(Newcastle University) 理 (nautical/navigational metaphor) (John Donne, 1572-1631) 屢見不 歷 來 倫 理 切 連 論 留 了不 1 麗 年 (1558-1603) 麗 倫 識 2 年 (1912) 年 Herbert Grierson 說 理 3 (Izaak Walton, 1593-1683) (The Life of John Donne, 1640, 1658) 說 旅行 4 論 羅利 (Sir Walter Raleigh, 1552-1618) A Report of the Fight about the Azores (1591) The Discovery of the Large, Rich, and Beautiful Empire of Guiana (1596) 5 兩度 參 旅 1596 年 6 (Cádiz) 行 5000 6000 更 行 (gentlemen voluntaries) 金 6 1597 年 7 度 領 麗 塞 (Robert Devereux, 2 nd Earl of Essex, 1566-1601) 1 The Wanderer The Seafarer 六 錄 (Tottel s Miscellany, 1557) 錄 To Her Sea-faring Lover 識 Rule, rule, Britanica (James Thomson 1740) 2 Milton Allan Rugoff, Donne s Imagery: A Study in Creative Sources (New York: Russell & Russell, 1962) 129. 3 Herbert Grierson, ed., The Poems of John Donne, 2 vols (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1912) 2.6. 4 Izaak Walton, Lives of Donne and Herbert, ed., S. C. Roberts (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1949) 11. 參見 John Sparrow, The Dates of Donne s Travels, in Theodore Spencer, ed., A Garland for Donne, 1631-1931 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1931) 123-51. 5 羅利 見 羅利 牢 倫 (The Tower of London) 參見 Marjorie Hope Nicolson, Science and Imagination (Ithaca: Great Seals Books, 1956) 71. 6 Edward Le Comte, Grace to a Witty Sinner: A Life of Donne (New York: Walker, 1965) 28. 行 (Lord Keeper of the Great Seal) Sir Thomas Egerton (1540?-1617, 1596 年 5 ) 參見 Dictionary of National Biography, 5.1130. 1
(the Islands Voyage) (the Azores) 兩 9 塞 7 見 見 旅行 (the grand tour) (Francis Bacon, 1561-1626) 論 ( Of Travel ) 年 ( Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education ) 來 拉 理 (The Republic) (488a-489a) 羅 (Ovid, 43 B.C-17 A.D) 戀 (The Amores) ( 2.4 2.10) 了 利 復 拉 (Petrarch, 1304-1374) (Rime Sparse) 189 235 8 麗 (Edmund Spenser, 1552-1599) (Amoretti) 34 (Philip Sidney, 1554-86) (The Old Arcadia) (the fourth eclogues) 不例 (The Advancement of Learning) (letters) (ships) 9 復 (Instauratio Magna, 1620) 羅 (the Strait of Gibraltar) 識 里 (George Puttenham, d. 1590) (The Arte of English Poesie, 1589) 領 10 (love elegy) ( Loues Progresse ) 讀 Whoe euer loues, if hee doe not propose The right true end of loue; Hee s one which goes To sea, for nothing, but to make him sick. (1-3) ( 了 不 了 暈 ) 11 7 James Winny, A Preface to Donne, rev. ed (London: Longman, 1981) 18. 8 參見 Robert M. Durling, trans., Petrarch s Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard UP, 1976). 9 Arthur Johnston, ed., The Advancement of Learning and New Atlantis (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1974) 59 (The First Book, VIII. 6). 10 Gladys Doidge Willcock and Alice Walker, eds., The Arte of English Poesie (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1936), 187 (Ch. 18). 11 (The Elegies) The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, vo2, The Elegies, gen. ed., Gary Stringer (Bloomington and Indianapolis: 2
行 了 ( the right true end of loue ) 30 行 The Browe becalmes vs, when t is smooth, and plaine And when t is wrinckled shipwracks vs againe; Smooth, t is a Paradise, where wee would haue Immortall stay, and wrinckled, tis our Graue. The nose like to the first Meridian runns Not twixt an East, and West, but twixt two Sunns; It leaues a Cheeke, a rosie Hemisphere On either side, and then directs vs, where Vppon the Ilands Fortunate wee fall (Not faint Canarye, but Ambrosiall) Her swelling lipps, To which when wee are come We anchor there, and think our selues at home; For they seeme all: There Syrens songs, and there Wise Delphique Oracles doe fill the eare. There in a Creeke, where chosen Pearles doe swell, The Remora, her cleving tongue doth dwell. These and the glorious Promontorie, her Chinn Or epast; And the strait Hellespont, betweene The Sestos, and Abydos of her Breasts, Not of twoe Louers, but two loues the neasts, Succeeds a boundles Sea; but that thine eye Some Iland moles may scatte red there descrie: And sayling towards her India, in that way Shall at her faire Atlantique Nauell stay. Though thence the Currant bee thy Pilot made Yet ere thou bee, where thou would st bee embay ed, Thou shalt vpon another forrest sett, Where some doe shipwrack, and noe further gett. When thou art there, consider what this Chase Mispent by thy beginning at the face. (43-72) ( 浪 Indiana UP, 2000) 14 ( 論 ) 3
落 說 樂 ( ) 了老 羅 流 隆 麗 拉 塞 ( 利 ) 羅 度 亮 令 流領 林 屢見 不 林 ) 若 30 行不 ( 96 行 ) (trunk) 例 理 更 女 (topography of the female body) (wit) 兩 (juxtaposition) 理 女 不論 流 讀 了 女 理 (geographical landscape) 女 (sensuality) 麗 理 (miniature) 女 了 ( 女 ) ( 女 ) (zoom in/out) 若 (defamiliarisation) 念 4
20 Victor Shklovsky Boris Tomashevsky / 讀 (habitulisation /automatisation) (the familiar) (unfamiliarity) 裸 女 類 (the familiar) 女 女 來 (the unfamiliar) 兩 行 女 見 不 了 ( we us ) 了 連串 了 女 becalmes ( 43 行 ) Shipwracks ( 44 行 ) achor ( 54 行 ) sayling ( 65 行 ) embay ed ( 68 行 ) 數 (we us) ( Loues Progresse ) progresse (state journey made by a king) 來 行 (in progress) 歷 見 (the royal we) 行 領 12 (physical odyssey) (revocatio) 來 女 了 讀 讀 Rather sett out belowe; Practice my arte, Some simmetrie the foote hath with that Part Which thou dost seeke, and is thy Mapp for that, Louely enough to stopp, but not stay att. (73-76) ( 不 切 索 不 ) 例 令 ( The Prohibition ) 六 ( On his Mistris ) 了 立異 讀 若 異 (sheer wit) 12 里 (Robert Herrick, 1591-1674) The Description of a Woman 里 女 理 / 見 里 參 L. C. Martin, ed., The Poetical Works of Robert Herrick (Oxford: Clarendon P, 1956) 405. 5
若 見 來 良 念 13 力 14 類 女 / 理 (topography/geography of the female body) 不 ( What tongue can her perfections tell ) (The Comedy of Errors, 3.2.113 ff) 兩 女 旅行 略 不 復 例 讀 讀 陸 (Ars Amatoria) Let not thy Mistris vse too swift a saile, Nor let thy hast beyond her speed peruaile: Both keepe one course, your oares together strike, Your iourney on then, make your pace alike. (Ars., 2.988-991) ( 兩 兩櫓 行 度 ) 15 臨 若 論 行 不 來 若 兩 異 saile, oares, iourney (tenor) 女 落 女 (treasure-hunting) 若參 (Ars., 2.949-999) 讀 不 (militarism) (navigation) 落 列 Hector (2.959) Achilles (2.962) 說 不 落 羅 (virility) 力 女 旅 13 The concept of up is connected with the concepts of nobility, purity, goodness, while the concept of down is tinged with shades of baseness, coarseness, impurity, evil.spatial concepts are indissolubly bound up with religious and moral concepts ; see A. J. Gurevich, Categories of Medieval Culture, trans. G. L. Campbell (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1985) 72. 見 (the Song of Solomon) 7 1-9 路 ( ) 類 14 見劉 (465-521) 龍 15 參見 M. L. Stapleton, ed., Thomas Heywood s Art of Love: The First Complete English Translation of Ovid s Ars Amatoria (Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 2000) 101. (Thomas Heywood, 1574?-1641) 讀 A Woman Kilde with Kindnesse The Fair Maid of the West The English Traveller 6
女 契 說 (the art of love) (the science of lust) 16 陸 復 類 (human topography) 說 拉 雷 (F. Rabelais,1494-1553) (Gargantua and Pantagruel) 例 17 2 32 呂 (Pantagruel) (as a mother hen protects her chicks) 18 Alcofrybas 呂 了 了 6 糧 若 (a whole new world) 索 (St. Sophia s Cathedral in Constantinople) Throattown Larynx Pharynx (mouth-kingdom) 19 (body-landscape) 拉 雷 兩 (another world) 說 識 女 度 (65 行 ) 行 拉 雷 若 蘭 (Touraine) 陸 20 兩 異 見 拉 雷 (burlesque) (grotesque) 了旅行 (journey) (treasure-hunting) (conquest) (eroticism) 契 女 拉 雷 更 行 更 讀 不 了 例 來 露 (cartography) ( The good-morrow ) ( Hymne to God my God, in my sicknesse ) 理 理 勒 (Johannes Kepler, 1571-1630) 16 N. J. C. Andreasen, John Donne: Conservative Revolutionary (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1967) 118. 17 來 (12 ) 度 讀 不 讀 拉 雷 參見 R. C. Bald, John Donne: A Life (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1970) 39, 121. 18 F. Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel, trans. Burton Raffel (New York: W. W. Norton, 1990) 230. 19 理論 Erich Auerbach 拉 雷 臘 盧 ( 琉 Lucian, 125-180) (Verae Historiae) 落 (1.30 ff) 參見 Erich Auerbach, Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature, trans. Willard R. Trask (Princeton: Princeton UP, 1953) 267. 20 Auerbach 268. 7
論 (De stella nove, 1606) 21 (Sebastian Münster, 1488-1552) (Cosmographia, 1544 1578 年 Basel ) 錄了 Johannes Bucian (1537) 女 22 蘭 (Giuseppe Arcimboldi Arcimboldo, 1527-1593) (The Four Elements) (The Four Seasons) 烈 23 若讀 ( No man is an island ) (anthropomorphic island) 不 兩 來 (a veritable landscape-head a la Arcimboldi) 24 見 年 (1591 年 年 20) 老 (1631 年 年 60 不 ) 六 見 暴 ( The Storme ) 利 (Nicholas Hilliard, 1547-1619) 25 立 (1630 年 12 13 ) 見 26 弄 女 領 (a self-sufficient realm) 讀 見 弄 女 弄 理 女 (thought) 女 了 女 ( Loves growth ) 說 沈 ( Love sometimes would contemplate, sometimes do, l. 14) 拉 ( 60 行 ) 21 Geoffrey Keynes, More Books from the Library of John Donne, The Book Collector 26 (1977), 29 羅 拉 (Ignatius His Conclave, 1611 拉 ) 參見 John Hayward, ed., John Donne Dean of St. Pauls : Complete Poetry and Selected Prose (London: The Nonesuch Press, 1942) 359 不 刺 羅 拉 (Somnium) (I suspect that the author of that impudent satire, the Conclave of Ignatius, has got hold of this little work, for he pricks me by name in the very beginning.) 參見 Nicolson 63, 67. 拉 Nicolson 22 Bald 558 I. A. Shapiro, Donne, the Parvishes, and Munster s Cosmographia, Notes and Quaries (July, 1966): 243-48 Claude Gandelman, The Poem as Map: John Donne and the Anthropomorphic Landscape Tradition, Arcadia 19 (1984): 244-51, 245-47. 23 見 參見 旅行 北 2005 年 201 24 Gandelman 248 參 Gandelman, Fig. 5. Landscape-head arcimboldianism 25 暴 3 4 行 / 利 留 And, a hand, or eye / By Hilliard drawne, is worth an history 26 Bald 523. 8
度 ( 65 行 ) 樂 ( 利 51 行 ) 讀 見 見 說 (translate his feelings and states of mind into precise and objective terms terms, one might say, characteristic of science) 27 了 度 契 讀 說 了 (Space is the form of perception which underlines all world impressions) 28 (a Faustian soul, Limitless Space) 來 便旅 29 戀 (praeceptor amoris, tutor of love ) 女 讀 了 女 落 論 (irony) 若 來 ( 2 行 ) ( 36 行 ) (a non-stop trip) 讀 不 易 不 (shock) 見 若 落 理 拓 ( The good-morrow ) 1613 年 行 ( Goodfriday, 1613. Riding Westward ) 念 (a safe enclosure) 類 ( The Flea ) 不 ( A Valediction: forbidding Mourning ) 念 兩 兩.. (Take a flat Map, a Globe in plano, and here is East, and ther is West, as far asunder as two points can be put: but this flat Map to roundnesse, which is the true form, and then East and West touch one another, and are all one.the womb and the grave are but one point birth, 27 Rugoff 46. 28 Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, vol. 1. Form and Actuality, trans., Charles Francis Atkinson (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980) 169. 29 Spengler 337. 9
and death is all one) 30 念 更 了 遼 論 理論 什拉 (Gaston Bachelard) 更 31 力 讀 女 索 不吝 露 六 句 說 ( my words masculine persuasive force, l. 4) 利 ( Loves Vsury ) 說 留 ( Love, let my body reign, and let/ Me travel, sojourn, snatch, plot, have, forget, l. 5-6) 30 G. R. Potter and E.M. Simpson, eds., The Sermons of John Donne, 10 vols. (Berkeley: U of California P, 1953-62) 2.199-200. 念 參見 Maria J. Pando Canteli, The Poetics of Space in Donne s Love Poetry, John Donne Journal 19 (2000): 45-57. 31 At times, we think ourselves in time, when all we know is a sequence of fixations in the spaces of the being s stability ; see Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, trans., Maria Jolas (Boston: Beacon Press, 1969) 8. 10