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해외출장복명서 출 장 자 소 속 본원 직 위 연구위원 성 명 장미혜 출장기간 2/24-3/1 출장지 싱가포르 출장목적 - 싱가포르의 다문화정책사례분석 - 아시아지역의 이주여성연구를 위한 국제컨퍼런스 참가자들 사이의 네트워크구축 경비부담 우리원 부담(수탁연구사업비) : 2,591천원 주최기관 한국여성정책연구원 방문기관 / 면담자 논의사항 Institute of Policy Studies 방문 - Dr Gillian Koh (Senior Research Fellow ) - Dr Daniel Goh (Assistant Professor of Sociology at the ) 싱가포르 국립대 방문 - Prof. Ooi Giok Ling (Professor at the Humanities and Social Studies Education Department) - 싱가포르의 다문화정책 유례 및 현황조사 - AWARE방문을 통한 다문화정책에 있어서 NGO의 역할에 관한 자료 수집 - 관련연구자 면담 및 5월 국제회의 참가자 물색 Asian Research Institute 방문 - Dr. LAI, Ah Eng (Senior Research Fellow at the Asian Research Institute) - Dr Francis Leo Collins (Postdoctoral Fellow) Association of Women for Action & Research 방문 - Tenely D Peterson Manager (Public Education and Public Relations Association of Women for Action and Research ) 상세한 업무처리 및 세부내용은 별도 붙임 2008. 3. 21. 출 장 복 명 자 : 장미혜 연구위원

해외출장 결과 보고서 싱가포르의 다문화정책조사 (Multicultural Policy in ) 2007. 3. 21. 보고자 : 장 미 혜 (평등정책연구실, 연구위원)

< 본문 > 1. 회의명 : 싱가포르의 다문화정책조사(Multicultural Policy in ) 2. 회의배경 및 목적 가. 동남아시아의 여성이주민 정책의 개괄적 특성 나. 싱가포르의 성평등정책에 있어서 NGO의 역할 다. 아시아지역의 다문화정책연구자들을 위한 네트워크 구축 라. 싱가포르 다민족정책에 관한 자료수집 3. 참가자 규모 : 총 1명 - 본원의 장미혜 연구위원 4. 회의일정 일 시 내 용 2/24(일) 2/25(월) 2/26(화) 2/27(수) 2/28(목) 2/29(금) 인천 출발(3:55), 싱가포르 도착(21:55) Dr Gillian Koh (Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies) 면담 Prof. Ooi Giok Ling(Assistant Professor of Sociology at the National University of ) 면담 AWARE 방문 Tenely D Peterson Manager (Public Education and Public Relations Association of Women for Action and Research ) Dr Daniel Goh (Assistant Professor of Sociology at the National University of ) 면담 Institute of Policy Studies 연구자 워크샵 참석 3/1-3/2(토-일) 싱가포르출발 출발(10:55) 인천 도착(6:00) - 1 -

5. 주요내용 Dr Gillian Koh Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies http://www.ips.org.sg/staff/gk/ is different from Korea because it had Multiculturalism from the start Chinese, Indian and Malay. Other migrants in include: Philippinos, Russians and Germans. Starting point between Korea and is different Second Language mother tongue educations, in schools in kids learn English plus their mother tongue. Government provides Social Services specific to ethnicity self help groups microfinance Religious support/ngo support for untraditional migrants Grass Roots peoples association example: activities and community clubs Welcoming Ceremony is held by the government to welcome the migrant to the community NGO provides shelters for abused women (H.O.M.E - NGO) Main land Chinese women vulnerable in the case of foreign bride cases, they don t enjoy citizenship right because of their husbands. No Official policies no social/no community policy Government level? Leadership? Is dealt with on case by case basis. Prof. Ooi Giok Ling Professor at the Humanities and Social Studies Education Department, National Institute of Education. http://www.ips.org.sg/staff/gl/ multiculturalism most successful yet state driven Implementation of the Religion Harmony Bill Religion key issue interracial IRCC program initiative Ministry of Muslim Religious Affairs Educational and Housing Priorities History, language Multiculturalism: education a problem Stereotyping is a problem Tolerance should be taught Research is very important in Managing multiculturalism - 2 -

Dr. LAI, Ah Eng Senior Research Fellow at the Asian Research Institute: http://www.ari./people_details.asp?peopleid=372&categoryid=2 Migration and Diversity Paper, will be sent to Dr. Chang later Francis Collin ariflc@ ARI fellow conducting research in Korea Religious factor Conference in Aug08 family transformation in Asia Conference 24/25/26 September Mixing cultures Community level Looking of the Japanese case Call for papers way of finding scholarswebsites of ARI Taiwan Concubine village BRAEMA@sph.com.sg Public education is very important culture series maids/construction workers Guest workers not a multicultural perspective they have no rights Harmonious peace riots 1960 s HDB s quotas for thr three races, Chinese, Malay and Indian TWC2 Mrama MATHIAPARANAM Look up: CSWO list of women s organizations Chinese women organization, very active Dr Daniel Goh Assistant Professor of Sociology at the : http://profile./fass/socgohd/index.htm is a building identity melting pot Asian community facilities migration Mistake what is making us Asian? Terrorism Malay extremists Constitutional acts protecting minorities (instead of policy) Multiculturalism in other policies Political parliamentary representation It is very formal, not substantial, major problem specially in schools Success, But it comes of the cost of particular community (the Malay) Rapid economic growth, fair distribution=> cause of success in singapore Post colonial multiculturalism socoy@nus.edu.au OCUBO YUKO post Doc. - 3 -

Brenda Yooh paper on migrant ARI website Tenely D Peterson Manager of Public Education and Public Relations Association of Women for Action and Research (AWARE) www.aware.org.au 1) Foreign Bride Report: Beyond Happily Ever After(2006) 자료수집 2) AWARE의 역할 파악: - Pubic education about body image, gender stereotypes, and Financial Intelleigence Training, the White Ribbon Campaign - direct services to an women in need, which include the helpline, Befrienders Programme, Legal Clinic, and Counselling Services 6. 참가자 리스트, 관련기관 및 인사 리스트(이름, 기관명, 이메일, 전화번호 등) 성명 소속 직위 Tel E-mail Fax Lai Ah-Eng Asia Research Institute Senior Research Fellow 4218 arilae@ (65)6779-1428 Francis Leo Collins Asia Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellow 7270 ariflc@ (65)6779-1428 Daniel PS GOH Department of Sociology Assistant Professor PhD (Michigan, Ann Arbor) 5080 socgohd@ (65)6777-9579 Gillian Koh Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy Senior Research Fellow 8369 gillian.koh@ (65)6215-1013 Ooi Giok Ling Nanyang Technological University National Institute of Education Proffessor Humanities & Social Studies Education (65)6790-3888 giokling.ooi@ nie.edu.sg (65)6896-9135 - 4 -