40 해항도시문화교섭학 EEZ?,.,...,, 1) 1) Pete Raul Pedrozo(2010), Preserving Navigational Rights and Freedoms, Chinese Journal of International

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91 Abstract The Freedom of Navigation in the South China Sea Lee, Hak-Su The U.S.-China disputes in the South China Sea have intensified since 2015 when naval vessels of the two countries went to the brink of a military conflict. It seems that the core of the U.S.-China disputes is the conflict arising from the exercise of the freedom of navigation by U.S. naval vessels and China s denial on this maneuvering drills. The U.S. has conducted the freedom of navigation operations since 2015, in the name of protecting interests of the U.S. and its allies. In response, China has strongly countered the U.S. naval operations, strengthening its anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) strategy and preparing to declare an air defense identification zone (ADIZ) over the South China Sea. In this situation, many maritime strategists even entertain a possibility that the U.S.-China disputes in the South China Sea can develop into a warfare. Then, we should not exclude the possibility that the U.S.-China disputes in the South China Sea will lead to a contingency or a limited war due to a misjudgement on the situation. Then, is there any solution regarding the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea at the current phase? The first solution is to establish a new maritime order that embraces the maritime supremacy of both China and the U.S. To this end, U.S. should join the UNCLOS, and the UNCLOS should contain clear provisions on the innocent passage and military activities in EEZs. The second solution is for the U.S. to step back from the 20th-century

92 해항도시문화교섭학 18 maritime order it had established. This implies the acknowledgement of China, which has grown into an economic power, as its companion, as well as an agreement not to perform military activities in China s territorial waters and EEZ. This move has the possibility to derive a promise from China to withdraw weapons from their artificial lands in the South China Sea. Key Words: South China Sea, the freedom of navigation, the U.S.-China disputes in the South China Sea, CADIZ, A2/AD