영유아아동정신건강연구 Korean Journal for Infant Mental Health 2013, Vol. 6, No. 1, 57-84 영유아기정서및행동문제에대한 부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 57 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 58 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 59 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 60 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 1. 연구대상 2. 연구도구 - 61 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 나. 그룹면담질문지 3. 연구절차 - 62 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 4. 자료분석 - 63 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 1. 정서및행동문제에대한인식 - 64 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 65 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 66 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 67 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 68 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 69 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 2. 정서및행동문제를보이는영유아에대한인식 χ - 70 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 3. 정서및행동문제의지도 양육에대한인식 χ - 71 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 χ χ χ - 72 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 4. 정서및행동문제관련지원욕구인식 - 73 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 74 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 5. 집단면담을통한일반교사의정서및행동문제인식과지원욕구 - 75 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 76 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 1. 요약및논의 - 77 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 78 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 2. 결론및제언 - 79 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 80 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 - 81 -
영유아아동정신건강연구 6 권 1 호 - 82 -
영유아기정서및행동문제에대한부모와일반교사의인식및지원욕구조사 Abstract Examinations of Awareness and Needs for Support of Parents and Teachers About Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Children This study investigates the level of awareness of parents and teachers about emotional and behavioral problems of young children and their need for support. First, the highest awareness of parents about emotional and behavioral problems of children was body symptoms followed by anxiety, aggressive action, attention, withdrawal, and affective reaction. On the other hand, teachers perceived attention most strongly followed by aggressive action, anxiety, affective reaction, withdrawal, and body symptoms. A significant difference was found only in aggressive action between teachers and parents. The level of awareness was higher in teachers than parents for all of those items. Second, parents and teachers chose the relationship between parents as the reason of emotional and behavioral problems of children. A significant difference was found between parents and teachers in their awareness of emotional and behavioral problems of young children at their kindergartens or with their peers (p<.001). Third, parents respond that they would get advice from close people (39.8%) and visit professionals for advice (30.4%) to resolve emotional and behavioral problems of their children. Meanwhile, teachers responded that they would get advice from close people (50.7%). Fourth, the biggest need of parents was a chance to have education on infancy followed by workshop about emotional and behavioral problems and therapeutic education (art, music, and games). The biggest need of teachers was advice for parents followed by workshop about emotional and behavioral problems and therapeutic education (art, music, and games). This shows that they have higher needs for education applicable to relationship with young children. Key words : emotional problem, behavioral problem, awareness and support needs - 83 -