KISEP Original Articles 11 2 2000 Korean J Child & Adol Psychiatr 11290~296 주의산만을주소로소아정신과를내원한 아동의인지적특성 - T.O.V.A. 양상을중심으로 - T.O.V.A. PROFILES OF CLINICALLY REFERRED CHILDREN WITH SYMPTOMS OF INATTENTION 신의진 * 이수진 * 이혜란 * 고려원 * Yee-Jin Shin, M.D., Ph.D.,* Soo-Jin Lee, M.A.,* Hye-Ran Lee, M.A.,* Ryo-Won Ko, Ph.D.* 요약 중심단어 서 론 Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul Corresponding author 290
Table 1. The variables of T.O.V.A. inattention impulsivity disinhibition variability inconsistency 200msec., 291
1. 연구대상 방법 2. 측정도구 1) 한국판아동용웩슬러지능검사 (KEDI-WISC) 13) 2) T.O.V.A.(The Tests of Variables of Attention) 292
3. 연구방법및절차 4. 자료분석 14) 결 1. 세집단간인지기능의비교 과 Table 2. KEDI-WISC mean scaled scores for the ADHD, Tic, and Emotion groups ADHDN38 TicN17 EmotionN10 MeanSD MeanSD MeanSD FIQ 106.4213.21 113.7110.24 110.9016.13 VIQ* 105.2113.82 113.47 8.19 110.6016.47 PIQ 106.3414.04 111.4112.39 109.3014.71 *:Value is significantly different based on ANCOVA 2. 세집단간 T.O.V.A. 양상의비교 293
Table 3. T.O.V.A. mean scaled scores for the ADHD, Tic, and Emotion groups ADHDN38 a TicN17 b EmotionN10 c MeanSD MeanSD MeanSD omih1 10.42 13.93 8.53 14.49 2.80 2.86.49 F Post Hoc omih2 64.32188.16 32.35 45.67 12.00 9.85.81 omit 47.03 52.46 40.88 59.00 14.80 10.75.65 comh1 17.16 29.21 24.65 32.74 10.80 16.31.41 comh2 25.95 14.43 25.00 11.38 23.20 12.51.04 comt 43.11 38.96 49.65 41.74 34.00 26.15.18 rth1 615.03123.22 528.00 83.11 499.40 52.44 a 5.23** ab, c rth2 530.05111.05 459.47114.61 413.90 79.23 b 3.96* ac rtt 548.63107.38 475.76104.64 434.00 70.03 a 4.45* ab, c varh1 195.61 80.25 212.47145.88 153.80 51.09.19 varh2 254.58 82.01 274.18201.18 173.70 50.15 1.60 vart 243.55 75.84 260.71192.26 176.40 43.61.93 anth1 4.13 10.55 8.35 11.78 2.00 4.74 1.31 anth2 18.55 20.78 33.41 45.51 22.80 21.79 1.92 antt 21.89 25.17 40.47 56.24 24.80 22.41 2.05 mrh1 41.24 45.81 32.18 38.94 37.50 39.94.26 mrh2 109.18102.68 77.76 93.86 130.40114.32.58 rt 150.42143.37 109.94127.82 167.90152.23.62 *:p.05, **:p.01 omi:errors of omission com:errors of commission rt:response time var:response time standard deviation ant:anticipatory response mr:multiple response h1:half 1 h2:half 2 t:total 논의 294
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