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364 I. 들어가는말?,?.,. (1960),, 1). 1), 1910..,....,.,, - - (die sokratisch-platonische Dialog-Logik).

365.,,..,,,,,?.. 2). 2) H.-G. Gadamer, Gesammelte Werke, Bde. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1985-1995), Bd., p. 486. GW.,.

366 II. 해석학의길을여는사유기반으로서의플라톤, 아리스토텔레스철학.,.,.. (die platonisch-aristotelische Wirkungseinheit) 10..,. (GW, 130, )., 3)

367 (WM, XXV).,., 4)., [ ] (Phronesis).,. (dialektische Ethik). - -., (Einheit von Dialog und Dialektik) (GW 3) H.-G. Gadamer, Wahrheit und Methode: Grundzüge einer philosophischen Hermeneutik, 3 Aufl.(Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1972), p. 277. WM. 4),,,... M. Heidegger, Das Ende der Philosophie und die Aufgabe des Denkens, Zur Sache des Denkens (Tu bingen: Max Niemeyer, 1969), p. 65., ( ).

368, 14). [ ], [ ] [ ].. [ ],..,. 5) [ ],., [ ], 5),., (GW, 9-10). GW, 8 GW, 373-374.

369. (arete)?.,.,.. (GW, 231).,. (GW, 231).. (das Wissen des Nichtwissen) 6).,.,, (GW, 234 )., 6). (elenchos).,,, (Wissensmüssen),. GW, 44.

370,. [ ]. [ ]., [ ],,.,, (ein einzige besorgte Wachsamkeit).,., (GW, 238, )., ( )..., (GW, 10).,, (GW, 10).,,.

371 ( )..,.,.,., 7) [ ].., (GW, 53 ).,.,,..,,. 7) (99e-100a) (ho deuteros plous), (logoi) (logos).

372,,...,. 8)....,,, ( ),,. (GW, 8).. 8)., :, 26, 2003.

373,..,..,. 9).... 10), [ ]. - (GW, 379-380).. [ ] 9) Aristoteles, Nicomachean Ethics, trans. by W. D. Ross, in The Works of Aristotle, vol. 9, 6th ed.(london: Oxford University Press, 1966), 1144b. NE. 10),.

374. ( ),. -,,, (GW, 126, ),,. (Vollzugssinn) (GW, 201, )..,, [ ].,,,,. 11), 11) [ ]. GW, 39, 44.

375,.,. 6 ( ) (GW, 172 ). [ ] -..,,,.. 12),,.,.. (to megiston mathēma) (paideia) 12), (faktische Mensch).,,. -. J. Grondin, Hans-Georg Gadamer: eine Biographie (Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr: 1999), p. 159.

376 [ ]. 13),.,, (GW, 374). [ ],,. -. (WM, 350).,., (Bildung), (sensus communis), (Urteilskraft), (Geschmack) (WM, 7-39),. 13), 6, 503d-505c.. (sophia).

377. III. 가다머의해석학적대화변증법,., -. 14) )...,, (GW, 127).,.,. 15) 14) J. Grondin,, p. 354. 15),,. (Subjektivität). GW, 54.

378...,, (Anrede) (GW, 53).,.,. (GW, 373),.. 16), (, Sache)., (docta ignorantia) 16). (Anredefunktion),. GW, 54.....

379..,. (GW, 44)..,,., (WM, 350).. (WM, 350),, (WM, 438). ( ).. -,.,..., [ ]

380 (WM, 364).,,., (WM, 350). (die notwendige Struktur von Frage und Antwort) (WM, 349).,...., (Unterwegs) (Zwischen). [ ] : (sophia) (streben).. (GW, 6-7).

381 IV. 가다머해석학에서의프로네시스적기반, 17) 1923. 18) 19). 17). 1929 1985,, (J. Grondin,, Vorlesungsankündigungen an deutschen Universitäten, pp. 390-399 ). 1998 6. Aristoteles, Nikomachische Ethik 6, hrsg. u. übersetzt von Hans-Georg Gadamer(Frankfurt a. M.: Vittorio Klostermann, 1998). 18) 1923. GW, 121, 128; GW, 199; GW, 485 etc. 19)..,,...,

382.. 20) (Systematiker), (Apotheker). 21),, (, Aporetiker). 22),,.. (P. Friedländer). (W. Jaeger).,... J. Grondin,, pp. 123-124. 20).,. GW, 351. 21) (Herman Cohen). GW, 201. 22) J. Grondin,, p. 135.

383 (1927)., (Protreptikos), (Ethika Eudemeid), (Ethika Nichomacheia) 3, (GW, 164)..., ( ), [ ]., (GW, 165).,, ( ).. ( ), (Urform) (GW, 170).,,

384.,. :.,,,. 23). - (GW, 130).., (Zuflucht zu den Griechen) 24),.,,,. 23). 1931,. GW, 129. 24) J. Grondin,, p. 131...

385. (WM, 18 ), (Anwendung) (WM, 290-295 ). (WM, 307 ).,.., [ ] (WM, 296).. - [ ] [ ].. (Orexis), (Streben), (, Hexis). (Ethtik) (WM, 295-296).,

386., (GW, 373 )... 25), (Anwendung).,, ( ).,, (WM, 300)... (Bild),,,,,... (Eidos). (WM, 300).., 25). WM, 300-307; GW, 306-309.

387.,,. 26), ( ) ( )..,.,. [ ]., (WM, 304)... (WM, 304).., (sittliche Hexis) (WM, 304).,. 26). WM, 307-323, Die exemplarische Bedeutung der juristischen Hermeneutik.

388 (synesis).. 27), (, Verstä ndnis). (Beurteilen). [ ].. [ ], (Zugehörigkeit) (WM, 306). (philia, Freundschaft) (Solidarität). 28)..,. 27),,. NE, 1143a9-12. 28) 1928 (GW, 396 ).,.,,,, (GW, 406 ).

389 (Hermeneutik der Faktizität) (WM, 511 ).,. 29).., [ ]. [ ]. (WM, 339).,... 29).,. NE, 1141a20.

390 V. 나가는말.,. (Hermeneutik als theoretische und praktische Aufgabe)., (Mitvollzug).,,, ( ).,, -.,,.,

391...,. 30). 1980,, 31),. 32),. 30) J. Habermas, Urbanisierung der Heideggerschen Provinz, Philosophischpolitische Profile (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1987), pp. 392-401. 31),, (der gute Wille zum Verstehen) (eumeneis elenchoi). (elenchos) (sophistike). -,, 16, 2005. 32) (229a-231a, 268b-c), (philosophia) (sophistes).., (prohairesis).

392..,,., (phronesis), (praxis), (synesis), (philia).,...,.,.,.. (wirkungsgeschichtliches Bewußtsein) (Horizontverschmelzung).,

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397 ABSTRACT Fusion of Horizons between Dialogue and Phronesis 33) Jeong, Yeon-Jae The purpose of this article is to argue that Hermeneutics, as theoretical and practical task representing Gadamer s Philosophy, was built upon the basis of Greek Philosophy. More specifically, this article aims to clarifying the essential feature of Gadamer s Philosophy on the basis of Platonic-Aristotelian unity of effect. H.-G. Gadamer confirmed through his analysis of the Socratic Question of the Good that Platonic dialectic and Aristotelian ethics had much in common. The results of this analysis gave birth to the new term Dialectical Ethics as a reflection of the commonality of the philosophies. Gadamer investigated Platonic dialectic in a practical and ethical context. Both the open-ended and ethical character of Platonic philosophy are reflected, he observed, in its dialectical form. He proposed that dialogue was essential to promote continuous questioning and that in the process of debate, Phronesis provided the driving force. In the last analysis, I claim that Gadamer s Dialectical Hermeneutics gropes for the infinite questionary route when considering the essential finitude of human existence. Keywords: Dialectical Ethics, Platonic-Aristotelian Unity of Effect, Socratic Question of the Good, Phronesis : 2007. 2. 25 / : 2007. 3. 8