105 public sphere marketplace of ideas 17 1) John Stuart Mill 1980 1 John Milton Areopagitica A Speech of Mr John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England London 1644 1999 pp 108 109
106 Oskar Negt Alexander Kluge proletarian public sphere bourgeois public sphere 2) 2 Oskar Negt Alexander Kluge The Proletarian Public Sphere In Mattelart Armand Siegelaub Seth eds Communication and Class Struggle vol 2 Liberation Socialism New York International General 1972/1983 pp 92 94
107 3) 4) Stanley Ingber 3 Philip M Napoli Foundations of Communications Policy Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media Creskill NJ Hampton Press 2001 pp 97 108 4 Ibid pp 106 107
108 5) 17 21 5 Stanley Ingber The Marketplace of Ideas A Legitimizing Myth Duke Law Journal February 1984 pp 1 91
109 diversity
110 the Truth 6) 7) 8) 6 Napoli op cit p 99 7 Ingber op cit p 25 8 Napoli op cit p 102
111 1 9) source diversity 1 a b outlet 2 content diversity 1 2 3 exposure diversity 1 2 9 Ibid p 129
112 Daniel Hallin Paolo Mancini Polarized Pluralist Democratic Corporatist Liberal Model 10) organized pluralism 10 Daniel C Hallin and Paolo Mancini Comparing Media Systems Three Models of Media and Politics Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 pp 66 76
113 external pluralism individualized pluralism internal pluralism 11) 11 Ibid p 76
115 Hallin Mancini op cit p 67
116 consensus professional dominant hegemonic 12) 13) Todd Gitlin 1960 12 Stuart Hall Encoding Decoding in S Hall et al eds Culture Media Language Working Papers in Cultural Studies 1972 1979 London Hutchinson CCCS 1980 pp 128 38 13 Eytan Gilboa ed Media and Conflict Framing Issues Making Policy Shaping Opinions Ardsley NY
117 14) Glasgow University Media Group 15) framing Iyengar Simon Transactional Publishers 2002 Glasgow University Media Group War and Peace News Milton Keynes Open University Press 1985 Gadi Wolfsfeld Media and Political Conflict News from the Middle East Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1997 Philip Schlesinger Graham Murdock and Philip Elliott Televising Terrorism Political Violence in Popular Culture London Comedia Publishing Group 1983 Graham Murdock Political Deviance The Press Presentation of a Militant Mass Demonstration in Stanley Cohen and Jock Young eds The Manufacture of News rev ed London Constable 1981 Paul Hartmann and Charles Husband The Mass Media and Racial Conflict in Stanley Cohen and Jock Young eds The Manufacture of News rev ed London Constable 1981 14 Todd Gitlin The Whole World is Watching Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left Berkeley CA University of California Press 1980 15 Glasgow University Media Group Bad News London Routledge Kegan Paul 1976 Glasgow University Media Group More Bad News London Routledge Kegan Paul Glasgow University Media Group Really Bad News London Writers and Readers
118 themativc frame episodic frame 16) alternative media alternative to 16 S Iyengar and A Simon News Coverage of the Gulf and Public Opinion A Study of Agenda Setting Priming and Framing Communication Research Vol 20 No 3 1993 pp 365 383
119 17) John Downing radical Media 18) 19) Raymond Williams skills capitalization 17 Tim O Sullivan et al Key Concepts in Communication and Cultural Studies 2nd ed London Routledge 1994 p 10 18 John Downing Radical Media The Political Experience of Alternative Communication Boston MA South End Press 1984 19 Royal Commission on the Press Periodicals and the Alternative Press London HMSO 1977 Chris Atton Alternative media London Sage 2002 p 12
120 control 20) Rodriguez citizens communication 21) Stephen Dunscombe assimilating 20 Raymond Williams Means of Communication as Means of Production in Problems in Materialism and Culture London Verso 1980 pp 50 63 21 Clemencia Rodriguez The Bishop and His Star Citizens Communication in Southern Chile in Nick Couldry and James Curran eds Contesting Media Power Alternative Media in a Networked World Lanham MD Rowman Littlefield 2003
121 22) communicative competence 22 Stephen Duscombe Notes from Underground Zines and the Politics of Alternative Culture London Verso 1997 p 127 Atton op cit p 18
123 underground
124 zine agenda setting
125 1980 1980 23) 1990 23 1990
126 TV 1988 1980 1990 1989 1993 1999 24)
127 2000 2 8 10 25) 26) 27) 42 3 28) 24 2005 p 100 25 2000 11 9 26 2005 p 272 27 op cit p 84 28 45 2 2001 pp 141 142
128 1 29) 18 18 29 1 2005
129 30) 30 2002
130 31) 10 10 32) 1990 31 10 1998 pp 189 215 32 1997 5
131 33) 33 60 8 16 5 1996 6
132 34) 35) 34 3 1996 8 p 43 35 Stuart Hall The Rediscovery of Ideology Return of the Repressed in Media Studies in Gurevitch et al eds Culture Society and the Media London Methuen 1982
133 36) 1992 1994 1996 37) 36 1990 6 1989 6 37 1 1997 9
134 a b 3 a a a b a a 38) 38 10 1998 pp 97 99
136 1990 professionalism
138 1 2005 2005 45 2 2001 1990 6 2005 10 1998 10 1998 1990 2002 1 1997 9 3 1996 8 1997 5 1996 6 1989 6 Atton Chris Alternative Media London Sage Publications 2002 Downing John Radical Media The Political Experience of Alternative Communication Boston MA South End Press 1984 Gilboa Eytan ed Media and Conflict Framing Issues Making Policy Shaping Opinions Ardsley NY Transactional Publishers 2002 Gitlin Todd The Whole World is Watching Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left Berkeley CA University of California Press 1980
139 Glasgow University Media Group Bad News London Routledge Kegan Paul 1976 More Bad News London Routledge Kegan Paul Really Bad News London Writers and Readers War and Peace News Milton Keynes Open University Press 1985 Hall Stuart Encoding Decoding in Hall S et al eds Culture Media Language Working Papers in Cultural Studies 1972 1979 London Hutchinson CCCS 1980 The Rediscovery of Ideology Return of the Repressed in Media Studies in Gurevitch et al eds Culture Society and the Media London Methuen 1982 Hallin Daniel C and Mancini Paolo Comparing Media Systems Three Models of Media and Politics Cambridge Cambridge University Press 2004 Hartmann Paul and Husband Charles The Mass Media and Racial Conflict in Cohen Stanley and Young Jock eds The Manufacture of News rev ed London Constable 1981 Ingber Stanley The Marketplace of Ideas A Legitimizing Myth Duke Law Journal February 1984 pp 1 91 Iyengar S and Simon A News Coverage of the Gulf and Public Opinion A Study of Agenda Setting Priming and Framing Communication Research Vol 20 No 3 1993 pp 365 383 Milton John Areopagitica A Speech of Mr John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicensed Printing to the Parliament of England London 1644 1999
140 Mudock Graham Political Deviance The Press Presentation of a Militant Mass Demonstration in Cohen Stanley and Young Jock eds The Manufacture of News rev ed London Constable 1981 Napoli Philip M Foundations of Communications Policy Principles and Process in the Regulation of Electronic Media Creskill NJ Hampton Press 2001 Negt Oskar Kluge Alexander The Proletarian Public Sphere in Mattelart Armand Siegelaub Seth eds Communication and Class Struggle vol 2 Liberation Socialism New York International General 1972 1983 pp 92 94 O Sullivan Tim et al Key Concepts in Communication and Cultural Studies 2nd ed London Routledge 1994 Rodriguez Clemencia The Bishop and His Star Citizens Communication in Southern Chile in Couldry Nick and Curran James eds Contesting Media Power Alternative Media in a Networked World Lanham MD Rowman Littlefield 2003 Schlesinger Philip Murdock Graham and Elliott Philip Televising Terrorism Political Violence in Popular Culture London Comedia Publishing Group 1983 Williams Raymond Means of Communication as Means of Production Problems in Materialism and Culture London Verso 1980 pp 50 63 Wolfsfeld Gadi Media and Political Conflict News from the Middle East Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1997
141 Abstract Mainstream Media, Alternative Media and Social Conflict Im, Yung-ho (Pusan National University) The notion of alternative media originates from the liberalist ideal of the marketplace of ideas. However, the distinction between the mainstream and laternative media itself testifies the insuperable cleavage between the ideal and reality of the market. Consequently, it is necessary to examine major issues regarding Milton s metaphor, such as the potential conflict between the marketplace of ideas and that of commodities, the multifarious nature of the notion of diversity, and the structural dependency of the media on social system. In view of those factors, it seems inevitable that the mainstream media has intrinsic limitations in the portrayal of social conflicts involving diverse social groups. As far as the media try to meet the needs of the majority to survive fierce competition, the market may function as a filtering mechanism by which the minority views are systematically disfavored. Subsequently, alternative media may seek to represent the voices of minorities, pursue less hierarchical and professional mode of production, or develop what Rodriquez called citizens media by which the audience finds opportunity for participation and formation of identity. In Korea, diverse forms of alternative media appeared since the 1990s, such as what I call the Hankyorae(progressive daily), the Ohmynews (citizens media), the labor-press, and the Blog types, respectively. Despite the overall prosperity of alternative
142 media movements, the labor-press type was especially the least visible, thus failing to reflect the politically minor views regarding social issues. Also, the current financial predicament of Hankyorae testifies how difficult it is for a progressive daily to survive in the market. Thus, I argue that we needs to deliberate ways to diversify alternative media of labor-press types, so that they may represent the interests and views of the concerned groups in issues of conflicts.