???.,,... 2).,, (unitary).,..,,,. 3) 2), ( 25). 3) -, -,,.

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42 2 (2010): 43-74 (Freedom House) (political rights) (civil liberties) 58 2010 45. 1),? * 2010 ( ) (NRF-2010-327-B00027). 1) 58 LeDuc et. al, Table 1.2: 10-12. 2000 58 www.ipu.org/parline ( 2010 9 5 ).

???.,,... 2).,, (unitary).,..,,,. 3) 2), ( 25). 3) -, -,,.

.. (public leadership). 4) ( )... 5).,,. 6) 4) Edwards 241-254. 5). 1828 1996 Conley 2001, 54, Table 4.1. Kernell 179. 6),.. 45

4. 2 :,. 3 : 2. 1952 2008 20,. (mandate). 2 3. ( - 118). 2,., 2 1, 2 (Vestiture Clause). 7) (general),

. (air-tight compartments) ( - 99). 8)., (political question). (Lindsay) (184). (constitutional question). 9),. 7) 1 1 All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. 2 1 The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.... 8),. 9) (Shane) (governmental audacity) (18). 47

2 (judicial activism). (judicialization of politics). 10).. < 1>. < 1>,,. (advice and consent). 11). 12) 10) W. (2005 11 10 The Federalist Society Hamburger 209 ). 11), He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two-thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls,...,(). 12).,. 4, Auerwald 44.

< 1> - (2 2 - : : : & : 1 ) - (2 3 ) -[ ] (2 2 2 ) -[ ] (2 2 2 ) -: with a stroke of a pen -: > - & (2 3 ) -: (2 3 ) - (2 3 ) - (2 2 3 ) - (2 3 ) - (2 3 ) - (2 2 1 ) -: rally-round-the-flag -: (public leadership) (1 8 ) : - - - ( 2/3 ) - ( ) -:, & -: & & ( ) - - - - 13) - - - - : * 1 8 * -: 1. (express powers):. 2. : (inherent powers) (implied 13) 1 8 -. 49

powers). 3. :. 20 (executive agreement) (gentlemen s agreement).. 14) (divided government). 15),,.. ( - 110). 16) 14) (NAFTA) (KORUS FTA). 15) W. (2002~2006, 108 109 ) -. Conley 2009, 168. 16) United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. (1936) Fisher 9.

2. 17) 2 3,. 10. 10 (pocket veto). 2/3. 18) (Virginia) (vesting clause). 1 1. 1. 2 1. 19) 17) Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer 343 U.S. (1952),. 18) 7 10.,. 2/3 3/4 2/3. 19) (Virginia) (president) (Committee of Detail). 36, 3. 51

1 (enumerated power). 20). (prerogative power).. 21) 20. 22),,. 20) Nelson 51-59, The Pacificus-Helvidius Letters (1793). Nelson 10-14, Letters of Cato, Nos. 4 and 5 (1787). 21) (separate institutions). - 44-45, Neustadt 35. 22) (Virginia) (New Jersey). (Pinckney) 2 3. Farrand 157.

. 23)...,. (express power), (inherent power) (implied power)., (executive prerogatives)...,. 24) 23). Edwards 366. 53

.,,,. 25),. 26), (constitutional presidency).,,. < 2>.. 1920 24) (building blocks),. Cronin and Genovese 106-111. 25) Azari 2007, 3 Conley 2001, 10. 26) Buchanan 16.

.. 27) (Hamiltonian) - (Madisonian-Jeffersonian).,... 28) 27) Mead 99-131, 174-217.. 28) 1800. (Aaron Burr). 12 (unitary presidency) 1804. 1860 (Southern Democrats) (Constitutional Union) 111 180 1864 81. Nelson 95-99, Abraham Lincoln s Letter to Albert G. Hodges (1864). 55

-. 1 29) < 2> Madisonian-Jeffersonian - - -, (Barbary) 2 -, 3 Hamiltonian - -, 4 -, (Embargo Act) 4 -, 3 -, 5 - - - 1. Milkis and Nelson 2008 Nelson 2008. 2.. 3. 2/3 29) Silverman 8.

.. 4. 1,.. 5....,,,,,. 30). 31) < 3> 30) 40~50 80~90. 31) (information and discernment) 57

(Jacksonian) (Wilsonian). < 3> 1 Jacksonian 2 Wilsonian 3 - - - - - 1. Mead and Leone 2002 Nelson 2008. 2..,.. ( 1832 ). Azari 2009, 16-18, Nelson 91-94. 3.. ( 40)..

... Gould 49-54, Pestritto 127-203.,,. United States v. Curtiss-Wright Export Corp., 299 U.S. 304 (1936). 32).,. 33) 1970,. 34) 32) Stack and Campbell 25. 33) W. [] 34) Koh 160, Silverstein 124. 59

. 35).,,,. 36)..,..,. (authority) (influence). 37), 35).. Preston 363. 36). 28,,,. Jones 254, Table 7-1, 256-257. 37) (authority) (formal powers) (personal influence) (power).

(separated institutions sharing powers).. 38), (statesman) (politician).,,.. (mandate)... 39)..,.., Neustadt 7. 38), (Neustadt 34). 39) Aberbach 8-9. 61

.. 40).,. 20. (powers) (influence),,, (constitutional mandate) (Dahl 365). 41) (constitutional prerogatives).. 42) 40) (Fenno s paradox). 41) (pseudodemocratization). 42),..

(mandates)... 43). < 1>. (1988) (1960), (1976), (1984), W. (2004). 44). 45) (1948) (1992). (constitutional Shane 27-55. 43) "(myth)" (Grossback et al. 190). 44) Conley 2001, 146-166. 45) Gould 170-190. 63

mandate) W. (2000). 46) < 1> : Guide to U.S. Elections, 6 th ed. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc. (2009). 1. (%): (popular vote) 2. (%): (electoral vote) 3. /(%): / 4. (*).. 5. 1948-2008 ( ) : 1946-1948 (80 ), 1954-1960 (84-86 ), 1968-1976 (91-94 ), 1980-1992 (97-102, 97-99 ), 1994-2002 (104-106, 107 ), 2006-2008 (110 ) 46) W.. Hamburger and Wallsten 137-163.

. 47)..,. 9-11 W. 2.. 48) 21 (communications operation),., (going public). 47) Campbell and Steinberg 26. 48). Kumar 283. 65

,.,..... 49),,..... 49) Spitzer 94, Silverstein 140.

..,.,. 50),,.,. 51). (pendulum) (polarization) W... 50) Rozell and Sollenberger 209. 51).. Jentleson 146-147. 67

..... (superiority)..?,,.. 주제어 :,,,,,,., :, 2006.. -. 13 (1997): 23-43.

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Abstract Okyeon Yi In this paper, I argue that the principle of separation of power in foreign policy under presidentialism invites a blind spot in American democracy. Although the Constitution specifies separation of power both in the conduct of domestic and foreign affairs, independent elections of President and legislators differentiate the kind of collective mandates on Capitol Hill from the unitary mandate bestowed upon President, thus prompting him to proclaim public leadership. The key to a successful governing, then, lies in the art of pursuing separated institutions sharing powers persistently. However, the realm of foreign affairs poses a more challenging task, both constitutionally and politically, than its counterpart in domestic policy. Furthermore, we came to witness a modern presidency whose relentless claim on mandate, or what is dubbed as judicialization of politics, was found irrelevant to the electoral outcome itself, thus creating a peril in constitutional presidency. In this paper, I explore this paradox in American democracy by comparing across constitutional and political sources of such claims. Key Words: American democracy, presidentialism, separation of power, foreign policy, public leadership, mandate, judicialization of politics 73

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