인도스마트도시사업과 서울시국제도시개발민관협력 2016. 4. 15. 강명구서울시립대학교교수 mkangcity@gmail.com
Outline 인도와스마트도시개발 스마트도시글로벌비즈니스 서울의인도스마트도시사업제안 2
인도와스마트도시개발 3
인도 인구 13 억 GDP U$ 7.4T GDP 연평균성장률 : 7.2% GDP per cap (PPP): $5,855 Unemployment: 3.6% FDI Inflow: U$ 34.4B 80 percent Hindu; one of the world s largest Muslim populations Source: The Heritage Foundation (2016) 4
인도스마트도시사업 도시는인도의글로벌경쟁력과지속가능한발전의핵심 도시화촉진정책 해결해야할과제 : 도시인구 4 억명으로현재포화상태 2050 년 8 억명으로 2 배증가예상 새로운인구와산업을담아낼도시필요 기반시설공급필요 : 물 ; 전력, 가스및에너지 ; 교통 ; 하수, 쓰레기및위생 ; 통신 ; 주택 ; 교육 ; 의료등 공해및체증의감소필요 도시화를촉진하여도시화의이익을극대화하고, 동시에도시문제를효과적으로해결하기위한해결방안 : 스마트도시개발 5
인도스마트도시사업 모디총리의국정과제로채택 2015 년 98 개후보도시선정 2016 년 20 개시범도시선정 5,080 억루피 ( 약 9 조원 ) 투자예정 2022 년까지 100 개스마트도시건설목표 6
인도스마트도시사업요건 #1 Core infrastructure 1. adequate water supply, ( 리사이클링, 빗물활용포함 ) 2. assured electricity supply, (10% 이상의친환경에너지 ) 3. sanitation, including solid waste management, 4. efficient urban mobility and public transport, 5. affordable housing, especially for the poor, (15% 이상 ) 6. robust IT connectivity and digitalization, 7. good governance, especially e-governance and citizen participation, 8. sustainable environment, 9. safety and security of citizens, particularly women, children and the elderly, and 10. health and education 7
인도스마트도시사업요건 #2 Area-based Development 택 1 Pan-City Solution 필수 Retrofitting Redevelopment Greenfield Pan-City 기성시가지정비 재개발 신도시 * 도시전체개선 500 acre 50 acre (20ha) (200ha) * 친환경빌딩 80% 이상 250 acre (100ha) - 정부지원금 : year 1: 중앙정부 300 억원 + 주 / 도시 175 억원 year 2-4: 중앙정부 175 억원 + 주 / 도시 175 억원 8
선정기준 항목점수내용 1. Vision and goals [5] City Level 30 2. Strategic plan [10] 3. Citizen engagement [10] Area-based Development Pan-city solution 55 15 4. Baseline, KPIs, self-assessment and potential for improvement [5] 1. Smartness of proposal [7] 2. Citizen engagement [5] 3. Results orientation [15] 4. Process followed [3] 5. Implementation framework, including feasibility and cost-effectiveness [25] 1. Smartness of solution [3] 2. Citizen engagement [1] 3. Results orientation [5] 4. Process followed [1] 5. Implementation framework, including feasibility and cost-effectiveness [5] 9
누가도시발전의밑그림과 도시계획을만들었을까? 앞으로누가만들까? 인도정부? ( 중앙정부? 지방정부?) 다른나라정부 / 공공? 국제기구? 인도의민간기업? 다른나라의민간기업? 14
Foreign countries/organizations collaborating with India on Smart Cities Program Entity France US Japan China Germany ADB Selected major investment plans in India Plans to invest U$2.1B in development of three smart cities, including Puducherry and Nagaland Anticipated U$35.2B private investment into India, partnership on clean water and solid waste management for 500 cities U$31B mix of private and public investment U$5B in the first phase of DMIC project to develop smart cities U$17B mix of private and public investment U$1B on solar capacity for next 10 years U$2.3B to establish five industrial zones for Andhra Pradesh; U$55M for North Karnataka Urban Sector investment program Singapore master plan for the development of the new Andhra Pradesh capital city. study visits to Singapore to share their urban management and governance experiences Qatar plans to invest U$15B in at least 10 smart cities 15
한ㆍ인도관계 정상회담 2014 년 1 월델리 2015 년 5 월서울 전략적동반자 (strategic partnership) 에서한단계높아진 특별전략적동반자 (special strategic partnership) 관계로격상 우리나라가인도의스마트도시개발에 U$10B ( 약 12 조원 ) 를지원하기로합의 이중 U$1B ( 약 1.2 조원 ) 는대외경제협력기금 (EDCF) 16
스마트도시글로벌사업 17
싱가폴 Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) 2016 년 3 월출범 funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) led by the World Bank supported by local agencies such as the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the Public Utilities Board The World Bank runs an Infrastructure and Urban Development Hub in Singapore and manages the platform program. A total of 23 cities in 11 countries are involved in the platform's pilot stage, with US$150 million set aside by GEF to fund urban projects proposed by participants. Pilots: seven cities in China with $36 million under the GEF grant 다리나교량은누구나건설할수있다. 하지만, 도시들이필요한것은도시를좋은도시로만들어내기위하여도시가안고있는복잡한과제를해결하는것이다. 이를해내기위해부족한것이재원과지식이다. 이플랫폼이필요한이유이다.
비즈니스이중삼각구조 : 3C3P 고객 미국유럽 중국, 인도아시아, 아프리카, 남미 나 상품 재무영업 경쟁 독일 : 태양광미국 : 상수도, 쓰레기프랑스, 싱가폴, 컨설팅회사들, 중국, 인도, 터키,
비즈니스 : 상품 - 영업 - 재무 상품 은독립적으로존재하지않는다. 상품 은고객, 경쟁사, 그리고나의관계에서나온다. ( 예, 싱가폴의지속가능도시, 중국의건설 ) 영업 ( 마케팅 ) 을통해고객의마음을읽을수있어야하고, 고객의마음과시장에우리를전달해야한다. 우리의상품을, 우리가줄수있는것을알도록해야한다. 비즈니스의실현은돈으로이야기가풀려야한다. 재무 를통해돈이어떻게조달되고어떻게흐르는지파악되어야한다.
서울의인도스마트도시사업제안 22
1. Background from Smart to City for india india Sustainable Development CITY Livable Vibrant Eco-friendly Inclusive Distinctive SMART Infrastructure and Information Technology Land, Streets, Water, Waste,, Energy, Transportation, Communication, etc. 23
* Five Goals and Two Technologies 2. Concept and Urban Planning Environmental Sustainability Competitiveness Quality of Life SMART CITY Inclusion Identity Infrastructure Technology Information Technology 24
* INTEGRATED URBAN SOLUTION 3. Features of Seoul Smart City Cross sectors Beyond technology Transit-oriented (Less congestion; Non-motorized) Water, Air, Green (Preservation, Clean water & air) Urban Pattern (Public Space, Compact, Mixed-use) Smart Waste (Reduction, Recycle) Smart Energy (Waste; Solar, Wind, Geothermal) 25
* EXPERIENCE-BASED & OUTCOME FOCUSED 3. Features of Seoul Smart City Cheonggyecheon (stream) Restoration Magok District Sangam DMC Eun-pyeong Newtown 26
* FAST AND ECONOMICAL 3. Features of Seoul Smart City Bundang Ilsan Pyungchon Sanbon Jungdong Area ( km2 ) 19.6 15.7 5.1 4.2 5.5 Pop (T) 390 276 168 168 166 Pop Density (people/ha) Housing Units (T) 199 175 329 399 304 97.6 69 42 42 41.4 FAR (%) 184 169 204 205 226 New Road ( km ) 82.8 51.4 69.6 0 28.4 New Subway ( km ) Total Duration 25.1 21.1 15.7 - - 7yr 4mo 6yr 9mo 6yr 4mo 5yr 5mo 5yr 11mo Cost (Bill U$) 3.5 2.2 1.0 0.5 1.5 27
* SUSTAINABLE FINANCE 3. Features of Seoul Smart City Self-Financing through Value Capture (equality) - Initial investment from developer(s) and/or investor(s) - Revenue from the sales of the improved land Cross-subsidy for the poor (inclusion) - Subsidy to lands for parks, roads and social housing - Recovery from lands for commercial and private housing 28
맺음말 스마트도시 : 차세대도시. 가용한최첨단기술을활용한지금까지의도시를뛰어넘는발전된도시 효율적, 지속가능적, 포용적 인도의스마트도시 : 기초적인기반시설을갖춘도시 (+ 세계적수준의도시 ) 우리스스로의혁신 : 핵심경쟁력은도시여야함. 오늘날국제도시개발에서건설 / 기술을잊고 도시 에집중해야함 ( 건설 / 기술은자연스럽게따라오는것 ) 민간의역량강화 (e.g., 국제적기술력, 설득력, ) 정부의역량강화 (e.g., 국제적리더십, 교섭력, 정보력, ) 민관의협력강화 (e.g., 상호역할의이해, ) 29
세계에서제일큰나무? 숲! 레드우드 : 뿌리얕은나무 + 숲 키 : 보통 100 m / 제일큰것은 130-140m 뿌리깊이 2-3m / 옆으로 15-25m 더불어 30 용문사은행나무 42m
The Courage to Act ( 행동할용기 ) 2016. 4. 15. 강명구서울시립대학교교수 mkangcity@gmail.com