,800 BR161-0786 Bio-Safe Coomassie Stain, 1l 145,600 BR161-0449 Silver Stain Plus Kit - MALDI-TOF 호환 336,000 BR161-0496 Oriole Fluorescent Stain - 90분염색만으로얻는 Silver Stain의감도! 220,800... Western Blot 용 Secondary IgG Antibody BR170-6516 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (HL)-HRP, 2 ml 240,000 BR170-6515 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (HL)-HRP, 2 ml 240,000 BR172-1050 Affinity Purified Goat Anti-Human IgG (HL)-HRP, 2 ml 270,400 Membrane 상에서 Band 를 Color 로관찰하는 Colorimetric Western Substrate BR170-8235 Opti-4CN Colorimetric Substrate Kit 360,000 Clartity TM Western ECL Substrate Best Long signal duration : 24시간동안 signal 유지 Excellent sensitivity : femto gram 수준의단백질 detection 가능 Low background : 이상적인 signal-to-noise 구현 Long shelf life : 실온에서 1년보관가능, performance 보장 BR170-5060 Clarity TM ECL substrate Kit, 200 ml 216,000 BR170-5061 Clarity TM ECL substrate Kit, 500 ml 358,000 Western Blot 의필수품 Membrane Colorimetric, chemiluminescence에모두적합한전통적인 NC membrane 단백질과의결합력이우수하여적은량의단백질에최적의 PVDF membrane Low auto-fluorescence에의한낮은 background로형광검출에최적인 PVDF LF membrane 55 편의성높은 mini gel size 의 Pre-cut NC, PVDF Membrane 55 단백질 transfer 용 NC, PVDF roll membrane 구매시, Filter Paper 50 매 BR162-0145 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 μm, 7x8.4 cm, 10 ea 125,000 BR162-0177 Immun-Blot PVDF Membrane, 0.2 μm, 26 cmx3.3 m 509,600 BR162-0174 Immun-Blot PVDF Membrane, 7x8.4 cm, 10 ea 150,000 BR162-0115 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 μm, 30 cmx3.5 m 480,000 BR162-0260 NEW Immun-Blot PVDF LF Membrane, 7x8.4 cm, 10 ea 200,000 BR162-0112 Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.2 μm, 30 cmx3.5 m 504,000 추가 본페이지행사제품중 100 만원이상구매시, 안전설계와컴팩트한디자인의 LaboGene Vortex Mixer V100 NEW

성공적인 PCR 실험을위한 Total Solution 기간 : 2013 년 4 월 22 일 ~ 6 월 14 일 특가 Certified Molecular Biology Grade Agarose 2 병 Bundle 특별가 iscript cdna Synthesis Kit Real-Time PCR Master Mix Best Result를위한 PCR 소모품 NEW PCR Product Group 에서 400 만원이상일시구매시, PX1 Plate Heat Sealer 380 만원특별가공급 탑재된 optimized protocol로더욱쉽고편하게사용자편의성을높인 touchscreen interface 품번 품명 규격 행사가 ( 원 ) BR181-4030 PX1 PCR Plate Oprically Clear Heat Seals : PCR, Real-time PCR 용도 153,700 100 sheets BR181-4045 PX1 PCR Plate Peelable Foil Heat Seals : PCR, Storage 용도 122,500 특가 Bundle 특별가 Certified Agarose 품번 품목 규격 Bundle 특별가 ( 원 ) BR161-3101D 125 g x 2 350,000 Certified Molecular Biology Agarose BR161-3102D 500 g x 2 850,000... iscript cdna Synthesis Kit 품번 품목 구성 규격 행사가 ( 원 ) BR170-8840 One-tube 5x master mix, 5x iscript RT supermix 25 rxn 288,600 BR170-8841 최대의편의성, 재현성제공 5x iscript Reverse Transcription Supermix no-rt control 100 rxn 888,900 BR170-8842 iscript RTase 50 rxn 664,600 최대 7.5 ug input RNA로부터 cdna 합성 5x iscript dvance reaction mix iscript Advanced cdna Synthesis kit BR170-8843 250 rxn 2,668,800 Bio-Rad 특허의 modified RNase H MMLV RT with RNase inhibitor 사용 qpcr 전 RNase H 처리과정불필요 RNase inhibitor 에의해 sample RNA degradation 방지 Broad linear dynamic range의 qpcr data 제공 30 ~ 40분의짧은 protocol BR170-8890 25 rxn 150,000 Two-tube type의 best-seller, iscript RTase BR170-8891 간편하고가장경제적 5x iscript reaction mix 100 rxn 530,000 iscript cdna Synthesis Kit BR170-8891x2 100 rxn x 2 850,000 BR170-8896 iscript RTase 5x iscript reaction mix 25 rxn 205,000 긴길이의 cdna 합성, mrna에대한 transcripts 획득에적합 iscript Select cdna Synthesis Kit oligo d(t) primer Random primer BR170-8897 GSP(gene specific primer) enhancer 100 rxn 620,000 주문및상담 02-3471-6500 042-824-7000 A/S 서비스 02-3471-8171 070-8620-5152

Real-Time PCR Master Mix 종류 품번 품목 규격 행사가 ( 원 ) 모든장비 (high-, low-, no-rox) 에호환가능한 Bio-Rad의신제품 BR172-5120 2 ml (200 rxn) 162,000 Roche LC480, Qiagen Rotor-Gene, BR172-5121 itaq Unviersal SYBR Green Supermix 5 ml (500 rxn) 360,000 Stratagene Mx4000p, ABI 전기종호환가능 BR172-5122 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 694,800 Fast & Standard qpcr Protocol 모두가능 BR172-5130 2 ml (200 rxn) 162,000 2x Type으로사용간편 BR172-5131 itaq Unviersal Probe Supermix 5 ml (500 rxn) 360,000 BR172-5132 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 694,800 Bio-Rad 장비에최적화된전통의 Best-selling Real-time Master Mix 2x Type으로사용간편재현성높은결과보장 Bio-Rad 의 Premium grade!! High-end Real-time Master Mix PCR Inhibitor 에대한저항성증가 : 혈액, 토양, 분변, 식물로부터 Direct-PCR 가능 Secondary Structure & GC-rich Template 에서도뛰어난합성효율 Superior Sensitivity : 넓은 dynamic range 및 annealing/extention temp 합성속도, 합성의정확성증가 : Fast cycling 에최적 BR170-8880AP 2.5 ml (250 rxn) 231,200 BR170-8882AP IQ SYBR Green Supermix 12.5 ml (1,250 rxn) 1,024,000 BR170-8884AP 25 ml (2,500 rxn) 1,648,000 BR170-8860 2.5 ml (250 rxn) 222,200 BR170-8862 IQ Probe Supermix 12.5 ml (1,250 rxn) 1,020,000 BR170-8864 25 ml (2,500 rxn) 1,600,000 BR172-5260 2 ml (200 rxn) 204,200 BR172-5261 SsoAdvanced SYBR Green Supermix 5 ml (500 rxn) 459,400 BR172-5262 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 883,600 BR172-5200AP 2 ml (200 rxn) 223,900 BR172-5201AP SsoFast EvaGreen Supermix 5 ml (500 rxn) 485,500 BR172-5202AP 10 ml (1,000 rxn) 915,600 One-step, One tube에서 cdna 합성과 Real-time PCR 동시수행 BR170-8892 50 rx n 300,600 Handling error 최소화 iscript OneStep RT-PCR kit with SYBR Green BR170-8893 200 rxn 1,080,000 Contamination 방지 BR170-8894 50 rxn 300,600 높은감도 : 100 fg Input RNA만준비하면 OK iscript OneStep RT-PCR kit for Probes BR170-8895 200 rxn 1,080,000... Best Result 를위한 PCR 소모품 적용 PCR/qPCR System 종류 품번 품목 규격 행사가 ( 원 ) 누구나쉽게어떤 PCR General Individual 500 tube BRTFI-0201 0.2 ml Individual PCR Tube with Flat Cap 장비에도사용가능 PCR Tube With Cap x 2 pack 40,000 BRTBS-0201 0.2 ml 8-tube Strip w/o Caps 104,200 8-Strip Tube & Cap BRTCS-0801 8-strip Domed Caps for 0.2 ml Tubes and Plates 120 strips (960 tubes) 60,500 BRTCS-0803 8-strip Flat Caps for 0.2 ml Tubes and Plates, Ultraclear 40,000 Cutting이용이한 BRMLP-9601 96-well Unskirted PCR Plate, 12 x 8 Format 146,900 25 plates 경제적인 Plate BRMLP-9651 96-well Unskirted PCR Plate, 12 x 8 Format, White 179,300 T100, MyCycler, icycler, iq5, MyiQ, MyiQ2 C1000/S1000 series, CFX series, DNA Engine mini / Dyad / Tetrad Handling 이간편한 Hard-shell Plate Plate Sealing Tape icycler, iq 전용 Plate & Cap 8-Strip Tube & Cap Cutting 이용이한경제적인 Plate Handling 이간편한 Hard-shell Plate Plate Sealing Tape 제조에서포장까지 class 10,000 clean room에서제작 Nuclease, nucleic acid 오염철저히방지 Hard-shell Full-height 96-well Semi-skirted Plates, BRHSS-9601 100,400 Clear Shell/Clear Well 25 plates Hard-shell full-height 96-well Semi-skirted Plates, BRHSS-9641 100,400 Green Shell/Clear Well BRMSA-5001 Microseal `A` Film 50 seals 168,200 BRMSB-1001 `B` Clear Adhesive Seal 153,700 100 seals BRMSF-1001 Microseal `F` Foil 122,500 BR223-9441 icycler 96-well PCR Plate 25 plates 288,000 BR223-9444 icycler iq Optical Sealing Tape 100 seals 72,000 BRTLS-0801 Low-profile 0.2 ml 8-tube Strip w/o Caps 76,800 BRTLS-0851 Low-profile 0.2 ml 8-tube Strip w/o Caps, White 120 strips 97,600 BRTCS-0801 8-strip Domed Caps for 0.2 ml Tubes and Plates (960 tubes) 60,500 BRTCS-0803 8-strip Flat Caps for 0.2 ml Tubes and Plates, Ultraclear 40,000 BRMLL-9601 96-well Low-profile Unskirted PCR Plate, 12 x 8 Format 144,700 25 plates BRMLL-9651 96-well Low-profile Unskirted PCR Plate, 12 x 8 Format, White 164,200 BRHSP-9601 Hard-shell 96 Plates, White Shell/Clear Well 223,500 50 plates BRHSP-9655 Hard-shell 96 Plates, White Shell/White Well 248,200 BRMSA-5001 Microseal `A` Film 50 seals 168,200 BRMSB-1001 `B` Clear Adhesive Seal 153,700 100 seals BRMSF-1001 Microseal `F` Foil 122,500