KISEP Original Articles 38 3 1999 J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 38, No 3 한국판사건충격척도의신뢰도및 타당도에관한연구 이선미 * 은헌정 * A Study of Reliability and Validity on the Korean Version of Impact of Event Scale Sun-Mi Yi, M.S.,* Hun-Jeong Eun, M.D., Ph.D.* 국문초록 연구목적 : 방법 : 결과 : 중심단어 서 론 Department of Neuropsychiatry, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju Corresponding author 501
1. 연구대상 방법 503
Table 1. Demographic differences between PTSD and Non-PTSD groups PTSD meansd* n64 Non-PTSD meansd* n40 t-value p-value Duration after accidentmonths 5.5 5.2 3.3 2.5 2.45 p.05 Ageyrs 38.614.9 38.117.8 0.18 p.05 Educatationyrs 10.8 3.5 10.4 3.5 0.46 p.05 *SDstandard deviation 2. 연구도구 1) IES 2) CAPS 504
3) BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) 4) STAI(State-Trait Anxiety Scale) 5) MMPI-PTSD 3. 연구방법및절차 1) 문항번안 2) 연구절차 3) 통계처리 1. 신뢰도 결 과 505
Table 2. Item-total correlations and cronbach alpha of IES Deleted item Normal group Correlation with total Alpha Patient group Correlation with total Alpha 1.664.864.630.894 2.705.862.747.888 3.648.866.673.891 4.478.873.668.892 5.547.870.624.894 6.427.875.490.898 7.670.860.732.892 8.734.875.536.898 9.430.860.674.892 10.599.875.781.888 11.674.869.705.891 12.715.861.622.894 13.728.861.721.890 14.703.863.731.890 15.172.884.370.905 Total.593.868.647.893 IES indicates impact of event scale 2. 타당도 1) 집단간평균차이검증 2) 척도간상관 Table 3. The comparison of BDI, STAI-, STAI-, IES and MMPI-PTSD between two groups PTSD Non-PTSD meansd* meansd* t-value p-value n64 n40 BDI 42.811.4 32.58.1 5.03 p.05 STAI- 44.1 6.5 45.45.4 1.04 p.05 STAI- 44.7 7.4 42.06.3 1.89 p.05 IES 39.110.0 28.69.7 5.16 p.0001 MMPI- PTSD 30.8 5.8 24.96.9 4.65 p.0001 *SDstandard deviation BDIbeck depression inventory STAI-, state-trait anxiety inventory, IESimpact of event scale 3) 척도의요인구조 506
4) 척도의판별분석 Table 4. Correlation of IES, BDI, STA-, and MMPI-PTSD by normal group and patient group Normal group IES BDI STAI- STAI- MMPI-PTSD IES 1.00.43*.01.18.54** BDI*.35* STA- 1.00.41*.11 STAI- 1.00.33* Patient group IES BDI STAI- STAI- MMPI-PTSD IES 1.00.41*.13.30*.66** BDI*.32* STAI- 1.00.35*.15 STAI- 1.00.36* *Significant by correlation analysis p.001 **Significant by correlation analysis p.0001 IESimpact of event scale BDIbeck depression inventory STAI-, stait-trait anxiety scale 논 의 Table 5. Results of factor analysis in normal group Item Factor 1 Factor 2 1..666.295 2..712.024 3..623.475 4..423.270 5..509.190 6..375.229 7..710.317 8..348.120 9..545.231 10..749.295 11..687 416 12..681.268 13..700.383 14..706.187 15..301.120 Eigen value 5.32 1.17 % total variance explained 35.50 7.80 IESimpact of event scale 507
Table 6. Results of factor analysis in patient group Item Factor 1 Factor 2 1..604.220 2..725.045 3..649.228 4..669.406 5..598.334 6..463.274 7..716.394 8..468.220 9..640.261 10..788.145 11..707 153 12..580.004 13..695.140 14..730.153 15..441.291 Eigen value 6.03 1.17 % total variance explained 40.20 7.80 IESimpact of event scale Table 7. Result of classification between groups Actual group Non-PTSD PTSD Non-PTSDN40 2767.5% 1332.5% PTSDN64 1421.9% 5078.1% Percent ofgroupedcases correctly classified74.04% Wilk s lamda.71, 2 135.4, p.0001 508
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ABSTRACT J Korean Neuropsychiatr Assoc Vol 38, No 3, May, 1999 A Study of Reliability and Validity on the Korean Version of Impact of Event Scale Sun-Mi Yi, M.S., Hun-Jeong Eun, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Neuropsychiatry, Presbyterian Medical Center, Chonju In order to develop a self-report scale measureing posttraumatic distress, the authors translated Horowitz s1979 Impact of Event ScaleIES in Korean and explored its reliability and validity. The IES, BDI, STAI-, and MMPI-PTSD were administered to 143 college students and 104 patients who had experienced auto vehicle accident. The internal consistencyitem-total correlation, students r.52, patientsr.58cronbach s alpha, students.87, patients.89 and test-retest reliability r.73 were psychometrically approvable. To examine the validity, patients who were classified PTSD and non-ptsd were compared with IES, BDI, STAI-, and MMPI-PTSD. There were significant group differences in IES, BDI, and MMPI-PTSD. The IES was significantly correlated with BDI, STAI-, and MMPI-PTSD. It was more highly correlated with MMPI-PTSD than BDI or STAI. The results of factor analysis suggested a single factor. IES showed sufficient discriminant validities between PTSD and non-ptsd74.4. Finally, the usefulness of the scale, some limitations, and implications for future study were discussed. KEY WORDSImpact of event scale Posttraumatic stress disorder Reliability Validity. 512
부록 사건충격척도 513