. 1. 2. 3.. 1. 2..... 1... 2. 3... 4.. 1... 2.... ( ). 1...... \ 2..... 3.... 1. 2...,
.,.. 1. 2... < -1> < -2> < -3> < -1> < -2> < -3> < -4> < -5> YMCA < -6> < -7> < -1> < -2> < -3> < -4> < -5> < -6> < -7> < -8> < -9> < -10> < -1> < -1> < -1> < -1> < -1> < -1> < -2> < -3> < -4> < -5> < -6> < -7> < -8> :. 10,.
, ' ',.,,..,,...,. 1997 9 1..,. 10. ' '..,,. 2. 13 18.,.,,.,,,,.,,,.,.. 30,,.,, 24. 3.
..., 1996 18 : 82.. `96 55.4%.,,...,..,,,,,.. 1),,,,,,..,... (outreach).,,. 2) YMCA, ' '...,,,, 3,452. ' ',. 14.
,,,,.. ' '...,.,,. 1996 11 39.8% 250,.,. 4..,,,.., 12, 5, 3, 6.,,,.. 1).,., 14.,,.,,.,. 2),.,..,,. 3),
,..,.,,.,,. 4),... 5) 77% (friendship network)., 17., 5.,,.,.. 6),,,..,., ',' ' '. 10.. :. ' ' ',' ' ', ' ',, ' '.,.,,. < 1>
. : < 2>.. ',' ' /,' ',' ' '. < 2> 6.. 1).
(Hotling Service) (Outreach Service) 2),.... 1) (Independent Living Skills Program) 2).,.., 1),, ( ) 2),,,,..,,...., < 1>. < 1>, (entry service).,
.,,.,,,.,.. 7..,.
. 1..,.,. 1) 10%,,. 10., 2), 91.6%
3), 10 40.5% 4).,. ' '.,,.,.,,. 1),, (1995),,, p.44. 2) (1993),, pp.116-117. 3) (1993),, p.23. 4) (1996), ",", 1,, p.19.
2. 13 19.. ' '..,. ' ',.,.,,.,,,.,,,.,. 3.,.
, 1.,,..,,,... 1.,,,.,,,, ( 2). 2.. (case narratives), 1). 2),,. 3) 1) 13 18.,. 20 40, 17, 13., 1997 3,, YMCA,,,,, 7. 20 17. 17 ' ' ' YMCA ' ',' ',' ' '.. 4),,,,,,,,,, 1.,,.,,
15. 5. 20 7 13. < -1>. 2). 1997 3 17 3 21 1, 1. 3 1, 2 2. < -1>
, 1997 4 14 5 30 1 3. (interview guide approach). Patton(1990) (qualitative, open-ended interview) (informal conversational interview), (interview guide approach), (standardized open-ended interview),. 5) 4
,. Roberts(1987) 6) Miller (1980) 7),.,, 17, 3 4. 1,...,,,,... 1, 2, 3,.. 1) ( ),,.,,. 40, 40 24. < -2>. 2). 1997 3 17 3 21 1 1. < -2>
3 1, 4 1., 1997 4 14 5 30 1 3.,..,..,.. < -3>
1) (1994), ",", 3(4), ; (1995), "," ; Dorothy Miller, Donald Miller, F. Hoffman & R. Dggan(1980), RunawaysIIIegal Aliens in Their Own Land : Implications for Services, N.Y. : Fraeger.. 2) Allen Rubin & Earl Babbie(1993), Research Methods for social Work, 2nd ed., Pacific Grove, CA : Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, p. 362. 3), (1991),, Albert R. Roberts,, pp.37-38. 4) YMCA (1996),. 5) Michael Q. Patton(1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods, 2nd ed., Newbury Park, CA: Sage ; Allen Rubin & Earl Babbie(1993), op. cit., pp. 372-376. 6), (1991),, pp. 116-122. 7) D. Miller etc.(1980), op. cit., pp. 70-134.
. 1..,. Opinion Research Corporation(ORC) ' '(1976), " 10 17 " 12.5% 73 3 " 2 " 1. 1). Welsh (1995) ' 48 18 ' 2), Robert(1987) " 24 18 " 3)., Garbarino (1986) ORC " 10 17 " 4).
Miller (1980) ",,,,, " 5)., 6) (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, DHHS) " ", ",, ". 2 1 4 " ". ' 12 '.,,, ',,,, ', ',,, '. 7),,., (1993) Roberts " 24 18 " 8), " ( ) ( ) 18 " 9). (runaway girls) ' 24 18 ', (homeless girls) ',, 18 '..... 10) Erickson(1979) 11) ' (heavy hand approach)',,,,,, ' '.. Erickson ' (helping hands approach)',, ' '. (Develpmental Perspectives)., (transient). Erickson ' (hand off approach)',.. (1993) 12). ' '..,
.,...,.,. "?".,,.. 1) James Garbarino, Janis Wilson & Anne C. Garbarino(1986), "The Adolescent Runaway," James Garbarino, Cynthia J, Schellenbach & Janet M. Sebes(eds.), Troubled Youth, Troubled Families: Understanding Families At-Risk for Adolescent Maltreatment, New York, Aldine Publishing Company, p.42. 2) Lesley A. Welsh, Francis X. Archambault, Mark-David Janus & Scott W. Brown(1995), Running for Their Lives, New York & London: Garland Publishing, Inc., pp.3-4. 3), (1991),, p. 37. 4) James Garbarino et al.(1986), op. cit., p.42. 5) D. Miller etc.(1980), op. cit., pp. 70-134. 6) NASW(1996), Encyclopedia of Social Work, p. 2061. 7) (1996),, p. 422. 8) (1993),,, p. 63. 9),, (1995),, p. 29. 10) R. C. Sarri(1996), "An Agenda for Child and Youth Well-being," in P. R. Raffoul & C. A. Mcneece(eds.), future Issues for Social Work Practice, Boston : Allyn & Bacon, pp. 142-143. 11) M. L. Erickson(1979), "Some Epirical Questions concerning the Current Revolution in Juvenile Justice," in L. T. Empey(ed.), Future of Childhood and Jubenile Justice, Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press. 12) (1993),, pp. 75-76.
2.,. Homer(1973) 1).,
' (running from)' ' (runnin to)', ' ' ' '. Greene Esselstyn(1972) 2) ' (the reetless)', ' (the anxious)', ' (the terrified)'. ' ',, ' '. ' ',., ' ',., English(1973) 3), ' (the floaters)', ' (the recurrent runaways)', ' (the spitters)', ' (the hard road freaks)'. ' ' 48, ' '. ' ', ' ' 17 20., Brennan (1974, 1975) 4) 7., 'running to' ' ', 10.,,,. Brennan (episode) 5,.. ' '.... Miller (1980) 5) 215. ' (victimes),' ' (exiles),' ' (rebels),' ' (refugees),' ' (immirants)'. ' ' (enemies). ' ', ' ',. ' ',, ' '. ' '
' ' ' '., (1993) 6),,,, ',' ',' ',' ' '. (1993) 7),, ' ' ',' ' ', ' ' ',' ' ' ' '. Homer, ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ', ' ' (pushouts), ' ' (castaways). 1) L. E. Homer(1973), "Community-based Resource for Runaway Girls," Social Casework, 54(8), pp. 474-475. 2) N. B. Greene & T. C. Esselstyn(1972), "The Beyond Control Girl," Juvenile Justice, 2343, pp. 13-19. 3) C. J. English(1973), "Leaving Home: A Typology of Runaways," Society, 10(5), pp. 22-24. 4) T. Brennan, S. Brewington & L. Walker(1974), A Study of Issues Relating to Runaway Behavior, Mimeographed report submitted to the Office of Youth Development, Behavioral Research and Evaluation Corporation; T. Brennan, F. Blanchard, D. Huizinga & D. Elliott(1975), The Incidence and Nature of Runaway Behavior - Final Report, Behavioral Research and Evaluation Corporation; D. Miller, et al.(1980), op. cit., pp. 31-32. 5) D. Miller, et al.(1980), op. cit., pp. 34-36. 6) (1993),, pp. 73-74. 7) (1993),, pp. 25-26.
3.. (general social services), Kahn(1973) ',,,,,, ' 1) Kamerman & Kahn(1976) ',,,,,,,,,,, ' 2).,,,,..,,,,,.
.. Kahn,. 1) Kahn(1973) (social services for socialization and development),, (social services for therapy, help and rehabilization), (access services)..,,,,..,,.,,,,,,.,,, (substitute care services)..,,.,,..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,..,..,,,, (hotline),,,.,. 2) 3),.,..
,.,,,,. 1) A. J. Kahn(1973), Social Policy and Social Services, N.Y. : Random House, pp.27-33. 2) S. B. Kamerman & A. J. Kahn(1976), Social Services in the United States : Policies and Programs, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 3-6. 3) (1993), " :," 1, pp. 100-130 :, (1993),,, pp. 162-189.
4. Kahn,. < -1>. 1...,...,.,. 3.. (reported)...., (seen).
,. 1) 182 20. 20 20, 20 20 < -1>. 20, ' '. < -1>.. 1), `90 6,984, `91 10,500, `92 11,008 `93 9,235, `94 11,363, 95 21,517, 96 21,156, `93. `96 9,445, 11,711. 2),,,,,.,., (unseen). < -2>.
< -3> 3) (1997)...,,. < -4> 1991, 1996 YMCA 1 (1991. 1) 8.5%, 2 (1991. 11) 14.3%, 3 (1996) 14.8%. YMCA. < -5>.
< -5> YMCA YMCA ' ',. 10%,., 2). (reported), (seen). (unreported) (unseen)..., 1996 18 : 82.., `96 21,156 11,711 55.4%.,. 1996 772, 359, 413, 1995 576 348, 228 `95 `96 81%. 3),,. 1) (1997),. 2) YMCA, 40 60, 10, 12, 15, (1995) 10% 44.. 3) 1997. 5. 21.
2.. 1)
,.,,,,.,,,,,..,,,,,,..,.,,,,,,,,, 24,,..,,,.. (outreach).,,,,,.,.,,. 1), YMCA,, ' '.,. 6.,.,., 5 20. 2)
< -6>
., < -6> 5,.,. (target population).,.,.,,, outreach,.,.,.,,,,.,.,,, 49,,, 124, ( ) 197. 43.
, 2,850,, 130. < -7> ' ', 14. 3),,,,,. 4). ' '.
..,.,,. 11 89, 14 50.,,,,,, 6 1. 1996 11 39.8% 250,. 5),,., 3D,,,,.,,. 2),,,,..,..,..,. 4 5..,.,., ' '.,,. (safety net).,,,,
. ' ', ' (social control)', ' '.. 1) < -1>,.,,,.,..,,,,, < -1>. ' '(1987 ) 1988, ' '(1993 ) 1993 40 30..,,. 12
14.,,,.,,,, 2. 6),.,.,,,..,.,.,,.,,.,,,,. 2).,,. 9 24 ( ), 18 20 ( ), 13 18 ( ) ( ), 24,.,.,.,.,.,,.. ( ) 34 4 " ", ' '(1991),. ' ', ' '.,,,. ' ' 6, 7, 8, 9,,,.
. ' ' 46 ",,.,,,... ".. 2 1 4 " ", ' 12 '.,,, ',,,, ', ',,, '. 7),,..,. ' ' ' ', " " ' ' 11, 12.,, 46,,,, 2 2,,,,,,,,,,,,. ' '(1997 ) 34., 24,,.,..,,..,. 1) 1996 13 46 4 2. 2),,,,,,. 3) (1996),, pp. 391-392. 4) (1996),, p. 394. 5),, 18. 6) (1996),, pp. 497-499.
7) (1996),, p. 4223
. 1.. 1) 1),,,, < -1>,. < -1>,,, < -1>. < -1> ' ', ',' ' ', 12, 5, 3, 6.,,,..,,,., ' '. ' ' ',, ',. ' / / ',. ', ' ' '. < -1>
2). < -1>.
< -1> ( ) < -1>. 3.3,., (1993) 2), 1 18.3%, 2 3 21.7%, 20.0%, 16.7%. 1,, (, ). ( ), < -1>. ( ),,. < 29> ( ). ( ), 1
7,, 1, 2, 3, 4,. 3) < 6> ( ). ( ) ( ),,. < 18> < 30> ( ) ( ) 11,,,. < 21> < 22> < -1>. ( )..,.,,,,,,.,., YMCA(1996) 4). ' ' 5)., 7 2.8, < 14> 40.,.,, < -1>.,,, ( ) (< -1>, < -1>),..,,,,,. 1) : 13 17, 30 20. 6),,,,,,, < -1>., 18, 12, 1.,,.,..,., 14
. < 14>.,. 90. < 15>,..,..,,.. < 3> 7, 8, 3-4. 8 30.,..,,,.,,. < 19>.. 8 7. < 22> < 21>.... 2) :. 30 40, 60, 5 20, 2 6, 15 < V-2>,. < 3> 40 40,. 1 50,000 15 3-4 200. < 20> 10, 10,000,.
,.. < 7> 35, 5.. < 18> 10,000 1/6 UF.. 10,000, 10.,,,,. < 19> 4 20. 10,000.,,.,.,. ( )., 17, 10 10,000 15,000.,.. 3) : 7 2 9, 20, 1. 20 5, 5, 10.< V-3>. ' ', ',' ',' ',,' ', ' < V-2>.,.,..,. '96 2 4 '95 '96. < 15>.,
...,,. < 29>.. < 30>..,,. < 2>.....,. 4) : < 17> 4,,.. < 6>. 18 < 20>. 30 14 15, 7 < -5>. 12. < 6> < 14>. 7), 30%, 26.1%, 29.3%,...,...
5) < -2>. < -2> 77% (friendship network).. (, ),,. < 30> 3,...
,,,. 17. ',, '.., 5.,,., ', '.,,,.. < 13> 3,,,.,,,. < 25>.,.,,. (seen ranaways) (unseen runaways). 6), < -6>,,..,., ',' ' '. < 1>.,
.,. < 11>..., ' ' 3, ' ' 4,,. ',' ' '. 10. ' ' 7 ',' ',' ' '. Simmons & Whitbeck(1991), " ". 8) ' '..,,,,,,,,, < -3>. 9, 6 19, 18, 16 50%. 14, 12, 9, 4.,. < -3>
,,.,,.,.,,,,.. 4 3,.. 2.7, < -4>. < -4>
19,,,,..,,,,. 17, 13,. 15 4,... ' ' ' ' 10, ' ' 6, ' / ' 4, ',, ' 3.,,. < 24>..,,... ',,' ' ', ' '. < 3> ( ),... < -5>
< 12>......, ( )., ',' ',' ',' ',' ' '.
< 11>.,,. ' ', ',' ',' ' '., ' '. ',' ',' ',' ' '. < 12> ' '. < 12> 1,, 6,. ( ) ' '., ( ). ' ',.,,...,., ',,, ', ' '.. < 27>, ' '. 2.. ',' ',' ',,' ' ', ' '.. < 10>... < 19>,..., ( ).
',' ',, '.. < 6>... < 30> ( ),.,. ',' ' ',, ' ' ' '., ' ',,,. 1) (1980), " :,", ; (1982), ",", 16 ; (1987), ",", 11(4) ; (1993), ;,, (1995),, : A. R. Roberts(1987), Runaways and Non-Runaways, Chicago : the Dorsey Press. 2) (1993),, pp. 64-66. 3) (1996),, pp. 440-451. 4) YMCA (1996),,,,,,,,. YMCA(1996),, p. 56. 5) ' ',. 6),,,,,,,,. (1993),, pp. 114-124 ; YMCA (1994), YMCA, pp. 186-187. 7) (1993),, pp. 102 105. 8) R. L. Simmons & L. B. Whitbeck(1991), "Runing Away during Adolescence as a Precursor to Adult Homeless," Social Service Review, 65, pp.224-247 : YMCA(1995),, p.12.
2.. 1) ' ', ' '., ' ' ',, ' ' ' ' ' ' '. ' ', (status offender),. 2) < -6>.,.. ',' ' /,' ',' ', ',.,,,,. ',, ' ' ',.., '.,.,,,,, ' ',. ', '. < -6>
.,,,,,,,,, < -7>. 9, 1 15, 2 13, 3 11.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,
.,.,,...,,,,,,,. < -7>
,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,,.,,.,.. '?' '?' ' ', ',' ' ' < -7>. ',' ',' ' ',..
'?' ',' ',,' ',' ',,' ',' ',' ',' ',' ' ' < -8>.,,,,,,. < 5>,,.. < 11>,.,,.. < -8>. ' ',. ',' 'hotline,' ' '. < 4>.. < 5>,,,,,. < 11>,..,. ' ' ' '.. < 11>. < 15>,,,. < 23>
..,..,., 10.,.. < 11>. < 20>,,,. < -8>
< 10>,., 2-3. 6. 5,,,. 3. :.. ' ' ',' ' ', ' ',, ' '.,,
,. < -9>,.... < -10>...,. ',' ' /,' ',' ' '.,,.. < -10>
. 1...,.,., (gender-sensitive)..,, (safety net).,,. 1),., ( ),.,,,,,. 1) (1993),, p. 83.
2.,,.,... 1).. < -10>,.,,.,,,,,
.. 1), (entry service).,, (right to access).,,,.,,.,,,,. 2)..,,,.. (Hotline Service). 24.,,,,. (Outreach Service)., (street-level counselling). AIDS.,,.,,,. 3),,.,. ' ' 4, 5 256,
...,,,....,. 1).,.,,.,., (Transitional Living Program). 2). 2). 4 12,.,,,.. 3).,,,,.,.. (Independent Living Skills Program)..
.. < -1> Project Turnaround 4). < -1> (alternative school)... 5) 3
1,,,,.,.,.,,..,,. ' ' ' ',.,.,,,.,. 6). 3),.,,.,..,..,,,.,,,,.. 1),,,.,,,.,.,.
2),, ( ) ( ) 2.,, (screening).,,..,... (houseparents),..,.,,... Willamette Bridge Program 7) Bridge House HUBLAWS. HUBLAWS (home), (up), (bed), (leave), (appoinment), (work), (school)..,,. 8)..,,,,,,,,.,,,
...,.,. 3),,,,..,,.,., ',,, ',......,,,.., < -1>. < -1>, (entry service).,,.,.,.,,.,
,,..,.,.. < -1> 1). California Office of Criminal Justice Planning(1991), Confronting Sexual Exploitation of Homeless Youth: California's Juvenile Prostitution Intervention Project ; Dorthy Miller, Donald Miller, Fred
Hoffman & Robert Doggan(1980), "Runaway Resource Guide", pp. 183 205. 2) (1993),, pp. 67-70. 3) (Transitional Living Program). 4) Project Turnaround 'Central City Hospitality House'. 5) (1996. 12), " ". 6) 1997 7 15. 7) Willamette Bridge Program Potland Janus Youth Program. YMCA(1995),, pp. 123-156 8),,,,,.
. 1.,,.,,.,,.,, ' ', ' '.. ',' ' /,' ',' ' '.,..
2... 1) ',' ',' ' '.. ' '(1974, 1992 ). ' ' ' '. 2),.,,,,,.,.,. 3),,,.,.,.,..,. 4),.,.,.. 1).
.,.,. 2),. ' ',,.,...,,.,,... 3),,..,. 4)..,, ', '.,. 5).,.,.,. 6)
1 < -1>
< -2>
< -3> < -4> < -5>
< -6> < -7> < -8> :
2 < : 21> 1. : 1997 4 18 2. : 8-10 3. : 4.,.. 5.. ',, '. ' ',,.. 6. 1. 150. 1. 1)
1-2) 3 45.. - 11 2 4,., 3,, ' ' ' '..,. - / / / (43 ),, 12.. (40 ),, 1, 3,000. (23 ) 70 80. 3 ' '( ).
2). ' '. ' ', ' '.. 2.,., ' '( ), ' ' 2.,.. 150,. ' 1,2 ', ' '., ' ' ' '. 1.. 1). ',..'.... 2) 1 2 2000 5 ( ).. 3),,.. 4) 19 18,
. 3. - 3 8. 6 1/6.,,.. -.. - 4, 1 ( ) 1...,. - 2. -.. ' '. -.. 1) 12,, 6. 4. 2... 2,. 2,000CC.. 2) / -. 4. 1) / :..... 2)..
,. 3).. 5..,., ' ' ' '.,,,,.,,.,. 6. -.... -. < : 12> 1. : 1997 5 16 2. : 4 7 3. : 4. : 1. 1)
1-2) -. -. 6.. ' ',. 1 ' '.. 2 ( ). 3 1 1.
4, 3. 6. ( ) ( 1 2 10 ) 2,, 2 4. ( ). 2. '..' ' '.. ' '...... ' '. - / / / 200.., ( 300 ),,.. 3 1 4 1 1, 2.. 3. 2.. ' '.. 1). 2)... 3)
. 3. - :. 1 10,000. - :.,, ( ).. ' '.. ' '. TV.. - :. 1 1. ', ' 3 4 ( 1 ).. 1.,.. 5. -. - :.... - :... - :.. 1) 7 40 4. 8 30 9....,. 4. 1) /,,,,..,...,
. 1. ' '.. ( ).,. 2. 2). 3)..,.. 2, 1. 5. - :,,,,,,......,.......................... ( )....,,
. ', ' ' '. ' ' ' ',........... ' ',.,.......,,,.,. - :.....,.,,. -.,..,. 50%.... 6. -. -...,,. -...
.,.....,.,. < : 13> A. 1. : 1997 5 26 2. : 2 6 3. : 4. : case. B. 1. 1) 1-2)
- 7.,., 3.. ( 7 ),, 3,,, 5. 6,. 6 3. 11 ( ), ( ). ' ( ) ( ) ', ' ( ) '.,.,. - / / / / 40.,.
.,,.,..(,,,, ).... 2... ' ' 6. ' '. 1) ' ' 2). 3) -. 4) 3. - :. -.. 5 4. 1, 4., 1. - 3,,, 10. 13 ' '...,,,
. ' ' ' '. -. -,,. :. -.. -. 1) - 6 30,,, 12 4 TV TV TV 9.. 2) / - :.. - :.. - / /.. 4. 1) /.,,... 2)... 3) / 5. - :.... :.. : - : ( )
:... :., :, :... :. : ( )., :. : (. :. : -.. 6. :. 1. 4.., ( ).. (client-centered). -.,. -.,,,. -.,,. 3 : 356-0070 )331. 1..
1-1. 1-2. ( ). 2. /.. 3..
4.. (2.) 1), ( ) 2) 5.?,? 1) 2) / 3) ( ) 4) 5), 6) 7) (... ) 8). 6. / /? (*,,.,.) 1) :,,.,, (, ) 2) (, ) 3) :,,?? 4) ( / /,? (,, )? 5) :, (,, ), /. /,, 6) :, 5, /, 7) / ( ) :,?
7.,. 1) : / (* Eco-map.) 2) 3) :?? 8.? 1) 2) 3) :,, 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9). 9..? 1) ( ) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 9-1.? 10. ( )? 10-1.? 11.? 12..?? 1) ( ) 2) (, ) 3) ( ) 4) : / /, / 5) 6) : 7) :,, 8) 9) : ( :, / / / / /,, /. ) 13. ( )? < 6>?.. ' '
? ' '..,,.. 1997. 4 : T) 356-0070 ( )331 Fax) 384-7164.
*. 1. : 1) 2) 2. : 3. : 4. : 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ( ) 5. :. / 6.. ( 24 18.) 7.?( ) 8. /? 9.? 1) 2) 3) :,, 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10.? 1) : / 2) 3) 11.? 1) : 2) :. 12.? (,, ) 13. ( )? ( :,,,,,, ) 14. ( )? 15.? 1) ( ) 2) (, ) 3) ( ) 4) : / /, / 5) 6) : 7) :,, 8) 9) : ( :, /
/ / / /,, /. ) 16..? ( ' '.) 1) 2) 3) 4) / 5) 6), 7) 8). 17. ( )? 18. ( )? 19. ( ) /? 20.? 21..