최종보고서 수질및수생태계 우선관리대상항목선정연구 연구기관 : 건국대학교

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최종보고서 수질및수생태계 우선관리대상항목선정연구 200. 2 연구기관 : 건국대학교

제출문 국립환경과학원장귀하 본보고서를 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선 정연구 의최종보고서로제출합니다. 200 년 2 월 건국대학교산학협력단장

연구진 연구직책 성명 참여분야 연구책임자 안윤주 ( 건국대학교 ) 연구총괄 공동연구원 정승우 ( 군산대학교 ) 수질오염관련법규 남선화 ( 건국대학교 ) 우선관리대상항목도출 이우미 ( 건국대학교 ) 우선관리대상항목도출 김신웅 ( 건국대학교 ) 우선순위기법확립 연구보조원 신유진 ( 건국대학교 ) 평가인자분석곽진일 ( 건국대학교 ) 평가인자분석 양창용 (( 주 ) 켐토피아 ) 자료수집 허정현 ( 군산대학교 ) 수질환경기준현황분석 문대일 ( 군산대학교 ) 수질환경기준현황분석 보조원 윤성지 ( 건국대학교 ) 자료수집 자문위원 ( 가나다순 ) () () () () () () () (())

요약문, -, 7. - 2000,. -. - 2007~2009 I, II, III (III)' 275 2 2, 4, 5 5, 7 9,. -. - (Chemical Ranking and Scoring system, CRS),. -. - I -

-. -,,. 2 (CRS) - ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)/EPA (Environment Protection Agency) NPL (National Priority List) 00 NPL,,. - SCRAM (Scoring and Ranking Assessment Model),,,. - CHEMS- (Chemical Hazard Evaluation for Management Strategies), TRI (Toxics Release Inventory),,,. - EURAM (European Union Risk Ranking Method) HPVCs (High production volume chemicals, 000 ), IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database). - ARET (Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics) 0 PBTs (Persistent/Bioaccumulative/Toxic substances) 87,,,. - II -

- (, 200) (),, (),,,, 0. - ; CRS-Korea(, 200),, 06. - (, 2006),, 4 275. - (, 2007) CROSS(Chemical Ranking of Soil Pollution Substances), 220,,. - (, 2008) PBTs(),,, 8, 0, 0, 65 0 Food_CRS system. - (, 2009) CROWN (Chemical Ranking Of groundwater pollutant),,,,, 97. (,,,,, ) - CRS,,.,,,, /, SCRAM CROSS. /, /,,, - III -

,, CROSS CROWN,,. CRS SCRAM CHEMS- EURAM ARET CRS-Korea () (4.5) (00) (200) (70) (200) CROSS (00) CROWN (50/20) + + + + + + ( - + + ) + :.5: < : - : : : -5, 2.5 0-0-0-5 -5-5 -5, 2.5 0.-.0 0-0 -5-5 -5 - a b - -0-5 2-0 ( () ) - - - - - 2-0 () 2-0 () -5 0-5 0-0 0-0 -5-5 -5-0-5 0-0-0-5 -5-5 -5 c c 0-0 -5-5 -5-5 0-5 0-0 0-0 -5 0-5 0-5 - -5 0, 5 d 0-0 -5-5 -5 - -5 0, 5 d 0-0 -5-5 -5 - - - - - -0-0 - - - - - 0-6 0-6 - - - - - 0-4 0-4 - - - - - 2-0 2-0 - - - ( ) a. Release weighting factor. b. c. d. AF '. 2009. ' - CRS,,,, CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants). CROSS CROWN. CROSS CROWN,. - IV -

,.,,,,,. t/2 in Kow water(days) (kg/year) (kg/year) (ton/year) 5 >00,000 5 >00 0 >,000,000 0 > 500 0 >,000,000 4 >0,000-0 0,000 4 >50-00 8 >00,000-,000,000 8 > 250 500 - > 00,000-8,000,000 >,000 >20-50 6-0,000 >0,000-6 00,000 > 25 250-6 > 0,000 00,000-2 >00-,000 2 >4-20 4 >,000- > 62.5-0,000 4 25 4 >,000-0,000 00 4 2 000 2 62.5 2,000 '. 2009. ' CROWN - V -

oral LD50 () oral inhalation inhal. LC50 R-phrase IARC IRIS N(L)OAEL N(L)OAEL * 5 5 5 R2, 26 A 5 有 4.5 - - R20 - - - - - 4 >5-50 >5-50 R28 >- 0 >- 0 2A B, B2 4 有.5 - - R25 - - - - - >50-50 0 >50-,5 00 - >0-00 >0-00 2B C 有 2.5 - - R22 - - - - - 2 >500-5,000 >,500-5,000 - >00-, 000 >00-, 000 D 2 有 >5,000 >5,000 - >,000 >,000 4 E 有 * Endocrine effects, (),,, '. 2009. ' CROWN (L(E)C50; mg/l) () (NOEC; mg/l),,, 5 0. 0 4 > - 0 > 0. - > 0-00 > 0-00 > - 0 > 00-,000 2 > 00 -,000 > 0-00 >,000-5,000 >,000 > 00 > 5,000 '. 2009. ' CROWN *,,, 0 5 6 有 4 4 有 0 8 4 4 有 有 7.5 6 2 有 2 2 有 5 4 2 0 有 2.5 2 0 * '. 2009. ' CROWN - VI -

0 7.5 2 ~ 5 ~ 2 2.5 '. 2009. ' CROWN () * 2 0 0 0 0 0 * (standard), (guideline), (criteria), '. 2009. ' CROWN - VII -

,,, - ( 275, 20, 25, 25, 9, / 256, 7. - 48( - : (IARC),, 2005) (WWF) - 06( - : ( (,, 200) /),, 275, 2006) - 0+5(, - : 200) (, 200;, 2008) - () - 26 - () 24-7 - - - () - -,,, WHO -, () - - - - - (IRIS) - - - / 0-9 2008 (, 200) - 25-25 (USEPA, 2009) - - 25 (CCME, 2007) - - 9 / trigger values (ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000) - - 256 - / (, - 28, 4, 2006) - 5 - VIII -

- 440, - IRIS 59 2 6. -,,,,,. EPIWIN EPIWIN 2008 2008 2006 HSDB, ESIS () IRIS IARC, IRIS ESIS, WWF ECOTOX, EPIWIN () ECOTOX, EPIWIN,,, /, ESIS 4 (2004-2005, 2007-2009) - IX -

- 440. - 2 IRIS 59 2 6. No. CAS No. No. CAS No.,,-Trichloroethan 00007-55-6 4 Atrazine 0092-24-9 2,,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 000079-4-5 44 Barium 007440-9-,,2-Trichloroethane 000079-00-5 45 Benomyl 07804-5-2 4,-Dichloroethylene 000075-5-4 46 Benzidine 000092-87-5 5,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 000095-94- 47 Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-2-8 6,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 00020-82- 48 Benzyl chloride 00000-44-7 7,2-Dichlorobenzene 000095-50- 49 Beryllium 007440-4-7 8,2-Dichloroethan 00007-06-2 50 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether 000-44-4 9,2-Diphenylhydrazine 00022-66-7 5 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0000-2- 0,2-Trans-dichloroethylene 00056-60-5 52 Boron 007440-42-8,,5-Trinitrobenzene 000099-5-4 5 Bromoform 000075-25-2 2,-Dichloropropene 000542-75-6 54 Bromoxynil 00689-84-5,-Dinitrobenzene 000099-65-0 55 Butyl benzyl phthalate 000085-68-7 4,4-Dioxane 0002-9- 56 Captan 000-06-2 5 2,,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 000058-90-2 57 Carbaryl 00006-25-2 6 2,-Dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofur yl[(dibutylamino)thio]methylcarbamate 055285-4-8 58 Carbofuran 0056-66-2 7 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 000095-95-4 59 Carbon disulfide 000075-5-0 8 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxyacetic acid 00009-76-5 60 Chlorite 007758-9-2 9 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 000088-06-2 6 Chlorobenzene 00008-90-7 20 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene 0008-96-7 62 Chlorodibromomethane 00024-48- 2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2 6 Chlorothalonil 00897-45-6 22 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 000094-75-7 64 Chlorpyrifos 00292-88-2 2 2,4-Dimethylphenol 00005-67-9 65 Copper 007440-50-8 24 2,4-Dinitrophenol 00005-28-5 66 Cumene 000098-82-8 25 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2 67 Cyclohexylamine 00008-9-8 26 2-Chloronaphthalene 00009-58-7 68 Cypermethrin 0525-07-8 27 2-Chlorophenol 000095-57-8 69 DDE 000072-55-9 28 2-Propen--ol 00007-8-6 70 DDT 000050-29- 29 2-Propyn--ol 00007-9-7 7 Decabromodiphenyloxide 006-9-5 0,'-Dichlorobenzidine 00009-94- 72 Demeton 008065-48- 4,4'-Bisphenol A 000080-05-7 7 Dicamba 0098-00-9 2 Acenaphthene 00008-2-9 74 Dichlorobromomethane 000075-27-4 Acephate 00560-9- 75 Dichlorvos 000062-7-7 4 Acrolein 00007-02-8 76 Dieldrin 000060-57- 5 Acrylamide 000079-06- 77 Diethyl phthalate 000084-66-2 6 Acrylonitrile 00007-- 78 Dimethoate 000060-5-5 7 Alachlor 05972-60-8 79 Di-n-butyl phthalate 000084-74-2 8 Aldicarb 0006-06- 80 Dinoseb 000088-85-7 9 Aldrin 00009-00-2 8 Diquat 000085-00-7 40 Aniline 000062-5- 82 Diuron 0000-54- 4 Anthracene 00020-2-7 8 Endosulfan 0005-29-7 42 Argentum 007440-22-4 84 Endrin 000072-20-8 - X -

No. CAS No. No. CAS No. 85 Epichlorohydrin 00006-89-8 24 Molybdenum 00749-98-7 86 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4 25 Nickel 007440-02-0 87 Ethylacetate 0004-78-6 26 Nitrate 04797-55-8 88 Ethyl paranitrophenyl phenyl phosphorothioate (EPN) 00204-64-5 27 Nitrite 04797-65-0 89 Ethyleneglycol 00007-2- 28 Nitrobenzene 000098-95- 90 Ethylene thiourea 000096-45-7 29 N-nitrosodimethylamine 000062-75-9 9 Fenvalerate 0560-58- 0 N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine 00062-64-7 92 Fluoranthene 000206-44-0 N-nitrosodiphenylamine 000086-0-6 9 Fluorene 000086-7-7 2 Paraquat 0090-42-5 94 Furfural 000098-0- Pendimethalin 040487-42- 95 Glyphosate 0007-8-6 4 Pentachlorobenzene 000608-9-5 96 Heptachlor 000076-44-8 5 Pentachlorophenol 000087-86-5 97 Heptachlor epoxide 00024-57- 6 Perchlorate 007790-98-9 98 Hexachlorobenzene 0008-74- 7 Permethrin 052645-5- 99 Hexachlorobutadiene 000087-68- 8 Phenol 00008-95-2 00 Hexachlorocyclohexane 000608-7- 9 Picloram 0098-02- 0 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 000077-47-4 40 Propylene oxide 000075-56-9 02 Hexachloroethane 000067-72- 4 Pyrene 00029-00-0 0 Hexahydro-,,5-trinitro-,,5-triazin e 0002-82-4 42 Quinoline 00009-22-5 04 Hexazinone 0525-04-2 4 Selenium 007782-49-2 05 Imazethapyr 085-77-5 44 Sethoxydim 07405-80-2 06 Iron 00749-89-6 45 Simazine 00022-4-9 07 Lindane 000058-89-9 46 Sodiumazide 026628-22-8 08 Linuron 0000-55-2 47 Styrene 00000-42-5 09 Malathion 0002-75-5 48 Tebuthiuron 0404-8- 0 Manganese 00749-96-5 49 Thiobencarb 028249-77-6 MCPA(4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacet ic acid; 2-methyl-4-chloro 000094-74-6 50 Thiophanate methyl 02564-05-8 phenoxy acetic acid) 2 Methanol 000067-56- 5 Thirame 0007-26-8 Methidathion 000950-7-8 52 Toluene 00008-88- 4 Methomyl 06752-77-5 5 Toxaphene 00800-5-2 5 Methoxychlor 000072-4-5 54 Triallate 0020-7-5 6 Methyl bromide 000074-8-9 55 Tributyltin oxide 000056-5-9 7 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9- 56 Triflualin 00582-09-8 8 Methylmercury 022967-92-6 57 Vinclozoline 05047-44-8 9 Metolachlor 0528-45-2 58 Vinyl chloride 000075-0-4 20 Metribuzin 02087-64-9 59 Xylenes 000-20-7 2 Metsulfuron 07422-64-6 60 Zinc 007440-66-6 22 Mirex 00285-85-5 6 2 Molinate 00222-67- α-cyano--phenoxybenzyl-(2-chlor o-,,-trifluoroprop--enyl)-2,2-dim 068085-85-8 ethylcyclopropanecarboxylate - XI -

- CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants),,,,,. - XII -

4-6 4 5. - 5, 5. - (Probabilistic ecological risk assessment, PERA) 46, 46. -, 5, 46. - (PERA), 46. - (ND) (DL/2), 90%. - 5, Hexachlorobenzene, Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, Pentachlorophenol. - 46, Iron, Endosulfan, Copper, Methomyl, carbofuran, Pyrene, Endrin, Methoxychlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Zinc. - 5. - 46. - XIII -

5 CRS DB - CRS. -, 4, 6,. - XIV -

- (. SF, BW, DI, FI, BCF),. - PERA SEM, SEM_ACR, AFM,. - XV -

6 (,, ) CRS - CRS 6 58 CRAFT. 0%, 4. 4 90 2.5 50 CRAFT 8. - XVI -

CAS No. (90) Hexachlorobenzene* 0008-74- (POPs) 4.76E+02 6.62E-0 9.5 2 Acrylonitrile 00007-- 7.75E+00 5.5 Propylene oxide 000075-56-9 5.4E+00 7.5E-0.5 4 Pentachlorophenol 000087-86-5 2.85E+00.E-0 49.5 5 Zinc 007440-66-6.0E-02 50.0 6 Toluene 00008-88-.7E-0 47.5 7 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2.0E-02 45.5 8 Selenium 007782-49-2 9.8E-0 44.0 9 Endrin 000072-20-8 (POPs) 2.5E-0 4.5 0,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 00020-82- 8.7E-0 42.5 Phenol 00008-95-2.2E-05 42.5 2 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2.E-0 4.0 Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-2-8 PAHs.66E-02 40.0 4,2-Dichloroethan 00007-06-2 5.0E-02 40.0 5 Pyrene 00029-00-0 PAHs 2.44E-04 9.5 6 Endosulfan* 0005-29-7.9E-02 9.5 7 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4.26E-05 9.5 8 Styrene 00000-42-5.5E-04 9.5 9 Di-n-butyl phthalate 000084-74-2.9E-02 9.5 20 Atrazine* 0092-24-9 2.56E-04 8.0 2 Simazine* 00022-4-9.E-0 8.0 22 Diethyl phthalate 000084-66-2 5.95E-05 7.5 2,2-Dichlorobenzene 000095-50- 2.8E-0 7.5 24 Chlorobenzene 00008-90-7 2.70E-0 6.5 25 Hexachloroethane 000067-72- 7.7E-02 7.64E-0 6.5 26 Triflualin* 00582-09-8.46E-04.E-05 6.0 27 Aniline* 000062-5- 9.E-0 4.5 28 Methomyl 06752-77-5 5.25E-02.5 29 Alachlor* 05972-60-8.89E-0 2.5 0 Dichlorobromomethane 000075-27-4 6.29E-02 2.40E-04 2.5 Methoxychlor 000072-4-5.52E-0 2.0 2 Carbofuran 0056-66-2.08E-02 29.5 Butyl benzyl phthalate 000085-68-7 2.57E-02 29.5 4,2-Trans-dichloroethylene 00056-60-5 2.02E-0 28.5 5,,-Trichloroethan 00007-55-6 2.70E-05 28.5 6 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-.20E-02 27.5 7 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9-.95E-04 25.5 8 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0000-2- 4.48E-0.28E-0 2.5 *. 2008-2009. 2, - XVII -

CRS - CRS 6 49 CRAFT. 0%, 0. 25 80 25 5.5 CRAFT 5. - XVIII -

CAS No. ( μg /L) (80) Iron 00749-89-6 7.6E+02 5.60E-0 8.5 2 Endosulfan 0005-29-7 2.09E+02 5.75E-05 4.0 Copper 007440-50-8 8.2E+0.46E-0 5.5 4 Methomyl 06752-77-5.64E+0 8.00E-0 5.0 5 Carbofuran 0056-66-2 2.E+0.0E-02.0 6 Pyrene 00029-00-0 PAHs.79E+0 2.6E-0 40.5 7 Endrin 000072-20-8 (POPs).7E+0.50E-04 45.5 8 Methoxychlor 000072-4-5 5.90E+00.00E-02 7.0 9 Hexachlorobenzene 0008-74- (POPs).78E+00.E-02 8.5 0 Zinc 007440-66-6.92E+00.6E+0 5.0 Toluene 00008-88-.0E-0 5.7E+02 47.5 2 Pentachlorophenol 000087-86-5 8.65E-02 9.08E+00 45.5 Phenol 00008-95-2.60E-04.66E+02 45.5 4,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 00020-82- 2.2E-0 6.9E+0 44.5 5 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2 2.6E-04 5.94E+0 4.5 6 Selenium 007782-49-2 4.46E-0 6.7E+00 42.0 7 Di-n-butyl phthalate 000084-74-2 5.59E-02 6.24E+0 4.5 8 Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-2-8 PAHs.00E-02 5.00E-0 4.0 9 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4 5.00E-05 2.00E+02 40.5 20 Triflualin 00582-09-8.79E-0 8.40E-0 40.0 2 Styrene 00000-42-5.6E-0 5.89E+0 9.5 22,2-Dichlorobenzene 000095-50-.09E-0.99E+02 9.5 2 Simazine 00022-4-9 4.07E-04.09E+02 9.0 24 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2.55E-02.0E+0 8.5 25 Hexachloroethane 000067-72-.24E-0 4.89E+0 7.5 26 Diethyl phthalate 000084-66-2 5.E-04 7.07E+02 6.5 27 Chlorobenzene 00008-90-7 2.88E-0.46E+02 6.5 28 Atrazine 0092-24-9 9.9E-02 6.75E-0 6.0 29 Aniline 000062-5-.6E-0 4.9E+0.5 0 Butyl benzyl phthalate 000085-68-7 5.06E-02 5.45E+0.5 Alachlor 05972-60-8.48E-0 5.00E-0 0.0 2 Nitrobenzene 000098-95- 4.64E-04 4.57E+02 29.5,,-Trichloroethan 00007-55-6.04E-0.0E+02 29.5 4,2-Trans-dichloroethylene 00056-60-5.54E-0 2.20E+02 26.0 5 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9- 5.48E-04 4.00E+02 25.0 - XIX -

CRS - CRS 6 25 6 CRAFT. 0 kg/year 22, (, 2009). 00 2.5 6.5 () CRAFT 42. - XX -

CAS No. (kg/year) (00) Nickel 007440-02-0 2.68E+0.88E+05 6.5 2 Toluene 00008-88- 5.9E+02.98E+05 56.5 Copper 007440-50-8 2.E+0 6.7E+05 56.5 4 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2 *** *** 5.5 5 Phenol 00008-95-2.2E+02 8.8E+04 5.5 6 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2 *** *** 50.0 7 Styrene 00000-42-5 2.90E+0 2.5E+0 49.5 8 Endosulfan 0005-29-7 0.00E+00 9.20E+0 48.5 9 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4.70E+0 4.05E+0 47.5 0,2-Dichloroethan 00007-06-2 4.00E+00 2.09E+04 46.0 Aniline 000062-5- 0.00E+00 2.00E+00 44.5 2 Xylenes 000-20-7 2.72E+02 8.E+04 4.0 Acrylonitrile 00007--.00E+00 8.40E+0 42.5 4 Methanol 000067-56- 2.2E+04.0E+06 42.5 5 Chlorothalonil 00897-45-6 0.00E+00 6.00E+00 40.0 6 Molinate 00222-67- 0.00E+00.00E+00 9.0 7 Dimethoate 000060-5-5 0.00E+00.02E+02 8.0 8 Dichlorobromomethane 000075-27-4 *** *** 7.5 9 Diquat 000085-00-7 0.00E+00.40E+0 7.5 20 Dichlorvos 000062-7-7 0.00E+00 4.00E+00 7.0 2 Propylene oxide 000075-56-9 2.00E+00 5.58E+0 6.5 22 Nitrobenzene 000098-95- 0.00E+00.60E+02 6.5 2 4,4'-Bisphenol A 000080-05-7 0.00E+00 5.00E+00 6.0 24 Decabromodiphenyloxide 006-9-5 0.00E+00.5E+0 5.0 25 Ethylacetate 0004-78-6 2.E+02.4E+05 4.5 26 2-Propyn--ol 00007-9-7 0.00E+00.90E+0 4.5 27 Epichlorohydrin 00006-89-8 0.00E+00.0E+02 4.0 Ethyl paranitrophenyl 28 phenyl phosphorothioate 00204-64-5 0.00E+00.48E+02.5 (EPN) 29 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0000-2- 5.00E+00.88E+02.5 0 Vinyl chloride 000075-0-4 0.00E+00 4.70E+0.5 Paraquat 0090-42-5 0.00E+00.08E+02.0 2 Methidathion 000950-7-8 0.00E+00.4E+02.0 Benzyl chloride 00000-44-7 0.00E+00.4E+0.5 4 Cyclohexylamine 00008-9-8 0.00E+00.06E+02.5 5 2-Propen--ol 00007-8-6 0.00E+00.5E+02.0 6 Carbon disulfide 000075-5-0 0.00E+00 5.4E+0.0 7 Acrylamide 000079-06- 0.00E+00 2.72E+02.0 8 Chlorite 007758-9-2 0.00E+00 4.9E+04 0.5 9 Benomyl 07804-5-2 0.00E+00.50E+0 0.5 40 Hexahydro-,,5-trinitro -,,5-triazine 0002-82-4 0.00E+00.00E+00 29.5 4 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9- 5.00E+00.9E+04 29.5 42,4-Dioxane 0002-9- 0.00E+00.7E+02 2.5 *. 2007-2009. 6, 7, 8 **. 2008-2009. 2, *** (, 2009) - XXI -

-,,. Endosulfan, Endrin, Pentachlorophenol, Triflualin -,,,. PAHs Benzo(a)pyrene, Pyrene Selenium, Zinc Alachlor, Atrazine, Carbofuran, Hexachlorobenzene*, Methomyl, Methoxychlor, Simazine Ethylbenzene, Nitrobenzene, Phenol, Styrene, Toluene,,-Trichloroethan,,2,4-Trichlorobenzene,,2-Dichlorobenzene,,2-Dichloroethan,,2-Trans-dichloroethylene, Chlorobenzene 2,4-Dichlorophenol, 2,4-Dinitrotoluene, Acrylonitrile, Aniline, Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, Butyl benzyl phthalate, Dichlorobromomethane, Diethyl phthalate, Di-n-butyl phthalate, Hexachloroethane, Methyl ethyl ketone, Propylene oxide *. 2008-2009. 2, - XXII -

PAHs Benzo(a)pyrene, Pyrene Copper, Iron, Selenium, Zinc Alachlor, Atrazine, Carbofuran, Hexachlorobenzene*, Methomyl, Methoxychlor, Simazine Ethylbenzene, Nitrobenzene, Phenol, Styrene, Toluene,,-Trichloroethan,,2,4-Trichlorobenzene,,2-Dichlorobenzene,,2-Trans-dichloroethylene, Chlorobenzene 2,4-Dichlorophenol, 2,4-Dinitrotoluene, Aniline, Butyl benzyl phthalate, Diethyl phthalate, Di-n-butyl phthalate, Hexachloroethane, Methyl ethyl ketone *. 2008-2009. 2, Copper, Nickel Benomyl, Dichlorvos, Diquat, Ethyl paranitrophenyl phenyl phosphorothioate (EPN), Molinate Ethylbenzene, Nitrobenzene*, Phenol, Styrene*, Toluene, Xylenes,2-Dichloroethan, Vinyl chloride*,4-dioxane, 2,4-Dichlorophenol*, 2,4-Dinitrotoluene*, 2-Propen--ol, 2-Propyn--ol, 4,4'-Bisphenol A, Acrylamide*, Acrylonitrile*, Aniline**, Benzyl chloride, Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate, Carbon disulfide, Chlorite, Chlorothalonil, Cyclohexylamine, Decabromodiphenyloxide, Dichlorobromomethane*, Epichlorohydrin, Ethylacetate, Hexahydro-,,5-trinitro-,,5-triazine, Methanol, Methidathion, Methyl ethyl ketone, Propylene oxide *. 2008-2009. 2, **. 2008-2009. 2,,. (. Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, Pentachlorophenol). (. ),.. - XXIII -

목차., 2. 4. 5 2 7. (CRS) 7 2. (,,,,, ) 26. 9 47.,,, 47 2. 49. 50 4 5. 5 2. 54. 67 - i -

5 96. CRS DB 69 2. 70. 72 6 (,, ) 5 7. CRS 75 2. CRS 78. CRS 8 4. 84 7 87 9 - ii -

표목차. SCRAM 9 2. SCRAM 9. SCRAM 9 4. SCRAM 0 5. SCRAM () 0 6. SCRAM () 0 7. SCRAM () 8. SCRAM 2 9. CHEMS- 4 0. CHEMS- 5. CHEMS- 5 2. CHEMS- 5. CHEMS- (THV) 6 4. CHEMS- -(RWF) 6 5. CHEMS- (whv) 6 6. EURAM 8 7. EURAM (EEFV) 8 8. EURAM (HEXV) 8 9. EURAM (HS) 8 20. EURAM (HEF) 9 2. ARET MOEE - 22 22. ARET MOEE - 2 2. CRS 28 24. CRS 29 25. CRS () 0 26. CRS 27. CRS 2 - iii -

28. CRS 29. CRS () 4 0. CRS 5. CRS 6 2. CRS 7. CRAFT 40 4. CRAFT 42 5. EU R-phrases 24 6. (WWF) 4 7. EU R-phrases 4 8. CRAFT 4 9. CRAFT 45 40. CRAFT 45 4. CRAFT 46 42. 48 4. DB 49 44. DB 50 45. 55 46. 56 47. 57 48. 58 49. 58 50. 60 5. 60 52. 6 5. 62 54. 5 64 55. 5 6 56. - 76 57. - 7 58. - 79 59. - 80 - iv -

60. - 82 6. - 8 62. 84 6. 84 64. 85 65. 85 - v -

그림목차. 4 2. 6. ATSDR/EPA 8 4. SCRAM 5. CHEMS- 6 6. EURAM 20 7. ARET 2 8. CRS-korea 24 9. CROSS 25 0. CROWN 26. CRAFT 8 2. 47. 5 4. 5 5. PERA 59 6. CRS DB 69 7. CRS,,, 7 8. 72 9. 7 - vi -

부표목차. (,, 2006) 2. (, 200) 2. (, 200) 4. 2 (, 2008) 5. (USEPA, 2009) 6. (CCME, 2007) 4 7. / trigger values 5 8. 44 6 9. CRAFT 6 0. CRAFT DB - (////) 6. CRAFT DB - (//()/) 2 2. CRAFT DB - (/()) 9 2. CRAFT DB - (///) 4 4. CRAFT DB - () 9 5. CRAFT DB - () 4 4 6. CRAFT DB - () 9 4 7. CRAFT 6 5 8. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 7 6 9. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 0 7 20. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 7 2. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 76 22. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 79 2. CRAFT 6 ( - ) 82 - vii -

24. 5 85 25. 46 87 26. 89 27. 92 28. 46 95 29. 4 97 0. 5 28. 5 5 0 2. 5. 46 4 4. 46 7 5. ( ) 9 6. ( ) 40 7. ( ) 4 8. ( ) 4 9. ( ) 45 40. ( ) 47 - viii -

제 장서론 제 장서론., 4, 400 (, 2009).,.,,,.,,2-,,,, 6, 2009, 2 (, 2008c). 2000,. 200,

2 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구,,,,. 2006 (III)',,,, 275, 28 5 (.,,2-,,,,,, ). 2007~2009 (,2,), (III)' 275. 2002~2009 (,2,,4,5,6) (7,8),,.,. 2007~2009 I, II, III (III)' 275 2 2, 4, 5 5, 7 9,..,. ( 06 275 ), ( 00 0 ),

제 장서론.,,,,. (Chemical Ranking and Scoring system, CRS),.,. CRS (,, ).

4 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 2...,,.

제 장서론 5... (CRS). (,,,,, ). 2..,,,......

6 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 4.. CRS DB.. 5. (,, ). CRS. CRS. CRS.

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 7 제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립. (CRS). CRS () ATSDR (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)/EPA (Environment Protection Agency) ATSDR EPA CERCLA(42 U.S.C. 9604 [i][2], 04(i)(2) of CERCLA) NPL (National Priority List) 00. 987, NPL,,. NPL -600. (Reportable Quantity, RQ), RQ /(Toxicity/Environmental score, TES). RQ Federal Register (54FR 5988, August 0, 989),,,,, 0, 00, 000, 5000, TES RQ. RQ TES. 00 00.

8 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 (2) SCRAM (Scoring and Ranking Assessment Model) SCRAM (Chemical and Scoring Ranking Assessment Model),,,. BAF (Bioaccumulation Factors), BCF (Bioconcentration Factors), K ow (Octanol/water partition coefficient), BAF, BCF -5, 0-5 ( ). / -5, 0-2 0 ( 2 ). 2,, 4, 5 ().,,,, 5 L(E)D50,,,, 5 L(E)C50-5, 5, ( -4 ). (),,,, 5 () NO(A)EL, NO(A)EL,,,,, 5 ()

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 9 NO(A)EC, LO(A)EC, MATC,,,,, 5 () NO(A)EL, NO(A)EL, ED0-5, 4( ), ( 5-7 ). 8. BAF, BCF, Kow BAF > 00,000 5 BAF 0 BCF > 0,000 to 00,000 4 BCF Kow >,000 to 0,000 Kow 2 BAF > 00 to,000 2 BAF 4 BCF 00 BCF 5 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7 > 00 > 00 > 00 > 00 > 00 5 0 50~00 50~00 50~00 50~00 50~00 4 20~50 20~50 20~50 20~50 20~50 4~20 4~20 4~20 4~20 4~20 2 < 4 < 4 < 4 < 4 < 4 2 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7 ED50 LD50 ( mg /l) ED50 LD50 ( mg /l) ED50 LD50 ( mg /l) ED50 LD50 ( mg /l) ED50 LD50 ( mg /l) 5 > ~0 > ~0 > ~0 > ~0 > ~0 4 0 > 0~00 > 0~00 > 0~00 > 0~00 > 0~00 >00~,000 >00~,000 >00~,000 >00~,000 >00~,000 2 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7

0 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 ED50 LD50 ( kg /ha or lb/acre) Oral ED50 LD50 ( mg / kg /day) Oral ED50 LD50 ( mg / kg /day) Oral ED50 LD50 ( mg / kg /day) ED50 LD50 ( mg / kg /day) 0. 5 5 5 5 5 > 0.~ > 5~50 > 5~50 > 5~50 > 5~50 4 0 > ~0 > 50~500 > 50~500 > 50~500 > 50~500 >0~00 >500~5,000 >500~5,000 >500~5,000 >500~5,000 2 > 00 > 5,000 > 5,000 > 5,000 > 5,000 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7 MACT, NOEC MACT, NOEC MACT, NOEC MACT, NOEC MACT, NOEC LOEC LOEC LOEC LOEC LOEC ( mg /l) ( mg /l) ( mg /l) ( mg /l) ( mg /l) 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 5 > 0.~ > 0.~ > 0.~ > 0.~ > 0~00 4 > ~0 > ~0 > ~0 > ~0 > 00~,000 >0~00 >0~00 >0~00 >0~00 >,000~5,000 2 > 00 > 00 > 00 > 00 > 5,000 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7 LO(A)EL NO(A)EL ( kg /ha or lb/acre) LO(A)EL ( mg / kg /d) 90d LO(A)EL NO(A)EL ( mg / kg /d) ( mg / kg /d) 90d LO(A)EL NO(A)EL ( mg / kg /d) ( mg / kg /d) 90d NO(A)EL ( mg / kg /d) LO(A)EL NO(A)EL ( mg / kg ) 0 0. 0 0 0 0 5 >0.~ >0~00 >~0 >0~00 >~0 >0~00 >~0 >0~00 4 >~0 >00~,0 >0~00 >00~,0 >0~00 >00~,0 >0~00 >00~,0 00 00 00 00 >0~00 >,000~5 >00~,0 >,000~5 >00~,0 >,000~5 >00~,0 >,000~5,000 00,000 00,000 00,000 2 >00 >5,000 >,000 >5,000 >,000 >5,000 >,000 >5,000 Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 NO(A)EL NO(A)EL NO(A)EL WOE LO(A)EL LO(A)EL LO(A)EL (mg/kg/d) (mg/kg/d (mg/kg/d) (mg/kg/d (mg/kg/d) (mg/kg/d (/ED0) ) ) ) (mg/kg/d) 0 0 0 >45 5 >0~00 >~0 >0~00 >~0 >0~00 >~0 >5~45 4 >00~,00 0 >0~00 >00~,00 0 >0~00 >00~,00 0 >0~00 >5~5 0 >,000~5,0 >00~,0 >,000~5,0 >00~,0 >,000~5,0 >00~,0 00 00 00 00 00 00 >.5~5 2 >5,000 >,000 >5,000 >,000 >5,000 >,000.5 Mutagenic Behavioral Effects Immune System Endocrine Effects Effects Positive germ line Severe-irreversible Severe-irreversible - 5 Possible germ line Severe-reversible or Severe-reversible or Moderate-irreversible Moderate-irreversible - 4 Positive somatic line Moderate-reversible Moderate-reversible High potential Possible somatic line Slight effects Slight effects Moderate potential 2 No known effects No known effects No known effects Low potential Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7

2 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 2, 4, 5 F comp,a = Final composite score for acute toxicity F chem,a = Final chemical score for acute toxicity F unc,a = Final uncertainty score for acute toxicity B chem = Bioaccumulation chemical score P chem = Persistence chemical score AA chem = Chemical score for acute aquatic toxicity AT chem = Chemical score for acute terrestrial toxicity AA unc = Uncertainty score for acute aquatic toxicity AT unc = Uncertainty score for acute terrestrial toxicity F comp,c = Final composite score for chronic toxicity F chem,c = Final chemical score for chronic toxicity F unc,c = Final uncertainty score for chronic toxicity CA chem = Chemical score for subchronic/chronic aquatic toxicity CT chem = Chemical score for subchronic/chronic terrestrial toxicity CH chem = Chemical score for subchronic/chronic human toxicity CA unc = Uncertainty score for subchronic/chronic aquatic toxicity CT unc = Uncertainty score for subchronic/chronic terrestrial toxicity CH unc = Uncertainty score for subchronic/chronic human toxicity Snyder et al., 2000. SCRAM: A scoring and ranking system for persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic substances for the north american great lakes. Environ. sci. & Pollut. Res. vol 7

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 () CHEMS- (Chemical Hazard Evaluation for Management Strategies) CHEMS- (Chemical Hazard Evaluation for Management Strategies) screening tool, TRI (Toxics Release Inventory).,, (Hazard value, HV), -(Release-weighting factor, RWF). (LD50) (LC50), (,,, ). LD50, LC50 8 4. (Structure Activity Relationships, SARs). EPA IARC. EPA IARC HV, IARC EPA EPA group D IARC. (,,, ) HV ( 9-0 ).

4 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 (Lowest Observed Effect Level, LOEL). HV(HV MAM ). (HV FA ) log K ow 6 HV 0 ( ). TRI ( ) ( BCF). (Biochemical oxygen demand, BOD) (hydrolysis). BOD hydrolysis 500 2.5, 4, 4 500 ( 2 ). (Total hazard value, THV) 0 20( 0), 0 5, 7.5 262.5, 0 00. ( ). HV - (Release-weighted hazard values, whv). RWF whv ( 4-5 ). HV oral LD50 (Hazard value for acute oral toxicity) HV oral LD50 = 6.2-.7(log LD50) for 5 mg/kg<ld50 5000 mg/kg HV oral LD50 = 0 for LD50>5000 mg/kg HV oral LD50 = 5 for LD50 5 mg/kg HV inhalation LC50 (Hazard value for acute inhalation toxicity) HV inhalation LC50 = 8.0-2.0(log LC50) for.6 ppm LC50 0000 ppm HV inhalation LC50 = 0 for LC50>0000 ppm HV inhalation LC50 = 5 for LC50<.6 ppm (Carcinogenicity) - IARC EPA HV - IARC EPA - EPA group D IARC (Other specific effects) -,,,, - flagged endpoint, 0 Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 5 IARC EPA Group 4 0 Group E 0 Group 0* Group D 0 NA** NA Group C.5 Group 2B.5 Group B2.5 Group 2A 4.0 Group B 4.0 Group 5.0 Group A 5.0 * EPA EPA ** Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8 HV oral LD50 ( Hazard value for terrestrial effect) HV oral LD50 = 6.2-.7(log LD50) for 5 mg/kg<ld50 5000 mg/kg HV oral LD50 = 0 for LD50>5000 mg/kg HV oral LD50 = 5 for LD50 5 mg/kg HV fish LC50 (Hazard value for acute aquatic toxicity) HV fish LC50 = -.67(log LC50)+5.0 for mg/l LC50<000mg/L HV fish LC50 = 0 for LC50 000 mg/l HV fish LC50 = 5 for LC50< mg/l HV fish LOEL (Hazard value for chronic aquatic toxicity) HV fish LOEL =.-.67(log LOEL) for 0. mg/l<noel 00mg/L HV fish LOEL = 0 for NOEL>00 mg/l HV fish LOEL = 5 for NOEL 0. mg/l Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8 HV BOD,hydrolysis (Hazard value for BOD, hydrolysis) HV BOD,HYD = for t /2 4d HV BOD,HYD = 2.5 for t /2 >500d HV BOD,HYD = 0.(ln t /2) + 0.568 for 4d<t /2 500d HV BCF (Hazard value for bioaccumulation) HV BCF = for log BCF.0 HV BCF = 2.5 for log BCF >4.0 HV BCF = 0.5(log BCF) + 0.5 for.0 <log BCF 4.0 Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8

6 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 THV = ( + ) = HV oral LD50 + HV inhalation LC50 + HV carcin + HV other ( 20) = HV oral LD50 + HV fish LC50 + HV fish NOEL ( 5) = HV BOD + HV hydrolysis + HV BCF ( 7.5) Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8 RWF = ln releases - 0 Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8 Final total whv = ( + ) = (HV oral LD50)(RWF water)+(hv inhal LC50)(RWF air) + (HV carcin + HV other)(rwf total) = (HV oral LD50 + HV fish LC50 + HV fish NOEL)(RWF water) = (HV BOD + HV hydrolysis + HV BCF) Swanson et al., 997. A screening method for ranking and scoring chemicals by potential human health and environmental impacts. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 6 no. 2 p. 72-8 (4) EURAM (European Union Risk Ranking Method) EURAM (European Union Risk Ranking Method) HPVCs (High

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 7 production volume chemicals, 000 ), IUCLID (International Uniform Chemical Information Database). EURAM (emission), (distribution), (Degradation). (T Ⅰ, T Ⅱ, T Ⅲ, T Ⅳ ), Mackay level Ⅰ (,,,,, ). OECD. (Environmental exposure value, EEV),,, 0~0. (Environmental effect value, EEFV)., NOEC, NOEC. 6 (Assessment factors, AF) NOEC L(E)C50., EEFV 6, 0~0 6. (ECC) risk phrases [. R46, R40, R47, R60, R6, R62, R6, R64, R48(toxic) R48(harmful)]. risk phrases EEF 6 0, risk phrases,,. 20,, R-phrases. (Human exposure value, HEXV) 8,, 0~0 8. 8,, R-phrases. 9 HEX HEF.

8 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 NOEC 0 NOEC 2 50 NOEC 00 L(E)C50 000 L(E)C50 2 000 L(E)C50 000 NOEC or EC0 0 NOEC or EC0 2 0 NOEC or EC0 0 EC50 00 EC50 2 00 EC50 00 Hansen et al., 999. Priority setting for existing chemicals: European union risk ranking method. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 8 no. 4 p. 772-779 EEFVX i = ecotoxicity test i / AF EEF i = -2 log(eefv i) i = 0, 2, or Hansen et al., 999. Priority setting for existing chemicals: European union risk ranking method. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 8 no. 4 p. 772-779 HEXV = emission Dist HHi HEX =.785[log(HEXV) - 0.98] range: 0 to 0 Hansen et al., 999. Priority setting for existing chemicals: European union risk ranking method. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 8 no. 4 p. 772-779 HS = HEX HEF range: 0 to 00 Hansen et al., 999. Priority setting for existing chemicals: European union risk ranking method. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 8 no. 4 p. 772-779

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 9 R45 or R49 R46 R47, R60, or R6 - - - - - 0 R40 R40 R62, R6, or R64 - - - - - 9 - Positive in at least one in vitro test but no in vivo somatic cell test condected - No test - - - - - Positive in at least one in vitro test, with only one negative in vivo somatic cell test - - - Only negative in vitro gene mutation test(s) or only negative test(s) for chromosomal aberrations in somatic cell (in vitro or in vivo) Positive in an in vivo screening test but no appropriate full in vivo test conducted or positive in OECD reproductive screening test No test and no repeat test or positive Chernoff/Kavlock screen test No test but repeat test available or positive in screening test Negative in screening test Negative in OECD reproductive screening test Only negative in full in vivo test(s) for teratogenicity or in Chernoff/Kavalock teratology screening test Only negative in full in vivo test(s) for fertility - - - - - 8 R42 R48 (toxic) - - - 7 - R48 (harmful) - - R - R4 or R5 or R4 R6 or R7 or R8 HEF R4 6-5 - No test - - - 4 - - - - - - - - - No R-phrase - - No R-phr ase No R-phrase and test performed R26, R27, or R28 R2, R24, or R25 R20 or R2 or R22 No R-phrase - - - - 2 - - No R-phras e No R-phras e Hansen et al., 999. Priority setting for existing chemicals: European union risk ranking method. Environ. tox. & chem. vol 8 no. 4 p. 772-779 0

20 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 (5) ARET (Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics) 0 PBTs (Persistent/Bioaccumulative/Toxic substances) 87, ARET(Accelerated Reduction/Elimination of Toxics),,,. (Ranking chemicals by toxicity) CESARS (Chemical Evaluation Search and Retrieval System) (Toxic), (Bioaccumulative), (Persistent) MOEE (Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy). (Screen chemicals by toxicity) NTS (Normalized Toxicity score) MOEE 6 (., /, /, /,, /), (worst case) NTS. NTS 40

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 2. 6 0 ( 2 ). (Score for bioconcentration) BCF (Bioconcentration factor) 500 7~0 2 ( 22 ). (Score for persistence) 50 7~0 ( 22 ).

22 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 0 2 4 6 8 0 Acute lethality Oral LD50 ( mg / kg ) Dermal LD50 ( mg / mg ) Inhal LC50 ( mg / m ) Aquatic LC50 ( mg /L) >5,000 >5,000 >5,000 >,000 >500-5,000 >500-5,000 >,500-5,000 >00-,000 >50-500 >50-500 >50-,500 >0-00 >5-50 >5-50 >5-50 >-0 >0.5-5 >0.5-5 >.5-5 >0.- 0.5 0.5.5 0. Chronic/Su b-chro nic toxicity (Non-mam mals) Chronic/Su b-chro nic toxicity (Plants) (water, mg/l) (air, mg/m) (soil, mg/kg) Chronic/Su b-chronic toxicity (Mammals)* Teratogenic ity Carcinogeni city Genotoxicit y/ mutagenicit y** Aquatic EC50 ( mg /L) MATC ( mg /L) NOAEC ( mg /L) Terrestrial sub-chronic (NOEL mg / kg /d) chronic (NOEL mg / kg /d) % growth reduction : 5 (=NOEL) Water Air Soil > 5-50 (=EC50) Water Air Soil > 50 Water Air Soil Oral NOEL ( mg / kg /d) Inhal. NOEL ( mg / m ) mg / kg /day Human and animal bioassay data In vivo and in vitro cell assays 20 2 0.2,000 500 >0 >00 >00 >00 >,000 >,000 >,000 >0,000 >0,000 >,000 >,000 No terata, or terata only at >,000 No tumours in dequatestud ies on at least 2 species, anddoes not interact with genetic material Not genotoxic or mutagenic, negative results in vivo and in vitro 2-<20 0.2-<2 0.02-<0.2 00-<,000 50-<500 >-0 >0-00 >0-00 >0-00 >00-,000 >00-,000 >00-,000 >,000-0,000 >,000-0,000 >00-,000 >00-,000 Terata or developmenta l anomalies at >50-,000 Tomours in only animal species, negative results in others Mutagenic in vitro assays only, negative in vivo 0.2-<2 0.02-<0.2 0.002-<0.02 0-<00 5-<50 >0.- >-0 >-0 >-0 >0-00 >0-00 >0-00 >00-,000 >00-,000 >0-00 >0-00 Terata or developmenta l anomalies at >0-50 Causes benign tumours in more than species, and does not interact with genetic material; promotor only; or causes cell transformatio n in vitro only (negative evidence in vivo Mutagenic in prokaryotic cells only; negative results in eukaryotic cell assays 0.02-<0.2 0.002-<0.02 0.0002-<0.002 -<0 0.5-<5 >0.0-0. >0-00 >0-00 >0-00 >00-,000 >00-,000 >00-,000 >,000-0,000 >,000-0,000 >-0 >-0 Terata or developmental anomalies at >-0 Tumoutigenic in bioassays at doses causing metabolic enzyme saturation, or associated withlesions that predispose to tumours. No interaction with genetic material Causes DNA induction or repair, with no direct interaction with nuclear material <0.02*** <0.002*** <0.0002** * <*** <0.5*** 0.00-0.0 0.0-0. 0.0-0. 0.0-0. 0.- 0.- 0.- -0-0 >0.- >0.- Terata >0.-, without overt maternal toxicity Indirect-a cting carcinoge n,no interaction with genetic material Causes clastogeni c effects, sister chromatid exchange, crosslink; no evidence of mutation <0.02**** <0.002**** <0.0002**** <**** <0.5**** <0.00 <0.0 <0.0 <0.0 <0. <0. <0. < < 0. 0. Terata 0. without overt maternal toxicity Direct-actin gcarcinogen hat interacts with genetic material Mutagenic in vivo (no negative results from in vitro assays) * 90, 90 NOEL/5. **. *** in one genus **** in different genera ARET Stakeholder Committee, 994, The ARET substance selection process and guidelines

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 2 0 4 7 0,, T½ (days) 0 > 0 to 50 > 50 to 00 > 00 > 20 to BCF 20 500 > 500 to > 5,000 5,000 * Log Kow 2.0 > 2.0 to > 4.0 to 6.0 > 6.0 4.0 *. ARET Stakeholder Committee, 994, The ARET substance selection process and guidelines. CRS (). 200. (),, (),,,, 0. (2). 200. ; CRS-Korea (), (, OECD SIDS (Screenig Information DataSets) (High Production Volume, HPV), (Persistence Organic Pollutants, POPs), (,, ) (Chemical Ranking and Scoring system, CRS) 06.

24 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구,,. (). 2006. 2005 200 48, 200 06, 6 275.,, 4. (4). 2007. ; CROSS CROSS(Chemical Ranking of Soil Pollution Substances),

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 25. 220,,. (5). 2008. PBTs(),,, 8, 0, 0, 65 0 Food_CRS system. (6). 2009. ; CROWN CRS (), (2), (), (4), (5) CROWN (Chemical Ranking Of groundwater pollutant). CROSS,. ( ),,

26 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구. 8 5 97. 2. (,,,,, ). CRS CRS,,.,,,, /, SCRAM CROSS. /, /,,,,, CROSS,,. SCRAM, CHEMS-, EURAM, ARET, CRS-Korea, CROSS, CROWN 7 CRS. CRS,, CHEMS-, EURAM, CRS-Korea, CROSS,

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 27 CROWN., /,, /. SCRAM CRS-Korea, CROSS. CRS, SCRAM,,. -5.5. CHEMS-.. EURAM. ARET CRS.,,. CRS-Korea. CROSS CRS (K d ).,,,. CROSS CRS. CROWN CROSS,. ( ),, ( 2 ).

28 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 CRS SCRAM CHEMS- EURAM ARET CRS-Korea () (4.5) (00) (200) (70) (200) CROSS (00) CROWN (50/20) + + + + + + ( - + + ) + :.5: < : - : : : -5, 2.5 0-0-0-5 -5-5 -5, 2.5 0.-.0 0-0 -5-5 -5 - a b - -0-5 2-0 ( () ) - - - - - 2-0 () 2-0 () -5 0-5 0-0 0-0 -5-5 -5-0-5 0-0-0-5 -5-5 -5 c c 0-0 -5-5 -5-5 0-5 0-0 0-0 -5 0-5 0-5 - -5 0, 5 d 0-0 -5-5 -5 - -5 0, 5 d 0-0 -5-5 -5 - - - - - -0-0 - - - - - 0-6 0-6 - - - - - 0-4 0-4 - - - - - 2-0 2-0 - - - ( ) a. Release weighting factor. b. c. d. AF '. 2009. ' () CRS, LD50 LC50 EURAM ESIS R-phrase. ARET 0 CHEMS-,. SCRAM. CROSS CRS-Korea LC50, LD50 ESIS R-phrase ( 24 ).

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 29 (mg/kg) (mg/m ) R-phar ase CHEMS- SCRAM EURAM ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN LD(C)50 LD(C)50 R-phrase LD(C)50 LD(C)50 LD50 LD50 5 5 - - 0 0.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 >5,000 - - 8 >0.5-5 4 >5-50 4 >5-50 4 >5-50 a 5-5,000 - - 6 >5-50 >50-5 00 >50-5 00 >50-5 00 - - - - 4 >50-500 2 >500-5,000 2 >500-5,000 2 >500-5,000 - - - - 2 >500-5, 000 >5,000 >5,000 >5,000 - - - - 0 >5,000 - - - - - - 5 <.6ppm - - 0.5 5 5 5 5 5 5 0 b - - - - - >0,000 ppm - - 8 >.5-5 4.6-0.000pp m - - 6 >5-50 - - 4 >5-50 >50-,500 >,500 >50-, 2-5,00 500 0 >,500-5,000 >5,00 0 4 2 >5-50 >50 -,50 0 4 >5-50 >50 -,50 0 >,500-5,000 2 >,500-5,000 - - - - 2 >5,000 >5,000 - - 0 >5,000 - - - - - - - - R26,27,28 - - - - 5 R2, 26 5 R2, 26 - - 2 R2,24,25 - - - - 4.5 R20 4.5 R20 - - - R20,2,22 - - - - 4 R28 4 R28 No - - 0 R-phr - - - -.5 R25.5 R25 ase a 6.2-.7(log LD50) b 8.0-2.0(log LC50) c LD50 LC50. R-phrase. '. 2009. ' () CHEMS-, SCRAM, ARET, CRS-Korea, CROSS, CROWN NOEL LOEL ( 25 ).

0 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 CHEMS- 5 SCRAM N(L)OAEL (mg/kg/day) 0(LO(A)EL), (NO(A)EL) 4 <0-00(LO(A)EL) <-0(NO(A)EL) <00-,000(LO(A)EL) <0-00(NO(A)EL) 2 <,000-5,000(LO(A)E L), <00-,000(NO(A)EL) >5,000(LO(A)EL), >,000(NO(A)EL) EUR AM - - 0 0 ARET CRS-Korea CROSS a CROWN a NOEL(mg/kg /day or mg/m) (mg/kg/day) NO(A)EL N(L)OAEL N(L)OAEL (mg/kg/day or mg/m) (mg/kg/day or mg/m) 0.(Oral), 0.(Inhal. ) 8 >0.-(Oral ), >5(Inhal.) 6 4 2 >-0(Oral), >-0(Inhal.) >0-00(Or al), >0-00(In hal.) >00-,000 (Oral), >00-,000 (Inhal.) >,000(Oral ), >,000(Inha l.) a LD50 LC50. 5 4 2 (Oral), (Inhal.) >-0(Oral), >-0(Inhal.) >0-00(Or al), >0-00(In hal.) >00-,000 (Oral), >00-,000 (Inhal.) >,000(Oral ), >,000(Inha l.) 5 (Oral), 5(Inhal.) 4 2 >-0(Ora l), >-0(Inh al.) >0-00(Oral ), >0-00(Inha l.) >00-,00 0 (Oral), >00-,00 0 (Inhal.) >,000(Or al), >,000(Inh al.) - - - - - - '. 2009. ' 5 (Oral), (Inhal.) 4 2 >-0(Ora l), >-0(Inh al.) >0-00(Ora l), >0-00(Inha l.) >00-,00 0 (Oral), >00-,00 0 (Inhal.) >,000(Or al), >,000(Inh al.) CHEMS-, CRS-Korea, CROSS, CROWN (International Agency of Research on Cancer, IARC) IRIS. CHEMS- IARC, IRIS. IARC IRIS IRIS D IARC. SCRAM /ED0(Effect dose 0) IRIS. US EPA, 2,. EURAM R-phrase ARET. CROSS CROWN SCRAM ( 26 ).

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 CHEMS- a SCRAM EURAM ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN 5.0 4.0.5 IRIS A, IARC IRIS B IARC 2A IRIS B2 IARC 2B /ED0 (mg/kg/ d) R-phrase 5.5 0 R45 or R49 0 4 >.5 to 5 9 R40 8 >5 to 5 0 No R-phrase.5 IRIS C 2 >5 to 45 - - 4 0 IRIS D,E IARC,4 >45 - - 2 6 Direct acting human carcinogen Indirect acting human carcinogen Carcinogenic in animal bioassay tests Positive tumorigenic agent in humans Tumorigenic in only one animal species 5 4 2 IRIS A IARC IRIS (B, B2) IARC 2A IRIS C IARC 2B IRIS D IARC IRIS E, IARC 4 5 4 2 IRIS A IARC IRIS (B, B2) IARC 2A IRIS C IARC 2B IRIS D IARC IRIS E, IARC 4 5 4 2 IRIS A IARC IRIS (B, B2) IARC 2A IRIS C IARC 2B IRIS D IARC IRIS E, IARC 4 a IRIS IARC. IARC IRIS. IRIS D IARC. ) benzene IRIS A, IARC 0. '. 2009. ',,,. CHEMS-,,,. SCRAM,,, endocrine effect ARET. CRS-Korea CHEMS-. CRS-Korea /,,,, CROSS CROWN Endocrine effects, (),,, ( 27 ).

2 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 CHEMS- SCRAM ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN a EDs, * b c c Terata Mutagenic in 5 5 Sever 0.without vivo (no Positive Severe e-irre overt negative germ -irreve - 0 line rssible versibl e maternal toxicity results from in vitro assays) 5 5 5 4 2 0 4 2 4 Possible germ line Positive somatic line 2 Possible somatic line No known effects Severe -revers ible or Modera te irrever sible Modera te-rev ersible Slight effects No known effects Sever e-rev ersible or Moder ate-irr eversi ble Moder ate-re versibl e Slight effect s No known effect s - 8 High pote ntial Mod erat e pote ntial Low pote ntial - - - - - 0 6 4 2 Terata >0.-, without overt maternal toxicity Terata or development al anomalies at >-0 Terata or development al anomalies at >0-50 Terata or development al anomalies at >50-,000 No terata, or terata only at >,000 Causes clastogenic effects, sister chromatid exchange, crosslink; no evidence of mutation auses DNA induction or repair, with no direct interaction with nuclear material Mutagenic in prokaryotic cells only; negative results in eukaryotic cell assays Mutagenic in vitro assays only, negative in vivo Not genotoxic or mutagenic, negative results in vivo and in vitro a,,,, b /,,,, c Endocrine effects, (),,, *. 4 2 4 2 '. 2009. ' 4 4 2 2 0 4 4 2 2 0 (2) E(L)C50(SCRAM E(L)D50). CHEMS- SCRAM,,,,. EURAM. CRS-Korea, CROSS, CROWN,, ( 28 ).

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 CHEMS- LC50 (mg/l) SCRAM,,, E(L)D50 (mg/l) 5 < 5 0,000 4 > - 0 a -,000 > 00 0 - - - 2 > 00 -,000 EURAM AF 4 >0-0 0 - - >,000 2 >00-,000 ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN,,,,, LC50,, (mg/l) L(E)C50(m L(E)C50( LC50(mg/ g/l) mg/l) L) 0 0. 5 5 5 8 >0.- 4 > - 0 6 >-0 > 00 0-2 > 00 -,000 4 > - 0 4 > - 0 > 00 0-2 > 00 -,000 > 00 0-2 > 00 -,000 >,000 >,000 >,000 - - - - 0 >,000 - - - - a -.67(log LC50)+5.0 '. 2009. ' () SCRAM,,. EURAM ( 29 ).

4 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 CHEMS- LOEL (mg/l) 5 <0. 5 SCRAM MATC, N(L)OEC (mg/l) 0. b 0 c EURAM 0 c AF 6 000 c 4 0 ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN EC50, MATC, NOEL N(L)OE N(L)O NOAEC(mg/L) (mg/l) C EC (mg/l) (mg/l) EC50 <0.02 d MATC <0.002 d 5 0. 5 NOAEC <0.0002 d e EC50 <0.02 0 00 4 >0.-b >0-00 c 8 MATC <0.002 e 4 >0.- 4 NOAEC <0.0002 e a 0.- 00 >- 0b >00-,00 - - 2 >,000-5, >0-00b EC50 0.02-<0.2 MATC 0.002-<0.02 NOAEC 0.0002-<0.002 EC50 0.2-<2 MATC 0.02-<0.2 NOAEC 0.002-<0.02 - - >00 b EC50 2-<20 >5,000 c 2 MATC 0.2-<2 NOAEC 0.02-<0.2 EC50 20 - - - - 0 MATC 2 NOAEC 0.2 a.-.67(log LOEL) b,, c d in different genera e in one genus f, >-0 2 >0-0 0 2 0. f 0 c 5 0.f 0 c >0.- f >0-0 0 c 4 >- 0f >00-, 000 c >0-0 0 f 2 >,000-5,000 c >0.- f >0-00 c >- 0 f >00-,000 c >0-00 f >,000-5,000 c >00 >00 >5,000 >00f c >5,000 c - - - - - - '. 2009. ' f () CRS BCF, BAF, Kow. 0 0 CHEMS- log BCF >~ 4 ( 0 ).

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 5 CHEMS- SCRAM EURAM ARET b CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN log(bcf) 2.5 > 4.0 5.0 4 a >.0-4.0 - - 2 BCF > 00,000 > 0,000-00,000 log(bcf) Default 0 > 4 7 >,000-0,000 2 > - 4 > 00 -,000 > 2-4 0 BCF or log K ow > 5,000(BC F) > 6.0(log Kow) > 500-5,000(BC F) > 20-500(BCF) > 2.0-4.0 (log Kow) 20(BCF) 2.0(log Kow) BCF 5 4 2 > 00,000 > 0,000-00,000 BC(A)F, K ow 5 >00,00 0 4 >0,000-00,0 00 >,000- >,000-0,000 0,00 0 > 00 -,000 BC(A)F, K ow 5 >00, 000 4 >0,0 00-00,000 >,00 0-0, 000 2,000 >00-2 >00-,0 00 - - 00 0 2 - - 00 00 00 a 0.5(log BCF)+0.5 b. '. 2009. ' SCRAM CHEMS- (>4d~ 500d). EURAM ( ).

6 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 CHEMS- SCRAM EURAM ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN 2.5 a > 500days 4days > 4days - 500days 5 4 - - 2 > 00days 50-00days 20-50days 4-20days.0 Default 0.0 0.5 0. Persistent (0% degraded) Inherent Biodegradable (50% degraded) Ready Biodegradable (90% degraded) 7 4 0 > 00days > 50-00da ys > 0-50days 0days 5 4 2 > 00days 50-00days 20-50days 4-20days 5 4 2 >00 days > 50-00da ys > 20-50day s > 4-20day s - - < 4days - - < 4days 4days a 0.(log t/2) + 0.5684-20days '. 2009. ' 5 >00 days 4 > 50-00d ays > 20-50da ys 2 > 4-20da ys 4da ys CHEMS- EURAM (TⅠ, TⅡ, TⅢ, TⅣ). CRS-Korea 0. CROSS,,. CROWN /,, / ( 2 ).

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 7 CHEMS- SCRAM EURAM ARET CRS-Korea CROSS CROWN ton/year (kg/year) b (kg/year) - - 0 >5,000,000 0 > 0,000 5 >,000,000 - - 9 5,000,00 8 > 5,000- > 4 00,000-0 0,000,000,000 -,000,00-8 0 6 >,000- > 5,000 00,000- (T Ⅰ,T Ⅱ,T 0,000 Ⅲ,T Ⅳ ) - - 7 500,000 4 > 500-2,000 0,000,000- - a - 6 00,000 2 500,000 - - 5 50,000 - - - - - - 4 0,000 - - - - - - 5,000 - - - - - - 2,000 - - - - - - 500 - - - - a = 0.0T Ⅰ+0.T Ⅱ+0.2T Ⅲ+T Ⅳ b /,, / '. 2009. '. CRS,,,, CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants). CROSS CROWN. CROSS CROWN,.,.,,,,,.

8 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 9.,,,, CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants). CROSS CROWN, (.,, ).,,. (),,,, 5, 5, 0, 0 0., CROWN. CRAFT = + + + USEPA EPIWIN K ow., KOWWIN., USEPA EPIWIN., 2008. 2008

40 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구, 28,007,22 kg/year, kg/year,., 2008. 2008, 4,070 kg/year, kg/year,., 2006. 2006, 2,64,75, 5,. t/2 in Kow water(days) (kg/year) (kg/year) (ton/year) 5 >00,000 5 >00 0 >,000,000 0 > 500 0 >,000,000 4 >0,000-0 0,000 4 >50-00 8 >00,000-,000,000 8 > 250 - > 00,000-500 8,000,000 >,000 >20-50 6-0,000 >0,000-6 00,000 > 25 250-6 > 0,000 00,000-2 >00-,000 2 >4-20 4 >,000- > 62.5-0,000 4 25 4 >,000-0,000 00 4 2 000 2 62.5 2,000 '. 2009. ' CROWN (2) CROWN, 20 0 0.,, (), 5, 5, 5, 5 20,, () 5 5 0.

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 4 CRAFT = + = + + () + = + () - HSDB (LD50, LC50) ESIS R-phrase., R-phrase. - () IRIS (). - (International Agency of Research on Cancer, IARC). IARC. - (Endocrine effects),,,,. (World Wildlife Fund, WWF) 67, (R46, 66), (R60, 6, 62, 6), (R42, 4), (R 27, 24, 8, 2) EU R-phrase.

42 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 oral LD50 () oral inhalation inhal. LC50 R-phrase IARC IRIS N(L)OAEL N(L)OAEL * 5 5 5 R2, 26 A 5 有 4.5 - - R20 - - - - - 4 >5-50 >5-50 R28 >- 0 >- 0 2A B, B2 4 有.5 - - R25 - - - - - >50-50 0 >50-,5 00 - >0-00 >0-00 2B C 有 2.5 - - R22 - - - - - 2 >500-5,000 >,500-5,000 - >00-, 000 >00-, 000 D 2 有 >5,000 >5,000 - >,000 >,000 4 E 有 * Endocrine effects, (),,, '. 2009. ' CROWN R-phrase LD(C)50 Very toxic if R28 swallowed. (T+) R26 Very toxic by inhalation. Oral LD50 rat : 25mg/kg Inhalation LC50 rat, aerosols or particulates : 0.25mg/L/4hr, Inhalation LC50 rat, gases and vapours : 0.5mg/L/4hr R25 Toxic if swallowed. Oral LD50, rat: 25<LD50 200 mg/kg, Inhalation LC50 rat, for aerosols or particulates: (T) 0,25<LC50 mg/l/4h, R2 Toxic by inhalation. Inhalation LC50 rat, for gases and vapours: 0,5<LC50 2 mg/l/4h. R22 Harmful if swallowed. Oral LD50 rat: 200<LD50 2 000 mg/kg Inhalation LC50 rat, for aerosols or particulates: (Xn) R20 Harmful by inhalation. <LC50 5 mg/l/4h, Inhalation LC50 rat, for gases or vapours: 2< LC50 20 mg/l/4h. * Endocrine effects, (),,, EU ECB, 2007. Toxicology and chemical substances, Annex VI of Directive 67/548/EEC

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 4 Persistent Organohalogens () Pesticides() Phthalates() Heavy metals(), 999, Dioxins/furans, Hexachlorobenzene, PBBs, Octachlorostyrene, P CBs, Pentachlorophenol 2,4,5-T, Amitrole, Carbaryl, DDT, Endosulfan, Fenvalerate, Kepone, Methomyl, Nitrofen, Synthetic pyrethroids, Trifluralin, 2,4-D, Atrazine, Chlordane, DDT Metabolites, Esfenvalerat, Lindane, Malathion, Methoxychlor, Oxychlordane, Toxaphene, Vinclozolin, Alachlor, Benomyl, Cypermethrin, Dicofol, Ethylparathion, Heptachlor, Mancozeb, Metribuzin, Metiram, Transnonachlor, Zineb, Aldicarb, bata-hch, DBCP, Dieldrin, h-epoxide, Kelthane, Maneb, Mirex, Permethrin, Tributyltin oxide, Ziram Penta~Nonyl Phenols (~ ) Bisphenol A( A) Di-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), Di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), Di-hexylphthalate (DHP), Dicyclohexyl phthalate (DCHP), Butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), Di-n-pentyl phthalate (DPP), Di-propyl phthalate (DprP), Diethyl phthalate (DEP) Styrene dimers and trimers ( ) Benzo(a)pyrene() Mercury, Lead, Cadmium 2,4-dichlorophenol, Diethylhexyl adipate, Benzophenone, N-butyl benzene, 4-Nitrotoluene R-phrase R46 May cause heritable effects R66 Possible risk of irreversible effects. R60 May impair fertility. R6 May cause harm to the unborn child. R62 Possible risk of impaired fertility. R6 Possible risk of harm to the unborn child. R42 May cause sensitisation by inhalation. R4 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R27 Very toxic in contact with skin. R24 Toxic in contact with skin. R8 Irritating to skin R2 Harmful in contact with skin EU ECB, 2007. Toxicology and chemical substances, Annex VI of Directive 67/548/EEC ECOTOX.,, () /,. /, /

44 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구, /, EPIWIN. (L(E)C50; mg/l) () (NOEC; mg/l),,, 5 0. 0 4 > - 0 > 0. - > 0-00 > 0-00 > - 0 > 00-,000 2 > 00 -,000 > 0-00 >,000-5,000 >,000 > 00 > 5,000 '. 2009. ' CROWN (),,,, 0, 6, 4, 0 0., 4., CROWN. CRAFT = + + +,,, /. (http://www.kfpa.or.kr/index.asp) (http://www.csb.gov/).,,, EU R-phrase

제 2 장수질및수생태계우선관리대상물질선정기법확립 45.. (standard), (guideline), (criteria)..,,,, /,. 6 58,.. *,,, 0 5 6 有 4 4 有 0 8 4 4 有 有 7.5 6 2 有 2 2 有 5 4 2 0 有 2.5 2 0 * '. 2009. ' CROWN 0 7.5 2 ~ 5 ~ 2 2.5 '. 2009. ' CROWN (4),,, ()

46 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구,,.5,.5,.5,.5, 4 0. (standard), (guideline), (criteria),, 4,, 2.,,, () CROWN. CRAFT = + + + () + () * 2 0 0 0 0 0 * (standard), (guideline), (criteria), '. 2009. ' CROWN

제 장대상물질우선순위도출 47 제 장대상물질우선순위도출.,,,, 7 ( 42, -7 ). 440, (Integrated Risk Information System, IRIS) 25( 8 )., -, IRIS 59. (2006) (III) - 4,,, 59. 6 ( 9 ).

48 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 (,, 2006) (, 200;, 2008) - 48 - : (IARC), (, 2005) (WWF) - 06 (, 200) - : ( /),, - 0+5 (, 200) - : 275 - ( - ) - 26 - - ( - ) 24-0 - 7 - (IRIS) - - - - / - - ( ) - -,,, WHO -, () - 9 2008 (, 200) - 25-25 (USEPA, 2009) - - 25 (CCME, - - 9 2007) / trigger values (ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000) - - 256 - / (, - 28, 4, 2006) - 5

제 장대상물질우선순위도출 49 2.,,,,, ( 4 ), 0-. EPIWIN EPIWIN 2008 2008 2006 HSDB, ESIS () IRIS IARC, IRIS ESIS, WWF ECOTOX, EPIWIN () ECOTOX, EPIWIN,,, /, ESIS 4 (2004-2005, 2007-2009) (http://www.chemsafety.gov/) (http://www.env.go.jp/en/standards/) (http://fillk.re.kr), 2008, 2006, 200, 2008, 2006, (III) - ANZECC and ARMCANZ, 2000, Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality page.4 5 CCME (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment), 2007, Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life: Summary table. Updated December, 2007. In: Canadian environmental quality guidelines, 999, Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, Winnipeg. ECOTOX(http://cfpub.epa.gor/ecotox) EPIWIN(EPA, Estimation Program Interface) suite ESIS(http://ecb.jrc.it/esis) HSDB(http://www.toxnet.nlm.nih.gov) IRIS(http://www.epa.gov/iris) IARC(http://iarc.fr) WWF(http://wwf.org) USEPA, 2009, National Recommended Water Quality Criteria

50 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구. 275, 20, 25, 25, 9, / 256 6. CRAFT,,,..,. (%) 0.62 2.5 0.62 2.5 6 7.89 5 6 7.89 5 76 47.20 5 7 4.5 2.5 () 0.62 2.5 58 6.02 2.5 6.7 2.5 0 0 2.5 () 0.62 2.5 26 78.26 5, 2,. 275, 20, 25, 25, 9, / 256 440

제 장대상물질우선순위도출 5. 2 (Integrated Risk Information System, IRIS) 59 (III) - (, 2006) 4 2 6. CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants),,,,, ( 4 ). ( 5-20 ).

52 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 6,,, (). 90 20 58, 80 7.5 56.5, () 00 2.5 68. 0% (. Lindane, Pentachlorophenol, Heptachlor, Dieldrin, Aldrin, Endrin, Linuron, Mirex, Toxaphene, Hexachlorobenzene ) (Nickel, Zinc, Copper, Selenium ). 2007 2, 4 Hexachlorobenzene, Endosulfan, Triflualin, Atrazine, Simazine, Aniline, Alachlor,, () 0,.

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 5 제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출. 6 2 5. 5, 46. (Probabilistic ecological risk assessment, PERA) 46. 5, 46, 46.

54 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 2.. - () ( 48 ),.,, 62 kg( -2006-0 ),.4 L/day(-2006-0 ), 0.0524 kg/day(, 2007. ), SF, RSD, RfD, RSC, BCF ( 49 ). 5, 46 ( 2-22 ). (Trophic Level, TL)(,,, ) TL2 = 0.008 kg/day, TL = 0.008 kg/day, TL4 = 0.0057 kg/day 0.075 kg/day. (Ⅲ) - (,, 2006) (, 2007) 200 0.064 kg/day, 2006 0.0677 kg/day. II-III(, 2008, 2009) 2007 / 0.0524 kg/day. III(, 2009) 2008, 2005 65 0.002 kg/day.

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 55 (kg/day) 0.075 2000 USEPA 0.064 0.0524 0.0020 200 2007 / 2008 2005 - USEPA, 2000. Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health -,, 2006, (Ⅲ) - -, 2007, -, 2008, II -, 2009, III -, 2009, III,,, / 0.0524 kg/day. 2006-2007 200 0.064 kg/day. 5,,. 2006 0.0677 kg/day (2006 ), 2006-2007 0.064 kg/day (200 ) 0.006 kg.,,., (0. g), (0. g), (0.0 g), (0. g), (0.0 g), (0.4 g), (0. g) 0.8 g.

56 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구,,,,,,,, (),,, /,, /, /( ), /(),, (),,,,,,,, (),, /, (),,,,,, (),,,,, /,,,,,,,,,, ( ), /,,,,,,,,, ()/, (),,,,, /,,,,, /,,,,,, (),,,, //,, /,,, /,,, (),,, (),,, (),,,,, (),,,, (),,,,, 2006. (2005) - (Ⅰ) - 2008-2009 2007 / 0.0524 kg/day. ' 2006.,,,... 79.6 g/day (2007 ),,,. / 52.4 g/day, 9.8 g/day., (0.0 g/kg-day), (0.02 g/kg-day), (0.0 g/kg-day), (0.00 g/kg-day), (0.00 g/kg-day), (0.00 g/kg-day), (0.00 g/kg-day).

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 57 (),,,,,,, /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, /,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 2007. 2009 2008, 2005 65 0.002 kg/day. (),,,, 29,78, 5 44,892,72. 65 0.002 kg/day (=29,78ton/year X,000,000g/ton X year / 65days / 44,892,72).

58 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 + + AWQC = Ambient water quality criterion (mg/l) (mg/kg-day) -, RSD = Risk-specific dose for carcinogens 변환 * SF = SF (60/70) / RfD = Reference dose for noncancer effects (mg/kg-day) RSC = Relative source contribution factor default : 0.2 BW = Body weight (62 kg) DI = Drinking water intake (.4 L/day) FI = Fish intake (0.0524 kg/day) BCF = Bioconcentration Factor (L/kg) SF RfD RSC BW DI FI BCF USEPA IRIS (http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris) USEPA IRIS (http://cfpub.epa.gov/ncea/iris) USEPA, 2000. Methodology for Deriving Ambient Water Quality Criteria for the Protection of Human Health -2006-0 -2006-0, 2007. EPA, 2002. National Recommended Water Quality Criteria - Human Health Criteria Calculation Matrix; USEPA EPIWINNT v4.00 (2) (2009) (Probabilistic ecological risk assessment, PERA), (Statistical extrapolation method, SEM) ACR (Statistical extrapolation methodacute to chronic ratio, SEMACR), (Assessment factor, AFM). RIVM ETX program (Species Sensitivity Distribution, SSD. SEM 4 [.

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 59 (Actinopterygill), (Branchiopoda), (Chlorophyceae), (Maxillapoda), (Insects), (Bivalvia), (Gastropoda), (Secernentea), (Polychaeta), (Monocotyldoneae), (Chanophyceae), (Monogononta), (Amphibia), (Malacostraca), (Bacillariophyceae), (Ostracoda), (Hydrozoa), (Oligohymenophorea), (Prasinophyceae) 4 [L(E)50 NOEC], (. ETX program) (Species Sensitivity Distribution, SSD) (Hazard Concentration, HC). SEMACR 4 4, ACR. AFM 4 4, L(E)50 NOEC 50 (Assessment Factor, AF). USEPA ECOTOX, OECD SIDS, ECB IUCLID 2-24, PERA 46, 25.

60 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 Acute L(E)C50 or QSAR estimate from a set of data on one or two aquatic species 000 OECD, 995 Acute L(E)C50 or QSAR estimate from a set of data at least consisting of algae, crustaceans and fish 00 OECD, 995 One long-term NOEC (either fish or daphnia) 00 EC, 200 Two long-term NOECs from species representing two trophic levels (fish and/or daphnia and/or algae) 50 EC, 200 Long-term NOECs from at least three species (normally fish, daphnia and algae) representing three trophic levels 0 EC, 200 (day) (day), < 4, 4 Fish* < 7 7 -,, Crustaceans < 4 4 Algae < Diatom Macrophytes < 6 6 Insects < 4 0 Molluscs < 4 28 Rotifers < 2 2 Amphibians 8 Bacteria Protozoans 2 Fungi

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 6. () 55 2008 4 2009 4 9 2008 8 2009 0 () 2008 5 2009 4 2008 2009 4 4 2004 4 2005 4 2 2004 4 8 2005 4 2 () 2004 4 8 2005 4 2 7 2004 4 2005 4 2 2007 2 2 25~28 2008 2 0 2009 2 7 2007 2 2 2008 2 0 2009 2 7 () 2007 2 2 22~25 2008 2 0 2009 2 7 2007 2 2 2008 2 0 2009 2 7

62 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 (2) * 90% * ND * *

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 6. (), 4 (Hexachlorobenzene, Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, Pentachlorophenol), 2 (Hexachlorobenzene, Acrylonitrile) ( 54, 29 ). ( 54, 0 ).,. (. Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, Pentachlorophenol). (. ),.

64 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 No. CAS No. ( μg /L) ( μg /L) * (+ ) DL/2 90% (%),,-trichloroethan 00007-55-6.46E+04.95E-0 2.0E+00 2.70E-05 2,-Dichloroethylene 000075-5-4.66E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 00020-82-.68E+0.47E-0 9.52E-0 8.7E-0 4,2-Dichlorobenzene 000095-50- 2.59E+02 6.5E-0.90E+00 2.8E-0 5,2-Dichloroethan 00007-06-2.4E+0 2.50E-02 5.26E+00 5.0E-02 6,2-Trans-dichloroethylene 00056-60-5.67E+02.9E-0 5.0E-0 2.02E-0 7 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2.05E+0.40E-02 2.9E+0.E-0 8 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2.55E+0 2.02E-0.E+00.0E-02 9 Acrylonitrile 00007-- 7.69E-02.5E-0 2.E+00 7.75E+00 0 Alachlor 05972-60-8.90E+0 7.40E-02 2.0E+0.89E-0 Aldrin 00009-00-2.57E-0.5E-0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Aniline 000062-5- 6.92E+0 6.66E-02 7.95E+0 9.E-0 Atrazine 0092-24-9 2.42E+02 6.20E-02 4.4E+00 2.56E-04 4 Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-2-8 5.69E-0 5.00E-05 6.4E+00.66E-02 5 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0000-2-.08E+00.44E+02 4.7E-0 5.8E+00 4.48E-0.28E-0 6 Butyl benzyl phthalate 000085-68-7.07E+02 2.76E+00 4.4E+00 2.57E-02 7 Carbofuran 0056-66-2 2.78E+0.00E-0.44E+0.08E-02 8 Chlorobenzene 00008-90-7.55E+02 4.9E-0 5.46E-0 2.70E-0 9 Copper 007440-50-8 2.87E+0 8.87E+0 20 Cyclohexylamine 00008-9-8.68E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Cypermethrin 0525-07-8 4.4E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 22 DDE 000072-55-9 6.8E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 DDT 000050-29- 6.8E-05.7E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 24 Dichlorobromomethane 000075-27-4 5.6E+00.7E+02 4.5E-02 9.69E-0 6.29E-02 2.40E-04 25 Dieldrin 000060-57-.67E-05.9E-0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 26 Diethyl phthalate 000084-66-2 6.4E+0.77E-0 2.49E+0 5.95E-05 27 Di-n-butyl phthalate 000084-74-2.8E+02.49E+00 2.49E+0.9E-02 28 Endosulfan 0005-29-7.55E-0.2E-02.76E+0.9E-02 29 Endrin 000072-20-8 2.8E+00 6.00E-0 2.9E+0 2.5E-0 0 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4 7.92E+02.00E-02.62E+0.26E-05 Ethylacetate 0004-78-6.09E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Fenvalerate 0560-58- 5.0E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Hexachlorobenzene 0008-74- 8.96E-05 6.42E+00 4.25E-02.54E+0 4.76E+02 6.62E-0 4 Hexachloroethane 000067-72-.02E+00 7.92E+00 6.05E-02 9.52E-0 7.7E-02 7.64E-0 5 Iron 00749-89-6 4.0E+02 9.98E+0 6 Methanol 000067-56- 2.97E+0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 Methomyl 06752-77-5 5.55E+00 2.9E-0.4E+0 5.25E-02 8 Methoxychlor 000072-4-5.88E+0 5.90E-02 4.90E+00.52E-0 9 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9-.2E+0 2.9E-0 2.42E+00.95E-04 40 Mirex 00285-85-5 5.40E-0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4 Nitrobenzene 000098-95-.77E+0 2.2E-0.E+00.20E-02 42 Pentachlorophenol 000087-86-5 9.44E-0 2.8E+02 7.86E-0 6.E+00 2.85E+00.E-0 4 Phenol 00008-95-2 2.8E+0 2.65E-02 8.64E+0.2E-05 44 Propylene oxide 000075-56-9.64E+00.25E+02 9.40E-0.09E+00 5.4E+00 7.5E-0 45 Pyrene 00029-00-0.9E+02 4.70E-02 7.8E+00 2.44E-04 46 Selenium 007782-49-2.05E+00.00E+00 2.76E+0 9.8E-0 47 Simazine 00022-4-9 4.02E+0 4.45E-02 6.77E+00.E-0 48 Styrene 00000-42-5 6.98E+02 8.00E-02 5.46E-0.5E-04 49 Toluene 00008-88- 5.06E+02 5.90E-0.64E+00.7E-0 50 Triflualin 00582-09-8.04E-0.E+00.50E-05 4.42E-0.46E-04.E-05 5 Vinclozoline 05047-44-8 7.55E+0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 52 Xylenes 000-20-7 5.92E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 Zinc 007440-66-6 2.8E+0.0E+0 9.52E+0.0E-02 * = / ( >, )

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 65 (2), 0 (Iron, Endosulfan, Copper, Methomyl, carbofuran, Pyrene, Endrin, Methoxychlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Zinc) ( 55, ).

66 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 No. CAS No. ( μg /L) ( μg /L) PERA DL/2 * 90% (%),,-trichloroethan 00007-55-6 chronic_afm.0e+02.95e-0 2.0E+00.04E-0 2,-Dichloroethylene 000075-5-4 acute_afm.6e+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 00020-82- SEM_ACR 6.9E+0.47E-0 9.52E-0 2.2E-0 4,2-Dichlorobenzene 000095-50- SEM_ACR.99E+02 6.5E-0.90E+00.09E-0 5,2-Dichloroethan 00007-06-2 2.50E-02 5.26E+00 6,2-Trans-dichloroethylene 00056-60-5 acute_afm 2.20E+02.9E-0 5.0E-0.54E-0 7 2,4-Dichlorophenol 00020-8-2 SEM_ACR 5.94E+0.40E-02 2.9E+0 2.6E-04 8 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 0002-4-2 acute_afm.0e+0 2.02E-0.E+00.55E-02 9 Acrylonitrile 00007--.5E-0 2.E+00 0 Alachlor 05972-60-8 chronic_afm 5.00E-0 7.40E-02 2.0E+0.48E-0 Aldrin 00009-00-2 acute_afm 9.70E-05 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Aniline 000062-5- SEM_ACR 4.9E+0 6.66E-02 7.95E+0.6E-0 Atrazine 0092-24-9 SEM_ACR 6.75E-0 6.20E-02 4.4E+00 9.9E-02 4 Benzo(a)pyrene 000050-2-8 acute_afm 5.00E-0 5.00E-05 6.4E+00.00E-02 5 Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate 0000-2- 4.7E-0 5.8E+00 6 Butyl benzyl phthalate 000085-68-7 SEM_ACR 5.45E+0 2.76E+00 4.4E+00 5.06E-02 7 Carbofuran 0056-66-2 chronic_afm.0e-02.00e-0.44e+0 2.E+0 8 Chlorobenzene 00008-90-7 SEM_ACR.46E+02 4.9E-0 5.46E-0 2.88E-0 9 Copper 007440-50-8 SEM_ACR.46E-0 2.87E+0 8.87E+0 8.2E+0 20 Cyclohexylamine 00008-9-8 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Cypermethrin 0525-07-8 SEM_ACR 7.05E-04 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 22 DDE 000072-55-9 acute_afm.00e-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 DDT 000050-29- SEM.E-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 24 Dichlorobromomethane 000075-27-4 4.5E-02 9.69E-0 25 Dieldrin 000060-57- chronic_afm.0e-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 26 Diethyl phthalate 000084-66-2 SEM_ACR 7.07E+02.77E-0 2.49E+0 5.E-04 27 Di-n-butyl phthalate 000084-74-2 SEM_ACR 6.24E+0.49E+00 2.49E+0 5.59E-02 28 Endosulfan 0005-29-7 SEM 5.75E-05.2E-02.76E+0 2.09E+02 29 Endrin 000072-20-8 chronic_afm.50e-04 6.00E-0 2.9E+0.7E+0 0 Ethylbenzene 00000-4-4 SEM_ACR 2.00E+02.00E-02.62E+0 5.00E-05 Ethylacetate 0004-78-6 SEM_ACR 7.06E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2 Fenvalerate 0560-58- chronic_afm.60e-02 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Hexachlorobenzene 0008-74- SEM_ACR.E-02 4.25E-02.54E+0.78E+00 4 Hexachloroethane 000067-72- SEM_ACR 4.89E+0 6.05E-02 9.52E-0.24E-0 5 Iron 00749-89-6 acute_afm 5.60E-0 4.0E+02 9.98E+0 7.6E+02 6 Methanol 000067-56- SEM_ACR 2.80E-0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 7 Methomyl 06752-77-5 chronic_afm 8.00E-0 2.9E-0.4E+0.64E+0 8 Methoxychlor 000072-4-5 chronic_afm.00e-02 5.90E-02 4.90E+00 5.90E+00 9 Methyl ethyl ketone 000078-9- acute_afm 4.00E+02 2.9E-0 2.42E+00 5.48E-04 40 Mirex 00285-85-5 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 4 Nitrobenzene 000098-95- SEM_ACR 4.57E+02 2.2E-0.E+00 4.64E-04 42 Pentachlorophenol 000087-86-5 SEM 9.08E+00 7.86E-0 6.E+00 8.65E-02 4 Phenol 00008-95-2 SEM_ACR.66E+02 2.65E-02 8.64E+0.60E-04 44 Propylene oxide 000075-56-9 9.40E-0.09E+00 45 Pyrene 00029-00-0 acute_afm 2.6E-0 4.70E-02 7.8E+00.79E+0 46 Selenium 007782-49-2 SEM_ACR 6.7E+00.00E+00 2.76E+0 4.46E-0 47 Simazine 00022-4-9 SEM_ACR.09E+02 4.45E-02 6.77E+00 4.07E-04 48 Styrene 00000-42-5 SEM_ACR 5.89E+0 8.00E-02 5.46E-0.6E-0 49 Toluene 00008-88- SEM_ACR 5.7E+02 5.90E-0.64E+00.0E-0 50 Triflualin 00582-09-8 acute_afm 8.40E-0.50E-05 4.42E-0.79E-0 5 Vinclozoline 05047-44-8 chronic_afm.00e+0 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 52 Xylenes 000-20-7 acute_afm.0e+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 5 Zinc 007440-66-6 SEM.6E+0.0E+0 9.52E+0.92E+00 * = / ( >, )

제 4 장위해성평가기법을이용한수질기준설정우선순위도출 67. 5, Hexachlorobenzene, Acrylonitrile, Propylene oxide, Pentachlorophenol, Iron, Endosulfan, Copper, Methomyl, carbofuran, Pyrene, Endrin, Methoxychlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Zinc ( 2-4 ).

제 5 장우선순위도출과정의체계화 69 제 5 장우선순위도출과정의체계화. CRS DB CRS.

70 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구 2., 4, 6,. CRS 440, 6, CRAFT (Chemical RAnking of surfacewater pollutants),,,,,, (). 4 6 4 5. 5. (Probabilistic ecological risk assessment, PERA) 46. CRS 6 5 CRAFT. 0%, 4. 4 90 25.5 45.5 CRAFT 8. CRS 6 46 CRAFT. 0%, 0. 25 80 25 47.5 CRAFT 5.

제 5 장우선순위도출과정의체계화 7 CRS 6 25 6 CRAFT. 0 kg/year 22, (, 2009). 00 2.5 54 () CRAFT 42.

72 수질및수생태계우선관리대상항목선정연구. (. SF, BW, DI, FI, BCF),.

제 5 장우선순위도출과정의체계화 7 PERA SEM, SEM_ACR, AFM,.