Sport in Society: Issues & Controversies

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Sports in Society 스포츠와현대사회 유소년및청소년스포츠

Social Changes Homogeneous society Multiple-children a family One s old life partner Multicultural society with increasing international marriage Divorce rate has been rising Becoming an "aging society Decreasing nation s birth-rate

Education-oriented Society High Korean parents educationoriented. US president Obama & queen of Jordan s praising for Korea s educational system. Many students don t have time to spend to live for except studying. High education cost. Studying abroad at an early age.

Kingdom of Private Education 99.8 percent of school children are attending private education. 43 percent of parents giving up having a second child due to high education costs. Collapse of public education: public education is sacrificed for the sake of higher test scores. Public education spending per student was lower than the average of other OECD member s.

Increasing School Violence School violence is a serious problem in Purpose of education a well-rounded person in public school. The affective domain relates to the attitudes and feelings that result from PE. many schools due to the lack of morality with the today's youth. Some students are even killing themselves. Products of nation's cold-hearted education system and crude materialism that emphasizes only good grades and unlimited competition.

The Crisis for School Youngsters Characteristics for N-generation Unclear purpose of life Carelessness except one s own interest Impatience and hasten Low level of etiquette and manners Act on impulse Low physical activity, no sweating Passive behavior in life activity Emotional disorder Happiness index for adolescent is lowest among OECD nations High rate of mental depression and suicide: fourth in the number of suicides among OECD nations. Increasing anxiety due to uncertain future. Students concentration for High GPA for employment

통계청 2012 청소년통계 1 15~24 세청소년 69.6% 스트레스노출. 1 순위 : 공부가 38.6%, 2 순위 : 직업 22.9%. 자살생각 : 8.8%, 실제청소년사망원인 1 순위는자살. 중고생의가출경험은 10.2% 가출의주요원인은부모님과의갈등이 51.3%.

통계청 2012 청소년통계 2 청소년의 37.4% 는아침식사를하지않으며 73.1% 는규칙적인운동을하지않았다. 중, 고생의경우 10 명중 1 명 (12.1%) 은흡연, 10 명가운데 2 명 (20.6%) 은음주 청소년이부모님과함께하는활동 1 순위는 ' 저녁식사, 아버지와의평균대화시간이 30 분미만

통계청 2012 청소년통계 3 10 대청소년의 97.8% 는하루 1 회이상인터넷을이용, 12~19 세의 71.4% 는인터넷쇼핑을이용경험 청소년의인터넷중독률은 10.4%, 고등학생의중독률이 12.4%, 중고생의 47.4% 는 ' 청소년이용불가게임 ' 을이용한경험

통계청 2012 청소년통계 4 청소년 (13~24 세 ) 의 61.6%: 주말이나휴일의여가활동으로 'TV 나 DVD 시청 '. 청소년 (9~24 세 ) 의신체활동 : 남자의경우축구가 33.0% 로가장높았고, 여자청소년은등산 (29.3%) 과줄넘기 (24.9%) 활동의비율이높게나타났다.

Obstacles Facing for PE The best math and science test scores in the world Parents believe PE is not very important subject. Students doesn t like PE class. Recently the size of playgrounds at schools across the nation keeps decreasing. The number overweight students are increasing. Many secondary schools pared down PE class due to elective subject. Students are taller and heavier, but less strength than those of the past.

조직화된유소년스포츠효과 : 신체활동경험을통하여성장발달및정신, 정서적안정도모

유소년스포츠의탄생과역사 20세기사회적변화에따른필요성대두. 초기 : 소년들의 남성화 목적 2차세계대전이후급속도로팽창 미국의경우성공적직업수행과연관. 초기 : 소녀들의참여는배제.

1950 년대 베이비부머 시대 - 스포츠를통한삶개척

사회적변화에따른유소년스포츠의성장 양부모의직업전선참여 비형식적, 비제도적활동이유소년및청소년들의비교육적행동유발 세상은청소년들에게비우호적사고 전문및엘리트스포츠의확산


자녀의성공은부모에게달렸다 스포츠지향적활동증가

유소년및청소년스포츠의특징 조직화및상업화 개인화, 엘리트트레이닝시설증가 부모의헌신적노력 대안적 스포츠탄생 모험스포츠




수동적스포츠와능동적스포츠의차이점 수동적스포츠 권위에복종 조직적인규칙과전략 부모및코치의영향 규칙과코치에복종 승리및성과중시 능동적스포츠 활동자체중시및개인의미 교류및이사결정주체 협동과증진필수 도전, 문제해결능력, 개인화 우정및협동중시

성인들에의해통제되고조직화된스포츠 ( 수동적스포츠 )


자발적신체활동스포츠탄생 ( 능동적스포츠 )




유소년및청소년스포츠요약 오늘날 능동적참여실종 과도한비용지출 능력있는지도자부족 초기의스포츠문화답습 성장및발달적측면무시


제언 수동적, 자발적참여권장 도전정신강조 개인적감정및의사표출 우정및협동정신강조