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PMP Exam Pass Framework Co location Customer Deliverable Enterprise Functional organization structure Historical information Initiator Line manager Functional manager Management by project Matrix organization Operations Organization Portfolio Program Project management office Project calendar 578

PMP Regulation Variance analysis Virtual team War room Command and control center 579

PMP Exam Pass Integration Administrative closure Baseline Change control CCB Change control board Change control system Configuration management Corrective actions Feasibility study Formal acceptance Initiation 580

PMP Issue Lessons learned NPV Net present value Payback period Project charter ROI Return on investment SOW Statement of work Trend analysis Work authorization 581

PMP Exam Pass Scope Acceptance criteria Alternatives Decomposition Deliverable Code of accounts WBS Milestone Milestone schedule Master schedule Product analysis Scope baseline WBS WBS Scope creep Scope statement Scope verification Validation Verification 582

PMP WBS Work breakdown structure Work package WBS 583

PMP Exam Pass Time Activity Activity on arrow AOA Arrow diagramming method ADM Activity on node AON Precedence diagramming method PDM Backward pass Bar chart Gantt chart Crashing Critical path Critical chain method Critical path Discretionary dependency Soft logic preferred logic preferential logic Dummy activity ADM Estimate External dependency Fast tracking Float Slack buffer total float path float 584

PMP Forward pass Free float Lag Lead Mandatory dependency Negative float Network diagram PERT weighted average 3 Resource calendar Rolling wave planning Summary activity Hammock activity Task task Work performance information 585

PMP Exam Pass Cost Actual cost AC Actual cost of work performed ACWP Analogous estimating Top down estimating Benefit cost ratio BCR B C 1 400 200 BCR 2 2 1 2 Budget Budget at completion BAC PV Planned value Chart of accounts Contingency reserve Known unknowns Control account work package control account control account Cost performance index CPI EV AC Cost Variance CV EV AC Direct cost Earned value EV Budgeted cost of work performed BCWP 586

PMP Estimate at completion EAC Estimate to complete ETC Indirect cost Internal rate of return IRR NPV 0 Learning curve theory Life cycle cost Management reserve Unknown Unknown Opportunity cost Parametric modeling Planned value PV Budgeted cost of work scheduled BCWS Reserve Resource rate Schedule performance index SPI EV PV EV PV Schedule variance SV EV PV EV PV Sunk cost 587

PMP Exam Pass Quality Control chart Control limit Control chart 3 99 7 Cost of quality COQ Defect Design of experiments DOE Fishbone diagram Cause and effect diagram Ishikawa diagram Inspection Review audit walkthrough Just in time 0 Kaizen Delphi technique Pareto chart Quality Quality policy Seven run rule seven rule 7 out of control 588

PMP Sigma Specification Value engineering VE Zero defect ZD Philip Crosby zero 589

PMP Exam Pass Human resource Coercive power Penalty power Confrontation Delegation Democratic management style Laissez faire management style Legitimate power Resource histogram Resource leveling Responsibility assignment matrix RAMLinear responsibility chart WBS OBS 590

PMP Communication Forecast Information distribution Kickoff meeting Status report 591