방송통신서비스경쟁의지리적격차에대한연구 - 초고속인터넷서비스를중심으로

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Vol.258 C O N T E N T S M O N T H L Y P U B L I C F I N A N C E F O R U M



, ( ) * 1) *** *** (KCGS) 2003, 2004 (CGI),. (+),.,,,.,. (endogeneity) (reverse causality),.,,,. I ( ) *. ** ***



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264 축되어 있으나, 과거의 경우 결측치가 있거나 폐기물 발생 량 집계방법이 용적기준에서 중량기준으로 변경되어 자료 를 활용하는데 제한이 있었다. 또한 1995년부터 쓰레기 종 량제가 도입되어 생활폐기물 발생량이 이를 기점으로 크 게 줄어들었다. 그러므로 1996년부

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1.,, % ,897 GDP 0.89%. GDP 1% TV. TV..., TV. KOBACO,.,.


182 동북아역사논총 42호 금융정책이 조선에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 일제 대외금융 정책의 기본원칙은 각 식민지와 점령지마다 별도의 발권은행을 수립하여 일본 은행권이 아닌 각 지역 통화를 발행케 한 점에 있다. 이들 통화는 일본은행권 과 等 價 로 연

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11. 일반 10 김린 지니 3(cwr).hwp


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방송통신서비스경쟁의지리적격차에대한연구 - 초고속인터넷서비스를중심으로 - 2009. 12

1..., (cream skimming).... 2. 3... 4.,

2. 5,,,..,.,,... 2009 12

3 1 7 1 15 2 17 1 17 2 18 1. 18 2. 21 3. 23 4. 26 5. 27 3 28 1. 28 2. 31 3 43 1 43 2 45 1. 45 2. 47 3. 52 3 : 58

4 1. 59 2. 62 3. :, 74 4 : 85 1 85 1. 85 2. 86 2 89 1. / 89 2. 90 3., 92 3 95 5 97 1 97 1. 97 2. 99 3. 103 2 103 105 109

5 2 1 30 2 2 (A spatial taxonomy of broadband regions) 39 3 1 : 53 3 2 56 3 3,, 65 3 4 HHI 75 3 5 1 80 3 6 HHI, 81 4 1 86 4 2 : 88 4 3 HHI 88 4 4 90

6 2 1 Hotelling 23 2 2 Zip codes with Broadband providers in U.S. States 33 2 3 Zip codes : 1999 2004 39 2 4 1999 12 /2004 12 40 3 1 ERG 52 3 2 ADSL 57 3 3 FTTH 58 3 4 60 3 5 61 3 6 68 3 7 70 3 8 72 3 9 73 3 10 HHI % 77 3 11 HHI 78 3 12 MSO/ MSO 83 4 1 91 4 2 92 4 3 93 4 4 94 4 5 95

7 1...., (cream skimming)....,,,. 2. 2-1.,,,

8.,,. Tirole(1988) Hotelling demand effect ( ), strategic effect ( ).. (SO) 1/3.. (1),,, (2),, (3). HHI.,. (multi-market contact) (identity). HHI. 2-2. (demand side sub-

9 stitution) (supply side substitution), SSNIP (small but significant and non-transitory increase in price test) (hypothetical monopolist test)....... (common pricing constraint)... ERG EC (preliminary analysis),,,,, 6. Ofcom 2008 Hull

10 Hull, 2008 Hull. 2-3. :. 1998 2009 KT, SK,, LG, LG 5. 2009 4 SO, RO, NO 104, 63 SO 43 7 MSO(Multiple System Operator)., 77, 16, 232 / (1) HHI, (2) 1, (3), (4) (geographic fragments). HHI.. 2-4. 4 :,,,.

11 23,157, 24,220 1,064.,. 61.6% 48.2%.,,,.,.,,. 3.,,. 33 4( ).. (common pricing constraint). ( : 90% HHI 7,000 ).

12 90. 2001 1. 2003 100, 2004 2005 50. 2006 50 KT 50%, 50%. SKT LG LG LG (BcN).., 90%... /... 2009 2 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Broadband Technology National Opportunities Program Broadband Inventory Map National Broadband Plan. Broad-

13 band Inventory Map......,.. 90% 12%..

1 15 1. (regulated monopoly)... (MVNO) (Wholesale Line Rental)..., (cream skimming)..

16.. 2. 3. (homogeneity)... 4.,. 5.

2 17 2 1,, (location) 1). Location, Location, Location.,.,.,... ( ).. Dot-com, IT. 1) (product space),.

18.,...... (spatial competition) (agglomeration) (spill-over effect).... 2 1...

2 19. (network externality)..... 1..,,.. (normal goods).. Flamm and Chaudhuri(2007).. NTIA(2001) 2000 53.7% 53.9% (Maryland) (Virginia) 43.8% 44.3%.

20.,. Greenstein and Prince(2006) 1998 2000 27.5% 42.3% 22.2% 38.9%...,.. Krugman(1991) (agglomeration economies)... Forman, Goldfarb, Greenstein(2005). global village theory (communication cost). urban density theory (diffusion).., industry

2 21 composition theory. Forman (2005).. 100 123.8, 102.6, 165.1 IT.. 2... (economies of scale).. (economies of scope).,,... (economies of density).. ADSL 5.4km

22.,.... (first mover's advantage)... (sunk cost) (irreversible). (essential facility) (bottleneck). (local loop).......

2 23 3. 2) (price) (quantity) (product differentiation). (vertical differentiation) (horizontal differentiation) 3). Hotelling(1929) (linear city). Hotelling. 0 1... 2 1 Hotelling 0 1/2 1 A 0 B 1. 1/2 2) Tirole(1988). 3) Ferreira and Thisse(1996) (+).

24,.,. A (0, 1). B (1/2, 1/2).,. Hotelling d'aspremont, Gabaszewicz, and Thisse(1979). Hotelling. 2 (quadratic transportation cost) (maximal differentiation) 2. Tirole(1988) Hotelling demand effect ( ), strategic effect ( ). Tirole(1988) (absence of price competition) Hotelling. Salop (circular city).

2 25. Salop. (mark-up) (business stealing). Hotelling Salop (multiple solution) Hotelling Salop. Hotelling Salop... Hotelling.. Hotelling..,

26 ( )... 4.. (SO) 1/3. 4).... 2006 KT 50% 50.. 1996 ILEC(Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier) 1996 CLEC(Competitive Local Exchange Carrier). 4) 8 6, 4

2 27 Greenstein and Prince(2006). Greenstein and Prince(2006) CLEC,. 5....,,,..,,..,... (fixed location),.

28........ 3 1.. HHI(Herfindahl Hirschman Index), n-firm concentration ratio....

2 29. Ofcom Hull... Grubesic(2008) Global Moran s I., i j, μ, 0, 1 Global Moran s I (Spatial Autocorrelation). 3.. HHI. HHI,

30. Bernheim and Whinston(1990) (multi-market contact) (identity). HHI. A, B, C 3 X, Y. A X, Y B X, C Y. B C. A B. (punishment mechanism).. HHI. 2 1 B C X Y X Y A A A A B C B B Evans and Kessides(1994) 1,000.

2 31 (golden rule). Waldfogel and Wulf (2006). 1996 (Telecommunication Acts) 5). Waldfogel and Wulf 1995 1998, 248. Waldfogel and Wulf Evans and Kessides. 6) 2... Tony H. Grubesic and Alan T. Murray, Waiting for Broadband: Local Competition and the Spatial Distribution of Advanced Telecommunication Services in the United States (2004) Grubesic and Murray(2004) (Broadband access). 48, 5) 1996 2, 40, 1996 8,. 6) Waldfogel and Wulf(2006).

32. (1),. (2),.,,. (3). ZIP(Zone Improvement Plan) code 31,583 27.9% 8,825, 80.04% 7,064. 1) 1 2 (FCC) (subscriber), 48 31,583 ZIP code. Grubesic and Murray(2004) ZIP code, 2001 6 ZIP code OLS(ordinary least squares). (intra-metropolitan) (inter-metropolitan) 4 OLS (autocorrelation) SAR(simultaneous spatial autoregressive) Broadband.

2 33 Broadband (access) Broadband, 1999 12 2001 6 ZIP code. New York, Washington, Chicago. Austin, Indianapolis, Buffalo. 2 2,.. 2 2 Zip codes with Broadband providers in U.S. States : (FCC), Form 477 Grubesic and Murray(2004) (competition indices). (consolidated metropolitan statistical area, CMSA) (metropolitan statistical area, MSA) (intra-metropolitan competition index), (inter-metropolitan competition index), (provider loss index).

34 Broadband, 100., where t Broadband ZIP code, t ZIP code, t Broadband ZIP code. 1, 1. where t Broadband ZIP code, t ZIP code, t Broadband ZIP code, t CMSA MSA ZIP code (provider loss index)..

2 35 where t Broadband ZIP code, t ZIP code, t Broadband ZIP code, t CMSA MSA ZIP code. 48 Fargo-Moorehead 25, Atlanta 90.22. 1, Atlanta 1.53 Charleston 0.03. Broadband (basic spatial statistical analysis) (regression modelling),,,, (rent),,. 4 (St. Louis, Nashville, Indianapolis, San Francisco).,,, (dummy variable),, 7). (autocorrelation) St.Louis OLS 7) ACORN 43 9

36,,, SAR,. OLS SAR, ( +) (+ ). Indianapolis St.Louis,. (autocorrelation) OLS SAR,,,,. 2) 1996 (Telecommunications Acts).... Tony H. Grubesic, The spatial distribution of broadband providers in the United States: 1999 2004 (2008) Grubesic 1999 2004 (longitudinal analysis). (core) (periphery) (spatial statistical techniques).,,,

2 37. (broadband divide),. 1996 10... xdsl. (,, ).,, (Grubesic, 2006). (core region). (spatial spillover effect) (exurb).., (longitudinal analysis) (dynamics). 1999 2004?,??., (Ohio)

38 (snap shot). GIS(Geographical Information System). (city-regions) (central or core). Grubesic(2006) (core) zip code 9, (periphery) 1., (municipal boundaries) Metropolitan Statistical Area(MSA) (spill-over effect). Atlanta Macon, LaGrange, Gainsville Chattanooga.,, -,. 1999 12 2004 12 FCC form 477 zip code. FCC GIS ArcView zip code (merge). 2 3 1994 2004. 31.28% 6.25%p.

2 39 2 3 Zip codes : 1999 2004 2 2 (A spatial taxonomy of broadband regions) (Broadband core) ZIP codes displaying high levels of broadband availability that are surrounded by other ZIP codes with similar values (Broadband periphery) ZIP codes displaying low levels of broadband availability that are surrounded by other ZIP codes with similar values (Islands of inequality) ZIP codes displaying low levels of broadband availability that are surrounded by other ZIP codes displaying relatively high values (Islands of availability) ZIP codes displaying high levels of broadband availability that are surrounded by other ZIP codes displaying low values (Not significant(p = 0.05)) Zip codes that are not statistically significant zip code local Moran s I.

40, 0 1 (spatial weights matrix). local Moran s I i (+) ( ) ( ) i. local Moran s I 0. (core), (periphery), (islands of inequality), (islands of availability), (not significant). 2 4 1999 2004 2004. 2004 2 4 1999 12 /2004 12

2 41, 21, 10. 22.29%. 99.28% MSA 12.72% MSA. 1999 2004,, Buffalo Zip code. BDI(Broadband Deployment Index). i, i ZIP, i, i, i. i ZIP code (MMSA) ZIP code

42. ZIP code BDI ZIP code BDI. BDI 100 MMSA, 100 MMSA. BDI Midland, TX 100%. Upper Great Plains Midwest Rapid City, SD Bismarck, ND. 8)..,..., 96. FCC. BDI. BDI.. 8) Upper Great Plains Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota.

3 43 3 1 (ex-ante regulation) (market definition).,. (relevant market) (product market definition) (geographic market definition). (demand side substitution) (supply side substitution).,,.. SSNIP (small but significant and non-transitory increase in price test) (hypothetical monopolist test). 5% 10%

44.....,.,,,, xdsl.,.,..,. EC(European Commission) (Merger guideline).

3 45.. 2 1......... (common pricing constraint).. A B C. 1 A B 2 A C. B 1

46. A, 1 2 A 2 C... 9)....... 4.. (multi-market contact).. 9) zip code.

3 47 2.. DOJ/FTC (merger guideline)(1997) FCC 1996 LEC Inter-Region exchange order 1992 Merger Guideline... DOJ/FTC. DOJ/FTC. (SSNIP)..... (1) (2)

48 (3) (downstream competition) (4). (4).,.. EC SMP(Significant Market Power) 10) EC SMP EU (NRA) SMP (a), (b) SMP, (c) SMP, (d). EC ( ), ( ), ( ) (potential entry). (sunk cost).. (hypothetical monopolist test) 5% 10%. (homogeneous). (similar or sufficiently homogeneous) 10) Guidelines on market analysis and the assessment of significant market power(2002)

3 49 (heterogeneous)... (a) (b) local, regional, national.. ERG 11) Common Geographic Aspects of Market Analysis(2008) ERG EC. 1) (preliminary analysis),,. 11) European Regulator Group. The European Regulators Group for electronic communications networks and services has been set up by the Commission to provide a suitable mechanism for encouraging cooperation and coordination between national regulatory authorities and the Commission, in order to promote the development of the internal market for electronic communications networks and services, and to seek to achieve consistent application, in all Member States, of the provisions set out in the Directives of the new regulatory framework(http://erg.ec.europa.edu/).

50. 2). ( ). (mutually exclusive) (mapping) 3) SMP (difference).. : (economies of scale) : :.

3 51 /, /,. (forward looking). 4) ( ).. (segmentation).. 5) SMP. SMP.. (market review). 6)..

52 3 1 ERG 3.. 12) Ofcom Review of the wholesale broadband access markets 2008. 2008 Hull Hull. 2008 Hull 12) Ofcom, Review of the wholesale broadband access market(2008)

3 53.. 3 1 : wholesale broadband access markets in the U.K. 2003/04 2008 ) Asymmetric broadband origination in the U.K. ) Broadband conveyance in the UK. asymmetric broadband access and any backhaul(as necessary to allow interconnection with other Communications Providers which provides an always on capability, allows both voice and data services to be used simultaneously and provides data at speeds greater than a dial up connection. This market includes both business and residential customers.) 2003/04 IP 2008. 1), SMP. EU. EU (SSNIP),. (common pricing constraint).

54.,,,. ( ), 13).., Hull. 2003/04 Ofcom, KCOM Hull. LLU (local loop unbundling) ISP,. 2008 Hull,. (common pricing constraints). 2005 4 BT (exchange) (rebate). AOL, O2, Orange, Sky, TalkTalk, Tiscali.. Ofcom EU 13)

3 55 Hull, Market 1, Market 2, Market 3. 2) Ofcom (exchange) (premises). Ofcom LLU BT. LLU LLU. (Principal Operator) Ofcom. (incremental effect).,, Ofcom., Ofcom 8 (Principal Operator), BT Virgin Media, 6 LLU. LLU. Ofcom 10,000 (premises). 10,000 10,000.

56 3) Ofcom Hull, Market 1, Market 2, Market 3. 3 2.. 3 2 KCOM (Hull ) 14 0.7% BT (Market 1) 3,720 16.4% 2 3 10,000 4 (Market 2) 4 10,000 4 (Market 3) : Ofcom(2008), Review of the wholesale broadband access markets 670 13.7% 1,197 69.2%. 14) 2006 ADSL FTTH. 2008 9 2007 2006. DU ISDN CATV ISP. CATV ( ) CATV 14) 2007 (2008)

3 57, CATV (MSO) FTTH. ADSL 3 2 NTT. 3 2 ADSL : FTTH 3 3 10.,. ADSL FTTH

58.. 3 3 FTTH : 3 :...

3 59 1. 15). 1998. 1999 ( SK ) ( KT) ADSL. 2000 PSTN ADSL, 2000. 2002. 2003 2005 LG, 2006 2007. 2008 SK SK, 2009 KT, SK,, LG, LG 5. 16) 2006 7 (SO, RO, NO). 2009 4 SO, RO, NO 104, 63 SO 43 7 MSO(Multiple System Operator). xdsl PSTN 15) (KISDI, 2001 2007) 16), SK 5.

60 B-WLL. 2007 FTTH 100Mbps Ethernet-LAN.. 2008 15,474.. 2008 81.4%. 3 4 ( : ) : 1. ( ) : 1. 2. 2008 6 100 31.2 OECD

3 61 21.3,, 7.. 2008 1,548 4.2%. KT 671 (43.4%), SK 354 (22.9%), LG 218 (14.1%) 3 80.4%. 3 5 : 1. 2007 ( ) 2. : LG (SO, RO, NO). (SO, RO, NO) 2008 18.4% 2002. LG

62 2005 2.0% 2006 8.6%, 2007 11.6%, 2008 14.1%. KT 2004 2008 43.4%. 2.,,.., (cream skimming)......,..,

3 63... HHI, 1,, HHI.. 2 ERG Common Geographic Aspects of Market Analysis(2008) ( ), ( ) ( ).,,.. ERG, KT SK,... Ofcom BT.

64.,,....,....,.., 77... 2008 18%

3 65.,,. 3 3,. ( ) (mapping). 3 3,, 1 / 2 3 4 / 5 6 7 8 / 9 10 1. 11 12 13 14 / 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

66 22 / / 23 / 24 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 25 / 26 / 27 / / 28 / 29 30 / 31 32 33 / 34 35 36 / / / 37 / 38 39 40 / 41 / 42 / / 43 / 44 / / 7. 45 46 / / 47 48 / 49 / / / 8. 50 / 51 / / 52 / / / / 53 / / / / / / 54 / / /

3 67 55 / / / / / 9. 56 / / / / / / 57 / / / / 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 58 / / / / 59 / / / / / / 60 / / 61 / / / / / 62 / / / / / / 63 / / / / 64 / 65 / / / / / / 66 / / / / / / / / 67 / / / 68 / / / / / / / / 69 / / / 70 / / / / / / 71 / / / 72 / / / / / / / 73 / / / 74 / / / / / 75 / / / 76 / / / / / 16. 77 / 3 6., 77, 16, 232.

68 3 6 전국 방송구역 광역시도 시구군

3 69. / 1... (1) HHI HHI. HHI 10,000, 0. DOJ/ FTC HHI 1800 (highly concentrated market). HHI...,,.,,.. 3 7 HHI.

70 3 7 전국 방송구역 광역시도 시구군 :,

3 71 (2) 1 1. 1. 17) 1. 1. 1. 1. 1.. 1 = (W 1 )/( ) W: 1 1 (3).. 17) ERG

72..... : ( i i )/N i N i: i I:. 18) 0 1.. 3 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18).

3 73 9 1, 4, 5. 5 8. 5 8 2 1/4(=2/8). 4 1, 2, 5, 7, 8 2 2/5.. (4) (geographic fragments).... ( ).. 3 9 A1 A3 B2 B1 A2

74 A, B. A A1, A2, A3 B B1, B2.. 3. :,,,.. HHI HHI 2008. 19) (KT, SK, LG, LG ), MSO(Multiple System Operator, ), SO(System Operator, ), RO(Relay Operator, ), NO(Network Operator, ). 20).. 3 4 HHI. HHI 19).. 20),.

3 75 2,696. 1/3. 21) HHI. HHI 2,500 4. Ofcom 4.,,, HHI 3,360, 3,477, 4,873. 3 4 HHI HHI (77 ) (16 ) (232 ) ( ) 2,696 3,360 (3,330) 3,477 (3,237) 4,873 (3,516) 978 1,074 2,212 (max) 7,041 6,511 10,000 (min) 2,238 2,302 2,238 : 1. 2. HHI, MSO, SO, RO, NO 3. 2007 21) : 8 ( ),. 4 ( ) 8 6. 3. 3 1

76. HHI 3,330, 3,237, 3,516,.. HHI 2000 6,511, 7,041, 10,000. 100% 5, 90% 27. (10,000) 5,000. HHI 978, 1,074 2,212... HHI HHI % HHI. 3 10 HHI %,,. 2,500 4,000 HHI 4,000 6,500 6,500. 20% 7,000. 2,500 3,000, 2,000 2,500 3,500 4,000.

3 77 3 10 HHI %. : (1) HHI HHI.,, 3.,, 1,. HHI 2,500, 3,000, 3,500, 4,000. 3 11 HHI. HHI. 3,500 4,000

78. 2,500 3,000. 3 11 HHI

3 79 :, (2) 1 1 1 4, 1. HHI 1. 1,

80 1., 1. 1 3 5. 3 5 1 HHI 1 1 1 1 4,000 13 13 1 1 0.95 64 58 4 0.91 ( 77 ) 3,500 24 24 1 1 0.94 53 47 4 0.89 3,000 42 41 2 0.98 0.92 35 30 4 0.86 2,500 73 67 4 0.92 0.96 4 4 1 1 1 0.86 1. 1 2,500 0.95, 3,000 0.94, 3,500 0.92, 4,000 0.96. 2,500. (3) ( 3 6 ).

3 81.. 0.71 0.91 0.67 0.84. 3 6 HHI, ( 77 ) ( 16 ) 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 HHI ( ) 4 0.81 7 3 (0.27) 4 0.77 5 1 (0.25) 3 0.71 8 5 (0.28) 1 0.91 4 3 (0.23) 1 0.84 3 2 (0.35) 1 0.67 4 3 (0.32) 1 0.72 4 3 (0.34) 1 0.84 2 1 (0.30) : 1., 2. 1 (4) HHI 1 5, 1 3. 4 8,

82 2 4. HHI 2,500. 2,500 2,500 2,500. 3 11 2,500. (5) MSO HHI. MSO.. 22) 3 12 MSO MSO, MSO HHI 3,175, MSO HHI 4,012.., MSO SO., MSO HHI. 3 12 MSO. SO MSO. 1. /, 2., 3. 38, 39, 26, 27 22) MSO,, CJ, HCN,, CMB,

3 83. 3 12 MSO/ MSO (6). HHI 2,500. HHI HHI. MSO(Multiple System Operator) SO.

84.. (fine tuning).... 100% 5, 90% 27. 1...

4 : 85 4 : 1 1..,...,.,,,..

86 2.,., 1, HHI,. C1, C2, C3, NC1, NC2, NC3. 23) 19, (Purposive Quota Sampling). 1,000. KT. KT / KT. SKT. 4 1 ( :, %) 1,000 100 C1 167 16.7 C2 167 16.7 C3 166 16.6 NC1 167 16.7 NC2 167 16.7 NC3 166 16.6 23) C, NC.

4 : 87 1,000 100 493 49.3 507 50.7 20 243 24.3 30 293 29.3 40 281 28.1 50 183 18.3 KT 614 61.4 SK 151 15.1 LG 83 8.3 19 1.9 LG 9 0.9 103 10.3 21 2.1 SKT 575 57.5 KT 291 29.1 LGT 134 13.4 4 2. HHI 2,862, 1 40.2% 7. HHI 4,773 1 62.4%, 5., KT (oversampling). KT KT.

88 4 2 : ( ) ( ) 1 HHI 1 HHI 40.2%(7) 2,862 56.2% 3,805 62.4%(5) 4,773 66.6% 5,090 HHI HHI 4 3. HHI 364. KT HHI. 4 3 HHI HHI HHI 4,159 3,805 4,523 5,090 HHI ( ) 364 1,285 4,341 4,448,,,.

4 : 89 2 1. /. 23,157, 24,220 1,064. 100M 42.2%, 34%. 100M. 24) 15.6%, 21.4%.. SK, KT, LG 3, 3,.. 701. 1,064 1.65 ( ), 1.61 ( ) 24) KT Qook Lite(10M ) 30,000, Qook Special(100M ) 36,000 Lite 20%.

90. 4 4 ( : ) C1 37,533 23,655 38,177 C2 41,181 22,167 (28,801) C3 35,806 23,630 NC1 40,299 24,024 38,878 NC2 40,024 23,269 (26,227) NC3 36,295 25,373 ( ) 701 1,064 38,528 23,692 23,157 (11,482) 24,220 (11,943) : 1. 2. :,, 2., 6. 1,000 49.2% 6, 8. 56.8%, 9.4 43.2% 6. 66.9%, (63.0%), (28.9%).

4 : 91,. 492 7%. 4 1 : KISDI (2009). 41.5%, (46.6%) (36.4%). 1.4. 2,.,.

92 4 2 : KISDI (2009) 3.,., 54.9%, (9.9%), (8.3%).,. 61.6% 48.2%.. 43.3%, 12.,

4 : 93,,. 4 3 : KISDI (2009). 3 46.9%,.,.. 100M 38.1%., 100M 42.2% 34.0%.. 53%

94. 49% 57%. 4 4. 50%, 51.4% (48.6%). 103, 78.6%, 15.5%.,,..

4 : 95.. 4 5 : KISDI (2009) 3 KISDI (2009).,,,,.,,. (common pricing constraint). (zip code),


5 97 5 1 1. 33 4( ) 2008 2. 33 4( ). 1. 2,,. 33 4 3. 38 2.,.. EC

98. 38 ( ) 33 4 2. 1. 2. 3. ( ), ( ) 4. 1. 1. 2., 3. 4.,. (common pricing constraint)..,,.

5 99. 1 90%.,, PSTN. ( 90% HHI 7,000 ). 2. 25) 90.. PSTN ADSL. 2000 6 ( KT) ADSL. 1. 2001 1. 2005 25) (2000, 2001, 2004)

100. 2003 100, 2004 2005 50. 2006 50 KT 50%, 50%. SKT LG LG LG (BcN)..., 90%... /. /. (LLU: Local Loop Unbundling) (full unbundling), (line sharing), (bitstream access). 10%

5 101. 2008-48 3 56 ( ) xdsl HFC xdsl HFC, (,.) 10%. 57 ( )... IPTV. (BcN). HFC xdsl.,. /.

102. 2009 2 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Broadband Technology National Opportunities Program. FCC Broadband Inventory Map National Broadband Plan. 26) Broadband Inventory Map.. Broadband Inventory Map.. IPTV 10M.. 26) Title VI-BROADBAND TECHNOLOGY OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM, (l) The Assistant Secretary shall develop and maintain a comprehensive nationwide inventory map of existing broadband service capability and availability in the United States that depicts the geographic extent to which broadband service capability is deployed and available from a commercial provider or public provider throughout each State. Not later than 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Assistant Secretary shall make the broadband inventory map developed and maintained pursuant to this section accessible by the public on a World Wide Web site of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration in a form that is interactive and searchable.

5 103 3.. MSO MSO.. 2 3.,,..... 2...

104,,,.,,...,.. HHI,, 6,511, 7,041, 10,000., 90% 12%.. M&A. IPTV.

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109 Joel Waldfogel and Julie Wulf(2006) (MMC, multi-market contact).,. Waldfogel and Wulf(2006) 1996 (Telecommunication Acts) 27). Waldfogel and Wulf(2006) 1995 1998, 248. 1),,,. 15 5. Waldfogel and Wulf(2006), HHI(Herfindahl index), 27) 1996 2, 40, 1996 8,.

110.,.. 1,, 1995 1998. Waldfogel and Wulf(2006) 1, 1996 (, ). 1 (248 ) 1995 1996 1997 1998 % Change Stations(Avg.) 21.7 21.8 21.5 22 1.4 Owners(Avg.) 11.3 10.3 9.1 8.5 24.7 Avg. Revenue/listener 393 415 445 491 24.9 Avg. Revenue/listener (101 audited markets) 371 400 425 472 27.2 Avg. Spot Prices 6.02 6.49 7.12 18.3(95 97) Concentration 28) 2 Firm 0.51 0.56 0.61 0.63 23.5 4 Firm 0.75 0.8 0.83 0.86 14.7 Herfindahl (hhi) 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.29 31.8 Multimarket Contact 2 Firm 1.27 1.61 2.34 3.17 149.6 4 Firm 1.24 1.39 1.73 2.08 52.8 : 2 Firm 2, 4 Firm 4. 28) Concentration 10.

111 2,. Waldfogel and Wulf(2006) 2 4,. 2) OLS 2. 2 (Log) MMC-2 firm Concentration-2 firm MMC-4 firm Concentration-4 firm 1996 1997 1998 (1) (2) (3) (4) FE FE FE FE All Markets Audited Markets All Markets Audited Markets 0.0037*** 0.0033* (0.0014) (0.0019) 0.0003 0.0291 (0.0620) (0.0747) 0.0077 0.0117 (0.0051) (0.0092) 0.0299 0.033 (0.0718) (0.0968) 0.0514*** 0.0646*** 0.0529*** 0.0672*** (0.0098) (0.0119) (0.0102) (0.0113) 0.1158*** 0.1184*** 0.1186*** 0.1228*** (0.0122) (0.0158) (0.0128) (0.0152) 0.2066*** 0.2104*** 0.2104*** 0.2132*** (0.0169) (0.0325) (0.0166) (0.0286)

112 Constant (1) (2) (3) (4) FE FE FE FE All Markets Audited Markets All Markets Audited Markets 5.9235*** 5.8696*** 5.9413*** 5.8932*** (0.0321) (0.0335) (0.0516) (0.0619) Observations 990 404 990 404 Number of markets 248 101 248 101 R-squared 0.43 0.44 0.43 0.44 : 1. Audited Markets. 2. *** 1%, ** 5%, * 10% 2,. 4.., 1996 1995 (+).. 3) Waldfogel and Wulf(2006) 1996.,. TV.

113, 1996,.

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