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, - A b s tract - T he A s s ociation betw een Job Characteris tic s, P sy cho s oc ial D is tre s s and Hom ocy s teine B on g S uk Ch a, S an g B aek Koh, S ei Jin Ch ang Department of Preventiv e Medicine and In stitut e of Occupational Medicine, W onju College of Medicine, Yon sei University, W onju, Korea T his study w as carried out to as ses s the relation ship betw een job strain, psy chosocial distress an d hom ocy steine. T he study design w as cross - sectional, an d included 152 indu strial w ork er s in middle sized city. A self- admin stered questionnaire measured g en eral ch aracteristic, job strain and psy chosocial distress. Blood w as draw n into EDT A tube, an d total pla sm a h om ocy stein e w as m easured by HPLC. Hom ocy steine in the high job dem an d group w as significantly high er th an that in the low job dem and. Cholesterol in the high job control group w a s significantly higher than that in th e low job contr ol. H om ocy st eine w as significantly high er in the high job str ain gr oup th an that in th e other group. F olate and vitamin B12 show ed a significantly negativ e corr elation w ith h om ocy stein e. Multiple regression analy sis w as u sed to determine w heth er the p sy ch osocial distr es s and other v ariable contributed t o ex plainin g the hom ocy stein e. Stress correlates w ith the hom ocy steine. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Key W ord : Job ch aracteristics, Job straine, psy chosocial distress, h om ocy stein e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - * 1998

I., -. Depue (1986), H ou se (1986). (An esh en sel, 1992).. Karasek (1988) (high strain group ). T heorell (1991),. (John son H all, 1988; John son, 1989).,., (preclinical stag e) (Schulte, 1993)..,, (Piper, 1989; Green John son,1990; Schnall, 1992). (h om ocy stein e), (Glueck, 1995; Verhoef, 1996). (m ethionine). S - aden osylm ethionin e S - adenosylhom ocy syteine. (adenosine), tran ssulfuration, rem ethylation (Ueland Refsum, 1989). v itamin e B 12 folate.,,. v itamin e B 1 2 folate, folate..

.,,,., F olate Vitamin B 1 2.,.

II. 1) W 50 152.,,. v itamin e,. ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDT A ) 10cc,,. 2) (,,,,,, ) (, ),,, BMI,,,. ( ) John son Hall(1988) (Job Content Questionnaire: JCQ ). 2, 10,,, 2-1- 0. 0-6, 0-30, ( ) ( ). Karasek (1979) 4, (m edian ).,,, (, 1997). Goldberg GH Q- 60 45 (1993) PW I(P sy chosocial W ell- bein g In dex ). PW I Likert 4 (0-1- 2-3)., 75,. 10. EDT A, 2 (15, 4, 4300rpm )

- 70. HPLC. folate vitamin B 12 radiolig and bin ding. (, HDL ) Hitachi- 747. 3), t -, folate vitamin B12..

III. 1. 20 16.4%, 30 58.6%, 40 21.1%, 50 3.9%. 85 55.9%, 44.1%.,, 32, 120 78.9%. 50.7%,,,,. 61.8%, 86.8%. 27.4% ( 1). 2.. (p < 0.05), (p > 0.05), (p < 0.05) ( 2). 3. Karasek 4,, 3. 8.0 m ol/ L 9.1 m ol/ L (p< 0.05). 75,. (p< 0.05),. folate vitamin B 12 ( 4)..,, ( 5)., folate vitamin B 12. folate vitamin B 12, folate vitamin B 1 2 (p< 0.01) ( 6). 3.,,,,,,,, 15% ( 7).

IV.,. (stan dard risk factor ),,,,, (W ilhelm sen, 1973; Kannel, 1976). 1. (fatty streak ),,.,,.,,, (Alfth an, 1994; Lolin, 1996) Stamfer (1992), Clark (1991),,.,.,. 7.7 m ol/ L 9.1 m ol/ L,. (Karsek, 1988; Piper, 1989; Reed, 1989; Schnall, 1990; Alterman, 1994), Kara sek (1979),., (cy stathione b eta syn sth eta se, m ethylen e tetrafolate reductase ) (vitamine B 1 2, vitamin e B 6, folate). F olate Vitamin B 12, v itamin e,. folate Vitamin B 12. Bou shey (1995) folic acid, folic acid 5 (Framingham H eart Study )

folate vitamin B 12 (Selhub, 1996). (early biological effect ),..,,,.. V., W 50 152.,.,..,. F olate vitamin B 12, folate..

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T able 1. General characteristics Variable N o % Variable No % A g e Religion 29 25 16.4 None 77 50.7 30 39 89 58.6 Christian 40 26.3 40 49 32 21.1 Bu ddist 27 17.8 50 6 3.9 Catholic 3 2.0 Other 5 3.3 Education High school 85 55.9 Sm okin g Colleg e 67 44.1 Yes 94 61.8 No 58 38.1 M arrital statu s Sin gle 32 21.1 Alcohol M arried 120 78.9 Yes 132 86.8 No 20 13.2 Incom e 99 48 31.6 Regular ex ercise 100 150 55 36.2 Yes 40 27.4 150 49 32.2 No 106 72.6

T able 2. Comparison of param eter s according to job dem an d an d job decision latitude Job dem and Job decision latitude Low High High Low p v alue p v alu e M ean S.D. M ean S.D. M ean S.D. M ean S.D. A g e 36.3 7.8 33.9 5.6 0.03 35.4 7.0 34.9 7.0 0.67 BMI(Kg/ m 2 ) 23.4 2.6 23.9 3.2 0.31 23.9 3.3 23.3 2.4 0.18 Cholesterol(m g/ dl) 176.9 39.5 184.1 32.6 0.22 174.4 39.3 187.2 31.7 0.03 HDL (m g/ dl) 50.7 13.7 49.9 13.4 0.72 52.3 14.6 48.7 12.3 0.11 T rigly ceride (m g/ dl) 163.7 86.5 167.6 96.1 0.79 153.5 82.3 179.5 98.7 0.08 H om ocy stein e ( m ol/ L ) 7.8 2.5 8.7 2.2 0.02 8.1 2.3 8.6 2.6 0.21 F olate (ng/ ml) 1.8 0.8 1.8 0.7 0.94 1.9 0.6 1.8 0.8 0.39 Vitamin B 12 (nmol/ L ) 246.1 89.1 233.3 90.4 0.38 256.2 85.2 221.2 91.5 0.02 T able 3. Comparison param eter s according to job strain Job strain Low High p v alu e M ean S.D. M ean S.D. A g e 35.6 7.2 33.3 5.8 0.09 BMI(Kg/ m 2 ) 23.7 3.1 23.4 2.2 0.54 Cholesterol(m g/ dl) 178.3 37.0 187.6 33.8 0.20 HDL (m g/ dl) 53.1 15.8 49.6 12.8 0.26 T rigly ceride (m g/ dl) 164.1 87.3 171.2 104.4 0.72 H om ocy stein e ( m ol/ L ) 8.0 2.5 9.1 1.9 0.02 F olate (ng/ ml) 1.8 0.7 1.8 0.7 0.81 Vitamin B 12 (nmol/ L ) 243.8 87.8 225.9 96.3 0.31

T able 4. Comparison param eter s according to psy chosocial stres s P sy chosocial stress Low High p v alu e M ean S.D. M ean S.D. A g e 35.8 7.1 33.9 6.7 0.09 BMI(Kg/ m 2 ) 23.6 2.7 23.7 3.2 0.76 Cholesterol(m g/ dl) 175.4 37.4 186.5 35.8 0.07 HDL (m g/ dl) 50.8 12.8 49.8 14.2 0.66 T rigly ceride (m g/ dl) 160.4 91.1 171.6 91.5 0.46 H om ocy stein e ( m ol/ L ) 7.7 2.7 9.1 1.5 0.00 F olate (ng/ ml) 1.9 0.8 1.7 0.6 0.07 Vitamin B 12 (nmol/ L ) 234.9 88.3 247.8 91.1 0.38 T able 5. M ean v alue of hom ocy stein e, folate and vitamin B 12 according to life- style factor H om ocy stein e ( m ol/ L ) p v alue F olate (ng/ ml) p v alue Vitamin B 12 (nm ol/ L ) p v alue M ean S.D. M ean S.D. M ean S.D. Sm okin g Yes 8.4 2.6 0.11 1.9 0.7 0.42 246.7 95.3 0.52 No 7.5 2.2 1.8 0.7 236.4 88.1 Alcoh ol Yes 8.3 2.3 0.13 1.8 0.7 0.09 238.6 86.4 0.43 No 7.3 3.1 2.1 0.8 263.7 118.6 Ex ercise Yes 8.1 2.5 0.76 1.8 0.7 0.72 237.1 83.5 0.77 No 8.2 2.3 1.9 0.8 241.6 93.8

T able 6. T he correlation betw een job characteristic, psy chosocial stress, hom ocy steine, folate and vitamine B 1 2 Stres s Job dem and Job decision latitude H om ocy stein e F olate Job dem an d 0.39 * * Job decision latitude - 0.37 * * - 0.01 hom ocy stein 0.23 * 0.11-0.05 F olatet - 0.11 0.01 0.01-0.32 * * Vitamin B 12-0.06-0.09 0.11-0.49 * * 0.47 * * *: p < 0.05 **: p < 0.01 T able 7. Multiple regression of hom ocy steine on selected v ariable Independent v ariable Beta p v alue A ge - 0.11 0.18 Smoking 0.05 0.51 Alcohol 0.15 0.06 Ex ercise - 0.07 0.37 Cholesterol 0.08 0.36 HDL - 0.07 0.44 T riglyceride 0.09 0.32 Job dem and 0.09 0.27 Job decision latitude - 0.02 0.74 P sy ch osocial stress 0.23 0.01 R square 0.15 A dj R square 0.11 F v alue 3.41 p v alu e 0.002