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2010회계연도 결산시정요구사항 조치결과 분석

12 2 ( 23 ) ? 3) 19 19? 19 19? ) 5) 18 6) 18 (Coray )7) ) 3) La Berge p ) Roselyne Rey Anamorphoses d

7 1 ( 12 ) ( 1912 ) 4. 3) ( ) 1 3 1, ) ( ), ( ),. 5) ( ) ). ( ). 6). ( ). ( ).


앙토냉아르토혹은언어의수형자 4) 박형섭 ( 부산대학교 )...,.......,..... ( 儀式 )....., * 2016.


.,?,?,,??,?,..,...,..,,,, (...). 1). ( 受刑者 ),. existence spirituelle Louis des Attides., ( 詩作 ).. Demain, Action, Mercure de France. 1) A. Artaud, Le Théâtre de la cruauté, Oeuvres Complètes XIII, Gallimard, 1994, p.118.

1923 5 8 - Tric-trac du ciel 2)... La Nouvelle revue française.. 1923 5 1 1924 6 8 11,..... ( 受理 ).,... 3).....,..,.....,,. 4) 2). Papier d'arches 112, Elie Lascaux. 3) A. Artaud, Correspondance avec Jacques Rivière, in L'Ombilic des Limbes, p.20. 4) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XXI, Cahiers de Rodez, Avril-25 mai 1946,

...,.....,.,. âme, esprit, cerveau.. (...). 5)....,,.. 6),,.,.. p.91. 5) Op.cit., Correspondance avec Jacques Rivière, p.28. 6) Ibid., p.39.

.?.,,,.,,,. (...).,.,,,. 7),,..,.,...,....,,.,,. 8) 7) Ibid., pp.25-26. 8) Ibid., p.20.

....,,,,. 9)..............,. 1925 12 1....,. Rodez.,, 9) Ibid., p.20.

.,,.,?...... 20.... 10).,,..... 病者....,.. ( 詩情 ). 11) Position de chair, Manifeste en langage clair,,., 10) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XXII, Gallimard, 1994, p.59. 11) 1924 10 2 ( ), 3 1925:.

. 12).,,,,..,,,,... 13),........,.. 1945 10.. ( 寒天 ). 14)....,.,. 12) Adresse au Dalaï-Lama, in L'Ombilic des Limbes, p.209. 13) Ibid., p.215. 14) Nouveaux écrits de Rodez, Paris, Gallimard, 1977, p.107.

..,,,. 15)..,?....,.. (...). 16).. 1945 10 6...... 17).,. 18).. 15) Le Rite du Peyotl chez Les Tarahumaras, p.17. 16) Ibid., p.31. 17) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XI, Lettres écrites de Rodez 1945-1946, p.131. 18) Ibid., p.144.

.,,,,,,,,. 19),,. 1947 - Vieux-Colombier...,.,.?....,,.? Là-bas.... ( 來世 ).,... 20)...... 19) Les Tarahumaras, p.69. 20) Claude Mauriac, L'alittérature contemporaine, Paris, Albin Michel, 1969, pp.49-50.

.. 2... ( 天啓 ). 21) -..,.,,. 22)...,.....,. Le Rite du Peyot l.... 23) 1945 9 21) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XVI, Supplément aux lettres de Rodez, p.119. 22) Ibid., p.122. 23) Les Tarahumaras, pp.42-43. cf..

( 補遺 )..,,. 24) 1945...... (...)..,,. 25) Ciguri.... Tutuguri. 26).,. 27). 24) Ibid., p.67. 25) Ibid., p.110. 26) Ibid., p.151. 27) 1937 8 14 Cobh, 17 Galway, 23 Kibrone 9 8 Dublin. 9 23 Mountjoy 30

. 1943 10 -... 1937 9. 20, ( 涜神 ).,, Les Nouvelles Révélations de l Être 28). 29).. 1937........ 30).... 31).,., Le Havre. 28) 1937 7 28 32 Le Révélé. 29) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes X, Lettres de Rodez, p.244. 30) Les Tarahumaras, p.25. 31) Ibid., p.113.

... ( ).. 32),..... -..,......... 32) cf. Supplément au voyage au pays des Tarahumaras, Les Tarahumaras, pp.109-122.

.,.. 1926 4 2......,.,...... saint Patrick... 1.,. 33).,..... 33) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes IX, Lettres de Rodez, oct. 1945, p.181.

..,... 34).. 84.,....,,,..,,. 35)...... 36).... 34) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XVII, Cahiers de Rodez, pp.74-75. 35) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes XV, Cahiers de Rodez, p.105. 36) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes VII, p.121.

...,,.. 1938. Ville-Évrard,.....,. 37).,,,..... 38).....,..... L Ombilic des 37) A. Virmaux, Artaud Vivant, Nouvelles Éditions Oswald, 1980, p.67. 38) A. Roumieux, Je travaille à l'asile d'aliénés, éd. Champ Libre, 1974, p.97.

limbes, Le Pèse-nerfs.,,,,,....,,..,..... 39).,..,, 40).. Le Théâtre et son double,, Van Gogh, Le Suicidé de la société,...,...,.. 39) A. Artaud, Oeuvres Complètes V, Gallimard, 1994, p.60. 40),,,, 2006, 238.

,. effondrement central de l âme 41).,...,......,. 42),......... living theater,..,.. 41) Op.cit., Correspondance avec Jacques Rivière, p.25. 42) Maurice Blanchot, Le Livre à venir, Paris, Gallimard, 1959, p.57.

.., 43)......,..........,,,,....,..,,. représentation réalisation.., 43),,,, 2003, 370.

...,. Cri petit poète céleste........ 44),,,, 1993.,,, 2003.,,,, 2005.,,,, 1994.,,,, 2001.,,,, 2003. Artaud, Antonin, Oeuvres complètes I *, X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV, Paris, Gallimard, 1994., L'Ombilic des Limbes suivi de Le Pèse-Nerfs, Paris, Poésie/Gallimard, 1992., Le Théâtre et son Double, Paris, Gallimard, 1972., Les Tarahumaras, Paris, Gallimard, «folio/essai», 2007. 44) A. Antonin, Oeuvres complètes VIII, Gallimard, 1994, p.203.

, Nouveaux écrits de Rodez, Paris, Gallimard, «L'imaginaire», 1977. Blanchot, Maurice, Le Livre à venir, Paris, Gallimard, «idées», 1959. Bruno, Pierre, Antonin Artaud, Réalité et Poésie, Paris, L'Harmattan, 1999. De Mèredieu, Florence, C'était Antonin Artaud, Paris, Fayard, 2006. De Portzamparc, Renaud, La folie d'artaud, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2011. Derrida, Jacques, L'Écriture et la Différence, Paris, Seuil, 1970. Dumoulié, Camille, Antonin Artaud, Paris, Seuil, 1996., Artaud, La vie, Paris, Desjonquères, 2003. Floc'h, Katell, Antonin Artaud et la Conquête du corps, Association Découvrir, Larousse/Sélection Reader's Digest, 1995. Mauriac, Claude, L'alittérature contemporaine, Paris, Albin Michel, 1969. Rey, Jean-Michel, La Naissance de la poésie, Antonin Artaud, Paris, Métailié, 1991. Roumieux, André, Je travaille à l'asile d'aliénés, Paris, éd. Champ Libre 1974. Thévenin, Paule, Antonin Artaud, ce Désespéré qui vous parle, Paris, Seuil, 1993. Virmaux, Alain, Antonin Artaud et le Théâtre, Paris, Seghers, 1970., Antonin Artaud. Qui êtes-vous? Paris, La Manufacture, 1986.

ABSTRACT A. Artaud or the Prisoner of Language Park, Hyung-Sub The life of Antonin Artaud exactly reproduces a very cruel drama. He lived in constant anguish and suffered from severe mental pain. This research will trace his thoughts in his writings while he was a prisoner of language. Artaud was a poet filled with anxiety about language, things, being, and thought. Whenever he tried to explain the mystery of being by means of mundane language, he experienced psychological agony. His poetic thoughts began to break down, because of his identity loss. Nevertheless, he was destined to grasp the world through language. Artaud had suffered from mental illness during his youth. His mental illness was associated with his difficulty in creating poetry. In this research, the letter, Correspondance avec Jacques Rivière, is analyzed. The poet refers to the collapse of the spirit s core, and the erosion of the fundamental thought that slips away to convey his linguistic incompetence. Hereafter, he constantly demonstrated anxious mental symptoms. Even though he became mentally deranged, he maintained his consciousness, as is apparent in his writings. Also, his spiritual belief is reflected in his mental uneasiness. While he was traveling through the Tarahumaras area in Mexico, he was obsessed with its primitive belief in the Peyote rituals, and he immersed himself in performing them. His unchristian belief was the product of his mystical personality. Until his last breath, he did not give up writing. Artaud s mental derangement does not mean lunacy, but if one insists in calling it so, that is a metaphor. His derangement comes from his refusal to accept his limitations and from his aspiring to regard his body in the same light as his intellectual perceptions. His intellect could manifest more easily when his mind was elevated to the extreme. Artaud s lunacy is no different from that of a profound philosopher. The lives of poets who suffer from mental derangement are more poetic than the lives of those who do not. Artaud s atypical emotions provide a way of to measure our own limitations, helplessness, and resignation. His scream is nonsegmental but different from that of a mental patient. That

difference is why people are interested in his works and wish to delve into his writings. Key Words language, Antonin Artaud, mental illness, writing, existence, poetics : 2016 11 10 : 2016 12 01 : 2016 12 05