.. (Figley, 2002).,,,,,,, (,, 2015; Stamm, 2010). (,, ; )..,.,. DSM-5(American Psychiatry Association, 2013) ( A4) , (secondary traumatic stress

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1 (K-ProQOL 5) * (Professional Quality of Life Scale, ProQOL 5; Stamm, 2010). ProQOL 5 489, K-ProQOL 5,, -.,,, 3., ,,. K-ProQOL 5. * 2014 ( ) (NRF-2014S1A3A ). (Corresponding Author) :,, 11-1 Tel : / ahn12@ewha.ac.kr

2 .. (Figley, 2002).,,,,,,, (,, 2015; Stamm, 2010). (,, ; )..,.,. DSM-5(American Psychiatry Association, 2013) ( A4) , (secondary traumatic stress, STS), (burnout, BO), (compassion fatigue, CF), (vicarious traumatization, VT). (McCann & Pearlman, 1990),.,,,,.

3 . (CF), PTSD. (Figley, 2002), (Adams, Boscario, & Figley, 2006). Empathy Fatigue(Stebnicki, 2007). Stamm (2010) (STS) (BO). (STS),, PTSD.,. (BO),,,,.,, 3 (Maslach, Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001), (,,, ). (Cieslak et al., 2013).,.. (Impact of Event Scale-Revised, IES-R; Weiss, 2004), (Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale, TABS; Pearlman, 2003),

4 (Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale, STSS; Bride, Robinson, Yegidis, & Figley, 2004), (Professional Quality of Life Scale, ProQOL; Stamm, 2010).. IES-R (Impact of Event Scale, IES; Horowitz, Wilner, & Alvarez, 1979) (intrusion) (avoidance), (hyperarousal) 22. (, 2011), (, 2012). TABS (vicarious trauma) TSI (Traumatic Stress Institute Belief Scale, Pearlman, 1996). TABS (,,,,, ) 84, (self) (others) 10. (, 2012;,, 2015), (, 2015), (, 2016) TABS. IES-R TABS STSS ProQOL. STSS,,, 17. (,, 2011), (, 2012;,, 2015), (, 2015), (, 2012), (, 2016)., ProQOL Figley(1995) CFST(Compassion Fatigue Self-Test). CFST (compassion satisfaction) CSFT(Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue Test; Stamm & Figley, 1996) 2005 ProQOL. STSS, ProQOL (CS) (CF). (Hensel et al., 2015) 38

5 23 ProQOL(17 ) CFST(6 )., ProQOL (,,, 2015;,, 2014a). (, 2007),,,, (,,, 2015), (,, 2012;,, 2012;,, 2014;,, 2014b).. (2010) ProQOL. ProQOL. ProQOL ProQOL 5(Stamm, 2010) 30. ProQOL 5 (compassion satisfaction, CS) (compassion fatigue, CF), 2, (burnout, BO) (secondary traumatic stress, STS) , 5 (1=, 5= ). (1, 4, 15, 17, 27). ProQOL 5 T. T 25% (%tile) 25%tile 75%tile,,. ProQOL 5 25%tile T 44, 43, 42, 75%tile 57, 56, 56. ProQOL 5,. ProQOL 5 (CS), (BO), (STS)

6 . Stamm(2010) 1. ProQOL 5., ProQOL 5,,,. ProQOL 5. Stamm(2010). ( K-ProQOL 5) CS BO STS.. CS BO STS CS BO STS CS BO STS CS BO STS.... PTSD..,,. CS=compassion satisfaction; BO=burnout; STS=secondary traumatic stress.

7 . ProQOL 5. ProQOL 5. ProQOL (Stamm, 2010),. K-ProQOL 5. K-ProQOL 5. Stamm(2010) ProQOL 5,.. ProQOL 5, (IRB). 489 ProQOL 5,.,.. (,,,,,,,,, ), (,,,,,,, ). 6 ( 200 ) (289 ) 489

8 . - 4, PTSD (DSM-IV-TR; APA, 2000) (90.6%), 26 (8.7%), (SD = 8.13; =25 ~62 ), (239, 79.9%) (43, 14.4%), (17, 5.7%). (162, 54.2%), (52, 17.4%), (,,, ; 25, 8.3%), 60(20.1%)., (SD= 50.66; =4 ~240 ), (SD=10.90; =1 ~50 ), 7.05 (SD=8.48; =1 ~48 ).,,., (F=8.38, p<.001) (M=104.29, SD=60.92) (M=68.76, SD=48.57) (M=69.60, SD=73.80). (F=6.86, p<.01) (M=14.55, SD=9.25) (M=19.27, SD= 11.66) (M=20.07, SD=14.18). (F=6.72, p<.01) (M=10.71, SD=12.86) (M=5.69, SD= 6.37) (M=6.76, SD=7.78). ProQOL 5(Stamm, 2010). (forward-adaptation) 1

9 (Brislin, 1970:, 2003 ). (, 2003). ProQOL ProQOL , 1, K-ProQOL 5. (Maslach Burnout Inventory, MBI) (Maslach & Jackson, 1981),, (2002) MBI K-ProQOL 5 (BO). MBI (Emotional Exhausion, 9 ), (Depersonalization, 5 ), (Personal Accomplishment, 8 ) 3 7 Likert (0 = ~6= )., K-ProQOL 5 CS. MBI Cronbach s.87,.58,.85. (Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale, PDS) (Foa, Cashman, Jaycox, & Perry, 1997) DSM-IV 1: (0= /, 1= 1 1 /, 2= 1 /2~4, 3= /5 ) 20 (,,, 2010). (2005) PDS K-ProQOL 5 (STS)

10 . Cronbach s.93. CES-D(Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale, CES-D) CES-D(Rdloff, 1977) CES-D(,,, 2001). CES-D 20 4 Likert (0= /1, 1= /1~2, 2= /3~4, 3= /5~7 ) (4, 8, 12, 16). CES-D K-ProQOL 5 Cronbach s.91. (Trauma History Checklist THC) (,,, 2015) DSM-5(APA, 2013) A. THC ( ) ( ),,,. K-ProQOL 5,, -,, (Cronbach s α). K-ProQOL 5-4. K-ProQOL 5., K-ProQOL 5.., RMSEA, CFI, TLI. RMSEA(Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation) (, 2000; Hu & Bentler, 1999) TLI(Tucker Lewis Index) CFI(Comparative Fit Index) (, 2000; Bentler, 1990). K-ProQOL 5,,

11 M SD - Cronbach s α α (CS) (BO) (STS)

12 K-ProQOL 5. K-ProQOL 5 T, Scheffe, Dunnett T3. AMOS 18.0 SPSS K-ProQOL 5 -,, ( 2)., (0.7 ), -.30, (, 2006)., 2.97~3.85(SD= 0.76~0.98), 1.75~2.84(SD=0.74~1.15), 1.69~2.87(SD= 0.76~1.09). ProQOL 5 Likert 1-5 3,,. -.59~.78,.37 ~.71,.41~.72,. Cronbach's α.89,.74,.80. 2, BO K-ProQOL (SD=6.08), 23.71(SD=5.08), 23.06(SD=5.71). K-ProQOL 5 -

13 70.81(p<.001),.71(p<.001),.65(p<.001) -. K-ProQOL 5 (Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA)., ProQOL 5 ( 1). Stamm(2010), 1, 2 (CF) (CS) ,, 3, K-ProQOL 5 3., Stamm. ProQOL

14 3 (Kline, 2011), K-ProQOL 5 10 (MacCallum, Widaman, Zhang, & Hong, 1999). (item parceling) (Kiston & Widaman, 1994).,, (Bandalos, 2002)., (unidimensionality). (Construct Reliability, CR) (Average Variance Extracted, AVE),.70 (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 1998),.50 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). K-ProQOL (Construct Reliability, CR) (Average Variance Extracted, AVE),.89,.77,.81.68,.52,.55 df RMSEA (90% ) CFI TLI ( ) ( ) ( ) RMSEA = Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation; CFI = Comparative Fit Index; TLI = Comparative Fit Index.

15 , ( =740.02, df=90; RMSEA=.156; CFI=.68; TLI=.62) 2 ( =393.69, df=89; RMSEA=.107; CFI=.85; TLI=.82) 3 ( =245, df=87; RMSEA=.078; CFI=.92; TLI=.91) K-ProQOL 5 3 C.R. (CS) CS *** CS *** CS *** CS *** CS *** (BO) BO *** BO *** BO *** BO *** BO *** (STS) STS *** STS *** STS *** STS *** STS *** CS=compassion satisfaction; BO=burnout; STS=secondary traumatic stress. *** p <.001.

16 (CS) - 2. (BO) -.77 *** - 3. (STS) -.29 ***.77 *** -. *** p< ~.82,.50~.71,.61-~.80 (p<.001). -.77, -.29,.77 ( 5). K-ProQOL 5 K-ProQOL 5 CES-D, PDS, MBI 6. K-PorQOL 5 (CS) MBI (r=.66, p<.001), CED-D(r=-.39, p<.001), PDS(r=-.26, p<.001), MBI (r=-.34, p<.001) (r=-.41, p<.001). K-PorQOL 5 (BO) MBI (r=-.40, p<.001), (r=-.63, p<.001) (r=.53, p<.001). CED-D(r=.61, p<.001) PDS(r=.51, p<.001) K-ProQOL 5 (concurrent validity). K-ProQOL 5 (STS) PDS (r=.58, p<.001), CED-D(r=.45, p<.001). MBI (r=.57, p<.001), (r=.47, p<.001) (r=-.10, p>.05). K-ProQOL 5 T 2, 25%tile 75%tile 7

17 K-ProQOL CS - 2. K-ProQOL BO -.61 *** - 3. K-ProQOL STS -.25 ***.64 *** - 4. CES-D -.39 ***.61 ***.45 *** - 5. PDS -.26 ***.51 ***.58 ***.56 *** - 6. MBI -.34 ***.63 ***.57 ***.51 ***.44 *** - 7. MBI.66 *** -.40 *** *** MBI -.41 ***.53 ***.47 ***.43 ***.45 ***.62 *** -.21 *** - M (SD) (6.08) (5.08) (5.71) (9.25) 7.75 (7.73) (9.55) (7.21) 7.27 (5.20). CS=compassion satisfaction; BO=burnout; STS=secondary traumatic stress; CES-D=Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; PDS=Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale; MBI=Maslach Burnout Inventory. *** p <.01. (CS) ~54 55 (BO) ~58 59 (STS) ~ T 1) 42 ( =30 ), 43 ( =31 ) ~54 ( =37 ), 55 ( =38 ), 2) 44 ( =20 ), 45 ( =21 ) ~58 ( =27 ), 59 ( =28 ), 3) 42 ( =18 ), 43 ( =19 ) ~55 ( =25 ), 56 ( =26 ).,, PDS, CES-D, MBI. 8

18 M (SD) M (SD) M (SD) F n=68 (22.7%) n=153 (51.2%) n=78 (26.1%) PDS (9.88) 7.09 (7.06) 5.74 (5.60) F(2,292)=12.24 *** >, a (CS) CES-D (10.45) (7.76) (8.64) F(2,288)=21.73 *** > > a MBI (10.57) (8.41) (9.56) F(2,295)=11.19 ***, > b MBI 9.85 (6.00) 7.68 (4.74) 4.23 (3.66) F(2,296)=87.64 *** > > a MBI (6.28) (5.87) (4.88) F(2,294)=25.90 *** < < b n=67 (22.4%) n=187 (62.5%) n=45 (15.1%) PDS 4.72 (4.82) 6.92 (6.68) (9.97) F(2,292)=37.69 ***, < a (BO) CES-D 8.81 (8.34) (7.22) (10.72) F(2,288)=46.41 *** < < a MBI (6.71) (7.93) (10.06) F(2,295)=62.36 *** < < a MBI 4.18 (3.29) 7.21 (4.60) (6.20) F(2,296)=15.08 *** < < a MBI (6.77) (6.94) (6.87) F(2,294)=40.03 *** > > b n=71 (23.7%) n=151 (50.5%) n=77 (25.8%) (STS) PDS 3.35 (3.69) 6.72 (6.20) (9.39) F(2,292)=48.19 *** < < a CES-D 9.56 (7.28) (8.65) (9.45) F(2,288)=24.80 *** < < b MBI (7.01) (7.68) (9.96) F(2,295)=55.02 *** < < a MBI 4.23 (3.98) 7.16 (4.39) (5.94) F(2,296)=30.39 *** < < a MBI (8.13) (7.04) (6.60) F(2,294)=1.50. PDS=Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale; CES-D=Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; MBI=Maslach Burnout Inventory. a = Dunnet T3, b = Scheffe. *** p<.001.., PDS MBI. PDS. MBI.

19 ProQOL 5.,,., K-ProQOL 5 (CS), (BO), (STS). -.77,.77, Stamm(2010). Stamm. K-ProQOL 5 MBI,..,., (Bride, Jones, & Macmaster, 2007; Jenkins & Baird, 2002; Nelson-Gardell & Harris, 2003), (, 2011; Sommer & Cox, 2006), (Sprang, Clark, & Witt-Woosley, 2007), (Bride et al., 2007), (,, 2012; Bakker, Demerouti, & Euwema, 2005), (Bride et al., 2007).. K-ProQOL 5. K-ProQOL 5., K-ProQOL 5

20 .,., K-ProQOL 5,,. ProQOL 25%. K-ProQOL 5. K-ProQOL 5 CS(M=34.88, SD=6.08), BO(M=23.71, SD=5.08), STS(M=23.06, SD=5.71) Stamm (2010). K-ProQOL 5 ProQOL 5, K-ProQOL 5 8, 14, 16.,,,,,,, ProQOL. 1, ProQOL 5. K-ProQOL 5 (CS), (BO) ( ) (STS).,. 21 (14.2%), 29 (10.3%),

21 30 (10.0%). Stamm (2010).,.,, (2016) (, ; Secondary Trauma Care Inventory, STCI),,,,.,,,..,. Stamm(2010),,,,, ProQOL 5,,.,. K-ProQOL 5.,.,

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27 Validation of the Korean Version of Professional Quality of Life Scale 5(K-ProQOL 5) for Mental Health Professional Hyesun Joo Yoonwha Cho Hyunnie Ahn Department of Psychology, Ewha Womans University This study aimed to develop Korean version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale 5 (K-ProQOL 5; Stamm, 2010) and test its validity and reliability. 489 mental health practitioners participated in the research, and responses from 299 participants who had recently seen at least one trauma survivor were used for data analysis. All items of K-ProQOL 5 showed adequate mean, standard deviation, internal consistency and item-total correlations. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted and yielded a structure of three inter-correlated factors, compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress. 79 out of the 299 participants took the test four weeks later to confirm good test-retest reliability. Cut-off scores were identified to help mental health workers to see their relative standing in each sub-test, and the validity of those scores were checked. Finally, implications and limitations of the study and ways of appropriate applications of K-ProQOL 5 were addressed. Key words : Professional Quality of Life, ProQOL 5, compassion satisfaction, burnout, secondary traumatic stress

28 .,,.,.,. 1=, 2=, 3=, 4=, 5=

29 . : : : *1. = *4. = *15. = *17. = 19. = *29. = : : : ~37 43 ~ ~27 45 ~ *. 1 5, 2 4, 3 3, 4 2, ~25 43 ~

30 %tile T %tile T %tile T

지난 2009년 11월 애플의 아이폰 출시로 대중화에 접어든 국내 스마트폰의 역사는 4년 만에 ‘1인 1스마트폰 시대’를 눈앞에 두면서 모바일 최강국의 꿈을 실현해 가고 있다

지난 2009년 11월 애플의 아이폰 출시로 대중화에 접어든 국내 스마트폰의 역사는 4년 만에 ‘1인 1스마트폰 시대’를 눈앞에 두면서 모바일 최강국의 꿈을 실현해 가고 있다 : * 30~40.,, 30~40 646.,..,.,.,,,.. * (2014) 30~40. :,, (120-728) 34 Tel : 02-300-0899, E-mail : hyhong@mju.ac.kr 2009 11 4 1 1, (2014) 2014 8 4,000. (, 2012).. (2013) 77.4%, 53.9%. 61.6%, 11.5%, 1% (,

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