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38 한국과국제정치 Ⅰ. 서론. 1993~ ~ , (ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile) (, 2017/11/29) , 6 140



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..,.,. (vertical proliferation). (bunker buster), MD., (NPR).,....,,..,.,.

,.,.,..... ( ), ( ), ( ), ( )..,,. NPT,,,

,,,.,,,. NPT. (Montgomery, pp. - ).,..,. (horizontal proliferation) (vertical proliferation).,,. (bunker buster). (QDR: Quadrennial Defense Review) (NPR: Nuclear Posture Review), (Kucia and Kimball ). MD. -M(Topol-M). Putin: Arms race with U.S. not over, The Washington Times, May,,.

USA - - - -, Russia - - - -, UK - - - - France - - - - China - - - - Israel - - - - ~ India( ) - - - India( ) - - - - ~ S. Africa - - - - Pakistan - - - - ~ Brazil - - Argentina - - S. Korea - - N. Korea - - Libya - Iraq - - Iran( ) - Iran( ) - - Switzerland - Sweden - - Yugoslavia( ) - Yugoslavia( ) - Australia - Taiwan( ) - - Taiwan( ) - Algeria - Romania - : Alexander H. Montgomery, Social Action, Rogue Reaction: US Post-Cold War Nuclear Counterproliferation Strategies, Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University,, p., Arms Control Association.

.,...,.,.. (opaque proliferation).... (Cohen and Frankel, pp. - ).,., -( :, ), p... (silent proliferation), (veiled nuclearization), (undeclared bomb) (hidden proliferation).

(Joeck, p, )..,.,,. (non-proliferation) (counterproliferation). NPT,.,,, NPT, (Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime).. NPT.,.,., (Shaker, p. ). NPT IAEA, (consequence management)..

the NPT the Treaty of Tlatelolco the Treaty of Rarotonga the Southeast Asia NWFZ the African NWFZ* the Antarctic Treaty the Outer Space Treaty the Moon Agreement the Seabed Treaty Partial Test Ban Treaty Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty* IAEA INFCIRC/ INFCIRC/ Zangger Committee the Nuclear Supply Group Wassenaar Arrangement ** Missile Technology Control Regime*** : United Nations, The United Nations and Nuclear Non-Proliferation(New York: United Nations, ); SIPRI, SIPRI Yearbook (New York: Oxford University Press, )... NPT IAEA IAEA. NPT.

,, (the Treaty of Tlatelolco) (Nuclear- Weapon Free Zone). (the Antarctic Treaty, ), (the Outer Space Treaty, ), (the Moon Agreement, ), (the Seabed Treaty, ). (the Partial Test Ban Treaty, PTBT) (CTBT).....,,,, (preemptive strike), MD,.. PTBT CTBT. CTBT.., : - ( :, ), pp. -, :,,,. pp. -.

(compellent strategy).. (regime change). (Proliferation Security Initiative: PSI). PSI,.,. PSI, (, pp. - ). PSI (supply-side)., MD,,.,.,.

..,. (Kashmir),..,., (, p. ).., NPT (Potter, pp. -). NPT NPT., (NSG).

.,......... (Neither Confirm Nor Deny: NCND) (Vanunu). (Sunday Times). (Dimona) (Cohen and Miller, p. ).

. IAEA. (Spector et al, p. ).... UN IAEA,.,... NPT NPT (Natanz), (Arak). IAEA (Additional Protocol), EU (,, ). IAEA,.., : ( :, ),.

(Ahmadinejad). EU, (, pp. - )., UN IAEA. UN. UN.,.,. NPT IAEA... (Tajura) MW. (Bhattacharjee and Salama ). IAEA. (MTCR), (CTBT). IAEA

, -C,.. ((Muammer Qadhafi) (security assurance) (Squassoni and Feickert, pp. - ). (de Klerk). (The Zangger Committe), (NSG)..., (Fischer, pp. -). (Kalahari)....,


.,..,,.,., NPT. NPT., NPT. NPT., NPT IAEA. NPT,,,., (regime).,, NPT, CTBT., :,,,,.

..,...,.,.,,...,,,.. %

.,.. NPT UN..., (, p. ).,.,. Anthony H. Cordesman and Khalid R. Ai-Rodman, Iranian Nuclear Weapons? The Options if Diplomacy Fails(Washington D.C.: CSIS, ), pp. -... NPT.,... Monica Serrano, Brazil and Argentina, Mitchell Reiss and Robert S. Litwak, eds., Nuclear Proliferation after the Cold War(Washington, D.C.: The Woodrow Wilson Center Press, ), pp. -.

IAEA. (Jimmy Carter),... NPT,.,.,,...,. NPT...,, :,,,, pp. -.

..,...,...... UN,..,.,...., ( :, ), pp. -.

,..,.,.,. (Maull, pp. - )...,.,, (Montgomery, pp. -).,..,.


.,..,.,...,. John S. Park, Inside Multilateralism: The Six-Party Talks, The Washington Quarterly, Vol., No. (Autumn ), pp. - ;, : ( :, ), pp. -..,,, (, ), p.

.,,.,.,....., -, (, pp. -). kg, (Albright and Brannan )..,.

..,.,......., (CVID: complete, verifiable, irreversible, dismantlement).,, (,, pp. - )....

(positive security assurance).,, (peace treaty)... (controlled proliferation or managed proliferation).. (selective proliferation).,... The New York Times,. Feldman... John J. Mearsheimer, Back to the Future: Instability in Europe after the Cold War, International Security, Vol., No. (Summer ), pp. -.. Potter,,,. William C. Potter, India and the New Look of U.S. Nonproliferation Policy, p..

.,,.. (credible),,.....,,,,.,,,,,, ( E., pp. -).,.

.........,...,., (fait accompli)..

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