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<C7F6B4EBBACFC7D1BFACB1B F3136B1C72032C8A3292E687770>


,,,.,,,, (, 2013).,.,, (,, 2011). (, 2007;, 2008), (, 2005;,, 2007).,, (,, 2010;, 2010), (2012),,,.. (, 2011:,, 2012). (2007) 26%., (,,, 2011;, 2006;




한국인터넷문화의특성과발전방안연구 정책연구 09-66 한국네티즌연구 : 인터넷의영향력과온오프라인상호작용 2009. 12.


2. 2009 12

3 1 11 1 27 1 27 2 29 1. 30 2. 32 2 34 1 34 1. 34 2. 37 2 : 41 1. 41 2. 42 3 52 1 52 2 54 1. 54 2. 57 3 59

4 1. 59 2. 61 4 65 1. 65 2. 70 5 80 4 84 1 84 2 88 1. 88 2. 90 3 96 1. 96 2. 97 4 106 1. 106 2. 110 3. 113 4. 116 5. 119 5 121 1. 121 2. 125 5 127 1 127

5 2 128 1. 130 2. 133 3 134 1. 135 2. 136 3. 140 4 146 5 150 1. : 151 2. 151 3. 163 4. 172 6 173 1 173 2 177 1. 178 2. 178 3. 179 4. 181 183

6 1 1 30 1 2 32 1 3 33 2 1 42 2 2 42 2 3 43 2 4 TV 44 2 5 46 2 6 47 2 7,, 48 3 1 67 3 2 70 3 3 72 3 4 74 3 5,,, 77 4 1 89 4 2 95 4 3 98 4 4 99 4 5 100

7 4 6 102 4 7 103 4 8 104 4 9 105 4 10 108 4 11 109 4 12 111 4 13 112 4 14 114 4 15 115 4 16 117 4 17 118 4 18 (ANCOVA) 119 4 19 (ANCOVA) 121 5 1 131 5 2 136 5 3 137 5 4 139 5 5 139 5 6 141 5 7 142 5 8 143 5 9 145 5 10 146 5 11 147 5 12 : 149

8 5 13 153 5 14 154 5 15 155 5 16 157 5 17 159 5 18 160 5 19 (1) 163 5 20 (2) 164 5 21 (3) 165 5 22 1 166 5 23 2 167 5 24 3 168 5 25 / 1 169 5 26 / 2 170 5 27 / 3 171

9 2 1 1) / 2) 35 2 2 OECD ( 10) 35 2 3 OECD 36 2 4 37 2 5 38 2 6 (%) 39 2 7 39 2 8 40 2 9 41 2 10 TV 45 2 11 TV 45 2 12 47 2 13 49 2 14 49 2 15 / 50 2 16 / 51 3 1 66 3 2 TV 1 2 68 3 3 69 4 1 84 5 1 162 6 1 179

11 1-1 10. PC,,,.,. 2008... 2008.. 2008..

12.,,,,.,. - 2,. -. -. (, 2009),,,,,,, TV. //,,,,,,,, /...,,...,, /. 15,

13 (proportionate quota & systematic sampling). 2009 8 27 9 18 3, (face to face interview). 1,232 95% ±2.8%. 2-1.., 87,. / /. 2009 81.2%, 81.4% 2000 39.8% 71%. PC.. TV,,,. - 2 : 2 4

14.,, /.. TV, MP3, 10%. PDA /, PMP, Dvix 10%. 4.. TV,. 73.7% 3/4. 3-1.,. 2002, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009,...,,

15... - 2., (power-law distribution) (scale-free network) (Bara' basi, 2002; Watts, 2003)...,,... - 3 2008.,,,,,. - 4,.

16...,.,., ( ),,,,,...,. - 5,....,..,..,

17..,..,. 4-1,. (cultural citizenship),. - 2 1) 개인차변수 2) 사회적변수 3) 이념변수 - 1) 매체이용량변수 2) 서비스유형별이용 / / 3) 다중매체이용 / / / 4) 인터넷이용양상 / / 5) 의견추구성향 1) 시민적능력 2) 시민적덕성 3) 인터넷평가

18-3., (1), (2),,, (3),. - 4.,,.,,..,.,..,.,...

19... - 5.,..,.,.,.,,,..,....

20.,,..... 5-1 (Carey, 1988). (Tepper and Hargittai, 2009). TV,.,.,. (cultural capital).,.,,.

21 5.,. 0, (established culture).,.,. - 2..,. (democratization of culture), (Ulfarino, 2002).,,.,,. /. (Sen, 2004).,

22 (, 2002).,., (Lewis and Miller, 2003) ( ). /. (we-ness) ' /,. EU (cultural exemption)... - 3....,,

23... - 4 4 2007 KGSS. 3.. TV.,.. (influential). - 5 5..,,,.

24,... /.,. /. 6....,...,..

25....,. (2009)..,..,.,. -..

1 27 1 1 2008.. 2008...,,,,.,. 10. (social edifice). PC,,,.

28 Porter(1997),,..,...,..,,,,,,.,...,

1 29. PC, Re:. in', ( ). 2008...,. 2 -. -.,,,,,,, TV. //,,,,,,,, /..

30..,, /. 1. 15, (proportionate quota & systematic sampling). 2009 8 27 9 18 3, (face to face interview). 1,232 95% ±2.8%. 1-1. 1-1 ( ) (%) 1,232 100.0 605 49.1 627 50.9 15-19 116 9.4 20 238 19.3 30 257 20.9 40 247 20.0 50 193 15.7 60 181 14.7 281 22.8 199 16.2

1 31 ( ) (%) 228 18.5 283 23.0 211 17.1 / 30 2.4 120 9.7 638 51.8 474 38.5 200 63 5.1 200-300 254 20.6 300-400 461 37.4 400-500 222 18.0 500 225 18.3 7 0.6 199 16.2 370 30.0 361 29.3 302 24.5 1,232 908 73.7%, 324 26.3%. 62.7%. 20~40, 60 2.9%.,., 3.2%.

32 1 2 (N=908) (N=324) 73.7 26.3 62.7 37.3 46.7 53.3 15-19 12.8 0.0 20 26.1 0.3 30 27.1 3.4 40 21.8 15.1 50 9.4 33.3 60 2.9 47.8 18.3 35.5 16.1 16.4 24.1 2.8 16.7 40.4 23.2 0.0 / 1.5 4.9 3.2 28.1 47.7 63.3 49.1 8.6 200 1.7 14.8 200-300 18.8 25.6 300-400 38.5 34.3 400-500 19.6 13.6 500 20.6 11.7 0.8 0.0 14.1 21.9 30.2 29.6 29.1 29.9 26.7 18.5 2.., TV,,,.

1 33,, TV,,,,.,. 2008,. 1 3 TV 2007 2008,

34 2 1 1..., 87,. / /. 2009 81.2%, 81.4% 2000 39.8% 71%. PC.

2 35 2 1 1) / 2) :, 2009 * 1) : 2) 2005, 2006 PDA, UMPC (2003 ) * (2008. 5 ) 2 2 OECD ( 10) 100.0 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 2000 2004 2008. : OECD, OECD Key ICT Indicators (, 2009.

36 36.8% OECD 2. (, )..,,... 2 3 OECD : OECD, 2008, Future of the Internet Economy

2 37 2.. 2-4. TV,,,. 2 4 200.0 180.0 160.0 140.0 120.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 20.0 0.0 193.6 172.0 174.1 163.7 155.2 146.4 116.7 90.7 82.0 66.3 77.0 70.8 67.1 73.1 61.2 56.9 42.8 43.5 40.8 35.1 37.3 43.6 37.0 40.4 34.3 25.1 24.0 13.0 7.6 10.5 9.0 6.2 4.9 1993년 1996년 1998년 2000년 2002년 2004년 2006년 2008년 신문지상파TV 케이블TV/ 위성방송인터넷라디오잡지 :, 2008 20 140 84-5 40...

38 2 5 잡지 IPTV DMB 인터넷라디오케이블 / 위성지상파TV 생활정보지무료신문지역주간신문지역일간신문전국종합신문 50세이상 40대 30대 29세이하 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 :, 2008.,,., ().... (, 2008).

2 39. 2-6 1996. 2008 67.1%. 2 6 (%) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 69% 65% 60% 53% 48% 40% 37% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 :, 2008 2 7 :, 2008

40 (3.46), TV(3.38), (3.20), TV/ (3.18), (3.05), (2.89), TV(3.39), (3.35), (3.19), TV/(3.14), (3.11). 2 8 (: 5, N=5,104) :, 2008 2-9.,.

2 41 2 9 여가활동 ( 음악, 게임, 전자책등 ) 자료및정보획득커뮤니케이션 ( 이메일, 메신저등 ) 85.2 89.8 92.9 인터넷구매및판매 교육 학습 56.2 55.2 동호회활동 ( 카페 커뮤니티포함 ) 홈페이지운영 ( 블로그 미니홈피포함 ) 43.1 49.1 인터넷금융 35.4 전자민원 SW 다운 / 업그레이드 10.4 9.3 구직활동 ( 온라인이력서, 입사지원서제출등 ) 3.9 2 : 2 4. 1.,, /.. TV, MP3, 10%. PDA /, PMP, Dvix 10%.

42 2 1 (N= 1,232, : %) (%) (%) 72.4 27.6 16.9 83.1 PDA, 2.1 97.9 97.2 2.8 10.4 89.6 PMP ( ) 5.9 94.1 MP3 36.0 64.0 Dvix 1.9 98.1 TV 40.9 59.1 / 66.0 34.0 2. 4.. TV,. 73.7% 3/4. 2 2 (N= 1,232, : %) (%) (%) 54.6 45.4 TV 97.7 2.3 98.1 1.9 73.7 26.3 TV,,,.. TV,

2 43. 20.,. 2 3 (: ) ( ) TV (N=673) (N=1,204) (N=1,208) (N=908) 29.5 136.1 30.9 90.7 33.1 116.8 34.5 98.5 24.3 154.5 27.4 81.8 15-19 16.7 94.7 36.9 98.8 20 23.4 108.3 41.4 114.7 30 26.8 127.1 34.8 95.7 40 30.0 140.5 28.0 67.5 50 37.0 153.5 25.8 61.5 60 34.2 185.5 15.9 60.6 35.7 152.7 27.8 98.0 29.9 117.0 35.7 91.7 28.1 114.9 38.3 99.9 25.0 177.8 19.5 51.8 20.3 96.7 38.1 103.1 / 33.8 143.3 25.6 85.7 28.0 190.3 21.5 78.1 29.5 139.7 27.9 79.7 29.8 117.1 37.1 102.2 200 29.6 159.0 21.6 111.7 200-300 32.0 139.2 28.0 83.7 300-400 29.6 140.8 29.8 84.8 400-500 28.7 125.3 33.0 89.4 500 27.6 129.0 36.5 108.9 30.0 70.0 40.0 61.4 32.2 144.5 31.4 81.9 27.5 129.8 32.2 90.9 29.7 140.0 31.4 93.0 30.5 133.5 28.5 92.7

44. TV, TV, /, /, /. 2 4 TV (N=1,204, : %) 1 (%) 1-2 3-4 5-6 1.8 8.5 15.0 22.3 52.4, 5.4 20.2 22.7 19.9 31.9, 5.9 31.9 32.3 17.6 12.3, 14.4 41.3 28.6 10.2 5.6 TV 2-10. TV TV. TV (gender division), (Bennett, 2006).

2 45 2-10 TV MBC 42%, SBS, KBS 10%. 15%. 2 11 TV (N=1,204, : %)

46.. 90%. /. /,,,, ///.. 2 5 (N=1,208, : %) 1~2 3~4 5~6, 90.5 6.1 2.1 0.7 0.6 95.0 2.6 1.2 0.3 0.7 /// 96.3 2.6 0.5 0.3 0.3 94.8 2.9 1.0 0.5 0.8 93.5 3.2 2.2 0.6 0.5 83.5 8.3 5.5 1.6 1.2 82.9 9.0 4.6 1.7 1.8. PC. /.. //,,,.

2 47 2 6 (N=908, : %) 1 1 1~2 1 3~4 1 5~6, 1.0 5.3 31.6 24.3 15.3 22.5 11.7 15.1 27.2 16.4 9.0 20.6 // / 35.6 14.4 23.2 12.1 6.1 8.6 42.7 14.4 20.3 8.1 6.5 7.9 46.1 20.8 19.1 8.1 2.6 3.2 50.4 31.1 11.7 4.3 1.2 1.3 69.2 21.1 6.5 2.1 0.7 0.4 35.4 25.9 18.5 9.6 4.6 6.1 () 57.8 22.8 11.2 5.3 1.4 1.4 30.1 12.9 25.3 15.3 8.0 8.4 16.3 25.3 33.8 15.9 5.5 3.2 66.4%. 27.4%.,,,,,. 2-12 (N=908, :%) / /.

48. 10 20 80%, 30 50.,... 2 7,, (N=908, :%) 50.0 50.0 47.5 52.5 52.8 47.2 15-19 81.0 19.0 20 81.4 18.6 30 48.0 52.0 40 20.2 79.8 50 9.4 90.6 60 3.8 96.2 28.9 71.1 39.7 60.3 52.5 47.5 33.6 66.4 83.4 16.6 / 42.9 57.1 58.6 41.4 37.6 62.4 61.4 38.6 200 66.7 33.3 200-300 40.4 59.6 300-400 48.9 51.1 400-500 52.2 47.8 500 56.1 43.9 85.7 14.3 48.4 51.6 51.5 48.5 48.5 51.5 50.8 49.2

2 49 3 1 10 31% 50 24%. 2 13 (N=454, :%) 48.4%. 2 14 (N=454, :%)

50 / 51.7%. / 5 40.3%, 6 10%. 2 15 / (N=908, :%) / 469 5 68.0%. 6. / 30.3%.. 0. (lurking).

2 51 2 16 / (N=469, :%)

52 3 1.,. 2002, 2002, 2004, 2008, 2009,.. 21.,. 2004,. 17

3 53. 2008. 1,.,. 4 60 13, 20 30 1. 40 2009 8, 1..,,.,...,, TV,.

54,.. 2009 8 27 9 18 23. 15 1,232. 2008.,... 19 15. 2 1.., (power-law distribution) (scale-free network) (Bara' Basi, 2002; Watts, 2003)., (preferential attachment)

3 55,. HIV,..,,....,, (meso level) (on-going social ties). -... 2... 2. 160,. 160. 3,

56 ±1 157-163 68%, ±2 154-166 95%, ±3 151-169 99%. 169 0.5. 2 13, 1...., 1, 2, 100..,,......,,...

3 57 2.. 1) 3,500. MySpace (Caverlee and Webb, 2008),., 2. (social proximity) 3 (1) (homophily) 21.53%, (2) ( ), 74.84%, (3) ( ), 1.3%. (1).. (2) (3) (, heterophily),. 1) (, 2008)..

58. 3.,. (homophily) (heterophily)....,.,.,..

3 59 3 1..,.,. 2008 1,000.,.,.,.,,..,,... 2008? ( )

60? 1) /( ) 2) ( ) 3), 4) 5) : )., 1) 2) 3), 4) 5),. ( ).. 9.8% 30.0% 47.4% 12.8%...,.,.. (ordinal regression), (multinomial logistic regression)..

3 61 2.,.,... :... 15-19 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. :.,.,. :. :.

62., (Lipset and Rokkan, 1967; Schattschneider, 1975). 2008 2007.. : 2007. : 2009 8... (frame) (Johnston, 2005). 2008 FTA,.. :?. ( ),,,,,,,,,,.

3 63 :,,,,,, 10 14. (1) (2) (3) (4)... (chain migration)., (Diani and McAdam, 2003)..... (action repertoire) (cycles of protest). (familiar forms of collective action) (Tarrow, 1998; Tilly, 2006)..

64?,,,,,,... 2008.,. (Beck, 1992).,. (risk position). 2008.,., (social risks)., GMO,,, 5 5,.,,,.

3 65 4....,... 1. 1 ( ), 1 TV ( ), 1 ( ), 1 ( ).,,,.

66 3 1 3-1 2008. p=.001.. TV.,. TV. TV.

3 67.. TV,.,., TV. 3 1 57 64 121 3 118 (47.1) (52.9) (100.0) (2.5) (97.5) 135 234 369 8 361 (36.6) (63.4) (100.0) (2.2) (97.8) 192 392 584 38 546 (32.9) (67.1) (100.0) (6.5) (93.5) 46 112 158 9 149 (29.1) (70.9) (100.0) (5.7) (94.3) 430 802 1232 58 1174 (34.9) (65.1) (100.0) (4.7) (95.3) 121 (100.0) 369 (100.0) 584 (100.0) 158 (100.0) 1232 (100.0) : p.008.011..,,.. 3-1.

68,.,, 6.5%.. 3 2 TV 1 2 3-2 TV 1 2. / 1, 2., / 100. /,.

3 69 3 3 3-3. 5 5.,,.. TV.,. TV

70,,. TV,. TV,. 2.. 3 2 Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -3.29979 0.756848 19.00881 1.3E-05 0.298195 0.076689 15.11934 0.000101 1.347424-0.01405 0.083289 0.028468 0.866013 0.986045 0.297808 0.184862 2.595241 0.107185 1.346904-0.06912 0.091888 0.56579 0.451937 0.933217 0.368178 0.206897 3.166692 0.075155 1.4451-0.01628 0.469561 0.001202 0.972348-0.02717 0.046682 0.338659 0.560604 0.973199 0.137788 0.056283 5.993451 0.014359 1.147732-0.27718 0.118851 5.439136 0.01969 0.757916-0.1688 0.06217 7.371998 0.006625 0.844677 0.082118 0.135545 0.367034 0.544625 1.085584-0.05047 0.625661 0.006506 0.935711-0.19832 0.0649 9.337465 0.002245 0.82011-0.20004 0.077215 6.711481 0.009579 0.8187 0.172377 0.160694 1.150699 0.283403 1.188126 0.024151 0.077531 0.097028 0.755425 1.024444 0.026366 0.181888 0.021013 0.884745 1.026717 Pseudo R² Cox and Snell=.060, Nagelkerke=.066, McFadden=.026

3 71 3-2. Stepwise,..,... 0 (+)...,,,.., 3-6%.

72. 3 3 B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -2.78985 1.059377 6.935238 0.008451 0.070363 0.100173 0.493388 0.48242 1.072898-0.10659 0.092236 1.33558 0.247815 0.89889 0.247319 0.207512 1.420462 0.233327 1.280588 0.00718 0.092185 0.006067 0.937915 1.007206 0.449112 0.224458 4.003492 0.045406 1.56692 0.... 0.831074 0.645845 1.655859 0.198163 2.295784 1.258819 0.550962 5.220152 0.022327 3.521261-16.6672 4761.476 1.23E-05 0.997207 5.77E-08 2.11215 0.726154 8.460432 0.00363 8.265994 0.115838 1.16214 0.009935 0.920601 1.122814-17.5306 0.. 2.44E-08 1.009011 0.608437 2.750177 0.097244 2.742888-0.14816 0.798389 0.034437 0.852779 0.862293 0.... -0.7444 0.261969 8.074523 0.004489 0.475018-0.30885 0.503371 0.376463 0.539502 0.73429 0.... DJ/MH -0.7992 0.121949 42.94875 5.62E-11 0.449689 / 0.240985 0.109193 4.870699 0.027316 1.272502 MB 0.692506 0.13844 25.02219 5.67E-07 1.998718 0.701621 0.625564 1.257943 0.262041-0.04183 0.065719 0.405035 0.524501 0.959037 0.053755 0.061467 0.764817 0.381825 1.055226-0.17282 0.131574 1.725273 0.189016 0.841287-0.14853 0.063602 5.45373 0.019527 0.861974 0.171193 0.141914 1.455189 0.227697 1.186719 0.... -1.1315 0.279555 16.38234 5.18E-05 0.322548-0.77916 0.221449 12.37972 0.000434 0.45879-1.27022 0.550359 5.3268 0.021 0.28077-0.57214 0.482626 1.405331 0.235833 0.564318-1.19738 0.503618 5.652749 0.017428 0.301985-19.5828 8478.73 5.33E-06 0.998157 3.13E-09

3 73 B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -0.76828 0.270154 8.087604 0.004457 0.463809-0.56393 0.320482 3.096279 0.078471 0.56897 0.... 0.176501 0.19707 0.80215 0.370451 1.193036-0.25225 0.455601 0.306546 0.579807 0.77705 0.... DJ/MH -0.38834 0.078182 24.67263 6.79E-07 0.678181 / 0.289029 0.073696 15.38132 8.79E-05 1.33513 MB 0.420841 0.084278 24.93486 5.93E-07 1.523243 0.767244 0.826251 0.86227 0.353104-0.34381 0.090744 14.35513 0.000151 0.709061-0.16117 0.081157 3.943859 0.047043 0.851147-0.03123 0.183218 0.029062 0.864636 0.969248 0.043254 0.084072 0.264694 0.606914 1.044203-0.00121 0.188125 4.14E-05 0.994864 0.99879 0.... -0.033 0.367866 0.008048 0.928515 0.967536 0.178544 0.33352 0.28658 0.592421 1.195475-0.07054 0.635675 0.012314 0.911643 0.931892 0.046524 0.720495 0.00417 0.948515 1.047623 0.341661 0.476723 0.51364 0.473567 1.407283-19.5598 0.. 3.2E-09-0.10617 0.3705 0.082116 0.77445 0.899272-0.82971 0.447712 3.434446 0.06385 0.436175 0.... -0.16573 0.267067 0.385112 0.53488 0.847271-0.42605 0.687352 0.384202 0.535363 0.653085 0.... DJ/MH 0.173158 0.097572 3.14946 0.075952 1.189054 / -0.17666 0.096931 3.321451 0.068381 0.838068 MB -0.08569 0.096244 0.792645 0.373302 0.917882 Pseudo R² Cox and Snell=.227, Nagelkerke=.250, McFadden=.107 3-3.,,

74, / /.,,,,. / /....,,,.. 3 4 B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -1.44824 1.133568 1.632256 0.201391 0.368125 0.081788 20.25883 6.76E-06 1.445023-0.11375 0.091781 1.536134 0.215194 0.892477 0.289666 0.196576 2.171373 0.140601 1.335981-0.01403 0.100306 0.019571 0.888742 0.986066 0.148834 0.219472 0.459883 0.497679 1.16048 0.... 0.44612 0.325921 1.873604 0.171063 1.562239 0.... 0.568766 0.118738 22.945 1.67E-06 1.766086

3 75 B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -0.51984 0.107951 23.18933 1.47E-06 0.594614-0.85334 0.165545 26.57085 2.54E-07 0.425992 0.285156 0.104335 7.469705 0.006275 1.329969 0.466449 0.476714 0.957399 0.327843 1.594323 0.... 2.270563 0.75485 9.047852 0.00263 0.025302 0.050227 0.253771 0.614432 1.025625 0.077343 0.060683 1.624441 0.202474 1.080412-0.1674 0.126795 1.743029 0.186756 0.845862-0.10211 0.066651 2.347148 0.125512 0.902928-0.01989 0.144302 0.019008 0.890344 0.980302 0.... 0.446966 0.218032 4.20251 0.040364 1.563562 0.... 0.480438 0.077958 37.98029 7.15E-10 1.616782-0.18162 0.075845 5.734287 0.016637 0.833917-0.73484 0.11345 41.9543 9.34E-11 0.479583-0.16187 0.073066 4.907987 0.026733 0.850552 0.355852 0.305924 1.35304 0.244747 1.427396 0.... 2.482916 0.924778 7.208566 0.007256-0.20917 0.068132 9.425556 0.00214 0.811256-0.14842 0.079997 3.442111 0.063554 0.862071 0.042176 0.165979 0.06457 0.799413 1.043078 0.053594 0.07987 0.450264 0.502209 1.055056-0.04761 0.18661 0.065084 0.798634 0.953508 0.... -0.42174 0.233064 3.274397 0.070369 0.655908 0.... -0.04172 0.094867 0.1934 0.660102 0.959138 0.0543 0.096169 0.318813 0.572322 1.055802-0.30661 0.149344 4.214899 0.04007 0.73594 0.010076 0.096756 0.010844 0.917062 1.010127-1.15516 0.262033 19.43448 1.04E-05 0.315007 0.... Pseudo R² Cox and Snell=.222, Nagelkerke=.244, McFadden=.104.


3 77.,, 3 5,,, B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -0.14618 2.778272 0.002768 0.958039-0.15855 0.409198 0.150121 0.69842 0.853384 0.... 0.482592 0.242119 3.972836 0.04624 1.620268 0.492771 0.176385 7.804885 0.005211 1.636846 0.014393 0.452853 0.00101 0.974644 1.014498-0.02546 0.182145 0.019534 0.888847 0.974864-0.28885 1.110635 0.067642 0.794802 0.749121 0.882775 0.932638 0.895931 0.343875 2.4176-16.7256 3021.125 3.06E-05 0.995583 5.45E-08 1.721022 1.236413 1.937518 0.163938 5.59024-15.3782 2149.818 5.12E-05 0.994293 2.1E-07-17.7438 0.. 1.97E-08 0.787688 0.959415 0.674055 0.411641 2.198308-0.93579 1.118952 0.699411 0.402982 0.392277 0.... 0.57831 0.905002 0.408341 0.522813 1.783023 0.... 0.182684 0.219651 0.691731 0.405576 1.200435-1.25164 0.326125 14.72961 0.000124 0.286035 0.765539 0.224777 11.59923 0.00066 2.150152 0.120457 0.323826 0.13837 0.709907 1.128012-1.04417 0.580362 3.237011 0.071992 0.351984-1.8319 1.011499 3.279996 0.070129 0.160109 5.387485 1.664991 10.47004 0.001213 0.348815 0.26731 1.702786 0.191924 1.417387 0.... 0.159746 0.194004 0.678015 0.410271 1.173213 0.066367 0.116669 0.323588 0.569459 1.068619-0.12022 0.258982 0.215499 0.642491 0.886722-0.13486 0.12144 1.233195 0.266786 0.87384-1.95925 0.669224 8.571064 0.003415 0.140965

78 B Std. Er Wald Sig. Exp(B) -1.16353 0.516512 5.07449 0.02428 0.312382-19.2135 1734.256 0.000123 0.991161 4.53E-09-0.9142 0.96844 0.89113 0.345171 0.400836-0.86644 0.834082 1.079093 0.298901 0.420446-18.6598 7791.187 5.74E-06 0.998089 7.87E-09-1.1332 0.52857 4.596327 0.032041 0.322-0.77055 0.561224 1.885081 0.169758 0.462758 0.... 0.706929 0.604829 1.366111 0.242481 2.027754 0.... 0.479675 0.14953 10.29047 0.001337 1.615549-0.82042 0.207708 15.60168 7.82E-05 0.440245-0.00715 0.138636 0.00266 0.958867 0.992875-0.71371 0.20186 12.50092 0.000407 0.489824-0.35014 0.233237 2.253615 0.133303 0.704592 0.453619 0.315528 2.066839 0.150533 1.573999 2.259872 1.749033 1.669444 0.196333-0.15081 0.278367 0.293507 0.587982 0.860012 0.... -0.34705 0.220272 2.482306 0.115133 0.706773 0.055583 0.116138 0.229052 0.632228 1.057157-0.11367 0.277546 0.167741 0.682127 0.892551-0.3052 0.124848 5.975867 0.014503 0.736978-0.04462 0.667361 0.004471 0.946688 0.956357-0.13838 0.602087 0.052825 0.818219 0.870767-0.50008 0.923672 0.293125 0.588225 0.606479-17.0309 3088.807 3.04E-05 0.995601 4.01E-08 0.433955 0.766434 0.320582 0.571258 1.543349-17.9101 9211.171 3.78E-06 0.998449 1.67E-08-0.70735 0.618326 1.308696 0.252631 0.492947-1.23296 0.67245 3.361847 0.066723 0.291429 0.... -1.09203 0.400526 7.433753 0.006401 0.335535 0.... -0.17039 0.14087 1.463021 0.22645 0.843336-0.01476 0.225988 0.004265 0.94793 0.98535 0.219153 0.150627 2.116852 0.145686 1.245022-0.12981 0.217293 0.356869 0.55025 0.878264 0.288985 0.190652 2.297568 0.129577 1.335071 0.418244 0.306738 1.859191 0.172718 1.519291 Pseudo R² Cox and Snell=.377, Nagelkerke=.412, McFadden=.191

3 79 3-5..,. p=.07 p=.05,. p=.05 5% 5% 7%..., () ( ),.,,,.,.

80.....,. 12.7% 47.4%, 12.7% 2/3 60.2%.. 20-40%. 5 2008. 1,232..

3 81,.,.,,. TV, TV.,,,..,.,,.,..,,.,..,

82..,..,..,.....,.,.,., (weapons of the unrepresented)., ( ),,,,,.

3 83....,.,..,....,..,..,..,..,.

84 4 1 15. 1997 2004. 2008 92% 80%.. 4 1 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 인터넷이용자 ( 만명 ) 이동전화가입자 ( 만명 ) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 : (2007), p.332 20062008.

4 85,.,,, (, 2007).,,..,. (cultural citizenship),.,..,,.,.., (, 2009). 1987 2

86.,,,,. ( 2000;, 2003;, 1999;, 2009),.,,,,,..,,,,.,,.?.. (civic competence),,,,. (civic virtues),,,....?

4 87.,,,.,.,,,,,,.,,,.,, (, 2008).,,,., (, 2005;, 2006;, 2005), (, 2006).,.,

88.,,. (, 2007). (, 2006;, 2006)..,,,,. 2 1. 4-1.,, 3.,....,,,.,

4 89,..,.,..,. 4 1 1) 개인차변수 2) 사회적변수 3) 이념변수 - 1) 매체이용량변수 2) 서비스유형별이용 / / 3) 다중매체이용 / / / 4) 인터넷이용양상 / / 5) 의견추구성향 1) 시민적능력 2) 시민적덕성 3) 인터넷평가

90 ( ) ( ), ( )...,.,,,.,,,,. 10,.,,,,.,,. 2.

4 91.,,,.,... (, 2008;, 2007;, 2008;, 2006).,.,,,,,.., (, 2008).,,. (2007),.

92.. /.., (, 2008)......,,,,..,,,..,,,.

4 93.,,,,..., (, 2008;, 2000).,..,. (, 2006),. (2006)..

94...... (, 2005),,.. (2009),. (Dewey, 1954)...,,

4 95..,. 4 2,.., h2.852.182.431.728.849.179.334.728.769.135.339.593.693.073.508.528.004.779.052.626.307.758.290.612.156.711.184.508.306.136.836.709.413.289.814.680.493.120.662.481 3.143 1.891 2.591 * : :, (2008). :..

96. (nation), (private-citizen), (publics), (, 2007).,,.,,,. (2008),,,. 3, ( ), ( ), ( ).. 4-2.. 1. 3 1. 1,232 72.4%

4 97, 16.9%.. 97.2%. 19.2% 236 1 30, 60 23.9%, 2 18.8%, 11.9%. 26.3% 324. 2..,,,. 10, 30, 60, 1. 2).,.,,,, TV., 2),.,..,.

98. 4 3 -.041.009 -.039 -.059* -.080** -.174***.027.065*.385***.037.073*.187*** n=1,231, *<.05, **<.01, ***<.001. *,,,,,.,,,,.,,.,,,,...,. 1,,.

4 99 (1), (2), (3),, (4), (1), (2), (3).,, 3. 1,,, 3., 2. 4 4.191*** -.111*** -.017 -.071*.025 -.129*** -.069*.108***.506*** -.109*** -.239*** -.105*** -.288*** -.211*** -.040.541*** -.065* -.123*** -.171*** -.166*** -.114*** -.004 -.043 -.017.471***.160***.184***.205*** -.008 -.091** -.041.439.269***.430***.481***.081**.121*** -.*** -.034 -.067* -.065*.075**.246***.316***.695 -.***.310***.335***.503*** n=1,225, *<.05, **<.01, ***<.001. *,,,,,.,,,,.

100..,,,,.....,...,,,,.,,,,,, 3. 4-5. 4 5 (n=55) 3 (n=245) ( ) (%) 55 4.5 29 2.4 33 2.7 116 9.4 67 5.4

4 101 2 (n=467) (n=354) (n=111) ( ) (%) 65 5.3 108 8.8 66 5.4 35 2.8 36 2.9 157 12.7 91 7.4 120 9.7 105 8.5 38 3.1 111 9.0 1,232 100.0 4.5%. 1,000 (2008) 7.2%,. 3 19.9% 245. 2 38.0% 467, 28.7% 352. 8.5% 105. 9.0% 111. (2008) 7.4%,,,.

102 4 6 (n=55) 3 (n=245) 2 (n=467) (n=354) (n=111) ( ) (%) 55 4.5 3 212 17.2 3 33 2.7 2 300 24.4 2 167 13.6 105 8.5 249 20.2 111 9.0 1,232 100.0,. 4-6,,, 2, 3... 18. 4-7, 4.,,,...

4 103,,.,.,,...,,.. 4 7.801. /.690.494.040.092 /.671.480.083.150.629.216.560.050.283.801. / //.490.583.095.117.451.181.759.106.456.263.729.110.106.324.662.403. / -. /.253.506.095.529 4.55 3.96 2.39 1.96

104. 2 2. 4 8 2.,. 4 8..880.253.860.291.188.906.433.684 1.74 1.44 4-8,,. 4-9, 908 26.5% 241, 25% 227. 28.0% 254, 20.5% 186.

4 105,. 4 9 n n=186 (20.5%) n=254 (28.0%) 440 n=227 (25.0%) n=241 (26.5%) 468 n 413 495 908.,,,. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)..78.,, (1), (2), (3)..70. (1), (2), (3)..81. (1), (2), (3)..78.

106. (1), (2), (3), (3), (5). (1), (2), (3)..83.. (1),, (2), (3) 3..78. (1), (2), (3),, (4), 4..72. 4 1.

4 107.,.,,,...,,...,,,...,.,,.,..

108 4 10.108***.008 -.065+ -.009.268***.004 -.072+.141***.172***.015.027 -.***.190***.071*.062* -.089* -.174*** -.027 -.106** -.076* -.020.141***.106**.116**.005 -.*** -.037.055.211***.069+.002.025 -.047 R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001,.,,,,.,..,,...

4 109.,....,.,. 4 11 -.089**.012 -.039 -.052 -.141*** -.080* -.164***.023 -.078* -.***.193***.147***.005 -.087** -.084* -.053 -.048 -.016 -.**.071.077* -.016 -.**.182***.050 -. -.118** R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

110 2.,,..,,,.,..,..,,....,.,,.

4 111 4 12.084** -.020 -.082* -.030.208***.031 -.032.194***.140***.015.027 -.***.199***.079**.071* -.076* -.180*** -.039 -.108*** -.077* -.020.127***.080*.084*.069*.143*** -.009 -.017.038 -.115** -.053 -.041 -.022.028.004 -.068 -.072* -.**.138*** -.018.098**.059 -.011.015 -.021.103* -.003 -.031.029 -.055 R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001...,,,....

112..,...,,,... 4 13 -.038.027 -.045 -.041 -.130** -.042 -.086.087 -.072* -.***.198***.136*** -.001 -.090** -.080* -.046 -.052 -.026 -.027 -.***.051.023 -.067 -.050 -. -.022.028 -.026 -.106**.010 -.019 -.080.066 -. -.096*.103*.074.121*.083 -.039.027.014 -.050 R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

4 113 3.. 5 (, 3, 2,, ),.. 2-3 2-3... 5,...,. 2 3,...,.

114 4 14.485***.024 -.047.011.023***.003 -.002.004***.482***.033.057.010 (B).022.034+.102***.070***.113**.060* -.059* -.090*** -.030 -.057*** -.039* -.088 (n=55) 2.50 3.33 3.30 3.92 3 (n=212) 2.13 3.01 3.17 3.77 (n=33) 2.27 3.04 2.89 4.13 1.91 2.99 3.12 3.76 (n=300) 2 2.14 2.94 2.97 3.87 (M) (n=167) (n=105) 1.43 2.86 3.05 3.60 (n=249) 1.68 2.94 3.17 3.79 (n=111) 1.42 2.99 2.89 3.66 (n=1232) 1.88 2.98 3.11 3.78 (F) 5.464*** 1.728 1.755 5.161*** (F) 15.376*** 3.015*** 4.961*** 9.404*** p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001., 3..,.

4 115. 2..... 4 15 (B) (M) -.063+.084+ -.094+ -.022 -.006*** -.004*.006** -.009*** -.055+ -.***.105*** -.001.080*** -.044** -.054* -.041 -.034 -.007 -.014.020 -.002 (n=55) 3.39 3.60 3.12 3.24 3 (n=212) 3.32 3.43 3.33 3.20 (n=13) 3.05 3.25 3.84 2.71 (n=300) 3.31 3.26 3.22 3.21 2 (n=82) 3.27 3.17 3.63 3.12 (n=105) (n=92) 3.25 3.22 3.28 3.15 3.28 3.23 3.48 3.11

116 (n=49) 3.18 3.12 3.19 3.05 (n=908) 3.29 3.30 3.32 3.17 (F) 1.638 3.668** 3.166** 1.008 (F) 6.056*** 6.391*** 2.829** 4.714*** p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 4....,.,,...,,,...,...

4 117,,.,..,,. 4 16.082* -.015 -.059 -.003.329***.036 -.014.108*.125*** -.002.013 -.***.178***.055.062 -.077* -.190*** -.011 -.124*** -.071* -.019.076*.161***.111**. -.007.087** -.062.034.207***.001 -.037 -.027 -. -.060.004.105**.073.099**.109**.114**.110**.034.052.105**.099**.088** R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001..,,,.,,,,.

118.,.,.,,,.. 4 17 -.086*.023 -.047 -.033 -.127** -.041.003 -.079 -.080* -.071*.014.021.179***.178***.001.134*** -.083** -.059 -.035 -.044 -.014 -.**.077*.060 -.013 -.**.160***.008.031 -.003 -.005 -.105** -.039 -.030 -.039 -.126***.082*.056.079*.029.129*** -.024.100** -.103**.197***.021.125***.050.056 R². p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

4 119 5..,.,...,,,..,,.. 4 18 (ANCOVA) (B) (B).224**.039 -.095 -.011.035***.002 -.004.003*.339***.***.071***.065.038 -.064* -.104*** -.014 -.075*** -.024* -.009.076*.097*** -.037*.** -.005.115** -.028.003.092***.

120 (n=241) 2.06 3.18 3.31 3.86 (n=227) 1.89 2.85 3.13 3,70 (M) (n=254) 1.94 3.05 3.07 3,73 (n=186) 1.82 2.83 2.87 3,72 (n=908) 1.94 2.99 3.11 3,75 (F).997 8.700*** 11.995*** 4.493** (F) 13.101*** 5.548*** 8.038*** 11.068*** p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001.,..,,,.,,..,..

4 121 4 19 (ANCOVA) -.089**.017 -.085 -.055 -.006*** -.004*.002 -.009*** -.070* -.070+.014.052 (B).067***.095*** -.003.076*** -.043** -.055* -.039 -.037 -.005 -.009.016 -.002.019.051***.042*.034*.007 -.010.030.003 (B).048**.099**. -.085**.018 (n=241) 3.35 3.52 3.29 3.38 (n=227) 3.29 3.32 3.35 3.19 (M) (n=254) 3.30 3.26 3.37 3.16 (n=186) 3.20 3.03 3.24 2.87 (n=908) 3.29 3.30 3.32 3.17 (F) 2.744* 16.315***.933 17.979*** (F) 7.015*** 12.088*** 2.527** 9.157*** p<.10, *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 5 1.., (1), (2),,

122, (3),...,.....,,.,,....... 2-3 2-3..

4 123..,..,.. 2....,,,...,,,.,,,,..,,,


4 125 2..,,.,,..,.,..,.,.......,..


5 127 5 1 (Carey, 1988).,. (Tepper and Hargittai, 2009). TV,.,.,.,,,. 1980.,.,,

128 (cultural institutions),,,. (cultural capital).,.,,. 5.,. 0, (established culture).,.,. 2..

5 129,. (democratization of culture), (Ulfarino, 2002).,,.,,. /. (Sen, 2004)., (, 2002).,., (Lewis and Miller, 2003) ( ). /. (we-ness) /,. EU (cultural exemption)..

130... 1., (, 2007).,. (cultural deprivation) 5-1.,,,.....,.

5 131...,,.,.,,,. 5 1. (cultural deficit),

132 (Deutsch, 1967). (Bourdieu et Passeron, 1964; 1970; Bourdieu, 1979; DiMaggio, P. and M. Useem, 1978). (Bourdieu, 1979).,. ( ) (Coulangeon, 2007). (homology).. (Peterson and Kern, 1996; Aschaffenburg, 1995; De Graaf, 1991). (Van Eijck, 2000)..,...

5 133. 2. (, 2009: 57)..,. P2P, (Bourdieu, 1964). (Smith and Kollock, 1999)... ( )..,., (,

134 2007). (, 2006). 30,,. (DiMaggio and Mukhtar, 2004).,.. (informational capital). (Emmison & Frow, 1998)..,.,. 3.

5 135. 1.. 2.. 1. 2007 (Korea General Social Survey, KGSS). KGSS.. KGSS 18, (multi-stage area probability sampling). 2007 6 24 8 30, (face to face interview). 1,243 95% ±3.7%. 5-2.

136 5 2 (%) 45.4 54.6 18-24 10.2 25-34 21.0 35-44 26.1 45-54 18.5 55-64 9.3 65 14.7 100 14.6 100 200 14.8 200 300 17.7 300 400 17.9 400 500 10.0 500 19.6, 16.3 7.0 29.4 42.3 5.0 2. (latent class analysis, LCA).. TV, DVD,,,,,,,,,,,,, /,,,, 17. 4, 3, 2,

5 137 1, 0. / 16 LCA. 5. 5 3 ( ) 1 ( ) 2 () 3 () 4 () 5 ( ) N 145 202 162 530 172 1,211 TV_ 3.497 3.693 3.500 3.513 3.634 3.557 0.221 1.267 2.864 2.938 4.593 2.559 0.076 1.411 1.889 2.075 2.267 1.727 0.393 0.327 1.870 2.285 2.320 1.681 0.007 0.000 0.586 0.696 1.331 0.573 1.028 1.302 1.549 1.468 1.576 1.414 2.028 2.020 2.710 1.949 3.116 2.238 0.021 0.450 0.735 0.287 0.936 0.434 3.186 4.168 4.815 5.030 5.994 4.774 0.828 1.550 3.049 2.477 3.291 2.317 0.124 0.312 1.346 0.404 1.157 0.588 0.117 0.153 0.309 0.532 0.558 0.393 0.745 1.564 2.642 1.217 2.378 1.574 0.014 0.871 1.994 0.743 1.860 1.003 0.221 1.416 2.123 1.253 1.971 1.375 1.869 2.292 2.500 2.649 3.174 2.551 * F 0.01%.,.

138 5 TV,, DVD.. 1. 1. 0.96 1.69 0.12... 3 4.. 3,, 4 5 3, 4. 2 TV. (gender) 1, 0... 50.

5 139 5-4 11. 3.,,.. 5 4.774.135.089.770.236.126.765.245.152.752.289.054.685.028.236.672.286.013.327.793.110.442.737.131.170 -.187.767.234.215.739 -.055.365.632 5-5 1, 0. 5 5 71.7 23.5 DMB/ DMB 13.0 TV/ 29.0 (N= 1,243, : %)

140 3.,. 2. 1: 6. 0, 1, 3, 4. 2 2 4.. 6 1. 2: 7.. 7..

5 141 5 8... =1, =0.. 5-6.,,..... 5-6 1.7465 14.6515 8.3756 19.5850 15.8967 21.1838 15.2174 21.6291 18.8304 22.0294 13.3015 20.7462 F 184.456*** 26.589*** ***p<.001

142. 5-7...,.. 5 7.262**.251**.577**.100**.148**.175** **p<.01 (multiple linear regression).,, 1 R² 8.7% 2 R² 14.2%. 1 4. 1,.

5 143 2 1 (+). 3,,. 4..,...,, - -.. 5 8 : OLS 1 2 3 4 B B B B () 9.465***.764 8.072***.762 8.892***.747 5.915*** 1.266 (=0).355.311.037.258.302.027.307.300.032.311.311.033

144 1 2 3 4 B B B B ( ) -.003.005 -.017.000.005 -. (=0) 3.550***.739.350 2.962***.720.292 2.499***.702.246 2.723***.720.268 (=0) 5.132***.724.524 4.138***.713.424 3.207***.702.328 3.531***.719.360 ( ).074*. 1.230***.167.242.902***.170.177.917***.174.180.713***.142.164.796***.148.178 1.032***.188.192 1.342 1.164.091 3.565** 1.163.269 3.158** 1.114.334 4.768*** 1.168.393 R * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.. (+).. //..

5 145. 4. ( ).,. 5 9 : OLS 1 2 3 4 B B B B () 9.108***.593 8.756***.586 10.031***.633 5.946***.736 (=0) -.444.400 -.029 -.416.394 -.027 -.230.399 -.015 -.339.402 -.022 ( ) -.010.005 -.051 -.008.005 -.038 -.005.005 -.028 -.006.005 -.028 (=0) 7.914***.593.474 6.763***.624.405 6.168***.634.369 4.995***.662.300 (=0) 8.107***.596.531 6.229***.674.409 5.209***.700.342 4.302***.721.283 ( ).168***.047.103.134**.047.082.095*.047.058.092*.046.056 1.230***.218.181.849***.235.125.910***.226.134.641**.210.084.958***.203.127.784***.249.101 3.775***.808.183 5.984***.923.268 5.795***.814.379 5.822***.963.272 R². * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

146 4 4 2007 KGSS. 3. 5-10. TV, DVD,,,,,,,,,,,,, /,,,, 17 /... 4, 3, 2, 1, 0... 5 10 0.729-0.037-0.005 0.645 0.193 0.014 0.623 0.339-0.037 0.599 0.120 0.261 0.526 0.188-0.044 0.466 0.288 0.175 0.384-0.219 0.197

5 147-0.031 0.716 0.018 0.217 0.696 0.080 0.164 0.523-0.060 0.216 0.502 0.230-0.060 0.497 0.450 0.089 0.407-0.092 0.176 0.006 0.634 0.277 0.032 0.606 TV -0.138-0.028 0.544 *Eigenvalue > 1.0, Varimax,,, DMB, TV, 1, 0. 2 8. / TV. 5-11. 5 11 71.7 23.5 DMB/ DMB 13.0 / 75.5 TV/ 29.0 // 35.2 / 42.4 / 6.6 (N= 1,243, : %)

148 5 12. TV /. / (+)...,, ( 7.8 ), (+). (-). Nagelkerke R² 77%.,,.. DMB. DMB. TV/VOD. 7.3, 9 TV/VOD.. (+). /,.,,. /

5 149. 1.7.. Exp(B),. ( ).. 5 12 : DMB / B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) (=0) 0.151 0.279 1.163-0.073 0.182 0.929 0.434 0.212 1.543 * 0.176 0.162 1.193 ( ) -0.094 0.012 0.910 *** -0.066 0.009 0.937 *** -0.031 0.010 0.970 ** -0.001 0.007 0.999 (=0) 0.647 0.292 1.909 * 0.538 0.445 1.713 0.744 0.568 2.104 0.123 0.243 1.130 (=0) 2.058 0.386 7.834 *** 0.584 0.464 1.794 0.858 0.588 2.359-0.140 0.278 0.869 0.116 0.033 1.123 *** 0.034 0.018 1.034 * 0.043 0.020 1.044 * 0.048 0.019 1.049 ** 1.277 0.175 3.587 *** 0.487 0.122 1.628 *** 0.492 0.143 1.635 ** 0.145 0.104 1.156 0.464 0.142 1.590 ** 0.388 0.094 1.474 *** 0.274 0.108 1.315 * 0.074 0.085 1.076-0.420 0.124 0.657 ** 0.085 0.089 1.089-0.084 0.104 0.919 0.242 0.074 1.274 * 4.384 0.681 80.132 *** 0.421 0.597 1.524-2.203 0.722 0.110 ** 0.858 0.414 2.360 * Cox & Snell R² 0.527 0.217 0.102 0.029 Nagelkerke R² 0.767 0.324 0.188 0.043 TV/VoD / B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) B S.E. Exp(B) (=0) 0.393 0.169 1.481 * 0.340 0.190 1.405 0.514 0.186 1.672 ** 0.240 0.281 1.271 ( ) -0.024 0.007 0.976 ** -0.110 0.010 0.896 *** -0.086 0.009 0.917 *** -0.054 0.015 0.948 *** (=0) 1.983 0.538 7.262 *** 1.195 0.579 3.304 * 0.958 0.427 2.607 * 1.004 1.068 2.729 (=0) 2.196 0.550 8.987 *** 1.556 0.586 4.739 ** 1.369 0.439 3.931 ** 1.077 1.087 2.937 0.002 0.017 1.002-0.005 0.019 0.995-0.013 0.019 0.987-0.041 0.029 0.960 0.715 0.112 2.044 *** 0.720 0.125 2.054 *** 0.870 0.120 2.388 *** 0.834 0.200 2.303 *** 0.174 0.086 1.190 * 0.329 0.099 1.389 ** 0.239 0.096 1.270 * 0.165 0.142 1.180 0.041 0.080 1.042 0.018 0.090 1.018-0.127 0.086 0.881 0.234 0.143 1.264-2.256 0.636 0.105 *** 2.036 0.712 7.662 ** 1.810 0.580 6.111 ** -1.839 1.245 0.159 Cox & Snell R² 0.214 0.400 0.409 0.077 Nagelkerke R² 0.304 0.548 0.549 0.196 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

150,.. (influential).. 2007 KGSS... PC.... 5 5..

5 151 1. :. (Katz-Gerro, 1999; Chan and Goldthorpe, 2005; Chan and Goldthorpe, 2007).. - - (homology) (Peterson, 1992). (omnivore), (Peterson, 1992; Peterson & Simkus, 1992; Peterson & Kern, 1996). (snob) '. 3),. 2..,,,,, 3) - (Katz-Gerro and Sullivan, 2006) (Voracious)..

152., 15, 78.,. 9. 50, 100, 600 9. / 5, /..,. 10.,, PDA /,,, PMP, MP3, Dvix, TV, / 10 0 10., 10 600... TV,,,,. TV /, //, /. /R&B, /. /, /,

5 153., /, /. 5 13 TV (%) ( ) 1) / 0.2 3.3 16.9 48.9 30.6 4.1 2) / 3.7 9.1 31.2 40.6 15.4 3.6 3) / 1.9 14.0 48.9 31.5 3.7 3.2 4) // 3.2 17.3 40.3 33.5 5.8 3.2 5) 4.4 21.3 28.5 31.9 13.9 3.3 6) / 6.6 33.4 45.6 13.0 1.3 2.7 7) 1.7 14.8 38.4 38.2 6.9 3.3 8) // 2.2 7.7 28.2 43.7 18.2 3.7 9) 1.8 6.0 22.1 42.9 27.2 3.9 10) / 9.1 26.5 43.9 17.6 2.9 2.8 11) 9.6 30.4 43.1 16.2 0.7 2.7 1) / 6.1 17.5 24.7 33.2 18.6 3.4 2) /R&B 2.3 8.9 20.5 52.2 16.1 3.7 3) / 17.8 38.9 28.4 12.4 2.5 2.4 4) / 18.3 31.8 23.5 20.0 6.3 2.6 5) / 11.4 28.0 36.8 22.0 1.9 2.8 6) 12.7 33.6 35.4 16.8 1.5 2.6 7) / 12.3 27.9 39.8 18.9 1.2 2.7 8) 11.2 24.2 39.9 22.6 2.2 2.8 9) 14.7 33.8 42.4 8.0 1.2 2.5 10) 9.7 27.6 45.4 15.3 2.0 2.7 1) / 6.5 19.3 36.9 32.0 5.4 3.1 2) / 2.7 9.3 26.1 44.3 17.5 3.6 3) / 3.6 11.9 34.4 40.3 9.7 3.4 4) / 6.3 24.4 43.1 22.8 3.5 2.9 5) / 3.7 13.2 28.9 37.8 16.3 3.5 6) SF/ 6.7 18.4 31.5 36.4 6.9 3.2 7) 4.1 10.5 29.0 47.8 8.7 3.5 8) 6.8 23.1 39.0 26.2 4.9 3.0 9) 9.3 28.4 41.2 18.8 2.3 2.8 10) 10.3 30.3 37.5 18.8 3.2 2.7

154 (%) 1) / 3.1 16.6 34.1 39.8 6.5 3.3 2) / 5.6 25.7 35.1 26.8 6.7 3.0 3) 1.8 10.3 32.6 43.5 11.8 3.5 4) / 5.8 21.1 40.7 27.2 5.1 3.0 5) 6.1 22.4 42.8 25.6 3.1 3.0 6) / 4.3 15.9 41.6 33.5 4.7 3.2 7) 12.7 32.9 40.3 12.2 1.9 2.6 8) / 7.3 19.4 39.7 28.6 5.0 3.0 ( ) 1,,,.,,,,,,,.. 5 14 1 82.0 18.0 63.7 36.3 21.8 78.2 15.1 84.9 6.1 93.9 () 11.5 88.5 () 5.5 94.5 () 4.8 95.2 8.0 92.0 3.7 96.3 2.8 97.2 3.5 96.5 4.2 95.8

5 155.,, 0, 1, (TV,,, ). 0, (TV-11, -10, -10, -8 ).,. 13 0 13.. 5 15 ( ) 15-78 15-78 1-9 1= 10= 1-9 1=100 9=600 / / 0=0 0-10 10=10 ( ) 10-600 10=10 600=600

156 TV 0=0 0-11 TV 11=11 0=0 0-10 10=10 0=0 0-10 10=10 0=0 0-8 8=8 0=0 0-13 13=13...,,.,,,, /..,,,,.

5 157 5 16 (: %) 1 1 1~2 1 3~4 1 5~6 1) 36.0 21.8 21.1 12.0 4.4 4.6 2) 3) 58.3 18.6 14.9 6.1 1.4 0.8 55.1 20.8 15.9 5.1 1.7 1.5 4) 50.1 18.2 14.6 8.6 4.1 4.4 5) / 37.8 26.7 22.2 8.5 2.9 2.0 6) / 7) / 8) / / / 9) 10) 11) 12) 61.1 21.5 12.6 3.3 1.2 0.3 59.6 22.8 12.2 4.2 1.1 0.1 56.3 25.9 12.2 4.2 1.3 0.1 12.7 15.5 30.3 22.8 10.8 7.9 57.7 17.7 15.4 7.3 1.7 0.2 67.8 17.3 10.4 4.3-0.2 28.4 22.0 26.3 15.5 4.6 3.1 13) 67.2 17.4 10.4 4.0 1.1-14) 65.6 17.6 11.8 3.3 1.1 0.6 15) 33.0 23.1 23.6 13.8 3.7 2.8 16) 67.3 18.0 11.1 3.2 0.4-17) 63.1 19.9 12.1 4.3 0.3 0.2 18) 66.1 18.8 10.8 3.6 0.6 0.1

158 K-. K-,. 5-17 3.. 1. 18.. /,,, /. 1,. 2 1 3,.. 3 18. 3. (,, ).,,,, /. 3.

5 159 5 17 N=928 1 (N=459; 50.5%) 2 (N=312; 34.4%) 3 (N=137; 15.1%) F* 1) 1.41 0.48 1.99 3.19 469.7 2) 3) 0.76 0.07 1.06 2.39 603.0 0.82 0.08 1.18 2.47 604.7 4) 1.12 0.19 1.62 3.05 506.8 5) / 1.18 0.46 1.70 2.42 298.0 6) / 7) / 8) / 0.63 0.05 0.89 1.96 481.9 0.65 0.08 0.90 1.99 491.3 0.69 0.11 1.02 1.88 409.4 9) 2.27 1.75 2.58 3.31 92.3 10) 11) 12) 0.78 0.22 0.96 2.24 330.8 0.52 0.13 0.61 1.63 245.0 1.55 0.96 1.99 2.53 126.2 13) 0.54 0.12 0.67 1.68 246.1 14) 0.58 0.10 0.71 1.89 319.7 15) 1.40 0.67 1.82 2.89 281.3 16) 0.52 0.10 0.54 1.84 436.6 17) 0.59 0.12 0.68 1.99 447.6 18) 0.54 0.11 0.59 1.86 389.4 *F 0.001.

160.., 15%... 30.,...,,,,. 300-400. 500.. 5 18 N (%) (%) (%) 484 52.1 32.6 15.3 424 48.8 36.3 14.9 10 116 19.0 55.2 25.9 20 237 20.3 49.8 30.0 30 246 53.7 36.2 10.2 40 198 79.8 16.2 4.0 50 85 88.2 9.4 2.4 60 26 92.3 3.8 3.8 29 37.9 37.9 24.1 433 61.4 30.3 8.3 446 40.8 38.1 21.1 1.4 280.5*** 48.8***

5 161 *p<0.001 N (%) (%) (%) 166 71.7 20.5 7.8 146 54.1 34.9 11.0 219 50.7 32.4 16.9 211 15.2 55.5 29.4 / 166 71.1 23.5 5.4 200 15 46.7 40.0 13.3 200-300 171 59.6 29.2 11.1 300-400 350 52.9 37.4 9.7 400-500 178 48.9 34.3 16.9 500 187 40.6 33.2 26.2 128 53.1 35.9 10.9 274 48.9 35.8 15.3 264 51.9 32.6 15.5 242 49.6 33.9 16.5 170.5*** 37.9*** 2.8 5-1.,.,,. TV.,..

162 5 1, 4. 4 3 4-7.

5 163 3.. 1..,..,,.,. /. Log Likelihood 31.8%. 5 19 (1) ( ) ( ) Exp Exp B B (B) (B) () 2.159** 1.147 () -.190.827 -.059.943 -.097***.908 -.133***.876.592 1.807 -.048.953 ( ) 1.177* 3.244 1.179 3.250 -.056.946 -.004.996 -.005.995.235* 1.266.510 1.665 1.078* 2.939 (/).474 1.606.543 1.722.310 1.364.610 1.840.627 1.872.660 1.934-2 Log Likelihood 1371.035*** Pseudo R² (Cox&Snell) 0.318 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

164 2. 2. 1. 1. 2,.,. 2 35.3%. 5 20 (2) ( ) ( ) Exp Exp B B (B) (B) () 1.490 -.507 () -.194.824 -.171.843 -.087***.916 -.109 ***.896.548 1.729 -.174.840 ( ) 1.096 2.993.873 2.395 -.060.942 -.016.984 -.003.997.239* 1.270.255 1.290.288 1.333 (/).394 1.483.206 1.229.180 1.198.256 1.291.620 1.859.636 1.888.042 1.042.122 1.130.004** 1.004.010 *** 1.010-2 Log Likelihood 1407.754*** Pseudo R² (Cox&Snell) 0.353 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

5 165 3,. 1, 2 (-). 2 (+)..,. 3 37.8%. 5 21 (3) ( ) ( ) Exp Exp B B (B) (B) () 1.412 -.934 () -.171.842 -.128.880 -.087 ***.916 -.115 ***.891.392 1.480 -.356.700 ( ) 1.004 2.729.696 2.005 -.063.939.001 1.001 -.024.976.150 1.162.260 1.297.070 1.073 (/).322 1.379 -.091.913.101 1.106 -.002.998.510 1.666.524 1.689.040 1.041.104 1.110.003* 1.003.009 *** 1.009 TV -.033.968.094 1.098.096 1.100.192* 1.211.010 1.010.009 1.009.005 1.005.104 1.109.106 1.112.311 *** 1.365-2 Log Likelihood 1339.202*** Pseudo R² (Cox&Snell) 0.378 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001

166 1 31.8%, 2 35.8%, 3 37.8%... 1.,, 10%,.,,.,. /. 5 22 1 ( ) ().038.015.009 -.038 -.242*** -.317*** -.122*** -.197*** -.032 -.132*** -.040.088 ( ).***.120***.004 -.046 -.107**.* (/).031 -.020 -.030.109** -.018.041.075*.015.002.134**.012 -.057 R² 0.072 0.212 0.019 0.064 * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001 Adjusted R² 0.070 0.209 0.017 0.059

5 167 2. 1.,, 1,.. 5 23 2 ( ) ().027 -.003.003 -.043 -.207*** -.275*** -.084* -.130*** -.021 -.117*** -.046.088 ( ).027 -.026.053.089**.111**.003 -.044 -.108**. -.001 -.016.040 (/).034 -.022 -.048.083* -.029.038.063 -.024.009.152*** -.009 -.045.105**.***.151***.177*** R² 0.082 0.231 0.035 0.089 Adjusted R² 0.079 0.228 0.033 0.084 * p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 3. 2.,,, 1, 2,.,

168..,,.. 5 24 3 ( ) ().026 -.020.001 -.040 -.211*** -.269*** -.089** -.122*** -.021 -.114*** -.028.069 ( ).027 -.061.029.082*.109** -.003 -.027 -.115***. -.002 -.007.040 (/).026 -.017 -.061.074* -.034.027.036 -.034.025.136**.033 -.035.109**.017.019 -.002.049.143***.124***.155*** TV.041 -.006.077*.*.011 -.013.067*.173***.125*** R² 0.084 0.227 0.086 0.105 Adjusted R² 0.080 0.223 0.081 0.098 * p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 KGSS. / 1, ( 1 ) 0

5 169.. 1.,,,.,.. /. / 10... / 3. 15.1%(Nagelkerke R²), 11.4% (Nagelkerke R²). 5 25 / 1(=1, =0) Exp(B) Exp(B) () 88.718*** 7.208** ().673*.759.983* 1.006.126***.155*** ( ).102***.106***.920.979.923 1.015 1.221 1.271 (/) 1.720* 1.300 1.537 1.119 10.424*** 3.319*** Cox & Snell R² 0.099 0.084 Nagelkerke R² 0.151 0.114 * p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

170 2.. 1... 1.. 30.4%(Cox & Snell R²), 42.9%(Nagelkerke R²), 24.8%(Cox & Snell R²), 33.1%(Nagelkerke R²),. 5 26 / 2 (=1, =0) Exp(B) Exp(B) () 24.300** 4.745 ().886 1.007.914***.907***.938.917 ( ).939.824.977 1.082.939 1.033 1.001 1.632 (/) 1.606 1.229 1.501 1.264 3.504***.918 1.148 1.222** 1.008*** 1.002 Cox & Snell R² 0.304 0.248 Nagelkerke R² 0.429 0.331 * p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001

5 171 3 2. 2.. 2,. 3 2 44.3%(Nagelkerke R²), 34.2%(Nagelkerke R²). 5 27 / 3 (=1, =0) Exp(B) Exp(B) () 13.431* 1.980 ().769 1.042.916***.909***.842.940 ( ).903.841.985 1.101.906.998 1.122 1.633 (/) 1.628 1.139 1.467 1.182 2.953* 1.004 1.146 1.235** 1.007*** 1.002 TV.996 1.016 1.000 1.035 1.112 1.056.929 1.055 1.298*** 1.100 Cox & Snell R² 0.315 0.256 * p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 Nagelkerke R² 0.443 0.342

172 4.,... /.,. /.

6 173 6 1,.., 2008 -,,,,,. 2007 KGSS..,, (conversion cost).,, ( ).,.,

174,. 2008. (,, ) (territorialization).,. (social presence). 90..,.,,.,..,.

6 175,.,.,..,,,..,,, / /.,....

176.,, (social inclusion)...,,,.,.,.,......,.,

6 177.. (influential).... PC. 2.. (catch up).,....

178 1..,....,..,..,..,..,. 2.. (Fuchs, 2008, 6-1 ).

6 179.... 6-1 : Fuchs, Christian. 2008: 334. 3. (2009)


6 181.. 4. -. //...,... IT

182. (Appadurai) (capacity to aspire)..,.

183 (2008),, 22(2), pp.7-46. (2000),, 34(2), pp.69-86. (2008),, 42, pp.44~78., (2008),, ( ),., (2006), :,50(4), pp.65-95. (2005),, 39(2), pp.34-68. (2008), :,. (2003),, 58, pp.7-40. (2005),,5(3), pp.191~226. (2006),, 13(3), pp.197~217. (1999),, 103, pp.332-351. (2006),,50(5), pp.160-183.

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