Waterfront Development and Cultural Policy in Sea-Port Cities Kim, Nayoung (Korea Maritime University) Recently, the concept of city redevelopment is

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Waterfront Development and Cultural Policy in Sea-Port Cities Kim, Nayoung (Korea Maritime University) Recently, the concept of city redevelopment is changing from merely demolishing an old city and building up a new one to a revival of the regional features in utilization of the local history and culture resources. Such a city redevelopment project with the cultural resources utilized can be illustrated by the waterfront development project, which has left a wealth of historical and cultural assets as well as industrial facility-related remains as the seaport city's waterfront went through the modern industrialization and adjusted itself to the human surroundings formed and changed for many centuries. This study aims to enhance the understanding of the meaning of urban space redevelopment in utilization of culture and art centering on the case of the waterfront development. Specifically, the role of culture and art in the strategy of a cultural city to facilitate the local cultures is investigated in reference to the cultural initiatives and the progress of the seaport city's waterfront development To this end, Yokohama, Japan, is examined as an exemplary city where a waterfront development is being successfully implemented through the creation of culture and art space in utilization of the unique and attractive urban scenery and local resources such as historical structures and riverside views around the waterfront. Yokohama has proceeded with its cultural policy of 'the city of creation - Yokohama' as part of the national strategy of Japan to make it 'a city of culture and art creation.' In particular, the 'national art park plan,' which is a space planning policy, is embodying the regeneration of a waterfront by creating a space of culture and art. The fundamental intent and specific steps of this project will be examined in order to understand the role of culture and art in the seaport city's waterfront development, and to address the direction of cultural policies when it comes to the regeneration of a waterfront. 'The city of creation - Yokohama' is a new urban vision of Yokohama with the aim to generate values and attractions of the city by taking advantage of the unique history and culture of the harbor or the unique waterfront of Yokohama and thus breathing in creativity of art and culture. To realize such a city, presented were the 'national art park plan' as a space planing policy, 'formation of a district of creation' as a cultural policy, and 'the city of image culture' and 'Yokohama Triennale' as the economic policies. Among these, the national art park plan aims to establish an international hub of tourism and interchange, facilitate creative industries, and activate the city by fostering cultural and artistic activities and by making good use of the historic and cultural resources as an open port city centering on the inner harbor( ), a major urban space of Yokohama. With six 'base

zones' and three 'districts of creation' around the waterfront of Yokohama, a zone of creation is to be established, and in association with the districts of creation around the existing central part of the city, the network of the inland and water area is established. The 'base zones' will take advantage of the resources such as historical structures and views over the waters, and actively facilitate creative activities including culture and art at the same time in order to foster the activation of the city and economy based on the formation of the international hub of tourism and interchange as well as the integrated creative businesses, and to contribute to forming the urban culture of Yokohama. In the 'district of creation,' the existing historic structures, old warehouses and available offices in the central part of the city will be reused as ateliers and studios to provide space where artists and creators could settle there and proceed with their creation and presentation activities. The arrangements above represent the spread of the zone of creation from the base zone of the water to the district of creation inland. In addition, with the direct support for culture and art as well as the rearrangement of the public space to link historical and cultural resources, Yokohama, which is becoming a city of creation, utilizes indirect methods to play the role of locomotive in enhancing the creativity.

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랜드마크타워퀸즈스퀘어퍼시픽요코하마 그림. 미나토미라이 21 지구퀸축 신코부두뱌사미치아카렌가창고 그림. 신코 바샤미치축

오오산바시여객터미널오오산바시여객터미널조노하나공원 그림. 오오산바시 니혼오오도리축 야마시타부두츄카가이모토마치 그림. 야마시타 츄카가이 모토마치축

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