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2013 2014

Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. Ⅴ. Ⅵ. Ⅶ. [ ] 1. 2.

1 Principal Economic Indicators Chart 1 2 Issue and Withdrawal of Currency Chart 2 3 Reserve Deposits of Banking Institutions and Loans of the Bank of Korea Chart 3 4 Deposits and Loans of Banking Institutions Chart 4 5 Deposits and Loans of Non-Bank Financial Corporations Chart 5 6 Dishonored ratio and Number of Defaulted Companies Chart 6 7 Gross Regional Domestic Product Chart 7 8 Agricultural Production Chart 8 9 Shipments of Fishery Products Chart 9 10 Construction Orders Received and Building Construction Initiated Chart 10 11 Tourists and Tourism Receipts Chart 11 12 Economically Active Population and Unemployment rate Chart 12 13 Consumer Price Index Chart 13

< 1> Principal Economic Indicators

< 2> Issue and Withdrawal of Currency < 3> Reserve Deposits of Banking Institutions and Loans of the Bank of Korea

< 4> 1) Deposits and Loans of Banking Institutions < 5> 1) Deposits and Loans of Non-Bank Financial Corporations

< 6> Dishonored ratio and Number of Defaulted Companies < 7> Gross Regional Domestic Product

< 8> Agricultural Production < 9> Shipments of Fishery Products

< 10> Construction Orders Received and Building Construction Initiated < 11> Tourists and Tourism Receipts

< 12> Economically Active Population and Unemployment rate < 13> Consumer Price Index

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Ⅳ. - 25 -

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일러두기 NOTES 1.. 0 (0 ) - r p Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ 1. Symbols used are: 0 Less than half the final digit shown (Includes magnitude zero) - Magnitude nil or no figures Figures not available r Revised p Preliminary Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅳ Quarters 2.. 3.. 2. Details may not add up to the totals due to rounding of figures. 3. In case an inconsistency exists between present volume and preceding series, please follow the present series. 4. (1) () (2) 1 :,,,,,, 2 : 3 :,, 4. Scope of the Financial Institutions (1) Central Bank(The Bank of Korea) (2) Banking Institutions 1 Nation-wide Commercial Banks : Kookmin Bank, Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, Hana Bank, Standard Chartered First Bank Korea, Citibank Korea, Korea Exchange Bank 2 Local Banks : Jeju Bank 3 Specialized Banks : The Industrial Bank of Korea, the Credit and Banking Sectors of the National Agricultural Cooperative Federation(NACF) and the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives(NFFC), The Korea Development Bank (3) 1 :,,,,,, 2 : (3) Non-Bank Financial Corporations 1 Non-Bank Depository Corporations : Asset Management Companies, Trust Companies, Mutual Savings Banks, Mutual Credits, Community Credit Cooperatives, Credit Unions, Postal Savings 2 Other Financial Corporations : Life Insurance Companies - 36 -

1. 1. Population and Area < > < The Bank of Korea > 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. Issue and Withdrawal of Currency 3. Reserve Deposits of Banking Institutions and Loans of the Bank of Korea 4. Bank of Korea Base Rate and Principal Lending Rates 5. Reserve Requirements of Banking Institutions < > < Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions > 6. ( ) 7.. (1) (2) (3). 8..... 6. Deposits and Loans of Financial Institutions(Overview) 7. Deposits at Banking Institutions A. By Type (1) Total Deposits (2) Demand Deposits (3) Time & Savings Deposits B. By Group of Banks 8. Loans of Banking Institutions A. By Fund B. By Industry C. By Group of Banks D. By Region - 37 -

9... 10. 11. 12... 9. Loans to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises by Banking Institutions A. By Fund B. By Purposes and Group of Banks 10. Deposits at Non-Bank Financial Corporations 11. Loans of Non-Bank Financial Corporations 12. Outstanding Credit Guarantees A. By Type of Guarantees B. By Industry < > < Branches of Financial Institutions > 13... 14... 13. Branches of Banking Institutions A. By Group of Banks B. By Region 14. Branches of Non-Bank Financial Corporations A. By Corporation B. By Region < > < Financial Conditions > 15... 16. 15. Cleared and Dishonored Checks and Bills A. Dishonored ratio B. Number of Defaulted Companies 16. Loans to Deposits Ratio of Banking Institutions 17. 18. 19. 17. Revenue and Expenditure of Local Government 18. Self-Reliance Ratio of Local Finance 19. Revenue of General Account - 38 -

20. 21. 22. 23. 20. Expenditure of General Account 21. Collection of National Taxes 22. Collection of Local Taxes by Item 23. Tax Burden < > < Gross Regional Domestic Product > 24. (GRDP).... GRDP. 2010 GRDP 24. Gross Regional Domestic Product A. Overview B. Production Structure C. Growth Rate D. GRDP at Current Prices E. GRDP at 2010 Year Prices < > < Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries > 25., 26., 27.... 28. 29.. 25. Farm Household, Farm Population and Cultivated Area 26. Fishery Household, Fishery Population and Fishing Vessel 27. Agricultural Production A. Production by Crops B. Cultivated Area by Crops C. Shipments of Agricultural Products 28. Fruits Production 29. Citrus Industry A. Cultivated Area and Citrus Growers... 30. 31. B. Citrus Production by Kinds C. Citrus Prices and Gross Receipts D. Citrus Crop Utilization 30. Raised and Slaughtered Livestock 31. Shipments of Fishery Products - 39 -

< > < Manufacturing > 32..... 33. 34. 35. 32. Overview of Manufacturing A. Number of Establishments B. Number of Workers C. Value of Shipments D. Census Value Added 33. Manufacturing Production Index 34. Manufacturing Shipment Index 35. Manufacturing Inventory Index and Inventory to Shipment Ratio < > < Construction > 36. 37. 36. Building Construction Permits and Building Construction Initiated 37. Construction Orders Received and Ready-mixed Concrete Production < > < Tourism-related Services > 38... 39.... 40... 38. Tourists and Tourism Receipts A. Number of Tourists B. Tourism Receipts 39. Transportation A. Overview of Transport B. Aviation Traffics C. Water Transportation 40. Accommodation A. Number of Establishments B. Number of Rooms < > < Others > 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 41. Business Survey Index 42. Financial Condition Survey Index 43. Consumer Survey Index 44. Credit Card Spending 45. Large-Scale Retail Stores Sales Index 46. Registered Motor Vehicles - 40 -

47. 48. 49. 50. 47. Economically Active Population 48. Employed Persons by Industry 49. Employed Persons in Age Group 50. Employed Persons by Types of Employment Status 51... 52... 51. Consumer Price Index A. Indexes for Basic Groups B. Indexes by Commodities & Services 52. Price Index of Real Estate A. House Price Index for Purchase and Lease B. Fluctuation Rate of Land Price 53... 53. Exports and Imports A. Exports B. Imports - 41 -

[ ]

Ⅰ. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Ⅱ.

연말 화폐발행잔액 Bank notes & coins in circulation 통화금융 Money & Banking 본원통화 1) Monetary base 2) 8) 협의통화 Narrow money(m1) 또는 연중 평균잔액 Average 평균잔액 Average 말잔액 End of 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 1984 2,759.3 7.6 3,625.0 5.6 11,803.4 5.7 11,154.1 12.4 1985 2,917.2 5.7 3,735.9 3.1 14,497.1 22.8 13,005.5 16.6 1986 3,184.2 9.2 4,078.3 9.2 19,469.1 34.3 16,710.8 28.5 1987 3,696.8 16.1 4,861.1 19.2 24,543.7 26.1 21,281.5 27.4 1988 4,477.3 21.1 6,856.1 41.0 29,745.1 21.2 26,580.2 24.9 1989 5,289.3 18.1 9,385.5 36.9 35,677.2 19.9 30,645.7 15.3 1990 6,393.7 20.9 11,707.3 24.7 44,131.7 23.7 38,053.9 24.2 1991 7,547.4 18.0 13,742.7 17.4 54,204.7 22.8 45,744.2 20.2 1992 8,353.2 10.7 15,286.7 11.2 64,764.9 19.5 55,349.9 21.0 1993 10,849.0 29.9 18,467.2 20.8 75,893.9 17.2 68,106.3 23.0 1994 12,971.2 19.6 21,456.4 16.2 87,459.9 15.2 77,914.9 14.4 1995 14,588.8 12.5 24,322.7 13.4 101,665.9 16.2 87,706.3 12.6 1996 15,853.3 8.7 24,832.1 2.1 114,774.8 12.9 99,811.9 13.8 1997 16,146.3 1.8 21,116.0-15.0 128,931.0 12.3 117,963.0 18.2 1998 14,813.4-8.3 19,593.0-7.2 121,731.1-5.6 113,659.4-3.6 1999 15,685.7 5.9 21,961.7 12.1 170,659.4 40.2 147,285.2 29.6 2000 17,966.6 14.5 26,357.0 20.0 196,714.5 15.3 183,349.9 24.5 2001 19,777.8 10.1 29,375.9 11.5 246,720.5 25.4 216,442.4 18.0 2002 22,376.4 13.1 33,579.3 14.3 283,580.8 14.9 265,042.4 22.5 2003 23,319.3 4.2 35,754.7 6.5 298,952.9 5.4 283,397.4 6.9 2004 23,969.4 2.8 37,272.4 4.2 321,727.7 7.6 306,842.5 8.3 2005 25,026.5 4.4 38,785.2 4.1 332,344.9 3.3 332,902.1 8.5 2006 26,732.8 6.8 41,664.0 7.4 371,087.6 11.7 330,134.1-0.8 2007 28,118.7 5.2 48,543.7 16.5 316,382.7-14.7 312,832.3-5.2 2008 29,332.7 4.3 52,272.8 7.7 330,623.7 4.5 307,273.6-1.8 2009 32,658.2 11.3 61,739.6 18.1 389,394.5 17.8 357,344.1 16.3 2010 39,761.7 21.8 67,585.1 9.5 427,791.6 9.9 399,412.3 11.8 2011 45,733.2 15.0 75,232.0 11.3 442,077.5 3.3 425,675.1 6.6 2012 51,194.2 11.9 82,131.1 9.2 470,010.6 6.3 441,963.6 3.8 2013 58,916.5 15.1 91,379.4 11.3 515,643.4 9.7 484,062.9 9.5

.. 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 3) 8) 광의통화 Broad money(m2) 증감률 (%) Change 통화금융 Money & Banking 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 4) 8) 금융기관유동성 Liquidity aggregate of financial institutions(lf) 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 광의유동성 5) Liquidity aggregate (L) 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 통화승수 (M2) 6) Money multiplier (M2) 평균잔액 Average 배 Times 통화유통속도 (M2) 7) Circulation velocity of money(m2) 평균잔액 Average 배 Times End of or During 35,704.4 19.0 45,725.7 20.2 1984 42,161.5 18.1 55,450.0 21.3 1985 54,620.0 29.5 47,906.4 71,594.2 29.1 63,301.3 11.7 2.09 1986 71,161.0 30.3 62,358.9 30.2 93,637.7 30.8 82,139.2 29.8 12.8 1.89 1987 92,386.7 29.8 81,931.4 31.4 120,358.6 28.5 106,020.5 29.1 12.0 1.72 1988 116,204.2 25.8 102,077.9 24.6 153,927.1 27.9 134,182.7 26.6 10.9 1.55 1989 145,603.7 25.3 130,599.2 27.9 198,123.8 28.7 174,253.7 29.9 11.2 1.47 1990 174,029.9 19.5 160,777.3 23.1 244,837.3 23.6 219,071.3 25.7 11.7 1.44 1991 211,468.9 21.5 193,604.1 20.4 298,277.4 21.8 267,597.2 22.2 12.7 1.36 1992 248,271.0 17.4 235,318.3 21.5 354,933.3 19.0 325,428.4 21.6 12.7 1.27 1993 300,657.9 21.1 282,476.3 20.0 442,663.2 24.7 397,147.7 22.0 13.2 1.24 1994 370,600.4 23.3 338,213.2 19.7 527,017.0 19.1 476,281.6 19.9 572,594.0 13.9 1.21 1995 432,315.6 16.7 408,989.2 20.9 614,961.5 16.7 566,793.3 19.0 672,883.0 17.5 16.5 1.13 1996 517,306.9 19.7 482,437.8 18.0 700,285.4 13.9 659,019.0 16.3 766,135.2 13.9 22.8 1.05 1997 639,664.3 23.7 596,168.3 23.6 787,627.3 12.5 750,850.5 13.9 854,652.9 11.6 30.4 0.84 1998 672,544.4 5.1 676,674.7 13.5 850,827.8 8.0 835,924.5 11.3 924,782.3 8.2 30.8 0.81 1999 707,698.9 5.2 691,393.5 2.2 911,641.8 7.1 882,764.3 5.6 1,038,962.0 12.3 26.2 0.92 2000 764,979.3 8.1 739,337.0 6.9 1,017,715.3 11.6 967,324.9 9.6 1,178,178.9 13.4 25.2 0.93 2001 872,075.6 14.0 824,227.8 11.5 1,155,739.8 13.6 1,092,168.8 12.9 1,336,291.0 13.4 24.5 0.92 2002 898,069.4 3.0 888,988.6 7.9 1,209,750.8 4.7 1,187,839.8 8.8 1,411,095.8 5.6 24.9 0.91 2003 954,722.5 6.3 929,640.6 4.6 1,295,821.8 7.1 1,260,547.1 6.1 1,517,011.0 7.5 24.9 0.94 2004 1,021,448.7 7.0 993,960.1 6.9 1,391,559.6 7.4 1,348,818.8 7.0 1,654,005.2 9.0 25.6 0.93 2005 1,149,262.1 12.5 1,076,682.4 8.3 1,538,299.7 10.5 1,454,858.8 7.9 1,830,671.3 10.7 25.8 0.90 2006 1,273,611.9 10.8 1,197,094.8 11.2 1,691,565.2 10.0 1,603,516.0 10.2 2,037,173.6 11.3 24.7 0.87 2007 1,425,887.5 12.0 1,367,713.4 14.3 1,845,199.1 9.1 1,794,841.2 11.9 2,243,277.0 10.1 26.2 0.81 2008 1,566,850.0 9.9 1,508,550.4 10.3 2,018,785.0 9.4 1,937,336.0 7.9 2,486,671.5 10.8 24.4 0.76 2009 1,660,530.0 6.0 1,639,675.1 8.7 2,137,197.9 5.9 2,096,530.1 8.2 2,665,003.8 7.2 24.3 0.77 2010 1,751,458.4 5.5 1,708,984.5 4.2 2,277,679.0 6.6 2,208,170.4 5.3 2,889,657.5 8.4 22.7 0.78 2011 1,835,641.6 4.8 1,798,625.7 5.2 2,456,120.5 7.8 2,379,518.7 7.8 3,121,879.3 8.0 21.9 0.77 2012 1,920,795.0 4.6 1,885,781.3 4.8 2,615,093.5 6.5 2,543,232.5 6.9 3,350,482.5 7.3 20.6 p0.76 2013

연말 또는 연중 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 통화금융 Money & Banking 예금은행예금 1) Deposits at Commercial & Specialized Banks 총예금 Total deposits 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 저축성예금 Time & Savings deposits 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 예금은행대출금 1) Loans and discounts of Commercial & Specialized Banks 말잔액 End of 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 평균잔액 Average 10 억원 Billion won 증감률 (%) Change 1984 27,925.1 16.8 22,919.4 11.0 17,306.6 10.4 16,405.3 11.1 27,978.9 15.9 26,267.8 17.9 1985 31,022.6 11.1 25,873.2 12.9 20,246.2 17.0 18,669.9 13.8 33,810.7 20.8 31,310.8 19.2 1986 35,925.8 15.8 29,766.1 15.0 24,591.1 21.5 22,532.5 20.7 39,098.6 15.6 36,636.4 17.0 1987 45,720.4 27.3 36,460.2 22.5 29,700.1 20.8 26,998.7 19.8 43,095.8 10.2 41,873.4 14.3 1988 57,484.7 25.7 46,416.8 27.3 36,515.0 22.9 32,559.0 20.6 48,805.4 13.2 45,713.2 9.2 1989 66,917.7 16.4 53,939.0 16.2 43,778.2 19.9 39,117.7 20.1 62,547.8 28.2 54,777.7 19.8 1990 84,054.1 25.6 64,711.9 20.0 52,433.7 19.8 47,462.6 21.3 74,028.6 18.4 68,379.1 24.8 1991 98,507.9 17.2 77,533.4 19.8 60,888.4 16.1 56,768.2 19.6 89,415.6 20.8 80,632.5 17.9 1992 107,246.5 8.9 87,043.0 12.3 70,727.3 16.2 64,614.1 13.8 102,797.0 15.0 95,746.4 18.7 1993 115,731.8 7.9 98,378.1 13.0 82,492.0 16.6 76,453.4 18.3 115,137.4 12.0 109,336.7 14.2 1994 135,190.0 16.8 112,513.6 14.4 100,125.3 21.4 89,706.3 17.3 135,850.3 18.0 126,905.5 16.1 1995 154,136.1 14.0 130,231.3 15.7 114,436.8 14.3 104,747.6 16.8 152,477.7 12.2 144,878.6 14.2 1996 181,720.8 17.9 151,413.3 16.3 137,383.1 20.1 123,872.2 18.3 177,184.1 16.2 165,417.3 14.2 1997 198,197.4 9.1 179,874.9 18.8 162,853.9 18.5 151,485.9 22.3 200,401.1 13.1 195,242.2 18.0 1998 251,794.5 27.0 208,245.1 15.8 214,131.4 31.5 184,119.2 21.5 200,289.1-0.1 205,685.0 5.3 1999 323,411.1 28.4 276,638.3 32.8 281,291.5 31.4 248,105.8 34.8 250,240.1 24.9 222,687.7 8.3 2000 404,660.9 25.1 363,600.0 31.4 360,605.2 28.2 331,370.5 33.6 310,804.1 24.2 286,560.7 28.7 2001 455,630.5 12.6 419,897.7 15.5 405,802.5 12.5 384,122.9 15.9 357,383.5 15.0 330,756.0 15.4 2002 512,419.4 12.5 484,273.3 15.3 456,982.8 12.6 439,907.9 14.5 471,684.3 32.0 429,354.9 29.8 2003 548,098.4 7.0 527,417.3 8.9 489,619.7 7.1 478,304.7 8.7 538,260.9 14.1 512,296.4 19.3 2004 540,726.2-1.3 542,678.1 2.9 482,666.3-1.4 491,557.9 2.8 565,655.4 5.1 559,764.9 9.3 2005 561,945.6 3.9 545,527.3 0.5 491,014.6 1.7 489,205.9-0.5 613,922.8 8.5 587,900.3 5.0 2006 592,720.5 5.5 559,464.7 2.6 514,458.4 4.8 497,131.3 1.6 699,430.3 13.9 651,205.8 10.8 2007 593,171.3 0.1 576,206.2 3.0 516,234.2 0.3 509,844.9 2.6 803,724.1 14.9 747,320.0 14.8 2008 675,204.7 13.8 625,190.9 8.5 599,476.6 16.1 558,708.3 9.6 917,110.1 14.1 867,994.2 16.1 2009 751,272.7 11.3 705,199.3 12.8 666,319.3 11.2 630,059.7 12.8 953,505.2 4.0 942,858.6 8.6 2010 873,890.6 16.3 827,160.7 17.3 785,784.8 17.9 746,409.1 18.5 987,148.1 3.5 973,394.6 3.2 2011 947,801.4 8.5 908,599.7 9.8 851,663.5 8.4 824,017.5 10.4 1,063,192.5 7.7 1,029,506.7 5.8 2012 990,273.1 4.5 963,912.1 6.1 889,340.6 4.4 876,284.5 6.3 1,099,781.8 3.4 1,082,988.2 5.2 2013 1,009,685.4 2.0 993,469.5 3.1 898,279.5 1.0 896,414.0 2.3 1,154,760.3 5.0 1,124,129.0 3.8

예금은행요구불예금회전율 1) Turnover ratio of demand deposits, CBs & SBs 어음부도율 2) Dishonored bill ratio 통화금융 Money & Banking 예금은행금리 3) Interest rates of CBs & SBs 저축성수신금리 4) Deposits 대출금리 5) Loans & discounts 연월중 콜금리 6) ( 익일물 ) Call rate (Overnight) During 시장금리 Market Interest rates CD(91 일 ) 유통수익률 Yield on CD (91 days) 회 Turnover % 연 %, % per annum 회사채 7) 수익률 Yield on corporate bonds 국채 8) 수익률 Yield on government bonds End of 0.09 11.39 14.10 1984 20.4 0.07 9.35 14.20 1985 18.4 0.10 9.70 12.80 1986 19.9 0.09 8.93 12.62 11.91 1987 23.1 0.04 9.62 14.18 12.37 1988 22.3 0.04 13.28 15.17 14.38 1989 23.2 0.04 14.03 16.48 15.03 1990 28.7 0.06 16.63 18.54 18.89 16.46 1991 28.5 0.12 14.26 16.41 16.21 15.08 1992 32.8 0.12 11.98 12.96-12.63 12.07 1993 36.8 0.16 12.28 13.29 12.92 12.29 1994 40.2 0.17 12.38 14.05 13.79-13.39 1995 44.4 0.14 10.79 11.21 12.35 12.63 11.87 11.84 1996 46.4 0.40 11.32 11.83-13.71 13.38 13.39 12.26 1997 59.4 0.38 13.30 15.18 14.91 15.22 15.10 12.94 1998 67.0 0.33 6.90 9.40 4.92 6.81 8.86 7.69 1999 48.2 0.26 7.01 8.55 5.06 7.08 9.35 8.30 2000 39.0 0.23 5.43 7.70 4.64 5.32 7.05 5.68 2001 35.0 0.06 4.73 6.70 4.17 4.81 6.56 5.78 2002 31.9 0.08 4.15 6.24 3.96 4.31 5.43 4.55 2003 25.5 0.06 3.75 5.90-3.62 3.79 4.73 4.11 2004 21.8 0.04 3.62 5.59 3.32 3.65 4.68 4.27 2005 23.6 0.02 4.41 5.99 4.19 4.48 5.17 4.83 2006 27.4 0.02 5.07 6.55 4.77 5.16 5.70 5.23 2007 33.0 0.03 5.71 7.17 4.78 5.49 7.02 5.27 2008 33.3 0.03 3.26 5.65 1.98 2.63 5.81 4.04 2009 34.8 0.03 3.19 5.51 2.16 2.67 4.66 3.72 2010 34.2 0.02 3.69 5.76 3.09 3.44 4.41 3.62 2011 32.7 0.02 3.43 5.40 3.08 3.30 3.77 3.13 2012 28.9 0.02 2.73 4.64 2.59 2.72 3.19 2.79 2013 or During

연말 또는 연중 증권거래대금 Trading value of securities 주식 1) Stocks 채권 2) Bonds 종합주가지수 KOSPI 증권 Securities 국채 Government 채권잔액 Outstanding amounts of bonds 통안증권 3) MSB 금융채 4) Financial 회사채 5) Corporate 재정 Govt. Finance 통합재정수지 6) Consolidated fiscal balance 연중 During 연말 End of 연중 During 10 억원 Billion won 1980.1.4= 100 10 억원 Billion won 10 억원 Billion won 1984 3,118.2 2,252.0 131.8 1985 3,620.6 3,578.1 138.7 1986 9,598.1 3,166.9 227.8 3,406.3 3,258.6 2,677.0 8,747.0-65 1987 20,493.9 7,238.3 416.7 6,380.4 8,174.5 3,234.0 10,116.1 260 1988 58,120.6 8,545.3 692.4 7,587.5 15,373.5 3,908.8 11,885.5 1,643 1989 81,199.6 5,149.1 918.7 10,287.4 17,305.4 5,491.0 16,320.6-19 1990 53,454.5 3,250.3 746.0 13,112.0 15,240.5 7,827.1 24,067.8-1,578 1991 62,564.9 2,097.8 658.0 16,152.3 13,496.5 11,947.1 31,382.3-4,022 1992 90,624.4 605.0 585.7 18,553.4 20,264.1 14,375.7 35,384.0-1,703 1993 169,918.1 5.5 728.4 19,135.6 24,201.8 19,486.7 39,890.0 813 1994 229,772.0 1,169.0 965.3 20,673.6 25,340.3 23,812.5 47,761.3 1,384 1995 142,914.1 1,429.9 934.9 22,518.0 25,824.9 29,144.9 61,024.1 1,241 1996 142,642.2 1,378.4 833.4 25,644.6 25,030.0 32,452.4 76,006.5 1,099 1997 162,281.5 4,044.5 654.5 28,542.6 23,470.9 43,622.5 90,107.3-6,959 1998 192,845.2 15,488.8 406.1 41,572.8 45,673.3 49,150.6 122,682.3-18,757 1999 866,923.5 293,606.7 806.8 61,168.3 51,489.2 45,492.9 119,661.7-13,065 2000 627,132.9 27,169.7 734.2 71,225.7 66,377.7 49,318.3 133,648.6 6,527 2001 491,365.4 14,226.2 572.8 82,390.1 79,121.3 54,011.7 154,400.4 7,268 2002 742,150.0 47,174.2 757.0 98,271.7 84,277.9 81,649.0 180,048.5 22,666 2003 547,509.1 214,901.9 679.8 135,783.8 105,496.7 94,907.1 187,355.9 7,642 2004 555,795.1 384,109.2 832.9 177,608.8 142,773.0 114,780.0 153,283.1 5,625 2005 786,257.8 362,759.4 1,073.6 222,861.2 155,235.0 125,800.1 142,549.6 4,890 2006 848,489.6 294,932.8 1,352.2 257,751.9 158,390.0 168,236.5 134,420.4 5,989 2007 1,362,738.6 351,394.9 1,712.5 273,710.2 150,340.0 212,862.0 135,663.6 37,049 2008 1,287,031.7 373,984.6 1,529.5 284,211.0 126,937.2 248,949.9 149,803.7 15,832 2009 1,466,274.8 510,194.2 1,429.0 329,116.1 149,237.2 215,942.6 188,748.7-17,620 2010 1,410,561.8 585,205.4 1,765.0 359,105.8 163,530.0 191,962.1 201,725.8 16,692 2011 1,702,060.3 824,817.0 1,983.4 388,945.8 164,760.0 183,308.2 217,272.1 18,629 2012 1,196,263.4 1,376,338.3 1,930.4 412,419.8 163,070.0 179,557.1 216,926.2 18,479 2013 986,375.3 1,321,960.5 1,960.5 451,930.4 163,670.0 195,427.3 212,099.6 p14,200

물가 Prices 생산자물가 7) 9) Producer Prices 소비자물가 8) Consumer Prices 총지수 식료품 식료품 이외 2010=10 0 All Items Foods Excluding Foods 등락률 (%) Change 2010=100 총지수 2010=10 0 All Items 농산물및석유류제외 ( 근원인플레이션 ) Excluding Agricultural Products and Oils 등락률 (%) Change 2010=100 수출물가 9) ( 원화기준 ) Export Prices (Won Basis) 등락률 (%) Change 2010=100 등락률 (%) Change 2010=100 수입물가 9) ( 원화기준 ) Import Prices (Won Basis) 등락률 (%) Change 51.9693 0.7 34.8293 57.0597 33.391 2.3 36.192 2.1 74.8231 5.9 37.1516 4.0 1984 52.4307 0.9 36.1715 56.9739 34.212 2.5 37.000 2.2 78.7567 5.3 38.4658 3.5 1985 51.6649-1.5 36.1729 55.8890 35.153 2.8 38.368 3.7 80.8173 2.6 36.8412-4.2 1986 51.9011 0.5 35.7015 56.4708 36.225 3.0 39.531 3.0 84.3191 4.3 39.4744 7.1 1987 53.3123 2.7 39.0158 56.8611 38.813 7.1 41.940 6.1 87.9565 4.3 41.7642 5.8 1988 54.0955 1.5 40.4298 57.3052 41.026 5.7 44.475 6.0 86.3374-1.8 40.2546-3.6 1989 56.36 4.2 44.94 58.36 44.543 8.6 48.229 8.4 88.45 2.4 39.86-1.0 1990 End of or During 59.02 4.7 48.58 60.68 48.701 9.3 52.229 8.3 91.76 3.7 39.84-0.1 1991 60.30 2.2 50.79 61.64 51.726 6.2 55.460 6.2 94.22 2.7 40.44 1.5 1992 61.21 1.5 51.48 62.62 54.210 4.8 58.324 5.2 96.54 2.5 41.87 3.5 1993 62.87 2.7 55.94 63.48 57.607 6.3 61.306 5.1 99.20 2.8 43.51 3.9 1994 65.81 4.7 57.96 66.62 60.188 4.5 64.124 4.6 100.59 1.4 46.03 5.8 1995 67.94 3.2 59.71 68.83 63.152 4.9 67.389 5.1 96.36-4.2 46.36 0.7 1996 70.52 3.8 61.25 71.53 65.955 4.4 69.697 3.4 102.73 6.6 50.75 9.5 1997 79.13 12.2 68.27 80.34 70.911 7.5 73.796 5.9 134.88 31.3 65.07 28.2 1998 77.49-2.1 71.30 78.01 71.487 0.8 74.036 0.3 109.43-18.9 57.18-12.1 1999 79.09 2.1 69.54 80.12 73.102 2.3 75.420 1.9 108.32-1.0 61.56 7.7 2000 78.72-0.5 71.22 79.50 76.075 4.1 78.148 3.6 104.19-3.8 63.73 3.5 2001 78.49-0.3 72.64 79.08 78.177 2.8 80.467 3.0 96.93-7.0 59.78-6.2 2002 80.20 2.2 75.82 80.61 80.924 3.5 82.931 3.1 94.79-2.2 60.85 1.8 2003 85.07 6.1 82.39 85.30 83.830 3.6 85.357 2.9 100.66 6.2 67.03 10.2 2004 86.88 2.1 81.75 87.39 86.139 2.8 87.362 2.3 93.96-6.7 68.96 2.9 2005 87.67 0.9 80.92 88.31 88.070 2.2 88.934 1.8 86.25-8.2 69.60 0.9 2006 88.93 1.4 83.01 89.49 90.302 2.5 91.002 2.3 84.41-2.1 72.74 4.5 2007 96.53 8.5 86.96 97.44 94.523 4.7 94.882 4.3 102.84 21.8 99.06 36.2 2008 96.33-0.2 94.44 96.51 97.129 2.8 98.253 3.6 102.63-0.2 94.96-4.1 2009 100.00 3.8 100.00 100.00 100.0 3.0 100.0 1.8 100.00-2.6 100.00 5.3 2010 106.71 6.7 106.87 106.71 104.0 4.0 103.2 3.2 100.24 0.2 111.60 11.6 2011 107.45 0.7 109.59 107.30 106.28 2.2 104.89 1.6 97.87-2.4 110.79-0.7 2012 105.73-1.6 107.26 105.63 107.67 1.3 106.62 1.6 93.69-4.3 102.66-7.3 2013

연말 또는 연중 국제수지 1) 3) Balance of payments 외환 2) 경상수지금융계정자본수지 Current account 상품수지 서비스수지 본원소득수지 Goods Services Primary income 연 이전소득수지 Secondary income During 백만달러 Million US $ 중 Financial account Capital account Capital account International Reserves Financial account 보유액 International Reserves 연말 End of 1984-1,755.8-2,285.5 2,914.7-2,985.0 600.0 1,608.2 0.0 7,649.6 6,909.7 1985-2,079.3-2,253.6 2,329.8-2,961.8 806.3 3,902.1 0.0 7,748.6 7,649.6 1986 2,762.2 2,132.2 2,305.7-2,941.2 1,265.5-3,105.4 0.0 7,955.2 7,748.6 1987 8,827.7 5,977.9 3,767.4-2,586.3 1,668.7-11,315.3 0.0 9,192.9 7,955.2 1988 13,055.3 9,716.1 3,144.0-1,774.6 1,969.8-13,777.4 0.0 12,378.3 9,192.9 1989 4,154.5 2,804.1 1,290.1-858.1 918.4-5,586.1 0.0 15,245.2 12,378.3 1990-2,403.6-3,280.3 471.1-526.7 932.3 3,529.2 0.0 14,822.4 15,245.2 1991-7,604.6-6,713.1-1,049.6-581.9 740.0 7,206.8 0.0 13,733.0 14,822.4 1992-2,431.7-958.8-1,876.3-501.4 904.8 1,583.8 0.0 17,153.9 13,733.0 1993 2,026.0 3,031.4-1,071.1-701.0 766.7-472.5 0.0 20,262.4 17,153.9 1994-4,463.7-3,531.4-629.5-1,117.2 814.4 6,297.5 0.0 25,672.7 20,262.4 1995-9,751.5-6,518.3-1,484.4-2,039.9 291.1 11,517.0 0.0 32,712.1 25,672.7 1996-23,830.9-16,698.9-4,762.1-2,101.9-268.0 23,467.9 0.0 33,236.7 32,712.1 1997-10,285.3-6,216.8-1,360.3-3,053.3 345.1 17,785.3 0.0 20,405.5 33,236.7 1998 40,056.9 39,545.7 2,779.5-5,087.0 2,818.7-33,969.4 441.7 52,040.8 20,405.5 1999 21,608.2 25,254.4 935.8-5,414.9 832.9-18,370.8 56.2 74,054.5 52,040.8 2000 10,444.3 15,630.9-972.7-3,999.6-214.3-9,619.7 38.4 96,198,1 74,054.5 2001 2,700.2 9,838.7-2,369.1-3,508.2-1,261.2-8,649.8-64.1 102,821.4 96,198.1 2002 4,692.6 14,904.5-5,938.8-2,159.0-2,114.1-6,230.9-9.4 121,412.5 102,821.4 2003 11,877.4 22,476.9-4,960.7-2,474.0-3,164.8-16,597.9-47.9 155,352.4 121,412.5 2004 29,743.4 39,277.5-5,162.7-1,333.1-3,038.3-34,332.3 9.7 199,066.1 155,352.4 2005 12,654.8 32,312.5-9,130.3-7,269.1-3,258.3-18,770.7-0.6 210,390.7 199,066.1 2006 3,569.2 25,174.1-13,213.6-4,009.5-4,381.8-12,545.5-69.0 238,956.1 210,390.7 2007 11,794.5 32,837.6-13,247.0-3,408.7-4,387.4-17,493.9 5.7 262,224.1 238,956.1 2008 3,189.7 12,197.5-6,542.9-1,198.1-1,266.8 6,591.6 26.4 201,223.4 262,224.1 2009 33,593.3 47,814.0-9,589.9-2,436.2-2,194.6-28,884.0-69.6 269,994.7 201,223.4 2010 28,850.4 47,915.4-14,238.4 489.9-5,316.5-23,190.0-63.2 291,570.7 269,994.7 2011 18,655.8 29,089.9-12,279.1 6,560.6-4,715.6-24,315.8-112.0 306,402.5 291,570.7 2012 50,835.0 49,406.0-5,213.6 12,116.7-5,474.1-51,582.4-41.7 326,968.4 306,402.5 2013 79,883.6 80,568.6-7,927.4 11,424.8-4,182.4-76,881.1-27.8 346,459.6 326,968.4

무역 Foreign trade 대미환율수출 Exports 수입 Imports Exchange rates of Won to U.S. Dollar 통관액신용장내도액 3) 통관액기준환율 4) 종가환율 Customs clearance 백만달러 M.US $ 증감률 (%) Change Letters of credit arrival 연 백만달러 M.US $ During 중 증감률 (%) Change Customs clearance Basic rate Closing rate 백만달러 M.US $ 증감률 (%) Change 원 won 연평균 Average 절상절하율 (%) Change 원 won 연말 End of 절상절하율 (%) Change 연말 End of 원 won End of or During 29,244.9 19.6 19,383.9 10.3 30,631.4 16.9 806.0-3.7 827.4-3.9 1984 30,283.1 3.6 19,558.2 0.9 31,135.7 1.6 870.5-7.4 890.2-7.1 1985 34,714.5 14.6 25,358.9 29.7 31,583.9 1.4 881.3-1.2 861.4 3.3 1986 47,280.9 36.2 34,784.7 37.2 41,019.8 29.9 822.4 7.2 792.3 8.7 1987 60,696.4 28.4 42,786.9 23.0 51,810.6 26.3 730.5 12.6 684.1 15.8 1988 62,377.2 2.8 45,533.7 6.4 61,464.8 18.6 671.4 8.8 679.6 0.7 1989 65,015.7 4.2 47,519.7 4.4 69,843.7 13.6 708.0-5.2 716.4-5.1 716.7 1990 71,870.1 10.5 50,005.0 5.2 81,524.9 16.7 733.6-3.5 760.8-5.8 759.5 1991 76,631.5 6.6 52,352.2 4.7 81,775.3 0.3 780.8-6.0 788.4-3.5 786.9 1992 82,235.9 7.3 55,594.7 6.2 83,800.1 2.5 802.7-2.7 808.1-2.4 807.2 1993 96,013.2 16.8 64,314.1 15.7 102,348.2 22.1 803.6-0.1 788.7 2.5 788.5 1994 125,058.0 30.3 72,926.3 13.4 135,118.9 32.0 771.0 4.2 774.7 1.8 775.7 1995 129,715.1 3.7 69,732.7-4.4 150,339.1 11.3 804.8-4.2 844.2-8.2 844.9 1996 136,164.2 5.0 67,615.4-3.0 144,616.4-3.8 951.1-15.4 1,415.2-40.3 1,695.0 1997 132,313.1-2.8 56,915.0-15.8 93,281.8-35.5 1,398.9-32.0 1,207.8 17.2 1,204.0 1998 143,685.5 8.6 58,030.9 2.0 119,752.3 28.4 1,189.5 17.6 1,145.4 5.4 1,138.0 1999 172,267.5 19.9 61,868.5 6.6 160,481.0 34.0 1,130.6 5.2 1,259.7-9.1 1,264.5 2000 150,439.1-12.7 53,269.8-13.9 141,097.8-12.1 1,290.8-12.4 1,326.1-5.0 1,313.5 2001 162,470.5 8.0 52,264.9-1.9 152,126.2 7.8 1,251.2 3.2 1,200.4 10.5 1,186.2 2002 193,817.4 19.3 60,342.7 15.5 178,826.7 17.6 1,191.9 5.0 1,197.8 0.2 1,192.6 2003 253,844.7 31.0 72,426.2 20.0 224,462.7 25.5 1,144.7 4.1 1,043.8 14.8 1,035.1 2004 284,418.7 12.0 74,255.7 2.5 261,238.3 16.4 1,024.3 11.8 1,013.0 3.0 1,011.6 2005 325,464.8 14.4 89,189.9 20.1 309,382.6 18.4 955.5 7.2 929.6 9.0 929.8 2006 371,489.1 14.1 91,250.0 2.3 356,845.7 15.3 929.2 2.8 938.2-0.9 936.1 2007 422,007.3 13.6 100,526.1 10.2 435,274.7 22.0 1,102.6-15.7 1,257.5-25.4 1,259.5 2008 363,533.6-13.9 76,425.5-24.0 323,084.5-25.8 1,276.4-13.6 1,167.6 7.7 1,164.5 2009 466,383.8 28.3 93,624.8 22.5 425,212.2 31.6 1,156.3 10.4 1,138.9 2.5 1,134.8 2010 555,213.7 19.0 110,973.7 18.5 524,413.1 23.3 1,108.1 4.3 1,153.3-1.2 1,151.8 2011 547,869.8-1.3 108,700.1-2.0 519,584.5-0.9 1,126.9-1.7 1,071.1 7.7 1,070.6 2012 559,632.4 2.1 95,770.9-11.9 515,585.5-0.8 1,095.0 2.9 1,055.3 1.5 1,055.4 2013

연중 생산지수 Production index 산업 Industry 제 조 업 Manufacturing 건설업 Construction 서비스업 생산지수 ( 도소매업 ) 생산자제품출하지수 Producers' shipment index 생산자제품재고지수 1) Producers' inventory index 생산능력지수가동률지수 Production cap. index Operation ratio index 건축허가연면적 Permits for bldg. cons. 국내건설수주액 Dom.cons. order received Wholesale & retail trade 2010=100 증감률 (%) Change 2010=100 증감률 (%) Change 2010=100 증감률 (%) Change 2010=100 1,000 m2 10 억원 Billion won 2010=100 1984 11.7 15.6 11.8 13.2 16.9 17.6 20.6 94.1 39,563 5,187.0 1985 12.1 3.9 12.4 4.4 17.7 4.8 21.2 92.5 38,217 5,388.5 1986 14.8 22.3 15.0 21.5 19.6 11.0 23.8 96.4 43,543 5,980.7 1987 17.8 20.4 18.0 19.7 21.4 9.1 27.0 99.4 47,983 7,249.9 1988 20.2 13.5 20.4 13.4 26.6 24.0 31.2 97.8 59,770 7,292.5 1989 20.8 2.7 21.2 4.1 31.5 18.4 33.4 94.4 88,615 13,453.2 1990 22.6 8.8 23.6 11.3 34.6 10.0 35.3 96.8 116,419 20,964.0 1991 24.8 9.7 25.9 9.7 41.3 19.2 37.4 98.3 105,184 25,569.4 1992 26.2 5.9 27.5 6.0 44.2 7.1 39.6 96.8 94,647 27,861.0 1993 27.4 4.3 29.0 5.6 45.2 2.3 40.4 96.3 117,790 33,246.5 1994 30.4 11.0 32.4 11.9 48.4 7.0 41.9 100.6 116,221 39,393.8 1995 34.0 12.0 36.6 12.7 54.7 12.9 45.7 100.2 117,327 49,025.1 1996 36.9 8.4 39.8 8.8 63.8 16.6 49.5 99.9 113,822 59,535.0 1997 38.6 4.6 42.3 6.4 66.7 4.6 52.0 98.0 113,373 62,721.5 1998 36.1-6.5 38.6-8.7 55.3-17.1 54.5 84.1 50,964 36,026.9 1999 45.3 25.3 48.6 25.9 56.5 2.2 59.2 94.7 72,531 36,299.2 2000 53.1 17.2 56.8 16.8 63.7 12.8 65.3 97.0 81,055 41,777.5 74.3 2001 53.1 0.2 57.3 0.9 64.0 0.4 67.6 93.0 97,717 50,994.9 79.0 2002 57.4 8.1 61.8 7.9 63.6-0.6 69.5 96.7 138,734 67,833.7 85.4 2003 60.6 5.6 64.7 4.8 67.6 6.3 71.7 96.7 142,108 80,897.3 84.3 2004 67.1 10.8 70.9 9.4 74.1 9.6 75.2 99.4 117,461 77,774.4 83.6 2005 71.4 6.3 74.8 5.6 77.9 5.2 77.7 99.0 111,506 83,489.4 85.4 2006 77.6 8.7 80.7 7.9 85.1 9.3 80.9 99.3 133,270 91,001.1 88.7 2007 83.1 7.1 86.6 7.3 89.8 5.6 85.2 99.4 150,953 112,501.6 93.7 2008 85.9 3.3 88.7 2.5 96.1 7.0 89.6 96.3 120,658 103,906.8 95.0 2009 85.7-0.2 87.4-1.5 88.6-7.8 92.7 92.8 105,137 109,088.5 94.7 2010 100.0 16.7 100.0 14.4 104.3 17.7 100.0 100.0 125,447 89,814.3 100.0 2011 106.0 6.0 105.7 5.7 119.9 15.0 104.7 100.2 137,868 95,331.9 103.8 2012 107.5 1.4 107.2 1.4 125.1 4.3 106.9 97.5 137,142 89,395.0 104.6 2013 107.8 0.3 107.6 0.4 131.3 5.0 108.7 94.8 127,066 75,681.2 104.4

Total employed 고용및임금 Employment & wages 국민계정 5) National Accounts 총취업자 실업률 3) 임금 4) 경제 제조업 2) 성장률 1,000 명 1,000 Persons Manufacturing Unemployment rate % Wages 원 Won Growth rate of GDP 농림어업 비농림어업 Agri. fores. & fishing Nonforestry & fishing 제조업 Manufacturing % 최종소비지출증감률 Increase rate of final consu. expend. 총고정자본형성증감률 Increase rate of gross fixed capital formation GDP 디플레이터등락률 Increase rate of GDP deflator During 14,429 3,348 3.8 245,261 9.9-3.1 11.7 18.3 6.8 11.5 4.5 1984 14,970 3,504 4.0 269,652 7.5 5.8 7.7 6.5 6.5 5.4 4.2 1985 15,505 3,826 3.8 294,485 12.2 5.1 13.2 21.0 8.5 13.4 4.2 1986 16,354 4,416 3.1 328,696 12.3-4.8 14.3 19.4 7.7 18.5 4.8 1987 16,869 4,667 2.5 393,056 11.7 9.2 11.9 12.7 9.0 13.6 6.7 1988 17,560 4,882 2.6 491,632 6.8-0.5 7.5 3.6 10.3 16.9 5.7 1989 18,085 4,911 2.4 590,760 9.3-5.9 10.8 9.5 9.8 24.7 10.4 1990 18,649 5,156 2.4 690,310 9.7 2.9 10.3 10.0 8.1 14.2 10.2 1991 19,009 4,980 2.5 798,548 5.8 8.6 5.5 5.0 6.5 0.9 7.9 1992 19,234 4,720 2.9 885,398 6.3-4.5 7.1 5.0 6.2 7.8 6.4 1993 19,848 4,758 2.5 1,022,496 8.8-0.2 9.4 10.2 7.7 12.8 7.7 1994 20,414 4,818 2.1 1,123,895 8.9 6.7 9.1 10.9 9.1 13.4 7.5 1995 20,853 4,725 2.0 1,261,168 7.2 4.0 7.4 7.0 7.3 8.2 5.0 1996 21,214 4,537 2.6 1,326,241 5.8 4.2 5.9 5.8 3.7-1.5 3.9 1997 19,938 3,917 7.0 1,284,477-5.7-7.7-5.6-7.3-9.9-22.0 5.0 1998 20,291 4,027 6.3 1,442,921 10.7 5.1 11.0 23.0 10.1 8.7-1.0 1999 21,156 4,293-4.4 1,567,510 8.8 1.1 9.2 17.4 7.8 12.3 1.0 2000 21,572 4,267 4.0 1,659,109 4.5 1.6 4.6 3.3 5.8 1.5 3.7 2001 22,169 4,241 3.3 1,857,171 7.4-2.1 7.8 9.3 8.3 6.9 3.1 2002 22,139 4,205 3.6 2,017,864 2.9-5.3 3.2 5.0 0.2 4.8 3.4 2003 22,557 4,177 3.7 2,209,335 4.9 9.0 4.8 9.7 1.1 2.9 3.0 2004 22,856 4,130 3.7 2,387,579 3.9 1.4 4.0 5.8 4.4 2.0 1.0 2005 23,151 4,057 3.5 2,522,501 5.2 1.6 5.3 7.7 5.2 3.6-0.1 2006 23,433 4,014 3.2 2,688,353 5.5 4.1 5.5 8.4 5.3 5.0 2.4 2007 23,577 3,963 3.2-2,568,838 2.8 5.6 2.8 3.7 2.2-0.9 3.0 2008 23,506 3,836 3.6 2,636,260 0.7 3.2 0.6-0.5 1.3 0.3 3.5 2009 23,829 4,028 3.7 2,816,188 6.5-4.3 6.8 13.7 4.3 5.5 3.2 2010 24,244 4,091 3.4 2,843,545 3.7-2.0 3.8 6.5 2.7 0.8 1.6 2011 24,681 4,105 3.2 2,995,471 2.3-0.9 2.4 2.4 2.2-0.5 1.0 2012 25,066 4,184 3.1 3,110,992 3.0 5.8 2.9 3.3 2.2 4.2 0.7 2013
