: :,. 1961,.,,.,,. :..,,,,..,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,.,.
.,,.,,.,,.,. ( ).. ( )... (Phy sical M edicine and Rehabilitation ). (Chemical therapy ), (Phy sical th erapy ), (P sy chological therapy ), (Surgical therapy ) 4. (Phy siatry ) (Phy siatrist ). (, In ability ) (, Ability ). (H abilitation ). ( ) (, Dis - ability ). (, Re- ) (, h abilitation ) (Rehabilitation ). ( ) ( ). ( ), ( ). ( ) ( ) ( ), ( ). (, ) ( ). (Los s of fun ction ) ( ), 1980 (W H O) (ICIDH, Internation al Classification of Impairm ent s, Disabilities an d Han dicap s ), (organ ) (per son al) (social). (Impairm ent ), (Disability ),
(Han dicap ). (impairm ent ), (disability ), (han dicap ). (impairm ent ), (h andicap ).. (disability ) (han dicap ). (disability ) 100%. (Impairment ) (Disability ) (Handicap ) 1980 W HO (ICIDH ), 1991 IOM (In stitute of M edicin e) Impairm ent, F un ction al Limitation, Disability. (H an dicap ). 1...,,,,,,..,,,.
. 2. (Function oriented).,.,,. (Comprehen siv e).,,,,, (, ), (self- care),, (v ocation al). (T eam approach ). 1 : 1, ( ) (care recipients ) (Paramedical specialists ) (care prov ider s ). 3. (rehabilitation outcom e). 1) (Potential). (stroke) 10%, 10%, 80%. 10%., (low er ex tremity amputee)..
. 2) (M otiv ation ) (participatory ). (discipline or practice).. (m otiv ation ).. 3) (F amily an d Social Support ) ( ),,,. (social support ). (disability ) (han dicap )... 4) (Good Reh abilitation T eam ) (disability ) (handicap ). (param edical specialists ),.. (reh abilitation hospital), (rehabilitation center, (departm ent of reh abilitation m edicin e), (rehabilitation facilities ) (param edical spicialist s ).. 1.. (stroke), (traum atic brain injury ), (spinal cord injury ), 9cerebral palsy ).
... (assistan ce) (superv ision )..... 24. (follow up home care program ). 24,,,,. 2. (Phy s iatris t ) ( ) ( ), ( ) (E.M.G), (Cybex ), (Urodynamic Study an d Cy stom etry ), (DIT I, Digital Infrared T herm ographic Im agin g ), (M otion A naly sis T est0, (X - ray ), (C.T.), (M.R.I.), (Nu clear M edicin e), (Ultrasoun d ), (An giography ), (E.E.G.)... 3. (Reh abilitation N urs e ).,,.,
(A uton omic Hyperreflex ia ) (, Urine ) (Catheter ). 24,,,.. (Gen eral Practition er )'.. (Hy gienic F actors ) (Per son al Hy giene ). (Environm ental F actors ) ( ) ( ),, (Infection Control), (Safety ). (U se of A daptiv e Dev ice), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), (A daptiv e Devices ). (Prev ention of Complication ) (In activ ity ). (Optimal Independen ce),. (Integratin g the therapies into daily activities ),,. (M edication M an agem ent ). 4. (, P hy s ical T h erapis t ) (, M obility ). ( ),, (W heel ch air ),,,.
. (Hot pack, or Cold pack ), (Infrared ), (Ultraviolet ), (Paraffin bath ), (Ultrasound ), (Microw av e), (Electric Stimulation T herapy ), (Laser ), (Hy droth erapy ), (T raction ). (Contracture), (Mu scle Stren gthenin g Ex ercise), (Low Back Ex ercise), (Prosthetic A mbulation T rainin g ), (Respiratory Ex ercise), (Pow er Ex ercise). 5. (, Occupation al T h erapis t ) (occupation ) (v ocation ), (, A ctivities of Daily Livin g, ADL).. (Eatin g ), (Dressin g ), (Grooming ), (W a shing ), (Bathin g ), (T oiletin g ).. (Paraly sis of Upper Ex tremity ), (Upper Ex tremity Amputee), (hand Surg ery ), (Burn s ), (Cardio- pulm on ary ), (Rh eum atoid Arthritis ), (P sy chosis ). 6. (, S pe ech T h erapis t ) (, Speech Pathologist ). (Hum an Communication ),,,. (Left h emisphere) (Right Hemiplegia ) (g esture ), (, pantomim e), (picture), (Right h emisphere) (Left H emiplegia ) (V erbal an d w ritten cu es ). (, Sw allow in g ). 7. (P s y ch olog is t ).
,..... 8. (, R ecre ation T h erapis t ),.,,,,,,,,,. 9. (Pro s th etis t an d Orth otis t ) (, Prosthetist ), (, Orthotist ),,,, (Brace ). (design ) (fabrication 0 (, fitting ).,,.,. 10. (, Clinical S ocial W ork er )..,,,,. 11. (, V ocation al Coun s elor ).,, (job - related behavior ),,.
(, W ork Ev aluator ),.. (, W ork T rainer ).. 12. (, T each er of S pecial E du c ation ).. 3 1,., (T utor ). 13. (, N utritionis t ).. 14., (Audiologist ), (Religiou s Coun selor ), (, Correctiv e T herapist ), (Mu sic T herapist ), (H orticultural T h erapist ). (potential for recov ery ) (m edical and surgical m an ag em ent ),,.
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