*. (N=439) 68.11(±18.47), (Posttraumatic Risk Checklist: PRC), (Impact of Event Scale-Revised: IES-R) (Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale: MFODS).,.

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1 *. (N=439) 68.11(±18.47), (Posttraumatic Risk Checklist: PRC), (Impact of Event Scale-Revised: IES-R) (Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale: MFODS).,.,,.,,.,. * 2013 ( ). (NRF-2013S1A3A ) :,, ( ) 1095 Tel : , Fax : , ykchoi@kmu.ac.kr

2 , (, 2015) TV (posttraumatic stress disorder: PTSD), PTSD (Neria & Sullivan, 2011). DSM-5 (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, 5 th ed.: American Psychiatric Association, 2013) PTSD., PTSD A,, (A1), (A2), (A3), (A4). A4,, TV,., PTSD. PTSD, 911 PTSD (Ahern et al., 2002) 911 TV PTSD 66% (Ahern, Galea, Resnick, & Vlahov, 2004). Silver, Holman, Andersen, Poulin, McIntosh Gil-Rivas(2013), 911 TV 2-3 PTSD TV 2-3. Bernstein, Ahern, Tracy, Boscarino, Vlahov Galea(2007) TV 12 PTSD TV PTSD. Bernstein TV.,. 1 (, 4, 13), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )

3 .,, (Cohn, Mehl, & Pennebaker, 2004; DeRoma, Saylor, Swickert, Sinisi, Marable, & Vickery, 2003; Rimé, Páez, Basabe, & Martínez, 2010),.,.,. (Neimeyer, 1998),, (Chung, Chung, & Easthope, 2000; Chung, Werrett, Easthope, Farmer, & Chung, 2002).,,,, (Iverach, Menzies & Menzies, 2014). PTSD (Iverach et al., 2014) (anxiety-buffering disruption) (Pyszczynski & Kesebir, 2011).,,,., PTSD PTSD (Chatard, Pyszczynski, Arndt, Selimbegović, Konan, & Van der Linden, 2012).. Chung (2000),.,,., PTSD. (2008) PTSD.,,,,,,,,. (Cukor et al., 2011)

4 . (2008),.,.,,,.., (,,,, 2005; Hoelter, 1979),,,,.,., (, 2012; Thienman et al., 2015),, (Herman, 1997; Kosloff et al., 2006)..,. Maxfield, John Pyszczynski(2014),,.,. PTSD (Chatard et al., 2012; Chung et al., 2000, 2002),,., PTSD (APA, 2013; Neria & Sullivan, 2011),,., (Breslau, 2009).

5 1.,,, ( 147, 292 ).,,. 1.,,,,, χ 2 (4, N=436)=18.86, p<.001..,., 0 4 Likert. 1, 1. 8., ( ). 1), ), Likert.,

6 (n=147) (n=292) (N=439) χ² t (±12.91) (±11.30) (±11.87) *** *** p< , (n=238) (n=1),., , , 7 420, , ( : Norman, 2010) , 68.11(±18.47). (Post trauma Risk Checklist: PRC) PTSD

7 PTSD (2008). 53,, /, PTSD. PRC.91,.84(.64,.76,.73),.90(.64,,,.79,.60,.67,.66,.76). (Impact of Event Scale-Revised: IES-R) Weiss Marmar(1997), (2005). 22,,, /. 0 4 Likert, PTSD. IES-R-K. IES-R-K.96(.88,.92,.90, /.75). Hoelter(1979) MFODS (Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale) (2005), (6 ), (3 ), (6 ), ( ) (4 ), (3 ), (4 ), (3 ). 29, 5 Likert, 3,,,. MFODS.82,.61,.87. t ( )..,,,,,. χ² RMSEA (Root Mean Error of Approximation), NFI(Normed

8 fit index), CFI(comparative fit index), TLI(Tuker Lewis Index). RMSEA.05,.08,.10 TLI, NFI, CFI.90 (, 2000). (bootstrap), SPSS 23.0 AMOS 23.0.,. 2, (56.03%), TV (38.95%), SNS(8.88%), (8.66%), (1.59%). TV (n=147) (n=292) (N=439) χ² t (* ) TV SNS > * = < ( ) ( 1 ) 88.50(±104.86) (±129.90) (±123.47) *** (1 ) 26.33(± 61.03) 39.90(± 93.09) 35.35(± 83.91) (0-4 ) 2.86(± 1.10) 3.23(±.99) 3.12(± 1.04) *** ( ) 71.14(±22.27) 66.05(±16.05) 98.11(±18.47) * 1. * p<.05, *** p<

9 . (51.71%), (42.37%), (5.92%),, χ 2 (2, N=468)=8.11, p<.05,., (, 1 ), t(437)=-3.54, p<.001,, t(437)=-1.83, p> ( ) 4 ( ), t(437)=-3.76, p< IES-R-K,,, / (p<.01).,. MFODS,.14(p<.01).44(p<.001)..21(p<.001).51(p<.001).,,,.,,., 4.,, TLI, NFI, CFI.90 RMSEA, ( p<.001).,,.,,,, χ² (df=144)=358.31, TLI, NFI, CFI.93,.90,.94, RMSEA.06(90%


11 χ² df TLI NFI CFI RMSEA ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) χ² df TLI NFI CFI RMSEA ( ) ),. 2, (β=.18, p<.01), (β =.14, p<.05), (β=.35, p<.001), (β=.48, p<.001) (β=.41, p<.001). (β=.43, p<.001), (β=.18, p<.01), (β=.61, p<.001)., (β=.03, p>.05) (β=-.08, p>.05).., * p<.05, ** p<.01, *** p<.001.

12 .18 ** -.18 *.14 *.09 ** (.04.15).22 *.35 *** -.35 ** -.18 * (.08.26).18 * -.14 * (.07.21).14 * ( ) *** -.48 **.41 ***.21 ** (.14.33).62 ** ** (.37.59).39 *.43 *** -.43 *.18 **.27 ** (.16.43).45 *.61 *** -.61 ** -.17 *** **. ( ), * p<.05, ** p<.01.,,.,,.,,..,,

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20 The psychological consequences of indirect trauma exposure through the news on the Sewol ferry disaster Heung Pyo, Lee Yun Kyeung, Choi Jae Ho, Lee Hong Seock, Lee Daegu Cyber University Keimyung University Hallym University The purpose of the present study was to examine psychological consequences of indirect trauma exposure through the disaster news. Participants(N=439) completed some self-report questionnaires such as Posttraumatic Risk Checklist(PRC), Impact of Event Scale-Revised(IES-R), and Multidimensional Fear of Death Scale(MFODS) at 68.11(±18.47) days after the Sewol ferry disaster. The data were analyzed with structural equation modeling by AMOS 23.0 program. The results showed that fear of death and periand post-traumatic crisis factors mediated the association of news exposure immediately after disaster and posttraumatic stress symptoms. Findings in this study indicated that news exposure immediately after disaster influenced fear of death which led to the peri- and post-traumatic crisis, and these crisis factors increased posttraumatic stress symptoms. Finally, limitations of this study and suggestions for future study were discussed. Key words : indirect trauma, media exposure, PTSD, death anxiety, the Sewol ferry

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