에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 11, Number 2, September 2012 : pp. 141~163 신재생에너지지원정책의지대발생효과와규제 : 신재생에너지공급의무화제도 (RPS) 를중심으로 141

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2) 145

[ 그림 1] 공급의무화제도와지대발생원리 146


< 표 1> 신재생에너지발전기업의총수입액비교 ( 벨기에사례 ) 148


< 표 2> 에너지원별신재생에너지공급인증서 (REC) 가중치 150


[ 그림 2] 에너지원별발전비용에따른가중치의결정 8) 152

α 11) 153

< 표 3> 에너지원별발전차액지원제도기준가격 154


< 표 4> 공급의무화제도와발전차액지원제도의에너지원별가중치비교 156



접수일 (2012 년 6 월 25 일 ), 게재확정일 (2012 년 8 월 2 일 ) 159

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ABSTRACT Electricity from renewable energy sources requires support to correct the negative externality of electricity generation based on fossil fuels as well as the positive externality of technology innovation effects of renewable energy technologies. However, poorly designed market regulations can lead to windfall profit for the renewable energy sector, increasing policy costs. In addition, those who benefit from such regulations may actively seek rents. Therefore, any regulatory intervention should be designed to reduce rents and rent-seeking behavior. This study investigates the rent generated through Renewable Portfolio Standard(RPS) and examines how it can be reduced through effective policy designs by focusing on the banding system of RPS in Korea. Multipliers in the banding system are examined and compared to those of Feed-in Tariff(FIT). This study concludes by summarizing its policy implication to improve the effectiveness of the banding system of RPS. Key Words : Renewable energy, Renewable Portfolio Standard, JEL Codes : Q48, L51 Feed-in-Tariff, Rent, Rent-seeking 163