에너지경제연구 Korean Energy Economic Review Volume 14, Number 2, September 2015 : pp. 99~126 산유국의재생에너지정책결정요인분석 1) 99
< 표 1> 산유국의재생에너지정책현황 103
< 표 2> 재생에너지발전의주요결정요인 109
< 표 3> 독립변수 : 재생에너지발전을촉진시키는요인 111
< 표 4> 변수정의및요약통계량 114
₀ β β χ χ χ χ χ 115
< 표 5> 분석결과 117
< 표 6> t검정결과 ₀ 119
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ABSTRACT This study analyses drivers promoting renewable energy development in oil exporting countries using panel data analysis(fixed effects model) with country-level data from 1992 to 2012. Results indicates that economic reasons including GDP, Energy Intensity and oil reserves are found to be significantly related to renewable energy development. However CO 2 emissions and unemployment rate has a negative and significant effect on renewable energy, which means that they are not enough to motivate energy transition. Based on the estimation results, oil producing countries are increasing the export of crude oil through energy transition to create economic benefits despite their abundance of fossil fuel. Key Words : Oil exporting countries, renewable energy driver, panel data model 126