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제 출 문 경상북도 경산시 농업기술센터 귀하 본 보고서를 6차산업수익모델시범사업 농산물가공품개발 연구용역 과제의 최종보고서로 제출합니다 년 11 월 19 일 주관연구기관명 : 영남대학교 총괄연구책임자 : 한 기 동 연 구 원 : 김 상 욱 이 수 형 이 상

Transcription: 2014 한국육종학회 차세대 BG21 사업단 골든씨드프로젝트사업단 공동심포지엄 주제 : 생산성향상을위한식물육종전략 Plant Breeding Strategies for Improvement of Productivity 일시 2014 년 7 월 2( 수 ) ~ 4 일 ( 금 ) 장소 라마다플라자제주호텔 주 최 사단법인한국육종학회 공동주관 식물분자육종사업단, GM 작물실용화사업단 /KBIC, 차세대유전체연구사업단, 골든씨드프로젝트 ( 식량종자사업단, 채소종자사업단, 원예종자사업단 ), 제주대학교아열대원예산업연구소, 국립식량과학원 후 원 한국과학기술단체총연합회, 한국농식품생명과학협회, 농촌진흥청, 국립산림과학원

Program 2014 한국육종학회 - 차세대 BG21 사업단 - 골든씨드프로젝트사업단공동심포지엄 2014 년 7 월 2( 수 ) ~ 4( 금 ), 라마다플라자제주호텔 1일째 [2014. 7. 2. 수 ] 차세대바이오그린21 사업단식물분자육종사업단워크숍등록및포스터부착 ( 장소 : 로비 ) 13:00~18:00 식물분자육종사업단발표 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 1홀 ) 18:00~20:00 만찬 2 일째 [2014. 7. 3. 목 ] 09:00~17:00 공동심포지엄학술발표회등록및포스터부착 ( 장소 : 로비 ) 08:30~11:00 식물분자육종사업단발표 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 1 홀 ) 11:00~12:30 한국육종학회확대이사회 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 4 홀 ) 09:00~11:20 GSP 채소종자사업단 GSP 원예종자사업단 골든씨드프로젝트발표 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 3 홀 ) GSP 식량종자사업단 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 2 홀 ) 학술강연및포스터발표 13:00~13:10 개회식 ( 한국육종학회장인사 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 ) 좌장 : 임용표 ( 충남대학교 ) 13:10~13:50 Plant Breeding in the European Community: economical, societal and academic aspects Christian Jung (Germany society of plant breeding, Germany) 13:50~14:30 SNP genotyping to accelerate crop breeding Michael Thomson (International Rice Research Institute, Philippines) 14:30~14:50 휴식 좌장 : 노일섭 ( 순천대학교 ) 14:50~15:30 Plant defense mechanism after flooding Ming-Che Shih (Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Taiwan) 15:30~16:10 Wheat breeding for drought resistance in Japan Hisashi Tsujimoto (Tottori University, Japan) 16:10~16:20 휴식 좌장 : 최임수 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 16:20~17:00 The importance of the natural variation in the plant circadian clock to enhance crop productivity under high temperature environments 김태성 ( 공주대학교 ) 17:00~17:40 맞춤형품종개발을위한유전체기반분자육종플랫폼개발및활용 김율호 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 17:40~18:10 정기총회 & 학회상, 경산육종학회상시상 18:10~19:00 분과별포스터발표 ( 장소 : 로비 ) 19:00~21:00 리셉션 i

3 일째 [2014. 7. 4. 금 ] 구두발표 & 차세대바이오그린 21 사업단 분과별구두발표 08:30~10:30 A. 수량및저항성육종좌장 : 박순기 ( 국립농업과학원 ), 강병철 ( 서울대학교 ) B. 품질육종및유전변이, C. 분자육종및유전공학좌장 : 박광근 ( 국립식량과학원 ), 이효연 ( 제주대학교 ) 작물유전체육종 ( 차세대유전체연구사업단 ) 08:30~09:00 09:00~09:30 09:30~10:00 10:00~10:30 ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 1 홀 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 3 홀 ) 좌장 : 박범석, 김태호 ( 국립농업과학원 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 2 홀 ) 차세대유전체연구사업단의비교유전체연구 개발 박범석 ( 국립농업과학원 ) Distribution of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP) in Major Domestics Rice Cultivars compared to Japonica and Indica Reference Genomes 남백희 ( 명지대학교 ) TGsol : 가지과유전체정보실용화연계인터페이스개발및활용 조성환 (( 주 ) 씨더스 ) Development, Validation, and Utilization of Large Axiom Soybean SNP Genotyping Array 문중경 ( 국립식량과학원 ) 한 중벼육종및육종신기술공동심포지움 (GM 작물실용화사업단 ) 08:30~09:00 09:00~09:30 09:30~10:00 10:00~10:30 좌장 : 박수철, 이강섭 ( 국립농업과학원 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 4 홀 ) Conventional breeding strategy in China Zhong-Ze Piao (Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Science, China) Development and utilization of hybrid rice in China Zhi-Xiang Lu (Anhui Academy of Agricultural Science, China) Current status of rice breeding in Korea and action plan development against transforming environment of rice industry in terms of agronomic trait 김보경 ( 국립식량과학원 ) Global Seed market status and R&D scope 박희영 ( 신젠타코리아 ) 10:30~10:40 휴식 학술강연 좌장 : 강규석 ( 서울대학교 ) ( 장소 : 그랜드볼륨 1 홀 ) 10:40~11:20 Genetic diversity, gene discovery and utilization in woody populations Bernd Degen (Thünen-Institute of Forest Genetics, Germany) 11:20~12:00 벼핵심집단과중요자원의유전체재분석및육종활용 박용진 ( 공주대학교 ) 12:00~12:30 시상식및폐회 ii

Symposium Program Plant Breeding Strategies for Improvement of Productivity Date and Place (2014. 7. 2 ~ 4), RAMADA PLAZA JEJU HOTEL July 2 (Wednesday) 13:00~18:00 Registration and Poster Mounting for PMBC Plant Molecular Breeding Center Worshop (Next-Generation BioGreen21) 18:00~20:00 Dinner July 3 (Thursday) 08:30~11:00 Plant Molecular Breeding Center Worshop (Next-Generation BioGreen21) 09:00~17:00 Registration and Poster Mounting Golden Seed Project workshop 09:00~12:00 Vegetable seed project (chinese cabbage, radish, watermelon, pepper, paprika) Yong Pyo Lim (Chungnam National University) Horticultural seed project (cabbage, tomato, onion, tangerine, lily, mushroom) Ill-Sup Nou (Sunchon National University) Crop seed project (Rice, Potato, Corn) Plenary Lecture & Poster Presentation 13:00~13:20 Opening Ceremony Im-Soo Choi (National Institute of Crop Science) Chair : Yong Pyo Lim (Chungnam National University) 13:20~14:00 Plant Breeding in the European Community: economical, societal and academic aspects Christian Jung (Germany society of plant breeding, Germany) 14:00~14:40 SNP genotyping to accelarate crop breeding Michael Thomson (International Rice Research Institute) 14:40~14:50 Coffee Break Chair : Ill-Sup Nou (Sunchon National University) 14:50~15:30 Plant defense mechanism after flooding Ming-Che Shih (Agricultural Biotechnology Research Center, Taiwan) 15:30~16:10 Wheat breeding for drought resistance in Japan Hisashi Tsujimoto (Tottori University, Japan) 16:10~16:20 Coffee Break Chair : Im-Soo Choi (National Institute of Crop Science) The importance of the natural variation in the plant circadian clock to enhance 16:20~17:00 crop productivity under high temperature environments Tae-Sung Kim (Gongju National University, Korea)) 17:00~17:40 Genomics-assisted breeding platform for designed cultivars 17:40~18:10 Regular General Meeting 18:10~19:00 Poster Presentation Yul-Ho Kim (National Institute of Crop Science, Korea) 19:00~21:00 Dinner iii

Oral Presentation & Plenary Lecture 08:30~10:30 July 4 (Friday) Oral Presentation OA. Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety OB. Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation OC. Molecular breeding and biotechnology Plant Genomics for Breeding (The Agricultural Genome Center) Rice Breeding and its New Technology in Korea and China (The National Center for GM Crops) 10:30~10:40 Coffee Break Plenary Lecture Chair : Kyu-Suk Kang (Seoul National University) 10:40~11:20 Genetic diversity, gene disacovery and utilization in woody populations Bernd Degen (Thünen-Institute of Forest Genetics, Germany) 11:20~12:00 Genome re-sequencing of rice core set for breeding Yong-Jin Park (Gongju National University, Korea) 12:00~12:30 Awards Ceremony & Closing Remark iv

Contents 연사발표 SYMP-01 Plant Breeding in the European Community: economical, societal and academic aspects 3 Christian Jung SYMP-02 Applying High-Throughput SNP Genotyping and Sequencing to Accelerate Progress in Rice Breeding 4 Michael J. Thomson, Christine Jade Dilla-Ermita, Maria Ymber Reveche, Maria Dwiyanti, Geraldine Malitic, Geisha Sanchez, Nadia Vieira, Venice Juanillas, Ramil Mauleon, Bertrand Collard, Joong Hyoun Chin, Eero Nissila SYMP-03 Transcription regulatory pathways associated with hypoxia in Arabidopsis 5 Ming-Che Shih SYMP-04 Germplasm enhancement for wheat breeding for drought tolerance 5 Hisashi Tsujimoto SYMP-05 The importance of the natural variation in the plant circadian clock to enhance crop productivity under high temperature environments 6 Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park, David E. Somers SYMP-06 Genomics-assisted breeding platform for designed cultivars 7 Yul-Ho Kim, Hyang-Mi Park, Tae-Young Hwang, Dongwoo Lee, Sunghoon Lee SYMP-07 Genetic diversity, gene discovery and utilisation in woody populations 7 Bernd Degen SYMP-08 Genome re-sequencing of rice core set for breeding: Practical comparative genomics through whole genome-wide allele mining of agronomic traits 8 Yong-Jin Park, Chang-Yong Lee, Tae-Sung Kim, Boem-Seok Park 구두발표 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) OA-01 수발아검정방법을이용한백립계수발아저항성육종 11 김경훈, 강천식, 김학신, 최인덕, 신상현, 손재한, 유인영, 정영근, 이춘기, 박광근, 박철수 OA-02 Defining the Genome Structure of Tongil Rice, A Cultivar for Korean Green Revolution, Derived from indica japonica Hybridization 12 Backki Kim, Dong-Gwan Kim, Gileung Lee, Jeonghwan Seo, Ik-Young Choi, Beom-Soon Choi, Tae-Jin Yang, Kwang soo Kim, Joohyun Lee, Joong Hyoun Chin, Hee-Jong Koh v

OA-03 OA-04 OA-05 Linkage analysis between Pi45(t) and SPR3 locus, and evaluation of the effect of SPR3 locus on yield-related traits in rice 13 Mark E. Fabreag, Dong-Min Kim, Ju-Won Kang, Soo-Jin Kwon, Yeo-Tae Yun, Sang-Nag Ahn Identification and characterization of a quantitative trait locus, dth9, controlling heading date in rice. 14 Sangshetty Balkunde, Hung-Linh Lee, Dong-Min Kim, Ju-Won Kang, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn Evaluation of wheat type I and II resistance to Fusarium head blight in the greenhouse and field in 2013. 15 Sanghyun Shin, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Jae-Han Son, Hag-Sin Kim, In-Duck Choi, Young-Jin Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Young-Keun Cheong, Choon-Ki Lee OA-06 콩에서싸리수염진딧물저항성유전자탐색 15 유민호, 김성민, 김경륜, 이정동, 정진교, 강성택 OA-07 A New Strawberry, Damhyang with High Sugar Content and Early Harvesting 16 Cheol-Gyu Lee, Pung-Whan Jang, Dong-Hyun Kim, Won-Mo Yang 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) OB-01 GBSS 유전자특성을이용한국수식미개선및밀품종개발 16 강천식, 김경훈, 최인덕, 신상현, 손재한, 김학신, 현종내, 정영근, 이춘기, 박광근, 박철수 OB-02 Natural Variation in OsPRR37 Regulates Heading Date and Contributes to Rice Cultivation at a Wide Range of Latitudes 17 Soo-Cheul Yoo, Bon-Hyuk Koo, Choon-Tak Kwon, Nam-Chon Paek OB-03 Determination of forage quality by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy in soybean 18 Sovetgul Asekova, Sang-Ik Han, Hong-Jip Choi, Sang-jo Park, Dong-Hyun Shin, Chan-Ho Kwon, J. Grover Shannon, Jeong-Dong Lee 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology) OC-01 Identification of a major quantitative trait locus for bakanae disease resistance in rice 19 Yeon-Jae Hur, Saes-Beul Lee, Tae-Heon Kim, Jong-Hee Lee, Dong-Jin Shin, Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, Young-Nam Yoon, Un-Sang Yeo, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park OC-02 분자마커를이용한내병충성유전자복합화계통들의농업적특성 19 서정필, 원용재, 조영찬, 이정희, 안억근, 정응기, 김명기, 김보경 OC-03 Development of diagnostic DNA markers for eating quality of indica rice 20 Yunjoo Lee, Puji Lestari, Rihua Piao, Eunbyeol Koh, Sunmi Jang, Hee-Jong Koh OC-04 QTL mapping for agronomic traits with a RIL population derived from a dent corn x waxy corn cross 20 Kyu Jin Sa, Jong Yeol Park, Ki Jin Park, Ju Kyong Lee vi

OC-05 Development of InDel markers to discriminate common (Fagopyrum esculentum) and tartari (F. tataricum) buckwheat content based on the chloroplast genome sequences 21 Kwang-Soo Cho, Young-Ho Yoon, Su-Young Hong, Bong-Kyoung Yun, Hong-sik Won, Jeong-Ki Jeon 포스터발표 수량및저항성육종 (Breeding for yield increase and resistant variety) PA-01 QTLs for high grain with long panicle under low phosphorus input rainfed condition in rice (O.sativa) 25 Ian Paul Navea, Maria Stefanie Dwiyanti, Chenie Zamora, Katreena Titong, Michael J Thomson, Sunghan Kim, Hee-Jong Koh, Joong Hyoun Chin PA-02 Rice breeding strategy for Africa through KAFACI program in Korea 26 Kang Kyung-Ho, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Jae-ki Chang, Kyung-Rae Cho, Geun-Pyo Lee, Sang-bok Lee, Ji-Ung Jeung PA-03 내병성, 고품질참깨품종 중모 5005 육성 27 황정동, 김성업, 이병규, 이명희, 배석복, 오기원, 심강보, 송득영, 박장환, 백인열 PA-04 준조숙내도복특성의장류 두부용콩신품종 태선 27 김현태, 전명기, 고종민, 이영훈, 한원영, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이병원, 오기원, 신상욱, 정광호, 최만수, 강범규, 김현영 PA-05 Evaluation of Introgression lines derived from a cross between Oryza sativa and O. glaberrima for drought tolerance 28 Ju-Won Kang, Dong-Min Kim, Sangshetty, Hyun-Sook Lee, Sang-Nag Ahn PA-06 항혈전활성이우수한중생다수성찰수수 중모 4002 육성 29 고지연, 정태욱, 김정인, 이재생, 우관식, 송석보, 김기영, 오인석, 곽도연 PA-07 Giant head 형밀육성계통의흰가루병, 붉은곰팡이병저항성검정 29 김경훈, 강천식, 서세정, 손재한, 신상현, 김학신, 박종철, 현종내, 정영근, 이춘기, 박광근, 박기훈, 박철수 PA-08 국내품종의중국운남과한국진부에서작물학적특성비교 30 김명기, 이상복, 정종민, 안억근, 서정필, 양창인, 김보경 PA-09 벼조생종흰잎마름병저항성중간모본 중모 1031 30 김명기, 서정필, 신영섭, 원용재, 안억근, 백만기, 정국현, 최임수, 조영찬, 윤광섭, 김연규, 홍하철, 윤영환, 이정희, 양원하 PA-10 우리나라의귀리 BYDV 발병 31 김상민, 김양길, 박형호, 박종철, 이미자, 최인배, 김경호, 최재성 vii

PA-11 Selection of salt-tolerant common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (T. turgidum L. subsp. durum) from Korea and Tunisia 31 Sang Heon Kim, Dae Yeon Kim, Yacoubi Inès, Oonha Shin, Jin Seok Yoon, Woo Joo Jung, Yong Weon Seo PA-12 다수성흰색참깨 건백 32 김성업, 이명희, 배석복, 황정동, 오기원, 이병규, 정찬식, 김명식, 이정민, 백인열 PA-13 Expression profiling and genome mining for selected candidate genes for heat and cold tolerance in rice 32 Sunghan Kim, Dong-Ryung Lee, Hee-Jong Koh PA-14 벼멸구저항성유전자의유묘기저항성반응 33 김우재, 백소현, 박현수, 박종호, 하기용, 김현순, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-15 Breeding of Light Purple Standard Rose Violetta with Good Vase life 33 Won-Hee Kim, Hye-Jin Lee, Su-Young Lee, O-Hyeon Kwon, Kyeong-Seong Cheon PA-16 직파초기생육과재배안전성의상관관계 34 백만기, 박현수, 김정주, 박정화, 남정권, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-17 벼중만생복합저항성직파적응성 중모 1035 호 34 백만기, 박현수, 김정주, 박정화, 남정권, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-18 저온발아성및담수토중출아성이우수한벼유전자원선발 35 김정주, 백만기, 박정화, 박현수, 남정권, 김기영, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-19 Development of salt tolerant soybean by marker assisted selection. 35 Jeonghwa Kim, Jong-Hyun Chae, Ji-Ho Park, Minsu Kim, Asekova Sovetgul, Jeong-Dong Lee PA-20 호두나무신품종 정월, 보름달 및 칠선 36 김철우, 박영기, 김만조 PA-21 종실품위가우수하며수량이높은장류 두부용콩신품종 선풍 36 전명기, 김현태, 고종민, 이병원, 한원영, 윤홍태, 백인열, 이영훈, 오기원, 신상욱, 서민정, 최만수, 강범규, 김현영 PA-22 벼흰잎마름병 K3a 균계저항성최고품질 해품 37 남정권, 김기영, 박현수, 하기용, 백만기, 고종철, 김정주, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-23 Doubled Haploid Corn Breeding and Introduction of the Technology for Practical Inbred Line Development in Korea 37 Si-Hwan Ryu, Ki-Jin Park, Jong-Yeol Park, Young-Ho Seo, Jae-Keun Choi, Woo-Sik Yong, Sang-Min Lee, Jang-Yong Lee, Kyung-Hee Kim PA-24 Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) approach for the blast disease resistance in rice 38 Won-Hee Ra, Feng-peng Li, Yong-Jin Park, Il-Pyung Ahn PA-25 Selection of Field Maize Hybrids for Adaptation to Southern Asia 39 Si-Hwan Ryu, Young-Ho Seo, Jae-Keun Choi, Jong-Yeol Park, Woo-Sik Yong, Sang-Min Lee, Ki-Jin Park, Vilas Chidley, Seung-Kyun Yang, Kyung-Hee Kim viii

PA-26 해외식량기지기후및환경적응옥수수품종개발 39 박기진, 류시환, 박종열, 서영호, 최재근, 용우식, 이상민, 유정훈, 김경희 PA-27 Blast diseases influenced on agronomic and eating quality traits of rice in Korea 40 Feng-peng Li, Won-Hee Ra, Yong-Jin Park, Il-Pyung Ahn PA-28 Overexpression of cysteine protease from Brassica rapa modulates response of transgenic rice to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae 41 Marjohn Nino, Sailila E. Abdula, Hye-Jung Lee, Joonki Kim, Dal-A Yu, Sanguk Byeon, Franz Nogoy, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PA-29 벼중생고품질내병내도복다수성신품종 다보 육성 42 박노봉, 여운상, 김정일, 이지윤, 권오덕, 박동수, 장재기, 이종희, 조준현, 송유천, 오성환, 김우재, 박성태, 손영보, 김상열, 신문식, 남민희, 이종기 PA-30 PA-31 RAPD marker conversion into SCAR marker for identifying white rust resistance in chrysanthemum 43 Sang Kun Park, Jae-A Jung, Young Soon Kwon, Bong Sik Yoo, Kyeong Seong Cheon, Hak-ki Shin 자포니카다수성벼드래찬과보람찬유래약배양계통을이용한이삭과수량관련형질분석및다수성우량계통육성 43 박현수, 하기용, 백만기, 남정권, 백소현, 김우재, 김정주, 박종호, 김기영, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-32 약배양이용 DZ78 유래벼흰잎마름병저항성계통육성 44 박현수, 김우재, 백소현, 백만기, 남정권, 하기용, 김정주, 박종호, 박정화, 김기영, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-33 벼흰잎마름병저항성유전자 Xa2, Xa3, xa5, Xa21 보유자포니카조생찰벼계통육성 44 박현수, 김기영, 김우재, 고종철, 남정권, 정지웅, 김보경, 이점호 PA-34 Variation of yield and seed component in delayed planting cultivated in southern region of Korea tested with currently developed soybean cultivars 45 Hyeon-Jin Park, Ki-Won Oh, Won-Young Han, Hyun-Tae Kim, Sang-Ouk Shin, Jin-Woo Bae, Byung-Won Lee, Jong-Min Ko, In Youl Baek PA-35 직파초기생육과재배안전성의상관관계 45 백만기, 박현수, 김정주, 박정화, 남정권, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-36 벼중만생복합저항성직파적응성 중모 1035 46 백만기, 박현수, 김정주, 박정화, 남정권, 조영찬, 이점호 PA-37 Comparing characteristics of agricultural and physiological of Iksan370 and Keumkang 46 Jae-Han Son, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Sanghyun Shin, Young-Keun Cheong, Hag-Sin Kim, Induk Choi,Young-Jin Kim, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Chon-Sik Kang PA-38 직립내도복성조생소립녹색종피 연두채 육성 47 송석보, 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 김정인, 김기영, 정태욱, 문중경, 오인석, 최유미 PA-39 Distribution of Blast Resistant Genes in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Germplasm 47 Jae Young Song, Do-Yoon Hyun, Gi-An Lee, Yu-Mi Choi, Su Kyeung Lee, Yeon Gyu Kim, Myung-Chul Lee ix

PA-40 Agronomic characteristics of ninety stem rust resistance accessions from worldwide in 2013 48 Sanghyun Shin, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Jae-Han Son, Hag-Sin Kim, In-Duck Choi, Young-Jin Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Young-Keun Cheong, Choon-Ki Lee PA-41 맑고깨끗하며완전미생산량이많은조생종벼 온다미 48 신운철, 김우재, 박현수, 이점호, 강위금 PA-42 Cold Hardiness, Proline Content, Expression of P5CS and P5CR Genes among Peach Cultivars in Field Conditions 49 Hyunsuk Shin, Sewon Oh, Keumsun Kim, Youngjae Oh, Seolah Kim, Daeil Kim PA-43 가축기호성증진총체사료용벼중간모본 중모 1038 개발 49 안억근, 이점호, 양창인, 정응기, 이상복, 원용재, 최용환, 손지영, 신영섭, 윤미라, 이규성, 정종민, 장재기, 정국현, 전용희, 이점식, 현웅조, 황기호, 모영준, 김보경 PA-44 Fine mapping of the potyvirus reistance gene Pvr7 in C. annuum 50 Jeong-Tak An, Won-Hee Kang, Saet-Byul Kim, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Doil Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PA-45 불임성억새품종육종을위한종별개화특성및임성분석 50 안종웅, 안기홍, 김석, 장윤희, 엄경란, 유경단, 문윤호, 차영록, 윤영미, 양정우, 최인후 PA-46 다양한유전자원수집및평가를통한고추탄저병저항성소재확대 51 양은영, 김수, 채수영, 최학순, 이우문, 허윤찬, 이희주, 조명철, 박동금 PA-47 아시아광지역적응성벼품종 아세미 51 양창인, 하운구, 정응기, 강경호, 최임수, 홍하철, 조영찬, 정오영, 전용희, 장재기, 이점호, 원용재, 윤영환, 양운호, 서문원, 김정곤, 정국현, 김연규, 이규성, 여운상, 김보경 PA-48 Relationship between cold hardiness and bud opening among peach cultivars during deacclimation at constant warm temperatures 52 Sewon Oh, Hyunsuk Shin, Jungyeon Won, Youngjae Oh, Seolah Kim, Daeil Kim PA-49 친환경소비재배및가공밥적성벼품종 미소미 개발 52 원용재, 양창인, 조영찬, 최임수, 김명기, 정응기, 이점호, 김연규, 이상복, 백만기, 홍하철, 안억근, 이정희, 김정주, 김준환, 오세관, 강경호, 최경진, 오명규, 김보경 PA-50 Morpho-physiological changes of Sorghum seedlings response to heavy metal stress 53 Swapan Kumar Roy, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Sang-Woo Kim, Jung-Hee Ko, Seong-Woo Cho, Ki-Hyun Kim, Tae-Wook Jung, Tae-Seok Ko, Sun-Hee Woo PA-51 Overexpression of CBL-interacting protein kinase 15 improves tolerance to pre-harvest sprouting in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 54 Dal-A Yu, Hye-Jung Lee, Joonki Kim, Me-Sun Kim, Marjohn Nino, Sanguk Byeon, Jeongmi Kim, Illsup Nou, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Yong-Gu Cho PA-52 Phylogenomic analysis and a systematic view of U-Box E3 family in rice 54 Yo-Han Yoo, Ki-Hong Jung PA-53 종피가부드럽고기름함량이많은종실용들깨신품종 들샘 55 이명희, 정찬식, 배석복, 황정동, 김성업, 송득영, 오기원, 이병규, 이춘기, 박장환, 백인열 x

PA-54 중국연길지역에서의카멜리나표준재배법연구 55 박민우, 이상협 PA-55 유채개화기침수처리에따른수량및수량구성요소의변화 56 이영화, 이태성, 김보빈, 하수옥, 김광수, 장영석, 최인후 PA-56 Distribution aspects of organisms by NGS analysis in soybean breeding field 56 Yeong-Hoon Lee, Dae-Hyeon Bae, Young-Nam Yoon, Man-Soo Choi, Hyun-Young Kim, Beom-Kyu Kang, Hyun-Tae Kim, Hong-Tae Yun, Su-Heon Lee, Jea-Sun Moon, InYoul Baek PA-57 Detection of Soybean mosaic virus by RT-LAMP 57 Dae-Hyeon Bae, Yeong-Hoon Lee, Bong-Sub Kim, Young-Nam Yoon, Man-Soo Choi, Hyun-Young Kim, Beom-Kyu Kang, Hyun-Tae Kim, Hong-Tae Yun, Su-Heon Lee, InYoul Baek PA-58 재배안정성이우수한조생다수성황색메조 다황메 육성 57 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 송석보, 김정인, 김기영, 정태욱, 윤영남, 오인석, 이명철 PA-59 가공용통일형중생다수성 중모 1036 육성 58 이지윤, 조준현, 이종희, 박노봉, 오성환, 손영보, 한상익, 송유천, 하운구, 여운상, 김상열, 박동수, 박수권, 최대식, 류현수, 남민희 PA-60 PA-61 PA-62 Classification of rice varieties based on the haplotypes of major genes associated with grain size and shape 58 Chan-mi Lee, Huang Xing, Hee-Jong Koh Plant fluorescence image analysis of salt-stressed soybean (Glycine max) for high throughput screening of salt stress tolerance 59 Tae-Young Lee, Jin-Won Kim, Do-Soon Kim Effects of air temperature and light intensity on the acquisition of thermal image of rice (Oryza sativa L.) 59 Tae-Young Lee, Jin-Won Kim, Do-Soon Kim PA-63 덩굴쪼김병저항성, 베타카로틴고함유고구마품종 예스미 60 이형운, 정미남, 이준설, 안승현, 한선경, 김재명, 송연상, 양정욱, 남상식, 신현만, 최규환, 문진영, 최인후 PA-64 Overexpression of UGE1 from Brassica rapa enhances yield and tolerance to drought in transgenic rice 61 Hye Jung Lee, Sailila E. Abdula, Marjohn C. Niño, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PA-65 Breeding of Light Yellow Standard Rose Green star with Powdery Mildew Resistance 61 Hye-Jin Lee, Won-Hee Kim, Su-Young Lee, O-Hyeon Kwon, Kyeong-Seong Cheon PA-66 Allelic diversity of genes associated with spikelet number per panicle in rice 62 Su Jang, Diriba Abebe Megersa, Sangbeom Lee, Hee-Jong Koh PA-67 중북부고랭지적응내랭성조생벼품종 진옥 62 정종민, 이정희, 이상복, 양창인, 윤영환, 정응기, 김명기, 서정필, 조영찬, 최용환, 이점호, 오세관, 안억근, 김형윤, 서대하, 원용재, 최임수, 김보경 xi

PA-68 고온등숙성및도열병저항성조생종벼 중모 1024 육성 63 정지웅, 강경호, 신영섭, 이상복, 조성우 PA-69 중생초다수가공용벼품종 팔방미 63 정지웅, 강경호, 신영섭, 이상복, 조성우 PA-70 기계화수확이가능한중생찰수수 소담찰 육성 64 김정인, 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 송석보, 김기영, 오인석, 김성국, 정태욱 PA-71 강원지역에서호밀 곡우 의파종량이종자채종에미치는영향 64 조영일, 이동우, 이재익, 김영호, 김종규, 안경구, 박덕심, 김인혜, 이정일, 조용섭, 한옥규, 이종경 PA-72 벼숙기별품종의종자발아율변이 65 최용환, 한희석, 노석원, 황규석, 양선목, 박순자, 성채윤, 이지민 PA-73 콩씨스트선충감염지작부체계에의한콩생육특성 65 한원영, 김현태, 고종민, 박현진, 이병원, 신상욱, 백인열 PA-74 남부지방강낭콩의파종기에따른생육및종실특성 66 김현태, 박현진, 오기원, 고종민, 한원영, 이병원, 배진우, 신상욱, 백인열 PA-75 멜론흰가루병 Race 판별계통을이용한국내수집흰가루병균으로부터신규 Race 분리 66 한정숙현, 박종인, 정희정, 이인호, 백종열, 노일섭 PA-76 Rice Small GTPase Rab11 is involved in Pathogen Defense Signaling 67 Jae Bok Heo PA-77 고랭지적응조생우량계통 진부 59 호 67 현웅조, 정종민, 이상복, 윤영환, 정응기, 김보경 PA-78 진도지역월동양배추품종별특성조사 68 황인덕, 양승렬 PA-79 수박유전자원의저온신장성평가및관련유전자발현분석 68 최장선, 이상규, 문지혜, 이우문, 최학순, 양은영, 이희주 품질육종및유전변이 (Breeding for quality improvement, Genetic variation) PB-01 PB-02 A new white wheat variety, Joongmo2012 with low amylose and resistance to winter hardiness and moderate pre-harvest sprouting 69 Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Hag-Sin Kim, Jong-Nae Hyun, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hoon Park, Chulsoo Park A new white wheat variety, Joongmo2004 with high milling rate and moderate resistance to Fusarium head blight 70 Young-Keun Cheong, Chon-Sik Kang, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Hag-Sin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hoon Park, Chulsoo Park xii

PB-03 PB-04 A new white wheat variety, Joongmo2003 with early maturity, good noodle qualtiy and resistance to winter hardiness 71 Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Hag-Sin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hoon Park, Chulsoo Park A new red wheat variety, Sooan with good noodle quality and resistance to winter hardiness and pre-harvest sprouting 72 Chon-Sik Kang, Young-Keun Cheong, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Hag-Sin Kim, Young-Jin Kim, Kyong-Ho Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hoon Park, Chulsoo Park PB-05 극대립황색자엽검정콩 중모 3011 호 개발 72 한원영, 백인열, 김현태, 고종민, 이병원, 전명기, 이영훈, 윤홍태, 오기원, 박금룡, 신상욱, 최만수, 김현영, 강범규 PB-06 국내콩유망장려품종의종실 Saponin 함량변이 73 곽병삼, 이효재, 박병덕, 황세구, 정헌상, 곽상철, 김홍식 PB-07 국내산고구마잎의유용성분함량비교 73 Li Meishan, 신현만, 황세구, 윤건식, 곽상철, 김홍식, 정헌상 PB-08 다수성가공용향미품종육성및선발표지개발 74 권순욱, 전태환, 장성규, 임다은, 조유현, 이영상, 김준영 PB-09 Haeoreum, a new variety of Hibiscus syriacus L., suitable for street trees 74 Hae Yun Kwon, Seon Jeong Sim, Sea Hyun Kim PB-10 유색밀의도정비율별취반특성분석 75 김경훈, 유인영, 강천식, 김학신, 최인덕, 김영진, 신상현, 손재한, 정영근, 이춘기, 박광근 PB-11 바이오디젤및경관용내도복성유채 중모 7002 75 김광수, 이영화, 김철우, 장영석, 최규환, 강달순, 김성택, 최인후 PB-12 조숙, 논재배적응유채 1 대잡종 해안 76 김광수, 이영화, 김철우, 장영석, 최규환, 강달순, 김성택, 최인후 PB-13 Genetic diversity for gliadin subunits of Korean and Tunisian wheat 77 Sang Heon Kim, Yong Jin Lee, Man Bo Lee, Yacoubi Inès, Hansu Kim, Cheolwon Lee, Yong Weon Seo PB-14 쌀귀리 (Avena sativa L.) 춘파재배시파종시기별출수반응 78 김양길, 박형호, 이미자, 오영진, 조상균, 최인배, 김상민, 김경호, 강현중, 박종철, 최재성, 박광근 PB-15 Induction of Microspore-derived Embryos According to Heat Shock, Dark Incubation, Washing Medium 79 Yeon Kyeong Kim, Sung Un Kim, NaRae Han, Eun Ji Bae, Byoung Woon Kim, Haeyoung Na PB-16 밀반수체육종시스템을이용하여육성한조숙밀계통의농업특성 80 김영진, 김경훈, 강천식, 김학신, 최인덕, 신상현, 손재한, 정영근, 이춘기, 박광근, 박기훈 xiii

PB-17 Bud germination rates of four gamma ray-irradiated Citrus species 80 Ji-Man Heo, In-Jung Kim PB-18 SELDI-TOF/MS 를이용한초다수성밀계통의저분자펩타이드탐색 81 박소현, 황수민, 이민주, 박종용, 유성녕, 이용호, 윤승길, 김태완 PB-19 두릅나무선발개체의새순특성과선발효과 81 송정호, 김세현, 김문섭, 김혜수 PB-20 정금나무선발개체열매의총플라보노이드및안토시아닌함량 82 김세현, 김혜수, 송정호, 김문섭 PB-21 중대륜계통의파스텔톤분홍색반겹꽃절화용거베라 Pinkever 품종육성 82 박상근, 최성열, 정재아, 권영순, 신학기 PB-22 PB-23 Isolation of microsatellite loci from ramie, Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich and their application to the genetic resource analysis 83 Yoon Kyung Uhm, Young-Mi Kim, Yong-Su Jung, Young Seok Jang, Sanghyun Lim, Jae Joon Kim, Sanghyun Lee, Ho Bang Kim Change of Nutritive Value and Fermentation Quality of the Silage of Kenaf Cultivars by Different Harvest stage 84 Jaihyunk Ryu, Bo-Keun Ha, Dong Sub Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Si-Yong Kang PB-24 SELDI-TOF/MS 를이용한초다수성밀계통의저분자펩타이드탐색 84 박소현, 황수민, 이민주, 박종용, 유성녕, 이용호, 윤승길, 김태완 PB-25 속잎색이노랗고작은구를형성하는배추 원교 20045 호 육성 85 박수형, 윤무경, 채원병, 장석우 PB-26 EMS 처리에의한 group A 사포닌결핍돌연변이콩특성검정 85 박지호, 김정화, 채종현, 아세코바소베툴, 김민수, 송종태, 정규화, 이정동 PB-27 Variation in Antioxidant Activity and Flavonoid contents in Leaves and Fruits of Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) Germplasm 86 Xiang-Min Piao, Jong-Wook Chung, Gi-An Lee, Hong-Jae Park, Kyung-Ho Ma, Jung-Ro Lee, Hee-kyoung Kang, Yeon-Gyu Kim, Sok-Young Lee PB-28 A New Short Stem and Lodging Resistant Peanut Variety Danwon 86 Suk-Bok Pae, Sung-Up Kim, Myung-Hee Lee, Chung-Dong Hwang, Byung-Kyu Lee, Ki-Won Oh, Chang-Hwan Park, Deok-Young Song, In-Youl Baek PB-29 A New High Oleate Peanut Variety K-Ol 87 Suk-Bok Pae, Chung-Dong Hwang, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Ki-Won Oh, Byung-Kyu Lee, Chang-Hwan Park, In-Youl Baek PB-30 A New Peanut Variety Hwaseon with High Yield and Large Grain 87 Suk-Bok Pae, Myung-Hee Lee, Sung-Up Kim, Chung-Dong Hwang, Ki-Won Oh, Byung-Kyu Lee, Choon-Ki, Chang-Hwan Park, In-Youl Baek xiv

PB-31 Induction of Microspore-derived Embryos According to Light Quality Treatment on Donor Plant of Broccoli 88 Eun Ji Bae, NaRae Han, Byoung Woon Kim, Haeyoung Na PB-32 영남평야지소득작물전후작용극단기성신품종 중모 1032 88 손영보, 조준현, 이지윤, 이종희, 오성환, 김상열, 박동수, 송유천, 남민희 PB-33 A New Hybrid Cymbidium Beauty Smile with Orange Colored Flower and Medium Type 89 Mi-Seon Kim, Pu-Hee Park, Byeong-Woo Yae, Young-Ran Lee, Pil-Man Park, Dong-Su Lee, Hye-Ryun An PB-34 A New Hybrid Cymbidium Sunny Bell with Fragrant of Small Type 89 Mi-Seon Kim, Pu-Hee Park, Byeong-Woo Yae, Young-Ran Lee, Pil-Man Park, Dong-Su Lee, Hye-Ryun An PB-35 PB-36 PB-37 PB-38 PB-39 PB-40 PB-41 A New Forage Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) Short Awn Spike type with Lodging and Disease resistance, Jungmo2506 90 Young-Jin Oh, Tae-Il Park, Sang-Kyun Cho, Hyoung-Ho Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Jae-Hwan Suh, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Yang-Kil Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Hwan Noh, Jae-Seong Choi, Yun-Woo Jang, Tae-Su Kim, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hun Park, Geon-Sig Yun, Gi-Heung Hong, Jeong-Suk Bae, Seong-Tae Lee A New Forage Barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) Awnless Spike type with Good quality and Disease resistance, Muhan 91 Young-Jin Oh, Tae-Il Park, Sang-Kyun Cho, Hyoung-Ho Park, Ouk-Kyu Han, Jae-Hwan Suh, Jong-Chul Park, Tae-Hwa Song, Yang-Kil Kim, Hyeon-Jung Kang, Jae-Hwan Noh, Jae-Seong Choi, Yun-Woo Jang, Tae-Su Kim, Kwang-Geun Park, Ki-Hun Park, Geon-Sig Yun, Gi-Heung Hong, Jeong-Suk Bae, Seong-Tae Lee Change of quality characteristics of foxtail millet, proso millet, sorghum with storage temperature 92 Koan Sik Woo, Ki Young Kim, Young Ho Yoon, Jee Yeon Ko, Jae Saeng Lee, Seuk Bo Song, Jung In Kim, Tae Wook Jung, Mi Seon Jeong, Jae Min Cho, Heon Sang Jeong Selection of soybean mutant lines changed seed coat color and identification of their flavonoid contents 92 Kyung Jun Lee, Jin-Baek Kim, Soon-Jae Kwon, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim Proteome analyses reveal new insights on heteromorphic self-incompatibility in Common Buckwheat 93 Dong-Jin Lim, Swapan Kumar Roy, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Jong-Ho Yang, Sang-Woo Kim, Yasuo Yasui, Sun-Hee Woo Proteome responses of diploid and tetraploid roots under various hormones in Platycodon grandiflorum 94 Jung-Hee Ko, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Swapan Kumar Roy, Hag-Hyun Kim, Hee-Ock Boo, Sun-Hee Woo Proteome profiling unraveling the characterization of diploid and tetraploid roots in Platycodon grandiflorum 95 Hye-Rim Kim, Soo-Jeong Kwon, Swapan Kumar Roy, Jung-Hee Ko, Hag-Hyun Kim, Hee-Ock Boo, Sun-Hee Woo xv

PB-42 Variation of seed germiability in diverse rice genetic resources 96 Gi-An Lee, Young-Ah Jeon, Ho-Sun Lee, Young-Yi Lee, Jung-Sook Sung, Jung-Yoon Yi, Jong-Wook Chung, Myung-Chul Lee, Sok-Young Lee, Yeon-Gyu Kim PB-43 Fine mapping of gem controlling the enlarged embryo character in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 96 Gileung Lee, Mi-Ok Woo, Yoye Yu, Hee-Jong Koh PB-44 Composition of Korean colored barley varieties with the different degree of pearling 97 Mi Ja Lee, Yang Kil Kim, In Bae Choi, Sang Min Kim, Kyong Ho Kim, Jae Sung Choi, Kwang Geun Park PB-45 PB-46 PB-47 PB-48 Naked non-waxy barley cultivar Dahan with good properties for noodle containg barley flour 97 Mi Ja Lee, Yang Kil Kim, In Bae Choi, Sang Min Kim, Kyong Ho Kim, Jae Sung Choi, Kwang Geun Park Antioxidant and anti-α-glucosidase activities of Korean traditional fermented soybean (Doenjang) made by 9 different cultivar 98 Byong Won Lee, Hyeon Jin Park, Jin-Woo Bae, Won-Young Han, Jong Min Ko, Sang Ouk Shin, In Youl Baek Genetic variation in High Molecular Weight glutenin subunit of Glu-1 loci in Wheat Landrace accessions originated from Korea, China, Japan 98 Sukyeung Lee, Myeongchul Lee, Yumi Choi, Nayoung Ro, Jong-wook Chung Total phenolics and antioxidant activity of radish: reference to breeding variety Bordeux 99 Han Yong Park, Kyung Hyun Seok, O New Lee, Awrarid D Assefa, Shivraj Nile, Eun Young Ko, Se Won Park PB-49 신규무유전자원 ( 꼬투리무및노란꽃무 ) 의수집및증식 99 박한용, 이온유 PB-50 항산화성분고함유호박종자자원선발 100 이우문, 이희주, 양은영, 최학순, 김수, 채수영, 허윤찬, 박동금 PB-51 기장적정수확시기판단을위한등숙적산온도 100 이재생, 고지연, 우관식, 송석보, 김정인, 박병명, 정태욱, 김기영, 조재민, 박영수, 오인석 PB-52 Study of Grain Appearance and Sensory Preference of African on Rice Ecotype 101 Jeom-Sig Lee, Jeong-Heui Lee, Mi-Ra Yoon, Jieun Kwak, Areum-Chun, Kyung-Ho Kang, Ji-Ung Jeung, Jaebuhm Chun, Bo-Kyeong Kim PB-53 Development of soybeans with high and low α-linolenic acid 101 Minsu Kim, Jiho Park, Asekova Sovetgul, Jong-Hyun Chae, Jong-Tae Song, Jeong-Dong Lee PB-54 Assessment of agricultural traits and phenolic compound composition of induced onion (Allium cepa L.) germplasm. 102 Se-Jong Oh, Ho-Cheol Ko, Myung-Chul Lee, Jae-Gyun Gwag, Hae-Gon Chung, Jung-Ro Lee xvi

PB-55 벼의이삭특성과도정특성간의관계 102 이정희, 양창인, 안억근, 서정필, 원용재, 현웅조, 하운구, 정응기, 김보경 PB-56 PB-57 PB-58 Analysis of Eleutherosides B and E in Acanthopanax divaricatus and A. koreanum by Different Fertilizer Ratio 103 Jeong Min Lee, Dong-Gu Lee, Sunghun Cho, Jung Jong Lee, Myoung-Hee Lee, Sanghyun Lee SSS1 gene may improve the eating quality by changing the starch composition in rice grain 104 Hye-Jung Lee, Moo-Geun Jee, Me-Sun Kim, Marjohn Nino, Dae-Won Jang, Mingmao Sun, Sailila E. Abdula, Illsup Nou, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Yong-Gu Cho Modification of Starch Composition Using Downregulation of GBSS1 gene in Japonica Rice 105 Hye-Jung Lee, Moo-Geun Jee, Dal-A Yu, Me-Sun Kim, Franz Nogoy, Mingmao Sun, Sailila E. Abdula, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho PB-59 Studies on Biological Effects of Gamma-ray in Sorghum bicolor M. 106 Seung Bin Im, Jaihyunk Ryu, Yu-Mi Lee, Soon-Jae Kwon, Dong Sub Kim, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Hee-bong Lee, Si-Yong Kang PB-60 오랜지색반겹꽃대륜화절화용거베라 선셋드림 육성 106 정용모, 황주천, 진영돈, 이병정, 신현열, 이영병, 권오창 PB-61 Detection of New Source of High Eating Quality in Korean Japonica Rice Germplasm 107 Young-Chan Cho, Jung-Pil Suh, Man-Ki Baek, Mi-Ra Yoon, Hyun-Su Park, Yong-Jae Won, Ki-Yong Ha, Jeong-Ju Kim, Jeom-Ho Lee PB-62 Map-based cloning of SUI4 gene which controls internode elongation in rice 108 Hyeonso Ji, Gang-Seob Lee, Doh-Won Yun, Seung-Bum Lee, Seok-Chul Suh, Moo-Young Eun PB-63 Glucosinolate variation in Korea Brassica rapa core collection and their application for genetic study 109 Mina Jin, Mi-suk Seo, Sun-Ju Kim, Jin-Hyeok Chun, Beom-Seok Park, Seong-Han Sohn, Jung Sun Kim PB-64 황색홑꽃화형의조기개화성분화용국화 가야글로리 육성 109 진영돈, 황주천, 정용모, 안동춘, 이병정, 신현열 PB-65 A Yellow Single Freesia Song of Angel with Middle Petals 110 Youn Jung Choi, Hyang Young Jeoung, Dae Hoe Goo, Yun Im Kang, Hae Ryong Cho PB-66 자주색홑꽃화형스프레이국화 예스루비 육성 110 최현구, 박하승, 손국성, 김동찬, 전낙범, 최종진 PB-67 Molecular Analysis of Genes Related to Tryptophan Biosynthesis and Grain Quality Evaluation in High Tryptophan Rice 111 Franz Nogoy, Hye-Jung Lee, Joonki Kim, Marjohn Nino, Me-Sun Kim, Sothea Ouk, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho xvii

PB-68 Quantitative Analysis of the Major Aliphatic Glucosinolates in Doubled Haploid Lines of Radish Plant (Raphanus sativus L.) Obtained by Microspore Culture 112 NaRae Han, Jongkee Kim PB-69 잎자루채소용고구마우수계통의생육및품질특성 112 한선경, 안승현, 이형운, 양정욱, 이준설, 정미남, 남상식, 최인후 PB-70 지베렐린처리에의한유핵포도품종의무핵화및자방비대효과 113 홍미향, 정찬진, 허윤영, 정성민, 남종철, 류명상 PB-71 PB-72 PB-73 Transcriptional changes of three Vitis PIN genes in grapevines during inflorescence development upon gibberellin application at pre-bloom 114 Chan Jin Jung, Youn Young Hur, Sung-Min Jung, Hee Jae Lee Characterization of the Agronomic traits in the Inbred line derived from Double Haploid line using Pollen of Maize in the Crossing between Geumgang and CIMMYT s wheat 115 Jong-Nae Hyun, Chon-Sik Kang, Jae-Bok Hwang, Ki-Yeol Chung, Young-Dae Choi, Jong-Tag Youn, Eul-Soo Yun, Jee-Yeon Ko, Ji-Yeon Kim, In-Seok Oh, Sang-Jong Lim Colchicine, Oryzalin 처리에의한 Cymbidium Mystery Island Silk Road 선발계통의기내배수화 116 황숙현, 김미선, 박소영 PB-74 Colchicine, Oryzalin 처리에의한 Cymbidium Show Girl Silky 의기내배수화 116 황숙현, 김미선, 박소영 PB-75 A high isoegomaketone perilla cultivar Atom-Ketone 117 Jung Eun Hwang, Sung Min Han, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Soon-Jae Kwon, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PB-76 A new perilla cultivar Atom-Ros with high content of rosmarinic acid 117 Jung Eun Hwang, Sung Min Han, Jin-Baek Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Soon-Jae Kwon, Si-Yong Kang, Dong Sub Kim PB-77 복색홑꽃화형의절화용스프레이국화 매직스타 육성 118 황주천, 진영돈, 정용모, 안동춘, 이병정, 신현열, 정병룡 PB-78 Transcription factor for gene function analysis in maize 119 Jun-Cheol Moon, Kitae Song, Jae Yoon Kim, Seong-Bum Baek, Young-Up Kwon, Byung-Moo Lee 분자육종및유전공학 (Molecular breeding and biotechnology) PC-01 PC-02 A Bioinformatics Approach for Identification, Evolution and Expression Analysis of Rapid Alkalization Factor Gene Family in Plant Species 120 Sharma Arti, Byung-Wook Yun Evaluation of Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] Germplasm for Tolerance to flooding at early developmental stage 120 Man-Soo Choi, Sung-Cheol Koo, Hyun-Tae Kim, Beom-Kyu Kang, Yeong-Hoon Lee, Ki-Won Oh, In-Youl Baek, Hong-Tai Yun xviii

PC-03 Genome Wide Association Study on the Preharvest Sprouting Resistance in Rice 121 Aye Aye Khaing, Min-Young Yoon, Byung-Kook Yun, Tae-Sung Kim, Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-04 Transcriptome analysis of grain-filling caryopses reveals the potential formation mechanism of the rice sugary mutant 121 Feng-peng Li, Won-Hee Ra, Min-Young Yoon, Soon-Wook Kwon, Tae-Sung Kim, Il-Pyung Ahn, Yong-Jin Park PC-05 QTL analysis of the qbk1, a major QTL for bakanae disease resistance in rice 122 Yeon-Jae Hur, Saes-Beul Lee, Tae-Heon Kim, Jong-Hee Lee, Dong-Jin Shin, Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, Young-Nam Yoon, Un-Sang Yeo, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park PC-06 Variation and haplotypes of NaCl salinity on rice at germination stage based on Genome-wide association study 122 Jie Yu, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-07 Characterization of OsLPS gene in heterologous plant system 123 Tien Dung Nguyen, Moe Moe Oo, Sung Aeong Oh, Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Hyo-Jin Park, Jong Tae Song, Moon-Soo Soh, Soon Ki Park PC-08 PC-09 PC-10 PC-11 PC-12 PC-13 Identification and characterization of microspore-specific rice promoters during pollen development 123 Tien Dung Nguyen, Moe Moe Oo, Sung Aeong Oh, Thi Hoai Thuong Nguyen, Hyo-Jin Park, Jong Tae Song, Moon-Soo Soh, Soon Ki Park Resequencing 295 accessions of heuristic and Korean breeding rice deciphers the milestones for breeding and domestication history of Korean rice 124 Qiang He, Byung-Kook Yun, Min-Young Yoon, Xiao-Qiang Wang, Feng-Peng Li, Aye-Aye Khaing, Won-Hee Ra, Win Htet Oo, Cheol-Soon Park, Sun-Kyung Min, Wei Tong, Jie Yu, Bu-Woong Choi, Eun-Beom Heo, Khandakar Md.Rayhanul Kabir, Tae-Sung Kim, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park Haplotye analysis and functional study of badh2, a gene responsible for fragrance in aromatic rice 124 Qiang He, Yoo-Hyun Cho, Tae-Sung Kim, Young-Sang Lee, Yong-Jin Park Identifications of DNA polymorphism associated with signaling pathway in arsenic tolerance rice mutants 125 Sun-Goo Hwang, Hyeon Mi Park, A-Reum Han, Cheol Seong Jang Molecular breeding of a pepper cultivar (Capsicum annuum) containing high capsinoids 126 Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Siyoung Jang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Haplotype variation in Submergence 1 (SUB1) contributing to the anaerobic germination (AG) in rice 126 Win Htet Oo, Eun-Beom Heo, Min-Young Yoon, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park xix

PC-14 PC-15 Insights from 295 diverse origin rice to elucidate chloroplast variation and evolution based on whole genome re-sequencing 127 Wei Tong, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park Genetic Analysis and Phenotypic Performance over Multi-generations for Resveratrol Rice 127 Yang Qin, Hong-Il Ahn, Yong-Woon Jeong, Myung-Ho Lim, Soo-Yeun Park, Jin-Hyoung Lee, Kong-Sik Shin, Hee-Jong Woo, Bum-Kyu Lee, So-Hyeon Baek, Soon-Ki Park, Soon-Jong Kweon PC-16 Association study of vitamin E content in rice using whole genome re-sequencing 128 Xiao-Qiang Wang, Qiang He, Wei Tong, Byung-Kook Yun, Young-Sang Lee, Tae-Sung Kim, Chang-Yong Lee, Yong-Jin Park PC-17 Progeny Selection and Molecular Characterization for Transgenic PAC Soybean 128 Yang Qin, Hong-Il Ahn, Bum-Kyu Lee, Young-Soo Jeong, Jong-Min Ko, Soon-Ki Park, Soon-Jong Kweon PC-18 Genome sequence of mungbean and insights into evolution within Vigna species 129 Yang Jae Kang, Sue K Kim, Moon Young Kim, Puji Lestari, Kil Hyun Kim, Bo-Keun Ha, Tae Hwan Jun, Won Joo Hwang, Taeyoung Lee, Jayern Lee, Sangrea Shim, Min-Young Yoon, Young Eun Jang, Kwang Soo Han, Puntaree Taeprayoon, Na Yoon, Prakit Somta, Patcharin Tanya, Kwang Soo Kim, Jae-Gyun Gwag, Jung-Kyung Moon, Yeong-Ho Lee, Beom-Seok Park, Aureliano Bombarely, Jeffrey J. Doyle, Scott A Jackson, Roland Schafleitner, Peerasak Srinives, Rajeev K Varshney, Suk-Ha Lee PC-19 강낭콩유전자원의종피색에따른항산화활성비교 130 박사라, 배진우, 박현진, 신상욱, 이병원, 고종민 PC-20 SSR 마커를이용한국내콩육성품종의유전적다양성과품종판별 130 곽병삼, 장은규, 박병덕, 황세구, 김홍식 PC-21 Validation and Application of a Qualitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction Method for Detecting Genetically Modified Papaya line 55-1 in Papaya Products 131 Yu Jihn Kwon, So Young Chung, Eun Joo Koo, Ji Eun Park, Dong Hyuk Seo, Yo A Lee, Yu Young Jung, Hee Eun Min, Mi Ran Kim, Eungui Kang, Jeongyun Cho, Seong Soo Park, Sun Ok Choi, Chul Joo Lim PC-22 QTL mapping related to grain shattering using DH population in rice (Oryza sativa L.) 131 Gyu-Ho Lee, Hyun-Suk Lee, Tri Handoyo, Fika Ayu Safitri, A Ra Cho, Kyung-Min Kim PC-23 PC-24 PC-25 Analysis of QTL Associated with WBPH and Identification of WBPH Mediated Compounds in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) 132 Seul Gi Park, Gillang Kiswara, Gyu-Ho Lee, Won Ha Yang, Ancheol Chang, Kyung-Min Kim Studies on the optimum screening time for improved WBPH-associated QTL analysis in rice 133 Soheap Yun, Hyun-Suk Lee, Gihwan Yi, Kyung-Min Kim A cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence(caps) derived from a conserved missense mutation of the CmACS-7 for selecting monoecious melon plants (Cucumis melo L.) 134 Namhui Kim, Juyeol Oh, Bichsaem Kim, Hyeogjun Kim, Dongyeop Han, Daen Kim, Younghoon Park xx

PC-26 PC-27 PC-28 PC-29 Molecular analysis of transgenic rice overexpressing UDP-glycosyltransferase from Brassica rapa 135 Me-Sun Kim, Hye-Jung Lee, Joonki Kim, Dal-A Yu, Sanguk Byeon, Kwon-Kyoo Kang, Illsup Nou, Yong-Gu Cho Development and Selection of CGMMV Resistant Watermelon by Crossing CGMMV Resistant GM Rootstock 136 Mi-Jin Kim, Jang-Ha Lee, Yuon-Sub Shin, Ki-Hyun Ryu, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee-Hark Harn Distribution of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP) in Major Domestics Rice Cultivars compared to Japonica and Indica Reference Genomes 136 Min Sun Kim, Yoonmok Pahk, Joung Sug Kim, Baek Hie Nahm Development of Drought Tolerant Gourds (Chambak) Developed by Crossing GM Gourds (Jorong bak) 137 Mi-Jin Kim, Yuon Sub Shin, Soo Young Kim, Soon-Chun Jeong4 and Chee Hark Harn PC-30 Development and Selection of GM Cabbage Resistant to Diamondback Moth 137 Bo-Min Kim, Jong-Sup Shin, Beom-Seok Park, Soon-Chun Jeong4 and Chee-Hark Harn PC-31 Molecular Tagging of the Gene Controlling Fruit Peel Color in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) 138 Bichsaem Kim, Namhui Kim, Hyeogjun Kim, Dongyeop Han, Daen Kim, Younghoon Park PC-32 QTL mapping of a tolerance gene for germination under anaerobic conditions in rice 139 Suk-Man Kim, Endang Septiningsih, Kyung-Ho Kang, Bo-Kyeong Kim, Nguyen Thi Lang, Russell Reinke PC-33 The Establishment of a Standard SSR System Fitting for Pear Germplasm Management 140 Seolah Kim, Youngjae Oh, Hyunsuk Shin, Hyoundae Han, Yoon-Kyeong3 Kim, Nahla Bassil, Daeil Kim PC-34 PC-35 PC-36 A codominant molecular marker in linkage disequilibrium with a restorer-of-fertility gene (Ms) and its application in reevaluation of inheritance of fertility restoration in onions 141 Sunggil Kim A putatively stress-related gene BrTSR53 isolated from Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa) confer salt tolerance in Yeast 141 A-Ram Kim, Hyemin Lim, Hyun-So Ji, Ung-Han Yoon, Tae-Ho Kim, Gang-Seob Lee Response of NBS encoding resistance genes linked to heat and fungal stress in Brassica oleracea 142 Young-Wook Kim, Hee-Jeong Jung, Jong-In Park, Yoonkang Hur, Ill-Sup Nou PC-37 MAS 를위한벼멸구저항성유전자 Bph3 연관마커탐색 142 김우재, 백소현, 박현수, 박종호, 하기용, 김현순, 조영찬, 이점호 PC-38 Variation block-based genomics method for the detection of functional loci 143 Yul Ho Kim, Hyang Mi Park, Tae-Young Hwang, Ho-Sung Yoon, Dongwoo Lee, Sunghoon Lee xxi

PC-39 알로에품종 35 개유전자원의 RAPD 마커를이용유연관계분석 143 이성훈, 김인중 PC-40 PC-41 The promoter from the Citrus unshiu carotenoid isomerase gene directs differential GUS expression in transgenic Arabidopsis 144 Chang-Ho Eun, Seong-U Kim, In-Jung Kim Characterization of Cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase activity in Citrus platymamma hort. ex Tanaka 145 Il-Woung Kim, Song-I Han, Dong-Shik Yang, Jae Hoon Kim PC-42 Miraculin gene transformation in embryogenic Citrus callus and regeneration 146 Fei Li, Seong Beom Jin, Myeung-Seung Kim, Song-I Han, Hyeon-Jin Sun, Jae Hoon Kim PC-43 Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in Korea Native Citrus Species 146 Fei Li, Seong Beom Jin, Song-I Han, Jae Hoon Kim PC-44 PC-45 Enhanced drought tolerance of transgenic rice plants expressing a pepper methionine sulfoxide reductase B2 in chloroplast 147 Joung Sug Kim, Hyang-Mi Park, Kyong Mi Jun, Tae-Ho Lee, Duk-Ju Hwang, Sung-Dug Oh, Jong-Sug Park, Dae-Geun Song,Cheol-Ho Pan,Doil Choi, Yul-Ho Kim, Baek Hie Nahm, Yeon-Ki Kim Identification of multiple binding motifs and genome-wide target genes of the OsSMF1 transcription factor during rice seed maturation 148 Joung Sug Kim, Song Hwa Chae, YoungJin Woo, Min Sun Kim, Kyong Mi Jun, Yoo-Mok Pahk, Yeon-Ki Kim, Baek Hie Nahm PC-46 Molecular dissection of the salt stress-induced OsNRFP genes in rice roots. 149 Jung Ju Kim, Yong Chan Park, Cheol Seong Jang PC-47 QTL analysis related to grain qualities under high temperature during ripening stage in rice 149 Jeong-Ju Kim, Young-Jun Mo, Woon-Cheol Shin, Ki-Young Kim, Jeom-Ho Lee PC-48 Identification of sound wave induced genes in Arabidopsis thaliana 150 Joo-Yeol Kim, Gyu-Myuong Lee, Soo-In Lee, Jin-A Kim, Mi-Jeong Jeong PC-49 PC-50 The Expression Pattern Characterization of SENESCENCE 1 Gene from Poplar (Populus alba P. glandulosa) 150 Joon-Hyeok Kim, Eun-Kyung Bae, Young-Im Choi, Seo-Kyung Yoon, Hyoshin Lee Identification of candidate genomic region associated with seed longevity by re-sequencing in rice 151 In-Seon Jeong, Jun-Hyeon Cho, Chang-Deok Han, Hyun-Ju Lee, Hyeon-So Ji, Gang-Seob Lee5 Ung-Han Yoon, Jang-Ho Hahn, Tae-Ho Kim PC-51 Mapping of QTLs for stem diameter in MGRIL using CAPS markers 152 Hyun-Ju Lee, In-Seon Jeong, Hyeonso Ji, Gang-Seob Lee, Ung-Han Yoon, Jang-Ho Hahn, Tae-Ho Kim xxii

PC-52 PC-53 PC-54 PC-55 PC-56 PC-57 PC-58 PC-59 PC-60 PC-61 PC-62 Genetic Relationship Analysis of Four Major Cucurbitaceae crops Using Expressed Sequence Tag-Simple Sequence Repeats of Watermelon [Citullus lanatus (Thunb.) Mastum. & Nakai] 153 Hyeog-Jun Kim, Dong-Yeop Han, Sang-Suck Yeo, Jae-Min Jung, Gi-Rim Park, Young-Hoon Park Fine mapping of suppressor of the fruit shape gene OVATE using SNP markers in tomato 153 Hyun Jung Kim, Jason Van Houten, Esther van der Knaap Cytogenetic Analyses of Six Food crop species by DAPI Staining and Fluorescence in situ Hybridization Methods 154 Yoon Jung Hwang, Ji Young Kim, Jung Hyun Sakong, Shin Jae Kang, Jee Hee Lee, Tae-Ho Kim, Jang-Ho Hahn, Byoung Ohg Ahn, Hyun Hee Kim FISH karyotype and GISH meiosis analyses of a fertile xbrassicoraphanus and its parental lines 155 Hadassah Roa Belandres, Nomar Espinosa Waminalp,, Yoon Jung Hwang, Soo Sung Lee, Jin Hoe Huh, Hyun Hee Kim Cytogenetic mapping of Panax ginseng major DNA repeats: Evidence for allotetraploidy and utility for chromosome identification 156 Nomar Espinosa Waminal, Hong-Il Choi, Hyun Hee Kim, Tae-Jin Yang Soybean transgenic plants with Coat protein and HC-Pro using RNAi method showed enhanced resistant to Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) 157 Hye Jeong Kim, Su Yeong Yun, Hyun Suk Cho, Yoon Jeong Lee, Hyun Hee Im, Yeong Hoon Lee, Ki Hyun Ryu, Kook-Hyung Kim, Young Soo Chung Characterization of Dihydroflavonol 4-Reductase (DFR) Genes in Association with Cold and Freezing Stress in Brassica rapa 158 Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Hee-Jung Kim, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Ill-Sup Nou The overexpression of PagBEE3 promotes growth, biomass production and proliferation of xylem cells in poplar 158 Seol Ah Noh, Young Im Choi, Jin Seong Cho, Hyoshin LEE, Jae Soon Lee Genome-wide analysis of the Shaggy-like kinase genes in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis) 159 Xiangshu Dong, Yoonkang Hur Screening the Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Resistance Gene Ty-3 in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) 160 Panpan Dong, Koeun Han, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Variation of sugar accumulation and gene expression of transcription factors at different stages of Allium cepa under long and short photoperiod condition 160 Ranjith Kumar Manoharan, Jeong-Suk Hyeon Han, Srigopalram Srisesharam, Mi-Young Chung, Ill-Sup Nou xxiii

PC-63 A Map-based Cloning Approach for the Identification of a Low Temperature Sensitive Gene sy-2 in Chilli pepper (Capsicum chinense) 161 L iliu, Jin-Ho Kang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Sota Koeda, Munetaka Hosokawa, Doil Choi, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-64 Development of EST-SSR markers for toxic and non-toxic jatrophas 162 Kularb Laosatit, Patcharin Tanya, Suk-Ha Lee, Peerasak Srinives PC-65 Gene Identification and Molecular Marker Development Related to High-Temperature Tolerance in Cabbage 162 Myeong-il Mun, Xiangshu Dong, Sangmoo Lee, Seongmin Kim, Yoonkang Hur PC-66 양배추자색관련분자마커개발을위한안토시아닌합성관련유전체분석 163 문명일, 노일섭, 허윤강 PC-67 PC-68 PC-69 Relationship Between Heterosis and Genetic Distances based on SSR markers in Allium Cepa L. 163 Sunyoung Lee, Jinseong Moon, Injong Ha, HaeJoon Hwang and Hyeonyeol Shin Cambial Meristematic Cell Specific Homologous Gene, At1G71110 May Play a Role in R Gene Mediated Defense Signaling Pathway 164 Bong-Gyu Mun, Sang-Uk Lee, Arti Sharma, Byung-Wook Yun Variation and haplotypes in LOX1, LOX2, LOX3 genes related to the seed longevity in rice 165 Sun-Kyung Min, Aye Aye Khaing, Win Htet Oo, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-70 Development of Isaac and CACTA derived Ti-SCARs in Maize 165 Neha Roy, Ji-Young Choi, Sung-Il Lee, Min-Ji Lim, Kyong-Cheul Park, Nam-Soo Kim PC-71 Over-expression of PsGPD, a mushroom glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene, enhances salt tolerance in rice plants 166 Dan-Be Park, Jung-Il Cho, Hyemin Lim, Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui, Sung-Han Park, Mi-Jeong Jeong, Gang-Seob Lee, Soo-Chul Park PC-72 배추과채소의 Core Collection 소포자배양을통한소재개발 166 박민영, Guusje Bonnema, 박수형, 임용표 PC-73 강낭콩유전자원의종피색에따른항산화활성비교 167 박사라, 배진우, 박현진, 신상욱, 이병원, 고종민 PC-74 PC-75 Development of molecular markers for selection of green rice leafhopper (Grh1)-resistant rice variety 167 Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, Dong-Jin Shin, Yeon-Jae Hur, Tae-Heon Kim, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, Jong-Hee Lee, Ji-Yoon Lee, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park Characterization and expression profiling of MADS-box genes related to organ development and stress resistance in Brassica rapa 168 Gopal Saha, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Mi-Young Chung, Watanabe Masao, Ill-Sup Nou xxiv

PC-76 PC-77 PC-78 Functional characterization of GmWRKY (Glycine max WRKY) genes induced during abiotic stress conditions 169 Ji Hae Park, Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Hyun Seok Kim, Young Chae Park, Su Jin Choi, Jai-Heon Lee Molecular cloning and characterization of soybean (Glycine max) NAC transcription factor genes induced by abiotic stress 170 Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Kyoung-Mee Kim, Ji Hae Park, Hyun Seok Kim, Young Chae Park, Su Jin Choi, Jai-Heon Lee Molecular characterization of heat shock transcription factor gene family in Glycine max 171 Kyoung-Mee Kim, Eunsook Chung, Hyun-A So, Ji Hae Park, Hyun Seok Kim, Young Chae Park, Su Jin Choi, Jai-Heon Lee PC-79 국내밀품종의수발아저항성관관련표지인자의상관관계분석 171 김경훈, 신상현, 이한솔, 손재한, 강천식, 박종철, 박철수 PC-80 국내밀품종의수발아저항성증진을위한종실무게및관련표지인자의상관관계분석 172 신상현, 김경훈, 박신영, 박종철, 강천식, 박철수 PC-81 PC-82 The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Solanum nigrum and comparative analyses with other four solanaceous genomes 172 Aeri Kim, Kwang-Soo Cho, Tae-Ho Park Two Dimensional Code System Using Genome-wide InDel Markers for Rice Cultivar Identification 173 Hyang Mi Park, Yul Ho Kim, Jung Pil Suh, Tae Young Hwang, DongWoo Lee, Sunghoon Lee PC-83 애기장대화분표현형분석및화분발달에관련된변이체유전자의탐색 173 박효진, Nguyen Thi Hoai Thuong, Tien Dung Nguyen, 오성앵, 박순기 PC-84 Identification of the partial silk protein gene from the spider Araneus Ventricosus in rice. 174 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-85 Identification and characterization of osgasd gene in rice 174 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-86 Overexpression of MYB4p enhance phosphate acquisition and increase Pi content in rice 175 Ki-Deuk Bae, Doh-Hoon Kim PC-87 Development of salt-tolerant transgenic rice using OsCBF4 cdna 175 So-Hyeon Baek, Eun-Mi Lee, Man-Kee Baek, Woo-Jae Kim, Jong-Ho Park, Ki-Yong Ha, Hyun-Soon Kim, Young-Chan Cho, Jeom-Ho Lee PC-88 A sheep serotonin N-acetyltransferase was expressed in cytoplasm regardless of an addition of chloroplast transit sequence in transgenic rice plants 176 Yeong Byeon, Nansook Lee, Kyungjin Lee and Kyoungwhan Back xxv

PC-89 Development of a SNP genotyping set for rice genetic analysis and molecular breeding using the Fluidigm platform 176 Jeonghwan Seo, Md. Babul Akter, Yoon Kyung Lee, Hee-Jong Koh PC-90 향기유전자를이용한호접란형질전환 177 빈철구, 강선빈, 김진기, 이병정, 신현열, 김강권 PC-91 PC-92 Transcriptome-wide identification and profiling of novel mirnas involved in cold stress in Brassica oleracea 178 Sathishkumar Natarajan, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Ill-Sup Nou Genome-wide identification of AP2/ERF transcription factors and profiling of CBFs genes in abiotic stresses in Brassica oleracea 179 Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Ill-Sup Nou PC-93 배추글루코시놀레이트생합성관련 BrMYB 전사조절인자의발현분석 180 서미숙, 천진혁, 김선주, 박범석, 손성한, 진민아 PC-94 Sumoylation regulates the amounts of Arabidopsis seed nutrient reservoirs 180 Sung-Il Kim, Kim Joo Yong, Hak Soo Seo PC-95 Introduction to agricultural bio-information new resources in NABIC 181 Young-Joo Seol, Chang-kug Kim, Dong-Jun Lee, Dong-Suk Park, Jang-ho Hahn PC-96 PC-97 Development of Molecular Marker for Korean Wheat Cultivar Identification using AFLP Technique 181 Jae-Han Son, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Sanghyun Shin, Young-Keun Cheong, Hag-Sin Kim, Induk Choi,Y oung-jin Kim, Choon-Ki Lee, Kwang-Geun Park, Chon-Sik Kang Improving ginsenoside content in Korean wild ginseng by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with a squalene synthase gene 182 Jun-Ying Zhang, Hyeon-Jin Sun, In-Ja Song, Hong-Gyu Kang, Suk-Min Ko, Yong-Ik Kwon, Il-Woung Kim, Jae-Hoon Kim, Hyo-Yeon Lee PC-98 노화지연 GM 들잔디 (Zoysia japonica Steud.) 의제조 182 박미영, 선현진, 송인자, 강홍규, 고석민, 권용익, 이동희, 이효연 PC-99 교배육종기술을이용한제초제저항성왜성잔디 ( 탐라그린 ) 개발 183 송인자, 배태웅, 정옥철, 선현진, 권용익, 강홍규, 고석민, 이효연 PC-100 Agrobacterium 법을이용한고온건조스트레스저항성잔디의개발 183 송인자, 홍민지, 박미영, 선현진, 김우남, 신현숙, 권용익, 고석민, 강홍규, 이효연 PC-101 Development of EST SSR-Markers to study genetic diversity in Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica) 184 Jae Young Song, Yu-Mi Choi, Su Kyeung Lee, Gi-An Lee, Jae-Gyun Gwag, Myung-Chul Lee PC-102 Microsatellite marker development for onion genetic purity test 184 Srigopalram Srisesharam, Jeong-Suk Hyeon Han, Ranjith Kumar Manoharan, Ill-Sup Nou xxvi

PC-103 Optimization of leaf water loss rate assay for rapid and stable drought tolerance screening in rice 185 Tae-Heon Kim, Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, Jong-Hee Lee, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park, Dong-Jin Shin PC-104 Analysis of QTLs for vegetative stage drought tolerance using DH population in rice 185 Tae-Heon Kim, Soo-Kwon Park, Woon-Ha Hwang, Jong-Hee Lee, Sang-Ik Han, Jun-Hyun Cho, You-Chun Song, Min-Hee Nam, Dong-Soo Park, Dong-Jin Shin PC-105 PC-106 Natural occurrence of Fusarium mycotoxins in Korean 32 wheat cultivars harvested in 2011 and 2012 186 Sanghyun Shin, Kyeong-Hoon Kim, Chon-Sik Kang, Jae-Han Son, Hag-Sin Kim, In-Duck Choi, Young-Jin Kim, Jong-Chul Park, Young-Keun Cheong, Choon-Ki Lee Identification of novel drought stress-regulated coding and noncoding transcripts from Oryza sativa L. 186 Seon-Ju Shin, Jae-Hee Lee, Hawk-Bin Kwon PC-107 DNA sequence variations between UVB-sensitive and tolerant soybean genotypes 187 Sangrea Shim, Moon Young Kim, Suk-Ha Lee PC-108 Association mapping for novel resistance loci against bacterial spot using genome-wide SNPs in tomato 188 Sung-Chur Sim, David M. Francis PC-109 Bioinformatics databases for rice research 188 Anil Kumar Nalini C, Ki-Hong Jung PC-110 Marker Assisted Breeding for Tolerant Pepper 189 Heung-Ryul Lee, Hye Jung An, Soon Ho Choi, Hee-Jin Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Byoung-Cheorl Kang, Seok-Hyeon Nahm, Chee Hark Harn PC-111 Transcriptome Analysis of Capsicum annuum varieties Mandarin and Blackcluster: Assembly, Annotation and Molecular Marker Discovery 189 Swati Tripathi, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jeong-Ho Kim, Young-Il Cho, Hye-Eun Lee, Do-Sun Kim, Myeong-Cheoul Cho, Keun-Jin Choi PC-112 조생계양배추의고효율소포자배양법 190 안정민, 이미현, 이은주, 송준호 PC-113 소포자배양을통한팍쵸이의반수체식물대량생산 190 안정민, 이미현, 이은주, 임찬주, 송준호 PC-114 PC-115 Identification of various complete circle form of mitochondrial genome sequences using WGS in Brassica oleracea 191 Kiwoung Yang, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Jonghoon Lee, Junki Lee, Ill-Sup Nou, Tae-Jin Yang Molecular biological characteristics and biosafety assessment for drought-tolerant transgenic rice (Agb0103) 191 Sung-Dug Oh, Ki-Jong Lee, Soo-In Sohn, Jong-Sug Park, Soon-Ki Park, Tae-Hun Ryu xxvii

PC-116 PC-117 PC-118 PC-119 Development of PCR-based molecular markers by transcriptome sequencing in Platycodon grandiflorume 192 Jungsu Jung, Hyun Jung Kim, Je Min Lee, Myung-Shin Kim, Doil Choi, Inhwa Yeam Development of high-throughput SNP markers from Whangkeumbae and Minibae pears using next generation sequencing 193 Youngjae Oh, Seolah Kim, Hyunsuk Shin, Jungyeon Won, Sam-Seok Kang, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Cheol Choi, Daeil Kim High-throughput InDel marker development based on next generation sequencing in Whangkeumbae and Minibae pears 194 Youngjae Oh, Seolah Kim, Hyunsuk Shin, Jungyeon Won, Sam-Seok Kang, Yoon-Kyeong Kim, Daeil Kim Availability of Novel Pear SSR Markers delivered from Golden Delicious Apple Genomic Sequences 195 Jungyeon Won, Youngjae Oh, Seolah Kim, Hyunsuk Shin, Sewon Oh, Cheol Choi, Daeil Kim PC-120 거대 1 호 억새화기분화조직으로부터캘러스유도및재분화조건확립 196 유경단, 안종웅, 문윤호, 차영록, 윤영미, 안기홍, 양정우, 최인후 PC-121 콩에서 180k Axiom R Soybean SNP Genotyping Array 를이용한고밀도유전자지도작성 196 김경륜, 김성민, 유민호, 하보근, 정순천, 문중경, 강성택 PC-122 Natural Variation of the FLOWERING BHLH1 Contributes to Flowering Time Divergence in Rice 197 Min-Young Yoon, Aye Aye Khaing, Win Htet Oo, Tae-Sung Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-123 Expression analysis of UV-B signaling genes in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]. 197 Yoon, M.Y., Shim, S.R., Kim, M.Y., Kim, K.D., Lee, Y.H., Lee, S.H. PC-124 HRM 기술을이용한인도수출용조생계양배추종자순도검정마커개발 198 윤선영, 이미현, 송준호 PC-125 중국수출용극조생계양배추종자순도검정마커개발 199 윤선영, 이미현, 송준호 PC-126 Characterization of soybean transgenic events harboring Insect resistant genes 199 Su Yeong Yun, Hye Jeong Kim, Hyun Suk Cho, Yoon Jeong Lee, Hyun Hee Im, Young Soo Chung PC-127 Anthocyanin accumulation and biological change of purple-colored wheat by chronic gamma-irradiation 200 Young Ha Yoon, Min Jeong Hong, Jin-Baek Kim, Si-Yong Kang, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Yong Weon Seo, Dong Sub Kim PC-128 Transgenic rice plants expressing double insecticidal genes using anther culture 200 Hye-Jin Yoon, Seung-Bum Lee, Seok Cheol Suh, Kyung-Hwan Kim, Eun-Jung Suh, Yeon Hee Lee xxviii

PC-129 Characterization of Anthocyanidin Synthase (ANS) Genes Correlating with Cold and Freezing Stress in Brassica rapa 201 Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Go-Eun Yi, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Senthil Kumar Thamilarasan, Mi-Young Chung, Ill-Sup Nou PC-130 Effects of herbicide tolerance rice on microbial community in paddy soil 201 Seung-Uk Ji, Ki-Jong Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Soo-In Sohn, Tae-Hun Ryu PC-131 Sound wave improves drought and salt tolerance in rice plant in wavelength specific manner 202 Gyu-Myuong Lee, Joo-Yeol Kim, Soo-In Lee, Jin-A Kim, Mi-Jeong Jeong PC-132 Assessment of gene flow from disease resistant rice to its weedy rice 202 Ki-Jong Lee, Sung-Dug Oh, Soo-In Sohn, Tae-Hun Ryu PC-133 Whole genome sequencing of Brachypodium mutant induced by gamma radiation. 203 Man-Bo Lee, Yong Weon Seo PC-134 들깨유전체해석용자원의특성및유전지도작성용집단육성 203 이명희, 김명식, 배석복, 황정동, 김성업, 이정민, 오기원, 정찬식, 이병규, 백인열 PC-135 토마토 TYLCV 검정을위한 SNP 마커개발및계통검정 204 이미현, 조동욱, 윤선영 PC-136 멜론의고효율배주배양법 204 이미현, 이인호, 안정민, 이은주 PC-137 제초제저항성들잔디의환경방출모니터링 205 이범규, 권순종, 박순기, 류태훈, 이효연 PC-138 Identification of genes associated with leaf-morphology in Brassica rapa L. using Br135K microarray 205 Sangmoo Lee, Yoonkang Hur PC-139 형질전환벼고세대계통의농업형질평가 206 이상복, 박향미, 백소현, 박수권, 정지웅, 강경호 PC-140 GBS analysis of Camelina germplasms 206 Sanghyeob Lee PC-141 GBS-based QTL mapping of cucunber downy mildew resistance 207 Sanghyeob Lee PC-142 Programed cell death was induced by infection of P. cubensis Effectors 207 이상협, 김현철 PC-143 Safety Assessments of CaMsrB2 Protein for Drought-Tolerant Rice 208 Si-Myung Lee, Youn-SOO Yeo, Sun-Woo Oh, Sun-Gi Park PC-144 Characterization of soybean transgenic events harboring ORE7 gene 208 Yoon Jeong Lee, Hye Jeong Kim, Su Yeong Yun, Hyun Suk Cho, Hyun Hee Im, Dong Hee Lee, Young Soo Chung xxix

PC-145 레스베라트롤생합성벼 (I526) 의이용확대를위한레스베라트롤및피세이드함량증진조건확립 209 이은미, 백소현, 김우재, 박종호, 김현순, 이점호 PC-146 Search for allopolyploid genome donor of Vigna reflexo-pilosa 209 Jayern Lee, Suk-Ha Lee PC-147 PC-148 PC-149 PC-150 Genotyping of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) using MdACS, MdACO1 functional markers 210 Jung-Woo Lee, Jeong-Hee Kim, Sun-Il Kwon, Jong-Taek Park, Kyeong-Ho Chung Effects of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1B (eef1b) on Potato virus X (PVX) infection in plants 210 Joung-Ho Lee, JeeNa Hwang, Seonhee Lee, Won-Hee Kang, Martin de Vos, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Complete chloroplast genome assembly of Brassica species from Next Generation Sequencing-based whole genome resequencing data and comparative analysis 211 Jonghoon Lee, Junki Lee, Jee Young Park, Tae-Jin Yang SSR 분자마커를이용한색소및비색소옥수수자식계통들에대한유전적다양성, 집단구조및 association 분석 212 사규진, 우수연, 박기진, 박종열, 이주경 PC-151 Cytokinin-dependent secondary growth of the radish root (Raphanus sativus L.) 213 Geupil Jang, Jung-Hun Lee, Soo-Hyung Park, Ji-Young Lee PC-152 PC-153 PC-154 PC-155 Analysis of junction site between T-DNA and plant genome in RWW resistance GM rice 213 Jin-Hyoung Lee, Kong-Sik Shin, Seok-Cheol Suh, Myung-Ho Lim, Hee-Jong Woo, Yang Qin, Soon-Ki Park Gene expression profiling study of grapevine in response to the Pierce s disease and drought stress 214 Chaeyoung Lee, Daejin Hyung, Jinhyun Kim, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Dongwoon Yu, Hongkyu Choi Development of interactive comparative analysis platform for the legume translational genomics 214 Daejin Hyung, Chaeyoung Lee, Jinhyun Kim, Dongwoon Yu, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Hongkyu Choi Integration of comparative genetic maps for ten legume species using gene-based cross-species markers 215 Chaeyoung Lee, Daejin Hyung, Jinhyun Kim, Yejin Jo, Jusuk Park, Dongwoon Yu, Hongkyu Choi PC-156 Mapping and candidate genes associated with mesocotyl elongation in Oryza sativa 215 Hyun-Sook Lee, Ju-Won Kang, Dong-Min Kim1and Sang-Nag Ahn PC-157 Prediction of structural variations between G. soja and G. max using novel prediction methods 216 Lee T, Lee S-H xxx

PC-158 Melatonin plays a signal molecule to trigger defense response against pathogen attack in Arabidopsis and tobacco 216 Hyoungyool Lee, Kyoungwhan Back PC-159 Characterization and genetic analysis of a plastochron 1-6 mutant in rice. 217 Hyerim Lee, Jin Zhuo, Hee-Jong Koh PC-160 PC-161 Screening of suitable reference genes for real-time PCR analysis in Citrullus lanatus under diverse stress conditions. 217 Soo Jin Kim, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Jeong Ho Kim, Do-Sun Kim, Hye-Eun Lee Screening and analysis of the pathogenesis-related genes expression by RT-PCR after inoculation of Colletotrichum orbiculare in Citrullus lanatus. 218 Soo Jin Kim, Yun-Chan Huh, Woo-Moon Lee, Yul-Kyun Ahn, Do-Sun Kim, Hye-Eun Lee PC-162 Molecular analysis of T-DNA insertion mutant population for transgenic rice plants 218 Hyemin Lim, A-Ram Kim, Jung-Il Cho, Hyeon-So Ji, Ung-Han Yoon, Tae-Ho Kim, Gang-Seob Lee PC-163 Genome-wide analysis of structural variation in citrus two varieties related to citrus canker 219 Sanghyun Lim, Seunghee Ko, Young Chul Park, Jae Joon Kim, Yoon Kyung Uhm, Yong-Chull Jeun, Kwan Jeong Song, Ho Bang Kim PC-164 Recent Progress of PepMoV Resistant GM Pepper 220 Eun Mi Jeon, Sun Hee Shin, Soon Ho Choi, Dong Bo Shim, Nam Han Her, Jang Ha Lee, Min Jung, Ki Hyun Ryu, Soon-Chun Jeong, Chee Hark Harn PC-165 The gemini pollen 3 gene is required for nuclear division of pollen meiosis and mitosis in Arabidopsis 220 Ji-Eun Jeon, Sung Aeong Oh, Hyo-Jin Park, Gyun Jang Kim, Keun Sang Park, David Twell, Jong Tae Song, Moon-Soo Soh, Soon Ki Park PC-166 New Breeding Technology: Development of Carrot Germplasm by Protoplast Fusion 221 Min Jung, Da-Hae Son, Da-Som Park, Ji-Young Hyun, Young-Woo Liu, Sih Woo Lee, Chee Hark Harn PC-167 Identification and Characterization Heterosis Associated Genes in Brassica oleracea 221 Seung-Yeon Jeong, Nasar Uddin Ahmed, Jong-In Park, Hee-Jeong Jung, Ill-Sup Nou PC-168 A Large Axiom Soybean SNP Genotyping Array: Development, Validation, Genetic Mapping 222 Soon-Chun Jeong, Namhee Jeong, Yun-Gyeong Lee, Ji Hong Kim, KilHyun Kim, Ali Pirani, Bridget Moore, Bo-Keun Ha,Sung Taeg Kang, Beom-Seok Park, Jung-Kyung Moon, Namshin Kim PC-169 토마토과색및병저항성판별용분자표지개발 223 정정수, 이제민, 김문휘, 김현정, 염인화 PC-170 Transferability of microsatellite marker developed from Vicia sativa L. across its related species 223 Jong-Wook Chung, Gi-An Lee, Jung-Sook Sung, Jung Yoon Yi, Young-Ah Jeon, Young Yi Lee, Hong Jae Park, Sokyoung Lee xxxi

PC-171 PC-172 PC-173 PC-174 PC-175 PC-176 PC-177 PC-178 Identification of Korean sorghum varieties using a multiplexed fingerprinting platform of SSR markers 224 Jaemin Cho, Jungin Kim, Jeeyeon Ko, Koansik Woo, Seokbo Song, Jaesaeng Lee, Inseok Oh, Taewook Jung Molecular breeding of a pepper cultivar (Capsicum annuum) containing high capsinoids 224 Hyeon-Seok Jeong, Hee-Bum Yang, Siyoung Jang, Yeong Deuk Jo, Byoung-Cheorl Kang Identification and expression analysis of Alfin-like transcription factors in response to biotic and multiple abiotic stresses in Brassica rapa 225 Md. Abdul Kayum, Hee-Jeong Jung, Jong-In Park, Ill-Sup Nou Evaluation of biological effects of ion beam irradiation in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 225 Sang Hoon Kim, Yeong Deuk Jo, Hyo-Jeong Lee, Yu-Mi Lee, Si-Yong Kang Drought stress induced expression of key genes for glycoalkaloid accumulation in potato 226 Manjulatha M, Hwang Bae Sohn, Kwangsoo Cho, Yulho Kim, Yong-Ik Jin, Oh-Keun Kwon, Jin Cheol Jeong Physiological mechanism of drought tolerance in CaMsrB2-expressing transgenic rice plants 226 Jung-Il Cho, Zamin Shaheed Siddiqui1, Sung-Han Park, Soo-Chul Park Complete chloroplast genome sequence with NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) in tartari buckwheat (Fagopyrum tartaricum) 227 Kwang-Soo Cho, Bong-Kyoung Yun, Hong-sik Won, Young-Ho Yoon, Su-Young Hong, Jeong-Ki Jeon Discovery of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms(SNPs) in colored Korean potato cultivars from RNA-Seq data 228 Kwang-Soo Cho, Ji-Hong Cho, Bong-Kyoung Yun, Hong-sik Won, Jeong-Ki Jeon, Hwang-Bae Sohn PC-179 Production of soybean transgenic events harboring AtRabG3b and CaMsrB2 genes 229 Hyun Suk Cho, Hye Jeong Kim, Su Yeong Yun, Yoon Jeong Lee, Hyun Hee Im, Young Soo Chung PC-180 Determination of Fe in Brown Rice of Heuristic set by using ICP-OES 229 Bu-Woong Choi, Win Htet Oo, Ji-Hyock Yoo, Min-Young Yoon, Tae-Sung Kim, Won-il Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-181 Development of High Quality SNP Markers Using Improved GBS Approach in Capsicum 230 Koeun Han, Joung-Ho Lee, Byoung-Cheorl Kang PC-182 Genetic diversity and population structure by SNP markers in a large germplasm collection in Capsicum 230 Hea-Young Lee, Ji-Woong Han, Na-Young Ro, Jin-Kyung Kwon, Byoung-Cheorl Kang xxxii

PC-183 환경위해성평가를위한 GM 콩과국내야생콩 / 품종들과의교잡가능성측정을위한시뮬레이션 231 한태호, 고갑천, 박태성, 김준홍 PC-184 GM 숙근류의실질적동등성평가를위한월동성과화분특성에관한연구 231 한태호, 고갑천, 박태성, 김준홍 PC-185 유채 (Brassica napus) 환경위해성평가가이드라인개발을위한월동성과결실특성에관한연구 232 한태호, 고갑천, 박태성, 김준홍 PC-186 Relationship of gene in Rice of Heuristic set analyzed (zinc) 232 Eun-Beom Heo, Qiang He, Tae-Sung Kim, Won-Il Kim, Yong-Jin Park PC-187 PC-188 PC-189 PC-190 Comparison of radiosensitivity of wheat plant in response to acute and chronic gamma irradiation 233 Min Jeong Hong, Young Ha Yoon, Jin-Beak Kim, Sang Hoon Kim, Joon-Woo Ahn, Si-Yong Kang, Yong Weon Seo, Dong Sub Kim Identification of Chrysanthemum (Dendranthema grandiflorum Ramat.) Varieties using SSR Markers 233 Eun-Jo Shim, Moo-Kyoung Yoon, Jee-Hwa Hong Database Construction for Variety Characteristics of Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) using SSR Markers 234 Jee-Hwa Hong, Yong-Sham Kwon, Kyoung-In Seo, Moo-Kyoung Yoon Transcriptome analysis and protein dimerization of newly classified bzip transcription factors of Brassica rapa in cold stress response 234 Indeok Hwang, Ill-Sup Nou PC-191 The effective method to screen high Fe content brown rice 235 Woon-Ha Hwang, Soo-Kwon Park, Dongjin Shin, Min-Hee Nam, In-Jung Lee, Dong-Soo Park PC-192 Primer sets for identifying specific food sources from processed foods 235 Ju-Hee Kim, Jun-Cheol Moon, Chang Kyo Jung, Cheol Seong Jang PC-193 Triple color FISH karyotypes in two onion cultivars 236 Franklin Henosa Mancia, Seong-Han Sohn, Yul Kyun Ahn, Do-Sun Kim, Hyun Hee Kim, Ki-Byung Lim, Ji Young Kim, Jee Hee Lee, Shin Jae Kang, Yoon-Jung Hwang PC-194 FISH mapping of 5S and 45S ribosomal DNAs in three wild Chrysanthemum species 237 Yoon-Jung Hwang, Sang Kun Park, So Youn Won, Hyun Hee Kim, Yoon Ha Ju, Hee Kyung Park, Jae Hyeon Jeon, Oh Jean Park, Ki-Byung Lim PC-195 PC-196 Transcriptome analysis using RNA-seq during early symbiotic signaling in Medicago truncatula 238 Hyun-Ju Hwang, Sang cheol Kim, Mijin Oh, Sin-Gi Park, Douglas Cook, Jeong-Hwan Mun, Gang-Seob Lee Strategy for developing a set of vegetable Brassica rapa fixed lines for genetic diversity and population structure analysis 239 Xiaonan Li, Wenxing Pang, Su Ryun Choi, Yong Pyo Lim xxxiii

PC-197 Assessment of germination ability in segregated population of colored wheat seeds containing various antioxidant chemicals 239 Oonha Shin, Yong Weon Seo 골든씨드프로젝트사업단 GSP 채소종자사업단 & GSP 원예종자사업단 OD-01 종자, 식물, 육종과특허권 243 이호조 OD-02 Genome-assisted marker development for disease resistance in pepper 244 Byoung-Cheorl Kang OD-03 Asymmetry of evolution and selection response of subgenomes in Brassica crops 245 Shengyi Liu GSP 식량종자사업단 OE-01 동남아주요국가의종자수출을위한시장현황및동향분석 246 방서연 OE-02 캄보디아, 베트남식량종자수출시장개척및마케팅전략개발 247 이우창 차세대유전체연구사업단 OF-01 OF-02 차세대유전체연구사업단의비교유전체연구 개발박범석 ( 국립농업과학원 ) Distribution of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism(SNP) in Major Domestics Rice Cultivars compared to Japonica and Indica Reference Genomes 251 Yoonmok Park, Minsun Kim, Jeongsug Kim, Baek Hie Nahm OF-03 TGsol : 가지과유전체정보실용화연계인터페이스개발및활용 252 조성환 OF-04 Development, Validation, and Utilization of Large Axiom Soybean SNP Genotyping Array 253 Jung-Kyung Moon, Sun-Chun Jeong, Sung-Taek Kang, Bo-Keun Ha xxxiv